Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1912, p. 7

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> THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1012. SA : PAGR SEVEN. -- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY] (jes) THE BANK OF TORONTO | ico sommes moe or iy semi vase) HEAD OFFICE: Happenings m te City and Vielney MLM DAY I" ~=What the Merchants Off atiner nt 3 & Py i TORONTO CANADA the Readers of the Whip. | | "SORTS iAeod FEA A : RE INCORPORATED 1855. Remember the poor. | JOHN MEEHAN | coNDENSED ADVERTISING RATES) BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. FOR SALE. RECORD FOR BUSINESS YEAR ENDING 30TH NOV. 1012 Now sueak in and buy them. i - i ] : Rubbers for ali, cheap. Dutton's. the AY. Galt Theatre First insertion lec a word. Esch con- IMPORTED GERMAN © ANARIES.-- | 4 TALKING FARRoT? AND © 'am, CARITAL . ' Serra s Cara ae a $5,000,000 There may be no green Christmas THE FORTUNE HUNTER secutive Insertion thereatter half) First shi Frings postivad of bias Apply at wil jam Nt tO increase for year rn Aan nian 481.950 after all. i | cent 's werd Minimum charge for guaranteed 20h SMe Come an ENGLISH RAINCOATS, -- GO To RESERVE FUNDS .. ... Lei Shae 6,178,573 sunuay school festivals are beitig |' Wineball Smita's Comedy va lumps, : one Insertion, We; three Insertions, hear them 2 NV, J. Dielver, Sot raer nk' Cooks. 8% Clarence Street, increase for year .......... 518,503 arranged for. RC Yours du Lng yg SOc: wix, $11 ene month, $3. Queen and arrie one 612, : v { 547 " Have you joined the Empty Stock. 2B, 3 : : - NOTES IN CIRCULATION ne y ..0,474,917 - Seats gn Sale Saturday, p : o" 61 ing Club? : HELP WANTEL. BUSINESS CHANCES. nerease f : x, a Gate a » 812,485 DREADS Te 41,622 34 Snow avd Spy apples. J. Crawford. | A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO, increase for year .. .. ! x 495.681 Bi hithardson would do well at the '8 POR THE Miss Hora, 45 King Street. i SASKATOON En YN | i S NTS LOANS and INVESTMENTS is 48,126,011 by: syed suitcase, good Christmas| CHRISTMAS A SMART YOUNG BOY. APPLY To INYRSTHENT A y Ra AYD oan Increase for year iii ir : . 2,516,759 seat, i the Kingston Hosiery Co, King Fy Bl A ri Le x butions store. | "BAKING = | The John A. McRae Co, Tura' Phone Top 0 Price direct gurrent) Apply, EK sthen, 47 Mack Street, 'Phone |" HORSE POWER MOTOR | = Lt West, TOTAL ASSETS. ay ye eis {ia 59,226,548 Frederick Babcock is holidaying at ron Ne -- | 4 Increase for year . ..... cis 2,158,884 his home in Hartington ONCE, FIRST-CLASS MiLL-| Saskatoon wrights, Apply, Canadian General) Presents ! Lined gloves, mitts for | wn - FOUR SECONDHAND BARBER ' G . = Klectric Co, Peterbore, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START Chalrs Ww b RO rheap 5 fen pad on Dutton's store, : OLD BAR ---- -------- EC -] & mall order business at home; no : ii he. A ry an ale une ristmas music will | A GOOD, SMART BOY TO WORK IN canvassing; be your own boss 5 Hotel. Apply. J. M KINGSTON BRANCH-107 3 PRINCESS 8T. swamp the minister's SeFIBOB. SEEDED ' barber shop. Apply te a! Send for free hookiet; tells how. Tt ald, Kingsion. Ont. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders a (1174 Ts i Theobald, 287 King Street, | Heacock, 2.908 l.ockport, N. GEORGE B. McEAY, fentived ™ HeAaley' s. Phone 564. RAISINS SALESMEN TO SELL SASKATOON $LI00--CHEESE FACTORY, DOIN ; o- inl holly and intieton, at ! Lats bg Seimmishion, Tolan MFDICAL. profitable Sites; a snap fT ub Johnson's, t rist, t. i ¥, a ; iB 0 ae Joseph Hod i Rr : FINEST IN THE WORLD : Box 40 Saskatoon. $1.000--HOUSE IN NAFANER; GOOD Josep ge, certificated piano | | i DR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. size; large lot Tuna. Phone 363. 