Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1912, p. 6

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ng 3 : > > . A Lot of anor" Te Run in To! gether, Spy apples. Crawiord's. Shaving mirrors, Best's. Brownie Kodaks," at Gibson's. The 5 By ¢ £3 x best advice is--don give | LUE Mv: $b NETL verfumes, pecfunes--the best value | {at Mahood's Urug Store. s Once a fisherman, nol always ar, Club bag, from £2. $1.50. Dutton's store. Suggestions in giits, Best's. It's tough on the society marries a bloomang idiot. Fresh salted peanuts, Ib. Mahood's Drug Store. i After the hght is over many a man | 1s sorry he didn't compronmuse, "Christmas sweets," Gibson's. Men are like wine, age sours bad and improves the good. Best's for cameras. He knows how ' o explain. Men, call and see the sale, $3. Dutlon's stove. But, unfortunately, too many Of "Walking Delegates Who Do Not Work." indianapolis, Pee. 21. + "Walking ' delegates and officials who do pet « lwork, but who use the funds of labor Expert Says 30,000---He Saw Nowe | 101003 to gnhance their own power ev usan en if they must resort to erime' was " Several Tho dT Said tw}, government's description in its targument to the jury as the "dyna- New York, Dec. 21. -- *'Valueless'" | mite conspiracy" trim of the forty is the way Benedict Crowell, a Cleve men charged with complicity the ised, Ohio, muming engineer, describ | McNamara dynamite plots. ed a certam tract of Canadian mining Olaf A. Tventmoe, Ran Francisco, property promoted by Julian Haw-|was charged with helping to expend thorne, Josiah thumey, and others on | asst 0 "collected from honest work: tHial in the federal court hefe Vor al | ing men" ip connection with a strike I! fraudalent use of the mails. at Los Angeles, which culminated in ¢ tract about which Crowell was |the wrecking of the Los Angeles limes questi was one which, according | building, and all of the defendants to Hawthorne Literature, cov: {were declared to have used the tained AD. tons of iron ore at one {funds of the Ironworkers' Interna- place 0000 at another. Witness | tional Union in violation of the by- said thers were 30.000 tons at the jaws of the union to pay dynamiters first place, bis examination showed, [10 blow up non-union Jobs. and nothing but water and a foot of "Shese pen committed a crime not org at the other. Of several thousand } ainst the laws of the land, but tohs described by the literature ds in On y agai aD 1 ¥ ' they committed a crime against their sight ax other Spots, witness said he own unions," said James W. Noel, i emi i CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT ie > MANY At Chalmers Sanday wnday School Hall on | Friday Evening. The Christmas spirit was apparent, on Friday evenigg, in the schoolroom of Chalmers church when the junior members of the Sunday school were entertained by | the teachers and officers of the school. After tea. which was much joyed by the children, D. G. La d- law, superintendent of the cchooi, presided throughout the programme. Songs and solos were sung Ly the Misses G. Mahood, Kathleen EIl- tott, Katie Spaulding, Baybara Bowie. The Miss s Bessie -and Mary Stewart played a piano duet, and Miss Jean McLelland gave a piano solo. Recitat ons were giv "KIDDIES" SEND LETTERS WTHORNE LITERATURE SAID THROUGH THE MAIL, SIT CONTAINED 300,000 TONS. yery {Many Have Heen Received at the | Kingston Post Office and Will be | Well "Looked After--The Post Ofiice is One of the Basiest Plates in Town These Pays. THIN Making People. a Save Money leposits by more 1000 to. 124 in z : suitcase from | Scores of letters addressed to Santa Claus are bing received at the King- ston post ollice which goes to show that the little folks have great com fidence in old Kriss Kringle, Santas Clans will certainly have a busy time getting his wrrespondence in shape so as to be ready to start out .on his routids Tuesday evening next. : Santa Clatis is being besieged 1 request for doll hoats slewg by Mary McLeliand and Donald Me- | © Ma re oh Lt Pheuson. Ww, T McClement of fat lie j=_being -peked foro - a A Ba a child cou ink of---¢ Queen's, followed with an educative | = i auld think