Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1912, p. 3

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THE DATLY BRITISH WAIS, TURSDAY, DECEYRES to. 1912. 07 ae nel aT Me. + -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- re Ta-- , 5 PROLONG LIFE | the full, sung to the tune of "Every- TOLL TUE BOOTS. THE WALLS OF QUEEN'S. "= "(THE MEDICAL BANQUET mn fmt | T-- rr rat ; ' Col ad) ] ~ ¥ Se. L of SUPERFLUOUS HAR foted Physician Puts | Forward | : wl | qetevistics « and peculiarities of the » [| Quana Vanier dua Upper Si. Lawrenes _-- members of the staff were amusingly day thwent gales. foent ful Strange Rules. | i | depicted. - The song" was rendered by aks narthwent gn mow Is bs " > CLS . 1 a a 0 4 a J 3 - ge te much colder, Judgin fom the number ot remedies} J. C. MURRAY, ADDRESSED PO- Among the many phitlogophers] WAS HELD IN RANE HALL ON in. Messrs. Wallace, Truesdell, Fron the tase. Betk: rive. ond} LITICAL SCIENCE CLUB. , |who have given to the world secrets| MONDAY EVENING. Black, Hanna, Macdonnell, Hardiman, there are thousands of ladies wi ! |» which huuman lfe may bs pro Smith and McKinnon. 3. Dickson was the deep humiliation of this terrible longed wes Arnold de Villeneu: 3 Inch i hb companist Blemish, Tho: rome } On Mining Matters--Held That "neuve, The Speakers Included Dr. Adami, |the accom pt. Blemish... Thon Wgme n who was congected with the univer: 4 A , > th f-. r * % ; "3 H-------------------------- on any DarL of the ng ll ap Canada Should Build Her Own sity of Paris, of MeGill, and Dr. Williso n, of HANDLING SUPPLIES. late the kmazing effect of the ;| Navy--A Basketball Tour For| After gaining fame in Frapee a The Toronto News--The Function by 10S Annis Sich 1a Being i i? The Christmas Holidays. (Writer in the Chfeago Daily News| Was Attended by 300. Grand Trunk Pacific Is Near to Hud- . n RAEI EET EIRETRE Wrear advantages ot being simple and| The Political Science Club was ot {1238 De iantyve Went 40 Haly,.! The annual banquet of (ueen's Aes-|. son Bay Post. very inexpensive. Fur more t {dressed on Monday by J. C. Murray, |, fdevoied twenty years tu eulspian Society was held on Monday The Hudson Bay company's post will not Burn or inf shh tA. B.Sc editor <f the Canadian | the study astrology and archemy. 3 any way. A sing) HoatioR B.A, bse, tor « he C an | nol always perma Mining Journal, Toronto, on' the sub- | i al night in Grant Hall. dt has been pro-|at Wort George, British Columbia, ia . % . a most curious. and pu elf life were nounced an unprecedented success. The are laying ther plans and making Useful and dainty articles for gift giving, but. it has been ¥ ject, "Mines and Mine Promotion." rad nad i ol 8 beva pre menu provided by leid and Ham-|arrapgements to have their next sea- 4 oye a RE a Hf hte : tania 'condueted by the noted French lh speaker rst defined mining. 1 | red and is as folows: { brooke, "caterers, and served by stu] son supplies tome in by way of Ed- can be found in great array at the "Christmas completely removes ev " was not a feverish manipulation of aie Person wishing to keep alive dents of the Science and Arts . facul- | monton aud Tete Jaune Cache over Store. hair growth, and its regular shares, but was an industry' upom for Bo x: Me years must thorough! ties, was tasteful, and the music fur, the Grand' Trunk Jacific railway. . rats Chat Pr, ar i Sakans The which rested the broad basis of our! 0h 0 ® body three times a week pished throughout the dinner by the This arrangement Marks « new fea- Lined Gloves If you have hair yu wish permanert-| prosperity. The art of mining provid fetiies 6 Juice of cassia. When he Koval Canadian Horse Artillery or-|ture in transportation over that ' ly removed, ask your druggist to pie-led the minerals used in our currency . ed each night he must chésira was 'splendid, The printed! country, as heretofore all freight pare for you the follow formule . } 3 " Put over his heart a plast is apt , - ¢ ny ¥ . "vd > which hag been translated Into En pr jayutam, in the. arta and in the oii. | of saffron, red rose le The uid Joust dist as ataciive.thad to be drawn in by WipPh OVer For Ladies and Be ntlemen in fine French lish, so. that American women y | struction of our buildings. The condi , e speeches were somewhat unique, the oid caribou road for a discpnce : Mocha and Kid especially good values from y - " : . 