At the request of several hundred electors of all classes, and irrespec- tive of politics, 1 have decided to of- ¢ date for Mayok to accom all a Merry Christ y New Year. W. J. FAIR. To the Electors of _ CATARAQUI WARD year ahdermanic (erm, and respectfully solicit your votes an influence, J. M. HUGHES. Adak To_the Electors of ~ VICTORIA WARD As a life-long resident of Victoria | Dec Ward I respectfully solicit your votes and 'influence to elect me alderman for 1914, If elected 1 shall work for your best interests and the city gens ~ H NEWMAN pit ds. the result of the waiting upon me of a strong deputation of work. ingmen, I have decided to 'offer my. self as an aldermanic candidate in Victoria ward. If elected I shall al- act in the best interests of the and of the waxd in gen. Yours sincerely, MARSHALL P. REID. "Rideau Ward To the Electors: Acceding to the request of many ratepayers of Rideau Ward, I am again » candidate for alderman. 1 trust tht my service in the past has commended itself to you, and I wonld ask a continuance of your coufidence. Cay D. COUPER. | tion in regard to co-operative socie *| ties. Will Shut Off as Much Discussion of Its Measures Possible. Ottawa, Dec. 29.--A short session with as little disqussion as possilfie is the programme of the government for the approaching meeting of par- liament. With the opening fixed for Jan. 15th Premier Borden and his colleagues are counting upon pro- rogation by the end of May or the beginning of June. Four months and a half of sitting are all that are w tal In this téme the government pro- poses to put through estimates of a quarter of a billion dollars, to pass a naval aid 'bill, fo = discuss the high coat of living and perscribe a ion for it, while at the same time to pass some millions of rail- way subsidies. The closure rule Will be applied with the utmost severity. It is not proposed to.allow the op- position a single inch of leeway. LEAPED TO DEATH, Chicago, Dec. 29.---Nervous hysteria, caused by hard work, deranged the mind of Mabel Cullin, a prominent ac- tress today, and she leaped to death from the fifth floor of the Revere hotel, in view of throngs on the street. CREP Pred Ghd bbbbpr dd | | STOCK MARKETS. PF. B, McOnrdy & Co. 86 and 81 Brock StH. W. Nelles, Manager Closing Prices, Dec. 29th. -- 4 Montreal. Cement pid. ... 91 . & O. coreg Toronto Railway Brazilian Shawinigan Macdonald .. Dominion St Twin City Bell Telephone = Ottawa Light, Heat and Power... Coppers . . Smelters American Can. ........, New Haven Railway Southern Pacific . wesaisene ed MONK AT CAPITAL Will Oppose Borden Naval Bill Ir t Re-introduced, Ottawa, Deo. 29.--Hon. F. D. Monk, ex-minister of public works, came to the capital, Saturday, from. Mon , and engaged rooms at the Chateau Laurier for the coming ses- sion of parliament. This ia the first time Mr. Monk has been in the capi- tal since his retirement from the government in November of last vear because of disagreement with Pre- mier Borden on the latter's naval policy of contribution. Mr. Monk has not changed his views on the naval question, and if Premier again attempts reintroduce the bill of last session, even in modified form, his ex-col- league will oppose it in the ' com- mons. In other matters of govern- ment policy, however, Mr. Monk ex- presses himself as ing in entire agord with the ministry. His health is considerably better than it was a year ago, and he expects to tame an active part in the proceedings of the i session. He is comping o especially interested in contemplated legisla: May Cause Paralysis. : vongression- | al investigation into M tdeporta- i | tion, were _-- to hovers ideporta. 1! to- . | 1s connection with the demand for tion into the Tag into the back a investig 5 Lieut.-Gov, ¢ fired a bill "back of Moyer bu American to | ir oA # ~~ A VIEW OF CANES, CAPITAL OF CRETF, ih a few days ago became a possession of Greece, King Constantine himself raised the Island of Crete, Greek flag over the capital. HIS 800D-BYE TO "JIMMIE." The Message Capt. Robert Scott Left For His Pal. The closest friend of Capt. Robert Scott, the English explorer, who with three companions met death "like English gentlemen," last February while on the return trip from a polar expedition was J. M. Barrie, the author and playwright. Peter Scott, only son of the dead hero, is Barrie's godson and gets his first aD." Seott and Barrie, both. quiet, retiring men and inveterate pipe smokers, were