Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1912, p. 7

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SAVING. YOUR FIRST $100 The first $100 saved comes harder than the|second $100. Begin to save this winter. Make the mark $100. Open a Savings Account with THE BANK OF TORONTO Interest Is added half-yearly. If bad times come you may not You can begin with $1.00. Save while times are good. able to save. Make your first deposit this week. CAPITAL AND RESERVE ..... HOWARD 5. "FOLGER 44 CLARENCE ST. PHONE 995 INVESTMENT BROKER. HIGH GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS, \ REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Agent for Canadian Pacific Farm Lands in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. ATTRACTIVE LIST OF HOUSES AT REASONABLE PRICES IN GOOD LOCATIONS ON HAND AT PRESENT FOR SALE. Hutton's, Limited 8 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, 3 ire, Jdte, Accident, Marine Iusur- ance, Real Estate, Stocks, Specialties. J. §. Hutton, H. 8. Crumley, Colem Clark, Ageats, CITIZENS' CANDIDATE. Having been requested by a large number of citizens to offer myself FOR THE MAYORALTY I have consented to accede to their wishes and therefore ask the ™ ers for their VOTES AND OE to elect me as CHIEF MAGISTRATE OF KING- BTON for the year 1913. SAMUEL R. BAILEY AT 83 RARL STREET, Is at present in a pesition to furnish all parties with all kinds of Fresh, Cooked, Pickled Canned Meats, Butter . Veal at lowest Cash hii solicit orders at All goods bought here are guaranteed. Watch for our man to take Yup onder, Also sters and al nds © n J. 5 Faied Prop. "Phone 1314. DO IT FOR KINGSTON'S BEAUTY PARLOR. Appointments made for Mani- TO THE . ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF KINGSTON LADIES AND GENTLEMEN In response to a general request on the part of the Citizens of Kings- ton, 1 to offer myself as an IN. DEPENDENT CANDIDATE for Mayor for the year 1913, and re- spectfully solicit your votes ana in- fluence, t 'Phone $78 T. J. RIGNEY. « | {Famous for Beauty of Her Hair Mrs. Esther Emery Has Halr Which Reaches to Her Knees. Was Once Baldness. She Made Grow, "People say | have the most: beau- titul hair in the world," says Mrs Esther Emery, now visiting ia the eity. "I don't know about that, but certainly I am proud of my hair, for ft has grown #0 in just twelve short months 'til now it reaches my knees st year it was anything but tiful. I thought I was growing bald, A ear age my hair was thin and scragely and cdming out at an alarm- ing rate Little bald spots appeared all over my scalp, which was covered with dandruff ad ftehed like fury all the time. [I cannot tell you how many Baler tonies I tried to save my hair and make it grow again Some of them helped by taking out the dan- druff for a while, but it came right back again and my hair grew thinner than yor Bo, ~ SUCCOSN secret and 1 think that any woman ean do- the same with if they will persevere as 1 have done. A friend, knowing my condition, sent me a *iipning from the New York Herald, which advised people who were growing bald to use a prescrip- tlon consisting of 6 oz. Bay Rum, 2 ox tavona (de Composee) and 1-2 dr. of Menthol Crystals. 1 got these things from my druggist and mixed them MPelr. I allowed the preparation to several hours before using Then I applied it exch night and morn- ng, rubbing right into my scalp with the finger tips till the skin fairly Npwed The results were immediate. hen I combed my balr next morn- ing only a few stragglin pairs came away instead of the handful I was ac- customed to gather. The dandruff left me this time for good, for L-have never seen a speck on my head since. s In less than a week tiny ilttle hairs ap- peared all over my scalp and these gixv so rapidly *that soon 1 looked ke a different woman, They have kept Bright on growing until they are as { Jou See them now. A physician has told me that Lavona contains the pure juice of a rare South EE Qu curing, Shampooing, Facial Mass- a an Dressing. ur