Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1914, p. 1

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A---------- a RR . - IN HOCKEY CIRCLES 0 IO 7 5 THE PRESENT THE TIME LS Experiment on Britis Battleship In A Yeenton Player Forbidden by Re- COMPL : ES HIS : volves $1,000,000 Loss, feree to Play. ; . London, Jan. 2.~The British gov- The Trenton hockey . team received a y : : 3 ernment came to the = conclusion oT surprise on Thursday night, 'at Belle- : : | that it iad made a costly failure tn By a Thousand at ville, when Harry Burgoyne, : : ; iy 8 fitting the battle cruiser Invincible u ronto, who refereed the Trenton K.C. Solely with electricity, She has) yu R W 'L. match, forbade Whitty, one of the been sent to the dockyard to haye, . iy p Trenton players; from taking : part hydraulic power substbtuted for elec: | : th in" accordance with an fm | i OF tricky tor the working of the guns ls ry hs GY ceoue" 57 Gonral Bonnier Lands Be: and it is stated that this will cost! : ANP "appears that Whitty is not & resi about $1,000,000, The veesel v= RESPECTS WERF : PAID dent of Trenton. On ore occasion ho the only ship in the British payy) played for Belleville, fitted with eleotric power through. d "Jimmie" Stewart, of the K.C.I. out. : team, spored a goal in Belle- > el hookey es i - : ; ID IN AVALANCHE, + | TO THE REPRESENTATIVE OF HIS Vill, on Thursday sgh dhe oy. Hi ; SPREAD OF REVOLT BUNIED 1§ AVALANORE. | MAJESTY, ed onthe ice. PEOPLE : HOLY CITY > ae | 5 "En », Ski-ing Party Was Gverviictined Vi | Faanat the Ponaiey tia hooper a A the Alps. | Cabinet Members and Sir Wilfria dently got twisted in his time when . ou Fax AGAINST MMATARY OPPRESSION } Bernd, Switzetland; Jan. 2<An ave. | Laurier and Kx-Cabinet Members he kept Allan Singlston off for five | WERE BEWILDERED =~ BY AlR- BEST REASON ( lanchy overwhelmed a skiing party, | ere the First to 'Extend ' New ntnutes when he . was only benched MAN'S ARRIVAL. . burying two of the party, an archi. | Year's G ngs for ane minute for tripping. pas ireetings. { a. : i ; tect. named Glu, and' a 1 teacher | . 24 For Cutting Down the Expenditures named Stucki, | under a mountajn of | Ottawa, Jan. 2--Nearly one thou. | Bonnier Dropped Near the Pool &tf in the Highest Interests of Civili. snow.. Glu's wife and a local teacher ' sand citizens of. the capital in gif | Queen® Met Defeat © Slloam--Delayed by Propellor-- zation=Chancellor of Exchequer] caught a pine and saved themselves. ' ranks of lifp. paid their New Year ro | Queen's University, senior hockey Voyage Over Tauries Mguntains) Cites Three Reasons ] A reliel column has been dispatched spects to H.R.H. the Duke of Con: team met defeat bythe hands of Was Easy. s to the scene of the accident, but small naught at the ansual levee at noon Cleveland, in that'city," on Thursday a London, Jan. 2.--In the form of a hope is entertained of recovering the yesterday in the governpr-general's of- evening, by 5 4¢"'2. The winners Cairo, Jan. 2.~Bonnier; the French roport of long conversations which bodies before spring on account of the fice in the east block of "the parlia- had a three point. lead in the first | Airman, who started fro Auris on Chancellor Lloyd-George. has had with Sr enormous amount of snow which fell ment buildings. His royal highness, quarter. Quighty, the (quarter hack-| November 10th, arrived froin Heliopol close friends during the Christraas recently, ® vin field marshal's uniform, was at. of the rugby smd, made his first | lis here at 5.20 p.m. yésterday. He holidays, the Daily Chronicle gives a - : el meme - | tended By his 'aides. For more than appearance ins; the hockey uniform. | landed in , the presente of enormous sort of New Year's message from he Bane GREY - Sulphur