kindred souls for years and were constantly together in and about London. One of the last messages found beside the cap- tain's 'body in his tomb of ice was directed to "Jimmie" Barrie. Writ ten in lead pencil, and toward the end going off into almost indecipher- able scratches, it closes with the abruptness of a thing written by a dying hand. A more poignant fare- well one cannot conceive following: "We are pegging out. in a very comfortless spot. Hoping this letter may be found and sent to you, I write a word of farewell. | want you to help my widow and my boy--- your godson. We are showing that Englishmen can still die with a bold spirit, dghting it out to the end. It will be known that we have accom- plished our object in reaching the pole, and that we have done every- thing possible, even to sacrificing ourselves, in order to save sick com- panions. I think that the country ought to help those who are left be- 4ind to mourn us. Good-bye. I am not at all afraid of the end, but sad to miss many a humble pleasure which 1 had planned for the future on qur long marches. 1 may not have proved a great explorer, but we have done the greatest march ever made and come very near to great success. Good-bye, my deat friend. "We are very near the end, bul have not and will not lose our good che¥r, We have had Your days of storm in our tent and nowhere"s food or fuel. We did intend to fin- ish ourselves when things proved like this, but we have decided to die naturally in the track. As a dying man, my dear friend, be good to my wife and child. Give the boy a chance in life if the state won't de it. 'He ought to have good stuff in him. * * * I never met a man in my life whom I admired and loved more than you, but [ never could show you how much your friendship meant to. me, for you had much te give and I nothing." Fat from the playwright's "Peter i | i than the __ probably the first Dublin strikd THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SHC Stage Superstitions. The ill-fortune which has led fotr- the second time to the peremptory closing of the London Opera House will go far to substantiate the super: stitions of stage folk. Actors have their own peculiar code of fancies, You must not whistle in the dress. ing room, under penalty of being thrust out (whatever your desha: bille) to turn round threé times in the passage before regaining admit. tance. For to whistle is to invite bad luck for "the show." Again in rehearsal the tag, or final words of the play must never be uttered. And you must not open an umbrella on the stage. Many other things are regarded as ominous in stageland, sa can you wonder that Maiden lane shook its head when the London Opera House was opened on Nov, 13, 1911? There was confirmation when Mr. Hammerstein closed it on the thirteenth of a month--July 13, 1913. First Dublin Strike. occurred about 100 years ago, when the piers of Kingstown harbor were being constructed. The material was raised in the granite quarries at Killiney, close by, and "coasted" down a tramway. Major Sirr, whe played a notorious part in Dublin during the insurrection of 1798, was walking up the tramway when he héard a discharge of artillery. He turned round just as a loaded wagon was started, and being right in the way would have beef killed but for the promptness of the brakeman, When the news reached the quarries there' was an instant strike. The workmen insisted on the dismissal of the brakeman on the ground that "it was none of his business to save the major's life."--London Daily Chronicle. To Stop Violence. The Bengal Government has an- nounced that in view of the continu- ance of political and other dacoity in India, gun licences will be freely is- sued to mercharts and other men of good standing in the rural districts, on condition that they employ pen- sioned sepoys as armed watchmen. There has been an increase in the number of murders in Bengal, the in- spector-general reports; anc he men- tions that in many cases the crime is committed on the slightest provoca- tion. The following instance is giv- en: A man threatened that he would disinherit his son-in-law, who there- upon hired someone to murder him. ! Ten rupees ($3.75) was the price asked and given, AND BLIND ALLEYS. that hor-ribile Taw must be demented. He dosn't pay figure standing in his path.' Be ont of bis numd. He doesn't thas closes the road he's ig N IRISH GHOST STORIES. House Built on Fairy Path All Broken To Pieces. A Dublin correspondent sends an extraordinary dispatch in regard to a collection of ghost stories which the Rev. St. John D. Seymour, rector of Cappawhite, County Tipperary, has received. He is writing a book on psychical phenomena and advertised for records of "experiences." The re- plies he received were more numerous than he had ever, even in his most hopetul moments, ted. 