Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1912, p. 10

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PAGE TEN. RIL or PROVINCIAL WINTER FAIR GUELPH. December 9th to December 18th, 1012, Roundstrip Continuous Passage Tickets will be sold at Single Fare. G going December 6th to De- cember 13th, 1912, inclusite Good to return until December 14th, 1012, Second Anal Fat Stock Show TORONTO, December 10th and 11th, 1912, Round-trip Continuous Pase*ge Tickets will be sold at Bingle Fare. Good going on p.m. trains Mon- day, December 9th, all trains Tues day and Wednesday, December 1uth and 11th, 1812 Good to réturn until December 12th, 1913. For full particulars, apply to + J. P. HANLEY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. Thursdsy, PES A EMBROKS TYTN a IN CONNECTION WiTH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON Express--For Peterboro, 8, Hontconl, Quebec Quebec, St. John, or Toronto, Chi- ' eago, Renfrew, Sault Ste. Maris, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland and Sen 8 p.m. Local--For Sharbot Lake, cobmecting with C.P.R. East and West. 745 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, daily except Sun- aaen, s leaving Kingston at 11.30 Jam. Pe- a.m. pon. in Ottawa at 5 .m.; Toronto, 6.356 Pp m. nh .m.; Boston, 7.30 a. m.; at ror kK. & P. and C. ] Office, Ontario strest. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. ALLAN LINE ites Sains 30th Nov. Direct. 6th Dee. . 7th Dee. 13th Dee. Direct. T0 GLASGOW, From Portland. From Halifax. Scandinavian 12th Dec. 13th Dec. '10 LONDON AND HAVRE. From St. Joba. Lake Bete 13th Dee.' Direct. For full Information apply te Loeal Agents or > Corsitan Victorian Grampian Yaneving New York by the Palatial S.S. MOLTKE - Jan. 4, 23; Feb. 25; March 28; and the S.S. VICTORIA LUISE Jan. 15; Feb. 8; Mch. 11; Apr. 10. Rom... AND UP Be tm rie HIRO 2 py od Sed Ae the ora; LB AMERICAN | LINE BROADWAY, N. Y., or Loeal Agents Reduced in Flesh Sleepless Nights Mr. W. That diseases of the kidneys cause the greatest suffering is well known, and when stone or gravel is formed in the bladder the torture is almost beyond human endurance. The disease should never be al- lowed to reach this dangerous stage. Pains in the small of the back, pain or smarting when passing water, fre- quent urination. loss of flesh and weight tell of the need of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver, Pills to regulate and in- vigorate the kidneys and restore these organs to health. 'Mr. W. 8mith, Port Dalhousie, Ont., writes :--""For some years I was af- flicted with kidney disease and gravel in its most severe form, having often a stoppage of water, accompanied by the most dreadful agony. As the dis- ease wore on me I became reduced In flesh and passed sleepless nights. No doctor was able to do much for me, and I used many medicines without obtaining more than temporary relief. My attention was directed to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. and by using this treatment the disease was eradicated from my system in less than six months. I have gained in weight, sleep well, and feel better than I have for twenty years." Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 26¢¢ a box, all dealers, or Fdmanson. Bates & Co., Limited, To- ronto. Smith, TRY NOLANS High Grade Coffee, 40c a Ib. 338 Princess Street, Phone 720 Prompt Delivery. - Forty years in use, 20 years the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. For Woman's Ailments, Dr. Martel"s Pills, at your druggist. ARD RIEGEL OLSTERY, © CARPET UPH LATER TH. Repairs Furniture in all Styles Rates Reasonable Drop a Card or Call Clarence St. Wr oe ren Yan's Female | Pa FE EE sale ab oy drug stove. ey TEA! TEA! . From the Finest Tea Gardens of Ceylon, uncolored, and of the fines fiavor, Green and Black at 300 per pound, at Ontario Street. Livery Stock: Of Cutters, Sleighs, Robes, Blankets. The tabargain at Bibby's Garage . [CANADIAN ACI Empress of Britain ...... Dec. 32 plan (chartered) .... Dec 13 Empress of Ireland... .... Dec. 37 Empress of Britain ,. .... Jan. 10 Sn -- Tess rat i nema rom any steamship agent, or F. CON- ar ara SPN, Kasten z "Betmudias. : from x ra and aia, nec Suites ~ r-- "wien private bath, orchestra, keels: | lect LH wireless tel Sg Aphy. 2 ei . oi Fastest, an steame panding passengers at the dock In Go To BERMUDA ox = hi Sha i BLIND DOCTOR LEFT $30,000 BY MAN HE BEFRIENDED. Recipient of Legacy Offers to Give Half of Amount for Treatment of the Sightless. Philadelphia, Dec. 9.