rors sree E------ a 5 BRITISH WHI, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1942. LAST COUNCIL MEETING THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. | : What is Transpiving "in the Little . iar River Town, | HELD MONDAY BEVENING FOR Gananoque, Dec. 30.--Gangnoque | ROUTINE BUSINESS, Encampment, No. 89, 1.0.0.F. elect- | ed these officers: P.C.P., Geo. A - 4 it 'rp ~ Several Keports and By-laws Were! 'p" bp" R' pickets: SW. W, J - Passed--A Resolution of Appre-| Young; Scribe R. P. Kemp P.C.P.; ' ciation of Mayor Hoag's Services |treas, A. H. Allen; J.W., William Was Adopted, ~~ TMarqustte After the business n © a session a banquet was held. Phe City Council held its last| Canton Gananoque, No, 12° P.M. mesting of the "year on . Monday | ,0.0.F., now numbers over 30. The evening at 7.30 o'clock. franifuetips Mcers for 1913 are: --Captain its business within an hour, as | Guorge 8. Mastin. commandant; $ FOR MAKING SOAP, SOFTENING WATER, | | REMOVING PAINT, | DISINFECTING SINKS. CLOSETS, DRAINS ETC. SOLD EVERYWHERE £ REFUSE SUBSTITUTES ' : . a" pall (3 enable the mayor and a iumber of | Capt, N. R. Gardner, brigade staff: | the aldermen to attend the banquet | Lieut. J. H. C. Mcintyre; Ensign i Of the Knights of the Grip. The |Eize Andrews; - SBergt. Roy Gi i business traneacted was of a routine Kemp. \ nature, In attGiiddpce were Mre. Lawrence Sherby, patient in appr Hoag Ad AldS" "Armstrong, | the Kingston General hospital for ey, Cooper. Fair, Kent Litton, | the past two weeks, returned home | McCamthy. Rigney, Ross, Shaw, | Saturday evening to recuperate at - : Y Stroud and Sutherland. {her home on King street. ZZ ™% = 1 These communications were read Word has 'been received here by Wu Ca &~ -------- = f re mimion Tactile Press Toronto, | relatives that W. G. Sanderson, \ h\ : . ing for domation Halbrite. Sask., has recently suffered \ == z . I . Secretary treagwrar Kingston Hu-|a paralytic stroke, and is in a very Vi \ k § 3 Hate Sariety, " Ing for rebate of | eritical condition. Mr. Sanderson SR Yi, ; oO ur : ice 1S ; ga r use of City Hall, la few yvars ago, married Miss Nel- : p : 4F en ) § | § t : . . $. y : = ha = X : : -- is i ey J. Engledew, asking for a lcea- {lie Whitmore, daughter of Mr. and tion of the Canadian Acid and | Mrs. Willlam Whitmore, Garden Chemiat Poriilisar company, street, and sister of Mrs, William : rand Trun allway | Scally; of Kingston. She was also z . : ¢ m in reply to City Clerk's letter of Hoos a rtp on the staff of | .r = Cut Flowers Nov. 6th, the local public schools of » We seldom ave sufficient cute H. B. Barney. sccrefary-treasurer | Messrs. CHfford Sine and son, Wi ; flowers to supply the Christmas des Kingston Teachers' Institute, en- | frid Sine George A. Robinson. C. J . , i sons mand, hence the need of getting closing copy of report. Wilson, D. Bews and Dr. A. H. : ? ~ 3 ) © your orders placed some days in ah or Ln, wubaliiing { Mabee spent the past few day > : ~~ |" LOOKING BACKWARD, . : v advance : ages paid form- | C\ wall | ern ce he " i a to ¢ . : : 4 ; Fike with company to workmen, [SOW 1B ula e at-'1 THe Departing One---* And twelve short Sonia ue} a just. sis Jung. Just as enthusiastic and just as ' ' ,- PE Xmas. Roses. City amditors re fay roll of Worm- | The remains of the late Edmund oft mistic, as Lunt new fellow is now, faa $ g ' with Plano company Mcstyn Wright, son of Mr, aud - ps . EE - / * ; Xmas. Carnations, This recommendation of the Fin- | Mrs. Chares K. Wright, Sydenham fed upper was given, after w hich | held in- Woodburn Methodist church IPS Xmas. Violets, ance committee was adopted: street, who passed away the fore a good programme was rendered. Af- {and were conducted by Rev. Di. "Nes | 3 that when thi scorporation re-| part of the week