'I have received," he said, "more ghost stories than I could get into a 'single book." He went on to relate a specimen "fairy" story which he obtained from a man at Port Arling- ton, Queen's County: : "A man near here saved $2,500 and built himself a. house on a fairy { path. During his first night in the | house all the furniture--chairs, beds and crockery--moved as if on wires, and after an bour everything was hroken, and the man himself was ser- iously hurt. Having spent his life's savings on the hous, he determined to live in it. When he recovered from his injuries he 'again went to live in the house. He had a similar experi- ence, and finally he had to leave." A justice of the peace, G. H, Mil- ler; of Edgeworthstown, County Longford, related the following ex- . | perience: 3 DEFENCES SHOCK CAUSES DUMB TO SPEAK Remarkable Cases of People Dumb for Years, Speaking. The recent case of a youn3 woman in Englcnd, who, after beiug deaf and dumb for 21 years, is slowly recover- ing both hearing and speech -- the shock of the tragic end of her bro- ther, who drowned himself in the Stour, being regarded as responsible for the miraculous example of shock succeeding where ¢ )ctors have fail» recalls similar instances. Some time ago the narrow escape of a boy from drowning off North Shields fish quay had a remarkable sequel. While efforts were being made 'to restore the apparently drowned boy to consciousness by means of artificial respiration, a man whe had been deprived of speech two years earlier as the result of an acéi- dent. pushed through the crowd mere- ly out of curiosity. As soon as he saw the prostrate boy, although not In any way related to him, the sight gave him such a shock that his speech suddenly returned, and he fell to the ground in a state of collapse. Upon recovering he continued to speak freely, and has suffered no further im- pediment since. It is. not many years since a re- markable case of dumbness excited great interest in medical circles in Germany. Twelve months earlier a Bavarian cattle dealer had been kick- ed by a horse, wiih the result that he completely lost the use of his voice. A year later he wa: riding a doomed horse to the knacker's yard, when the animal, who cle~rly had plenty of life in him, began to kick and plunge in a dangerous manner. The man, we are told, lost hic head completely in wild excitement, and sfter a few min- utes began to talk, completely re- gaining his speech to the boundless astonishment of his friends. Trapping the Gossip. Mrs. Pankhurst was -compliment- ed by a reporter one day on the way she subdues hecklers. "We suffragists," said Mrs. Pank- hurst, good-humoredly, "have wide experience with hecklers. At one time they upset me, but now I rather enjoy their foolish questions. If they are too persistent, though-- that is different. A noisy audience is very , disagreeable to a public speaker." Mrs. Pankhurst, smiling, contin- ued: "I can sympathize with the minister who was greatly disturbed by a certain set of women in his congregation who persistently gos- siped in a loud tone during service. "One Sunday morning he executed a plan which he had devised to stop this annoyance. At a given signal the choir stopped abruptly on a cer- tain word in the middle of a hymn. "Then one of the gossips, unable to check herself, was heard all over the church to say: " '1 always fry mine in lard.' '"'As we pow know, announced the minister, 'that she always fries hers in lard, we will proceed with sin in ----t---------- . Fears British Decades Ye. Sir James Crichton-Browne, In speaking recently at the annual meeting of the National League for Physical Education and Improve- ment in London, urged the import- ance of grappling with 'the greatest catastrophe that could befall the world--the decadence and deteriora- tion of the British race." He asserted that in the large public schools of Britain to-day it would be impossible to fin. ten absolutely sound children. From the reports of medical officers it seemed as if al- most every child had some flaw or blemish