of--and talk on 'Birds made mors inier- ainly would make a big list. 2stilig to the little people by lantern | 5 each mail is recel slides, post office letters te av en- from 50c. up, itm at ! young of to d v tis « ' i great value @ pec bud who | saving thiz ban only We stimulate inting out -- . njoyved young wu : wit over those who had not In i" i, circular ve sent hy mail ahd personal salieitotibn' + ved : Fhe nur ber atl tere with the : the glroet em. addit boots om} ner : placed in com- | wr ¥ months ht fence What was the value of the proper- special --amigttn. _ disvric, dtiorasy, ty, os & mining proposition, enquired United States Assistant District At tarpey Dorr. "lt vas valueless," was the reply. "Was there not ore there from which pig iron could he got?" Judge Hough asked. "Yes," said the witness, "hut such small quantities that it had value for mining purposes.' in no Persian Lamb Setts, We are offering gxceptional values 'in 'fine neck pieces and mufis, and what would make a more acceptable t than a sett of furs if coming this store where quality is a cettuinty, not a chance. Campbell Beon., the makers of fine furs, "Cimon's * for high- wolnse aweels. ingmen who high salaries fronworkers" "it has been country guilty, and Frank NM. "and these deiendanis are not work with ihey are the walking delegates who have brought L nion he government against labor unions, is legitimate and iofty, those monsters of crime who stand at the head of the union and decode the workingman and use their funds unlawful purposes. shown that $200,000 was collected from toilers all over the to defend the ter the defendants here knew they were their agents, ityan, president of the un. knowing they were guilty, stood - for one minute at their Milwaukee convention and with uncovered heads turned their inces towards the west gs a tribute to the McNamaras locked in work- hands. with the inte disrepute. makes no charge whose purpose but it accuses A Christmas their presents, glad. See our showing able for at chanes. of fine furs, for McNamaras al- cluding Crawford. Be. J. sale for "Week end" Ib., .spetial Drag Store. tree had been prepared ; ani made the hearts of The pupils brought gifts be distributed among the poor Christmas morning. this store is 'a certainty, Campbell Bros. the makers der Christmas, laden with childreq, to the Why Not Give Furs? of fine furs suit- Christmas presents. Qualit; not a Oranges, Oranges. California oranges, seedless, 25c. and afternoon, when a chocolates, 5c. Muhood's MERCHANTS' BANK OF CANADA Proceedings at the Forty-ninth Annual Meeting of Shareholders. The forty-ninth annual meeting of sharehol ders of the Metehants' Bank of Canada took p Wednemdy, December 18th. Among those Long, A. Baraet, C. C. Ballantyse, A. J Dawe 3, Nelles, W. A. Filion, C. R. Black, T. BE and A Dingwall The President of the Bank, § Merrett, ir H. Montagu Allan, was asked to take 'the chair, and Mr. J to the meeting. The notice calling the meeting wus read ing were presented and taken as read, THE DIRECTORS' REPORT The minutes of the last annual meet The President then read the annual report of the Directors as follow 10. submit the Annual Report of tie Directors aud the Profit and Loss and General operations tL "On an average fr last Ton a. is ye i written off Bank us to Surry fo forward §H8.71% his Tone Reserve Pund this year the a bugive wonths, emises, 100.0 up a 8.410, Delburne, Alberta Aven * Dratford, Guelph, and Walke " neles: he have not closed any a thie year we have death oe on Keeount of advanced age. retirempit. ¥ way enjoyamany years yet of vacancies on the Board have "Your Directors and the General Manager have had uns ncial vear from the 3th November to the ith April, as the Jeneral con 9 Jeanine on the resources of Canadian Banks is at its he ight »r your consideration, changing the end of the financial ye the termination of the fi to chaw, ng, are not so con jested as po Spe Capital of $6.4 792.50 to he disposed of. the past year we have opened Altra tly deplored and whose loss was mat Mr. Hodgson has ser 1 the Antuman, n view, an amendment to the Py- Law will be mitted on ; in the