--Dr. "Wil liam J Nealon a blind physician, has just inberited $30 000 by the death of a man whom he befriended years ago and announced to-day that he would give half the amount for the erection of a building in which the blind may have the ser- vices of skilled masseuers. In 1898, before he became blind Dr. Nealon became acquainted at Atlantic City with Philip Sheri- dan, of California. Sheridan's eyes were troubling him and Dr. Nealon advised him to go to the Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia for treat- ment. Sheridan did so and was cured. Later he went to his Cal'- fornia home where he died four weeks ago. A week later the surgeon who operated on his eyes received a. let- ter from a lawyer asking for Dr. Nealon's address. It was sent him and the ' legacy was paid. Dr Nealon himself became blind some years ago, lost his pracfice and spent what money he had seeking a cure. He said to-day that he had given up hope of recovering ht Bight, but he would use part of his legacy to aid others in his plight. PIE IS GOOD FOOD. If Paste is Soggy, Chewing Will Kil Its Terrors. "In ita proper place," York Medical Journal, only a palatable ple, an excellent says the New "pie is not but a nutritious sta- vehicle of carbohy- drates and fruit. It is not essential ly digistible and demands not only proper mastication and insalivation to sure lack of discomfort." In other words, if we dhew pie persistently as we chew the rag a bout the indigestibility of pie we shall find it as sweetly ' digestible as is blandly delectable. "Pie crust," this authority goes on to say, "is only flour and lard, the latter being replaced usually by chicken fat by those who object to anv form of pork. Delicacy. of mani pulation is required in the making of the crust, and such delicacy depends radoxically upon great digital my for only the strong have a genuine lightness of touch. Thus is explained the armor plate crust so often the product of the deft but weak * 'manipulation' of slender. pratty and youthful brides as com- pared with the flaky, sea foamy kind turned loose by older and stiffer fin- gered mothers. But wait a mo- ment." Wa can eat and even live in fomfort with our sweet girl gra- duates' pies after all, for the paper continues "A soggy paste, however, made by frail fingers, iv only aesthe- tically objectionable, for resolute chewing will deprive it of its ter- rors." Now, however, comes the crux of the pic matter. We customarily "top off" with pie and cheese after we've had a hearty dinner and enough, but iff we eat lightly and then have pie gr make pie and cheese answer for whole meal there is not the slightest ill-effect from it. Worth Knowing. Cork mats, which are easily rolled up, aré among the sensible accessor- ies for the bathroom. If you are having the floor of a 8) oom refinished do not have it fin- ished to a shine, but to the point of a soft glow. The reason is that the soft with the furnishings. To keep heavy graniteware in good condition place it in a large recep tacle and boil in soda water for five or tem minutes twice a week. This will keep the ware sweet and whole some. and remove all greasé from it. To make a good scouring mixture for boards, work into a paste half a pound of soft soap, half a pound of lime. Put it on with a scrubbing brush, instead of soap and then wash with plenty of clean water. Don't throw away the few spoom- fuls of various vegetables. There are few vegetables that do not mix well. They 'may bv blended into an ° appe tizing salad. Don't throw away the parafix from jelly and marmalades. Wash each piece and save it. Boil the accumu. lation for next jelly time. A Correction. A, J. Balfour, M.P., a collectiog of whose non-political essays aad speeches has just been published, was once traveling in Scotland when the train stopped at a small station. It was rather frosty, and ms the train showad no sign of starting im- mediately, Mr. Balfour left. his com- partment and stamped up and down the piatiorm. "lsa't this invigorating?" he call- ed to his companion ih the train. A passing porter corrected him: "Na, gir; it's Inveramsay!" She Didw't Care, "Our club for entertaining literary lions is finally ready. Now, what lit- wary lion shall we entertain first ¥' The president was all tired out from selecting a fall hat. "I don't carve," said 'she, wearily. "Anybody who doesn't eat with is knife." Deafness Cannot be Cured DY adonl *fhetted Portion of the ear. Ihere ol on by constitutional is caused by Pils tor eons ad" effect will harmonize better. '% | to the Londo has been remodeled very cleverly. cutaway style and trimmed with a a draped . sash of satin, is charming. HE ITALIAN FINANCES Notwithstanding Recent War Are Excellent Condition, Rome, Dee. 10.