bg fee Hpestal 'rates Will be fu eflect as . to return until Jan. 2nd. SINGLE - for round trip. : HOLIDAYS, 1013-1014. ollows: | 5 Li | CHRISTMAS 3 SINGLE FARE tor round (rip. Goo going Dec. 24th and 25th. Good to return until Dee. 26th, SINGLE FARE AND ONE THIRD for round trip. Good goifig Dec. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 25th. Good to return until Dec. 27th, : NEW YEAR SINGLE FARE for round trip. Good going Dev. 31st and Jan. 1st. Good FARE AND ONE THIRD Good going Dec. 29th, 30th, 31st and Jan. 1st. Good to return antil Jan, 3rd. Tickets to intermediate points be- tween Toronto and Montreal will not be good on trains Nos. 1 end 4. For full particular apply to Railroad and Steamship Agent Cor, Johnson and Ontario Sts. ROA rey be PACT 1013 D 1914 8 fog JION. FARES Between all stations in Canada, Fort William and, Bast, and to patalo ana Niagara Falls, N.Y. 3 FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good Golug Terurn Lia , 27, 1918. Dee, J Also Bee SR suas turn Limit Jun. 2, 1914, Jan, 3, 1914. I Minimum Fare £5e. Particulars from FF, Conway, ©. P, EY Hou to Make * Better Cough Syrup than You Can Buy A Family Supply, Savieg $2 and Vully Guaranteed. Sixteen ounces of cough #Yrup ~ RS much as you could buy for 31.50---can easily be made at home. You wil find nothing thet takes hold of un obstinate cough more quickly, usually ending It inside of 24 hours, Excellent, too, for croup, whooping cough, sere IUngs, as. tha, hoarseness dnd other throat tron. es. Mix twd cups of granulated sugar with one cup of warm aier, and stir for two minutes. Pot 2% ounces of Ploex (fiy cents' worthy dn a Msounee boige, then add the Sugar Syrup. I keeps 'perfect. ly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or t/ vee hours, ; This is jusl laxative cnough to 'help cure a cough. Also stimulules the Bppes tite, which is usuaily upset by a cough. The taste is pleusant. The effect of pine und sngar Syrup on the inflamed membranes is well known. Pinex is the wost valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract. rich in guaiaeol and al! the naturai healing pine elements. Other prepara- tions will not work in this formula. The Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe is now used. by thousands of housewives throughout the United States and Cane ada. The plan has been imitated, but the old successtud formula Las Hever been equaled. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction or money promptly refunded, goes with this recige. Your drugidst has Pinex, or will et it for you. If not, send to The inex Co., ' Toronto, Opt. 2 GRAND UNION "HOTEL =: Send 2a. sh a dM As City Tieket Office, Cor, Princess and Welllugton Stu, Phone 1197. OCEAN STHAMSHIF AGENCY | L0 KIRKPATRICK 42 Clarence St. Phone 069 © Steamers will call Plymouth east- without transfer. at 2 p.m. alternate Saturdays for St. CANADIAN SERVICE, From Southampton From Portland, Me, Deo, 18 ....c.ASCANIA...... don. 8 Jun. 23 ,.... ASCANIA ...... Feb. 7 Feb: 12 ,.... AUSONIA ....., eb. 28 oa @ 0 Westbound 30 up. ai oun IT REFORD CO. Limited. 1 t, 50 King St. 1, Toronto 9 BERMUDA BS. "RERMUDIAN" twin screw, 10,- $13 tons displacement, sails from New York 16 am, 7, 14, 21, 28 Jan. Submare Ane signals: wireloss, orchestra. Wee~ ord trip 30 hours, 20 minutes. Past eat, newest, aud only steamer lunding at the dock fa Bermudas (11) $46.25. up. $30.25 up. WEST DIES---New 8.9. "GUIANAY 'steame.s from New York mas, Bt. Crofx, St. Kitts, Antigua, afdaloupe, Dominicia, Martinique, St cla, Barbadoes and Demerara, For full fnformation apply to J. P. A 8. KIRKPATRICK, Ticket Agents. Kingston; Quebec R. M.S. P. New Service. "MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICE {Dder Cowtrint, with the Fovernment "of Dowiwion kof Canad, "CANADA WEST INDIES. FORTNIGHTLY SAILINGS by Fwin-serew Mail Steamers from ST. JOHN, NB, and FISLIFAX, NS. a Bermuda, St. Kitts, Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Barbados, Grenada, Trinidad and Demerara. Eaeellent oecommodetion for 13t, ud and did Class Péwengers, Steamer. Ca St John. © Halifax, Thos ALR | 00% 2 Tan. 2 08. A; H > CHIGNECTO |. Tan: Owen Lewis, RN. I tian. 16 COBHQUID. ......lJan 18}ran: 30 +1 Feb. 1. os Hopson RNR W. E Smith, RNR Feb, 13 SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR 'iQURISTS. For