Fumes Cured Bronchitis {an hour the stream of callers filed Quigley aud Box did the scoring for crowds which gathered to see him. He chancellor' to his supporters, throw. Who Is 1c Ving for Aust J d Paris Jan. 2- Frederick Burling- past, each one shaking hands wilh the local bunch. Quekn's team was [15 the second airman to make the ing interesting sidelights on {' chan round the works. © DR. dMinam. tho American Who made a de the duke. as follows: : Goal, R. Smith; left [journey of about 3,500 miles from > Ny ? cellor's views on the armamer ques Semel ' Sd 8¢ defence, McKinnon; right defence, Fance, . | ) HON. JAMES BRYCE. tions. NEWFOUNDLAND LEGISLATURE, [of Vésuvius last week, says the sul- the cabinet were the first to be Pr* Quigley; rover, I. Smith: centre; Boxy Bonnier left Jerusalem at 9.30 in the ' He con made a Yiscouul By the Pointing to the enormous byrden # i os Pliur fumes which aimost destroyed sented, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the left wing, W. Smith; right, wing, | Mornie®, where large crowds watched King. ! whivh armaments impose on the tax. |Séssion to Open at Bt. John's on| he party, cured bronchi4is, from ex-cabinet ministers in the capital werg payer, and to the fact, that the growth lair S8cent Into the depths of 'the crater! Premier Borden and the members of Dobson him leave. Owing to the great num: -- iy January 14th. which he was suffering. | also among thy first to express New Rappell replaced MoKinnon during ber of spediators, his departure was BARL GREY'S LONG TRIP of armaments wtill leaves the nations i Ves Next Week For a Tour of World. - Tis pads Mr. Burlinghsm arrived in Paris [Year's greetings to his royal highness. j °F i delayed ' gn hour. He Mived i in the samo relative strength, Mr. I ts John 4, Nfid,, Jap. 2.~6overnor yesterday. The privy a remained in the tie seony a ; Jerusalem Wednesday af n Lloyd-George thinks that the present Davidson has issued a proclamation i ------------------ chamber until- the conclusion of the | With the Curlers Beyrout, Bonnier Says . his . is. the most favorable moment in umTRORIng the legislature elected last AR SURE PROF LAVELL ceremony. Light refreshments wera! 1 bad lori dav gt above. the Taurus range was easy. I London, Jan. 2.~Rarl Grey, for twenty veats lor 5 policy of retrotich: eto ver to meet on Wednesday, Janu E . srved in an adjacent room for each of The ourlers had a glorious ive [fon abave the Tqountains; reaching'a of ; Mid | ary Mth. Sir Edward Morris, the Wire ink pt , ; A overhor-genaral f § : : : i the callers. The pumber attending the the rink all day Thursday. : Five height of about 12,000 feet, and would I ar January . 8th for He' cites three reasons: | fier, . will Continue ' in Power with WAS NEAR CHATHAM levés waa fully equal to the record of Shits of ice were in perfect copdic have arrived at Care eatliet but for Australia, His jo First, Great Britain's relations with twenty-one members of the People's hited g Previous years, tion : ; : his propeller breaking at Adana, where en including a ney al Germany are more friendly than for pat 8 and Ce Robeet Bond, formen I M S st . ol | { Prior to the levee his royal high-! For he Sond Hie 2 ie history he had Yo) peat a week until his wife, . 2 S many v bot 'salizi . } a remyer, Will heat ie opposition, con rang ness received detachment of the Ot- of curhang a 0 local nn a eam who . is ollowin him 'onfined Mis Ro hing © h Foollsing Shui hers sisting of fiv wo en Saw er 0S8ly nose Boy Scouts on Parliament Hill, skipped by one of the veteran curl- brouzht another g Ca w x by railway : ? : {heya liberals and ten mem: 4 an. 2.