CR RS SB Tue SANK or TORONTO The Household Exchequer Should take the form of a "joint account" fa The Bank of Toronto. Either of two persons in the household may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is added half-yearly to the balance. A Joint Account in The Bank of Toronto is not only a convenience, but it is 'also an incentive to thrift and the accumulation of a de sirable Bank Balance. I INCORPORATED 1855. she Readers of the Whig. "Cough Tablets" at Gibson's. Organ for sale. Apply Dutton's. No skating at Covered Rink ' to-! night. v AS W. Gray, C.E., and wife are in | the cit: 8 Shey lo for a brief visit. 'Men's $5 gun metal boots; | Pr William Dutton's. "piano tuner. Orders | received at "Phone 564. Thomas P. A of Syracuse, IN. ¥., was in the city on Thursday. Ladies' diamond ring, Libera reward. dressmaking. Terms moderate. A, Keyes, 221 Giles, Calderwood, Union St. Wes, Po ¥ 4 2 od street. ? ! K - - HT SCE AC SEAS. Frandis King and BE. E. Horsey | ~NOTE--Each performance will! A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Trare of Mowry | Inner 8, 0Fs are in Toronto attending a meeting be 'preceded by "The Old Country in the evenings to 61 Unlon St W. Market Square, 3 ' of the Dominion Marine Association. |Pierrots" in a 4i-minute holiday of- , Kingston. George B. McKay CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc a word. Each con- secutive nm thereafter, half cent a werd, Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢.; three insertions, SOc; six, $1; one month, $2. RED cockin SPANIED PUP, ABOUT six months old, with red collar and two small bells on. Suitable - re- ward will be given for its return St. to 41 Lower Bagot St NOVELTIES FOR CHRISTMAS. FRANK W,. Cooke, Phone 5021. 39 Clarence me GOLD BAR PIN SET WITH PINK 'cameo, Monday evening at Palace rink, on lan Road or Montreal street. Finder please return to Whig office and receive reward. PENA, Ji, NEIL, AoRrEn modern bri n_ Kingston a HELP WANTED _ Stuart t Phone HA frobpinn A DINING ROOM Queen's Hotel, Brock 8 APPLY A PROBABLY IN OR BETWEEN PRIN- - wit cess or Brock Sts, sapphire and n for iid A FINE VICTOR VW Tou eholos {welte sel A COOK. APPLY TO MRS, R. 8, WAlL- dron, cor. King and Emily St. oR WALNUT AND 0, the best we ik at. 8, reasonable pric, one 701 A COOK; maid. BIRDS! BIRDS! BIRDS! GUARANTEED each a Beauty song. come I ox before ueen and COMPETENT ALSO A house parlor Apply 119) "It, makes shaving easy" Johu-|fering. Earl St ston's Shaving Cream. Sold at Gib- SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICES ! 230-500-7 3¢-51.00 Godwin, clerk in 'the focal Toronto, has beep transferred to New Dr. Vernon's Cushion Sole boots for men or 'women. Dutton's. - "The Shavers friend," Johnston's Howard S. Folger Gibson's. INVESTMENT BROKER Sidney Warren, of ina, is visit- ing his po Mr. an HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOOKS REAL ESTATE Mrs. W. H. Warren, Brock street. DISTRIOT MANAGER FOR THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUR. A MALE CANARINS for plumage n and hear bird hy buy. W. J, Driver, rie, "Phone 612. Sum-- ONE LARGE AND SMALL COAL hefter, in Sod condition and, Bis. rpet- cleaner (new chea Apply to 72 Earl Street. , p. Manager A YOUNG GIRL WITH REFERENCES as housemaid. Apply in the eve- i foi ON SALE ning at 45 Gore St NEW YEAR'S DAY Matinee at 2.30. Evening 8.15. Channing, Pol Patocks Sis Great rIey of} THE INNER SHRINE 'rom the novel lof the same name by Basil King. Miss Justina Hayne as *"Diasie Eveleth," and the original New York A WOMAN HALF OF DAY TO HELP with house-work, must be a good cook. Apply 250 King St. EXPERIENCED PROOFREADER. State experience and wages ex- ected. Apply Business Manager, he Whig. TEAMSTER. JOHN HUNTER, 22 PATRICK ST, ALL kinds of light and heavy team work