Miustrated Folders, Rates $c. apply to the 7 goncicsof THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET Co. ftentiary. Wh _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, KINGSTON EVENTS DURING 1913. EDNESDAY, 31, 1913. Jan, 1-Bright, mild days Foads ye Jan. 6--T. J. Rigney elected mayor over 8. R. Bailey by 126 majority. Jan T--British-American hotel sold to Sheriff brothers, Picton. Jan, S8--Eastern Ontario © Daiiry- men's association convention npened in City Hall Jan, 10~Thomas C, Wilson died, Jan, 12---Death of James McGrath. Jan, 13--Inaugural meeting of the city council. Jan. 15--A. W, McLean elected chair- man of the Board of Education. a an. 17--Death of Capt. John Bre- Jan. 17---14th Regiment celebrated its fiftieth anniversary, Jan. 20---Canon 'A: W. Cooke died. Jan. 22--Mail bag stolen at King- (ston junction. Jan. 2-N. W, RowalisOntario lib- eral leader, spoke in city hall, Jan, 24---Mayor Rigney made chair- man of Board of Health. Jan, 28-Dr. William Spankie elect- ed warden of Frontenac. Jan. 20-John Ore died. Jan. 20-Revi 8S. J. M, Compton decides not to accept mission post in Manchuria. : : Aan. 31--Death of James Daly, mar- Feb. 5--Harbor frozen over. . Feb. 5--First drowning of yea# in harbor; Joseph Knott broke through the ice while skating. Feb. 5-David McLaughlin' found dead at his home on Bagot street. Feb. 10--Coldest day of winter; fif- teen reed below zero. | Feb, 14--Dike of Connaught visits Kingston, Feb. 17--Strest railway company decides to lay new tracks on Prin- cess street, Feb, 18--Sudden death of Mrs. Al len Stroud, Bagot street, Feb. 18--Death of Mrs. John - Me- Mahon, Wellington street, aged eigh- ty-one. Feb, 18-Archdeacon 0. G. Dobba, Brockville, appointed Protestant chap- lain of penitentiary, - Feh. 19-Major G. HW. Gillespie made orgavizer of cadet corps for the 3rd division. o Feb. 25~No cases for assize court, first time. in Kingston's history of such a thing. - Feb. 28-Prol. W. T. Connell refu offer fo become Ottawa's medical health offices. March 1-Mrs. Elizabeth Beel, ag- ed 50. died of burns sustained the night before at her home. March 1.~Col. T. D. ming took over command division. March 3--Rev. ¢. W. Gordon, {Ralph Connor), addressed Canadian Jun, PL Pa b~--Rev. A. E. Smart ap pointed inspector of the Children's Ald Society. March 8.--Major W. S. Hughes ap- Pointed inspector of penitentiaries. March 13.--Thomas D. Minnes ap- pointed accountant Portsmouth peni: R. .Hem- of the 3rd March 13.--Death of ("Chaucer") ERiott. March 14.---Mildest March day in Years; 50 degrees; scraping done on pavements, March 19H. P. Smith, architect, March 20--Big windstorm. Blew ice out of harbor. March 22--Queen's® authorities re- ceived cheque of $100,000 from An- drew Carnegie, March 28.----Ice storm strudk the city, doing terrible damage to: trees. Mareh '28 --Stediner Pierrepont made first trip from Cape Vincent. March /29.--Death of Dean W. 8. Elis, ofl Queen's Faculty of Educat- on. Steamship Co, Lid. Quebec. The memory of a voyage on the Allan Line is one of luxury and happiness. On these fine steamers comfort and con venience ex: most blasé For rates, sailing dates, and beautiful descriptive booklets apply to local agents or, A Happy and Prospercus ©. New Year to our numerous customers PRICE'S or in Halifax, N 8, to PICKFORD & BLACK. Ltd. ceed the expectations of the globe-trotter. March 30---George Parnell Os- borne died suddenly: in British-Am- erican hotel. Apfil 2.--Plans arrive for King ston harbor improvements. April 3.----Capt. Matthew Patterson died, aged ¥1. April T--Lieut~Col. A. G. Irvine takes over duties as warden of peni- tentiary. April T--Provincial sanitary in- glneers begin testis of water in King- ston harbor. April 7.--John 8. Randolph, pro- prietor of Randolph hotel died sud- denly. April 7--John McKay elected com- modore of Kingston Yacht club. April 8--Kiugston Young Liberals club re-organized, with N. C. Polson, Jr., as president. April 9---Steamer Rhodes, from To- ronto, first outside vessel to reach Kingston, since navigation opened. April 15~<R. Meek elected presi. dent of the = Kingston Roard of CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Edwin 8. win Bi Trade. ed assistant manager of R, and O. western lines. April 22.