ALLAN DAVIDSON TO PLAY ON TORONTO DEFENCE Miles hong Just he x rh oe os ran a u » Sh Is in operation and the young Toronto Mail 'Empire 5 : pe Ee Lake ng ; 33. people are enjoying the skating. There Is a Movement To Form a : or x ; 1 : ' DAR aaa SL The Jonge: suis Hev. Wink. Perley and. faskily, . Vor New Senior Series Outside of the : 4 L pre i : completed, inking England with ire og spent Christmas here in their OHA. : : BE NE " Vh ] \amd, from = Nevin, Carnarvonshire, | (0 home. Their daughter, Mrs. me Wales, to Howth ,near Dublin, Hith. ood, and little son are "Paddy" Sullivan, the Brockville ! ] i : 1 At Lavant Station. erto technical dificuities han. he here to spend the winter with them. player, is now claimed by the Grand ; : pL : : EL {Jovani Station, Dec, 29.--Mr. and [ented the laying of telephone cables ig Wellwood sang a solo in very Mere .and Russell hockey clubs, Ee °F (Mis. A Howarth, Ottews, wer [except in narow channels. such as | A0e voice in 'the Methodist church Moag, who played in goal for the ; 3 | (guests at "Hillview Farm," last [the Straits of Dover, but the design |oP Sundiy-evéding. Baxter Eng- Parkdale Canoe club O.H.A. senior week. Mrs. J. Cornett, Renfrew. | of submarine cables has been lately Is convalescent after being team last winter, will tend goal for| J 4 | [GE ; Lid j | Visited her brother, A. E. Jackson, | improved. The new cable which is | S00fited 'to his home with an at- - the Smith's Falls Interprovincial : | Lavant hotel, last week-end. Arthur | 74 miles in length, was manufactur | 886K 'of measles, Alfred Knight team this season, : . pes Ef !Jacob, | Central Ontario Junction, |d by Siemens Brothers Co. has returned home after a trip to Cobourg and Belleville were ex- : F {and Miss Minnie Jacob, Ottawa | - -- ye. Hl. Conway and S. Franklin pected to play. their first O.H.A. in-| [JH 1 t the Christmas holidays at ; on bent some. time here in the termediate game at Belleville Mon. gE | : Set Boma a "Mare Hien Summer, are renewing acquaintances day night, but lack of proper ice sc a Fad art has gone to spend the vacation 3 Bete, - * 1 caused a postpone . y / {at her home in Lanark. Norval S. The Methodist' Sunday = school A ment. \ i 27 gman . FON oy Lee called on friends at Lavant and 'held its annual Christmas enter- i : South Bay has organized a hockey 3 £ : a Hopetown 'last week-end. James tainment on Tuesday evening: The Ns 2 b club, which has joined the Prince] ° eT ; nay ' Jackson, Kisbey, Sask., iy visiting tree was well loaded with gifts and NED nseial Edward SSuBLy league. The officers : FA A ny Seg : ERR vie parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Jack: 'he programme, given by members The ARISTOCRAT of NECKWEAR are: President. Ackerman; r . i : ronsisti : , . 4 Vice-president, Richard Jenkins; sec . pe sot, Wilkie, ig } tone I ai" lug a nN 58 DIFFERENT SHADES « retarytreasurer, Morris Clapp; man- SCENE OF CALUMET DISASTER : At Mount' Pleasant, : did pantomine, "The Holy . City,' Wateh our window for dis- ager, Harvey F. Grimmon. The "Red Jacket" at ET where SeYORty-two lives were | Mount' Pleasant, . 20.-Se {| by some of the young ladies of the plays, and when you think of Cataraqui, Dec. 29.--The hockey teani has again organized. The Harvey Richardson, the Sydney| shed ont on Christmas Fve. one gave a false cry of "fire" and closed on the 20th. : shoal... A ®mood report of the Bengaljns in plain, Shades, : yer who jumped to Quebec, has : ] | Mi ii ; /, Wh 2d- of us. , ; Blaser whe, SD Mughte, NAS [iy the panic the small salrstay on She left was filled with bodies of Miss P. Lillio has gone to Buffalo, | school by the secretary, Werden Ed : dren N.Y, An jovnble evenmi was warts, showing an increase in at- COLLIER'S Suis, x ae NHL. He failed tc pen at Many ome, of ne Wor, tendance and finances over previons : : A a 4 bo ia ren Jas week. r. and Mrs. B. years, aioe. Nowa: Yarity had thelr| WILL MAKE GRAIN TESTS. