"AON TWELVE. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, DEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1S. 1912, . EC ------ Sem : "YOULL SUFFER WEN BG aLoNY jadhered® to, it would ------ -- Tr E------ -- --- AN EFFECTIVE TRIO. TRAVELLING, ed right of the gow continue or withhold th reguialions are jumns, I am, | | Why use Teas of uncertain | The Stout Man, the Parson With a . : TYRE TRE; LWT ane tn ore ® quality and value, when deliciou iI\ SYSTEM as follows: -- 'For over twenty years, I have been ¢ver granted in New York state 'w Thankin ya, Mr. Editor, for the! ® White tie. He was reading, in a SINGLE FARE, doctors told me they could do me no when Justice Arthur 5. Tompkins in | with a limp cover. _-- Black, Gree [ Sealed Packets getn, Isls i b 41 1913 Idoctored with different medical [Augustus Heinze, the former copper Pastor of St. Columban' | corkscrew," he h ly whis al nu Mixed. A Only. 80 good going Dec, 31st, 1912, dvertised remedies, king. tor of olumban's, ' oarse pered. FREE Sample Packet on nquiry. Address: SAl * Yoronte : fue and tied any advertised fehedies, | king Cornwall, Dec. 12th. 1912 "Done," said the man with the gray y al DA," ¥ SINGLE FIRST CLASS FARE AND | tives'. "I have been using this fruit nd also to pay the rent of her New Jn his remarks . ONE-THIRD, medicine nearly all the time since, and | York apartments, amounting to $223 Sunday, Vicar Gener Corbet em- | aisle. i t doctors said was... 2 NER . ill-consi S cussion «¢ fringe- | turing on or before Jan. 3rd, 1913. | 7h 4OISE what the doctor ont Jace ws, wiv, copies Sbcoueioved shrumtion "us oicte | emu vent For full particulars, apply to re custody of her only child, a boy, fa;1 | The man with the white tie hesitat- GEO. W. BARELEY age of five years. tholic body, and possible injury to In all the world, there is no other Only one witness, a colored porter [the best interests of Catholic .educa- | down Into his pocket drew out the are §3 MES. HEINZE AWARDED $12,000 cious or courteous | > es A YEAR. lin the way of an. inspeet i { The smoking car was so dull that jschool b a aly i when the stout man produced a bot- Holida Rates ---- Wife of Former Copper King Grant {qualified agent of the ent o! tle his seat mates--three of them-- " {ascertain whether such regulations are smiled 7 lief, : y : . i | ed Decree of Divorce--Giy "1 ohevd or ignored : : lied. a Jejous cut he de | FOR That's what the Doctor told h m | Custody of Child, Father to Pay| I trust that no obstacles will at | manded. i - ' ee ---- for His Fdication jany time he placed in the inspector's! Nobody responded. The stout man | "F it tiv Cu d Him / . wav in this town, but that" very | wo -3 2 . i . Christmas & New Year's mn a es re | Mewhurg, N.Y, Dec. 15.--What is re {facility will be afforded him to per looked around. Across the aisle was a i troubled with Kidney Disease, and the allowed to Mrs. Hermice GG. Heinze | oiler of using vour valuable col. | shortsighted way, a gilt top volume Good going Dec. 24th and 25th, good, and that I would be a sufferer for supreme court, granted her a decree Yours, vic. The stout man leaned forward and Jan 1st, 1$13, and returning hb uited my case. Ihe cour . . of 8 > but none of them su my cal e court directed the defendant ic | side whiskers. a. a ------ -- ---- ee ---- Good going Dec. 21st, 1332 to am glad to say that I am cured. {a month, until the lease expires, phasized the necessity of their ab | ~Beg pardon," he said, "but have six y id, and ; : od uc oti p 0 J. P. HANLEY, Agent, I am now seventy-six years oid, and |, ., father is to pay for the edu- |archy. Such action could not ed. For a moment he seemed pained remedy that has cured so many cases of on a Los Angeles division of the Un-|tion in this province, which, in the | ticle they wanted. Round Trip Tickets will be issued CHESTERVILLR, ONT., Jan. 25th 1o11 [garded as the second highest alimor form his appointed duties | thin person in a shabby black suit and | Tea can be had on demard. . and returning om or before Dec, the rest of my life. A divorcee from her husband, Fritz] GEO. CORBET, "Bettcha a tenner th' parson has a 0a or before Jan, 2nd 1913 Nearly a year ago, I tried "'Fruit-a- | give his wife $1,000 a month alimony : : 2 to his parishioners, | The stout man leaned across the Jan, 1st, 1913, inclusive, ang °.- I give "Fruita-tives" the credit | pi will be in about two or three !staining by word and act, from anv! you such a thing as a corkscrew in first class health' ¢ »f the bo »r he reache to bring humiliation upon the Ca Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. atian of the boy after he reaches the g humiliation wy Then he flushed a little, and reaching so-called "incurable" kidney disease, as ion Vacilic, was called. He identified a | hands of the Episcopate, were in| Ten minutes later the stout man Kuncsrend Pemeroks RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACIFICO RAILWAY. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S EXCURSION FARES SINGLE FARE AND FARE, a Good ONE-THIRD. Py 24 Bb. Return Also going Des, 26, 1% oy Dec. 21st to Jan 80 oging . ; Dec, 31, Jan. 1. 1. Return limit, Return Hmit, Wed., Jan, 3, Jan. 2, 1913, 1913. Full particulars at K, and P. and C.P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, Gen, Pass. Agent For your Grocery orders. (Promp t delivery.) D. COUPEK'S 'Phone 76. 841-8 Princess St. English Satinettes | With nut centres, 30 cts. per Ib. AT A.J.REES 166 Princess St, Phone 58 REAL ESTATE The Basis of All Wealth Double House on York Street, 6 rooms, for $2,450. Basy terms. Double House on the north side of the city, bringing in $204.09 a year, with barn and deep lot, for $1,700. 100 'cash, balance mortgage. Nine acres of good market garden land, good orchard, good dwelling house and barn from the street car. for $2,100; ten minutes' walk Wanted to purchase--S8ix nodern dwellings, good down- town locations, before spring. Norman & Webb Real Estate and Insurance. "FPruit-a-tives", Thisfamous{ruitmedicine actsdirectly on the kidneys--healing and strength- ening them--and ridding the system of the waste matter that poisons the blood. soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Kluge Bos calves, Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-sixth year, Fall term begins August 30th.' Courses in Bookkeeping Shorthand, Tele. graphy, Civil Bervice and Eng- 8 Our graduates get the best positions. Within a short time over sixty secured positions with one of the largest ra lway core porations in Canada, Enter any time. Call or write for informa tion. H. Metcaife, Principal Kingston, Canada Prince George intel = TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District. 260 ROOMS -- 100 with Private Baths EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN Prax A ia Carte t SAM. H. THOMPSON, saoP, 2h THE PALE FACE The Danger Signal of Anaemia RESTORATONE TABLETS Lixpsay, Ont. "For over a year | was very pale and weak, and slight exertion would cause palpitation of my heart and shortness of breath. Doctors said my trouble was Anaemia (thin blood), | tried many remedies without benefit, but since taking four boxes of RESTORA- TONE TABLETS | am in perfect health agai Emma Tuomrsos. The palz face (Ansemia) is 30 commen amoung girls sad women that yeu see it every day. THE WEALTHY COMPLEXION AND THE BRIGHT EYE OF They ore » special remedy for Girls and Women, sed a reliable cuve for Anaemia, Nervousness, Headache, Indigestion, Backuche and all diseases pocgiiar to the female sex 'These troubles are soon relieved and perman. eatly cured by the faithful use of these tablets, For sale by Druggists at 50€. a box or six boxes for $2.80, or by sending to The Restoratone Co., Lid, CANADA J esZoralon eo els . fhe Syste m= "ALE -- STOUT -- LAGER® Pure -- Paratasie -- Nutrmous -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE axp SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OPTION--Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use Write to photograph of Mr. Heinze and an un identiied woman. He testified that the man and woman travelled togeth- er from Ugden to Lo# Angeles on Sep- tember 26th last, Benjamin F. Spellman on behalf of Mrs. Heinze presented affidavits show- ing default on the part of Mr. Heinze and stated that an agreement had been reached relative to alimony and cus tody of the child. When the terms of 'the agreement were made known, and there was no contest on the part of the defendant, the court promptly signed the decree. - {| Heinze did not appear at the trial At the hearing at Nyack on Saturday he declined to give the name of the mysterious woman in the photograph, declaring that to do so would incrim | mate him, Reece | SEPARATE SCHOOLS. Vicar-General Corpet Gives Advice at Cornwall, Cornwall, Dec. 16. ~The following Vetter appeared in the Standard of the 13th inst, relative to the feeling of thssatistaction reported as existing in some quarters about the recent in spection of the Separate schools of the town by Inspector Ingall, the special representative of, the provincial gov ernment, appointed to observe wheth er the regulations of the department were being observed The Editor "Standard Dear Siri--1 am informed that a visit to our Catholic schools by Mr. Ingall, whom | have never met, has caused uneasiness and displeasure. I'his displeasure might be warranted tf ours were private schools, but while our Separate schools are Catho- lic, they are ali government schools, and, as such, an envoy of the govern ment 1s quite within his right in vis iting them. The guardians of our Separate schools are our bishops, and on them devolves the duty of protecting them when Necessity anses, ( Reprove- on- treat--rebuke! 