Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Dec 1912, p. 6

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. PAGE SIX. THE PEOPLE MUST OLEAN SIDE. WALKS OF SNOW, Poultry Show May be Héld in New APmouries--Light Houses to be Kept Lit Until the 13th of Decem- ber, Gananogue, Dec. 9.-~The funeral of the late James Bolger, who lost bis life by drowning on rriday eveu- - Ing last, LOOK place yesterday alter- noon to St. John's church, waers service was conducted by Hev. ri. J. P. Kehoe, and the remains were Jaid to rest in Gananoque vauwit, fac funeral was largely attended. Gan- anogue Branch No, 79, C. M. B. A. of which deceased was a member, tursed out in a body and a largy number of his shop mates from the Steel Company of Canada's works, on River street, also turned out to pay their last respects. The [funeral of the late Alexander White, who passed away on Friday evening last, in the 2nd year of his age. was held yesterday from the residence of his son, Robert White, residing in Pittsburg township, to Uananoque vault, ana was largely at- tended, Wiliam Donohue of Clayton lef: that village in a launch on Friday morning to come to Gananoque, bu: Betting as far as Grindstone Island, the sea Was to heavy to risk furthe. progress, and he had to lay ove: there until Saturday morning, when storm had abated sufficiently for him to proceed on his journey. 'The town council has taken up the matter of shovelling the walks: o. the town at the right end t year, and has instructdll the ay nb tu force the prompt shoveling Of the within twenty-four hours aXter a storm, In accordance with the town by-law, . Merrill Belfi, son of Mr. and M Gilbert Belfie, has been pro- mo to fill the vacancy on thé staff of the local branch of the Mer- ec bank, occasioned by the pro- motion of Leslie Sinclair to Edmon- top; Alta. Mr. Beitie was formerly on"the stall of the Belleville branch of that institution. The government supply ' boa Scout was in this section during the past few days taking up the buoye marking the steamboat channel. The lighthouse keeper of this sec- tion has received instructions t Xe#p the lights burning up to De-| comber 16th, or later if the rive: remmins open. George Lucey, Main street, hac disposed of his residence on Main street to John La Londe, who will take possession at once, dananoque Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock association has set th date for its winter poultry show, January 28th to Gist. Efforts are be- . ing made to secure the new armoury bullding for the purpose. © Tax Oollector Frank Eames re 'ports about $4,000 taxes as yet un- pald. The time expires December nr fine string of 8. C. white leg- fortis were sent from the Glenholme farm poultry yards the later part ot the week in charge of William Fer guson to the midwinter poultry show at Guelph. William McMaster has sold h's handsome brick residence on Hick- ory street fo W. Lucey, who takes possession at once. Miss Eva Glover of the office staff of the Parmenter & Bullock Co. spent the week-end in Kingsien, a t of Mr. and Mrs. Lewfs Rogers, Sydenham street. and Mrs. William Bryce, spending the past twg. months in Ipeg and Minnedosa, Man., hav retgrned home. ---- _-- Which Includ es A= mentth e str ing factors w & ! claim is for salary dus al 5 vii # wd TON OF GANANOQUE Eczema Cured Three Years Ago Best Oity Dootors Falled, But fire Was Effected by Use of Mrs. A. T. Smith. | You apply Dr: Chase's Ointment for {eczema and feel the benefit as if by i magic. It may take some days to get the sores cleaned out and the healing process fully established, but from day to day vou can see the old trouble gradually disappearing and know that you are getting rid of it. Mrs. A. T, 8mith, 1 Mt. Charles St. | Montreal, Que, writes:--"1 had ec- zema on my leg for four years, and {tried many remedies and doctors in Montreal and Boston, without any | benefit. T used three boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment and was cured com- | pletely. This was three years ago, Since then I uséd Dr. Chase's Oint- ment for irritations and eruptions of the skin, and easily got rid of them with two or three applications. Dr. Chase's Ointment is a wonderful pre- parafion." . « Drs Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a box. all dealers or Edmanson, Bates i & Co, Limited, Toronto, UASES ENTERED FOR TRIAL At County Court Before Judge Price on Tuesday. These civil vases have been entered for trial at the sittings of the coun ty court, commencing on Tuesday af ternoon, His