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, | Dowaert, Senith's at Joho Mus, BE Hibitstin cniertaind Toggery Shop ton on Saturday, but were a for kK F ; Plt or : , Tomlivon's. = Robert Kirkwood and of her young Triceds bot ee Nee |The Home of Neckwear Men Will Wear NA flare sy 3 Seel ixed Moisture To Ensure The Prices Paid at the Various son, Alexander, of Rnaglehart, at J. W. King Raleau Foi bag tired blue and white do not possess the More Profitable Grades. Centres. McPherson's; Miss. Agnes Tomlison, home' ie visiting hue.coousin. Tn ings claga they did last year, « | Ottawa, Dee. 31--A well equip-| Union Stock Yard, Toronto, Dec. |Perth, at home; Thomas and Letitia H. Simpson: George Marshall, To. . Arthur Pelkey has been made fay. | Ped chemical research laboratory is 30.----Receipts were very light, only {Armstrong at J. McPherson's last ronto, has taken a position with Ww g orife in the betting on his fight [0 be established in Winnipeg by [11 cars, 102 cattle, 339 sheep, 43 | weeks William and Miss Mary Warren Merriman. -C.- Clarke and family against Gunboat Smith, on New|!HoB- Martin Buirell, minister of sheep and lambs and 7 calves. fe Norman Tomlison's; Bryoh Haw- Were visiting at his home in Har. : Year's day. The Canadian is said tn ®8Ticulture tor the purpose of testing| (Cattle:--Quality of cattle offered les at his grandiather's," N. Tom- rowsmith. School is open this week . have improved at a great clip. grains as regards mdisture contents, | were common, medium and good, 1:son 8; Norman Tomlison, i, ' = - - as the teacher, Mr. Maxwell wishes The Chicago Cubs and White Sox |™Hlng and baking value, and con' |few of the latter. and no choice be- Spent Christinas af Braeside; floy | = : hy some space for examinations Inter : have arranged to play a series of six | ditions developed in storage and ing on sale. Good butcher's steers | 1oMmlison spent one night last | REBVE 4. 'A: KENNEDY. on in January. Misses Frma and games in the spring. transportatipn. « $7.80 to $8.26: medium butcher's | Week at William Conboy's; Heste | ¢ elected by Tovnmpe We Bedrord | Florence. Valo worm ait na_ An | Allan Davidson will Iikely replace| , The laboratory will be in charge steers, $6.75 to $7.25; common but- | Henderson, at N. TPomlison's. Jon -- vitlage on Monday : ' ; Cameron on the Toronto defence. of Dr. F. J. Birchard, a Canadian, | «her's steers, $6 to $6.50: choice |athan McPherson, at .f. Tomlison's: y y. though Manager Marshall would like who for Some years has been en-! pitcher's heifers, $7.50 to $8: com-, Harold Bourke, at Y. A. McPherson's. [Cook's Priend Baking Powder Is No| Some of the visitors here for the to .get Ritchie. the Grand Mere do gaged in similar 'work in the labor- mon butchers heifers, $7.00 ------ fence Jan, for whom he has been |3LOrY Of the United States department 5735." enotce cows, $6.50 to $71. Fellows News. ; : i Verona, at W, Connolly's; |, The most remarkable Cough-und angling all season. of agriculture, at Washington, good cows, $5.25 to $6.25; canners, | Fellows, Dec, 27 ~Nathon Fellows Bon'; attempt. to expofunent. with GC. Bdwards, --Poronto, at Dr. Ed- Cold remedy known to science. For Toronto Mail and Empire: There|' 1B Western Canada, especially dur- $3.50 to $4.50. and family have aold their farm to baking powders, particularly at ; J. Hunter, Toronto, and |®! lung and throat trouble, it has is a movement on