THE, CHURCH PUPS 2.2 27 1 orem mnt oes hi be 5(3 The Man 'Shoe St -- me, subject, "Liac dings CHRISTMAS GIFTS | iro sewn wan wait i per 513 The Man HT Abernethy's Shoe" Store F Bo d Gi 1 i PREACH ON SUNDAY. la. m; class meeting at close of |S n atc ou i? : ce; Sunday school, adult or $s an ris 2 motpag Be aay Gr oe |DOO0E00000000ERRRERAES : : y . Anouns nts s Made by the Varlousiahd students Bi Mond ay . 8 24h pus; "The new professor of systematic the o r Denominations as te Their Ser-! ral prayer meeting, Wednesda; p. ology at Queen's is declared to be not | <0 / { ' 8 | vices--Sermon Topics and Musical ,, Christmas mus Anthems, ** only an able teacher, but the minister | So a" e 5 wn ua | Programmes. Christmas Morn": "While Nhepherds |of Chalmers is on record as telling his Fe | 3 Church Watched Their Flocks ; solo and chor! congregation that his Scottish inend > E Calvary Congregational - : > : ' "Jesus is Alng Miss A 1 3 hed w d tex Christmas services. Preacher 11 a.m. [98 esus 1s Ning, s A. Timmer- | preached a most searching and inter | 8 ' # 'and 7 p.m., Rev. 8. T. Butler. Even-|man and the choir; duet, "The Aug- {esting sermon last summer, in the ol . | e wn nnua i ing, anthems by choir; soloists, Mrs. el"s Song," Messrs. Mack and Dykes; land, in twenty-three miogutes o ; | g i Gibson and Rev. 8S. T. Butler. Wel- | male quartette, "Glory to God in the | that the people knoW the time in N come to all. Highest whith a sermon can be thoroughly St. Andrew's--Rev. S. J. M. Comp- preached, they will be demanding that ---- Th C tai | tom, B.D., minister. Services: 11 a.m. Queen's scholar's accomplishment be e ap mn ! and 7 p.m.; minister's Bible class, 5.13 SIX C AKEN accepted as the standard time Limit i§ pm. Collection in aid of Kingston io a. z general hospital. Students and strang-| ' The Lampman has heard it said AS WARDS OF THE CHILDREN'S | that it is a wonder the Scotchman of 3 : ers welcome. ums { St. Paul's -- Morning Prayer, 11 AID SOCIETY the city bave not organized ap Anti 'o'clock; Sunday school and Bible clas- ---------- Treating Club, in view of the pro | nes, 3 p.m.; evening prayer, 7 o'clock; | Arrived Here From Bathurst Town- verbial "'closeness'" of the Neotth race 7 Every wil t reacher, Kev. W, F. Fitzgerald, M.A. 4 > His reply to this is that there is no » . : ppd ] i Boy and Girl 1 want a Copy. rather . Day--Holy ho ing sa. ship--Widowe:) : Father Lett more willing subject than the Scotch Will be gifts purch at {m.; mormng prayer and holy commun- Children With Neighbors 0 Go} man jlo share a horn with his neigh » lion, 11 o'clock; preacher, Kev. W. F.| Out and Seek Work. hor and friend. this store wild to the electors his views on 141 PRINC S STREET , "The Prince of Pea 7 p.m, I larend Stat on Frida Th 8 y ES E * "How the Shepherds Found the Sav- children Jost a mother rs te y lion of assestiment. He pe jour." Special Christmas music. Bible] nihs a nd their home in Math. {4ic®s that the representative of Ri J ful d tl . Machol at 2.45 pm. Students and Hos i fell into ruin me be. | dean ward has advertised himself as a use an grea 1y appreciat {strangers cordially invited to all theo me destitute through the shiftless- candidate for the renewal of town ed b the 1 t 'services. ness of their father. The man, Andrew | council vows, and that he is standing y recip ent. St. George's Uathedral---Fourth Sun-| Met oy was refused aid by the reeve forth as some kind of assessment i . . watchdo Does he mean that he 1s a aaa | Td in Advent. % a.m., holy commun: | oi the township, and leaving the chil- - . {ion; 11 a.m., matins, preacher, the dren with neighbors, he went away to single-taxer, or that he wants gd wy {Dean of Untario; 3 p.m., children's ser- {work in the lumber camps. toll on churches, hospitals, and educa- Lo Gifts will be received for the 3 i of the] tions! imstitutions ? No doubt Coun- rave gs ang » { Fitzgerald, M.A. A pitiful case of child neglect wa 4 2 U G 1 oO WwW S i First Haptist church--Rev. Douglas pre Paton i Rev. Fan Brier Ld Tampman thinks that Town oe ' lang, pastor, at both Jeiviges, IT a. of the local Children's Aid Society, at Iman Armstrong should explain Gif th * be ts that will most Rev. Mr. Smart was notified i | Christmas tree at 'this service. 