We have a splendid line of Women's bodts in Tan, Calf, Blucher or Button, Gun Metal, Blucher or Button Patent CalfBlucher or Button Sole are alkthe best Oak, Tan Leather with medium or high $3.50 30 HP. Five Passenger Touring or Roadster, $1,350, F.O. B. Toronto, 45 H.P., with electric self starter, $2,275. KINGSTON AUTOMOBILE ca, - AGENTS 255 Princess St, Kingston Ed Mr > says that;goodcocoa 18 'a'Inatter of " riencejand honesty. Try Lowney's Cocoa and youll agree he's i right. JoWNEYS Cocoa to ifagonnnd ine The 'Walter M. Lowney Co. of Canada, Lad, Montreal '| Daniel Hannah*is" visiting his Glendower News, Glendower, Dec. 7.--The boats have stopped runuing here. Mrs. George Timmezman is- ably to be about a- gain. The snow .that fell a couple of weeks ago has now disappeared James Colter has left with a car load ui eattle for Toronto. The mines buve closed down for the winter. Sanford Freeman is cutting wood. Samuel Hunter is erecting a new derrick at the mines. Wilham Abel is cutting. wood for Aron Hopkins. Richard Wilson has brought the saw: ing outfit of Samuel Wood's Harlowe Happenings. : Harlowe Dec. v.--Mre. E. Wood and children are home from her father's, T. Perry's, Myer's Caw. W. Peterson, and family Arden, have moved in the house lately vacated by E. Bishop. Mrs. F. Gray and son, Charlie, have returned from a visit at Forest Mills. The L.O.L. held a meeting in the hall R. .Connors at J. Berry's. The Movement people ha¥® bought W Black's house for a parsona.ec. Mr. and Mre. N Stofless have 1e- tuined to Watertown, N.., alier.a few 'days' visit with friends here. A reception was held at W. Thomp- gon's,' when twelve of their friends assembled and spent an enjoyable evening. Consul Johnson Was There. A despatch, on Saturday morning, said that the United States consuls Jin Mexico had heen given arms and ammunition with which to defend themselves. In conversation with the Jocal consul, F. 8S. 8. Johnson, the Whig learned tbat he had resided in Mexico for some years, receiving part of his education there. His father, Col. Johnson, was consul-gemeral at Tanpico. Mr. Johnson declared that all Englishmen and Americans were constantly in danger-of Their lives, because of the repeated revolutions. The consuls have been armed before this. The natives of Mexico have a reat hatred for the foreigner. J. G. feNurey, of this city, was engaged in the mining business in Mexico for some years. At Bicknell's Corner. Bicknell's Corner, Dec. 5.--The far- mers are ploughing. Albert Shier and son are visiting his sister, Mrs. Ed- ward Hamilton. Frederick Brown and Alva Boulton have put in the poles which extend the Ernesttown line to Bicknell's Corner. A little girl has come to brighten the home of Mr. snd Mrs. Percy Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Emberley and family spent Thursday evening at James Skinner's, Camden East. . Amey is spend- ing a few days with his parents. War- ren Hawley spent Sunday with his andfather, W. O'Mara. Mr. and ir Albert Williamson and Mr. and Nrs. Edward Hamilton spent Sunday Jat Archibald Hamilton's. Miss Sex- smith, of Syrathcona, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. V. Sexsmith. Miss Pearl Amey spent Saturday and Sun- day with Miss Annie Breault, of Wes- ley. Donaldson Doings. : Donaldson, Dec. 5.--W. J. Donald son made a business trip to Kingston last week. The young people around here are practising for an entertain- ment. Wellington Raspberry is recov- ing from his recent illness. Mrs. Tho- mas McMurtry has returned home from the general hospital. James Millar, tax collector, has been in our neigh- borhood collecting taxes. R. Sproule, Sr., has gone to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. W. Hodgins, Lobo, Ont. iB Burna Thurston, at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, George Paul called on the former's mother, who is ill. Neil and James Morrow have returned home from the west. home here. P. Cameron has retwned to Porcupine, after spending a few days with his family here. J. McKenzie amd W. Beatie visited at Canonto last week. Mrs. Philip Cameron has re turned home, after spending a few days in Canonte. Crow Lake Items. Crow Lake, Dec. 6.---Service was held in the church on Sunday last by the Rev. Mr. Toppings. The re- cent snow storms have left roads in very bad condition, Hogan is around as usual, D. Badore is doing a rushing business in his store. Richard Reynolds is renewing acquaintances around this vicinity. K. S. Fessenden spent Sunday, the guest of ..iss Pearl hnapp, Crow Lake. L. W. Klinge: made a'flying trip to Maberly. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Knapp have rem ov- ed from Maine street to Bedford avenue. A party of the young peoplé of Crow Lake spent a very enjoyable evening at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. J. McVeigh on the 20th inst. Visitors: --Mr. av: Mrs Rev. N. B. Topplpg's; Dr. Barker, ¢f Parham; F. W. McC opel, of Lake View; William « rer of Sydenham, at Stephen Jones'; Mr. and, Mrs. Anderson, and little =~on, Maurice; W. F. Cava and Mrs. Frederick. of 'Westport, and A. Lewis, at Job Knapp's. Elgin News. Elgin, Dec. 7H. Delong is at Osh- awa, the guest of his brother. Rufus Stevens 1s + with Geo Church at iw oy Nr. and Noo James Murphy have returned from Jones" Falls. Soper is again doing doing grinding at hie mill, The mica in operation during the summer, Te closed down. Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. and » Urosbhy, were guests of tives y. William Seed and family, 50 have been guests of his mother, have returned to their home st Mem. phis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. George Mus- tard were at Su Byreidgs, the the ane of their son. % ar Burridge, are moving i sot t vi for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Warren, who have made cheese near Gananoque, have moved to rg vil for the winter, William Bass, aves WHIG, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1912. Mr. and Mrs. Newhoro, was in the! village this week. ¥. Lavine has quit making cheese and is shipping cream. George Mustard is having & new woodshed erected. Miss Adaline rained nurse, Bufisio s the guest of Harvey Brown. The poulfry fait Brought a good quantity of fowl and high prices were realized The rein in the forenoon preventad comung from a he 'has the of the tank. Bush, distance steel laid west people CNR water Maple Lawn Matters. Maple Lawn, Dec. 9 People ar tak ing advantage of*the open weat het to get their' work finished up. A num- ber have not Heir threshing done vet and are patiently waiting for the ma- chine Several attended the bazaar in aid of the Notre Dame con vent. Mins Bella McAdoo spent 'the week-end in, the eity. A Black has beech in. Belleville, Vasiting' his brother for the past week. Miss Dollie*Black and Wiss Redniond, of Rockwood hos ital, visited Mrs. P. Black. McAdoo Brok. shipped: three carioads of cattle to: Montreal last week. Milkmen are very busy hunting up milk in our vi- to come A LOVELY EVENING WRAP Of seal musquash with border of reversed skins worked in with an ef- fective manner. It is lined with blue satin cinity 'and réport it very scarce. Wil liam Dowling and sister spent Sun- day with Miss 'B. Dowling, Glen- burnje. A¥vignrt cheesesfactory books were © audited and ? everything was found satisfactory. The average price for the season was $1.08.65 per cwt. Wesley-Gray Nuptials. Fall River, Dec. 6.--A quiet wedding took place Tuesday morn- ing, December 3rd, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Gay, Fall River, when their daughter, Aleeta Jane, was united in marriage iy Wilfrid J. Wesley, Maberly. Rev W. Hollingsworth, Methodist min- ier of Maberly, officiated. The bride was given away by her father, and looked very graceful in her be- coming gewn of Viue cloth, trimmed with sik and net over lace. The long white veil was fastened with liljes of the valley. She wore the groom's gift, a beautiful gold brooch set with pearls. The wedding march was played by Mrs. C. W Holingsworth, * After the ceremony, which took place in the parior under a large white bell, the bridal party repaired to the dining room, where a sumptuous repast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley left on the after- noon train, amid good wishes, for Kingston and other points. The bride wore a traveling suit of navy blue cheviot, wifi hat trimmed with white osprey mount and mink furs. On their return ghey will reside at Silver Lake, Marriea at Plevna. A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized at the Methodist church on Weddesday, ' November 20th, when Anale Klizabetll, second daughter of A TEN GENT BOX OF CASCARETS " Insures You for Months Against a Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation or a: Bad Stomach. Put aside--just once--the Salts, Ca thartic Pills, Castor Oils or purgs- tive waters which merely fore a passageway through the bowels, bat do not thoroughly , freshen purify these drainage or alim- entary organs, and have no effect whatever upon the liver and stom- Keep your lnside organs pura and fresh with Cascarets, which thorough 10e. er from your of men and wo- . Biliousness, Samuel Barton, was united in. marriage to Wallace James Clement. e bride entered the chureh on the arm of her father, as the wedding march was played by Mrs, G. Ostler. Alter the ceremony the happy' couple repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where 4 sumptuous repast awaited them and to which abou! forty guests sat down. The bride wore a traveling suit of mavy blue serge with hat to match and a walst of white Brus- sels net. The bride was attended by Miss Louise Lemke, who wore a suit of brown panama and hat to match I'he groom was attended by William Lemke. The bride received many handsome and costly presents, and she will De missed by her many friends and especially in the church, where she took an active part in the Sunday school and league. ' She had been organist for a number of years. The bride and groom will reside at McLaren's Depot, whese the groom bas a general store. Cataraqui Budget. Cataraqui, Dec. 6.