Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1913, p. 3

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of all kinds ity Ray No 'More Dr. Hickeys Speedy Cure Instantly cures any bronchial or asthmatic cough. The smallest dose %¢ only at BESTS' The Satisfactory Drug Store. GTS WORTH ANG We give you a spee- ial card to present with your gift. ci KEELEY Jr. - We Grind the plometrist '3 Doors Above the Opera House Furniture! Furniture! 15 to 20% 'off all Xmas and WA RR) Told in Twilight - Mrs. ¥1. A. Calvin. . King street, entertained at tea on Tuesday af- ternoon, when Mrs. D. D. Calvii, Toronto, was the raison d'etre. A crystal epergne filled with while carnations gracefully centred the polished tea table. Mrs, Alexander Kirkpatrick poured 'coffee, Mrs E. J. B. Penge tea, and Mrs. Francis King cut the ices, their assistants being, Miss Mabel Brownfield, Miss Wlorence Cunningham, Miss Marian Redden, Miss Kathleen Saunders Miss Lassie Kirkpatrick, Miss Hilda Hague, Miss Marian Leslie, © Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Marie - Car- ruthers, Miss Lucy Waddell, and Miss Aileen Rogers. Among thosé present were Mrs. Ilva Martin, Mrs, T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Mrs J. B. Cochrane, Mrs, R, :C. Carter, Mrs, F. O. Wilhofft, Bis Robert O'Hara, Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Mrs. John Waddell, Mrs. Frank Strange, Mrs. Herbert Robin- son, Mre. Bernard Browne, Mrs. W. G. Craig, Mrs. Hugh Nickle, Mrs. Howard Folger, Mrs. Stafford Kirk- patrick, Mrs. Francis Maenee, Mrs. W. B. Carey, Mrz. Harry Tandy, Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. James MacFar- land, Mrs. Claire Carter, Mrs. Han- sard Hora, Mrs. Andrew Foreman (Montreal), Mrs. Seacombe, Mrs. Ashby, Mrs. Donald Ross, Mrs. Her- bert Saunders, Mrs. James Rich- mond, Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Ed- ward Newman, Mrs. James Hendry, Mrs. Dalton, Mrs, Wiliam Morgan, Mrs. 8. J. M. Compton, Mrs. Cuth- bert Gummer, Mrs. E, H. Pense, Mrs. David MeGill (Montreal), Miss Alice King, Miss Machar, the Misses Muckleston, Mizs Loretta Swift, Miss Gertrude Strange, Miss Carrie and Miss Ethel Waldron, Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Edith Folger, Miss Amy McGill (Montreal) , and Miss, ! Lettice Tandy. The first meeting of the Skating Club was Id dat the covered rink on Monday evening. ite was not in the best condition guite a large number of the mem- : bers skated, the Battery band sup- plying very good music, Among | those present were, Colonel! and Mrs. {Hunter Ogilvie, Major and Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Professor and Mrs H. T. Kalmus, Professor and Mrs. F, 0. Withofft, Mr. and Mrs E. H. Pense, Miss Mabel and Miss Mar- jorte Brownfield, Miss Lassie Kirkpat- rick, Miss Phyllis, and Miss Charlie Shortt, Miss Sarah Willis, Miss Chris: tine, and Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Marian Leslie, Miss Eva Martin, Miss Mamie Car- rett, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Kathleen Ryan, Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss Edith Goodwin and Messrs Ernest Gildersleeve, E. Van Lesle H. Boak, Bevins Dunbar, A. M. Ask Your Doctor JAYER'S HAIR VIGOR is composediof § Sulphur, Glycerin, Quinin, Sodium Chilorid, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Show this to your doctor. Ask him if there is a single injurious ingredient. Ask hith if he thinks Ayers Hair Vigor, as made from these ts, is the best for fallin hair, or for dandruff. : the hair. v not color Made by J. O. Ayer Company, Montreal, Canada. Discount Sale Although the Ritbymitek: Sua 1E5ris omen, {Arnot * aoc ihe 12 Shannon, RAE oo H Wendling 'Anglin, Eric Oarru John Giles, Willie Nickle, Winth¥rop Sears, Carroll Ashby, Ross Living: » i stone, Nell Black, Harold Hooper, Kenneth Carson, 'R. Richardson, Ted Rdgers, Victor Minnes, Asheroft, Jack Hannaford, Montreal, and Mr, Miine-Heap, Montreal. Mrs. R. E. Kent, Summersby House, was hostess at an enjoyable "not out" dance on Tuesday even- ing in honour of Miss Ethel Kent, another 4hool girl, home for the holidays. The drawing rooms and 'Christmas decorations. The guests included, Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Gwerdoline Waddell, Miss Helen Campbell, Miss Marjorie Campbell, Hughes, Ottawa, Miss eh om iad iss Doris Folger, Miss