Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Dec 1913, p. 2

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35 : 2 ot wa . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, 'TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. TARY LIFE ON THE 318T He Received His Commission Inj 1881--The Colonel Has Rendered Many Years of Valuable Services.) lieut. Col. James Massie, who, on Wednesday, retires from active mili tary life, has had a' creditable rec RETIRES FROM - ACTUAL r | WHEN HELD ON A CHARGE OF STEALING MONEY | Evan Schilogan Detained By Police In Connection With Robbery At Bulgarians' Boarding House On Ontario Street. The case of the 'theft of $70 from one of the Bulgarians, boarding in} Books for New Year's Gifts Latest Fiction At Special Prices For One Day Only S Threads of Grey and Gold, by Myrtle Reed, reg. $1.40, special $1.10. T. Tembaron, by Francis Hodgson Burnett, reg. $1.35, special $1.10. V. V.'s Eyes, by author of Queed, reg. $1.35, special $1.10. Hagar, by Mary Johnson, reg. $1.50, special $1.10. ord of considerably over thirty years'| the old Brunswick hotel, on Ontario! service, by far the larger portion of street, has not ye't been disposed of, which has been as a veterinary offi-'althougi there has been three police' cer with the permanent force. He court ns over It. 5 retires at the same time as Lieut; M Schro is the man who was Col. W. B. Hall, of Toronto, the two robbed of the money, and when the 33% Discount on all man-~ ufactured Furs 110HN McKAY Limited "149-157 Brock St |Linoleums Our new rugs, Scotch and English Linoleums are arriving every day from the best manufac- i turers. ] new patterns for the coming spring of 1914. {R. MeFAUL These are the "ln the matter of a home Jou work for a landlord or actly BFL BBO ol ome bare you work | | | ARE GLASSES NECESSARY ? Then a pair of glasses would be a most useful present. We make a specialty of glasses and will make the ex- amination at any time. New oxford library glasses in tortoiseshell and longnettes. 1. S. Asselstine D. 0. §. |__FEvesight Specialist. 1 FLOUR Our Robin Hood bramd of flour bas a guarantee in every bag for good quality. ANDREW MACLEAN Ontario Street. Stock Taking Week We'd sooner have money being the senior veterinary officers Canade. As yet there has been n appointed as principal 'medi fficer of this division, which posit! Col. Massie has held for wome It was In May, 1881, that Col. Massie received his commission and started with the rank of Heutenant as veterinary officer of the 4th Hus- |sars. Previous to that he had serv- ed in the 14th and 47th regiments. In 1887 he was transferred to the manent service dates back for five or 8ix- years prior to this, for he did duty here 'with the permanent force during that time. When he joined, "B"" battery was but an infant to what it is now from a mounted point of view. It was partially garrison artillery. There were but horses and two guns with the battery then, whereas at the present time 'this battery alone. « Col. Mdssie has been second ac cording to seniority since the Can- ada Army Veterinary torps was or- ganimed abeut two years ago, but has been P. M. O. of the district, and now the thind division, since that position was established. As is generally known Col. Massie was born in Kingston, and earlier in life followed the chemical and drug busi- ness. For a few years he resided at Smith's Falls. In 1895 he attended a four months' course of instruction at Aldershot, England, and before returning to Canada was for two weeks at the British war office. He saw active service in South Africa during the Boer war, going out with the artillery and mounted rifles with the second contingent. While there he gathered wide ex- perience, being attached to three columns, and senior veterinary offi- cer of each. On special service he was at Kimberley for a period, and went as an inspecting officer up as far as Mafeking. [At is with an appreciation of years of valuable mwervice that the militia department and his frends see Col. Massie retire, and express the hope that he will continue to enjoy year: of health and happiness. HAVE ONLY COMMENCED To Po Work Necessary On the County Roads. "We have only commenced to do She the the tion in . service