from a relapse , ECW. Waogpd read 'hitt. The remains were interred in| "It's & pleasure to open a box of Xmas. Lilies of the Valley. celves the transfer from the govern following a severe attack of pnen- | Hen Hott then present d as shown On ite plan No. 3, location | monia, arrived here on Saturday | WHAY WHIG CORRESPONDENTS | .d to Mi. E. Scott a beautifu a---- RGHA stables at the foot of On. | evening and the fujeral was held YELL US. re a set and fruit set. Miss Scott} Weir-Bennett Nuptials, tarlo street, less what Is being used privately yesterday afternoon frous : wd Appropriate reply Mr Willetsholme Dee 28--~\ very by the. government for the R.C.H.A. the home of hie parents. to Ganan- | Phe Tidings From Various Points D YL ag torn, of 0 is spend-| pretty house wedding took place at CERISTMAS FAVORS stables. that the ¢ity solicitor be oque vault Rev. Henry Gracey, | ( the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Ber . ' : instructed to pregare a lease con- pastor of St Andrew's church, con- Eastern Ontario--Whas People nett, Willetsholme, on Dec. 23th. when We atiesd to GYory lo de:snt-Careloily od. card' fnciosed th veying this land to the Montreal ducted the service Deceased was Are Doing and Whas They Are: nily h I from Cobalt ¢ their youngest daughter, a Jean-| box express charges prepaid if you desire ven to the Express Transportation company, and that thirty-three years/of age. . Saying. I siting their | ts tjette, became the bride of William | Co. in time to reach destination Christmas mornirg the amount of the rental be fixed | E. X, Belols is spending a short Sie and' mot} i] k., at her | Weir, Pittsferry The marriage at the Hime ot the execution of the time in Lowville, N.Y.; guest of his At Glendower. aughter's anes ceremony was performed by Aev. Dr . brother, P. J. Belnois, Messrs . ---- Nesbitt, pastor of the circuit, in the 3 The reports of the Board of Works Rces and Clarence Pennock, Teron- Glendower, Dec. 28 --People in this Diphtheria in Bedford. [presence tof only the umedidte rela- ! he Hay Floral & Seed Co. and the Utilities committees, as al- to, are spending their Christm as | VICIity are cutting their, Winter s suj Gleridower, Dec. 25. A pumber' from | tives and friends. The drawing room ready published, were adopted vacation with their parents. Mr. and | Ply of wi Michael Keliey ha here attended the Christmas tree at | Was beautifully decorat~d with Christ FLORISTS BROCKVILLE ONT A : : . L Gananoque vault Flowers from Hay's,' These Treasures of Nature with theim lang stems, beautiful blossoms and fresh green foliage are much sough after for v . A number of by-laws were passed, Mrs. §. D. Peanock. 'Mr. and Mrs. | moved to Bedford. School closed for ognen on December 23rd. Frank | mas decorations and evergreens authorizing the issue of debentures Joseph Meggs, and family spent athe holidays and the teacher is visit- | po gn gn, dp Fp CRs G40 The pretty young bride, who "w for the construction of cemain few days during the past week in| U8 at her home. 1. J. Kelley andy, q,y jor Syracuse, N.Y., and oth. | €iven away by her father, looked very $= S = otfod hjrayiments. Fa'r. th Iroquois, guests of the former's Hatvey ier ah rising i Dan er points, to visit friends. Mr, and | SWtet and girlish in hee wedding | OUSHENDALL "NEWS. I ds arch the . e coun- | g a ) ; 1an s ne SO las ail < Sha ante iy 1. {gown of cream ha w votle wit -- 1 brescRes / iat yf : cil allowed H McCrow $500 ne Ssugnter, Ms. John Render py disappeared agan Lakes in this vi ¥ W Able entertained their chil Bn i . a She oi i ir : ix , : " Ne vited brohep be ; 5 or Mr. and Mrs. George Pergau, Lyn, fi i Tt OVeT dren and playmates with a beautiful | pearl trimmings. She carried a show Méeting of School Board--Willets. | gu a Le j