done on short notice. Spec- ial rates for driving parties. Phone 12 ONE DOUBLE AND TWO SING § Joomed same houses and 2 LE u ng lots. sy tern Apply 427 Albert street, ¥ Serna, i VS COAL ra Condition: at 008 Phx ie Fo NEW SOLID BRICK HOUSE. O¥ Johnson street, 8 rooms: all mod. ern improvements: good location; easy terms, Apply to A. FP. Bond, 26 Frontenac street, Phone 743. A YOUNG GIRL TO "ASSIST WITH general housework; sleep at home; references required. Apply Mrs, TEACHERS WANTED. G. King, Alice St. TEACHER FOR 8, 8, NO, 2 ABINGER. ir $335. Duties to commence Jan. Sth. Apply to J. Gilmour. Sec., Vennachar,,K Ont. player piano music, at Lindsay's Mu- sic rit 294 Prinvees street, Major and Mrs. Thompson, Kings- | ¥ ton, are the guests of Mr. and'Mrs. L d Robinson, Dominion street, at G'B- $153,00 WEEK AND EXPENSES To travel appointing local represen- tatives. Frank Waterson, Division B., Brantford. Just veceived 150 roles of lastest ANCE SOCIETY. SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED FOR amilton. : "Buy Hot Water Bottles," School No. 1,, Olden, Duties to A MAID AS MOTHER'S ASSISTANT, One sleeping at home preferred. PHONE '995, 44 CLANENCE SL. " Having made arrangements to handle CRAWFORDS COAL the citizens of Kingston will find this a very convenient office through which to place their coal orders. GOOD COAL CAREFUL ATTENTION GEORGE BAWDEN 168 Princess Strect PROMPT DELIVERY Do The Right Thing. Do the right thing at the right time in the right n they were ever done before. things better tha Kingston with Kingston people. You will get better service at hon as much of your FIRE, LIFE, Insurance as you reasonably can with J. 0. HUTTON Real Estate and Insurance Agent Don't 80 outside for your Insurance. way. Do some Do all your business in ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS 18 Market St, Kingston. We Wish to Thank our many friends and patrons for their patronage during the past year. Our sincere desire is that one and all may have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hoag's Drug Store Kingston, Ont. Dominion Fish Co. PHONE 520 Notwithstanding the fact that financial circles have ex- perienced a period of tight money. The year 1913 has been a record one tor this es tablishment, due to the fact that the same high standard of quality has béen maintained | which has made this the lead- ing jewelery house of King- ston for over half a century. ---- ' RODGER FOR SALE With all modern conveniences, deep lot, with barn and close to the busi- ness section, near car line and in a $994 Joaity. Price $4,000 J K K. Carroll, Mgr. || After Holiday Sale| |of Furniture All goods mow veduced in price. A splendid chance to save sunes. Big line of beautiful antique furni- jure, moves, ranges, dic, to choose rom. Alto housdfug goods bug, best son's, Special sale! Women's $3.50 gun metal boots, $2.75, this week. Dut- ton's, H. Cunningham, : piano tuner, 2 King Sireat. | Tears ord bap 4 si Mo Auley's book rived in the oi'ty on Tuesday morn- ing from the Angus chops, Montreal, for the C. P. R. "Rubber Sponges' at Gibson's. Carrie Jacobs Bond's new song "God Remembers When the World Forgets," 36e. Dutton's. W. H. Mackie, of Regina, and Her- bert Ellis, of Chicago, came to King ston on Monday night to spend a few holidays with friends. "English Cough Tablets," at Gib- gon's, Buy the best piano, "Newcombe," "Howard straining rod," give extra strength; less tuning required. Dut- ton. . A shoot for the men of the 14th regindent, with fowl as prizes, will hp held at the armouries on Tuesday night, "English Cough Tablets," at Gib- son's. Constables McCarey and Cotter had a call, on Tuesday afternoon, for a drunken man who was creating a dis- turbance on Rideau street. *1t makes shaving a pl2asure," Johnson's Shaving Crean at tion's