foot to form a new ing recent years, there has been a Feoders and Stockers: -- Few stock. | Arthur Van Sylicle and have moved pr hristmas, but use Cook's Feiend Mr. and Mrs. §. Herrington, Tren- | 20 equal: 25c and 50¢ per bottle, at senior amateur series apart from heavy loss because of the large per- ers or feeders on sale and prices [to Napanee, where they have Baking Powder, and have light, spon- | oon ut od. Hunter's; Alfred Burnett all' drug stores. the OFLA, and a meeting to talk |S2N'28€ of moisture in the grain. very firm. Choice steers, $6.50 to|chased fine residence, Henry hens. |8¥ Cokes, well-raised buns and crisp, dnd family, at F. Burnett's: A. Hay, MAHOOD'S DRUG STORER over the matter was. held Saturday. | OT2!% Which In other respects would | ¢7 > medium steers, $6 - to $6.25; (nett, of Watertown, N.Y, is visiting flaky Paslay. min) . Alberta, at G. Bennington's; Miss = isn - It is learned that M, and T. R. and A. grade No. 1 or-No. 2 straight, if it stockers, 600 lbs, $5.25 to $6.75. |in this "vicinity. Mr. and Mry, H Iivelyn Kiser, Toronto, at W, Kis | Mr. and Mus, J. BE. Locve, Elita: i, Toronto Rowing Club, Eatons, St. Soniing Mask than r Pui] Rep Milkers and Springers:--Receipts M. Clark and on and Mrs. John Fdgar Hoadley, Alexandria Bay, | 6t'¢: Miss' Maud Herpell, Toronto. bethtown, announce the ngage, Michael's and Hamilton were men- 86 Are, has to be grad- light and prices firm at $60 to $110 |Kenny, are visiting relatives here. recently catght a twenty-five pound Tod Harpell's; Miljord Joyce, of | of their daughter, Ina Keith, to 2 Si wos, Experiment, !'hristmes-tide are + E.. Tallon and tioned in connection with the new |'? DY the inzpectors as tough, damp each; bulk sold at $60 to $90 each. | Quite a happy event took place at |i n ich had sixte is | City, at P. T. Ward's; D, S, P league, the teams to play a double x wet, ith A ao naeduent Jowering Calves:--The demand was greater Edward L. Hagerman's on Christ EE ™ it. The -- PH N Montreal, at G. Nicol'sy G. Sask. Be mean = pri Lele. schedule. hate ge es It it Bad been ad than the supply. Choice veals, $10 mas night when about sixty relatives | $9 50 ner pound, while the sturgeon Burnett, at J. Berry's; Mixs Sadie early 'in January. Angus Campbell, the ex-Varsity to §11 per ewt.; and $6 to $7 for (gathered at their place. After lunch. dressed is . worth thirty . cents r | Edwards, Albert College, at Dr = Fd: | On tried alway: i player, and O.H.A. referee, who is od Seraight. ible to fi o common and mediumn eon the drawing room was thrown pound pe ward's, : -- jf ways viod, White Hons now playing with the O'Brien mine tage of Hoey Ser be an Sheep and Lambs:--The run of |open, where a large Christmas tree : team in the Cobalt Mines' league, | 3° Jeo ¥ sheep and lamhs was light, ' and was to be seen containing' many val- says that someone has given old on 3 in straigit Srafied ghain. and 10 prices were firm. Sheep, $5 to $6: [uable prevents for Mr. and ~ Mys. tario a wrong idea of the hockey up! nsure al grat ould e grade culls and rams, $3.75 to $4.75: Hagerman and the small childyen. A HLTA in the New Ontario mines. "These 'CUS damp or wet only it exceeds lambs, choice ewes and wethers | A very enjoyable time was spent L ai Even In Pure Beer mines' teams are not pro. nor semi- ; ; $8.60 to $8.75. and after singing "God Be With You pro." declares Campbell, "The 0". jo ile OF teers 214 30 oh} Shes Hogs: --Receipts light and prices |'ilt We Meet Again," all started fo. Brien, Cobalt Lake, and Nipissing user firm. Selected fed and watered, [home in the wee small hours of the mines all Rave, teams and they are| $9.15 and' $8.80, fob. cars, and morning, wishing Mr. and Mrs Hag- 0 porting: ers FOR a $9.35 weigh f . p! y fo ' money. Weave a Dec Joey hem|. BISHOP OFF FOR HOME | 39.35 weighed off cars OF hein. LEY Bo Xuat, and may Tg oo Ald want to. keep thelwin persoually Protest Agafost , {hrtainment, which was to be held on down. and play 0-H A teams Taver Pederated Work. Chto a de the Zird, was: Postponed. on. We only have four or five oped London, Dee. 31.