Nesbitt MA On motion f Ale has on band. are spending a short time in town, | CINtY are frozen ove Christmas tree. There are many cases' ¢7 bouquet of lilies of the valley an } holme Weding--Other News, "bh ast the Methodist on © de. Shaw and guess of the latter's sister. Mrs > of diphtheria in Bedford and three | Maiden hair fern, and = wore the} vi l2 we. 26. The Sunda hurch; Fitlsburg rformed . the Kent. the coucil passed a resolution James Lattimore. David Lyons, deaths have occurred. The disease is {KTOOM's git. a pearl and amethyst | 2 Sshendal], Dec, 2 The Hunday remony. The bride was beautifule eulogying the work of Mayor Hoag Hamilton, 4 former resident, is] Harlowe Happenings. «till spreading, owing to the neglect | Necklace. The bride .was attended | School anniversary. and Cheistinag oe rod 1 ioe harming " f . 1 ' . ~ f Ve, Was ral Cees he at- | ; #8 presiding officer The mayor spending some time with ' local | ar! Dec. 38 ---~The Methodist |in not quarantining the houses. by Miss Frances Weir, sister of the; €¥V® Was a grand success . ; Rn = -- 2 bouquet of thanked the council for the support friends. Miss May King. of the s entertainment was a de -- | groom, while Russell Bennett acted ! tendance was unusually | ; 1 ¢ tu lennett, brother t had given him and for the ogn-- | local telephone office staff, has re-| cided success. The hallswas well fil At Ferguson Falls. : a as best man, their gifts from the Very excellent pr Bia ine ar doe ' p best mat - i room | "oF @ rh : a a py musical selections and sulos spyeelis Y . : " os dence it had expressed in him. turned from a short visit at her -- - mm-- Ferguson's Falls, Dec. 27.--The re [2T00M being a ring and a pair ot gold : a Mis An ir, sister of eater w---- > , . mem : : ] . nf links respectively. es. and recitations were provid Love is color blind. a to' lama Jome ia a att. Wis Moi mains of the late Blanche Rothwell {ter the a. a dainty wed Also several beautiful present the Young man if he mistaken fon $ un ap : AP 8 ar A I The Quickest, Sim k ¢ wére interred in St John's cemetery, | ding supper was 'served, after w hi given to the scholars and teache op mista " y Lansdowne, guest of Mm: M., Moy lest, dimples | { Boyd Settlement. The farmers of this { Mr and Mrs. Weir left on the mid. | The people of Zion Metliodis ! ¢ church are glad to welcome f C h C vicinity are hauling wood to town or], 1 : 3 Michael McPharland, is spending oug ure eh) Fam : b ight train for Belleville and other : a) Deafness Cannot be Cured * Lhe holiday season in is York i ------------ f Crtaan ute. 0 Wise Natu Shoe western a amid showers oi: rice and 3 J os! . W ule po ' ocal a cations, as th , gs at . ard, of : on, 18 spe y e wishes, s travel o labor iff the work of the chu seach the Aleasod bortion REY Sanka my Somers GiComnor. pupil ab Bb Easily and Cheaply Made at holidays at home, here. Miss Elsie 3. wishes, pie brides Bvels Mr. and Mre. Woods have beer ere Is only one way te eo . Michael's Schoo orontog is holi- Ss p 3, of antn i " y : . : g 2 xd} ' : vay to cure deaf. gals gs nog A i Home. Saves You § Mele ath, who is D # to anatch. + Many costhcand- ap-.| Kiugston for some time and. haye ! He ae Ta aying here wilh hissprremes, "Sr | ¢ remedies. Joi Is caused hy . , ® Alig | : Shoppaud's, is spelling the holidays |r priate presents testified to the es. | been active in the work of Syden nd Mrg 3 Was SCE Mucous ir condition of the ®0d Mrs. T. D. O'Connor | M'ss | at home in Innisville. J. J. Gray, of | teem in which Mr. and Mrs. Weir ire | ham Street Methodist church. Rey 3 yroy h thats taah tah Tapes When he taps Jounin Zitian Toranto, is Speqding This recipe makes 16 ounces of cough {the Union bank stafi, Carleton" Place, | held. by a large circle of ifiends. | Dr. Nesbitt and family