Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1912, p. 5

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"el have just dpened a large shipment of thé Newest English, Ger- man and Ameriean ART CALE NDARS, Spuciali™ desigued for this Season's Holiglay Trade. The new lines include HARRISON FISHER CALENDAR, © UNDERWOOD CALENDAR, PHILLIS COLE CALENDAR, "LAFE" ART CALENDAR, SHAKESPEARE CALENDAR, FOOTBALL CALENDAR. BUSINESS MAN'S CALENDAR, NEW CALENDAR OF SUNSHINE. - NEW ART CALENDARS, all prices, 10c to $5.00 each UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET from ERADICATE HAIR Will quickly remove SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Absclutely armless. Convenient to use. Price $1.00 postage paid Jessop's Ph Pharmacy - Napanee, Ont. THE DAILY BRITISH WILL NOT RECONMEND SUBMITTING A "A sTREET a WAY PAVING BYdAW To the Peopie--The Board of Works Decide Not to Go Ahead With the Present Proposal, as it Would be! a Bad Deal, On Thursday afternoon the Board of Works decided to take no action in the matter of recommending io the city council the submit'ing of 2 by-law to the ratepayers in January for laying of a new roadbed from] the G. T. R. station to Division street, the area it is proposed to pave. And now it is for the board' or the board appointed by the next council, to further the paving of Princess street, on both sides of the present tracks, if need be. The street railway company sub- mitted another draft of its piroposi- Peo tion, but it was practically the same] as before. It offered to pay $7, 0ug of the cost of the new roadbed, and was prepared to give the limicel ten- minute service the year round. But the clause with reference to the pow-| er remained. Ald. Fair intimated that before turning the matter down, it might be well to let the people vote on the by-law, if it passes council. The chairman, Ald, Elliott, stared his position, He. with the board, had gone through the mat.:: fro. A to Z, and had endeavored in every way to have the power clause ¢lim-! inated. He thought that i. would The latest French I *erfume, SX Sovs Bois" $1.00 oz The dain * TRAILING ARBUTUS," oz. bottle, only 50c, st. Toilet Water, 4 Perfumes, nicely hoxed for Christina, : 25¢ and up. Fountain ' Pens in Holly Boxes. Our $1.50 Pen is *. fully guaranteed. Christmas Presents are always ap- preciated. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CHOCOLATES 5 1b. assorted box, $1.25 "CHOCOLATES 160c quality for 25¢.-1b - - rig Mansell, Hunt, Catty & Co. Famous English Crackers Hats, Ca , 30¢, 'variety in Kingston, containing | Musical Toys, ete. 12 in box, 16¢, 20c, Tc, $1, $1.50 box. Tom Smith's Stockings wu s at Sc, 10¢, 20c, 36¢, 76c, $1, $1.25, $2 and JA J. REES, A FULL STOCK OF | SUITABLE XMAS 60ODS INNS | Men's : Hockey Books, Overshoes, Sipps, M Dress ps Walking Boots. Ladies Kon pe eon: Evening Slip 'in Satin, Kid and Patent leather, Dress . a i so --" y-- Tp ------ be cowardly for an alderman to vite | for it in council, in order tua" the { people might have a voice ii the , matter. The chairman said: | "I refuse to favor the provosition in {committee and .vote [or it in council, because I feel that tr is a | bad deal Tor the corporation." le sald he had consulted with somo or {the heaviest taxpayers in the city and they were opposed L() 'h2 mat- ter going to the people a: the rx- i perse of $500, | Ald. Harty said as 4 menor the 21 against the proposition o1 the gi1ound of the power clause and he could see no reason why he shouid change bis decision, He mov:1 the resolution, which was unanimously carried that no action ba taken The members of the hoard present were Alds. Elliott (chairman), Fair, : Paters, Hanty and Litt, i 3 Fritzi Scheff"s New "Opera. Fritzi Scheff, the brilliant light opera prima donna, will make her first appearance this season under the management of Joseph M. Gaites, in a new lght opera, "The Le Wager," at the Grand on Moadoy, December 16th. When the curtaia rises on the attractive Fritzi 'un this new vehicle, the musicdoving public, according to Mr. Gaites, will ses 2 "new Fritzi Scheff." 1t'is a woh known {act that Mies Schefl"s ve- , hicles the past two seasons have not provided her with adequate Spportu- nthe to use her voice, and now that she is under the managerial di- rection of Mr) Gaites, unusual efforts have been put forth to fit her with a role worthy of her talents, 'The Love Wager" is based upon a Hun-| garian farce, which met with great favor abroad. A dramatic version of the same story was highly suc- cessful in America two years ago un-| der the title of '"The Seven Sist:»s." In the large singing company sup- porting Miss Scheff, are George An- derson, last season leading baritone in "The Night Birds"; Harry Stone, Horace Wright, Inez Bauer, Cecil Remard, Tena Rasbano, Mildred Rogers, Florence Martin and a real! singing chorus of fifty. The pie turesque costuthes and uniforms of Hungary will afford a pleasing at- mosphere