1im-), I'he interests involved are too important and deli- cate to be leit to the deliberations and judgment, often not too wise, of the multitudes Ihe Apostle of the Gen- tiles enjoined obedience to the laws and respect for the public otlicers en trusted with their enforcement, and when the inspired apostle felt it to be his duty to so emjoin - this respect in an age of paganism, how much more necessary and binding is this daty in this Christian age. Un the occasion of the centennial of the high school in Cornwall, the prime minister, Sir James Whitney, the Honorable Dr. Pyne, minister of education; and Mr. Colquhoun, his de- puty, were present to -enhance the importance of the event. These same gentlemen also honored us, by visit- ing, at no httle mconvenience, each branch of our separate school, the east, west and centre ward schools Both by word and manner they en- couraged and delighted the trustees, teachers and pupils When afforded such proofs of their respectful atten tion and good will, we in - Cornwall might well look upon their envoy with respect and confidence, and extend him a warm and courteous welcome I'he existence of Catholic schools in Ontario dates back to the years of Right Kev. Alexander Macdonell, first Bishop of Upper Canada. 'I'rue, their organization was somewhat crude and incomplete in his day, but subse quently, when the need of improve- ment was felt, the members of the Hierarchy were not wanting in solici- tude. 'They rose to the occasion. | Soon after my ordination, Viear General Angus Macdonald showed me |a document, bearing the signatures of {the members of the Catholic kpisco | pate of Upper and Lower Canada. In {this document he was authorized to look after all Catholic interests con inected with the government. Hy this act the bishops selected, in the person jof Viear Angus Macdomell, a church- man endowed with rare intelligence and fortitude and enjoying widespread mfipence. To him maght be applied | the words of holy writ applied to this illustrious uncle, the first bishop {of Upper Canada, "1 spoke of Thy | testimonies before Kings, and | was not ashamed.' When difficulties arose in the work- ing of the separate school system, Xicar Macdonell invested with the writen sanction of the bishops, gird ed himself to secure their removal He ahtouthied the government of the day, by Sandfield Macdonald (hav- ing as one of his colleagues the Hon. R. W. Scott), the Hon. (later Sir) John A. Macdonald, leader of The opposition. Aided Ly Vicar General Cazeau, of Quebec, he followed week after week the deliberations of par- lament, and the result of these deli-| berations has been transmitted to us in the history of education in On- tario. This phase of the working of our Separate school system reveals to us {the unity of action and watchiul | solicitude of the members of the Ca- : i te. At this remote up before us as a mas of wisdom and foresight on I to the incident of thé in- spector's visit, it would appear that in view of monetary contribution government towards the upkeep separate achools, and the undoubt- NORTHBROOK Wedded -- Other | 1aughingly asked. 16.--Weather for visit. attend | tor, and passed on.--Cleveland Plain the funeral of his father-in-law, the | Dealer, . Peter home RED TAPE AND A BATH. < tha and bome from in marriage on Thursday re- the Mar- paid Thursday Barker, and | quest was received rather coldly, and again {he was told that he would have to after being laid up for a short time. | make his request in writing to the di- Both last lumber. DROWNS IN WHISKEY. Was Overcome as He Drinks wholesale liquor house here was found under ping spout of a whiskey to give him a few coroner says, he indulged in his craving for under iterally | honor, the duchess in breathless haste was drowned in whiskey, which flooded | made her appearance, stammering out hismonth and lungs Maberly Reports, Price, of her Laidley School will close on Friday for the Manders ar- on Though comparatively few of the na- the | tives of Turkey own watches, yet they A num- { pave an ingenious way of approximat- ber from here attended the poultry ing the time, and some of them hit it and Millikin's Winnipeg, has arrived village again on Saturday The purty at Mr on Friday Sveiing wis a et ue [and then, holding their hands together land, is visiting at G. Duffy's Mrs. | in such & manner that the forefingery is | point upward and in opposite direc her brother's, John Acheson's Colds Cause Headache and Grip. removes | will point directly at the sun. A com- There is only one "Bromo | parison of the two shadows will deter for signature of E.| mine the hours between. \ : . Laxative-Bromo W. Grove, 25e. TOILET SETS. A beautiful toilet ant is at ayes " uty a a joy forever. These gifts never grow old. No sell- | should say so. Every rib tn my body ing this year than ever. Some beau- | is aching today.--Fiiegende Blatter. 