336 Hrock street. A COMPETENT WOMAN AS COOK 1st, Throat and Ear, 134 #1300--FR AMR "wovse, wmuson" iss Hazel sselst tov } t tres selstine has left to vis | and to take care of first floor; in Street, forher Jotnson. nr BRICK HOUSE, COLLING: it at b hom v | references required. Apply, even. ours: § to 2tof, 7teo8 Sun- I HOWARD S. S. FOLGER ap ue ome in Verona over the! ings, after 6, ai 16% King Street day, i te 3%, 'and by appointn ent he others In all party INFORMATION WANTED. Bil fi Choe ws. al ki - » 44 CLARENCE ST. PHONE 995 hocolates, ali kinds, by the pound, | IMAN, MARRIED OR SINGLE, ™ A AUMBER 13a SHO ICR FARMS 28¢. Boxes of | 1b, Sw. J. Craw | work on farm neéar the cit : oy . Soe. of, . ' . BATEMAN & GARDINE INSUR. INVESTMENT BROKER. ford. li Address of people with whom Bo! nel © Ihe month or year. Address, | UPHOLSTERER. ance, "Real Estate and Monel 18 . The Christmas dance at the [lain Sergi. Reginald Stokes. "A" Bai-| 1S : a Rg of, Lean. 67 Clarence Streel. 'Phons HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS, Royal Military Coflege will be beld fiery. this city stopped during his "re | . W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. 396 in » . - " Le REAL ESTATE. Lg to-night. [aes fo Rinks 1 "by "hia Wrotner. | AN INTELLIGENT PERSON May| Pairing and carpet worx. hair mat. ' INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Baby walker, children's blackboards, | Kindly address weply to Whig office £OF "newspapers: no vanessa | eal 316 Barot Hireer TO LET. invalid table, bed rests, at R. J. - Send for particulars, Press Syndl- Agent for Canadian Pacific Farm Lands in Manitoba, Alberta Reid's, : cate. 3.989 Lockpert, N.Y. - ci . CATERER. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH and Saskatchewan. Young man, da nothing th wonkt Ba el on dvi A NEAT WOMAN FOR LIGHT : oF Jothout board; all modkes "_ y asha your mother shoul hy housekeeping and cooking: wages | WE WATER TO PARTY BALLS hisnees: near { i» CTIVE LIST OF HOUSES AT REASONABLE PRICES Iv ffl [rood be ast p About S15 parmancat potion T Waale TO ART BALLS Wellington Street. - D LOCATIONS ON BAND AT PRESENT FOR SALE. Ladies' up-to-date dressmaking. about 1s Ford Perth foes | fia Rent Dishes, avis " i A Terms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 221 Rae Ont flambrook. 'Phone 843 or 4 STORAGE FOR PU RNITURAL Princess street. ein. St pam-- ine} dry, airy rooms, absolu Jroof > i i Children's Christmas songs, 10 and caNapiay VERN Nexos| LEGA Frost's "City Bier, 3 Queen se. Dutton's, 209. Princess street. CHIVERS $90.00 month: many appointments! 3 alone S2¢h. Major J. M. Wynne, who has been coming; Kingston examinations | CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, RARRIAY. ' " . t confined to the general hospital for < PURER Frankia? Institute, Dept 113, W. | | ers and Solicitors. Law Office, U1 FOR SALE OR TO LET. some time, is rapidly improving, Rochester. N.Y Clarence Street. Kingston. #1 motor veils, 50c. Christmas| 4 ENGLISH -- - NO 100, CORNER EARL AND 0% ribbon cheap, Bibs all prices. Dut- \ ogy OUT OF EMPLOYMENT! SERVES TEACHER WANTED toria streets, wi ith Rirnace, al « » 4 y gn Ay. a moder ane ' you right! learn barber trade. al- and ww. c; gas ton's slore, 3 ¥ ORANGE ways sure employment for barber; Yea . venlences, hardwood floors, rent y Leo. Gleeson, Calgary, is visiting : i our improved methods, constant! $2090 per month Apply te ¥ CITIZENS CANDIDATE. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ! s .PYR Ed MARMALAD) braetics and instruction . gualifies| Qt ALIFE TEACHER FOR 58 No Miller 84 Victoria street. Gleeson, King street, CEMARMALAE 1» Sona [foe Tomition in sghopt Hj] 18, Clan d o san an Having nested by 8] Chocolates, ali kinds, by! the pound, a ---------- 1. 