on Christmas day. He stated . there were but plaining about the great amount money being spent on the highways of the county. . | "It has cost a lot of money to do Ho SAE fa ami it will, vest lot more mecessary highways are to be made," said Mr. Fair, also f stated that he did not believe the township of Ringston was receivin, ugh the Deoviae government. for ing up the high ways. As the roads in the township of Kingston are travelled by many of | the residents of the other townships, it seems nothing but right that the government should increase the grant. W. Y. Mills, Chief Gripman. William Y. Mills, chief gripman of the Knights of the Grip, who pre- sided at the annual banquet Monday evening, has been a commercial tra- veller for the past eight years. He was connected with a large Montreal came a firm member in. the well of ge nually calls on the trade in all tha best centres between Toronto and a -------------- Tuesday's Market. The market on Tuceday was well at- i and many of the farmers brought large' quantities of poultry. Turkeys sold as high as 2lc. a pound. | Defra the Basket, dosed Svera fing urkeys went. as low as 17¢. a pound. Geese ooh from $1.40 to $1.75 each,'a from 90c. to $1 each. Eggs sold for 35c. a dozen, and for 28c. and 30c. 16c. and 17c. a e nad, ton for 16jc. a pou Wi Wolfe Island Wedding. Royal Canadian artitlery, but his per: | sixteen | the horses number about ninety | . Compton took . occasion to wholesale firm for five years and be- selling their hats and furs, he an- J and pe i} theft was first reported, Evan Schil- ogan was placed under arrest. He denied the charge, and implicated an- other Bulgarian, Peter Perperup. The Ixtter was ar in the police court, on Tuesday morning, pleaded 'not guilty" and after the hearing, Magistrate Farrell dismis- sed the charges against him, bu't or- derd that-Schilogan be held. Schilogan cried like a baby when he was put in the cells and continu- | ed crying for some time. "1 wish I could 'tell youn," said Samuel Cole to the Migistrate, when he was asked as to where he secured the liquor. Bumvel, who has been before the court many trm- es, is on the "'prohibited list" and thus he was questioned by the mag- israte. : "I guess 1 was drunk all right," 'said le, "but I simply can't tell you where 1 got the lguor." "I remember meeting a man on the street. This man asked me if 1 would save a man's life: I said that I would try, but that I was not a doctor. I gave this man ten cents to get me some beer." ' At this stage the magistrate did not stop to listen to the rest of Cole's tale, but ordered that he be put away. He will be given another chance to disclose where he secured his liguor. Another adjournment for a week was made in the case of the local merchant, who is chanced with having a sign in front of his place of business whch does not comply with the by-law. AN ACTION FOR DAMAGES 1 Entered By Family of the Lats Melville McKane. An action has been entered in the hich court by the family of the late Melville MoKane against the King- ston Shipbuilding company. The de- ceased young iman received burns at the yards of the company some months ago which resulted in his death in the general hospital. He had bean working in ome of the shops when his clothes took fire. When the accident occurred he ran and (jumped off the wharf in the water, i which action saved him from a quick- "er death. Censured His Congregation. ! On Sunday moming Rev. 8; J. M. in the spirit: of censure to his congrega- St. Andrew's church. He found fault with the members of his flock for the small attendance. at a handful present. They seemed to find time to thank their friends for gifte but apparent- lv not to come to church to thank God for the greatest gift to the ie $1.50 corset, $1.00. Good corset, 4 hose supporters, 50¢c. Dutton's. "Johnston's Shaving Cream," Gibson's. at Kingston's Famous Fur Store FINE FURS ~~ We always like to talk about the and | 160-162 Princess St. Wednesday shoppers. SILKS DRESS GOODS LININGS FLANNELETTES PRINTS GINGHAMS WHITE COTTONS SHEETINGS TABLE LINENS TOWELLINGS GREY COTTONS SATEENS . CRETONNES Clearing Up Of Remnants We find ourselves with a big pile of Remnants that were accumulated during the busy season, and will place the lot on the bargain counter ready for CURTAIN MUSLINS, Etc., Etc. NEWMAN "THE ALWAYS MAJOR W. H. MACNEE WAS PRESENTED WITH A GOLD WRIST WATCH By, the Officers of the 14th Regiment --He Has Retired As Quantermas- ter After Years of Service. qtiality Jot Montreal. i | | [| i ] our Furs. It's true that ® quality makes the price but "It pays to pay for quality," and you can rest assured that lower prices than ours means A quiet wedding was celeb.