New songs, "Little Grey Home iu the West," "A Little Love, A Little! Kiss," 3b. Dutton's. Mrs. J. K. Carroll, nue, entertained the Swastika Club, on Monday evening, to progressive games, and other emjoyable pastimes. Boys' leather mitts, 25¢. Dutton a, University ave Drug Store for drug wants. "The Versa'tiles"" company k which is to play in the Grand Opera House on Tuesday and 'Wednesday evening, arrived in the city on the 9.40 train Tuesday morning. "Rubber Sponges," Gibson's. Great sale trunks and leather suitcases. Buy now and save mon- ey. Dutton's. Stamps to the value of were sold in the city month of December. to have been a record. Bt. George's ca'thedral Sunday school semior department will have fts Christmas tree this evening. The banquet will be a't 6.30 o'clock and the entertainment afterwards. The Kingston Skating Club enjoyed the first ice of the season at the cov- ored rink on Monday night. About fifty were present, tha ice not being very good. Boys' sweaters. 50c. Dutton's. On Tuesday the tug Frontenac tow- ed the steamer Keybell down from the Shipyard wharves to' Crawford's and transferred the steamer Samor from there to the shipyard. '""Buy Sponges," at Gibson's. The 1.O.F. city courts will have a joint installation of officers in their court rooms, Friday evening, open to all Foresters and their friends. Programme and refreshments. "Take no other," for Gripp or Colds. Red Cross Gripp Tablets. Sold only at Gibson's. The black kitten, which the Colle giate Institute team brought as a prize from Tovonto, i® now the pet of a local young lady. She was presented with the "kitty" after the championship game here. el eh $7,500 during the It is reported Lisa. By Charlotte Carson Talcott, Bloom- field. Mona Lize--famed, adored! Thy face a great soul stirred. And so, wherever Art Is known Thy fated name is heard. Thy rapt, tho penetrating eye, With mystic meaning wise, Reveals the depth of Love untold That's born of Paradise. Pressed lips, that hold the inmost From one whom thou would'st love, Smile with content. aye, Deep Thy Like musi¢ from the night Sweeter than murmurous sounds of streams, Soul-swaying in its might. We Have the Very Best. Chestnuts, Cranberries, A fine new prin snow plough hes, Phone 230, Gibson's Red Cross cast 'of Broadway, favorites, A carload of magnificent y Apply in the evening to Mrs. F. J. Pound, 175 Clergy St. every detail, SPECIAL HOEIDAY PRICES. Matinee----20c-35¢c-50e-T5e. Evening=--230-30c-750-8$1.00 Seats Now. on Sale, Bargain Matinee 2.30. The Romantic Western Drama In Three Acts Clever Specialties Introduced PRICES Yat Child, 1 Evening 15-25 SHATS ON SALE THURSDAY and electrical effects, complete in SKTURDAY, JAR 3 " GRL* EAGLE RANCH Se, Adults 25¢ 35-50c, EXPERIENCED GENERAL DERvANT for family of two. Apply at Elm- tree House, corner of Atwington avenue and Union St AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers: no_ canvassing. Send far particulars rr? Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y ATTENTION: PROTESTANT MEN and women of character seeking employment for all or part time sand your qualifications. We can place yon. No charge, Bible House, Drawer B., Brantford. MARRIED COUPLE WITHOUT children to act as superintendent and matron for the Home for ¥riendless and Old Peonle. Apply at once to J. Macdonald, Board of Education. WANTED--GENERAL --BYY- WAGSTAFFES Plum Pudding and Mincemeat New Years' Dinner SOME NEW LINES Xmas Table Delicacies Huntley & Palmer's Fancy English Biscuits Mixed Chocola & Cream Fing- ers, Orlental eams, Petite Beurre, Shorteake, Puft Sand- wich, Reading Shortbread, Popu- lar, Italian Macarcons. Ratafias, Orkney Asst. hortbread. 