--The Bishop of | ceipts, 23.000: market steady; beev- Doings at Pictaditly: : players up there and all are working | Zanzibar is returning home to pre- es, $6.85 to $9.75; Texas steers, Piccadilly, Dee. 29.-7Thp Methodist on the mines. and not getting money | St personally his protests to the |$6 90 to $7.90; stockers and feeders, |Sunday school concert was, held in the for hockey that I know of. ~Millan,| Archbishop of Canterbury concern- 1'$5.00 to $7.55; cows and heifers, [hall on Deckmber 23rd, and in spite of Ki = ome one made a fuss{iDg the action of the Bishops of |$8.50.t0 $8.60; calves, $7.00 to $11.|of the bad storm, it was a great suc about him. He wrote the Nipissing| Uganda and Mombaza' in entering Hogs--Receipts 35,000; market |cess. On Monday afternoon, December ( mine people for a job and got it in.| into federated missionary work. He firm; light, $760 %o $8.00; mixed,|22nd, an "Af Home was given in, . {dependent of his hockey ability." sailed yesterday, and is expected tol$7.72 to $8.05; heavy, $7.65 tothe public school. "The - pupils présent- | -------- arrive on January 18th. $8.10; rough, $7.65 to $7.75; pigs,|ed their teacher with a pice manicwrd SCOTS BREAK THE EAWS Judging from the controversy NOW | $6.75 to $7.60; bulk of sales. $7.75 wet. After the presentation a good taking place in the press; this affair to $8.00, Programme was enjoyed by the par- Tacrease In Property Crimes and !Dreatens to compel the church of Sheep--receipts, 25,000; native, |ents. The sleighing 'is good in this » i England to take some definite stand $4.75 to $6.10; yearlings, $5.85" to|community and the farmers are taking Londen Piwuino Law-Grenking Fogarding its relations with nonc¢on- {3$7.15; lambs, native, $6.75 to $8.35. {ho benelif by hati wood. A pum- » . 31-- - 0 4 . ;oun, ' in Scotland is shown to be on the| Papers such as the Pall Mall dnd initia COPE ot a Ta cudnt dhe oon § increase in prison judicial statistics, | Westminster Gazettes regard the Montreal Live Btock. night, William Bettie, of British Co- Just p ed, though the increase | Kikuyu conference as a laudable at- | Montreal, Dec. 29.--Trade at the [lumbia, iy visiting his parents. F. S. isn @ chiefly in crimes ag: [tempt in the direction of Christian | western cattle market this morning | Wartman, Colebrook, spent Sunday at Alnst property, without violence. The | union, and tending to solve the dif- | wag very dull. There were no reall |F. R. Leslie. Miss £ Genge is visit- number of prosecutions for drunk. ficulties of the mission field. but dis prime beeves on the market, the best| ng at Parham. Mrs. E Botting and -enness and disorder was 92,443 for tinguished prelates, such as Rev. coming from the north-west and sold|®on, Harry, spent Sunday at G: Bet- the year, as againat 81.937 cases dur I. R. Gore, of Oxford, support the |at 7 3-4c, and from that down re i ting"s. Mrs. Bertrim, of Sharbot 4 A A analy: objections urged by the Bishop of | for the okt a 'om-| lake, and Miss " Nettie Cowdy, of sis shows that the percentage of [Zanzibar in a recent letter, entitled a pol ir gb oT Mong um. Lo os Kingston, are spending the holidays cases of drunkenness is much high: | ihe "Ecclesia A licana," which in- . with their parents, M 1 'Mrs. J nih To ng ' 