-'-d |} ¢ morning at Wolfe 1s-:§| lower quality. 'Here are a few leaders that are unsurpassed. we believe by any retall or wholesale house in all Canada. Long Hudson Seal Coats, $125.00. : $75.00. Long Muskrat, Coats, $50.00, -- Muskrat lined Coats, By all means look around | and compare prices, but don't overlook the quality. WATDCH OUR WINDOWS bory and theft. Major W. H. Macnee, who has re tined as quarter-master of the 14th regiment, was on Monday ovening presented with a splendid gold wrist watch, suitably engraved, by his brother officers. The presentation took place ab a meeting of the offi- cers, at the armouries.. Capt. P. G. C, Campbell tendered the gift with i} an appropriate speech in acknowledg- ment of the retiring officer's twenty yours' service in 'the interests of the rifle corps. Major Macnee made a roply expressive of his gratitude. To Lieut.-Col. Cunningham and all the commanding officers under whom he has served, as well as all he has as- sociated with, the major returned thanks. Of the new C. O., Major H. J. Dawson, he spoke in the highest terms, At the meeting it was decided to adopt the , schedule for the o league of the Belle- ville, Brockville, the 14th and per- manent Kingston force. The first game of the rifle officers is in Belle- ville on Jan. 12th. " The question of providing recognition for the membes team, which won men ip was discussed, and it to present watch fobs BE Busine has prepared a for intercompany team gal some the | schedule lery rifle shooting, Taken To the "Pen." Wallace Watson. colored,' brought down to Kingston, frem Sandwich, on Monday night, and was taken to the penitentiary. He was sentenced to two years for rob- was -- | "Rea Cross Gripp an Cold Tab- } lots" work like magic. Sold only at 0 haun's. tid pian wie, oe. 2 nis The balance of our stock of Ladies' and Misses' Winter Coats to be cleared at a big cut in price. EFT aa ERE * & SHAW a ATR BUSY STORE." Cannel Coal ' produces The Best and Brightest Fire in Open Grates. Promotes a real warmth- giving glow. which lasts. S. ANGLIN & CO Coal and Lumber Merchants, Bay and Wellington St. Every person should have some kind of outdoor exercise, either snowshoe. ing, obogganing. skating. We have al the necessaries. Snowshoes from $2.50 to $3.50 Toboggans from $3.00 to $4.50. Skates, 50c to $5.00. Every skate guaranteed against plat- ing and b ng! an stened to boots free. a ® W. A 55 PRINCESS 97, hell Peg O' My Heart, by Hartley Manners, reg. $1.25, special $1.10. Otherwise Phyllis, by Meredith Nicholson, reg. $1.35, special $1.10. ('alendars at half price from 5c to $1.50. : New Year's Cards, Booklets and Post Cards. The College Book Store Phone. 919 INSERTED . To convey the best wishes of this firm to one and all, at this sea- son, and to extend also a hearty wish for a Bright and Prosperous New Year, Smith Bros. 'Jewelers and Opticians. { Issuers of Marriage Licenses. N FUR SALE 20 pe. discount off all furs. W. F. Gourdier 78 Brock Street Good Homes Cheap A double brick dwelling on Brock sireet above Division, each s'de con- taining 9 rooms, rand a deep lot, "$3,600 each A new detachod solid brick' dwell. ing on Frontenac street, eight rooms, furnace, gas and electric light for $4,100 Houses to rent. Fire. Insurance. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate Bought and Sold. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 539 and 1456 Is ready for bis Christmas dinner. Fur coat and boots are discarded. He PREFERS Dress suit, White Vest, and immaculate linen? Immacul- ate linen means faultless laun- dering-- OUR LAUNDRING Of course. How about your Christmas linen? Way not fgilow Santa's good example? Kingston Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts, Phone 22,

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