4.15 gase and before Volice Magistrate cilman Armstrong will tell the electors Merchant Tailor {pm., baptisms; 7 p.m. evensong.|Smith, of Sharbot Lake, on Friday, all about it on the 30th. . > | Preacher, Kev. Canon Starr. Subject, | the destitute children, six in all, were : -- ' "No Room In The lon." made wards of the Children's Aid So- St. Andrew a ne longer Jooks a war- uit asses A A Hand Talot "Tailored Suit or vere oat oan always be depended Chalmers Presbyterian, corner Bar-lciety. On Friday afternoon one of the ks church, with ie Derry Sunstn n for service. We have a rge assortmen uit jrie and Karl streets. Hev, M. Macgil | girls wnt to the shelter at Brock- icking its heels in the air, while ite ye 0 ings and Srercont Cloths which we can make up at a very {livray, D.D),, minister. Services, 11 a. Bile in charge of Hev. Ot or Oh d muzzle is stuck in the earth. The Real Leather and L cather lined Bags for Men, Wo- reasonable price. We also have the House of Hobberlin sam- Im., and 7 p.m. Special Ghristmas ser- [Smith's Falls. There were three girls |lampman, as he ga d upon this men, Boys and Girls, $3.00. 83.50, $4.00, £500, $7.50 ples to sell from. Prices for Suit or Overcoat from $18 up. pmons and Christmas music. Sunday | Lizzie, Maggie, and Mary Ellen, and ancient piece of artillery that did duty to Sis 00 {sohool, 3 p.m; Bible class 2.15 p.m.;|{hree boys, Russell, Joseph and Henry. jon the walls of Derry, wondered if the H: 1 bes : n wi: Ladies and 8 13.50 THOS. LAMBERT, 175 Princess St. students and strangers cordially in-|The children were in a very destitute|Psople of theScotch kirk had start andsome fitted Bags for Ladies and Gents, $13.5 |vited to all the services. D. fi. Laid- condition and will be taken to the do tub Hele swords into using and 815. {law, 170 Princess street, pew steward. children's sheiter at Brockville before | BOOKS anc their cannon into a plough. . a a b = ti a: wo | Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock |being, placed out in homes. One of the With the "wee gun' out of commis Suit Cases--fitted $10, $12, $15 and $20. Fitted | street- -Minister, Rev. J. W. Melntosh, amusing incidents in their story was MNO whatever 'would have happened with ladies' and gents toilet fiittings. IM.A. Hesidence, YW Frontenac street. the astonishment with which they re hy pd Germany attacked Bi toi and Suit Cas 1 serviceable vy D 5.00," 6.00, : | The pastor will conduct both services. [garded the train which they saw for lorden's warships were not ready. for - sult ases m Servic eable leather, 4.50, 5.00, LOU, : : {1 am, "Patbiehom Scenes ; 7 p.m, jthe first time they called them the Lid } Howaver, with the spiking 7.50, 10.00 to 20.00, * | "Christmas Joy"; 3 pm. Sunday |"hov } together. of the gun, "Nat" Greenwood ean now + Rirantata of Rk v - = Christmas Chocolates Sehuo} with classes for Young Men a guid ' i, praeted pod play "Peace on Farth ¥ e _ on Hus at 5 6.00, i. and 10.00. and Young Women; mid-week meeting, Big Values in Fine Furs. on the St, Andrew = chimes J othing like them in ings.on. Wednesday, © pm: Students and] wien o illag FHE TOWN WATCHMAN 8 8 strangers cordially invited to all ser- When we say ours are nol equal ec S.A Semen 2 4 g 0 y o 8 in Kingston for quality or value we In Fancy Boxes and Baskets, which would Steus | i > " ik babii don't ask vou to take our word for How Foolisn! 