1b, Glass, lege, Toronto, i 0 }himan, - Sec.- Treas, Plevn DENTAL we pee of to offer|25c. Boxes of 1 Ib. 30e. J, Craw- v " i ford. . SALESMEN TO REPRESENT A myself FOR THE MAYORALTY $6. J. J. C. Vellatior, Brack atriet. Salem 3 hid lass ~ Brandon, Manitoba. | : Ll APP, B.A, LDS, DI. Mn - : red! estate prapositio 1 3 -, . ~ A. RB - I have consented to accede to left Friday merming for Luebec to visit resident jal ety A RL An AL HER Nori? Sans AD 3 Hag Va to 268 pal; Street. For Men Whe Care their wishes and therefore ask the her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Tremblay. | on mits; a money maker: wri to begin Jan. 3rd. 1913. ADSIY ' ua ow at , Cent | sla al y i JU fications for their VOTES AND| screcas, cedar chests for furs, shirt Also packed In .2 .1b. Glass Hdl, Foronte : to Sed Treas, A. V. Egan, Wesi-| DR. C, ©. NASH, DENTIST) bp. ©: 4 60c to $1.50 ENCE to elect me as|¥aist boxes, bed boxes to roll under . . : : port, Ont Welcker, assistant, 183 bed. - R. J. Reid's. |'s Wars and 7 Ib. Tins. | a Street. 'Phone 738. Sik Shirts .. $3.00 to 5.00 JEary MAGISTRATE OF KING- | ican Bidwell has returned from Tor. | POSITION WANTED, . for © year onto, where he aitended committee | A TEA HER, WITH JECoNDh CLASS ISPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTE rT Sets .. 1.00 to 2.00 | SCC EXPERIENCED CARPENTER WANTS certificate, Normal training 59 Welll oh B i (ov " | Braces : SAMUEL R. BAILEY meetings of the M.S.L.C. | position in city during Christmas | Public Nao . ir BE BE aT ronal 2 Hand embroidered handkerchiefs holidays; 'odd jobs preferred. | Frontenac County: oh ties to com Silk Scarfs .. 1.20to 6.00 cheap, at Dutton's | terms reasonable. Apply Riel 2012 i mence Jan. §th, 181 3: salary $600 , e | J np i a . Whig office. 3. in n, Dufferi hone 1109 Wool Scarfs.. 1.00 to 2.00 : or Holly, Holly, at Johnson's, i ring . n SIMPON, Hh | wd Weg 4 : the rist, King street. st, corner 3 | Lined Gloves.. 1.00 to 3.50 Gibson Caldwell, student at Queen' s | EDGARD RIEGEL Eritrance on 'Bag } left on Thursday to spend the Christ- . UPHOLSTERY, LkcLoTa, CARPET | WANTED--GENERAL. Wool Gloves.. 60c fo 1.30 i mas holidays at his home in (ttawa. . Repairs ru in all Styles. i FINANCE AND INSURAN | Faney Sox ... @OB0cto 2.60 TO THE ELECTORS Christmas present. Year subscrip- 1 IND ! Rates Reasonable, |NTCR CLEAN RAGE FOR WIPIV tion to the "Etude. Dutton's Music ' i Drop a Card or Call - machinery: will pay $004, Brice for GENERAL INSURARG . - : Tio Pins ..... 50c to bH.00 OF THE Store. Cla rence St. i nme. Tum Whig Boon, Agent 159 Ihe barrel, containing a plam pud- Accident Cuff Links ... ©G0cto 2.50 | | CITY OF KINGSTON ding, referred io in the Whig, came h Pontes Issued. Silk Umbrellas 3.00 to 7.00 from England and wot from Scotland, hE "sy | [von LADIES OR GENTLEMEN'S ; FEADIES AND GENTLEMEN-- | as stated. ae - Thomas Copley | (het Tailor, Ine ma that suite] C. 8 KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN: SHOP EARLY, Give sweater coats for Christmas | Telephone 987 | yeu. 19 Montreal Street, Kings- surance Agent, Accident, Ma ' In response to a general request|prosents. Children's from 80c.; men's | Drop a card to 19 Pine Street when ton. Fire and Svuirintes, 12 Clarenh A C W an the part of the Citizens of Kings-|.nd women's from 75. Dutton's | wanting anything done in the Car --- - tom, 1 » offer myself as an IN-| io. Chivers' Jams, etc, ove J 187 Lhe Estimates given Sa nd: | TAKE ROTI THAT 4 Farm iture MY WARDROBE, DEPEND CANDIDATE _ for| Mrs. H. Hogan, 430 Johnson |§ packed at their sanitary fact- Bl Hardwood Floors of all Kinds. "All| = anainds of second-hand fu highest | FRONTENAC LOAN AND Mayor for w year 1013, and re-|street, is still lying in a precarious ory at Histon, Cambridge, gfders will receive prompt attention | rices: see me Défore anyons else as Tailor and Furnisher spectfully solicit your votes and in-| condition, from the bursting of a |§ England. Shop, #0 Queen Street. | Thompson, 333 Princess Street, fluence, bi v + 188-190 WELLINGTON ST. T. 3 RIGNEY. 