5 ties in ebony, silver, ivor Also handsome toilet and manicure sets at from $3 To wee is to agree with the | marries a blooming idiot. majority that they are certainly 'ap- proprietor gifts. Headq y or coco combination . THE "SEST" DRUG STORE. _-' ihe same, said he was going back to look for a action very | friend. At the next station the white be | tie man gathered up ,his goods and na occasion to refer again to the sub- | chattels and left the car, Then came the conductor, | "Did Fatty Frost and 'the parson' show you any of their team work?' he "Team work!" echoed the side whisk- ered man, "They're the cleverest swindling pair in the country," sald the conduc- of Curious Experience of a Visitor In a Little French Town. of St. Lo, a little town in the Manche Sidney ) department in France, has no public Miss An- | bath house such as those found in most united | French towns and cities, for the pri- Their | vate bath in France is yet, as it were, suc- return- | In its infancy. The youngsters of the a) town bathe in the Vire, but the 12,000 Mrs | Other inhabitants thihk themselves Frank | @bove such a thing as a bath. Visitors Flin- | can get a bath, it is true, but they must guests | order four liters of water, all that they annual | are permitted, and it is taken to them. entertainment | Not long ago a visitor in the town | wished to take a bath. He went to the lic accommodation. The visitor's re hospital to ask permission to take a | bath there, as in Brittany this is the ] custom in towns where there is no pub- | is | rectors of the hospital. This he did and | Barker. | patiently awaited a response. None Actinolite took a drove of fat cattle from this vicinity Thursday last, came, and the visitor left town. "M. ---- is exceptionally authorized medical ordinanee that this medica ment is necessary to his state of bealth."~Exchange. a ' £2 f ¥ 7 A Gentle Rebuke, From Lady Dorothy Nevill in her reminis- cences relates how Queen Victoria in | Once rebuked a certain mistrees of the of the | robes for unpunctuality. A day and coroner's inquest on the death of Carl | hour had been appointed for a public a | ceremony In which the queen was to take part. The hour had arrived, and drip- | of all the court the duchess alone was barrel, which | o1gent. The queen gave vent more ps of than once to her impatience, and at last, just as she was about to enter ber carriage without her first lady of falut words of excuse "My dear when | duchess," sald the queen, smiling, "I think you must have a bad watch" and she tinloosed from her neck the chain of a magnificent watch which she herself wore and passed it round the neck of the offender. A : \\ / How Some Turks Tell Time. with considerable accuracy. They lo- cate two cardinal points of the compass tions, they observe the shadow cast In the morning or evening at certain known hours one finger or the other ft # A Case For Sympathy. "I have three children who are the very image of myself," said Jones en- thusiastically. "lI pity the youngest," returned Browh quietly. \ "Why?" asked Jones. } "Because he is the one who will have to resemble you the longest," sald Brown.--~London Tit-Bits. { Both Satisfied. Y "I shonld like to break it off, but [ wan't bear to give up this diamond ring." . "Then why don't you teil him so? He told me he'd be willing to loge the ring if be could get out of the engage 4 | went away yesterday, I bear. Parting Is very painful tsn't it? Niece--l It's tough on the society bad who A woman may not swallow all the compliments men hand hey, but she thinks there is merit in them just .s - Two days later the response came and followed him from town to town | throughout France, not catching up | spent | with him until be had returned to | of Mrs. | Paris. \ Mr The response was as follows: Thensiault of Kingston, has return- €rop | to take a bath at the hospital on con- There is a vacancy here | dition that he is able to justify by a far- mers have to go to Flinton or Har- It is not easy to warm a poorly nourished body. Heat and strength do not come from over- coats or flannels. Bodily warmth and vigor come from foods that are rich in blood- making, tissue-building material. SHREDDED WHEAT is all fuel-food -- no waste, no indigestible material to clog the system and tax the vitality. Two Shredded Wheat Biscuits, heated in the oven and served with hot milk and a little cream, for breakfast, will supply all the heat and strength needed for a half day's work: Not "pre-digested," but "ready-to-digest," not com- pounded, flavored or "treated" with anything just plain, whole wheat, steam-cooked, shredded and baked a crisp, golden brown. If makes delicious combinations with baked apples, stewed prunes or other fruits, fresh or preserved. MADE IN CANADA A CANADIAN FOOD FOR CANADIANS The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Limited Niagara Falls, Ont. Toronto Office: 49 Wellington Street East If you wait to ue { about Tea, Co | and Cocoa, ls any good treatise or ask own doctor. you Y/1li GE drink More and le.s Coffee. a pf Gs OS Jeon phucils Cicon. Su Li task No, Uordelia, it dosen't make a til the well rans dry in a dry tows singer's tones ¢lear . tc striin bee | Ii the family next doot wears mors voice for forgiveness than it is to hgh Some men never miss the wale ua | teopation,