50 varieties to choose from. Your family grocer can Supply you. Fenwiek, Hendry & Co. At a dinner in Nos. 102 and 124 Vietoria street, between Earl and Johuo- son; nicely decorated, ho; ai furnace; immediate possession.' R. Easton Burns 40 Frontenac Street. PUNS OF FAMOUS MEN. English Writers Who Form of Wit. New York Tribube. + The pun. as a form of wit holds no very high position in the estimation of most writers and bumorists. Nev- ertheless many outstanding figures in the history of English literature have not refrained, on occasions from turning punster. Theodore Hook once bragged that he eould make a pun on any subject. "Well, then," said friend "make oné on the king. "The king is no subject * replied the, wit. similar boast Douglas Jerrold, a fellow ciubman replied: "Can you make a pun on the signs of the Zod- lac?" "By Gemimi. I can sir!" was the donblesbarreled retort. Used This Dr. John Watson, better known as another wag who ulty for punning. mn, Where many literary men were present, he assert- ed that he could make as good a pun as anyone ia the room. The chal- lenge was accepted. Thereupon Dr. Watson assumed 2 serious mien and appeared lost in thought. "Come now, Hall Caine. We are waiting. "Quite so," flashed back the other, "but please don't be in such a hurry, Caine." "Limestone na Cy Waltz," 15¢. non over. member R.CH.A, 3 = to Kingbor Watson," exclaimed iriends. Five views of ro band. un' JUST ARRIVEN«A TINT ASSORT. ment of new sultings to choose from for yond fall suit Call and aaa them, Ashby tha Tallor, the man that suits vou. 74 Rrock St GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Pres«- ing and remairing done on. the shorteat notice, Thomas Oallowsv 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Liv- ery. Flynn, Mounta Fro» 5th sch mau, Mallory 914. begin in January, experients and salary Apply, stating to Robert in Grove, Ont TEACHET™ FOR S, S NO, 18, ESCOTT Duties 10 commence Jan Salary 0. sk Apply 0 Small to Eugene Hager- wn, Ont, MUSIO. tine Cochrane, VIOLIN INSTRUCTION-MISS CHRIS. 78 Gore Bt, King ston. Telephone 136. \ Frontenac BE, t M mann, and action. Telgmann, teac application. _ TELGMANN SCHOOL OF use, street. Vv. dolin, piano, ete. tion and concert engagements on 216 Telg- eacher At Sineution jes Norma and O. F. hers of violit A Terms for tul- PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, blemishes without scar, Dr. Elmer J. Bagot street. WARTS, BIRTH. marks and all growths and skin removed permanently, 27 years experience Lake, Eye, Ear, Noss, Throat and Skin Specialist, 25% hair, dandruff, ectricity treatment massage, in Mrs. Herod, SCALP MASSAGE FOR (new method), manicuring, Up-to-date styles in 'FALLING etc, treated by el- Latest 5: tare chiropod bair wor shampooin graduate masseuse, 159 Wellington Hours 10 to 12 m., and by appointment. St, Phone 1495. am, and 2 to § p. WE WISH 70 INFORM OUR Cvs. tomers and friends that we are now open for business after hav- ing our -place renovated. We are now open to buy new and second: Princess street. Next to St. An. hand furniture. J. Thompson, 833 drew"s church, LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIST- cre and solicitors Law Office. 70 Clarence street, Kingston UPHOLSTERER W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, hair mattress renovating. Drop a cary or call 216 Bagot street. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION The partnership he heretofore existing between the undersigned, doing busi- ness at 208 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont, as merchant tailors, is dissolved. All accounts owing to the firm are 0 be paid forthwith to Wm. Carroll, who will continue the business. Dated at Kingston this 30th day of December, A.D, 19 Wit C ARROLL. W. McMILLAN Records Exchanged All kinds of records, Victor, Col- umbia, Edison Blue Amberol, Edi- son two-minute, Sor exchange. Also phonographs, g nes and graf- onolas for > gw Can and let us ex- plain our plan. LALLEN'S, 113 Brock St. " FINANCIAL ment Society; Money issued debentures; lowed. LIVERPOOL, Fire Insurance assets, security the u city property, old or giving rates from St Agents. FRONTENAC LOAN properties, municipal LONDON $61,187, which the policyholders have for possible rates. AND INVEST. established 1863; vresident, Lt.