~Sir ; in nothing to gain and every thing to i : § k 3 : . ' ' a : bers of the Fishermen's Protective Un. . a ---------- . ors had an eight-end play. ' -- Now York, J Ji loss by u quarrel. ors tithe Fish Answering His Descrip lives ' Nauds st Pook ot Sitoass Whitney is still confited fo his Second, all the continental nations argo. majorities in 'the a ) 3 orthern districts, i ' / 3 : . in the Hotel 'Manhattan, He are now directing their attention to |?" : tion. ah RA . - W Jerusalem, Palestine, Jan 2.--Gen- ; : : strengthening their land forces, Ger- FANT ST 1 ANE tr sl Chath Jan. 2--When shown a 1F THE VOTE INQQRONTO. + TEACHER ISSUES RIT eral Francois Xavier Bonnier, another |°PORdidg satisfactorily to the. many having realized that her exhaus- | WANT ST. LAWRENCE DEEPER hatham, Jan. 2 sho | one * Ni : ; ment for a general nervous tive attempts; to develop her naval picture of Prof. Tavell, who has | AGAINST A TRUSTEE Poach Vistar makin the fight from down, caused y overwork. 3 : 2 ' rs sine : & ¥ near Io 0! » . Power must give place to improving | Several Yerchants Wilk Go to Wash. [been missing since Nov. 24th, John Hocken wag re-elected with -- of Siloam on New Years ove. The a Board of Control" and aldoer- - % eu : Gillett, of Chatham tow nship, de \ A A : Indist on White Rose flour the army, which is vital to the exist 7 ington, » fas ? 3 H rival' of General Bonmier's aeropla % : ency of the empire. y Ogdensharg Be Tab... 3.2% Sdred That Toe tnluing A as ites men who will support him, Alleged the Latter Threatening Dis the first 'ever meen b a moplanc, : ' . : roe Bi BU ato] op al a money to pay 3 n ius fv Ar 2 : Third, 'the Spread of revolt et special meeting of the Business larg 46 Chatham at his, og some Toronta voted to give ma: military oppression throughout Christ- | en's Association has been called time ago. At thatitime My. Gil Sudo, certainly throughout West by President Jullus Frank for to- lotto did not know of the missing "arope, - ne {aight "to consider the question of n The third reason Mr. Llovd:-Geo leepening the St. Lawrence river be. | 200 ca iio ie headed the poll for the Board considers the weightiest of all, and fis rE ae and Ogdensburg ang I The Souelinuan given ge Mr. Gil of Control, $ | event in connection with the local est French aviator. He was born in ING CITY STORES believes that this is the right moment | tho dre ging of the local har bop. ot ovo u & IE ary oe | option campaign in Morrisburg is the 1857, and is brigadier-general of Suckmeli's News Depot 0 King 5 for a bold step towards th restriotion An ghpropriation with which to ; Tinos Toronto, Jan. #£.-- Mayor + of the Holy City, crefted the eatest ; i ried women holding property missal for Support of Local bewilderment, and practically the en- THEDAILY BRITISH Option tire population turned out io see the the munieipal franchise. Jamgd Simpson, . laborite machine and to welcéme (he airman. Ko Morrisburg, Jan. 2.--A sensational] General Bounier if probably the old- [S ON SALE AT THE FO! Ppp Febt tre ogo oe oo ale 3 +42 | writ issued by J. R Balfoug, a teach- | French 'colonial troops in West Africa. | mark, . ; aati ssued by JI. R. , 8 « 4 . e J. W, & Co of the growth of armaments, and carry but this wok is to be asked |b Mas bean sont out bid relatives. ~ | er in the Morrisburg pubile school. | He received his certificate as an aer- thinks it imperative that in the high- by 1 Committee of Business men whod Fillet also claime. that | re Ore UNITES) IN MARRIAGE | against George N. Hickey, a member [ial pilot in: July, 1910. est interests of civilization he should | °° rashi § Yafterwards he saw the man in Chat anand AN 2 f . fof the board of education. Mr. Hick- . will go to Washington early ¥ ; , seize it, m, and gave Lim money to ] | ay has been prosecuting a very active ' Lr January, a ig to eat. Tho man claimed {The Muidas Hyland