that interfered with his edu- cation or must mar more or less his prospect in life. i. e¢- might look in vain, be added, for child-stuff out of which to build a Venus de Medici or the Apollo Belvedere. Green Sunsets In England. Green sunsets seen by the Rus- an explorers in the newly discov- el polar land have been matched iy England. Throughout November d December of 1883 the intensity and afterglows were of wonderful Intensity dnd varied colors. At Chelsea especially the sun went down over thie Thames and a blaze of unearthly beauty ranging from deepest red to green, as may be seem dn a series of watir color sketches made, at the time and now preserved in 'the Chelsea free library. Sir Nor- man Lockyer and other astronomers Nes vara these winter sunsets to @ volcanic dust projected by the great eruptisn of Krakatoa, in Java, In the previous August. ; "During the wirnfer of 1875 I was riding a horse past the old ruins and burial ground of Abbeyshuile, on a bright moonlight night. In the mid- dle of the churchyard [ saw what I took to be a policeman in a long over- coat. He walked toward me and sud- denly disappeared. I could see no trace of him. Afterward I learned that it was not a policeman, but a monk, whose ghost appeared there so often that after dark people would go miles out of their way to avoid passing the churchyard." A woman told the following un- canny story of a haunted castle in the ~suth of Ireland: "When we went to live in the castle we could hear people talking in every room, and in every hall and corridor, byt no explanation could be found. Often and often we heard terrible fighting in the glen beside the castle the hideous roar of angry voices and the clashing of steel. No person would go down the glen after dark. "One night _1 was sitting talking with my govérness when I heard a step coming upstairs slowly, 1 went out and met the figure on the landing ----it was the figure of a woman. She walked past me, hurried to a window at the end of the landing and, with a sariek which I shall never forget, she fell heavily to the ground outside." Kitchener's Power. In Egypt Lord Kitchener exercises unfettered power, and so is wholly unconcerned about the views of the fmperial Government, for, 'unless they coincided with his own, he simply would not carry them out. Lord Kitchener understancs that the Egyptian mative is impressd by pomp and trappings, and so he always drives in an open victoria, preceded by. runping syces (grooms) in. gor- geous liveries and accompanied 'y outriders. His layishness with Gov- erament money, it is said, is only equalled by his frugality with his own. Kitchener does the whole work of the Egyptian Government himself and ignores the Khedive's existence. He works 15 hours a day and rarely, il ever, accepts social engagements. He is a terror to his sutordinates, Judging them solely by results, with- our fear or favor. He gives only the curtest acknowlcdgemen* when they do well and is severe when they fail. Hindu Chief Installed, A new ruling chief, the Maharaj Rana Udal Ban Singh, chief of the Rajput State of Dholpur, has been invested with full ruling powers. The ceremony of investiture was performed in a durbar at the palace lately, when Sir. Elliott Colvin, Goy- ernor-General's Agent in Rajputana, attached the "sarpech" (a jewelled ornament) to the young chief's tur- ban and presented him with a sword. The agent also read a létter in which the Viceroy congratulated the Maha- raj Rana on the assumption of the duties of his high position. 'Rest assured," the Viceroy added, "that in time of doubt or difficulty you can coutit on my friendship and sup- port." Where Do They Go? You have reed of the 'men of the Volturno who rushed the boats and were knocked back by the captain, What becomes of such men in after days? Do they hide in shame from their fellows, fearful that they may be recognized and their infamy pro- claimed? A public librarian once told me of a man who came to him for a book on. notable shipwrecks. He searched the pages eagerly, then pointed out a passage referring to a seaman who tried to take a women's place in a lifeboat, and had been shof by the captain. "I'm that man," he declared, proud that his exploit should appear in print, and offered to show the shot wourc to support his claim !