for the new opera. CONTRACTORS GETTING READY For Another Building Boom in City : Next Spring. Contractors in the city are getting ready for another building boom in the spring. The season now at close has been the best in years next year it is expected that the a- mount of building will be far in ex-! cess of this year. A charter has been granted by the provincial government to the follow- ing: William McCartney, Ald. John Litton, Henry Watts, Douglas & Mellquham,-and R. H. Fair, to be known ns the Kingston, Sand, Gravel and Builders' Supply company. | The company has leased R. HN. Fair's sand privileges and purpose de- livering by motor trucks all sand and gravel. An order has been giv-, én for two seven-ton motors, to made in England and delivered in May, snd also a number of trailers. | [wi new venture, so it. is THE LATEST ARRIVAL. {the Hotel Frontenac and enjoyed an | convincing presentation of facts. Utilities committee he hail vot-| { piled all over the room. {ly did look like Ohristmas to see but | t | 5. Francis; 6th Guide, C. G. Dumbie- The | tive was taken by G. Williamson j affirmative had a argument. WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, SE HON. W.J. HANNA SPOKE TO CANADIAN CIUB ON ms] PUBLIC HEALTH, People Today Live Longer or "In the Good Old Pays"-----Health Conditions in Ontario are Sooty Improving. At the Canadian Club dinner io) i day evening, the Hon. W. J. Hanna gave a pithy and forcible address on! "Ihe Progress of Public Health." The | Canadian Club gathered about 100] strong around the well set tables at dress, which, although on a rathe: heavy subject, was nevertheless made full of interest through the speaker's Mr. Hanna called to mind what is so often said by people who are dis- satisfied that in the "good old days" people were stronger and healthier, lived longer and were happier." He !examined this idea in the light of ac- {tual figures as shown from carefully collected data, and proved that in the 'present day men have less disease, there are fewer feeble old men, the | death rate of children is lower, tne average duration of life is lon and men live under more just laws and are ' surrounded by better opportunities in life than in the "good old days." He took in = a review of the death rate in the larger cities of the world at the beginning of Lhe eighteenth century, as compared with that of the present day, and found a wide difier- ence in favor of the present day. The average duration of life at that time|, was from eighteen to twenly years. Now it is from thirty-eight to forty years. He also showed that an infant born to-day has much better chance of Ife than those born years ago. Every- where we lind sanilary conditions and the tight strong against disease. Na- tional health means national efficien- ey. In all directions we hnd institu- tions provided for the treatment of deadly diseases and a determined and successful war waged against typhoid, smallpox and other enemies of war. The municipality that permits its people to drink poisoned water is not | taithful. Dr. Hanna here gave the typhoid death rate in Ontario as com- pared with that of Germany where the tight has been well waged against this disease. 'The ratio was one out of sixty in Ontario as compared with one out of 3,000 in Germany. | He showed how the public health ' act was endeavoring to give assistance Lightning The Joys of skating Abernethy's | % Shoe Store Theft ts = "GET THE HITCH" You could not give any member of your family a gift this Xmas which would be more useful than a pair of Hitch Hockey Shoes | are never known until hockey shoes with the Lightning Hitch are used. They are strong and durable, support the ankle and equal to the de- mands of Canada's National Game. Sold At Abernethy"s gE PK PRK PRK BRA BAK PAL PARK by compelling registration of certamn deadly diseases. Through various means knowledge about these diseases was being diffused among the people, and the result was such mstitutions as our tuberculosis hospital which is the tenth of its kind in Untario. Mr. Han- na sawd that when the house in Tor. onto dealt with the subject of public health both parties were united forthe public weal. He cited the various pre- cautions being taken along other lines such as infantile paralysis and the way the fight had succeeded, showing great results. He . said, in cioming, that it was the hope of the govern ment that there will. be no province anywhere that will be doing more for ihe promotion and preservation of its public health, A cordial vote of thanks, moved by | Elmer Davis and seconded by Dr.Ed- | ward Ryan, was tendered to Mr. Han- na for his masterly address. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. | Business Was Quite Brisk in Stores Th . Although the real 'rush has not commenced, things havé commenced to get busy in the stores. Thursday the merchants bad a fairly good day, the crowd coming in over the Kingston and Pembroke ' raliway, making a tour of the stores, for Christmas gifts. Late Thursday afternoon, the waiting room, at the Kingston and rembroke railway station looked hike the parcel room of some big departmental stove. Parcels of all sizes and shapes, were It certain- wy ED FANCY ROCKERS IN OAK OR MAHOGANY. the Order Early. Get (he Choice. We Store your Purchases till Christmas Eve. JAMES REID' Phone 147 { the display. Sons of England Officers. Un Monday eveming at a large meet- jing of the Sons of England, the fol- lowing ofhcers were elected: --Past pre sident, waliam Dumbleton; worthy president, I. J. Grigg; vice president, H. Scott; chaplain, U. C. Treneer; trea- surer, CG. Selby; secretary kK. Leach; Ist Guide, ¥. E. Ebner; 2nd Guide, ¥. C A. Carter; 3rd Guide, Gv" A. Lopier;|™" 4th Guide, G. Eastwell; 5th Guide, 6. TO SIMCOE LEE, THE AGED ACTOR, JUST DECEASED. W. Young, Proprietor of the Cornwall Freeholder, Tells How He Met Mr, Lee in 1870 at Jack. son, Mississippi. C. W.. Young, proprietor of the Cornwall Freeholder, writes the fol- lowing to the Whig in appreciation of his old friend, the late Simcoe Lee, the aged actor, who died in Kingston this week: "Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio! A fellow of infinite jest; ot most excellent fancy." So poor old Simcoe Lee, is dead. This recalls to me the last time | saw him. [| was at the time a jour. printer, and was doing the loeal work as well on the Daily Clarion, at Jackson, capital of the state of Mississippi---it would be about thi: time of year, 1870. The Pierce hotel, where I was boarding at the time, had been a plantation house, and all around it were the old megro one-roomed cab- ins, relics of siavery days, but now utilized as bedrooms by the bhoard- ers, who took their meals in the hotel. Mine was a double-bed. cabin. I remember distinctly that it was near the Christmas season and for several days the weather had been as "ornery" as it Jften gets in the southern winter time. 1 waa sit- ting 'in my room, feeling blue and' not a little homesick, when the pro- of the hotel came In and asked me it T would have any ob- jection to sharing my room with a ton; inside guard, J. S. Dale; Physie. ian, Ur. 8. J. Aeyes; pianist, J. Tun- stall; auditors, Bros. J. Parker gh F. Andrew; trustees, Bros. J. J. Marsh, HN Hawley and J. Tunstall; dis trict. deputy, Bro. George Bonny. : Debate on Navy Policy. The Anglican Young People's As- sociation met on Wednesday evening and spent a very instructive and interesting time debating the Bor- den naval policy. The subject of debate was: "Resolved that the Borden naval policy is in the byst interests of Canada." The affirma- case but it was decided that little the better of the To Join British News Staff. member of a dramatic company, that was to appear in the music hall for a week to come. [| had no objec tion, and a few minutes alter there came in an elderly actor, decidedly the worse for wear, after a series. of one-night harastorms through Ten- 'Suitable Gifts for knas| Moir's Chocolates | French Cherries 50c a Ib. Nougatines - - - - B0c a 1b. Whipped Cream . 50c a lb. Oporto . . . 80c a Ib. SAKELL'S Next to 0para Hn Phone 640 ow AN EDITOR'S TRIBUTE, | speak of, was the mainstay of the: Guaranteed fresh made this year. Tom Smith's stockings all sizes. Tom Bmith's Crackers large assortment. R. H. TOYE 302 King 8t. Phone 141 A ------ ei v | KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY | (British Whig Publishing Co, Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds'of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West in regular meals sand beds, and the spite of the sleet siorm outside. pleasure of meeting a friend in a And this was Lee, as I soon found | strange land, old Sim was a new out. I had known Bim in Canada, man, aud | regretted to see him go,' when a member of the old Royai! for he was a joily companion. But Lyceum company in Toronto, and so runs the world sway. And now we sat till late in the night talking Pearce to his ashes! about up-north and routing up mw ire tual friends from the recesses of our To be Habor Candidate. memory. He was a good actor inl Th. labor men of Kingston are {nis day, was Sim, and at the time 1 pit ine the bringing forward of {a candidate for mayor. They will company he was with. The reper coontest at last three chairs in the toire was varied, and Included, . council, who will be Dominated amoug other things, as my scrap at the mass meeting this evening by hook tells Je: Juba Brougham +} the Trades and Labor Council. The bur ne oO ocahontas, wi dee : Katie | Putnam, "the witching in| re Saght Sabor Sites - star," in the title role, and Simcoe the pes Lee ss Jobn Smith. ! can bear old | \® Powhatan saying in stern sccents: | "Smith, John Smith, it strikes me 1 have hesrd that mame before. "Come, Smith: no longer prate: wade it cosy and comfortable be is dead. mist die early, so you AYA Po mt hime ths enke

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