C.P.C. 8ign of quality goods, naiut ing of Manicure, Shaving, 3 - Hair perfumes. Bets, a, Perfumes. a omdars « Now Faney Goods in. ? e yout order for Spirella Righsgrile lo Corsets, Service Guaranteed. Open at Night. M. PF. DUNNETT Corsetiere, 181 Wellington St. . : ~ HOTEL :- is no man or their hair | FOR YOUR CONVEMENCE LAST XMAS. THE DE- MAND FOR OUR $5.00 'SiG NET RINGS EXCEEDED | THE SUPPLY. THIS XMAS. WE HAVE | DOUBLED THE SUPPLY. - OTHER SIGNET RINGS UP To $20.00 BACH. shrub that possesses marvel ties for forcing a growth of after = me. ani very little m not going to Lh ay until my hair reaches bean-. Will Present "DANDY DICK" by Sir A. W Pinero Tabard Ion library, $1. "Gibson's." | Proceeds to be Given to Christmas William Swaine, piano tuner. Ordery | Charities. rervived at MgAuley's. Phone 564. Apples snd o-anges, Snow apples, | GRAND OPERA HOUSE Sry apples, seedless oranges.--J. Saturday, December'14, 1912! Crawford. Prices, $1, 75¢c., 50., 25c¢. I. A. Jenkins has just returned from New York with his hawisome trotting 3ax Office opens Thursday, Dee. 12th, Ticket holders are requested to send | mare, Boonia, and chestnut' horse, their cheques Capt. Prideaux, 93 Frank R. i _ Joseph Hodge, certificated piano | | William gut, Matinee, 2. Gord Invitation SC. . Livingston, a popular Toronto | the to -- and son of Mr. and Mrs. | Evening, 8.15 iharles Livingston, Bare street, is hers to-day, watching a case at the high court. Avples and oranges, Snow SR Spy apples, seedless oranges.--J. Crawford, Concentrated pasfumen, 'Gibson's.' 'At Ogdensburg 8 N- Roy al Capron, one of the pioneer th men of St. Lawrence, suflered a stroke of paraly- sis. He is in a crilical condition. Tabard Inn library, 81. The death occurred in Toronto Monday aiternoon of Mrs. John On Thursday terson, formerly of this city. The oy maifis will be brought to the city far take part 3 burial. California Seedless O anges, Snow tro apple', Spy app'es--J. Crawford. en nlite A meeting of the Orphans' Guild of atm from 2 the House of Providence was held on Pree Monday evening to make arrancements [visitors jor the annual Christmas entertain- | ment for the children. The Great English Actress Gibson's Red Cross Cold Tablets will SAYS: lis given io abiie to attend OPENING CEREMONIES AT : H : 8 "Gibson's." | on | Pat- | ve | Olver" Mowat Memorial Hospital irkieatham," Portsmouth Dee. 123th, at 3 P. WM. Hanna and others will} Hospital' open to inspection from m 6p on the m sereice street ta 6p vans Portsmouth to take tae tspital, cure 'your cough. About six o'clock ¥onday evening people were startled to see a large . reflection in the sky, as if there was' a big fire. Marsh fires in this viein- ity was the cause, so it is stated. A genuine safety razor, Gillette, "Cikson's.""" Applis and oranges, Snow apples, Spy arples, seedless oranges.--J Crawford. William .J. Driscoll will go to To ronto on Thursday to attend a meet ing of the publishing committee of the new 'lnbor paper, recently organ- ized. Take "Gibson's" Grippe Tablets, The nost office authorities will lika lv occupy the lower part of the new addition before the end of this week. It will help greatly in handling the Christmas mails. Srow apples and Spy apples, seed- tess oranges. --J. Crawford. . The curling chih has a meeting might to elect skivw, ete, for coming sen; The matter is of importance and merits attendance of members. | Will cure anv cough, Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrun. YT Branch No. 9. C.M. B.A. unanimous Iv decided to furnish a double room in the Hotel Dieu hospital as an an- nreciation of kindness shown towards its membership by the Sisters of that "Symington"s Soups are so easily preparad.. '| find them delicious! They always give satisfaction." At all Groeers. to- ) CHIVERS the : PURE ENGLISH ORANGH MARMALADE 1 1b, Glass, 20 Cents. Also packed In 2 .1h. Glass Jars and 7 1b, Tins, Nn CHIVERS' PURE ENGLISH JAMS. 1 1b. Glass, 25 Cents. institution. An acceptable Christmas gift--Gil- | let's razors. "Gibson's." | Cal fornia Secdless Oranges. Snow a~ples. Spy apples.