Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Dec 1912, p. 5

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NEW YEAR'S GREETING. May all the good. things that you didn't got last year ine to you in the NHW YEAR, and may they all be sveriasting, is the New Year wish ot R. UGLOW & COMPANY JUST LOOK AT YOURSELF when you try on one of our Coals and you will admit that the fabrie, the fit and the finish sets off your figure to advanta, We warrant every garment Ww fect in every particular, or there isno sale. Style is the chief feat- 'ure after fhe exact fit, and our reputation is bullt upon our past successes in pleasing patrons. THOMAS LAMBERT Merchant Tailor 157 PRINCESS STREET, Tr Kingston General Hospital Last Call for 1912 WE STILL NEED $500 Will you please fill in that little slip we sent you? ONE DOLLAR Will be a big help. This is our last call to you for 1912. Right here and now wo wish to express our deep sense of Srutitude to those who go kindly responded to our appeal for 4 H. A. BOYCE, Treas. wn -- 4 Sree "(British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) ' Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy . Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Sloshiess Hatters, Furriers, Qafectioners, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, alison and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Har ware, Stationers, Eie™ Stock and Fancy Boxes of evary description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office:and Factory - King Street West 'PHONE 883 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL, New Year Happy - Everybody. ici of Good Bhioes, is very or the patronage it enjoy just passed. grateful uring the Jou And we trust that we ve earned confidence by deserving it. Good Bye Old 1912. WELCOME 1913. For the New Yedr we shall redouble our : allorts 6 Yuop this Shoe 'House. in the -le sell to be per- * | drawing fine. Awill be made by the mayor of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY. THE SPORT REVIEW TEAMS CANYOT P PLAY HOCKEY | WITHOUT ICE. Games This Week eek May Have to be, Postponed ---- Frontenac Practice | be Cancelled. Unless the weather conditions change greatly before Wednesday, Trenton and | Belleville where the two lirst games of the Jupior OU. H.A. series mre to be played, will have difficulty in getting we, and it 13 even feared that. these games will havé to be postponed. Kingston ix no better off and the practice on which Frontéenacs relied much toward putting their team into shape at the covered rink on Monday night, had to" be given up for | of ice. Frontenacs are ready, however, dhasers to Trenton for Wednesday. 'the of players who will go to Trenton: | Cooke, Ularke, Stanton, Ferguson, | Purtle, Angrove, Milo, Dennison, Dunn, Millan, Derry, Dunlop. ° ne In Hockey Circles. The Toronto Globe says:-- br, Hamme still has the £2,000 offer of the Torontos under consideration. He has | heen strongly advised against taking the professional plunge, and it is, scarcely probable that he will do so. New Fdinburghs defeated the Siew- artons oa Saturday evening by 9 to 3. It was the opening of the Ottawa sec- tion of interprovincial. In the NH A. hockey series Uuebec defeated Uttawa in the former on Saturday evening. 5h 'The score was No Ice at Belleville. Kingston Collegiate Institute hock: ey team will not go to Belleville on New Year's day. KE. 0. Sliter received word by telephone; on Monday, that the rink would mot have ce. Roger Stewart, who has been laid up for three' weeks past, with blood poisan- ing, is recovering, and will soon be back in his Singleton. Sporting Notes, . | The Connaught hockey dub written Brockville to try and get game for Friday evening Mctiill and Haileybury R layed a close game in Haileybury on Saturday night, 'Uhé winners won by 4-3 { The Mail and Empire says:i--"Ray Marchand, the Kingston goal-keeper, will likely be signed by the Toronto Pros." The pro. [have a clear lead in the NH.A. due tothe two victories over Toronto and lithe latter is at' the bottom of the heap. Tecumsehs are of course also without "any percentage, but they are has a Art Koss, captain of the Wanderer team, will be presented with a loving cup before the Tecumseh-Wanderer game on New