--Dr. E, J. Bidwell elect- ed Co-adjutor Bishop of Ontario. "April 82. --Death of Mrs. David M. Spence. * May 1--Citizens presented D. M. Me- , KC, ex-eity solicitor, with an oil portrait of himself, : : May 2-Cadets J. W. Logie and A. I. Smith, of the Royal Military Col lege, drowned in harbor. May 8-G.T.R. y decided to put on a 6 a.m, train from Kingston to Toronto. Lay 10--Ex-Ald. Andrew McMahon May 12--City Council expresses itself against sale of fair grovnds. May 22-Death of A. C. McMahon. May 26--Frost in early morning. May 27--Auglican Diocesan Woman's uxiliary met in Kingston. May Rev, George L. Starr ap: pointed rector of St. (leorge's cathe dral and dean of Ontario. 'May 31-R.CH.A, left for camp at Petawawa. June 2--Corner stone of First Bap- tist church laid by Sir John Boyd, oe 3 Goong y Dawson had 1 une se Dawson eg cut of Ml hydro-plane" att Macdonald ark. June 5--Viitorian Order executive engages a second nurse. June 9--Barriefield camp opened. June 9----Ratepayers endorsed four by-laws. June 11---Death of Mrs. James Shan- non, George street, aged eighty-eight. June 13--County Councils of Fron- tenac and Lennox decided to have union jail in Kingston. June 18-Big fire at yacht fyb boat houses, June 18-General Sir Tan Hamilton visited the Royal Military College. June 13--Thres boys drowned below Tete de Pont barracks, June 19--Veterans paraded before General Sir Jan Hamilton. June 19--8t. George's cathedral con: gregation ssented robes of office to ishop Bidwell, June 22-Rev. T. W. Neal preached farewell sermon in Sydenham Street Methodist church, Jung 24--Death of Thomas N. Shar man. June 25--Barnum & Bailey's circus at fair grounds. July 7 City council refused to sav- ction another tra¢k on Ontario street, July 8~Me. and Mrs. Alexander Mitchell, 103 Lower Bagot = street, wedded - fifty years. July 8--Work begun of tearing down old Cataraqui bridge, July 9-Peath of C. D. Horne, pro- pristor of Provincial Hotel. July 12--Kingston Orangemen went to Picton and Cornwall to cele brate. July 17--Work started on Frontenac Tile plant. ! July 21-Funperal of late Maior Alex- ander Sharpe, who died in Toronto. July 28-Confract to heat city buildings awarded to McKelvey & ren. July 26--Toronto Old Boys' escur- sion arrived. ; Aung. 3-Geologists from various eountries visited Kingston to inspect mines of the district Aug. 6~Ramains of the late Mrs. Margaret Mackerras, who 'died in California, interred in Cataragui cometery. Aug. 8<New uniform arrives the R.C.H.AL Aug. 8---Sells-Floto circus at grounds. i Aug. 9-Death of Mra. Armstrong MeCormick, aged 82. : Aug. 15-7. H. Sutherland defeated "Tom" McAuley in: motor boit chal- lenge race. Z Aug. 18-Ald. Edward Bennett ap- pointed superintendent of a new gov- ernment elevator at Tort William. Aug. 18-City council decides to continue block paving on Wellington street, to City Park, Aug. 19-1.C.B.U. convention in Kingston. A 20--Y.. W. Mulloy appointed to staff of Royal Military College. Aug. 27--Death' of Armstrong Mc: Cormack. aged 92 years. Aug. 28----Ontario Fire Chiefs' cou- vention met here. Aug. 29--Orangemen made = entation to Ald. Edward Bennett. Sept. 1----Labor day. Work horse parade under auspices of Humane society. Sept, 10--J. A. XK. Drummond kilied by C.P.R. shunting engine at foot of Princess street. Sept. 15--Melville Knapp killed in locomotive works. Sept. 16--Prof, Robert Laird, of Queen's, accepts secretaryship of General Assembly Board of Finance Sept. 19-----J. L. Whiting, K.C,, el- ected president of Kingston Cana dian club. ' Sept. 22--Big fire yard, Sept. 25--Firemen made piresenta- tion to Assistant Chief Elmer in hon- or of his 25th wedding anniversary. Sept. 27-<Prisoner ght" from Yukon to Portsmouth penitentiary-- 3,500 miles, : Sept. 30--Prison Reform commis sion held first session at court house. Oct, 1--American historians hold meeting in Grant hall with K jngston Historical society. i t--Death of Mrs. . 'Robert Oct. Laing, aged 96 years. ; Oct. 6--Mrs. John Duff died from for fair met at Dawis' ship: ne. Oct. S--Death of Allan J. Rees, confectioner. Oct. 11--Mrs, N..B, W. Nicholson April 17 --E. E. Horsey appoint-{. N Sutherland, aged eighty-four. OV stalled as principal of Queen's Theo- feal Sollege, 4--J Elliott, aged ninety, Kingston Junetion. ? Nov. 4--Utilities general manager urges need of new, water pump. Now: 4 Ratepe ws endorsed bonus to Kingston Irom in ye Now, Ontans ~~ stu- dents' missionary conference held at 5. Nov. 8~George F. Wilson died, aged hty-two. . ov. 10--Awiul gale does great dam- a. 10.