Prolt and Loss Account, * has been further augmented by the premiul 760, or a fraction over 8&2; of the paid-up Capital, offices at the following Si Bdmonton:. Hanna, Centre Stracl (Montreal) and St of the Bank have been insjerted dur ost two of alr esteemed Directors, onc by death a y wl, and, later on in the vear, ed Fesigued, ot ved on the Board of this Lank for over thirty. the 1's councils was very highly esteemed. Ducinig the last ten years he wasour Vice-President in Quebec HH AI health and Happiness. been filled by t witen the present were the following F. Howarl Wilson, A. D. Fraser, R. 62.892. there has been earned the sum of $1.08 841.02 This bas been dealt with as follows Ii contributed to the Officers' Pension Fuhd, 000. ntagn Allan, Messrs, K Fiske, iddington, D d Macarow, W sir H wtterson, hf HB 1g R. Mil M. Kilbourn was app Statement of the of 107 ctors consider t! on new stock. (issue Your Di ints, viz i ughenden, Redelid, and 1 ; in Saskatchewan lace at the head offices of the Bank on W. Blackwell . A. 1ewis, R, Campbell- ler, Thomas J. M. Kilbourn sinted secretary Hank covering thie balance brought forward on the paid-up Capital, add d to Reserve Fund, $450,000, favourable shéwing 1 at 155), amowati agto$ 500,160, Dattieford ; r. Charles 3, Hays, whose Mr. Jonathan Hodgson, years, and his advice at We hope Mr. Hodgson, in e appointment of Messrs, Andrew J. Dawes and I. Howard Wilson der consideration for some time fhe advisability of asking your permission sin this country, in With this ir to the S0th pet and changing the date of the Annual Meeting from the third Wednesday in the monti vol December to the third Wednesday in the migath of AM wld of Directors of the Bank has hitherto consisted of nine members, and we I: ae! decided to ask you to increase the 'The necessary law increasing ting this report. 1 by ne Vy President and Mr. Long, number to twelve, of the customers of the Jank and the staff, f intance with your extensive interests in the West than sis througout the country, of a in sa; that the business o Bank is wel tepiesc itactory rents of t depart fro the Hank is on a sound by ated at all points, and the business is being ca icasire in testi ying to the continued excell change in the By-Law will be submitted to you for your asse: the amount of the Directors' remuneration to $%. 3 would like to say I visited most of the Western Branches dui: 1g the past summer, accompanied where we acquired a great deal of additional information bearing upon our business and wet a I may say that the trip was full of instruction, and we returned with a very we have had heretofore, We think we are We were impressed with the fact that the in the "All of which is respectfully submitted. XK per ann bly handled. will also be submitted to you. lenf work of the staff, in recognition of which, and in view of the business for th e past year and the strong n @ esentations of the General Ma anager, the Board have decided to policy hither-to followed and have granted a boaus to the stall. H. MONTAGU ALLAN, President Statement of the Result of the Business of the Bank for the Year ending 30th November, 1912. 'The Net Profits of the year, after payment of charges, rebate on discounts, interest on deposits, and making full provision for bad and doubtful debts, have amounted to. ....... Premiunt on New Stock The balance brought forward from Novettiber, 1011, was . Making a total of . . $1,338,844.02 660,760.00 30th 58,878.18 . $1,058,4382.80 a ---- This has been disposed of as follows : Dividend No. 08, at the rate of 10 per ce; t. per annum Dividend No. 99, at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum Dividend No. 100, at the rate of 10 per cent. per annum Dividend No. 101, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum _ 167,886.28 Transferred to Reserve Fund irom Fol) and Loss Account Transferred to Reserve Fund from Pre. mium on New Stock . . Written off Bank Premises Account . .... Contribution to Officers' Pension Fund . . Balance carried forward ..... $151,902.63 162,685.12 166,530.50 $640,004.58 450,000.00 560,760.00 100,000.00 50,000.00 148,718. E 058,482. Statement of Liabilities and Assets at 30th November, 1912. LIABILITIES. 