Nuptinls on | 5A nd Noual ior on ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD » CUBMUGGLEY IN mecH TGowss, Of AL ANPO unn | [heh I working" in Smel At * Wediestay Morning. | calling at the residence of Mr. Bal ot 4 pe 2 : : 4 ' DECLARES THE TANGO 3 Orillia, aud on the second meeting On Wednesda morning, a pretty wed: | four, who is a local option support Quebec Province Municipalites Customs. Oficial and Wits Held ¥or | said he was going to Windsor, ding was solemsiized at the home of fon, is sald to have resorted to fntim Have Liquor Licenses | | 'Conspiracy. ( 10 BE IMMODEST Mir. Monson, who lives near Cedar ar and Mrs, George Hyland, 134 Union | idation, at least that is what Mr. Bal. } Montreal, Jan, 2.--One of the signs Boston, Jan. 2.--Miss Kate A ai Springs, ane distance from Mr. Gil- street; when theirielder daughter. Jennie | four fofmally' charges. The trustee | that French-Canadians as a whole are Brennan, a New York dressmaker a lott, also anys that he saw & IAN [Fleanor, was united in marriage to told the teacher. so It is alleged, that | not opposed to temperance reform is leaded guilty to two indletments tendon Hostesses Have Be Up 3 |2nsvering to the desc ription - given, | 4 FM: 2 of "Bruce | he would lose his position if not | the notable support being 'given to » € but: wi hepvent to find him after 2 / 1 Crs § atti v : : : charging her with smuggling and . . ' . \ ut when hejivent to fi im ar IN : ; liam Crs ot | changing his attitude toward local the campaign for license reduction in through hey to emugsle " xoods | Systematic Crusade Against = |moking sure fof the identity the map {Sue my, och pf option. The Morrisburg police mag. | Ottawa: hy Prominent. Eremohane through this port She was indict was gone. : &Yiorn } remony " , | istrate waived his jurisdiction. and dians. Bifffiop Latulippe, of Timiska- ed after the arrival of the steamep) - That Bance. , The local police have been watch: te looked very chs fcr | the case will be tried in Cornwall wing; Bishop Roy, of Quebec; Judge Carpathia frem Liverpool last, Ma London, Jan, 2.--To day's issudlof| iP. for ihe Rising ag ig have, {w 0; of white silk deapped Behind the proseciition is the local Lemieux and Hon. Mr. Chagias, of tha A Fl EMITH=On Janus 4 BAD i pas lar Omen" ore Sg 38 Oliade & thorough search: of tho oit¥. |mine . caught with thine st EN | option committee, composed of cler- | Quebec 1 islature, at the mass meet- 312 Albert stres Nhen Boron left on tigipier frag Qantle Women; fren ot nh but so far have found no trace of Miss Hidred Hvland, Sister of the} gymen and citizeny in' general. held" this ou, i -- Bl hel Basle Bertrude ui aty 5 ' kena. | gociety says that London hostesses|,. . ide, robed in pale blue silk. and the | thon 1s fy : 8 v h tained $4,100 worth ot o 4 » tic: "'erus mm. Sa' - bop oy the couni | NP CR a -- . SPecches in favor of temperance reform ingston. Tiiay sunk ned. inary have begun a systemati crusade -- a graom's brother, attended the couple. MUNICIPAL NOMINATION 3 and the reduction of licenses. MURDAY--HYLAND--In Ki on, 4 . Terence L. Shelvin, a fornior dep falainst the Jango dance end Publis. Made Road Commissioner. The bride looked charming as she { This fact merbly emphasizes other Dee, bride 2 Ta R Hay ' . [¥ systematic statements 7 az * ' ov . ered the na on » 3 of in a : - v : th ride' arent nio t llegtor 'of the port, and his fy y Tali : Rh e ne a ol a « : Teenton, Jan. ' 2.~Prince Edward | C5 { th parlor, the ar of Dalhousie and N. Sherbrooke developments of even greater import. BR W a, aie | y collec y ts eh peers of England to the . effect ] fathers The wedding march ws 3 : F. } # } wife, were accused of Consditive hat it is an immodest, suggestive |county council has appointed 'the re- |i" Miss Agnes Brebrer. Mr. Brel Reeve--John Scott- Shes or one thing, in the province tidest dau t With Miss-Bronnan. Sentence was], regular "nigger dance." tidimg warden, Harry D. Clemenson, |. al on Councillors--Danial Geddes, P. 