Year's night. - The cup 1s 'the gift of his fellow players of the Wanderer Club, and the presentation treal. It has been recalled by Hartland B. MacDougall, who watched the game hetween the Canadiens and Toronto at the Montreal Arema on Saturday night, that it was just sixteen years ago on Saturday since the Montreal victorias brought the Stanley Cu back from Winni they defeating the Winnipeg Victorias hy a score of six to five. The Ottawa hockey club has entered a protest in connection with game, which they lost at Quebec Sat- urday evening. hey made the kick on the ground that Rocket Power, who played point for the Champions in the tirst quarter, was not eligible, being the property of the Canadiens. Torontos, the neweomers in the Na- tional Hockey Association, created a favorable impression in Montreal ob iNaturday night, when they were de feated by eight to five by Canadiens. ¥ixperience, combined with considerable lek, won rather a decisive game for | the Frenchmen, GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Marks Company Opened Week's Ene gagement Monday Evening, The return of the Marks Bros'. Company at the Grand Opera House drew a capacity house last evening, when the play, "Dad's Sweetheart,' was given in @ manner to win the { approbation and repeated encores of the large audience. ance of May Bell Marks was a signal' for vigorous applause. In the lead- ing role of kins" she displayed ability as an actress, elocutionary powers. her artistic and her clever Her costumes Each of the other members of the 'compdny rendered the parts which were gned to them well. . The play is a simple one, deals with a girl who was joft ah orphan when but an infant, and; after a course of years was found by one of her kinsfolk. The specialities were above the, average, and were witnessea with | pleasure. Miss Marston's contor- tionist efforts were loudly applaud- od, as were Arthur' Mathews, |i Scarth, Nina Burns, Harry Smith and George Marks in their and dances ' The scenery and a matinee "Lena Rivers," ad in the evening "In the Bishop's Called for Monday Night Had to 3 Many happy to send a good husky squad of puck | team is included in the following list i La- place | i lace on the K.C.L team. | Meanwhile his. place is well filled by record shows Canadiens to Mon- the | The Qaeen City fans believe that the | The appear-! "Mulvina Sophna Has-' 'in the several acts were elaborate, ! ® DECEMBER 31, 1942. YEAR£) END | FESTIVALS HELD BY THREE SUNDAY SCHOOLS MONDAY EVENING. The Children of St. James', St. George's and Princess Street Methodist - Churches Had a Merry Time. little folks and {people were seen in the vicinity of St. James' church, on Monday even ing. Each, with a bag of candy and an was jovially returning ftom the Christmas entertainment of the Sunday school of that parish. Rev. T. W. Savary, the rector, pre sided through a glendid programme. Carols thrown on the screen from a lantern, and sung by the children, in- terspersed the numbers. A chorus was sung by the choir boys, the solos being taken BY" H-Serutton, Hl Pac | ker and A. Ada. Daunt Hughes sang a part in the choir boys' chorus of welcome. Miss «J. Eward, Miss ¥ | Wright, Madeline Curragh and Harold | Farrar played piano solos, a a |piano duet was | rendered by Howard rand Gordon Serutton. A Christmas lullaby by the Misses F. Wilton and K. Matthews was ap- | preciated, as well as a mouth' organ solo by Irving Elliott, and a reading older key Boots Moccasins Overshoes Slippers Everything that's seasonable at ABERNETHY'S by J. R. Forster. | Recitations were given by . Mabel i Dawson, Sadie Rodway, Bertha Smea- ton, Patricia Forster, ' May Sharpe, (Catharine Wright, May Goodearle, {H vey Elliott, Norval Wright, Em (ily Anderson and Marian Sagar. Splendid views were thrown on the screen of a trip down the St. Law rence on a raft, taken bv one of the parishioners, and some 'of his photo- {graphs up the picturesque Rideau 'river. Also glimpses of the country in and about Flora were given. | A handsome fountain pen was pre dented by A. F. Cogswell, organist, and the members of the choir, to he given to Miss M. Maemorine, whe served with the choristers. Ngw Year's Greetings. To our Friends and Patrons, we wish to convey our hearty ippreciation of your patronage ind confidence during the past. Hoping our efforts will tronage during the emsuing At St. George's Hall. 