--J. Crawford. | Rev. Dr. Benoni 1. Ives, one of the most noted Methodist preachers. re- 4 vivalists and organizers in the United States, intimate friend of such men asf Abraham Lincoln, Horace Greeley and Rav. Dr. T. Dewitt Talmage, died on Mondav afternoon at the city hospit- al. Auburn. NY, He was ninety vears | old. Dr. 'Ives opened Brock street Meihodist church in 1880, Tabard Jon library, $1. "Gibson's. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT the Young People's Guild of | Cooke's Church, A dramatic entertainment of merit was presented by the members of the young people's guild of Cooke's church, in the Sunday school room, on Monday evening, and was well at tended. 'I'wo plays were put .on, | uamely, "Stage-struck," and "The! Obstinate Family." sf Those who took the characters in | the former were the Misses 1. New- man and LL. Toland. and Messrs. | Muckle and McFadden. The members of the obstinate family were . the' Misses A. Lemmon, F. Douglas and | A. Diacky-and Messrs, , J. Workman, J. Stitt and H. Dunlop. ones in the casts displayed - marked | ability. : Prol. Fallis, of Queen's, was judge and though the points aose he awarded the honors to "Stage-Struck" five. Miss Hazlett played a piano solo. The Late William Ward. On Monday morning at four o'clock! William Ward died at Hie" home on] Chestnut street of acute Bright's dis- | case. He was a pative of New-Castle- | on-the- Tyne, - Kagland, but lived in Kingston for thirty years. He is sur | vived by his wife, one son and four daughters: William and Mrs. Frederick Bevan, Watertown, N.Y; Mes. James Lawless, Portsmouth; Mrs: George Lot- ; church in that country. man, Kingston and Mrs. Frederick eribed the situation of Scriven, «f Sydenham: Deceased was nation, how that in 1885 she a member of the A.O.U.W. and Leices: gained her independence and had ter L Sons of England, which or- Joyed independent life until der ueted the bw ice at his when Japan began to exert her in- home Tuesday afternoon. . John fuencé. In 1907 Japan took full Boyd, of Zion din church, alse officiated. j control. He pointed out Japan's { influence on the educational life of Portamonth. Entertainment, "the country and Japan's 'treatment of A most enjoyable entertainment wae | Christinme. given on , in school room of St. Joba's on at Portsmouth. The affair took the form of an illustrated soncert, the By Chivers' Jams, etc, ave packed at their sanitary fact. ory at Histon, Cambridge, England. Ask your Grocer for THE KING OF BULGARIA in the Spring. | Sofia, Bulgaria, Dec. 10.--King Fer dinand announced to-day that in the early spring he would make a of European chancellories in an effort to promote peace and secure recogni- [tion of the Balkan I ague as a world | | power, the were t Carrie A Lectare on "Korea. ig A lecture was delivered in St drew's 8 had, on Monday evening, "Rev. 8. J. M. Compton, on 'Korea.' The talk was illustrated by slides, {which gave a vivid idea of the coun- try, the, people, their customs, beliefs and the work of the Preshyterian Ap- by | Korea as a had en- 1904 A man in close touch, with the the city pump house, the different songs being illustrated | in ; slides. "Valiren. the investization is made, ft rill be known ¥hether or wot fis terent is true 2 ] CHIVERS, S$ o ' ' J f Different To Visit the 'Ruropean Chanceliories' tour | He also des- | Sng EE | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 1 insertion ic & word. Each con- thereafter bait First secu eent one Soe: six, 81: one month, $3 ! HELP WANTED. { iA GmL TO pssisy WITH GrxERaL } housework. Apply te - Mrs urany, 525 Brock Street A GOOD PLAIN COOK; ALSO A | Housemaid. Apply, in the evens! SMALL BLACK VELVET PURSE ON LOST, FOR SALE. RAINCOATS, - GO ENGLISH TO 3% Clarenoe Street, Frank Cooke. AND WHITE months eld, about noon Dec. 6 1812 Please re- A. Glover, 179 Earl St A nL AL . SPANIEL 8 HORSE POWER Ww current) Apply, 47 Mack Street BIGHT direct pn, Princess or King