-Col. Henry R. 8mith. and farm and country on city mortgages purchased; deposits receiv . C. McGill, Clarence Street. ed and interest al- Manager, 27 AND GLOBE Company, Available 215. In adition to nlimited liability insured Before new range of at lowest renewing business get & Strange Phine 325, MEDICAL Office hours, 1 7-9 p.m. Phone DR. J. B. HUTTON, 268 KING FTRERT 1-12 am, 3-5 1251. DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA moved to 268 . LDS, DDS, RE. Princess Street. DR, C. Renton, Street. ©. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B assistant. 'Phone T7356. 133 Princess SPARKS AND 169 Wellin novsky's), Kin 8, DENTISTS. treet, (over Car- gston. 'Phone 34 ist, corner Telephone 62 Ss. n. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S, Princess and DE treet Eoliance on Bagot street OATERING FUR ners, balls and > Shtlery & and lin BANG US rs, Dis wg Tent. gat AD ie Valuable, Property P Sales Known as the tras ol ek © Nos. 78, 80 and 82 Irincess street, one of the best business properties. For full particulars, apply to 0.4 57 Brock St, Kiageton. Phone $67 and 297, © WE CATER 10 Ss 0 es 843 or 17 and ¥- CHOWE FARM, ONE HUNDRED and ninety-five acres, 9 miles from ingston and 1 mile from Glen vale. Has an abundance of choice pine, spruce and cedar and nevers failing water thereon. Well feno- ed. For further information apply John Clark, RM.D. 1, Westbrook. $1600 NEW FRAME HOUSE, ALL IM. 02358 DOUDL ary ULE FRAME HROUSR, ENT PLASTER, IMPROVE. ©! ments, fine locht BATEMAN GAR Riven, INSURS ance, Kioney to Loan. 67 Clarence ingston. . St; I o BOAT FOR SALE. A fine seaworthy hull with or without engine, size 36 ft. by 6 ft. Sterling 40 h.p. en- gine. Will be sold cheaply and stored until spring. Ap- ply to B. N. Steacy. TTT Tee PEP PPP Ee il TO LET HOUSE, 261 » KING ST, APPLY MAJOR ills, Frontenac Hotel T™0 COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms at 144 Barrie Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, FTO, clean and dry. MeCann, " Brook street. orFICR rey 'Aowly Conninguam & . " Chambers. unningham Mudie, 79 ura street. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE; IMMEDIATE possession; rent reasonable. ply Box 1129, Whig office. PRIVATE GARAGE OR STORAGH for auto for the winter: clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock St DWELLINGS AT 830, $16, $17, 84 also offices, stores, etc. McCann's Real Estate Agency, 832 Brock Bt 7-ROOM FRAME ROUSE: 1ST OF DR. cember, B., and C1 nd Stuart street. " JR. law, 248 ELADY - rail STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, LEAR ary airy rooms; dour, own Inck kéy. Frost's ay Storage, 399 Wueen St, Phone 526 0 RENT, OR ON SHARES, Stats and airy farm. ardiner, Iusuranc Money to Loan, §7 Slaronce tere rect Kingston. LARGS AoA BUSINESS CHANCES -- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN ARTY ® nal] order Sutinets at home: &9 sting; De your own boss, a for free bgokiet; lot; tolls how, eacock, 2,969, BUSINESS NOTICES poSeTRE Burin Rates moderst: KINGETON rine "Ro BOARD AND ROOMS ARCHITECT FURNISHED ROOMS also table board. ington St, oppost NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ote. Offices, 238 Bagot Bt. Phone $08, ar a linens and Ry amafsvs eT) street 303. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER- chants' Bank Nuilding, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop a card, , For Small Furnaces USE