00d vessel, last week. Ask Tour Geer for mm 3 debentures; mortgages pu money issued ov nd next St. Andrew's Church properties, m unfelpat ind he i Latest Christmas song, "It's Not a deposits received and interest i | { {# «8 hristmas / i X m CUSTOMERS TO CALL AT WwW. CUR. . Regular ¢ , Unless For as. ! son's Barber Shop and Shoe Shine Ln TR UR, MeGi11, Manager, RID With the Folks . Back Home," i Parlor, 371 King Street; men's EAU WARD 4button's Music Store. Very Finest Chocolates in Pretty | hair cut. 13e; buyer, Ile shiva, As 8 Great many electors have ask! R James E. Falconer, of the Inland ! Boxes, ! Nee shine, Je 1 {WYERMIOL, LONDON, AND ASH od me re-election, or ac- Vi dopa bis . re Insurance Company. connt connection with a. ' rtment. at Walkerville, i If d 3: ! 25¢ to $2.50. J sam---- [Ansets, $61,197215 In ad tion Xe amendments to he Assessment Act, 1|in the city on a visit, the guest of you wanta elicious 8 > 2 ml 'which the policyholders have: have consented to do so, and again|Mrs. A. Strachan. {Special Salted Peanuts only 20¢ 14. | GENTLEMEN T0 BRING THEIR security the uniipited "bitty solicit your votes and influence to leave your orders for Christmas cu of Black or Green | Eastman's Kodaks at all Prices Cloth and have it made up Into u city property red at log elect me as one of your Aldermen 3 . | p | Brownie Cameras for $1.00 up ] to-date sults. Price and wor possible rates. Before renewing ofice More. There was a akting of the Trades | try o Special Guaranteed Fountain Pens, $1.50 manship guaranteed to, please or Kiving new Dust ness aa ur A 9 'ressing and repairing done rom Strange trange nts. as Frontenac to anamons_ |. *S SE Te EERE RS ST a » | i roe! r FRESH CHOCOLATES. trantacted. ;§ blends at 60c per Ib. Naported 454 up. obi | Bivoys Livery, Onr "Week-End™ Sale. . { hildcen's pibper, great variety, w Yo d 2 rom 18. Jutton's stove. e also commen ' 30¢ Quality for 25¢ Ib. Mrs. Perina, 127 Montreal street, MAHO0D S DRUG STORE 5 Ib. Boxes, Assorted, $1.25. was taken to the general hospital our Mocca and Java BEG TO ANNOUNCE Succes for Xmas. on Thursday afternoon in James Coffee at 40c per Ib ARCHITECTS. WENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITROY, WhO, OSTROPATHY. 258 King Btrest ge i | i Reid's ambulance. hk fs [VITHOUT DRUGS n 9 Yl nT ANDS nd. oy ae 3 f : { fice ho hE 'Phone 608 1 Thata Barber Shop will || MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE| 7" A, " GROSVENOR CAFE | gat BE i re : : hai beel | Hours: 2 to p.m Be gpened in connection as toes ere 1), M. GORDON, | | Mrs. Beandsell, Proprietor. Fics hone Wr. Redialoce | rowrn 4 son. A Ses ; as beh a 3 ' : Brock and LY elitngt with the Hotel on Roscoe Scott, clerk at the Standard Popular Uptown Restaurant and Ice | arsp 8 OH! OH! OH! Bank, who underwent an Spergtion for Pure Food Grocer, Cream Parlor i PERSONAL. appendicitis in the er hospital, | Where Will I Go? Se he "" Jj Cor. Bay and Montreal Sts. ll special Hate for Weekly Boarders. | HUSINESS XOTION 2st I want a Turkey, Duck or - . py > n Saturday, December Goose, some nice Tender Fat Handsome ; wwuater ~oats, 33. Dut Phone 88. 