---Halian finances are in excellent condition notwith- standing the heavy expense incurred during the war ogo, accord- ing to Francisco Tesco, minister of finances, who to-day made in the chamber of deputies a statement in ury. He declared that the revenue Of the government was constantly in- creasing and referred to the high level of Italian credit. Signor Tedesco said that the £x- penses of the war, altogether $47 - 00,000 lire ($149,400,000) had not weakened the budget, which had an wtimated we of 101,000 006 lire for 1911-12; 53,000,000 lire for 1912-13, and 63,000,000 in 1913- 14. This was the financial position, notwithstanding an increase in the expenses of all the branches of the administration, especially the army and navy, necessitated by the war in I'ripoli, and taking into account alsr An appropriation of 255,000,000 lire for the construction of two dread noughts and several torpedo boats MOTION. PICTURE TARGET. ™ : Ideas Involved in "Movies" Utilized. in Gallery. Journal An ingemous adaptation of moving pictures to a shooting gallery been made by an Englishman, gallery the marksmen have the satis faction of shooting at rapidly moving deer or other anigpals, and the vess of their shots is recorded. In the rear of the gallery tal screen painted white. The pictures are town on this screei' and the rapidly moving objects 'serve in place of a target and afford much excitement By means of an electric device in back of tha screens shot that strikes a mortal spot on the deer. or whatever the mark may be, is instantly recorded in the front of the gallery. The marks also show on ihe paint, and after these mark too numerous Rhe scréen can be paiat- ed over again. Kansas City has In this suc automatically it a me more white become -- Toronto Street Market, showing the situation of the treas- deo. A rn cg A REMODELED SUIT THAT HAS MODERN LINES. The possibility of making over last season's suit with the addition of velvet has occurred to many women this year, for the new styles lend themselves excellently to making-over ideas. The velvet flounce makes a graceful tunic; This suit of black serge severe skirt, mounted over a and the long coat, sloped off in deep velvet collar and cuffs and ------ fe ------ FASHION'S IDEAS IN COLOURS. A New Shades---Card In Nelection, is the time of year when change just as hats and Many rretty rvs colors gowns. Court blue is one of the latest. It is a cross between electric and gendarme. l'aupe has shed its brown thige and has acquired a tint like' ele- phant gray. One of the prettiest blues is blue vig, a deep and yet bright shade, Shrimp is the favored pink. glorious red which looks ex- trelely weil with while is Calieg rouge Venetian. Ohalk white Amaranth + is in vogue, is a claret shade, Caramel of brown. Verdigris is one of the smartest greens. Mimosa is a yeHow that verges on orange. Pétunia is the successor of the fuchsia medley, with the purple and red tints predominating. Is another pretty edition -------------- * Detective Locates $12,500, Winnipeg, Dec. 10.--~Following confession of Gustav Bruning, robbed the Dresdner Bank, Berlin, of $65,000, June 26th last, Chief Detee- tive StogiN-has located $12,500 that Bruning bad secreted in ° different places in the city. The information leading to the discovery was contain ed in documents found on the pri soner. Bruning and his companion, Valentine Rerhent, alias Bernard alias Herman Kranich, were arrsign- ed jn the city police court, and were remanded for a week. the who Exodus vs. Numbers. During his first charge found the ladies of the ly too much interested. of petty squabbles a clergyman church entire Such a storm arose from their 'rness to help that in despair he gave up the place. Not long pak ward hp met his successor. "How! are vou getting on ladies ?' asked the escaped divine.» "Oh, very well," the answer. "There's safety in numbers." "I found it in Exodus," quick reply. with the was the was the Over fair was Westport. Tuesday's poultry best ever held in $20,000 was paid out. Toronto, Dee. 9. --- Wheat, ou., ue 10 use; ao, 40c to 4lc; barley, per bu. 67c to 73c; rye, bu, T9¢ to 80c; hay, ton, $16 to $15; do, mixed, $13 to $14 straw, per ton, $17 to $18; dressed hogs, $11.50 to $12; butter, dairy, dUc to 32¢; eggs, fresh, doz, 32¢ tos 35¢; do, mew laid, 55c to 6oc: ohickens, Ib., 16¢ to 18¢; ducks, 1b. 17¢ to 19¢; geese, 