3 wood, aloes, acid be ; his know exactiy what. they are jons under . which the miner worked ' es, amber. Upon this interesting and humorous, for which|of 167 i d thence by steamer a hey are u : 3 , mix ' r h 7 miles, and thence by ste Sh Ts ' Concentrate with pulverized Salihine | wore being greatly improved of inte mitre ihre Just be poured some a large number gathered in the gal-{for another 150 miles. During the $1.00 to $2.75, all sizes. Childrens from 50c¢ sn Zine 3 Wd ) = n ON We « . * * leries. " § _-- 5 $0 Oris Hoot To "ise, an Prwdared tod -- I ah a ole then spread as a plaster. In| Ahout three hundred took their ig cas he ifthe to $1.00. "1 of nto sant : orni "AT G- > - few dropg of water of Tein = hs populated. This improved condition, fully ing a mum an ve Sars Places at She jnbles at seven o elon, Cache, and then down the ruse} Waists vee : BYe th Ver, Ww 5 Ta . rr a' £ rordon, t Fit] 'hei y y y As & scant plece, dnd remove wi however a8 not dus to organized and kepe for 'use the next night, ' Capon: gan, b 4 * anne] sad ith Beis own scows manned wit ""I'e food of the man must be uity und the chief bp a , . , come with it. Repeat at intervals of , ) is w ulty and the chiel guests of the even-| Every day brings us nearer to the Or be 1 dure ai Hop the growth wily The function of the promoter. was eked mar in tus wise, It haa ing were seated at the speaker's table. | completion of the Grand Trunk Pa- Make a very 88, . un t disappears entirely " 5 > v or Herent years, op | © p ¥ CAUTION-~This must not be used Shen outlined apd the part thd could | ior on tne bright side of things, The Sucrent Toil the JSndor. | Sifje TN ata 1 emphagts od from We to §6. aos oan ie A iriok, as lin res redeeming the good i. of the indus- Be must keep sixteen chickens in a separate tablés; together with pre leave Edmonton at 10 og in Pull- i the roots of even a man's beard. try. A moral mining engineer could Jad hers Shere Is_absolutely pure gentatives from sister universities. ihe| man sleeping car, arriving at Fitz- monas give a kind of moral assurance which | 0." #75 BVOC Water, and is to eat yells and parodies lustily delivered| hugh, in the beart of the Canadian sould Protect and educate the publie. anil tae arora Jas 4 Sather fdfed "ginger" to. the college atmos- Rookies, Alberta, at S.20 the next A large and varied assortment---T5¢ t0 $9.75, he WOOD © ine ams e : EL Pre. morning an e Jaune Cache, on ' nexus 'between the I and the Be iid ksap twenty-five chickens -R. F: Kelso, M.A., president Aescula- | the Er river In British Colum- J : ---- mine owner the better. The promoter |... i. a u Ly is of melancholy pian Society, presided; om his right sat | bia, at 2 o'clock the next afternoon, - accepted the statement of the engineer | 00 lite the So fe Sark Principal Gordon, with Dean J. -C.|sixteen: 'hours to do the journey. and transmitted that statement to . S ras Connell on his left. The outside chief] I'his is remarkable when it is con- ae re . others--his object was to sell stock. must be exactly thirty, but in any guests were Dr. Adami, of MeGill 1 ar sidered that two years ago last sum- Excellent values at $275 to 6 50. Mining engineering was not a close |" wy, one a day must be eaten. versity; br. J, 8. Willison, LL. I), and] mer an exploration party in charge » profession. The engineer often found thar por kens are so treated that fy, Sheard, both of Toronto. of H. R. Chariton, general advertis- Ostrich and Marabout Ruffs himself in competition with the pract- will 1 ~Eailg the qualities that The health of His Majesty, the ini-]ing agent of the company, penetrat- ical and the untrained man. ther RE the life of him who eats ial toast, proposed by President Kel [ed the forests and followed the trails fi 5.00 t $18 00 | Speaking of Uanadjan mining, Mr out food i A are to be kept With- ¢, was heartily drunk. The next, | Brough the Yellowhead Pass, which -from $ " 0 OU. Murray pointed ou fhe d till in a famishing éon- a dull knife blade at the end of two labor but Lo the action of the big cor- minutes, when