' vitish IN DOMESTIC RELATIONS OF DUKE OF HORNYOLD. Mmried As An Italian--Foynd England Uncongenial. Englands courts of divorce have - declined to interfere in the domestic relations of the Duke and Duchess of Gandolfi-Hornyold, on the ground that the duke is not a British sub- ject, that his marriage was contract ed abroad, and that the legal domi- ciles of himself and of the duchess, are in Italy and Switzerland respect- ively, instead of in the United King- dom, True, the duke was born as. an English citizen, and owns extousive property in the United Kingdom, es- pecially in Worcestershire 'where he 'has the Blackmore park estate, which came to him through his great-grandmother, last of the an- cient county family of Hornyold, which had been in uninterrupted possession of Bikckmore park since the twelfth century. The present duke, however, preferred Malian to English citizenship: He did not like life in England, and accordingly se- cured lelers of naturalization in Italy. It was as an Malian, and not as an Englishman, that he married a Turin four yzars ago, Dona Frances- ¢o0 Po di Nerviano. But the union was not a happy one; and since the lalian code does not recognize di voree, he proceeded to again change his nationality, and obtained letters of naturalization in Switzerland. A soon as these were granted, that ia to say, last spring, he instituted proceedings in the Canton of Fri. hourg, for a decree of nullity, and failing that, divorce "Phe duchess, realizing that the bulk of her" husband's property was in England, that he ownedspractieal. 1y nothing fn -Switzerland, and bad 'mo source of income there, save hid salary as professor of Zoology and of natural science of the University of Geneva, which could be attached, 'As He Is Not British kien | hearings of his wother's family, when lish counts of divorce, in the hope of being thereby able to assure her financial future. The duke contest- ed the competence of the English courts, and his contention has been sustained, Difference About Ancestry. There is a difference of opinion as to the ancestyy of the Duke of Gan- dolfi. It hds been asserted in print that the great-grandiather of the duke started 1¥e in a very humble way, and in his early days kept a small shop in the purlieus of "Leister Square, in London. But the present duke claim- ing descent in an unbroken line from Count Manfred Gandolfi, who was one of the ten nobles of Genoa to whom Peranger, king of Italy, granted the independence of Genoa in A.D. 938. Be this as + it may, John Vincent Gandolfi, who may or may not have kept a shop. managed to win ip 1808 the heart apd the hand of the elder- ly sister and sole heiress of Thomas Hornyold, of Blackmore Park. The son of this union, that i= of the to- tally untitled *John Vincent. Gannolfi and of Theress Hornyold, secured the permission . of the English erown to assume the name of HWornyeld, in- stead of Gandolfi and the armorial he succeeded to the Hornyold Yestates' on her death. *He married a grand- daughter of Lord Stourtom, and was perfectly content with hid fine old English name of Hornvold. His son, however, inther of the pres- ent duke, ontertained different views about the matter, and on marrying the daughter of the Spanish Carlisi General Cabrera Conni | de Morella, famous for his cruelly in the Cerlist wars, became inbued with a desire for a title of his own. Hp attempted to revive the title of marquis and counti borne by the Gandolfs of Genoa in | the middle ages, and as a preliminary thereto, secured from the English | crown a license . to add the name of | Gandolfi, without. any title, to that of Hornyold Then, finding that there were a loi of 'people in England and abroad who were disposed to question the authen- tieity of his preténfions to descent from the medieval counts and mar- quessey of Gandolfi, and to dispute inaugurated proceedings in the Eng- his right to their titles, lip proceeded to obtain from Leo XII a patent of, "Isn't -naval life perfect?" "Not quite! While on duty we can't smoke. the smoking our favorite brand --PLAYER'S NA - CIGARETTES." The fame of these cigarettes is due to exceptional fragrance, smoothness and satis- fying quality, with unusual mildgess' Most Englishmen love them and their flavor is making them equally popular in Canada. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY DECEMBER 29; 1913 pupil marduis in 1895, and of duke in But he failed to improve his social status thereby. For owing to the freedom, nay, almost recklessness with which 'papal titles of nobility = were conferred by the pontifical depart ments empowered to deal with such matters, during the reign of Pius IX and Leo XIH, they were held to be of little account; and naturally the people in England who had previous- ly been opposed 'to' the 'late Duke of Gandolfi, argued that the. 