Doris' owne, Miss Laura Kilborm¢ Miss Hilda Calvin, Miss Mary Strange, Miss Louise McLennan, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss Margaret Hemming, Migs Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Beth Small, Miss Dorothea Sweaney, Miss Margaret Cunningham, Miss Jean Me- Lelland, Miss Rose Rogers, Misa Dorothea Bidwell, Miss Mollie Bld- well, Miss Frances Fraser, Miss Mur- iel Brooks, Miss Ethelwyn MacGowan Miss 'Ruth Anglin and Messrs Harold Brownfield, Sherman Hill, Herbert Steacy Walter Steacy, Leglie Smith, Dick Elmer, Arthur Wilkinson, Ralph Emery, Eddie Ryan, Kenneth Taylor, Willie Garrett. Howard Folger, Regin- ald Third, Collamer Calvin. | Although the Badminton was not as largely attended as usual, the meeting was much enjoyed by those present, who included Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. F. Strange, Mrs. W. Macnee, Mrs. J C Strange, Mrs. | Dawson, Mrs. J. 8B. Carruthers, Mrs. Hazen Hansard (Winnipeg), Capt. M. . Plummer, Professor and Mrs. | P.-G. H. Pense, Miss Sarah Willis (Hali- | tax), Miss Amy McGill (Montreal), | Miss Mabel Gildersleeve, Miss Bes | sie Smythe, Miss Aileen Rogers, Migs | Phyllis Shortt, Miss Grace Hem- wing, Miss Marie Carruthers, Migs Charlie Shortt, Miss Lassie Kirk- natrick, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, | \iss Mamie Garrett, Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Mabel PRrownfield, Miss Hilda Kent, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Loretta Swift, Mies ; Christine Cochrane, Professor Cal- | tandar, Col Panet, Mr. M. Hanna- ford (Montreal), Mr E, C. Gilder- sleeve, Capt. H. Boak, Messrs H. Lafferty, Macpherson, McRae Car-, wuthers, E. V. Lesslie, and B. Dun- | bar. w - - - Col, Panet entertained at an in- teresting Tango tea at the Barracks on Monday afternoon. The guests danced in the ante-room, and later tea was served in the mess room: Those present included Major and and | Miss Loretta Swift, Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Major and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie, Misses Marie, Dorothy Kathleen Carruthers, Misses Phyllis and Charlie Shortt, Misses Mabel and Marjorie Brownfield, Miss ' & Grace Hemming, Miss Cicely Ruth- erford (Halifax), Miss Lassie Kirk- patrick, Miss Nora Macnee, Miss, Mamie Garrett, Miss Loretta Swiff, Capt. Keene Hemming, Capt. Mel- den, Messrs. James O'Rielly, W. K. Macnee, A. M. Kirkpatrick, James ' Swift, and the officers of R.C.H.A. | " » - . Mr. Winthrop Sears, '"Heathneld," vas host at a very jolly party on Tuesday evening, when his guests included Mrs Sweaney, Miss Amy | MeGill, Miss Sarah Willis, Miss Fran: ees Sullivan, Miss Mabel Brownfield, |X Miss Bessie Smythe, and Messrs William Kent, | W. Willis, Stanley Cunningham, George Smythe, R. R. F. Harvey, E.' | Van Leslie, and James Swift. - - - - | Professor and Mrs, Iva Martin en- | tertained at an enjorable dinner on Monday night. The table was ar- tistically arranged with pink roses, i and covers were laid for Col. and | Mrs. G. M. Giles, Col. and Mrs, T. D. R. Hemming, Col. L. R. Carleton, Major and Mrs S. P. Layborn, Capt. and Mrs. N. C. Perreau, and Miss Mollie Cartwright Mrs. H. B. Mills, Bagot street, en- -S0NJ, UO ¥3) [VWIOIU UE 1% DOUINIIO) Hay afternoon in honor of Miss Helen | | ues EXCITE YOUR "I When your kidneys hurt ahd your 'back feels sore, don't scared and § to 1 your t of drugs that exeite the kidneys | and irritate the emtire urinary. tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you Miss Sybil Kirkpatrick, Miss ¥ {on Saturday, after C. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs, E, i omach with a ; Mac- Gowan, Miss Una Polson, ane Miss } Dorothy 'Chown. Mrs. R. Tato, Barrie street, wiis' this week. : tiostess at a delightful dance on | Monday evening in honor of Miss Marjorie Uglow, who. is home from | Branksome oa Toronto; for the} holidays. - The Misses Mamie aud Susie Farl street, entertained delighthu at the tea hour, on Monday, when Miss Bessie and' Miss' Dora' Old- hall 'were cleared for dancing and rieve were: guest omar looked very bright and pretty with | -* Mrs: Ernest Young *ie entertaini at tea to-day at her " apartments Rockwood Hospital, in honor of Miss : Dora Oldrieve. we The younger set hay arvanged for a surprise party t, and another one is being alk for Friday