'Le- | of Quebec, the rea home of the ae, suspended in her case pending the | % Paediatr commiasioner to take charge of high- |" Afr (ie Tincheon the bride donned |88ry, Neil McDonald, J. D. McDou- Frouch-Canadinn, 2 2e are 859 muni- . trial of the Shevline, : ways in the county road system. He |j.. traveling dress of blue whipped (gall. r Cipalities in which no icenses are )s- ¥PHELD JUDGMENT has been a member of the county eord with 3 welsot hor i match: Thel ---- sued, compared with only 309 ,wet| = G e------------ eg ~ 8 J 2) ord, i t L ater | o : ls a>") by CARTHER--Entefed into rest at Poluts Way to Peace » . MO I Take rie. | COUDCIl during "the period that . the couple Jeft on the noon train for To-| Lanark Tewtiship sicipalition. Tikes figures show the real, on: Friday, Jgv. 2nd, London, Jan. 2---George Bernird Must Pay 8 10 For Faking Pie. constructions of county'voads has |ronto. hey will take up dence gt} .Reeve--Kobert J? Affleck. etic ur Wich the pEEoies mote: i of Harude Pedcaos, Shaw contributes strong articles to ture of Hero. been in progress and is conversant Bruce Mines : : Councillora--M, J. Ballantine, J. en} ee oy hy eee. 10 te KEITH-At Sprin Valley, | Alta, the Daily 'Mail on how to ' secure Albany, Jam, 2.~"Juck" Binns, |with the work. 4 |W. McIntosh, T. A. Rathwell, Hugh oi at Proposals Dec. . 20th, 1918. Ada Ne peace in Burope.' He contends that{the wireless operator hero of the m-- n---- J | Stewart. ) commended by the commission. ap- daughter SL { harles Lyon, ¥ ' 9 rae steamer Ropublie sagtar * 901 | ---- I ) melding belted whe vu oo Seat iiain Soul future Daa e is Sica ney Ropphi S Jjsagter in. pees, e To Transfer Pope's Body. A CANADIAN WON Erpesttown pointed by the Quebec government and Keith, formerly of Lake Opin rnin Trance and Germany would be ing picture conebrn exploited a fake | "Rome, Jan 2.1 is uaderstood GLASGOW MARATHON For r-eve--Robert W. Longmore (ac neared S -- he hich a, MURRAY---In Toronto, ui Dec 30) 80 inconvenient to Great Britain that portrait of him. The Coiirt of Ap-|that the :negotistious between the ' clamation). » Sir Lower. Gouin, ant 5 ™ 1913, Opal B. MeOlallan, in has : " ) bean vlad. tb . hat | gow t 1 the vatican relalive ---- © renvelt. IW 1 doubtedly lead to important legisla- year, beloved wife of J. ¥. Mu she was prepared to pledge horselt peass uplield the judgment - for that |government, and he va For deputy-reeve--R. W. Anglin and tive changes at the present session of of Toronto. to defend either country if attack-lawount obtained against the. Vita [to thé transportation of the body of Hans Halaer Former of Nova Johpt Kany. the Quebes jo. aay cen Funeral from G. Saunders, 413 od by the other. graph company . the late Pope leo XIE Son =F , 0 ' ' 1 For 6ounaillors-- Robert miller, Pe log: . Foi: on Saturday at 4 pm. . " Two 'days after the. collision the |Peter's to the tomb whic as been' i { " . Deri . fends ah - Fitagr: i» lompany s Owe a mov- |erected in the Church of St. John Scotia, Defeated S$ of ! e-------- Customs Revenues reasing fully invited to attend. DAILY MEMORANDA Vitagraph Company showed 0 ; . 4 . " Outawa, J 2. Cist jemue | SMITH--At Kingston, / 'on Jan. fe Ing picture of the aocident with. an|Lateran, have reached 4 satisfactory Other Nations { Maxwell-Smith Wedding. JUawa, Jan. -2, Ooms revenu 1814, Willian J. Hin | Pang at Paleo Jeink to-n Eu 8 alleged 'portrait 'of Binns, with the [conclusion. It is said that the cero- " * I+ On Thursday evenine at ight o'clock of the dominio for the month of De- ed son of the late: ra. I. ©, ¥. s00at public metallalion; 3 » legend, "Jack Binns and his good {mony will take place in February. Glasgow, Scotland, Jan, 2.