'fady" {hat he should have considered' it neces: sary to obtain a marquisate. from the vatican in 1895," constitifed an admission that he had ne real right to that title by birth and deicent. England Uncongeéhial. The late .duke spent all the latter part of his life abroad, finding ex- istence in England uncongenial, and his son, the present duke, has follow- od suit, With regard' to the Horn: yold = family, I may mention that Sir John Hornyold was governor of Calais under Queen Mary, and that sovereigns special ambassador to the pope, to arrange for the restoration of the vhuroh lands confiscated by 'her father, Henry VIII. At the battle of Worcester, King Charles was rescued from capture by two Hornyold brothers. In faot, the Hornyolds figure repeatedly in the pages 'of English history; and hold an honored placa among the old Catholic titled and untitled aristocracy of Great Britain. The Hornyold estates are very large and valuable, and extend from the Malvern Huls to the river Severn. It was a source of amazement to the county families of Worcester, that the sather of the present duke should have preferred the name of Gan- dolfi, a mythical ancestry, and for- eign titles, to the honored and his- tevie old Foglish name of Hornyold. SOR Don't storm the man who fails. The human race is largely made up of also rans. ' It's all right to take a fellow of vour size, Wut don't.overestimate your size. There isn't any headache like the one we acquire from butting in. We miss enjoyment of YY CUT CE a A Y---- i Hihey seemed so PT deems en an : - - Hesitation of Felix. ¢ / M. Felix Ambery had an impedi ment in his speech. He had consult ed several specialists and tried var ious methods to remedy the defect not entirely without success. At the age of thirty-eight he could sing 1 song, make a speech, and carny o an ordinary conversation withou mich distress, but in a moment o excitement he still stammered ang spluttered in a manner Which cover ed him with confusion. Felix had th. misfortune to be extremely sensitive He naturally disliked to "make fool of himself," especially in th: presence of Mabel Burnside. Tha was the provoking fact! In her sc ciety his affliction grew worse tha at any other time; even in common place moments he found it difficul to carry on a conversation with Mas bel, and when he became emotiona as he was apt to do with her, Feli realized that he was a subject iv ridicule. Here was the actual reason wh he had allowed himself to appes unsympathetic at the time of he father's death; also, perhaps, wh he had not already put an end to hi tormenting doubts, and asked her t marty him. Riding past the house in whic: she had lived for the past six month alone, Felix Ambery saw that a larg board had been fixed since yesterda: giving notice that the premises wer "To be let or sold." As he stoppe: his horse she came forth, a prett: dark-haired girl of twenty-five, tal' wit aa graceful figure clad in mourn ing. Bidding her "Good morning. Felix lifted his hat and dismounted striving as usual to suppress the ex citement which the sight of Mabe was apt to create. y "S80," he sald, leading his horse bh her side. "y-y-you have m-made u; your m-m-mind---"" "That is precisely what 1 find s difficult," she angweéred as he struc fast. "X-you are going to l-leave home? "Oh. well, it doesn't seem like hom any more," she returned. "I hav lived alone with the servants for si months, and now the executors an trying to well the house." Y-vou're not ggoing to leave W-weltonbridge," Felix succeeded ut articulating at last, *"fhat is the qudstion. You give me some advice, although fulfering Jom a multitude of coun sellors alregdy. There are three sible phen to take a flat in Te don; to live with my aunt at Harrow gale; to find a smaller house here and 'make a bold bid for independ ence.' *I-1-1 should s-stay bridge,' said Felix. "Well as your opinion agrees my own," shé exclaimed, brightly "it shall be adopted. 1 shell go tc the house agent at once. You musin' let me take you out of your: way,' she added, but he insisted on accom panying her tp the door of the office and the following day Mabel began a tour of inspection. On the way home she wet Felix again; he having pai a visit to her . house, and, hearing where she had gone, set oul in searcl of her with one fixed purpose in hi mind. This, however, only served aggravate the exvitement which the sight of Mabel Butmside invariably caused, and pever had he been so pit ably tongue-tied. ' *1 have looked ovex quite half a dozen houses today," she explainec "aud, as they are nearly all suitable it becomes di to disoriminat amongst them." "W-won't you [find it r-rathe dull 7" he asked, recovering his power of speach to some degree. "Why, npaturally,"" answered Ma- bel. 