even- ing. , - - - » The officers of the R.C.H.A. will en- tertain at the barracks to-night at a New Year's , dinzer. a - Mrs. G. Haster Ogilvie, Princess strépt, entertained at a children's party on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Guy Gems. he Merchants' bank, Lansdowne, spent the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Guy Gamsby, Hale's Cottages, King street. Mrs. hari Taylor and Migs Madge Taylor, King street, returned home, spending Christ. mas with Mrs. Frederick Birkett, in Ottawa. Mise Mildred Maemorine, who Was' Mrs. Alexander Maophail"s guest for Christmas, returned to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. G. W. Yarker, of Torotto, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hugh Fraser, Sing street. Miss Gladys Rubtan, ot Barfefield, is visiting her aunt, . J. B..Jtat- tan, in ellington. Miss Janet Saunders is in Napanes, the guest of her aunt, Mri. Hawley. Mrs. 0. D. Skelton and two boys, University avenue, leit, on Monday, for Carlton, to visit relatives, Mise Marjorie Gamsby went to Ot- tava, on Monday, to visit Miss Lor- raine Shortt, Mrs. W. A. Kennedy) Albert street, went to Toronto on Monda Mrs. D. D. Calvin pox Masters Archie and Donald, who have been Mrs. H. A. Calvin's guests for Christ- to Sydbulibm to-day -- Year's ai" Mr. or Bod I * Fr Ft wis) AW Ahir 'his Ni mon: er, Mrs John Fraser, King or L. 'W. Jones ne I 'th town with Mrs. K. L. Jones, and retufned' to" Rochester, N.Y., early Professor 1. 'W. Guttman Qiigbee for a few days. 'Major and Mrs. W. St. Pierre rs. Macleod returned to Cornwall 'andl took little Miss Norah Hughes , {With Her for a visit. and family left town yestérday, and' are sailing this week for England. |. Miss Kathleen Hughes is the guest of Miss Ethel Kent, King street, for 'a short time. . - - Mme: P. G. C. Campbell, George street, went to Peterboro to-day to be matron of honor at the weddin; 'of Miss Gwendline Hall to Mr, Mackenzie, of Toronto, on New Year's Day. She will be the guest of Miss Munroe Mr. James O'Rielly, of Winnipeg, who has ben the guest of Col. and Mrs. H. Panet, left yesterday for Winnipeg. Mr. J. Guinn returned to Ottawa to-day. "Mr. and Mrs. M. 8 Sutherland, Fart street, and Mr. lis, Ferguson, St. Thomas, will be gudsts at the wedding of Miss Ro- hina Muriel Laing, daughter of Mrs. George Laing, to Mr. Malcolm Stuart Sutherland, of New Glasgow, which takes place in Toronto on January seventh. - - - Mrs. Andrew Forman, of Montreal, and her small daughter are the guests of Mrs. W. B. Dalton, John son street. Mrs. John Wellwood, of Eden, Manitoba, who is spending a couple of months with her parents, Rev. John and Mrs. Perley Oataraqui, will he the guest of the Misses Shaw for the week-end; and a visitor at the ladies' Musical Club on Saturday. afternoon, where she will sing a couple of songs. Mr. John C. Smythe returned to Torento on Monday after visiting Miss Bessie Smythe, West street. - - - -. Miss Elsie Pense will go to India to visit Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Car- son before returning to Canada. Miss Dillon, who" has been the yest of Miss Adams for the past six months, left for her home inTT terboro to-day Miss Inobel ughes is the guest of nas, expect to return to Toronto on Pr lay. Mise Dorothy Burton, who has' been 'the guest of Mrs. George McKay, is now with Mrs. Henry ts Bareia | street. Mr. and Mrs. Hendefson' and Miss Rosalind Corbett went to Morrisburg, Rody, to spend New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Henderson. Miss Hilda Kent, King street, went up to Pembroke, on Monday, to spend a few days with Mrs. J. G, Forgie. . % +» _ The marriage of Mr. Hubert Ryan, on, and Miss Rhoda King, New Yl folennizd m St. Futticls ca ew on Tuesday, ' cember 30th. ¥, 5s Miss Jean Newman and Miss Bea: trice Newman, William street, were guests at the marriage of their broth- er, Mr. William Newman, B.Se., to Miss Edna Jakes, which took place' in Merrickville 'yesterday. "Captain and' Mrs. Maurice V. Phim- {mer, Johnson street, left on on- day Jor New York w spend New A nul Kingston people will go up uni ofl for the Bachélors' ball on New Year's night. Mrs. R. J, McDowall lft today for Toronto en Ly to California the wi Mrs. C. on left town to: day oi will sail in a day or two for England. Mr. Arthur: Martin, who has been the of his father, Mr. W. (. Mariany Ale: 14 street, left to-day to ear'y in "Poronto before earning to Chicago. Mr- and Mrs. H: wv Nelles have re- tured from Montreal, where they spent Christmad with Mra. Nelles' mother, . White. 