With Our Best Wishes , For Your | Happiness and Prosperity in the | Coming Year. |B. UGLOW & COMPANY. > ® iss A Bargain We have in stock a few ready to wear -ovéreoats, models from the House of Hobberlin. The overcoats are worth $22.50 and $26.50. We offer them at $16.00 and $20.00. " Thomas Lambert 157 Princess Street oat Weather Over Will soon be here. We are prepared for it . --ARE YOU ?-- _ Bed our selection of + OVERCOATINGS purchasing elsewhere. before RD & WALSH |CRAWFO H| "CADILLAC" 5 Passenger Touring Car FOR SALE and can be purchased quick sale, fa & W. J. Moore & Sci L. 206 Wellington 8t. ~~ FN »* Lightning Hitch... $250 to $5.00 WITH CONVICT EVIDENCE? | Story of One Convict Against Guard Has Been Thrown Out----Evidence of Some Convicts Has Been Con tradicted by Others, How will the members of the Pris- on Reform Commission deal with the convict evidence This is a question that many citiz- zens are asking, and are very much concerned about. Ever since the commission has been in session, the Whig bas heard much comment on the question, and the opinions ex- have ov vict evidence entirely. The yvommission has already ex- pressed its opinion in regard to the of Warden Irvine, and Dr. 'J. W. false. other. no doubt, it was for this reason that not recalled. Frederick Ingledew, the guard &- gninst whom Rose made charges of neglect of duty, declared at the time the charges were made that they were untrue, and fought "his case, unaided by counsel, before the com- mission. In view of the confession made by Rose, (hy Ingledew now regards the charges "against him ax being withdrawn. There is an old saying, "It is an ill wind that blows no person good" and it can be applied to the case of two convicts who were serving time in the penitentiary, as they have both been allowed out on parole. as a recult of the investigation. In both cases the conviots given their liberty are young men, one heing a 'mere boy, who was given a five-year term for stealing goods to the value of but a few dollars. This lad, it was shown, had served time on the much talked about stone pile, where he had ban compelled to mingle' with a great many. hardened oriminals, Of the vast amount of evidence concerning prison management great stress has placed on the rules forbidding. the use of tobacco by the convicts, and more than one con- viet has declared that the moderate use of tohacd would have a ten- dency, . towards making the men bet- ter behaved, and while the com- mission has made no announcement it is believed that the are indsVor of allowing the "stickers" to have a limited amount of this luxury. It is admitted by all class. es that to place a man ir: the "pem" who has been a very neavy smoker, and to deprive him of to- bacco .altogether, is sure to have a bad effect on his temperament, Raoferring again. to the conviet evidence it is held by many that the comissaion cannot do of se than throw out all the eonvict evi- dence. While some convicts have declared that certain things were allowed to take place, otherd have sword that such statements Were alse. A : : New Year's Matinee and Night. cinating gs story as Shrine" "The Home." 'The Inner Shrine," day, matinee and night. This 'won- a hit and competent critics have pro- fimest skill. "The Battle of Waterloo" This famous event in British his- tory in 81 he the mighty Napoleon was isively. de foated by Wellington. This war, together with many other in- cidents relative thereto, will be Tally lenst includes 5,000 men and 3,000 horses and > Jot tata] but exceedingly interest high- ly educative and should be seen by British subject. The pro- is a most elaborate one, over 5,000 feet of film. every true duatt Sheil ; he illing pen wi special seonie Edwards, M.P., yhat his evidence was The commissioners intimated that no attention would be paid to this convict, even one way or the, no action 'was taken against him, H. C. Stewart, K.C., of Brockville, acting for the department of justice point- ed out that Rose could be tried on a charge of perjury, but the com- missioners showed no inclination to probe the affairs merely recording his confession, and making the announce- ment that no weight would be attach ed to his story told under oath. The guard against whom Rose made char- ges, asked that the life convict be arraigned 'before the commission in order that the charges against him be cleared up, but the convict was Channing Pollock has written and dramatized many a sucess but none so uncommonly pretty, sweet and fas- Inner | dramatized from the novel of the same name by the author of |p, "The Wild Olive," and "The War from Basil Kings famous story of society life in Paris and New York is announced io appear at the Grand on New Year's derfylly interesting drama has made nounced it the real dramatic success of the season because its plot is =¢ truly novel and unrivaled with the TWEEN EARL AND WILLIAM ------ Some Cellars Were Flooded--Water Turned Off For Nineteen Hours-- | Repairs Were Very Quickly Made, ! 