'ear. George's hall was also the scone ! of a Christmas entertainment on Mon {day evening when the scholars of the mithedral Sunday school gathered fo the festive occasion. Many of the little people had been dwelling in an ticipation for many days, snd wher all was brought to a close with gifts of candies and fruits and 'they wend ed their way, homeward, there were ne regrets to any part of the program / me. The event commenced at with a hanguet, served by ers, at which about 250 partook. lantern talk followed by Canon Starr Miss Hazel Browne and Prof. Pumme played pleasing piano solos, and © iH. Gillespie gave recitations. Carel were sung by a number of the ckild ven, and prizes for attendange an work during the vear were distribut St Thanking 3 you for your past favors and continuance of the same. * Wishing you one and all A Happy New Year 6.30 o'clocl und a rosperous 1913. the teach A Respectfully yours, JAMES REID. K ing M.P."s. Here Ys an insight into the game of practical politics some years ago granted the public by one who played it for half a century, and who had experienced about every variety of fortune on the cards, a Princess Street Entertaiment. : Princess street Sunday school hek its annual Christmas tree on Monda, evening, when a large number «¢ the scholars were present. N Meserve, general secretary of the Y M.C.A., acted in the capacity of chair man. The cantata, "Santa Claus and Hi Friends," was given. The followin took the leading parts: Fred. Ruth erford, Maud 'Graves and W, Tim merman. A number of recitations and songs | were given during the scenes, the fol lowing 'mking part: Miss A. Par rott, Miss Maud Bryant, Miss Mar garet Timmerman, Earl Sharpe, Mis E. Bailey, Miss A. Payne, Roy Sharp and Miss G. Peters, After the entertainment the childre were presented with prizes. Ad: Spooner was presented with a Bibl by the pastor, Rev. F. Gi. Robinson she having been present at chur} every Sunday during the year. ed the Parliament of United Canada, contending parties were so nearly evenly balanced that practically a deadlock prevailed. Describing eon. writes in his recently published Remi- niscences : man for most of that Jetied (1863-64.) No one could absent h If without a pair, and pairing was extremely hard I have known cases' where twenty-four and sometimes forty-eight hours to enable a single individaal member to be present. There some curious attempts at kidnapping ) WOULD Cost TOO MUCH To Make G.T.R. Line Changes Kingston Just Now. A letter from EK. J. Chamberlaia president of the Grand Trunk ragiwe a {rompany, was read at the City Coun 'ail megting Monday evening. It wa (in ny to. one the council had auth orized to he written him on the Sti of November, and stated that he ha the matier ol changes of the com pany's line into Kingston carefull looked into and found that the cos would be about one million dollars No doubt the changes would he de sirable, President Chamberlain said hut owing to the financial situation the company did not care to mak: «ich an expenditnre at the presen time, ed he would refuse to recognize any vole of want of confidence unless it was supported by a positive majority of of the whole House." a I ---------- Increase In Duties. Succession duties paid into the On tario Treasury for the month of Octo- par make a gross total of $153,408. The payment for the corresponding period last year totaled $100,583. With the exception of the month in which | payments were made on ithe Eaton ' and Fulford estates, last month was » record one. Where Reach Counted. Two anglers were comparing notes after the day's sport, and they soon began fasousting past triumphs. | "1 once caught a trout so Read of Death in Whig. said sal Just J. OC. MeCorkill, of Quebec lengt of one arm, arevidont of the histbrical society o | hat's nothing. '1 onee caught a Missisiquoi county, of the French pro | P! oh long," replied the short one, i vines, read in the Whig details regard stretching out both arms. ing the death of Princess Agnes Salm I once caught a sélmon so Jong." Salm in Germany. The deceased wa: | Went on the tell one, and he, {born at