2 Mr. James Minues, Bagot street, 'was in Montreal for a couple of dass this week. Mr. and Mrs, George MdKay, King | street, . will spond New Year's in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smith, Al fred street, intend spending New Year's in Toronto. . Miss Isabelle Waldron, Kling street; went up to Toronto on Monday to visit bliss Isobel Macausland. - Miss Irene Hoag is visiting friends lfor 'Picton. her aunt, Miss Adams, for the holi 'day season. She leaves on Friday Miss Marie Maclnnes, daughter of | Rev. J.P. Maclnnes, Foxboro, is the (guest of Mrs. R. Davidson, Univer- (sity avenue, for the Jolidays. Mrs. David McGill and little son, of Montreal, are thé guests of Mr. and Mrs. George King, Alice street. Mr. and Mrs. D. 8. Robertson have returned home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson in Ottawa for Christmas. Miss Bva Martin will be brides- maid, and Mr. Thomas H. Byrne, of Ottawa, will be groomsman at the day. January the seventh. Mr. F. C. T. O'Hara returned o Ottawa, and Mr, Geoffrey O'Hara to New York after spending a short time with Mrs. Arthur Craig, Al- bert street. . » - . At the MecGinnis-Richardson wed- ding on New Year's Day, Miss Eva Richardson and Miss Ella McGinnis, of Belleville, will be the bridesmaids and Mr. Edmund Mallock will be groomsman. Mrs. Constantine and Captain Con- gtantine returned on Monday from Kast Stanbridge, where they spent Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. EB! H. Bickford and Mr. and Mts. Morgan Jellett return- ed to Toronto on Saturday, . after spending Christmas with Colonel and Mrs. MeGill. Mr, Milme-Heap, of Montreal, is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. John Waddell, Earl street. Only a fool makes a mistake with- olit Tearning something. To flatter a woman, talk about the hearts she has brokem. Blood| Medicine That originated in a famous doe- tor's successful prescription, that is made from the purest and best ingredients, that has a record of relief and benefit believed to be unequalled the world over--such is HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA. Keep your bowels clean, by flush- | ng them with x mild, harmless which removes the body's! urinbus 'waste and stimulates them to their activity. The func 'tion of the kidneys is to filter the =! blood. n i Aer strain | i trom it 5 and go nev, of Mouton, is wi ir. small son have returned from | Foaddon, where they spent Christ mas, Mrs, J. A, Waddell, i Harsowsmith, in town yesterday on her way |hont Montrel Her aliter: Mrs. De with her for When you darken your hair with "Sage Tea and Balphur, no one can tell, because Xi done so naturally, so 1 Preparing this mixture, though, at home, is mussy and troublesome. For 50 sents you can buy at any drug store the ready- to-use tonic called "Wyeth's and Sulphur Hair Remedy. . Fair and colder. Thursday east. , erly winds, followed by snow. is in ughes went to Ottawa on Friday | Lit.-Col. and: Mrs. T. Birchall Wood | and Mrs. Mel- | To-day we close the last page of 1913--a memor- able year in the history of this business--and profit- ing by the experience and knowledge gained during the last year, we start a new page with the determin- od resolve to make "Steacy's,"' already dedicated to you, a store of greater service, of broader liberality of dealing, and of lower prices. i Thanking you all for your liberal patronage during 1913, and with every good wish for Happi- ness and Prosperity for the New Year. [EIBACH SE Dyrne-Oldreive wedding on Wednes- |* Tumblers and Stem ware of every description. Liqueurs, Sherries, Ports, Clarets, Cocktails, Rhine Wines, Oyster Cocktails, ete. A: large variety rich etched patterns; latest designs. HIER LS a | ROBERTSON', LIMITED WISHING ALL KINGSTON HOMES | 'Prosperity and joy for 1914. Our Business for 1913, Jasgest of yn year yet. Kingston is steadily Thanking You for Your Patronage. H. W. NEWAN Electric Co. ' Phone 441 go~ [F7 That the cold weather has just commenced. So let us help to keep you warm by fitting you with a pair of Felt Boots; MIST EA { Y BRULH

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