spent Chri daughter. KE, Evalet Va united inflamed you have a rumbling sound a8 ort vacation here with her par: syrup--enough to last a family a long [spent Christmas at home, here. Ihe w------ mas at Joyceville The annual MArTiag villiag MeCut omtirale inet Jearing, od When it ls st, Mur ang Mea A: iv il, time. You cowldn't buy as much or as | farmers of this vicinity are well Elgin News, meeting of 'the school board of jchion x t 1 Villia nn \ ens I8 the result, @ . PF. iviere and Mrs. , a ASO . we of fowl. A : y os Pittsbureh w MeCut im, Perth Aven Toronto and unless the inflammation can b ® AS goed cough syrup for $2.50, . pleased with the price of fow t Elis Dec : Miss Pinkert school section No. 9. | shurgh # i ' taken out and this tube restor ¢ J. BE. O'Nell are spending a few Simple as it isis ives almost instant [Carleton Place and Perth they got Ey t diy vid Mrscion 1 4 Id in the schoolhouse on Frida he v Foppin Micating. The it pond ) ed te » st with fries SUnpe 43 " s¥eR 8 a v ; £0 fwas mn Brockville on Saturday, Miss | held in the schoolhouse on : destroyed. forever: hin' aring will be ua ut | nutagonct with Sicuds. relief and usually stops the most obstl. [iwenty two cents a pound for turkey | (7° &.° of Oueci's spent the' holi- | Dec. 27th A° very satisfacto brid Wi away her nian bded by Catarch, which ix ronto. spending some ok the nate cough in 24 hours. This is partly |and twenty cents for chickens. Miss} 0 "87 = 00 TT he has | Meeting was neld that, w 30 : sili not ing bit an inflamed condition &f jatrer's parents, Mr. and Yr | due to the fact that It Is slightly laxative, Kos Hain, who is tose} ing h » BM retarned from Oshawa Mr. atid Mr | elected chairmat i cam tod¥e Will give One Hundred 'Dollars George Toner, have returned home {stimulates the appetite and has an excel. at arntyille, 1s spending her ROU 1 Floyd Denp+ have taken up resident Aalst tase of Deafness (caused by Miss BE, McLennan, Ottaws speut {tent tonic effect, It is pleasdnt to take-- [days here. in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ri hathat earnot be cured Y.a few days durl : the 0 sic | \plldren like it. An excellent remedy, 3 Brown and children, Wetaskwit h th Cure. Send for. cir. ys ring e pash week | t i y SPO Late Mrs, James Cummings, \1t Th ; William Hyland. auditor culays free. i with her parents, Mr. and Mrg -| 10% for whooping cough, croup, sore \lta.. are guests of the former's par i 1 by KF. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. J Mel Robert Ki he [lungs asthma, throat troubles, ete Woodburn, Dec. 28.--Oh Thursday] ents. © Mr. and Mrs. R. G- Stanton | Dunlop. janitor Mr. a ale Snes, Toe of the rl a Hany of % Ke iy | , Mix two cups of granulated sugdr with |cvening, December 10th, oceurred the | and son, Edmonton, Alta, are the | David Stratton of the Middie Hoad ' y Henn, of o 5 of Toronto ¢ ' we RA ha "ley ' . A iin i'l © : pan. amily Pills for con- eo POLLO, {one cup of warm water and stir fr two ' ath of Mary, wife of James Cum- | puests nf his parents Dr. 6 W spent Christmas day \ ' : : i he v 3 Do a » » - Toronto. was a holiday visitor here minutes. Put 23% (fifty r Woodburn | Hamilton, Saskatoon, Sask, is spend Mrs. Chas. W 1 Fresh Lobsters, with his parents, Mr. Mrs. | cents' worth) in. a l16-ounce bottle, and | Migs, at her home ea , : P ka ¥ 3 and. Mrs. add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. | Mrs. Cummings was born mn 30. and | ing the holiday with his parents Mrs. 