---"Ye Olde Folkes' Concerte,"" under the aus- pices of the Cataraqui hockey club, Was a4 great success in every way. The concert was put on two nights in the town hall here, and the house was filled on both occasions. From the-'Grande Marche," which was He opening number, to "God Save the King," the programme was most en- joyable. Financially, the concert placed the hockey club on a good working foundation. Mrs. J. Wise, Cloyne, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Ely. Mre. T. Buck, Sr., Sunnyside, is now the guest of her da ghter, Mrs. Ely. Miss Hawkey Momfit Chesney, Is with her sunt, Mrs. J. Boyd. Colin Clark has returned from a trip to Mofitreal. Thé school children are preparing for a Christmas concert on closing day. Miss Stella Boyd is home after visiting Mrs. Davy Fern- leigh and Mrs. Wise, Cloyne. Mrs. Butler, Syracuse, is with her friend, Miss Sexsmith. Mrs. Weld, Toronto, and Miss G. Northmore, Brooklyn, N."Y., have been the guests of Mrs H.'Simpson. Mrs. Alfred Knight is convaleséent after her 'long illness Rev. W. Perley has gone to Easton's Corners to take the ministerial work for atime. Mrs. Tallon, Verona, ie visiting her daughter, Mrs. Connolly. A young son has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noel Benn. Mrs W. Richardson and daughter are leaving for the west to join MF Richardson. Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Kish have left for Belleville, where they will reside. Mr. Kish has a position on the railroad. The many friends of J, Hewie are sorry that he sold his farm and will leave the vik lage very shortly. The stone work of the meeting house shed is being repaired. Newfangled Schools, Wewark News. They taugrt him how to hemstitch and they taught him how 10 [IRT 4 And how tc make a baska out of variegated string; how to fold a paper so he wouldn't hurt his thumb--- They taught a lot to Bertie, hut he Couldn * do a sum. And They taught him how to mold the head of Hercul:s ia ciay, And how to tell the diffi rence "twixt the bluebird aad the jay: And how io sketch a 1) se in a lit tle picture frame, But strangely they fo git to teach him how to = £5 ! spell his name, Now, Beriie's pa was cranky, wert one day t- tind What 'twas they 1.¢ that made son 80 bakwa d ir {He min. "I don't, vant Bertis wrecked; ried, his tem) KL cool, "lI want nin educaiel'" go he took him FETERLSeRY] |, outol § SCO 00, Corset Bags for Christmas. This holiday season many women are making corset bags as gifts, and the idea seems a very practical one The pastéboard box in which th» corset is send home is always a clumsy affaiMTSo keep in a dresser drawer, yet one does not like to toss a4 handsome new satin corset into a ae filled with other articles The corset bag is a long, na row case made of linen or silk and in it the rolled up corset may be Kkep% when not in use Every corset should be tightly roiled when taken off, since this keeps it in better shape, and the corset bag will hid the rolled up corset firmly. Some of these bags are of heavy linen em- broidered with dots of Dutch blug, old rose or some other pretty color. A medallion of cluny lace, cat- stitched to the linen with the color- ed embroidery floss makes a pretty decoration The top of the bar is finished with a deep hem and a cas. ing for long ribbon drawstrings. A Generous Boy. Toronto News. A lovely woman who lives on St. Clair Road is the proud mother of two boys, the older only six years. Mamma is subject to headaches, and mamma has discovered the sort of proprietary pills that will relieve them. One mustn't take more than oné per hour. "And the other after- noon mamma ha a headache, took a pill and got up to repeat the dose --and found the piil-box empty. She summoned the mald. *"Frida!" she cried. . "Did Reginald swallow all those pills? Answer me!" *"No'm, answered Frida with a smile. "Don't be scared none. He's a generous kid--he gafe half of 'em to der babyl™ Her Idea of Economy. ner SMBUvEryy in Is way, not less than' epochal, " "If is #0 easy to save when you know how!" ghe exclaimed. "Oh, 80 easy! Do I wish to save $357 Very well. 1 go downtown and find Something I would like that costs $35, and then I dom't buy it. Noth- ing could be simpler." She did not demy, however, that ber method involved a sacrifice, "But if the sacrifice is too pain- Tul," she went of to explain, "I go was and fnd something my hasband would like that costs $35, and don't buy that!-~«Puck, Zr: st AAS PAGE ELEVEN, Conforms fo the high Standard o Gillefts goods. Useful for five Aundred purposes. cn ABN ToR 3 A handful in a _.. line WHEN YOU SWEEP absorbs the dust, brightens the floor, and cleans your carpet. One week free trial, ¥ Yours for health, DUSTBANE, ALL GROCERS 0 MORE DUSTY FRIDAYS" | |) W. A. MITCHELL : : CE Kingston and he A wn . | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of They spriearyn. hes Me dicime Act AVessiatle Prenaraion ford Simiiating fhe Food and Regula ting the Slomachs and Boweis of LETT CRIT Promotes Digestion Cheerfid ness and Rest.Contains neler Opium Morphine nor Mine:al. Not NarcorTie. Boogie of 90d I SOAELIRIER Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE QENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK SITY, perfect Remedy for Constipa hen. Sour Stomach, Didirheca, anv ulsions teverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Foc Smile Signature of Ao ah Filia: ue Cen tavi CoMPaRy MONTREALALNEW YORK a TT YE dha . JENS Exact Copy of Wrapper. Make it a point to b original bags or nd, i @ on every ba and barrel you buy ye.