1b, l4c to 16¢: turkeys, b., 23¢ to 34¢; apples, win ter, bbl, $2.50 to $3.50; potatoes. bag, $1 to $1.10; celery, doz, 30¢ to 40c; cabbage, doz., 40c to 45¢; beef, forequamters, $7.25 to $8.25; do, hindquarters, cwt.,, $11 te $12; do, choice sides, ewt., $9.50 to $10.50; do medium, cwt., "38 to $9; do, common, owt, $6 to $7: mut ton, light, ewt, $7 to $9; weal common, ewt., $8 to $10; do, prim» ewt., $11 to $13; lamb, $11 to $12 City Orders, Ale DANK, .In consequence or a farmer's failure, had to finance 2 iarge farm, and last spring the man they had put in charge of it wired i manager of the bank: next month. If will result in to- "Postpone Mmbding till further or- ders," wired back the resourceful Londoh manager, will Try This Home-made Cough Remedy Costs Little, But Does the Work Quickly, or Money Refunded, » Mix two cups of granulated sugar with 1 citp of whrm water, and stir for 2 min- utes. Put 23% ounces of Plnex (fifty cents' worth) in a l18-ounce bottle: then add the Sugar Syrup. Take a teaspoon - ful evety one, two or three hours, You will find that this simple remedy takes hold of a cough more quickly than anything eisé ever used. Usually ends 2 deep-seated cough inside of 24 hours Splendid, too, for whooping cough, croup, chest pains, bronchitis, and other throat troubles. It stimulates the appetite and is slightly laxative, which helps end a cough. This recipe makes more and better cough syrup than you could buy ready made for $2.50 i keeps perfectly and tastes pleasiintly, Pinex is the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, and is rich in guaiacol and all the na- tural pine elements, which are so healing 10 the membranes. Other preparations will not work in this formula. This plan of making cough syrup with Pinex and sugar syrup (or ned hone ey) has proven so popular throughout the United States and Canada that it In often imitated. But the successful formula has never been eq A guaranty of absolute satis'action or our has get it for you. If not send to The Pinex Co, Torento; Ont, plac Calgary the latter part - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, CV.O, LL.D, D.C.L, President ALEXANDER LAIRD JOHN AIRD General Manager Assistant General Manager t » CAPITAL, $15,000,000 REST, $12,500,000 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 and Careful attention is given to every account Small accounts upwards. Accounts may be opened®and operated by mail, are welcomed. Account? may be opened in the names of two or more pete withdrawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor. P. C. STEVENSON, Manager, MNGSTON, are Eddy's Silent Parlor Matches Made of very best corkey pine. Every match. Every match a t. Well " that a match may readily be extracted in the dark--no fambling with the inevitable spilling of the matches. AND ABOVE ALL EDDY'S . a surety of the best possible quality and full count The E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited Makers also of Paper Bags, Toilet Paper, Tissues Towels, ete. Send for our Xmas Price List Christmas Cut Flowers We seldom have sufficient cut- flowers to supply the Christmas de- mand, henge the need of getting your orders placed some days in advance Xmas, Roses. Xmas. Carnations, Xmas. Violets. Xmas. Lilies of the Valley. "It's a pleasure to open a box if Flowers from Hay's.'. These Treasurds of Nature with their long stems, beautiful blossoms and fresh green foliage are much sought after for CHRISTMAS FAVORS, We attend to every little detsil--Carefully packed, card fuclosed in box. express charges prepaid If you desire---and given to the Express Co. in time to reach destination Christmas morning. The Hay Floral & Seed Co. HAPPY HOME RANGE When you require a Range, examine the "HAPPY HOME." "This Range is made of the best material, handseme in design, has a large ventilated Oven, and guaranteed to' give perfect satisfaction. We carry allkinds of Heating Stoves. ELLIOTT BROS. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN HINGSTO For the celebrated McCullough H Made by Hurd & Co, Ottawa. This 7% yw Hockey Boot all the Professional Clubs use. Light as a feather" and very serviceable, Price $8 00. Look for Hurd & Co name on every pair. Other good Hoekey iY for Men 50, $800, $3.80, $4.00 Boys' Hockey Wp a $2.25, $2.50, $3.00 Women's Skating Boots, $1.75, $200, $2.50, $3.00 We have the newest and best range of Skating Footwear in the City, Get ready bofore the rush. St JH. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes

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