Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1913, p. 5

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PICTURES ALL OUR BEAUTIFUL AND ARTISTIC ART CALENDARS Yor the deputy reeveship, spoke HELD AT CATARAQUI ON MON- jor 3 DAY AFTERNOON Pm---- ' Byron Gordon and Joseph Hawkey, Candidates Yor Reeveship, Meet On the Pilatform--The Former Denies Statements Made About Him. A very lively time oud at the Auination meeting for the township of Kingston, held at Cataraqui, on Monday afternoon. While one: of the speakers was busily engaged in pre: jeouncil the people this year would be called upon to with some. very impor- tant matters, and for that reason he would ask that the voters eondides carefully whom . they put in alice. Amor the matita te Were he power supply A ie which would likely be brought from King- ston Mills, increased township grants to the schools, and the removal of market tolls in the city. The other candidates who: addressed We Have 2 Complete Sack of Al kinds of ¢ H ALF. p RICE | Ao the Calendars will be. found. the new 1914 issues b R. L. Stevenson, Henry VanDyke, Harsieon. er, Phillips, and Cole, and the new senting certain matters before the large audience, two men in the audi got into a "scrap." The cry of "Fight 1 Fight 1" put an end to the address for a few minutes until the . ; : : ; Winter Goods iiloy actad ab charm vors. made HOCKEY BOOTS, SLIPPERS, OVERGAITERS, MOCCASINS, t" Calendar. santiful New Year's gifts, and Yo at halt own sah parties were separated There promises to be one of the hardest fought elections ever held in { the township of Kingston on Monday at, Byron Gordon, of Glenvale, was has been reeve for the past two years, special reference to the attitude of the City Council en the market toll question. A. E. Weller, who is very anxious that the | tolls; Yo removed, stated that he yet to find a man market, TRAVELLING SLIPPERS, OVERSHOES, FELT DRIVING BOOTS, RUBBERS, CURLERS' BOOTS. who is not in favor of & free The market gardeners. it appears, are anxious that if the market is to be made free, a certain portion be set aside for them. They claim that as they are regular attendants at the market place, they should be given a little better "show" than Persons who only come once or twice a i. Weller stated that he believed the only way to get wid of the dog nuisance in the township would be to substitute cats. For some time, the council has been called upon to settle many bills for sheep which have been killed by the dogs. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS In the Various s Townships of This District. is again an aspifant for the position. Joseph Hawkey, the deputy-reeve, is also a cal udidate. Dr. J. W, Edwards, who was also ad asked that his name be removed from. the list. There are in the field for the deputy-reeveship--A. E. Weller, John Clyde, Benson Coul- "UGLO W'S Shoe Repairing Shoe Repairing ABERNETHY'S er. In the field for councillors are H. S Mclver, E. H. Stover, John McKeever, Wiliam McAdoo, Benjamin ial, William Pillar, John Clyde, J F. Sproule, Robert Polk, J. A. Rid and Benson Coulter. Thos Lambert Moor of Mens" Colig : 'A Bargain We have in stock a few ready to wear overcoats, models from the House of Hobberlin, The overeoats are Noro Ae2.00 and $26.50. We offer them at $16.00 and "Ie : : ad 1 Pittsburg urg Township, Thomas Lambert Fof recvo-W. J, ne (elocted Several other Xmas Chocolates! Big assortment in fancy boxes of chocol- ates. : Prices 25¢. to $3.00. SAKELL'S "Attractive Styles Fine Furs by acclamation), 167 _ Princess Street Henderson, seconded by N Lean For eouncillors--Nathaniel H. Mac- Lean, John Walter Spence, John Me- Master, Thomas McNeely, James Shortall, Garden Island. For reeve--Hiram A.' Calvin (accla- mation). For councillors (acclamation}--San- ford C, Calvin, Joseph Sauve, J. B. Verrier and Thomas Compeau. Portland Township. For reeve--J. E. Freeman, James | A McKeever, L. H. Ruttan. BYRON GORDON. . men were nominated, but they decided | to withdraw, From the time that the nominations opened, at twelve o'clock, things were | For councillors--T. H. Watson, Levi Storms, S. Irish, W. Reid, Zara Rey- nolds, B. Revelle, o, James McKeever. Loughboro oro Township. For reeve--Charles ruscobt, Edward Sills, James Graham, LR, Martin, J. W. Trousdale. For councillors--Henry Knight, Ed- ward Harker, J. F. Me William