WAS PLAYED AT KINGSTON RINK MONDAY AFTERNOON | Team Skipped By W. R. Sills De. feated Team Skipped By Prof. J. F. Macdonald In Friendly Game-- Club Amxious To Get Cold Weather For Games On New Year's Day. fhe first curling match of the sea- was at. the Kingston ourl- ing rink on. One Fifth Off. One Fifth Off One Fifth Off LIVINGSTON'S JANUARY SALE Commencing Friday morning, January 2nd, 1914, and for the balance of the month you can take any men's young men's or boys' suit or overcoat in our store. in fact, any garment in our ready-to-wear department, at a discount of 20 per cent. None are reserved. If you are an old customer of this store you know this. When we advertise our famous Ba n Sale. it is sure to be fully worthy of the name; if you are not a regular patron of ours, you could not select a more opportune time to 'Matheson, Y the club ate in ther = will turn o Wea ) 80 they can have good ios for games New Year's day. Frontenacs Practice, and Away. Gl a PET £SACT To-Morrow, All Day, call and see how we help you to select the purchasing power of your dollars, OVERCOAT REDUCTION Every new and desirable overcoat style is here, mendous overcoat business this season because our We have been doing a tre- values were so extraordinary. Now these already low prices have been slashed 20 per cent. lower, MEN'S SUIT REDUCTION You'll find all the newest models, shades and fabrics included in this sale. Remember we are giving you 20 per cent. discount off our regular prices, which are extremely low, This is a fine chance to fit your Boys out economically, his every clothes need Thrifty mothers and fathers won't can be suppli ng this sale at a big saving. 941 do. i figate this excellent opportunity. - 0 you want to economize? If so, here's an idea worth thinking about if you would like your money to go farther than ordinary. Sit down now and figure up the clothes yourself and boys will need for the next six months then come The goods will cost you a great deal less than at any L * and supply those needs now. other time. to this sale Hundreds of men wear better clothes at a small expenditure simply because they take advantage of our annual January reduction sale. save. Try it and see what you Every dollar will find us ready to exchange a dollar and a quarter value for it. - Goods marked in plain figures. All sales for cash. Tr LIVI Nite ot of Warm Wearables For Winter At Waldron's. Men's Underwear Shirts, Drawers and Combination Suits in fleece lined, union, all wool. All the best makes. : 50c to $2.50 a garment Ladies' Underweat Union, silk abd wool and all wool in vests, draw- ers and combinations. All weights and styles. 25¢ to $2.50 a garment Childen's Underwear Vests, Drawers and Combination Suits, eight different styles to choose from. 25¢ to $1.00 a garment 'Warm Stockings For all the household, ribbed and plain cash- er and heavy Wool, all the wanted makes. Bashkir Al soul blankets, slightly dust soiled. 20 per 2 I3& ON' way but it will pay you to walk. BROCK STREET | QUEEN'§ WAS SU RPR{SED To Hear of McGill's Default On Reaching New York. When the Queen's senior hockey Squad arrived in New York it receiv: an unexpected surprise when in- formed that MeGill had thrown up tha ng® and decided to remain in 3 oe oY The Montreal hockeyists state that the money offered was not. sufficient to cover expenses for the ex" hibition games. It is altogether likely that the Queen's outfit will arrange a game with a New York team. Livingston's January Sale, The big annual January sale at Livingston's, Brock street, will be- gin on Friday, January 2nd, when 20 per cent. reduction will be given oft the prices of all their suits and overcoats. Their stock includes the newest models, shades and fabrics, and this reduction off their usually low prices will mean a big saving to buyers. Tt 1s the chance of the year to outfit yourself or your boy econ- omically. Detter take advantage of it. Contract ror Rails. The contract for the supplying ol the' steel rails for the pow street rail: way tracks on Princess and King pany to the United States Steel Pro" ducts company, of Montreal. The con- tract amounts to $5,000. Delivery must be made by March 15th. Walter Jamb will supply the cedar