'But don't you understand that is inewtable?"' {"N-not inev-vitable," answered Felix. "Oh, well I intend to do my best to be -cheeriul," she cried. "I shall have a few cats, a dog, a parrot, and a tog toise--just to enliven things, you may I'n in W-welton with human Felix i 'There's n-nothing like c-companionship," suggested with difficulty. "Yes, but alone-- Seeing that he was pndeavoring to speak, she grew silent, in an attitude of attention. "M-mabel," he said at iength. "Well?" she murmured, because he had always addressed her as "Miss Burnside" hitherto. onal vr She had never seen him in such a distressful coadition, and in pity held out her hand. Flushing and gasping Felix pressed her fingers and made up his mind to write what he found so hard to speak. On reach- ing home he sat down. took a pen, and actually wrote a few lines, but formal and banal that Felix gave up the attempt in disgust. Ho could not put his overwhelm~ ing emotions on paper, awd after destroying four sheets found that matters were still in the same posi- tion. Yet he did not wish Mabel to encumber herself wilh another house while his own awaited her. He had {iivel alone longer th¥n she. Felix Amberly was the owner of one of the best houses in the neighborhood, and his chief desire in life was to provide it with a mistress, After a very restless night he seemed to have an inspiration, and at 11 a'clock the followin day 'Mabel vrecvived a letter, which had been de- liverad by hand. The man was wait- ing for an answer, the servant told her . if one is fated to live 'Recognizing the handwriting Ma- bel took thc letter to her own room 'before breaking its seal; her cheeks were flushed and her hands trembled, us she unfolded the sheet of note 4 WN MISS ZARA ier face fell as she ines. He had, he wrote, heard of a use which he hoped might meet Jl her requirements, and he offered o take her to look at it if she could 0 ready at 3 o'clock the same af- aruvon. "Your letter came only just dn 'me," she explained when he came, rying to disguise her still acute dis. ppointmnt undr 'a brighter cheer- ulness, "J-1-I'm glad of th-that," stammer- d Felix. "Because," she continued, "I ould in all probability have settled no a house this afternoon." "Y-you must s-see m-mine firgt," aid Felix, unable to keep still for n. instant, "Then suppose we set out," sug- ested Mabel and a few minutes later. hey were walking toward the heart f the small town, which in the mld- le was divided in halves by the rounds of Ridgeworth place; where *elix Ambery"s ancestors had lived or several generations. "Where is this house "' fabel It took him some time to reply: "N-not far f-from m-mine." "That would be very pleasant," he returned. "I should stand a chance of seeing 'ou now and then." "N-now and th-then - provided ou {-take it on." he said eagerly. "1 suppose if you hadn't thought hat possible vou would scarcely ave asked me to look at It." "P-p-possible," he stammered. "What 1s the rent?" she inquired. "Th-that will be all right," Felix nsisted, as they drew near to his wn gates. "Is it on the farther, side of your ark?" she asked. "J~it isn't th-this s-side," wered, with every sign Assment? "But I'm afraid 1 prefer this de," she exclaimed, as he opened he gate. "Th-there's n-nothing like the h:happy m-medium,' said Felix, fol- lowing her into the park. "Hadn't we belter take the short- or path?" she suggeéted, seeing that he was leading her toward the front door. With considerable difficulty he asked whether she would' object lo his going indoors for a minute, and slie gaid she would wait for him. "W-won't you c-come" in?" he cried with his' Angers on 'the 'door handle. but Mabel shook her head. It would not be regarded as de rig- eur at Weltonbridge, "Y-you'll come into the g-garden," he entreated, as read the few demanded ' he ans- of embar- Forerun Sickness and should have immediate efficient or the cold would not exist. Drugged pills and alcoholic syrups are crutches, not remedies, but Scott's Emulsion drives out the , warms the body by eprichiug the blood, and strength "eatured with "Ihe Versatfles" at the Grand on Tuesday and Wednes. day, Dec. 30th and 31st. A CLINTON she refused to be persuaded to enter his house. A low iron gate opened on to the lawn, surroynded by rose trees, and with at thelfarther end a tent, hav- ing. a table and some hammock chairs before it. When he had shifted the positior of one of these and Mabel had sat down in the full glare of the sun. Felix, excusing himself, entered the houss by an open window, and a few minutes later reappeared, followed by a servant with a tea tray. "Oh!" exclaimed Mabel. "But this isn't my