Ennis, David Walker, H., B , Woodruff. We show the popular styles and are offering exceptional values. This is where you will find bargains hot to be found at any other store. Bargains in Muskrat Coats, Fur Lined Coats, Men's Coonskin Coats, Muffs, Neckpieces, all styles, in all kinds of fur, ete. Next to Opera House The Festive Board During the - holiday sea- son have an extension table which will seat the family reunion. |A COSY ROOM requires .a suitable light, We Have all kinds and colors of glass globes for inverted gas lights with fringe and plain, from 16e up. Will soon be here. "¥¥ wy, #5 We are prepared for i ww -weARE YOU 9 -- ET Gas Fix- Gas very busy in the village hall. It was) four o'clock before the speeches wery he -- Also Gas Domes, old To P. Reflex Yor reeve--J. Bi Carseallen, J. Ed- ward Harrison. + James Sa Campbell Bros. Designers and Makers of Fine tures, Inverted lights; in df n_ Gordon, the present reeve of I-want-u Gas Irons, Pe Son told of "expendifures dur- Bee our. selection of wi i, OVERCOATINGS "CADILLAC" 5 Passenger Touring Car FOR SALE - "Phi car is in perfect condition, and can De purchased * heap for quick sale. | CRAWFORD & WALSH] he the past year. The printing amounted to $423.86; charities, $107.- 65; of this sum $50 was given to Mrs. Reynor at the Grand Trunk lower de: pot, whose husband was killed; sal aries, $1,309; legal advice, $23; drain: age, $504.53; Board of Health; $158. 85; gheep killed by dogs, $135.59; crusher account, $3,013.14; bonus on wire fence, 8, 163.57; roads and bridges, $2,047.42, Mr. Gordon took occasion to vontras dict weveral ramors, which had gone the rounds of the township. One of the yumors was to the effect that the For councillors--J. B. mater, John Morrison, " Allan King, W. B. Richardson, George Black; John Sullj van, George Henry Young, John Sowa, Robert King, Albert E. Mil: igan. Wolfe Island Acclamation. After the nominations, Grant Grim- shaw retired, and Dr. William Spankio was, therefore, re-elected reeve by ac- clamation. Storrington Township. ; For reeve--C, W. Sleeth, John Tay- or. For councillors--John Balls, F. S. _| thousand feet of film shown JOSEPH HAWKEY, committee, which had c of pur- ng the stone crusher, receiv. ed drake ofi" of £200 from the Climax company, He was credited with receiving one-third of that amount, He said that he had never {devoted Ferguson, James Dixon, W. E. Han- ley, A. McFadden, James Shepherd, Benjamin Kells, Adam Ritchie. FOR SCHOOL DECORATION Moving Picture Shows Held To Raise Funds. There appears to be more than one way. of raising momey to be towards decorating = the walls of a schoolropm. One of these novel methods. which is being em- ployed, takes the form of moving pictures, which are being shown in the King Edw theatre on Mon day, Tuesday, and Wednesday morn- ings. of this week. The proprietor of the King Edward gladly consent- ed to allow those in charge of the affair to have the use of that theatre free during the mornings of the above mentioned days. Good-sized crowds attended on Monday and Tuesday morning. There was four por- traying "The Pied Piper of Hame- = 1lin," "Babes in the Woods," "Red Riding Hood," and some excellent films showing "Bird Life," '"Hedge- hog," in their matural habits. The pictures are also shown of the ha- tives making pottery in Borneo and the different methods employed by them in burning and other ways of decorating it. The closing. film shows the beautiful scenery sur rounding "Monte Carlo" with its walks, ete. This latter | picture is beautifully colored as well PLETE seid i as the one entitled "The Babes in the Woods." The object of putting on this at- traction is to ale funds for decor- purposes in Cataraqui, Syden- Sion Louise and Rideau schools, Island Ferry Trip. Nolfo; Islander made a to the foot of Wolfe , to give ew, So day. Owing which hung over the river, it oat" great battle, which Furs, isles AT THE GRAND The English Musical Comedy Com- pany; To-night. F. Stuart-Whyte's all-star, English musical comedy company, the *"Versa- tiles," will be the offering at the Grand for two nights, commencing Tuesday. This sterling 2ggregation of London comedians and comediennes bears the enviable reputation of being the foremost organization of its kind ever brought to Canada. The person- nel of the company includes twelve singing principals, and as there area score