~~Din- a quiet hn. as perfo a by Rev. of $091 Ioan a, pdenroasy Funeral trom aod .. of A.' . ppp Ar ! P ' : nx 3 av § «12 het wedding was sri »173, compa vith t © 0 : See top of page 3, right hand eorner, | American smile. fe Re ning of England, favorite in the fa Samuel Shibley, at' his residence 419 anding oon a - -. MacLean. 303 i 8t., on for probabitities. Binns received offers of engage Holiday Rates Stay. ous 15-mite. New Year's marathon . 3 . u J vd, 'at 2 p.m. Albert street, wien Ethel Smith, daugh- Fo 3 2 1 ray, £ and evening in cove i edt ric ot i 2.R nm | here, was outrun this afterncon hy | h v : EK r the nine months endi Decem: | Friends and or re hoan and evening in cov ments in theatrical performances, Montreal, Jan. 2.--Reports from {ter of the late Hugh Alekander Smith, her 3lst--the aggregate was $84,275. Tully" ig Tow. V ke # ; a it $ } but had refused to 'make an. exhi- Ottawa, stating that the C.P.R. and | Hans Holmer of New York, formerly | duited ufirriage to Earle Ber- 4 » : EAI ; r Ohildrer a, stating : 8 hla O HOF : i 1 a det § com: | FEENEY--In * Kingst morning Teacived for ehfidren. bition of himself and sued 'the mo- Lo. T.R. were considering the elimina- | of Nova Scotia, who finighed first with trude Maxwell, son of James Maxweil, a raat SLOITS58 in vou 1014, Frederick BE. \ tion picture company. At the rial tion of the 'special: 'rates . obtaining | the time 6f 1 hour 22 minutes and contractor, Albert street. The couple 8 , Jouths and" 7 2 3 2 ' n 2 the pictite was thown to the jury fas holiday times, reaching the head {12 soconds. Kolehmainen, of Fin were unattended, and left on. a short sponding in" 1912. SRL end Yes | Sievh Feenoy, Can You Write and they gave Bians $12,500. The f fices of the companies here, speei- | land, was third.. . « |iwedding to Miter refurning, they will "The Battle of Waterloo" Ing at 10 Oke St Uiday a - . Judge sot the verdict aside as ex- lig denials that any such step was TT jtake up residence in the city This "thei i : eters: cessive and asked Binns to stipulate contemiolated,® have been issued by Death of Pittsburgh Young Man. | This thrilling fivoreel masterpiece WHITE--On N Ray sary to $2,500. He refused i eB etn > A i : ty aa % . large and appreciative Charles Whit. ag a reduction the railways. On New Year's day, one of Pitts HOCKEN AG MA OR wah seen by large ang ly child , "1 14 9" Yet? and carried up the case. a ---- hurg's a a and promising | AIN RY S3dignoen ou Naw Jour's ay I the T White, 3° nd -------------- ¥ GUE ini ill Simi 3 hs ) xoeedi ston. y . 1 5 . - |THE NON-MILITANTS beens vette mata car pi, aged | OF CITY OF TORONTO i:-unisms ois Shocstigly oy Shaws 43d Torosts pupae ploate cap 3 0 hen to-day Fur Skreet Railway Pufchase. ton at the general hospital, after a brief | ; -- Should be ween by every true British sb wid ws a ram nd Xulson, BG. an: 3 he people of 60 QUITE FAR THERE illness, Sornccyith heroic and Christian ote of the People Silfjoct. » Jt HI be shown Friday { ' . . v i Nelson again decla their adherence " RS ' fortitude. He fad a bright and happy | Condemned aS rd ¥Y. ¥ gion He. 1813 in the same old way. to! the principle of municipal owner.| >» Fr he : 3 ea disposition which won him many friends | - Do vou know hy? 18 NOT ship when . they voted 404 to 84 to Women Admitted by Narrow Majority He was a member of St. John's Pres-1\ Proposed Purchase of Street Leaped to His Death . THE NEW FEAR DVER purchase the street railway system, i > byterian chdreh, president of the young . Liverpool, Jau 2--When the linet]. YET BUFFICIENTLY A i which has been operated for some to. the Faculty of men's Bible class, and an active member |. Railway. Corsican™docked, a foreigner named TISED. | . years by a privaje company. - ; 4d # of ithe young men's club: => He was |* Toronto, Jan. 2.