Phillipsburg, in that county ned out both arms. Mr. McUorkill writes to Consul F. S 3 It'S no use my arguing with S. Johnson, of this city, a nephew o } YoU said the rt one, turning tho late phincess, stating that, inj3%a¥ in disgust. "You know you've (1910, a portrait and sketch of hic got longer arms than I have." aunt wad published in the Sherbrooke Why He Deubted the Mee. ! Record, last year a more exten. | lsive sketoh At a St. Andrew's Society. di the heading, "The Wonderful one of the speak: Brave Eastern Ti i In the tetests of hs Biate | 'ciety of the counly princess' bi the juige will be pleased te | have further particulars. A ---------------- R. Stotess, Calgary, is visiting in be long," one, measuring off the Girl" %0 "Charley," said Mrs. "our pi Ho a Jorkion, a, poe can ex % & her health unless she ae o Ci s resteurnnt." Thomas Marks, is in the eit Bg his, huothes, KB w. Barks, 'medicinal power, are efficiency, for the as combined in Hoods Sarsa- testimonials received by actual count In \wo years. sure to Visit Marks Get FP te and War, of Moon merit a fair share of your pa-| When Sir Richard Cartwright enter. | ditions in the House Sir Richard | "We were "almost man to | New Year's Chocolates ils Fancy Boxes and Baskets; which would make a very suitable Gift. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House Phone 640 Seedless Oranges ~ Sunkist Oranges All Prices: Malaga Grapes R. H. TOYE Phone 141 Heavy Winter Shoes For Men. Rubbers, Felts, were | individual members, and on one oc. casion Mr. Sandfield Macdonald went | the length of declaring with closed | doors that if he saw reason to believe | | rer that any such trick had been practic- | At Prices to Suit JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. the House was kept in session for | IN MIIATARY CIRCLES = Band Paraded to Hyde. ham Street Church. The R.C.H.A. band paraded to Sydenham street Methodist church on Sunday morning, for the first in some yeas The band will parade alternately to the different chyrchés which the men of the artillery bjs gade attend. For the past few years the musicians have Jathded to St. George's and Bt Mary's | cathedrals ohly Ideut. I. 8. Vieu, sf The Canadian Horse Artillery, has granted the rank of captain, plete establishment, Francis Reynolds Pratt is 10 be a provision lieutenant in 42pd {Lanark and Renfrew regiment, SE ---- "= cone ---- { MEETING OF CRERITGRS | | Of Hardy & Brawley Was Held on | RAHA, Monday, The meeting of the creditors of {Havdy & Hrawiey on Monday re sulted in arrangements for the clos ing up of the estate to the best ad vantage possible A statement wa presented by the assignee giving the nominal assets us $3,371.30 { Habllities, $10,698.72 of which $181.52 is preferred, being (or rent land wages This leaves $3,190.75 (10 satisfy demands of the open accounts entire assets of BD Brawley are reckoned, and this means ruin to the man who though- a member of the bankraat firm, was nol a party to cits un certain transactions. The treditors appointed W. HH. Craig as assignes tand George Smythe and w B Mudie as inspectors, and Instructed them to wind up the estate as soon as possible : Af hong the peculiar transactions of t. LAlardy, which came up at) the temo was ome with a local woman in which he gave her $100 cash' snd she gave him a note for $200.. This proceeding leaves the woman liable for ibe amount of the note, : oT Br. J. F. Dawson, Toronto, Kingston on Tuesday. STANDARD BANK (ERD OFFicy "TORONTO KINGSTON BRANCH, H. E. Richardson, - nen the The Hoyal ON m- toe Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost Brock street, has received all his fall importations for Bs tafloring department, consisting of sulting and overcoating in great va- riety. of patterns to choops from, Also large stock of ready-made cloth ing and gents' furnishings. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holder, Bats tersen, who bavée heen in Saskatobs all summer and {afl are home for the winter, was in ENDING. money to any point in Canada, the United States or Europe is safe, economical end expeditious when this Bask's drafts oad money wdens ave weed. d's Sarsaparilla en Dore On oa iain Uivove, are in the dity.

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