6c, sheep about 6c; lambs about Se: 3 Lael. pal 3 AE ant Mrs, J. er e smaller towns. sists upon an unbroken episcopacy. hogs, 9 1-2¢c to = 9 3-4c. Receipts: |B: Cowdy. G. Clark, of the Kingston : "The Kikuyu conference," says the Cattle 350, calves 50 sheep' and Business College; is spending the holi- Westminster Gazette, "seems likely lambs 600, hogs 1,000. days 'at home. to play as notable a part in church -- . i history as the Jerusalem Bishdpric © « Canonto' Budget. did in the days of the tractarians, . Buffalo Live Stock, Canonto, Dec. 30--Lawrence Bros.' Newman, Faber and others | Fast Buffalo, Dee. 29.--Cattle--Re- {shanty resumed work to-day after seceded owing to Archbishop How- Coipts, 2,300; fairly' active: butcher | Peing shut down for the holidays. ley's sanction of a joint Bishopric | grades, 10c. to 15c. higher: ood | Farmers ars taking advantage of the . |of Anglicans and Lutherans in Jer- heavy, 25¢. higher: prime steers, $8.60 | SHoW for hauling. A wunber from g salem." : to $8.75; ippi $7.75 to $8.40: | here attended the McKinnon wedding bi butchers, $7 to $8.35: cows, $3.75 to | on Christmas "eve, Lawrence Bros Former Watertown Man Dead. |7:35; hulls, $5 to $2.75; heilors, $6 to | Presented their employees cach weir; N.Y. . BF | 98; stock heifers, $5. 15. turkey for Christmas. Mr, and was | rece} : : stockers and feeders, $5.50 to $7; fi Mrs. W. J. Lawrence spent Christ: Re doaek in ei roq Yrs, Winfield § |cows and springers," active ad strong, | mAs with their son, Sailor, of Pein Dewey, a resident of this city untit|350. to $90. : s¥lvania. Miss Kva Lawrence; whi abont twenty-five ™ ago, Mr. | Veals--Receipts; 600; active and | has been visiting fulends in Buffalo was born. in tertown and steady; $6 to $12. : and Pennsylvania, for the past month during his active busi onreod Hoge--Receipts, 16,000; active, 100. returned home Tuesday, Miss Emma here was associated with the Agricul. | 2 ,15¢ higher; heavy' and mixed, | Naticr is the guest: ¢F her sister, sural ny. He wasl $8.85; vorkers; $3.30 to $8.45; pigs, | Mrs. Bevjamin Close, Flower Station. sixty-four years of mge, $8.40 to $8.45; roughs, $7.35 10 $7.5. Miss 'M. Davis, teacher of McDonald's : -- 86.25 to $7; dairies; $5.95 to formers, » Shending the. holidays at : . %, 40, . er home here, Bai ran, of Lan- i Septrew Nedilden's Ad, Bo, Sheep and lambe--Redvipts, 13,000; | ark, made a trip to Folger on Wed- the pl : Hoepi active; lambs, 25¢., sheep 30e. highe#; | nesday, . Mr, and Mrs. N. Huddson lambs, $5.50 to $8.25: yearlings, $5 to | at Jamea Campbell's; Mr. and Mrs. $7.25; wethers, $5.95 tq 73; ewes, | W. A. Badour, at Ompah on Christ $1.50 10 $5; sheep, mixed, $5 to $5.25. | mas; Mrs. W. Kellford and baby ar- rived home from North Bay last week; Miss Vie Watcon left for Yar- ker Monday. Miss Mandy Paye eld- est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Paye, and Wm. Sanphier, of Flower Station, were married last week. a sh ligags, Dos, 29. -- Ma m hate wi elrase to nS inations a) Monday, John dL TE TELE -- i ALLIS EL LIER IR RRR PORE AR PATER TEY IT IF ARES THT] ' Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n. tacitly admits on the slip from a. casé of "Budweiser" repro- duced above--that light affects the quality of "beer, that the light bottle is insufficient pro- . tection. Attia jt CEERI THR RR RENEE ET Schlitz in Brown Bottles is pure and wholesome from the brewery to your glass. . wi See that crown or corp Oliver. Fd-| or oranded ""S4 lord Telephone No. 242 Willian A TAT if @i eb fwd Norktown, Rigney & Hickey, BE | J » : abies an i ¥ = g ? 136-138 Princess Street, N : 3 bh' 4 OV 2 5 « ville, is apy. with friend + "wi