--London Chronicle Efiectually Lessens Crime, There js scarcely any erime in New Zealand, largely because they make & stremious effort there to ar- rest, try, convict, hang and bury a eriminal within two weeks of the commission of his crime, if this he murdeN or; if not'a hanging offence, to get Rim as quickly as possible will have to work hard on bread and water. and fare up- Most Decidedly In, Mrs. Pankhurst, the English mili- tant, said at a luncheon recently: "We are all jail birds, all of us English militants. y "1 calleed oie afterhoon at Mrs. Cobden Sanderson's. "'Is Mrs. Cobden Sanderson in?' I seked the butier, "Yes, "madd he answered, gravely, 'ic for seven months.' " Maio City has forwarded a proiest to Washington inst United States interference ine Tatmion. Mrs. Myles Lockwood, died at Phil ille on Wednesday, December 24th, aged eighty-three years, into a disagreeable prison, where he | 6 [RAL ASSEMBLY "LIKELY TO BE REDUCED Govermag Body of Presbyterian Church Numbers 576-- Un- wieldy and Costly. Toronto, Dec. 29.--A proposal for the reduction of representatives to the Presbyterian General Assembly has been made, and a remit sent ot Presbyteries, asling their judgment on a proposal to reduce the repres- entation from one to six, to one in ten. On the present basis of one in six, the number of commissioners is 576, while on the basis of one in ten it would be 374. . Rev. Dr. Somerville says with an attendance of 576 the sembly as a deliberating body is too large. But the special 'reason why the deduction was proposed was th the cost of bringing the commission- ers to the Assembly was very heavy, Formerly, some of the presbyteries paid their representatives travelling expenses. In other cases, notably in the lange presbyteries, the commis. sioners had to pay their own ex- penses. The whole question was brought up by a Presbytery in the maritime provinces asking the Assembly to re- duce the representation. The Gen- eral Assembly will meet at Wood- stock in June, at 'which the result of the remit to presbyteries will be an- nounced, COMMISSION MEETS that As To Make Arrangements For Its Or. ganization, Ottawa, Dec. 20. Messrs. McDou- gald, Coates and James, the members of the new High Cost of Living Com- mission, held a preliminary meeting in the labnr department office this morning. The first conference was taken ur wurely with details of or- ganizati: , 'nd there will be another such mec in to-morrow. Gifts school of Mining. R. F. Segsworth, of Toronto, has sent to Dean Goodwin his check for $1,000 to found a prize in the School of Mining in memory of his brother, the late A. E. Segsworth, Ph.D. The brize is to be awarded annually to the student of any year who hands in before December 1st the best accounts of his previous summer's experience in | underground mining. This prize will intensify the a strong tendency of the mining students to look for useful experience during the summer vacation. S-------- Bright Papil. One of the bright pupils in the Hor ton schaol answered an examination question as follows: "The five senses are: Sneezing, sobbing, crying, yawns ing, coughing. By the sixth sense is meant an extra one, which some folks have--this is snoring."---Kansas City Star ---------- It's easier to borrow $10 worth _ of trouble than it is to negotiate the loan of ten cents in cash. - One thing the bald-headed man can pever understand is why the world should respect gray hairs. Many a man has put his fhoney on a sure thing, only to regret that he didn't take a chance. \ 'Red Cross Gripp and Cold Tab-\ lets" work like magic. Sold only at Gibson's. Some women want the last word, and others don't seem to realize there is such a thing. A story always has a sad ending when it lands in the waste basket. No girl really loves a man without feeling an irresistiable impulse to boss him around. VX, The ARISTOCRAT of NECKWEAR 56 DIFFERENT SHADES Watch our window for dis- plays, and when you think of Bengaline in plain shades, think of us. . : COLLIER'S Toggery Shop oh ons. of Neckwear Men Will Wear GRAND UNION * HOTEL" Local Druggist Says: "Take Only One Dose' We want to tell those in Kingston suffering from stomach or bowel trouble that we are agents for the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, ote., known as Adler-i-ka, the remedy which became famous by curing appendicitis. This is the most thorough bowel cleanser known and JUST. OKE DOSE relieves sour sto mach, gas on the stomach and oon 'stipation almost PMMEDIATFELY. J You will be siirprised at the QUIOK taction of Adler-ika. G, W. Mahood, IN x