'The sixteen-inch water main on Wellington street, about midway be tween Earl and William, burst shortly after five o'clock on Tuesday evening, and caused damage and in- convenience. Notification was imme 'diately given the department, and the valve at the Earl street corner was soon closéd, and men were put forward to dig through the pressed erwhelmingly asphalt. stock pavement to. reach in favor of throwing out the Son. {the seat of the trouble, The water could not get through- the road pavement or the concrete walks, so it forced its way out inside the evidence of one convict, named Rose, | walk line, and flooded a number of who after testifying against a cer- tain guard, declared in the presence cellars, principally the basements of T. A. Hanley and E. Halliday's resi- dences.. The house of the latter was closed, and an entrance had to be effected in order to afford prof and remedy the damage. ngton street, and within a distance of one block, has burst. The main is the large feeder that carries water to Princess street. Thomas Hewitt, ex-superintendent he thought the trouble was. He replied that the sixteen-inch mains | from the pumping house to the tank {in Willlamaville are Scotch cast iron pipe, which is brittle, and not tough as the Gartsmore pipe which he used in late years. The Scotch pip2 was bought while the late J. ; Thompson was mayor, and has proven. unsatisfactory, as it is not tough' enough to stan® sudden strafnf. In the past twenty years, thirteen breaks have occurred he- tween the pump house aud the water tower. Mr. Hewitt thinks that the break of Tueaday evening was prob- ably caused by a ram of water. Men worked all night to repair the break. It was tough work chopping down through the blocks and con- crete. The pipe, of twelve feet in length, was found ripped from end to end. It was replaced, and the water was again turned on about noon Wednesday. As sevéral blocks were deprived of water, the Utilities manager sent out watering carts to supply from door to door. - i; MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS Township of Hinchinbrook For reeve--C; G. McKnight, C. D. Godirey, M. Cronk, 0. R. Clow, J. E. Campbell. sil 3 iia : For councillors--P. Dwyer, Allen Wa- gar, A. Bickly, Thomas Peters, Joseph Jefirey, Thomas Howes, A. Finn. Palmerston, N. & 8. Canonto For reeve--~William J. Donaldson (ac- clamation). For ecouncillors--Hugh = McKinnon, James McKinnon, Charles McDougall, Daniel Riddell. (all by acclamation). Towuship.-of Bedford For reeve--J. A. Kennedy (acclama: tion). For coundillors=W. Lee, G. A. Swer brick, D. Mulville'and W. J. Kirkpat- rick (all by acclamation). Township of Barrie For reowve--John Gray (by acclama- tion). For councillors--Walter Cuddy, Wil- liam Head, George Head, Thomas Whiteman, Thomas Thompson. Yillage of Tweed. Reeve--John Shaw, A. B. Roilins. Councillios (by acclamation)--A. Fitegerald, Janfes Murray, W. Gartloy, James L. McGowan, Township of Hungerford Reeve--~Andrew Kirk, James H. lare. Deputy-recve---dJ- L- Newton, J. E. J. E. own, Township of Sidney Reeve--Charles: Ketcheson. Deputy-reeve~Charles H. Vanderwa- ter. Councillors--Harry I. Ketchescu, Charles B. Meycrs, George A. Rose. Township of Ameliasburg Reeve--Johy H.. Pariament, W. W. Anderson, Joseph Adams. « Devuty-reeve--George Frederick Ward. Township of Tyendinaga Reeve--Petor Maclaren. Peputy-reeve--James V. Walsh. Councillors--Charles Osborne, Campbell, Orwell Ashley. Cunningham, --r------ Johp Deputy-reeve--J. G. Sills. Councillors--Daniel McDonnell, J. A. Holgate, G. M. Campbell, ) Township of South Crosby Reeve--W. E. Gray. Counciilors~Chafite- Filining, James Hudson, C. F. Smith, B, M. Cannon. Deputy-reeve=Barton" Dowseti Councillors--James Polk, Barker, Stephen Cartysic William J. H. Mulvena. i re biog I ain, Tithe Tien, W. Jd, J. Barrett, K-RA. tion | This is the third time in ten years | Rose is a life convict, and: than the water main on Welll of the waterworks, was asked what! We Have 2 Complete Stock of | All kinds of /linter Goods HOCKEY -BOOTS, SLIPPERS, OVERGAITERS, MOCCASINS, TRAVELLING SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES, FELT DRIVING BOOTS, RUBBERS, CURLERS' BOOTS. i» Fine Furs We show the popular styles and are offering exceptional values. This is where you will find bargains not to be found at any other store. Bargains in Muskrat Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Men's Coonskin Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, all styles, in all kinds of fur, ete, Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine Furs, niet + STOVES AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and second-hand fur. piture, carpets and quiits. Come and see me If you want to save money or A ARAN. M3 Gatarto Street. a SCANS Wha INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Reporters. Suitcase, $1.50.., Dutton. Frederick C. Clarke, the advance agent for "The Girl of Eagle Ranch," came to Kingston on Tuesday night to arrange for that company's appeary ance here next Saturday. J. C. Fisher, the advance agent for the Ernie Marks company, was in the city on Wednesday morning, making arrangements to play here next week. At present the company is playing in Oshawa. Sale! Men's $5.00 patent colt boots $3.85. Dutton's. H. H. Gildersleeve, formerly mana- ger of the western lines of the R. & 0.1. com with headquarters at Toronto, h transierred to Sar- nia ag managyr of the Northern Navi- gation company. : May you all have a prosperous New Year. We will try and help you.. Anderson Bros. A ge entitled, '"'Addresy of Bishop Macdonald to the Irish Catho- lies of Upper Canada, Published at the Office of the Whig, Kingston, 1839, 2 folio pp.," is being sought for. Any reader having a copy is asked to noti- fy the editor of the Whig. a ee A Nice Publication. The Christmas number of the Freewater Times, published at Free- water, Oregon, is to hand and fs a well printed weekly paper. The in- teresting feature for Kingstonians is that D. C. Sanderson, formerly pastor of Brock street Methodist church, is the editor, and his son, S. B. Sanderson, is manager. The two are proprietors of the journal. Fall and Winter Tmportations. Prevost, Brock street, has received ll his fall and winter importations for his order department; ¢ variety of patterns to choose rom; his furnishings and -made clo Perth, Dec. 31.--At the nominations for mayor, reeve, deputy reeve and couneiliors , the following were by acclamation : Mayor, Allan Grant; reeve, C. J. Foy; deputy reeve, George T. Wilson; councillors, J. T. Conway, J. H. Mendels, H. M. Shaw, J. Me Cann, W. Hall and H. Robinson. ABERNETHY'S Shoe Repairing Foe a aad Big assortment in fancy boxes of choeol- ates. Prices 25¢. to $3.00. When the Ice will bear a good many young folks will wish they had vrovided them- selves with skates. Why sot Get Good Skates Now and be ready for the fun? $100 buys'a good pair of Hockey Skates. Better ones at $1.50, $2 up to $6. "Corbetts™ Hardware J) CCC 02D ID The Ladies of Kingston May Ml Fists Dugg irst-class Sell SALVIA 2nd Guarantee it to Grow Hair, or Refund Your Money. Your druggist is backed up by the manufacturers of SALVIA, the great Hair "Grower. Tt is guaranteed to grow hair. SALVIA destroys dandruff in ten days. The roots of the hair are so nour- ished and fed that a new crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy, Like all Ameri- can preparations SALVIA is daintily perfumed. It is hard to find an act- ress who does not use SALVIA coa- tinually. Ladies of society and influence use no other. SALVIA is a non-sticky prepara- tiop, and is the ladies' favorite. A large generous bottle, 0c. BEST'S DRUG STORE. _--. Cr CCC CHIP 95D5) | s(The Store with Holiday Spirit The best of cheer may New Year's bring vou, Bright hopes, sweet memor- ~ ies, and blessings true; Make this a Happy and Prosperous ..cw Year to vou. Respectfully vours, JAMES REID [A cosy room| requires a suitable. light. We Have all kinds and colors of glass globes for inverted gas lights with fringe and plain, from 16¢ up. Also Gas Domes, 'Gas Fix- Reflex I-want-u tures, Inverted Gas lights; $3.75. jas Irons, Come In And See. = DAVID HALL 06 BROCK ST. Phone 335 or 856. YOR CREDIT IS GOOD! JOS. B. ABRAMSON'S| "I will furnish ladies and gentlemen with every- | | thing they require by ying $5.00 down, and bal | ance on the $1.00 asweek plan. I have a large stock of ladies coats, suits, boots | and millinery; also men's oyereoats, suits, boots and | boys' supplies: Call in and look over my large stock. | For cash, 10 per cent. off,