5 : "y First Church of Christ, Scientist, | a be : . . . i dasa make a 'very suitable Gift. Johnson street, hetween Bagot and [it: but invite you fo CHE fu and | To allow your money to Foyle a Eo EE Hockey ; Wellington streets--Sunday service, 11% for yourself. Campbell Bros., the for in the banks at thre a.m. subject, "ls the Universe, includ- makers of fine furs when you can .secure at least s'x : ' | ing Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?' Gi a {per cent. by investing in safe high SAY AR 4 . {Wednesday evening, testimonial meet- Cab Smashed to Pieces. {grade bonds. Cemsult Howard 8 TAR ; 00 % ling. Free public reading-room, same| A cab team took fright on I'riday Folger, 44 Clarence St. 4 i Ao Can and dashed down Clarence street until a gt aR JY ' {address, open every afternoon except i a Be Vs Hock y Boots - - ; Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock, All are cord- [they came to the Kingston anc Pem ~ . . "8 el v y OCKe Next to Opera House Phone 640 I are cord {ke railway station where they dash Pur Lined Oogts. - iF Se 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 and 2.50, he] vv . : - {ially invited to the services and the a : reading-room. ed into the freight yard. The cab wax We are offering wonderful values in 2) fie ' CAT : Men's Hockey Boots x i smashed to pieces fur-lined coats for both ladies and Sydenham Street Methodist church-- |" F ra oo ad Ba | {Christmas services. Preacher, morning - a ---- gentlemen. Campbell Bros., the mak- : : > 9 00, 250. 3 00, : ' 3.50 4.00. , p i fine furs | 'and evening, the pastor. Bible schoof,| A paragraph in the Central notes ers of fine es . = dies' Jay |245 p.m. Special music. All wel |#aid George Lefleur had sold his farm -_"€" ) ' i Ladies Hockey Boots SAAMAAAAAALAS come. Special Christmas music : An- |*tock and implements. 'This is not the! Brownie cameras are good Christ ; f 2.00 and 2.50, ; thems, "Hark the Herald - Angels [$85 though he did sell a few head of l mas presents. $! up. Mahood's Drug 8 ) 45) (iirls' Hockey Boots | Sing," Jrightest and Best," "Halle- cattie. Stare : 4 DON © a | | lujah, the Aght Shined"; Christmas | Men's slippers, great variety, low r. Frederick Uooke, of Hrooklyn, is 2.25, 2.00 and 1.50. i ' . expected at his purents' home, Mr. and carols, "Holy Night," "A Virgin Un- prices. Dutton's stove. A F. 8. Anderson. of Toronto, was in! Mrs. J. B. Cooke, Union street, for srs ams | svotted"; solos, Th Pil, f the + Bh J s » (Britt Wie Fublaing Go, Timited PUOPEIOROLY. - (§ [FER mmo oo oe rs Corian. James Small, Misses Lai ley and El . - Manufiicturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and I A TT aT STR Slippers Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, grove and Claxton. Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, St. James' church, (corner Tiion ANd | e----m------------ Men's Fine Kid Slippers in brow 11 50+ h As: ames ditch, iogner, Unicn and Men's Fine Kid Slippers in brown and black, $1.5 Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, D B.A., rector, the Rectory, a B THE pd 1.75 and 2.00. Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Ha: jon and Barrie. streets. Fourth Sun- Men's Fine Kid Slippers, high top, elastic sides in 5 er ' day in Advent. 8B a.m. holy - 4 = Stationers, Etc. Stock and Fancy imunion. 11 a.m., morning Arve and brown and black, $1.75. 1.85, 2.00 and 2.25. Box®¥ of every description made to order Litany. Sermon subject, "John's We also show a large range of Boys' Slippers just Proclamation of the Lord's Coming". like Men's ci . , i nr : ' (ySotimaten Furnished. 3 p.m. Sanday school and Bible classes. 