Streets: or Knox's athe store, cofitaining sum. of money Finder return to 408 Barrie Street and receive reward A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND DAR 7 - Sid idedoards, the best we have ever A SUM OF ad at reasonable price, at presumably on rik's. 5. < near: Clergy : will be ree at this office NDAY in oN "Phone mw SILT00--CHEESE FACTORY, sa Jrefitabie bu business, a snap no a | Lins 1 to Miss Hora 45 King SASKATOAN | to right; Doraty | SALESMEN TO SELL Lota; big comm! Aslop, parties Apply. Box 40 Saskatoon. ! i 1 COMPETENT WOMAN AS ou and to take care of first Soor| references required. Apply, evens | ings, after 8, at 163 King Street | i } INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly cerresponding | for newspapers: no 'canvassing. Send for particulars, Press Syndi. vate, 3,968 Lockport, AN | i i AT ONCE, MEN TO LEARN BARBER | trade; expert instruction; cov. i stant practise; tools free; always | sure employment for barber; | write for catalogue Moler Col -1 lege, Toronto | i i . CANADIAN GOVERNMENT NEEDS raliway mail clerks, city carriers; $90.00 month: many appointments eomiong; Kingston examinations | soon; specimen questions free. | Franklin Institute, Dept. 713, W_ | Reehester, N.Y. | -- { | 1 t { | A MAN OF ADDRESS AND ABLLITY, i with: some Knowledge of trees and shrubs, to represent us as Orne- mental Salesman in Kingston and | distriet Permanent position i splendid opening for the man Stone & Wellingtom serymen, Toronto TWO EXPERIENCED cloth workers, ¢ 031 wages, Apply at John McKay's, Brock Street. BUSINESS CHANCES. | SASKATOON | The John wr TW Co., | | Saskatoon. ANYONE ANYWHLRK CAN STANT | a mall order business at home: no i canvassing; be your own | Send for free hooklet; { Heacock, 2,969 l.ockport, N.¥ ARCHITECTS, HENRY P. SMITR, ARCHITECT ETC. | 3 King Street. 'Phone sab, l i WH. NEWLANDS tects, etc. Otfices, 'Phone 608 wr Forty - { PFOWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, nn. | chants' Bank Buliding Soruer | Brock and a Mlingten reets Arn A card Watch Our Window isplays Wear i i i } i | Of Classy Men's for | Christmas. Come in and see sortment of Ties at 50c. A Gol wht every Tie. A. C. WAGGONER, MY WARDROBE, i Tailor & Furnisher, 188 Wellington S Hard Task. They were newly married, andi had taken a little house with a gar-| den about twenty les from town. Of course, they promised all} their frieads to send produce from i their horticultural plot. They haa! {been thers about a year, when the] ; wife remmded her husbend of their] understanding. « Jack," sald she, "you promised © send, al our friends some early les." "I kmow I did, my dear," swered he. "Well, what are you going to do about it?" our large as | | | | i t. i i i i i i "1 was thinking of seats at the! theatre would do instead as a com-| promise. I don't quite see how | Bm goug to Givide Jour madisnes; (among a dozen fam ites." Touches the Tickle. Dr. Tlickey's taken. a it back il*it not do thi | x | A SECOND WORK BY THE MAN, MARRIED, | FOR I } pe USTOMERS TO ( ,L L | ESTABLISHED 1866 twa week SLOOHOUSE in NAPANEE; GOOD | } pO FRAME "ov se, NELSON AW-PR #1, T00--BRICK HOUSE, COLLING. others In all parts wood Street; o the city A NUMBER OF CHOICE FARMS ® and In the west ENT, UNIO STRERT. GARDINER, INSURE Estate and Money io Clarence Street. "Pi { BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS. {IMPORTED GERMAN CANARIES First shipment received of these beautiful song birds; each bird a uaranteed songster; come and ear them. . 4. Driver, corns: Queen and Barrie. 'Phone 812, ot FINANCE AND INSURANCE. INSURAN TO LET, ent, 169 y A Ageldeon: Portetes issued GBRERAL 3. Nallington st; snd Health LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without beard; all modern -h veniences: near City Park, 8. KIRKPATRICK, GENERAL IN. Wellington Street, surance Agent, Aceident, Marine, Fire and Guarantee, 42 Clarence Street. Tel C, A TL-ROOM HOUSE, WITH ALL NEW improvements, cor. of Quebec and Barrie sireeis. Apply to W. Jen. kins Quebheo street iss 15 PRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; established 1888; president; Li.