the dissolved halr wil porations. via gift, See our values - mining law. At present each province = rade' of _servents couikod ardson and KE. W. Boak, who, with due en Edson and Tete Jaune Cache. had ils own distinct mining laws. He | . a © acquaintance with this subject, Ww This same distance i8 now covered rrp & = dwelt con the great mineral wealth of ror ae they eat 2s, and posed and responded to el . by fhe iron steed with a comfortable Real hand-made, worth £10.00 to £15.00, Canada and claimed that the reason h r e table. The pean James Cappon, of the Arts|train in ten hours. now $860 to $10.00. drin V i oy i yp fining: was not: recognized as a na nk allowed in this diet is either faculty, with a capable. speech, called -- : rn ae . {wine or a simple claret. > otha : , MRSS TERR re . tional irgdu try was because the broker "Hy following this rule strietly the gathering to drink to "Jueen's FIRST PATIENT ARRIVED Fancy ift-Towels, Dresser covers, Doy- hy ais was practically its only publicity | gor two months after the oy y And The Medical Faculty." He spoke Svein . k 3 id G1 Your Oculist's Pr 10n agent. every seven years, a ane of the faculty's strength, and of the| For the Wowat Memorial Hospital lies, Coat carfs Hand erchiefs, Kid ay The speaker took exception to. Pre | . ve . i ® benefit it will derive from the change n Mond Night. B ad B ts H ie . For weary, strained or injured oves|mier Borden's naval policy, contend tome the rival of Methuselah him- constitution. He dwelt on i . Tok 7 ap ay : 8 ed Bags, ola, oslery, Ete, Be. ous- E . : 8 i oO Mows oe are as " © S, y ¢ will be followed by us to the thous seit A ie 1 The first patient for the Mowat M in. large assortments, yet at extr mely small andth part of an Inch in supplying ing that Canada should build her own pi es and example of Hippocrates, whom he morial hospital arrived on Monday Be bu > oy a v oe foam tr rg . be ane Bev, since she possestct the rerjisite McCormick-Roadhouse declared was the founder of the pro day night , in the person of Eva Be prices ee to exactly ax he w . , . p oy | - . : 3 rhi, : - . AS, We will: carefully : adjust 'them i=] RiPyards, tbe iron and steel and theo, 00 tn legram Juision. ¢ . dore, aged seventeen, of -Sharbot Lake. the most comfortable manner, ASeG.- skilled workmen. Ip five years' time, wih oOvesuver 30th, at eleven' a Principal Gordon and Dr. James| The ease is a particularly "sad one, " 8hop now "---at ing you entire satisfaction or refund. {he claimed, that .we could be ready to] yclock at Holy Trindty church, Don- Third briefly responded. Dr. Gordon as her father, Simon Peter Pedore, necessity of al gi: "The Ladies, God Bless Them," w *p occupied thirty-seven days of . | | > ! & © + 1 y as. codification - of a general dominion | 1{UOR, and then fed upon broth that coupled with the names of 4. I. Rich. | continuous travel by pack train be- Bed Spreads and Shams | 4 ; ing the money. ii a : J ' , ie Sa + . Fe G biild our own ships. ald street, Joun Miler McCormick, congratulated the faculty on its suc died, about two weeks ago, from tu- y¥ 4 : 1 We Grind Our Own Lenses. i] oe, : ¢. a Presid nt R. M. Fisher, of the Polit-| ine energetic superintendent of dhe oe ss, especially during the part de | perculosis. The patient was brought _ 3 5 ; I » Optometrist ica } Siete Club etre She thanks Church Camp mission, and Miss Lil- cade, ud referring to the progress of into the city by - Rev A: Edward : y of the audience to the speaker for his |i. Roadnouse: mogheal science, congratulated Des Ji ae : use; daughter » "e ants t. WO Princess Street. "Phone 927 " : ughter of the 4, and his workers on tho mar . excellent address and the latter kindly Rev Je ¢ ; " he } ev. ob Hoadhouse of "Kingwtor : i : i Rew Oldest refiable Opticianin the City beplied to certain questions in econ- Ont, were Joined together Boh, tuberculosis hospital which will short A Family Affair. nection with the subject under discus holy bonds of : matrimony ly be opened in Portsmouth (1 : W S » y. op : » woes | mothe arri- gion... "Ven, Archdeacon. Meron of Ken.