1. To the Public. bearing interest . Balances due to Agents in Great Britain. $6,801,496,00 +. $17,340,321 41 44,822,560.99 2 62,446,479.12 1,051,682.51 Balances due to Agents in the United Capital paid up ereienese + $6,747,680.00 Balance of forward EE M87 6,410,760.00 18.27 me see 13,807, 168.27 i an -- $84,116,907.51 i dey gas oo a REE pa rt eme ae ASSETS. Gold and Silver Coin on hand Dominion Notes on hand Notes and Cheques of other Banks. . Balances due by other Banks in Canada . .. Balances due by Banks and Agents in the United States ...... - Call and Short Loans on Bonds and Stocks in Canada, . .$5,200,327.06 Call and Short Loans on Bonds and Stocks elsewhere than in Canada 4,002.969.67 Government, Municipal Railway and other Bonds and Debentures . .. .e Current Loans and Discounts (less Rebate of Interest reserved) Loans and 1 s overdue (loss fully provided for) . . Deposit with Dominion Government for security of Note Circulation ..., Mortgages and other Securities, the property of the Bank 9,212,208.72 5,733,608.74 27.627,440.72 55,374,824.64 184,200.54 306,000.00 HR 818.17 27,998.28 2,427,331.08 50,208.12 $34,116,907.51 E. F. HEBDEN, General Manager. printed for distrivation which was a very in regent to the the Vice-President, Mr K. W. Blackwell, that the ~ amongst the the shareholders. Fagan io the report and the basiasie of the Bask. i E month of May in every year. 5 Seven 17 the Set atten Se indent a sf po shaak wis passed to the Prefident, Viet President Sam) ged expression of warm appreciation of their services be tendered fmmediately after, Sie HW. Mostags Ally and Me. K. W. Blackwell weer #." ; % on are much in the staff are good them and the tildren can rest sured that thev will reach their doation all right WAS 0 taking des at the past office. Large quant of mail wer |postetl. All day to-day, and on Mon jday-and Tuesday, there will hardly be | standing room in post office lob by, The stamp of will be besieg erd with people, with pareels. In or to meet with the rush Postmaste: i Stewart has two wickets for the re f caiving and weighing of parcels. One of the long tables at the pos! {office presented quite a sight Frida Whig representative It was day ties i Friday busy the en called to make an inspection, loaded! down with presents of al Kinds, bound for howes in the city The parcels all shapes ane { sizes, from would easily g« in your vest almos {large enough Ead | "postie'" will be with ' thorsa, so they will to cops twith the situation. THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE, are of one that pocket for a provided be able to ope dray. | Presendiion to a Retiring Teache by School Pupils. Gananoque, Dec. 21.--The curred on Thursday, at | residence, near Woodburn, of Mr James Cummings, the seventy {fourth year of her The funers {took place this afternoon, to Wood | burn Methodist church, where Rev. Ih { Nesbitt conducted the f al, and th { were brought here and in | terred in Gananoque vault, | The funeral of the late William G | Campson took place irom the famil | residence, William street, to Ganano (uve vault. Rev. Henry Gracey con ducted the funeral service. The annual Christmas entertainmen | for the pupils of St. Andrew's Sunda | school was held last evening. A fin |eantata, entitled, "A Counterfei Santa Claus," was rendered by the pupils. George Gibson took the part jof Santa Claus.' | Mra. George Toner is confined to he (home, on Tanner street, quite serious 13) ill. Delos La Combe, whe has been confined to his home or Brock street, for several weeks past suffered a paralytic stroke, early yes terday morning, and is in a very eriti cal condition. John Dillon, undergo ing treatment in the Hotel Dien Kingston, for some time past, has re turned home, considerably improved Harold McCarney spent a few day this week in Smith's Falls. Miss A. A. Howson, moderns teach er in the high school, left, yesterday, to spend the vacation at her home Peterboro. Miss Annie McAllister, sci ence teacher, is spending the holida: season at her home in Welland. Th various departments of the local pub lic schools