'Richard Pa nid, their Christmas arty Smelts, x Shall Oysters. < -- The new service will be inaugur- | Co., Toronto, Ont. is S The tuner vices ¢ seph Carty, Seeley's Bay, spent the APEIENn,. ) ition has become chronic, that is, | SPirits; a handful of rice or a crus: James Kirke. | Take a teaspoonful every one, two OF |cnent most of h¥r Life in this vicinity Wm. Kellv. who was the guest of In Aingsie : : : Z Es | three hours. \ highly resp nd ] relative + } yo and 'Mrs. Harrington have j o tand g h ! about STEAMSHIP "OUMPETITION, | Pine is one of the oldest and best. | s cla: relatives, Be ater ( ipjsimas for} Smith's Fall and din inten known remedial agents for th throat ¢ irge circie o ! w Victoria 3 S 'earson aotenay oe es ' Hanh Amerie Lide Decide membranes. Pinex Is the most valuable nour: or | 18 SUrvive district, RC, is the guest of his bro their holidays at the iy mburg-American Lite Deddes 10 [eopcentrated compound of Norway white | jer husband and four sons fther, W. H. Pearson. Mr. and M | Harrington's parents 4 Ww. J. 1d td will " earnas Extend Pacific Trade, ipine extract, apd is rich in guiaicol and |p. John, of the=West: | D. M. Kill and 6 ve Ph Hol Nesbitt M A.. Ph. D.. preached gw and" siuiis It and a . all the other natural healing elements an Tat A dl LY X : born and um Hol aps tee 4 ' font other London, Dec; 31--The Dally oper preparations will not work in this | Willian, of Clayton, N.Y.; and Fred- How, spent Christmas with relative sionary AUNTVETSArY sermon ' " fontreal a Hor Mail's Berlin correspondent states formula. rick, of Woodburn; and six dangh-| John Pinkerton, who has spent the | Methodist church om inday « i ae} b blua The missionary offer and DOMINION FISH CO. Y 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 520 ated as early in the new year as holidays at his home her A second. | second daughter. Annie losle, -- | practicable, and will\ be in the} E > oN SEE a > ine and gang of men have arrived | Was married to W Veit va | nature of an extension of the com-| > ; ; SE i ork on the C.NR Whitmout Ont, on 3 t : appitiz teat Whe | pany's existing service in the Far : : EBL 98 eh \ ) Mercy Smith has resigned her | cermony was perfo ! narriage of » rents | i | Bast of their vessels proceeding | 3 YR ae i 3 ' # as teacher nn the Rush -- ! from Chinese and Japanese ports to id eo A 3 $ og school. Harry Hamilton, Perth, was | © : : " i BALDNESS Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and) BE and . g hot 3 i v : rane : ; on ; 7 = San Francisco \ " , v ' 3 Mo i i's; spent wie wy % 5 1 s : she holidays at his home Mr and May be Checked by Using Herpicide, | TURKS ARE SOUMERS, ' ' . if 3 : 4 Mrs. FF. Seed and children. Chantry if there is complete atraphy of the | Of black bread, with a little mutton, | i : : St. Petersburg, Dec." 31.----The llicles ; form his sole food. He Is proof at ; 5 minister of commerce has issued : \ against fatigue, cold, heat and / ; a. 4 the official announcement that pproaching bailness, seen ; poverty, and his fanaticism inspires {£3 wt \ ; IR 5 Ss Russian imports into the United ir, may always be him with dauntiess courage. | A a : y Ra : States will continue ur 'er minimum Baie follicles are not atrophied the Death has no terrors for him, for : cif : tariff rates after the expiration oa " be indused again to " he has ever before his eyes the pie * - : : Me January 1 of the treaty of trade ang i ture of a delightful paradise awaif: : } commerce, which the United States he has been officially informed that The prompt results from this recipe s: Mrs. F. Armstrong, of . bast year. its the Ganadian West: is ) m8 . . aBrEe: BG X the Hamburg-American line have Nave endeared it to thousands of house- | =~ . '\' vv . apo ¥. Job y { ns Efe { ha) ating 1 y : ' { the ---- | ' , > | were thie latter's parent r ¥ ; oe rg ing him after all the miseries of this 3 : ro congress abrogated because of Rus earthy life. Fe 8g ¢ 4 Le sia"s attitude upom the passport wives in the United States and Canada, » for the holiday season. Mr and | far in excess of ! : ob y ak decided to