7 p.m., induction of new Men's Warm Felt Slippers-- Best grades, English and 'Office and Factory : King Street West | i,m mie = cunt fo bob pinion and | 1 {| orman makes, $1.50, 1.55, 1.00 and 7c | child into church, sermon, confirma- fatérest Gs the st essential of ap 1 9 ' ' "PHONE 883 AND A FR ERERNARIVE WILL CALL. pious: wtvice, proucher, the, Visiop . of investment; the ability to realize EL ---- re thd dg cove | OF CANADA | Il icky he mend. oddly the L dies nd Cree strode Rv. G. 1. adies' olise Campbell, pastor. _ 1 ., subject, OFF department of this Bank is an ideal "The Historical Condi Preceeding HEAD Cp form of investment. he Birth of Christ"; anthems, "Be . / i kia" in. So anes: TORONTO " Slippers "Tis Victory"; solo, "0 Peace Di \ " vine," J. Shea. 7 pm. subject, K 1 N G S 1 O N B R A N GH » Fancy Felts and Velvets "Th Shepherd K The * : Leave Orders Earl Wah: ebthemas, "of From On| He E Richardson, ann Manage: inbluy, black, green, y High Hath Heard"; "Hymn of the PE a a RR See purple and red, $1.50 and Nativity"; solo, "O Holy Night," Mrs. 1.25 J. Evans; duet, "Peace to This Sac- Woci's , Heat) -- fe Ba - - . FOR- nd Dwelling," Mrs. Evans and J. Nn re ¢ Englich_fiomed Si; Crea Puff Sh rt Cak Brock street Methodist Shute, cor: ass and ae ( 0Sy ippers ner of Brock and Monlreaf streets. oi aro : m 8, 0 e Rev. J. Webster, pastor. Residence LRikig F ine In Red, Blue. Green, Brown, Black (like small illustra- - 242 : Johnson street. 10 am. class Ef: b r 5 tion) meeting; 11 am. and 7 pan, Uhbrist- : ' nd urran Brea mas special sermons and music. a C t d. Preacher at both services, the pastor. 3 p.m., Sunday school and Hrother- hood Bible class. Morning music--an- thems, '"The Angels are Singing'; "The Earth is The Lord's'; evening R. H i OYE anthems, "The Anthem Celestial'; * solo by Mr. Eva, "Uomlort Ye, Com- Ph 141 fort Ye My People'; anthem, 'Hark, 1 1 rn one Hark My Soul." : ; i 1 This is the best value ever offered at this price Bethel Congregational, comer Barrie . ! offered at this price. {and Johnson streets--A central ! BS 'church. Rev. A. P. Mershon, minis ' ter, "Good-Will' to all the People." |N A i + § Oth S . 111 a.m., Christmas music by the t t choir and services and sermon to | S 0 er ul - 'children. All little folks especially ig * all; Christmas 'music and exercises, 7] . i able Gifts. pam. special Christmas music by aug- ii f mented choir. Sermon by Thomas S. Lend Fancy Footwear for the baby. invited. 3 p,m., Sunday school for | Cole, Toronto, to tiideons Commercial Baby Stippers and Moccasins. ;Travollers and their families are re . You should Took quested by invitation. The church is hE ou should look at out : Snowshoes for boys and girls. decorated with , colors and elee- " a. . , iart k greens, So bd get Te Tooth Brush Holders 15a. Moccasins for everybody. . Seat erybody Overgaiters and Leggings for women and Children. variet in Kingston, conjaining Hats, Ca . NX ) roi per Holders 1 Te Lh 12 in box, hoary Sse, "pirat Congregational. o corner John- : Toilet Paper Bold a Childrens' White Rubbers, bo x. zon and W aig Ta Sin: a. i : I : Sopp Dishes vine TO Childrens Trunks and Suit Cases, a . Special Christmas _ NY ipa Sponge Holders ee 200 Childrens' Rubber Boots. view ime Neosage So. Yom id a Slippers for Boys. "a Rack weanavaie devine - " ger. At the evening service the pas- ; / ) Overshoes for men and women tor give a ten-minute address on A Or a Welshack Light from 25c Overshoes for childre [The « Christianized Calendar." Music, Ah I wp would Sue - : Ss w children. {arming anthem, "The Morning Stars 1 1 . useful and asceplable gift. ie cn on fr es. ti Tangs Seem: Ww Shop Early Come Witlr T David Hall P y-- Come Wi he Crowd to of Zion™; JE po Tox EE aN id ABERNETHY' S RRR a Re We store your --. JAMES RED'S 2 Phone | ow temper will improve with dis-