-Col, Henry R. Smith, ingney issued on city and farm roperties, municipal and Sguntry ebentures; mortgages purchase: deposits received and interest al. lowed. 8. MoGill, Manager, 87 Clarence Street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms, absolutely, math roof, your own lock ne "rost's City Storage, 29 Raven St. 'Phene 026b. WARM, COMFORTABLY - FURNISH. rooms, double and single; a medern conveniences, with use 0 telephone; table board next doar, pply, 186 ueen Street, near LIVERPOOL, LONDON, AND G Sydenham elephone Ne. #858, E Fire Insurance Company. SSE $61,190,216. In addition to which the I holtare have for gecurity the unlimited lability ot city property Insuréd at lowsat possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates fram Strange & Strange Agents 'Phone 335. BUSINESS NOTICR. 00AlLSL COALS! COALS WHY PAY uch high coal bills when you aoe as for cooking? Deer to avid Marshall, 101 Street, for prides on gas tian. TEACHER WANTED. DENTAL. A. EB. KNAPP, BA moved to 258 CLASS TEACHER FOR 4 Amherst Ipland; salary duties to ommence J 1912 R McDondld, Ont #8. No, 500; 3rd, Emerald LDS, Princ cons is Wile treet DR. O. 8. Princess D DR. C, ©, NASH, DENTIST Whaicker, assistant, 13 Street. "Phone 730 SPARKS, NTISTS, Street (over Care Phone 348, SITUATION WANIED. SPARKS AND 1568 Wellington DAY, novsky's, Kingst AROLTY Apply te days a week to Box mn Whig Office 8S. H, SIMPSON, ist, corner Entrance on phone L.D.8, D.DA an Fituoass d Baer Bagot Street. v OSTEOPATHY. "REALTH WITHOUT DR Asheroft, DO. 136 bh ngton Bt. ob Qenten hours: 10 to 1 % 4 oi 00 He 'phone, 9. Houta: 2 'shone 150 ! ANTED--GENERAL. GLEAN Race yon Wire € . machinery; will pay good price ! same. ritish Wols Pubiiating Company. NCB 34 YEARS OF AGE kind; well used t to Box 129, Whig Wk, any Apply Wants w OR GENTLEMEN'S s Talloring, try Ashby tor, the man that sults 1% Montreal Street, Kings- LADIES? ign PERSONAL. HAIR. MOLES, WARTS nl rks and all growths an n blemishes removed permanently without scar; 27 pears ex ence. Dr. Eimer J. la Ear, Nowe, Threat rere Te Bpecialist, 258 Bagot Street. on FOR ROOMS, FUR. or unfurnished, with or board, en or before Jar Address, giving terms Whig THR nished without ist, 1913 Box R. H office SIX. TO EIGHT house. , preferably new. Quote $12, Whig TO A MEDICAL, ' DR. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPRCL ist. Nose, Throat AT: Ap 4 % Wellington Street, corner Jon Hours tol, 2te8 7th ne. ay, L ta 4 and by Appeintn ent. ane 14 PURCH ASE, t k ropmed necessarily terms Box LADY, SYIER DINING Re modatso i prep; fixed for tv dents; piy MM ACCOM. Students Whig Offic ® LBGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ers and Solicitors. Law Clarenca Street. THAT WILL BUY second-hand furniture and stoves; will pay highest rices: see me before anyone else, Thompson. 353. Princess Street. next St. Andrew's Chureh. Tack Susie hés © RARR 'e Yitica Ti Kingston AT W, CUR. and Shoe » UPHOLSTERER. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLS nN pairing and carpet ATHRY or am mate tress renovatin Drop a card of call 218 Bagot Street. y CATERER. WE CATER TO PARTIE Weddin Breakfasts, eto. also Rent Dishes A ¥ Si tens and Silverware Hambrook. 'Phones #43 or Roos. A Big Fire. And a good long lasting fire Is produced by our coal. . Try it. son's Barbe; Parl 171 King cut, 15¢ boys toe shine, A Shop | oRNTLEMEY TO BRING THRIR Cloth and have it made up Into u to-date suits. Price and work. manship guaranteed to please Pressing snd repairing done on ine shortest 3° otice. I'homas Gallo. rock Street, ness Bibby's 0, » SWIFT' S IAN TALK Tans are going to be all the rage in Footwear this season. | We have made tions for the demand, and will ane Tal preparation of the swellest goods ever shown for men, women or Don't for, this when for Tan F go looking the latest in REID & CHARLES CEA EET NE

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