| Dr: Third refereed to the almost ac | Mrs: Nowlywed's . puther was terri e hristmas tore ' n f ' ot ' of ; rh bly perturbed. A hLitle bird, who Fhis was the first of a series of ad-| of was the officiating clergyman. complished fact of dominion registra YI ' - dresses which the club purposes hold | py ; is o "the tion, of the work of the medical wer ught to have known better," ' had STEER [ NEISED PSN ISESY) CIEE Specials for The bride was given away by the » whispered into her ear that Mr. New- EEELD a --- . . ing this term. Other noted outsidelye, Are o Bespa ; A of the past, and spoke of suppleme . Archdeacon Fortin, M or- 4 P ppiemen ; ' speakers have promised to speak bean. Roadhouse es of Miss Pio tary reading for fifth year studints. lvwed was addicted to the awful EE w-- -- d fore the society and an excellent pro- acted as bridesmaid fev. W. 8. A} The proposal of "Our Guests," by | practice of playing cards at his gramme has been arranged. a ai 4 berintendent of Dean Connell, was ably dong. In the dub. . Thursdays an Larter, assistant superintendent of "Yes " Newlywad to most complimentary terms he welcom remarked Mrs, 3 The yeart Arts '12 held a special au a ted 28 best man ed Dr. Adami, from MeUill, a"man of | her mother, "it's quite right. Fred: Saturdays meeting Monday at four pom. in the Mr. McCormick caine out to Can- distinction, in his profession, especial sick plays every night, but it doesn't large knglish room of the new Arts|,, Abe d : rh s ly in parthology, not only in { anada.] matter for he gives me all his win- : : : buiiding. The report of the sociale a: about four years ago, and has p,4- the world, Dr. Willison, : " g. pe ) 5 Socialleayon up as his life work tho min- PUY » world. Dr. Willison, an LL. | nings. A Cream Puffs evening committee was given, % the stry to the cam fife of Canada, D. of Queen's and a trustee of Toron "But, my dear Cissie--"" J C m Rolls effect that Arts 12 would not be able Several thousan of men are liv to University, as well as editor of the Oh, it's all right mother, dear! Teh , to have a social evening this year be- ing in isolation away from all home Toronto News, he referred to ns onc | He nearlv always plays with Mr, Choe. Eclaire cause of the ruling of the senate as|oomrorts and Christian influence, Of the outstanding men in journalism: | Nextdoor." . . . Charlotte Russe regards the curtailment of social func-| yp, McCormick and a band of Chris. to-day. And Dr. Sheard, medical "But what difference does that Fine China Dinner Set com tions, A dehghtiul programme was |... workers are 'endeavoring to health officer of the Queen city, wide | make ¥ : > . ' - * Swiss Rolls then rendered. 14 consisted of the fol- Teach these meh. ly known, as a specialist, he welcom "Well, vou see," explained the young plete 08 pieces--regular price : _ oy ak F : " lowing nambers:--Piano solo, Miss F. The Church" Camp mission is an wife. Mrs. Nextdoor makes ber od .« 9 Wright; vocal 'solo, G. B. MacUallum; auxiliary to the Church of England The drinking of this toast evoked husband give her all his winnings, 20 00 J J Lackie s vocal solo, Miss Bissonette; piano solo worthy responses from these gentle | 1,0. Then we just change over. 1 . + . * ' Miss MacAllister; vocal solo, Miss .F, | 0 Sanada. : . ve, just chang Fair. 3 da : The friends of Mr. McCormick and Me™ 'on . . sive hor all Frederick's winnings and BIL his bride wish them ever success in Dr. Adami, giccted with MuGill yell, | she gives me the winnings of her ---- char . in introduction, expressed his nppreci- " F £ d t The Dramatic Club held. its regular | tREIF Rew life. ation of the eT ARs ar sbi. Forarked . Thatta. eather or a [ew days only ¢ yesterday. 'The arge " dedlare a 5 1 Oh, : ' . neeting yesterday. There was a lag Fritzi 'Scheff Coming. he declared was her salvation, tol og ' Special at $12.00 attendance and an exhaustive * discus. {which other schools of learning wer * s : Pritzi So AT Sa . W . g, vou see," wound up Mig sion took place over the reading and Malin Schefl, the undisputed queen striving to attpin. The doctor -princi- Ns, both Mrs x tdoor and choos plays, s ble r jo light opera and the foremos to . TE 3 » . A ? oosing of pla; uitable for por g P! € emost pal madea plea for sciemtific work in myself get more out of bur husbands : , . . trayal by the club next