21 MEALS FOR $4. | BAIR, HOLES. an growihy and axis | COALS! COALS! COALSI=WWIHY x Won's ators, : Beef, Pork or Lamb, Cooked Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Jackson, Wil- SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DINNER, he pg 0 RR BR LE Fours where Mr. Hugh Doyle Meat, Butter, Eggs, Lard or lam street. are in Philadelphia, - Regular Rate ence. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, Eye to David Marshall, i oa : g Jub, 1 will tell you where to Pa., with relatives, spending the 'pleted our improvements but ? Nose. Throat and Skin fitreet, for prices on 4 pro are 23¢. Saciali 258 Bagot Street. tion. {ready with the best stock in the city i nm. . Christmas and New Year season. will be pleased to see his "The New Meat Shop, Jurdineres, pedestals, fancy tables, to merve vou. R. J. Reid. | See our New and Complete Stock of 1 paclor setts, from $15. th 8150. R. The cold spell on Thursday and | Patterson's Chocolates former patrons. Phone i 53 Earl Suen J. Reid. | Friday morning enabled the man. |-------- | ESTABLISHED 1806 C l Th r I Give music to your friends for agement at the skating rink to put | Christmas. Folios, voeal and instru- on another flood. This is the mental. Dutton's store. {fourth time the rink has been i Uanon Starr will represent the staff flooded. Kingston Beauty Parlors of oi =. ergs 5 Sthadral at the funer-| Extra heavy sweaters, $1.50. Dut of t Le a E. P. Crawford, of ton's store. . Special C.P.C. Xmas. Gifts In Halifax in Brockville, on Saturday, { "The public schools' and the Col. The Basis of M Wealth ] vi Hasicure. obericen i 3 . . . faving. o Men's all-wool vests, 75c.; drawers, | legiate institute, closed for the h ki tl 84s cup new a, - Fancy | | 75¢.; heavy sox, 25¢.. Dutton's store, Chr'stmas bolidsys to-day, and as 4 ) power wit ttle waste m Sopds. jase. your Shier {or They tell me that it would be worth uiual, the. children Yire in uh f 3) H ARTY PURCHAS- -grade Corset & Quarter to see some some of he 8lee. or two wee now, they © A r : : . SEA CLE CAN BRE until RR Man!- Rar et, Dt Toa will ke will enjoy themselves to the mit. a Frame House: heat the Ashes and Clinkers. IN . TIMN FOR service ng, guaranteed. free to the shops all the holiday Rr ite kid boots or slippers, {4° : PR. op ight. eek. 50e. tion's Market Garden, © J : AS. a vie - Capt. Ba , Ogdensburg, N. Y.! The Merchants' bank shares cred- Boat ee nad Janie oF \ ; M. ¥. DUNNETT insper tor of hulls, has been ited to W. F. Nickle, M.P. were the outbuildings. Near the city. NO OTHER JEWELER IN - . of days, i holdings of the Ni le estate at th: $4,500 - Te OFFER AS Cornetiors, i the i , let annual m . As a matter 151 Wellington St. "Fhonme S78 , of fact Mr. Nickle has only sixty- . A SERVICE IN THIS | , one shares. Frame House with 120 feet TON. ---- gnomes wide, Soulaviale ------F frontage, near car line, $1,200, % . store. Union Street West. 2 t man slated to Christmas Vegetables, ENGRAVER IS AN the today, that the labor par-' Brussels sprouts, artichokes, oyster : . . SECOND TO NONE py tv here would have no other candi- plant, - plant, cucumbers, toma- Five Dwelling Houses To-Let. : glans, Jor mugicipnl honow: shan had. foe. _ cxlety, parsley and kituce at now. been announced. i : . All the latest overatic and popular, i ------ max othe zu gon on re Ap Eee | venir ve {| Norman & Webb : Bu. 155 Jor Sule at / : ; For quick sale at attractive prices, seventeen B| Femur Season, Ticket ld gH : . : Real any ll houses and a number of well located lots. in cs (4 or 5) $5.00 : : fw Assorted "} 177 Wellington Street Kingston. - (8 or 10) § 3. sanrew Ours has the heating A delegation which asked govern ; ment ad for a i wa | | from Toronto io Tame, Mgt 4 . | Hutton and S Crumley plas 13. Te | Qu tag. rom 8. » suitcase from > : 0. 3 H. : : 3 Spy apples. no. $1.50,

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