ties for the roadbed. Weather Notes. The shallow area of low pressure which was north of Ontario yes'ter- day is now passing across the gulf and a moderate area of high pressure moving across the great lakes and middle states. The weather is com- tvely mild and mostly fair. throughout the dominion. "Bobby" Was Remembered. , "Boblyy'"' Grant, the well-known tra-; bY a misses the function of' . However, bis I a To 13 but' not Ogotien; was last in Medicine H To Have a Dance. dance in the 1.0:0.0¢ evening, January proceeds streets has been awarded by the com- J lookout, Capt. James Mahoney; trus- voller, as mot present ab the Knights | of the 'Grip baaquet on Monday night. | added Racing of Yt, will webb team got off Santen, a erguton, Reid, Crawford, Tove, Norman and "abe ia Augie XN cCammon, [ae Rae, Marshall and White oo on the i Pi ------ STOCK MARKETS. ' |e B. McCurdy & Co.. 86 and 8 Brock St.--Ii. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, Dec. 30th. Dominion' Steel . Spanish River Union Pacific United States Steel .. Northern Pacific Brooklyn Rapid Transit Lehigh Valley Northern Pacific American Can. ... New Haven Railway Southern Pacific OFFICERS WERE ELECTED By the Masters and Mates and the Marine Engineers. At' a meeting of the Marine Lngi- news' association, held on Monday night, the following officers wore 'elected : President, -S. Murray; first vice- president, I. Spence; second vice president, =. Nal McMillan; treasurer, J. McEwen; segtutar ut Ja Sill; conduc- or, George Boyd; doorkeeper, George Suddard; auditors, Messrs. Tay oe {ond Koni The and Mates association has elecfed the following officers Master, Capt. Johst . Doyle; first officer, Capt. John Corkey; secretary, Capt. = Charles Martin, Balaclavs street: pilot, Capt. 'Johh Lawrence: watchman, Capt.. * Robert 'Millan; tees, Capt. William Phillis; Capt, William Steves; port setretary, G. Hunter, CHILDREN ARE IN DANGER In Coasting On to the Local Railway Tracks. A Children who have been coasting down hills on to Uifferent railway Somings ge between the Sd the ou ion, are in great r of being seriously i . A railway em- ployee drew the attention of the Whig to the a fast, on a morning, stat- ing t for t few days chil dren had been Ring > SHAUGHNESSY DENIES - hat C.P.R. Will Purchase Any U.S. 'Railways. From 9 to 6. OF 100 Ladies' and Young Girls Sweater Coats All new and in good styles, made from a fine quality yarn, knitted in even close style. These Coats are ly useful for round the house coats for cold weather. All different makes and col- ors to choose from, ranging in value from $1.50, $2, Cle at $100 Yours pick Tomorrow all day 130 Ladies' 'and Girls' Fancy Knitted Driving and Skating Caps Many different styles and colors, all new this winter. Justa sample Jot ranging in value from 75¢, 90¢, $1.00. You Po EMorow, 50c 100 Boxes White Eiderdown Wool 16 large size full weight skeivs'in each box. This weol is used largely for hoods, scarfs, bed- room slippers; babies' rugs, ete., ete. , Usal Beles; $1.50 box. 3c Box Special o lo-Morrow, No telephone orders accepted or C.0.D. for this lot. 100 Pairs Ladies' White Kid Gloves Winter weight--just the thing for calling and afternoon teas. A particularly good make, usually sold from $1.00 to $1.20. ® 75c Pair Yours To-Morrow From 9 to 11 Only, John Laidlaw & Son Montronl, Dec. 30--8ir Thomas , president of the Can- adios Pacite this afternoon denicd the story thit his road was buying out the Michigan Central, the Pere Marrqitette or any other United Sta- tes roadroad running in Canadian territory. . On the other hand, he said it was intended to double track not only} . {the main line from Montreal to De- troit, but alto saveral braach lines in the coming season, So that the, Canadian Pacific could compete fairly with United States roads. I -------------- The Year and All Things Best. Brussels Buckskin Moccasins 'For Men and Boys Only No. 1 Quality Sold Mews No. 1 quality, size Tto 10a..v........ Ladics"and Boys', Ste6.....0+04....... ........ ...... BAY 0 Girls' NouX quality, 110.2 ivi ion Chien, No Bla. a... ROOT 2 We also sell some especially Bug moccasins for men and ladies at $3.00 and $4.00 a pair. or wrensennnny 3150 tase sss pesans