compete with the Can- which explains why the plan has been tm- | kinson; Mrs. H Jackson, of Sunbury Irs. Alex. Hamilton, Montreal, were | collectors have or gr oot t will adian-American-Japanese lnes for itated often, but never successfitlly sc C. Nuttall, of Gananoque; Mrs {the guests of his parents later on, which will % . the Pacific trade between western | A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or n. Buck. of Kingston, and Mrs. D Mr. and Mrs. R. Ruthven had the | total a much larger a i Wt of tow ests wera Mr, ports of North America and the Far Money P Empty refunded, £988 with this Har , of Cataragqui; Ont She § pleasure of celebratine their silver Willetsholme was W mM 1 Ar Me East | ®et it for you. If not, send to The Pinex |: four brothers : our | wedding at their home last week. Jo pretty wedding at er and Mrs. John Bennet The abdve expression is one which ] rntda » 3 3 i i used frequently in connection with | Proof Against Fatigue and Poverty | pis 4 "Tel ae 3 | The ar t Ari as entertainment wr sparations. Just etactly what | --=llanntiess Courage. i | yn op was a decided success and reflects oe rs it in each instance is nn | The Turkish - soldier presents a | : : credit on e careful training of the question. Baldness is not a disease | Dlending of qualities such as no | ' Rc children and Mrs. P. W. Brow and 'hens, does not permit of a cure, | BUropean soldier podsesses in the id Fit $ oa and daughter Collingwood sper the It is a" result invariably to be | same degree. He Is astonishingly ' holiday with relatives traced to the dandruff sober; he never touches wines or } sy " J g ne germ and if the x 3 Russia's Imports Isto US, cleanses in scalp and kills the : ; Se in v question . r ANCE ~h a | 3 i 3 g ay To dostiction of the | LpywEs HOUSE AS MUSFUM. 3 py en . 3 . RL apt ke 4 3 X ¢ p sear skin and' thus eliminates | painter's Will Provides for Collec aA Shh 4 « .. SEoplonge Oufeiirney. : mon enemy to beautiful | of & Unit - wr . sy x London, Dec. 31. Berlin des- y ! tion . my atforms. op : i # 2 sc ' . parsh to the E ge Telegraph , fluffy hair cannot grow Paris, Dec. 31. ~The will of the late % \ : LA . company reports the discovery of infested with French battle painter, Edouard De ! : ] | [the greatest espionage conspiracy taille, leaves his residence as 8 muse i » ' known for years. Thirty men and um of historical costumes. One floor PRS ly ow i women, including Germans and of the house is to be devoted exclu: ; 4 L ; | Russians, have been arrusted charg- sively to uniforms of the French LIM ty a 4 f > ed with spying in behalf of Russia. An Arden Wedding Arden; Le : Ihe hotne of Mr, h . bit, secretary, R. PPatte ros he ittonded har tee, to fill the vacancy Ae "oronto, the resigning of W rdo wih oie PILK sal th overaress { | pink the hon ' \ { : F. B v Rows, csssescssscssascsssesasne' E E , a "cure" isl absolutely " - ~ gil +f » iE £5 : ft i £ i i fe i; iH army. { A X The German authorities decline to Detaille also bequeathed $40,000 for ER ed ' d Ba give out any particulars. 'the reconstruction of the house, so as : y ®- & 1d -- : . to' make it suitable for a museum. 8 Re-elected Convicted Man. b's N 4 8t. Louls, Mo.. Det. 31 --Paul J To be Minister of Roads. : had RE 7 o Morin, one of the twb St. Louis Quebec, Dec. 31.---Owing to the im- § : b leaders of the structural iron work- rtance of the good roads movement k g | jers convicted in polis in this province, it is stated that J. Aw : : ar connection with, the "dynamite con- i |spirarcy" case, wag last wight re- elected business agent of local No. 13. - Robert Taguey, a Thamesiord fur. . gf : : mare fied in 3 ll'of 4 London ioe MAY A. BELL MARKS, t station two hours siter his arrest ~ y - cof drunkenmess. inquest At the 6 i Sharyn, ; Aa; ing § Ex i Hs