year. The se-|Operatic prima donna now appearing the profession, and based this upon s ir, Tant To a Don't fail to see this snap. cretary was instructed to order copies|in light opera, comes to the Grand somewhat lengthy resume of the life . hy any other means.' ' of several of the best plays of mddern|on Monday, December 16th, in her 'and works /of the late Sir Michae! writers. The report of those in charge | newest offering, "The Love Wager," Foster, "of the bearing and influ : g of the late performance of the ¢lub in junder the managerial direction of ence wad on the a of medi : Unconventionalities. TSON"S LIMITED the Grand Opera House will report at | Joseph M. Gaites. The new vehicle cine find humanity. He traced this "Oh, you needn't apologize for ROBER Ny he next meeting of the Society. Is said to be the best opera Miss great} teacher's career at Cambridge | stepping on my dr _ young man; 1 : 2 CN -- Scheff has had in several years. -It and noted his physi rical works. an make allowances for people who Fine China Rich Cut Glass F. EK. Watts, secretary of thetueen's | #8 of Hungarian origin, and was Pr. Willison's sposch was nppreci haven't any sense." ? NEW, SHIRTS basketball club, is tryiig to arrange] Written by Edith Ellis, with music 40 in every detail. In part, he de "No, sir; I don't object to smok- $ | a series of games for the Christmas | by Charles J. Hambitzer., The story olared that the medica profession ing, as a rule, but that cheap thing holidays between Queen's and teams deals with the efforts of Mita, the next to that of the Christian n inister. you're puffing at makes me sick : . gra at Hochester, Uswego, Syracuse and! fourth daughter in the family of sev- _ : . 16 x - i "Got vour divorce did vou, Glum-] == is ® Pp : i toquires : more. . velf-sacyifice, and ve I must write and von-| TESTING DRINKING WATER, Ogdensburg. Tue ny Intercollegiate | un Sitia, «0 muy of hep ghtes id. veals more: of human nature at its] ley a Well uu. ei yasketball game takes place here ear-| 5 e¢ hevself can e | abd ad .. | aratulate re. Glumley. in : ' or mas. ly in ered ong petwemn' Toronto and eligible for matrimonial proposi- bn a thun avy, peastied ungrudging. » "Ir I had 'vour nose, Fladger, 1] Ascertaining Presence of Contamin- Queen's. : The boys have already had jtions. She makes a wager with a palace. He expressed his high regard | suppose I'd poke it into other peo ating of Matter, several good practices and expect to handsome Heutenant that she will ¢ Queen's, threefoldly : Forher ira- | ple's affairs, same as vou do. hristian Herald : present a very strong lineup this sea | Bive him one kiss for each sister he ditions, her spirit and her poverty "f don't mind waiting a couple of One of the best and simplest tests » ' aon. - ihelps her to marry off. He wins gy, he declared that he hoy I a com- | trains more, madam; make the ticket § 4 to put a pint of the waler in a . = S------ the three kisses, and also Mitzi. Miss miscion would some day bef empower | seller change your 310 bill, if it takes §a.¢ earthen vessel, e aporate it quick- Thirty-four doz- k Fhe prospects for Queen 8 in the hoo- | Scheff has a splendid, singing com- od to apportion govermmenS\grants to | all day." hicago Tribunes iy apd scrape the coptacls clean of ey world this season continue to im-|pany of eighty people, with elabor the Ontario universities which are ia ---- oH ey any residue, If 'such residue is en ne patterns prove, The ttendance at. the regula ate HORNEY | pctiranque costumes. .,liies in the provincial system of edu ; Sure Asthma Cure. and powdery, it means lime of gyp o> gym' classes is ever increasing and {and a vocally efficient chorus. cation. By no means did he discour For asthma and shortness of} 0 hence the water-is hard, bu o One elie o y -- id a , at 8 $1 00 l 25 and I = the Ly tal Bali that much ew ' : 2 Dolail age private benevolende. In comelu- | breath Dr. Thomas' cure #9 with 1] an anfo. we » . material will be discovered when the : mportance o tail. sion he expressed his sympathy with | equal Some marvelous cures have A whity-green Gr whity ollow gum $1 50 | rink opens. S. H. Met uaig, manager Washiosten Stan i ine Queens in her youth and vigo ousness | taken place her: in tho last month. my residue' is suspicions, Burn it, and . . 