--By a majority of | Skowsic, finding he had tanded in In a day or . So--after _ You The city systém on Thursday took adopted at an carly age by the late Mrs. nearly 5,000 votes Toronto electors! England. instead of Germany. : his ~Rainroen die date in your fav- over the gas plant, which was recent: tonva. J 2B 1 tes to 10 William Beaton and beloved as a mem | have declared 'in no utcertain terms |bative country, threw his purse con- erite_hewspapor, on cdlendars, | 1 purchaged, Geneva, oF he Proteata Les. to. 70, ot Fothe Tamil who ave the S¥ii- { hat they want Horatio Hocker -as| taining $400, in Ganadian momey on thet wil heh a y the ie of out ¢ pathy of a largpefFcle of friends |chiot magistrate for another yoar |the deck and loaped ovar board to] 'fact will be hamme: : . ed : ; i ; ' a hy that this really js 1914. Found Dead in Silo admit women to the fa ig | But by the surprisingly large vote|death. 3 : t ter Weese, I, J. Smith, Nelson Smith m et : i" :. Thi isi Presoytation to W. Peters hat w. lled for Frederick G. Mc- ave fill do it. - Trafte an. 3. Francis , (ology. This decision mea Atiol | that was po A - Did You byor stop to thin ea Tut» Som. 2 Wahine fubure women who obtain theit/theolo- 4 occasion of the departure! Brien, the people havo stated even . Government Collections that evervibing in this Jife that feo 00 | 40 found 'dead in the silo, | gical degree at a university will bo m Poters front the George more emphatically that they do not! The inland revemns coll ne soggests a desire of the ability |. He Rad po ts attend to the |titldd like men to the status of clor- | A. Mefiowan Cigar Manufacturing! want to buy the Toronto railway on lo SRUSEY a dusive 1s advertis. L100 FOO 0 LO A re Lavmen in. (ie Chron us similar { Compa Yo ns Tredented Lia Site tho tem at present Jroposed: That --ithat 8 tn hi id vi i ti " {such a ¥ , ae ' the futant's frat wry ed was in hiv forty-third year and. fight a ey synod of the can- [some/travelling bag. Ayerest McGow- | comparatively nnknown al an to mand Immediate re. | | married, 3 ton of Grisans 400k a similar stop and d an address expressive ~ the fshould secars 16.641 votes is attri- % Somm nm 3 Princ already possesses a'lady "clergyman," [iris regard for Mr. Petors and G. buted not to thp strength of the can: . Change of - pain the only one in Switzerland. A. Mscowan made Ihe presentation. | gidate, but to the r h of the or- fru" Ate posi" Comma 2801 ncn cra cc it ek ed aio, SA Ho ho oh . . : rincipal of Oi ie h ousemont, veleran ©x- y are " freezing, hea he Aaslent abun lo as resi to accept a position = plorer, who is mow in London, an:|the civic waters works department way purchase proj Sg Press self : dhe stall of the Ottawa public school?) natinces the formation of an expedit- jon Thursddy morning. The vote was: - Hocken, "21471; Newspaper advertising is ef- | | Nr. Ostrander, of Hastings been [dy to explore the Antaretic regions, : MoBrien, 16,641. fiolent for business men just as } | engaged in his placy. 32 or whi | Soa iL Bishop For Hoard of Control these were ine Panama Sitoal wii be Se. Fourteen Frozen in Russia. Buckingham palice from his Medi |T.onde ; sends = |17,490; Church,' 17,085; O'Neill, YS i easiest way for its use Saratov, Russia, Jan. 2.--Fourteen { terranean cruise has brought 'the : messa . ; 14.597 Sy JRA, or's ps ) persons have been frozen to Brod : happy y oh did not create a severe Nuowstorm in the Petro district. Many others aro! :

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