of song numbers in each of their offerings, the term, musical comedy, may be used advisedly The opening bill which, will be pre sented to-night; Js entitled "The Ca- nadian Express," and was written by F. Stuart-Whyte after a trip on one of the principal transcontinental lines be tween Halifax and Vancouver. All of the familiar characters to be found in a railway coach have been woven into the story. "The Inner Shrine" New Year's Day. The cast which will interpret "The Inner Shrine," dramatized by Chan- ning Pollock from the novel of the same name, and comes Kingston for New Year's, matinee and night, will be the same that will present this striking play at the Park Theatre, Boston, where it is booked for the next thos months. Each plaver was specially engaged to fit the characters meed in the novel. Heading the winsome Justina Wayne, an actress of wide experience, who interprets the role of Diane Eve leth, Basil King's heroine. That hand- and ic actor, Albert Andruss, was chosen for the part of Derek Prayn, the ardent lover and the hero of the . That sterling act- or, William Phillips, has been cast for the part of the Marquis de Bienville, and Marion Grimston, his fiancee, has been alloted to that young American beauty, Senora Zola Telmzart. This young woman was the heroine of the ly juene the sivy oi Mexico, place the early summer. Basil King, the author of the book, was at that time in Mad, Spain, and hearing of the heroism of 'this oung behuty, he immediately eabled an offer to create the adventures role in this intensely intercsting play. Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost, Brock street, has , received all his fall and winter importations for his order - departineny; great variety tterns ; from; alo his ae ts' furnishings and ready-made was never bettef Back From Pennsylvania. R. J. LaRush, a graduate of science 12, oi Qucew's, is spending a few daya 3b his hatue 85 Beverly street. After employed for eighteen months rical engineer in the coal fields of Sputhern Pennsylvania, RPE ry . ad Crone Gripp ~ Tab Sod wi mts ies ii a ro Six and eight feet exten- sion tables, pedestal bases. Drawing room setts, con- sisting of 5 small chairs and one arm chair. Reid Quality. Reid Low Price JAMES REID'S The Leading Undertaker DESIRE A JOINT FAIR Pittsburg Would Like To Unite With Kingston Township. After the nominations in Pittsburg, on Monday, special meeting was held, at which! W. Murray presided. The object of the meeting was to con- sider the uniting of ths townships of Kingston and Pittsburg, so that the two might hold one large fair, in- stead of two small ones. 'A deputa- tion was appoinjed to meet the direc- tors of Kingston Township Fair Asso- clation, with a view of "arranging a joint association. The following mem- bers were named, with power to act: Reeve W. J, Franklin, J. V. Stuart, D. D. Rogers, J. A. Wilmot, J. Green- lee, J. Henderson, G. Maitland, M. Shortall and A. Germaine. = * B THE BANK] OF CANADA EAD OFFicy TORONTO " STANDARD in the savings at of an Bask an ses $3.75. Come In And See. DAVID HALL 66 BROCK ST. Phone 3385 or 836. ag STOvLs AND RANGES. We have a large stock of Stoves and Ranges, also new and secord-hand fur« niture, carpets and quilts. Come and see me if you want to save money 08 all kinds of household goods. ', SUGARMAN, 242 Ontario Street. Opposite Craig's Wholesale. New Cartage Schedule. The cartage of freight from the G.T. R. freight sheds, Kingston, will, after January lst, be three cents: per 100 lbs. The minimum rate in all cases is twonty cents. A fcature of interest to the shippers is the addition to the list of exceptions to the flat tariff, of the following freight : Baskets, empty packages, furniture (excepting brass and iron bedsteads). At Ottawa it is feared a police patrol perished in the wilds of the north while in pursuit of a fugitive from justice. In Toronto there is a mysterious disappearance of two young girls, while on their way to work, ECURITY for bath principal aed et et cf erratic ones form of investment. w KINGSTON BRANCH, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 al Authorized . ital Paid Up Funds § 26,000,000 11,660,000 13,000,000 $25 Branches Throaghout Canada. Savings Department at all Branches. LONDON, ENG., OFFICE NEW YORK AGENCY -- Cor. William and Cedar Sa.

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