held their annual Christ mas "'blow-out" yesterday morming when the pupils were remembered by their teachers and presented with sacks of candy and other good things Miss Anna Rbbertson, for the pas' vear in charge of the senior secons form of King street school, and whe resigned to take a school neare home, was presented with a handsome token of remembrance by the pupils o the school. Miss Robertson was taker by surprise, but had a treat ready for the children. In a few moments W Rogers drgesed to represent Sants Clane, appeared oa the scene with tw big baskets of candy, which he dis pensed to the pupils, to their vers great satisfaction. Miss Robertror {has given excellent satisfaction in the local school. death the famil of mn age, remains ------------ The Blundering Aldermen, O**awa Journal Premier Gouin, of Quebec, learned is the course of a discussion that on one occasion recently opportunity to float {a Montreal loan at a price of ninety | seven had Been lost because an alder man called "next meeting," with the | result that the city had lost between £100,000 and 100,000. Aldermen ar oftéd expensive anywhere, but this on stems to have made a record, The Coal Trust and Consumer. New York World The average consumer trouble himself to master all the technical details of the supreme court's decision in the Coal Trust case, but about one point he can have po matter of doubt-since the ec railrdad combination was formed wholesale price of anthracite at tide water has been raised $2.25 or more a ton. ' Fall and Winter Importations. Prevost Broek street, has received all his fal} importations for ne tailoring department, consisting of suiting and overcoating In great va riety of patterns to choose from Also large stock of ready-made cloth ing and gents' furnishings. 2%c--Choeglates, Chocolates--2%5¢. chocolates, 200. 'B. Fry's. Crawford, may not Fancy best. J. Gold iki} boxes, Best's. Why pue to pay reat for the benefit of your landiord? Why not apply such payments to own your own home? Consuit our atiractive lst of modern houses, comven'ently fceated to city and car line. How- ard 8S. Foiger 44 Clarence St. Ponce sweets." Gibson's. Spy apples, Crawiond's, | ng young men fail to arrive. Christmas songs, '0 Holy Oc. Dutton's Music Store. No mother ever admits that thore! mless she happens to be, the mother of twins, Best's for Night," Boston chololates. (iibson's" for Christmas sweets. Nothing worries a nagging wile nuch as a husband who won't nad, "Santa Claus delivery weets" from Gibson's on orning. The woman who sticks to Her hus- and like glue may help bith to mend | is ways. . i "Santa Claus delivery on Christmas | wraing from Gibson's Red | Cross rug Store. Shop at Dest's for satisfaction Not having" coal is no disgrace o've been in that condition numer: us Limes, "Week-end" S50 get ! of Christmas Chuistmas | chocolate sale, 50¢. qual- iv for 2c. Mahood's Drug Store A man thinks he would enjoy help ig his poor relatives--if he+ han' ny "Chrisimas sweets," at Gibson's. Man, has aquired some very | ood habits by not following in the wtsteps of his father, } "$1 for life membership' in nn library. Gibson's Red rug Store lewing tables, sewing cabinets, par- sr eabinet, musie cabinet, cand tab- | 4, Mott's plagues. R. J. Reid's. A married suffragette A woman ho varries a night key and her hus- | and doesn't, "Brownie kodaks," at Gibson's. Late shipment of safety razors to .3 sold almost at hali-price at Best's, | Perfumes, perfumes--ths bést values t Mahood's Drug Store. Politics make strange bedlellows and we "also rans" are left to sleep out 1 the cold. i "Large or small" orders receive | very attention at Gibson's Red Cross rug Store. More umbrellas vind than are returned re. a boy Tdbard | Cross are turned by the by borrow: | of | from 'Christmas morning delivery" MeConkey's and Huyler's sweets Gibson's * A man who teaches his childven ha- sits of industry provides for + them witer than giving them fortunes "Week-end"' sale chocolates, h., special for Christmas. Mahood's rug Store. ! fo pay homage to beanty ire nature and to adm » worship God, Compliment OB 25¢ ad ia la in to nature the eo