10f the team, who has been cunfined to nas. LEghiflan was = ng. lo a od said Canada would be better for Shc, at Best's if 3t torne Black, giving out the smell j the hospital for the past two weeks, Philadelphia reporter abodt the un- the inspiration and equipment receiv. a of burnt. leathers, the water is con: % i expects to be around again in a week's portance of detail. " 2 ed with in the wails "On the Old On taminated with animal refuse and a time, to taky control. 3 "Those who work for me," he said, tari Strand." Skely A ee of typhoid. . Vi * The trip to the United States which | "follow my direction down to the very A b s po El dasxt Thursday, at the age of ry pair of P E ' it it 1 ; Prof; GG. W. Mitchell proposed "The | Biphin, 3a S was planned for the Christmas hols smallest jlem. To go wrong in detail, Proje ion." In elever Ritts s« his | seventy -thren 'years. He had been a------------------ . Va | 3 ; 1 days, has had to be ealled off, hocause you know, is often to go altogether : failing health for some time. ) i S boxed with of the difficuity of securing suitablejWrong---iike the dissipated husband. A *Pevch was unique. He stain, and |IWCAE SRW 0s Mien e A Non-Political Act. . inte for he games. The players, [dissipated hisband; as he stood = be "ought to prove amid bursts ni ap . ts law to aire 36: iin TOTLET SETS. Xmas card he wever, will : pot to ll before {fore his house in the small hours plause that the ancient medicine man.| A vote on the yl . BE Se Mantes Witness or pret ol Me , : 1 the pe doieShe begin = the new year, se |soarching for his latchkey, mutterad and the wives of the savage tribes 900 foe improvements _ . i Bordhny Bi Arkon speech on| A beautiful toilet set is at ones 8 n Zan i were the foundérs of the profession. high school building will take place § Bol ) thing of beauty and a joy. forever: - New Ties as to get in readiness for the Bist lover and over to himself: 2 ! : Canada's naval duty, is to-day in the |! : aly "Now, which did my wife say--hie Dr. Charis dhesra and Dr. A. FE. jon Jan. 6th. St {hands of the papers which have sup These gifts never grow old. More sells ame, which takes place in Kingston 1 : " ted the a A 45 dozen. : . in January Faetwots Toronto | --have two whiskies an' get home Ross, pre. nc ig PEDRE inte aI Roapital, "Spith's ported Mr. Borden and joined in the vg Shia Jans Joan aver. Sowa he i i Queen's, by twelve, or--hie--have twelve whis- and edifying replies. Nati Falls, with an X-rav mathine. demand that that question should bef '™ A hn deoms combinatinn - kies an' get home by two!" | terestingly spoke of his many {ri "pee 'Gibron's' Cold Breakers, patriotically ilaken out of polities, oe shy ge ABEAama po i * 1 y A tan, among ther the Hon. 7. Elgin Currie, principal of Tweed whatever that may mean. That pro- ial 80. T mamieurs dels at ah i 4 S : HM : IMichael Sullivan, Dr. Dupuis sod. thef J. hati. Ces Pl his resi [cess ditl mot begin at election time | to $20. To we is to agree w ba re 11ks 44 Ey A Portland Deaths, % He expressed his | public ool, s tender of | majority that they are eortainly wp- white Sion' Clement died at his home at - Ae fs Ha Inst year. Is this dhe first fruits ) : ) oh o Clairmont. ast year Romig . : obtie rifts { _ En ot a Bubllity of the pro nation. He Eon YE naion regular | the "self-denying ordinances' of taking Proprister as gift ? Headquarters, Finis bh. The 2 reas | 0c. for 2De. Gibson.s the naval question out of politics? THE "BEST" DRUG a stem during fow «(le salvo -- mated Ba Yuan's keep g : > i" i oor of good roads A fine road has been built knocking at the the pro ai | Do Aot be us -- Univorsitiss"" was on the proposed by I. M. ASK FOR MA, PhD, respon ; Phalen, of MeGill; A, STE y. "_¥ PERRIN'S '8 GLOVES and LOOK for the trade-mark. | "i day. % Harver - ; You will thus be sure of gloves < I al 81] Bussnioto, snd ate ack.» Seti famous for Style, Fitand Finish. £29" | : . Gloves that are not stamped with either the trade-mark or the name oan a *Perrin's Make" are not the genuine. ik H ly Ho ; gh Ef tT 8 Z ee i i ip py WW

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