idea of homes hunting." "I-It.s all a p-part of the j-job," he said, and she divined that he wished her to preside at the tea table. As Felix seemed more than usually tongue-tied, she talked almost inces santly for a quarter of an hour, whilst i he appeared to be sitting upon some thing very uncomfortable. "Now," she exclaimed, rising from her chair, "perhaps you will take me to the house." Setting down his cup and saucer, Felix rose, " placed his aems akimbo and stood a foot away from Mabel, making a perfectly futile attempt to oxpress himself. "Shall we go?" she asked at last. "Yevou ssee," he stammered, 'I-I-1 w-want you to s-stay." "Aren't you iorgetting--"" ""N-n-no," he almost shouted in his excitement. : 'to show me a Breoking down, in desperation, Felix waved hiz hands in the direction ol his own habitation. "That is all very well," she an swered, "I have been gazing at it with admiration the last twenty-five min- utes, but you were talking 'of a house for my modest wants." 3 Ho: began 'vehemently to nod his head, and then, suddenly enlightened, Mabel with cheeks like the reddest of the rcses in that garden, came closer to his ' side. Heading his fate in he eyes, « his: hesitation = seemed to fall away with his Suspense. "Do you like it 7" he asked. "Why, of course, very much indeed," she returned. "Is .it possible you can make up your mind fo live in it, Mabel ?"' he urged, and *strapgely enough it was now she who ehowed the greater in. clination to stutter. | "I-J-T think so," she murmured "With me ?"" he whispered, and he fingers tightened on his hand as he led her toward the gate. Tried To Stay Good. She was angry and her face vealed the fact. "What is the matter, dear ?"' said ber husband, as he entered the kitoh- gy Ie "You ses that ?""" 'she replied ve- hemently, as she raised a mixing bowl in which she had just broken an egg. "That is the second bad egg 1 bave found to-day. I believe Jim Fletcher keeps all the bad ones he paper. She was capable of imagining no brighter - prospect than that which Felix Ambery might conceivably of- fer for her future, and consequently gota in his old dtore for mes!" "Well, .you shouldn't get angry about it, Nellie," said her husband, 1 4oberlv. "You ought to have more t sympathy.' | "Sympathy !"' she echoed. "What do you medn ? Sympathy fn Jim Fletoher 7" * : "Ko, for the eggs,' he replied. "Think/ how long they must have been frying to be good."--Lippin- cott's. ts -------- "Bobs" Works Hard. Although he has just entered upon his eighty-second year, Lord Roberts is still worlfing iudeiatigably on be half of National Military Service, a cause very near to his heart. He has already made plans for a strenuous autumn campaign, and at Olympia on Decemiber 5th will address one of the test meetings ever held in London. t is estimated that 20,000 people will be present at this meeting, and as Lord Roberts speaks, his speech 'will be flashed on a screen word for word with the £a of the kinematograph, so that all may see. : ' s ---- PAGES § TO 1 It's Perfectly ~ Safe To have your winter's coal In It can't spoil or go out ----WE SELL----- Scranton Coal Co's Coal Selected from the celebrated tichmond No. 4 and Ontario No. 1 dines, the best Anthracite Coal fines in Pennsylvania Place your order with THE JAS. SOWARDS COAL CO. North End Ontario Street. PETTITTE TTTTTTTTITe 'PHONE 117¢ Kingston Automobile Co. Queen and Bagot Streets Storage, Repairing, Acces sories. We Guarantee Satisfaction By the College Student, Ls pan 0 oe, of sheep, My liv ap p Although i make At nought-it stops, It has no pride, Aud, so its chops I can't abide! It's wool, you say, Makes cloth the best? Be that as may, Sheep I detest ! For, woe of woes ! Alas! alack ! The law book grows Upon ite back | Diplomas, oo, These make men do Hera work, you kpow. No shesp, or lamb, For me, 1 s Bring forth the ham,' Trot out the egg ! A Russian Bath. Russian peasants are devoled to bathing, Says a writer :-- 'Water "is poured om to the hot plates of an ov. en, developing steam, and the bather hastens the perspiration by beating himself with birch sticks. When the blood has become warm and the bath. er is as red as a lobster he runs out and throws himself into the snow and then returns i the hv throom to com t:pue the treament, Where there are. no bath rooms the peasants make" . themselves one in a very simple fash: ion by crawling into the oven. But nowhers does the peasant negleet his weekly bath." Sometimes he-stays in the oven too long, and is taken ouk -- dead. Ee Baking Powder is the acme of econom- ical leavens., It takes less for the baking besides it turns t food out perfect every time, $0 eu e are ~ never wasted materials because of badly raised, uneatable biscuit, bread or cakes.