every time & cckcond" chocolate sale, B50c. qual ty for 25¢. Mahood's Drug Store. When a married man has to use a ail to connect his trousers with his | wpenders he is justified in his belief at marriage is a failure, "Brownie kodaks," at Gibson's Every girl passes through that part if her career en she imagines that old trimminginproves a pipe or a + more than baby in the world, yuntain pen. "Christmas morning delivery" IeConkey's and Huyler's high-class weets, from Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store. On the mistaden theory s always room for ome more, v man tries to take home a er load than he is capable of ng Direct ates at nade. 'ime. It would pay vou to ew store this Christmas wesents. We have not quite com leted our improvements but are eady with the best stock in the city | '0 serve you. R. J. Reid, | Playing cards in cases, Best's If your money i8 not earaine 'eagt ¢ix per cent. fotyou, 't Is nvested to the best advan'sze. Col sult our list of attractive zit edge a high grade bonds yielding eix per cent. or better. Fill partioniars | on application. Howarl 3 44 Clarence St. of there | many big- carry that hoeo finest any shipment of Boston Best's. They are the Special delivery at our | your | visit for nt | not 23c--Chocolates, Chocolates--2%¢. | Fancy chocolates, 20e. Ib. Fry' best. J. Crawford. " Too Young to be Thrifty. "Oh, George, baby's had aa awful time! Instead of dropping those pennies you gave him in the tin bank he dropped. them down his threat, All | the neighbors came over, and Dr. Bo- | sem and Dr. Drastic were here, and | vou never saw such excitement. What | do you suppose made him do it?' "Why, 1 suppose he preferred = hu mat interest to bank "mtevest. Pathetic Ignorance. Teacher What days of the year are most dear to us? You may answer, | Willie. Willie-- Christmas an' April 10th. Teacher--April With! Why, what h then ? ' Jes, don't you know that's th" -- th' hasebsl season opens 7-- Cleveland Plain Dealer. : Ladies' Hudson Seal Coats, Fifty inches long, best quality spe- cial, at SIS: Campbell Bros, busy far sfore. Manicure scts, Best's, y oh After the campai had been carried on & of depositors, and they customers of hun were dhe 1 it is a they had NEWSPAPER there 4 wy who | te' become nk. that THE mAjarity sad ACCOUNT * BY great AN hwy FT Heb i ADVERTISING dreds in this city Perhaps them, oar nang Bave yaung men mot opened hank they Ver oS vtising mrs on had the » t r do "0 the news as he Isadvant age soon italdy not pace be very hat monte to earn, may one who doses Sonal) is going 10 be = "The British Whig" Eastern Ontario's Greatest Newspaper E. BLAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance -- Agent for---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance Co'y. OVER NORTHERN OROWN BANK. MARKEY SQUARR, 'Phone 186 KINGSTON, ONT. HOCKEY S) obi 'ATE pined I many Matches NONDERFUI ITMOus su has been Senior Fon League by using in winning Ure 1 able VELOX the "de le standard enabling the ball SARL This Skate Hockey of foot Tho whi Pla rom than from Velox hh specially iso made for "ir and graceful Pe HE STARR MFG Dartmouth, ttern LIMITER. Canada Important to Buyers. We have houses and Jots at attractive prices in any part of the city. If you have lots or houses to sell, list them with us, We will sell them J. O. Hutton H. S. Crumley 18 Market St Telephone 703 Kingston. Whether For Yourself prasa Gift to your Friend PERRIN'S GLOVES Perrin tra d be on every glove , assurés you perfection of "Style, Fit and Finish. Best dealers the world over sell the genuine PERRIN'S GLOUES. demark as BA hristmas Presents to R295 vu dmend, to $1 50, Men's Slippers {rom $1.55 Ladies' Stippers from Children's Slippers from 50c. up Hockey Boots and F elts Sketes Attached Free JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 BROCK STREET. 6a, Tt is worth thousands id dollars a, Don't believe in love at frst sight yvefir to be =H; to look on the bright wh lave thal kébps the divores wide of thin fo rong = Norrinon: x n high = for which ' wrt, no compass has yer ben ovenied a Ne a women csn

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