~City Council nsks that more police be appointed. Nov. ~13--Mission conference held here for men of Kingston and Fron tenac, Nov. 16---First Congregational church celebrated its 64th anniver- sary. Nov. 21--Dominion wreck commis- sioner holds enquiry into wreck of steamer Turret Chief. farewell to Calvary Congregational church people. Nov. 25--Locomotive works" re. ceive orders for eleven more loecH motives. Nov. 27--Funeral of the late Mrs. James Minnes, who died suddenly in Ottawa on the 24th. Nov. 28--Death of John Haslett. . Dee. 1---Peter Derose, who slew a fellow prospector, released from penitentiary after serving 27 years. Dec. 3--Hon. Sam Hughes speaks at Queen's Engineering society din- ner, Dec. 5--Frank C. Ireland resigns as ely treasurer after serving 34 years. Dee: 8--City council votes down Board of Works' recommendation to appoint a new city engineer. Dec. 9---Major R. W. Leonard do- nates students' residence and train- ing school at Queen's. Dec. 12--Col. L. R. Carleton, new commandant of the Royal Military college, arrives. Dec. 17---Ratepayers endorse by- law for placing public utilities under a commission. Dec. 22--Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Free, 286 Earl street, celebrated 60th anniversary of their wedding. Dec. 22--City council appointed 0. V. Bartels as city treasurer. and W. A. Newlands as tax collector. Dec. 24--Mayor Rigney gave a Christmas tree in the city hall for Kingston's youngsters. Dec. 29-----Alds. Shaw and Litton nominated for mayoralty. Dec. 29---Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux spoke at Knights of the Grip ban- quet, FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE News From Verona. Verona, Dec, 30.--~Mrs. Thomas Ri- ders who was stricken with paralysis at Newburgh about a week ago, had recovered sufficiently to be brought | home at Christmas and since that time she has shown slight signs of improvement. ' Miss Abrams, King- sion, is spendihg part of her vaea- tion 'with relatives at Sand Croft and Verona. Miss Flogence Trousdale, after vis- iting with friends at Watertown, N. Y., has returned. C. G. York, at home for Christmas,' has returned to resume his studies at Queen's. Dom- ald Craig, of New Liskeard, visiting iriends here after an absence of four years, has returned home. Roy W. Hufiman, of the steamer Acadian, is visiting his parents and is giving gome intevesting acoounts of his es- cape from the wreck of November Sth. a News From Bethany. Bethany, Dec. 29.--The Christmas tree entertainment in Bethany church on Christmas eve was well at. tended and the tree was well laden with presents. Miss Kathleen Birtch recently visited her friend, Miss Eva Sills, Prince Edward. Willis Sills and sister, Miss Eva, of Prince Edward. were at the entertainment at Bethany on Christmas -eve and spent Christmas with their aunt Mrs. M. A. Miller. Mr. Hume went to Montreal Iast ' week to spend Christmas with his mother and sis- ters. Mrs, Hume and two children spent Christmas week in Woodville, the guest of her 'mother Mrs. D. Clute. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Haw- ley and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Jayne spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs John Jayne, Camden 'East. Miss Rose Tierney, of Ottawa, is spending her holidays .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Tierney. Mr. and Mrs. George Hawley spent Christmas with Mrs. Hawley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kent. Napanee. Willowbank Wafts. Willowbank, Dec. 29. -- Cedric Jackson was married on Christmas night. He and his bride are spend- ing their honeymoon at points west. The disappearance of David .Greeni- zen is as much a mystery as ever. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little had a family gathering on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Willet Harpell and ehildren, Kingston, are here for the 'holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Eastwod spent Christmas day at Cushendall, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hylawd. - Blake Sliter and John Brown are pressing hay in Pittsburg. David MeClement, Jr, of Pittsferry, paid a flying visit Sun- day to Stanley MeNineh's. William Offord is recovering after a slight attack of heart trouble. James Cowan took a large load of turkey TE ----------E---- of 2 ou have a rumbling 3 and wi 3--Rev. Dr. Donald Ross in- Nov. 24--Rev. 8. T. Butler says laggard .and improves foods. bread and shor gestible and n Royal Bakin foods. to town last week for which he re- ceived a good price. J. Beaubieu and wife have moved here : from Gananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beaubien, spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs, James Cowan. SS -- FIN At Washburn Corners, Washburn's Corners, Dee. 20.--Af{ present there is good sleighing and the farmers are deawing wood and logs. Dr. W,. Stevens has returned from Jo- ronto and is calling on friends and re latives here. H, Stevens had the tela phone installed in his home last week. Owing to the inelemency of tho wea- ther, the Christmas tree entertainment at Sheldon's Corners was postponed. H. W. Coleman 'and family, Brockville, and Mrs. G. Whaley and family, Hard Island, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hamblen. A number from hepa stiamded the Christ mas entertainment at Hard Island on the 22nd. Much oredit is due the teacher, Miss Robeson, for the manner in which she trained the pupils and others who took part in the pro- ramme. Harold Moulton, Seeley's ay, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moulton. Mr. and Mra. W. Flood, of Jupetown, visited friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. B. Webs- ter and 'daughter, Warburton, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Saxton, Washburn, Reynoldston Reports. Reynoldston, Dee, 30.--Evervone is taking advantage of the excellent sleighing. - A number from hero at- tended nomination at Parham yester- day. A. Bush has a colt in a critical condition, as the result of having fall- en on the ice. William Bush spent last. week with relatives at Kingston, N.Y. Edgar Genge has returned home from Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. W. P. Harndon and two sons, Humtsville, ave visiting relatives in this vicinity. Alexander Bush is visiting his brother, Henry, at Ottawa, Among othe Christmas visitors are: The Misses Cieorgie, Lillie and Katia Jefirey, at home; Miss Edna Genge, at home; Me. WDER Is the Housewife's Greatest Help. HAT so tempting to the appetite as a light, flaky, fruit short cake or a delicate hot biscuit? Royal makes the perfect short cake, biscuit and muffin, the flavor and healthfulness of all risen flour« It renders the biscuit, hot- t cake more di- utritious, at the same time making them more attractive and appetizing. g Powder is in- dispensable for the preparation all the year round of perfect i and Mrs, 8S. Cameron, Mr. af G. Bush and family, at A.) Miss Nellio Snider, at Parh{ and Mrs, J. Walker and two) ters, Alma and Marion, Hollef¢ Mrs. Martin, Kingston, at J. Mra, 8. Asselsting and Mise ¥ selstine, at R. Botting's; Hex boll,, at 1. Babeock's; E visiting at Holldord. H, drawing wood to Verona, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jeffrey, Bloomfield News Budg Bloomfield, Ueec. 29.-The winter weather arrived on inst, but ng snow has eo 0] sleighing, Homer White are an a month's visit in Chicago, Churles ral wife spent Christmas in R. Roundell and family, ¢ spent Christinas with fri John Randle, of Toronlic ing his holidays at Abra William Christy and wife i over, Anglin and wife, Mond 1 Vali Christmas. Miss Alma ¥ oe ot for ie, Pa., on Saturd i Apes a month with her aunt, § Baan G. Blarle, ] A: the Methodist Chrip"*%: 2" entertainment on Christy on or th splendid programme was Gari Ad children, Proceeds, SIR jewellery Shepherd is building a built: "an shop. William Green John addiffion to his shoe Rist J. H Bowerman is on the si Christmas McDowell and wile sp v the 27th at Cobourg. « On Sat home ia inst., John Branscomif] pox, his quarantined owing to ha disease. wife heing 8 viotim Aa mystery, How n Sas contracts hased "Angus George Sherriff has 1 James Thom Highthall s fm ' REY nt Christinas and wife,' 0 oronto, . holidays with their | Jehter, Mra. Clayton Burr, I Tha trna dispen dumb when it com it. of charity ia 0 reference to C-------------------- -- Ada ALBERT Tn "The Inner Shame" at the Geand on Ne - : might,