Honor Judge Price pre siding : Jory list--David plaintiff, and the Canadian Paeif Railway company, defendants. Th plaintifi's claim is for killing of hi cattle by the defendants on or about May 30th, 1912, on their railrogd in the township of Oso. J. 1. Whiting, K.C., for the plaintiff; Messrs. Mac. Murchy & Spence (Toranto) for the defendants. Nén-jury James Dodds iist--Charles F, Scott, plaintiff, and Canadian Finance and Securities, limited, and Andrew H. MacDowell, defendants. The plaintiff's by defendants to him of 8500. John I. Whiting, K.C., for the plaintiff; Messrs, Mac- donald and Junor (Toronto) for the defendants See Best's big display of useful and appropriate gifts. If you can't come in the daytime, come at night. 'Henry Filion, a failway mail clerk. has confessed to stealing letters. Ww sixty-nine years of age. 'The Winter ? Breakfast ~ Grape-Nuts © and Cream Will have one dish that has both ing flavour and true nourish- iving, life-sus- exist in wheat and barley, stored there by Sum- ~ mer's sun for Winter's fort. PASI Ea a ES UNA tis mses revs eessan ves vaio * es 3 55h . © we DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY. THE SPORT REVIEW CITY HOUKEY LEAGUE MEETING TUESDAY EVENING. All-Toronto Defeated All-Hamilton at Rugby on Saturday by 30 to 22 --=XNotes on Hockey, Hugbhy and Other Sports. A meeting of the executive of the City Hockey league has been calle for Tuesday evening in the ¥. M C. A. bulking to make arrangements for the winter's sport. Any tauas who desire entering should Nave representatives present at this meer ing, 2 No Meeting Resulted, The meeting which was called by the Y.M.C.A. on Saturday to arrange for a hockey team in the city league did not materialize. It is altogether likely that another meeting will be called for some night this week. In Hockey Circles, Toronto News: --Kingston [Ironten- acs are getting in shape by playing indoor polo. Ridpath and Nicholson might try that on their squads. If the O.H.A. is satisfied with the line up of 'the Cleveland and Detroit teams it will not interfere with any teams playing exhibition games ip those cities. Frank Patrick is still after Vitrie, and if he gels the elusive Frenchman he says he is through raiding the N. HA. Father Stanton, of Ottawa College, has a suggestion to make to the In- terprovincial hockey league. He wish es the league to put the ban on body- checking, arguing that it tends to produce rough play and that the fact of the pros, doing away with it shows that they consider the matte in the same Light. An arrangement has been entered in- to between the N.H.A. and the Mari time league to the eliect that each may sign any players they desire, re gardless of present club affiliations, until January 15th. After that date contracts must be respected. Basketball Games. In the junior S8/8.A.A.A. basket- ball series, on Saturday afternoon St. James' and Cooke's met. The game resulted 31 to 13 for St James', but the game was a great deal cloeer than the score indicate: The second game between 8yien- ham and St. John's went to the lat- ter team by default. Two sood games will he played in the senior &eries on Tucsia) avening. Sydenham will met &, John's and Brock meet Queen. Rugby Notes. Hamilton ,Alerts will make formal application to the trustees of the Grey {ap to have the trophy sent to Ham- ilton. The 'annual meeting of the Ontaric tughy Footall Union will. be held 1 being communicated with by Ottawa 1ext Saturday afte n in Toronto. the | suspension dnd proposed expul sion of the Hamilton Alerts, Dominion champions, will be dealt with. . 5 Among the American colleges now College relative to exhibition games next season are Yale and = Syracuse. Father Stanton says that nothing ha heen done toward a reconciliation with the Canadian. Intercollegiate Union, ant"fisthing has been heard from that body in connection with the readmis sion of the Ottawans. | Write Ideas For Moving Picture Plays "YOU CAN WRITE PHOTO PLAYS AND EARN $25.00 OR MORE WEEKLY We Will Show You How! If you have ideas-- if youcan THINK --we will show you the secrets of this fascinating new profession. Posi- tively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language " is wanted. The demand for phiotoplays is practically unlimited. The big fin manufacturers are * moving heaven and earth" in their attempts to get enough good plots to supply the ever increasing demand. They are offering $100, and more, for single scenarios, or written ideas. Nearly all the big fllm com nies, the buyers of hotoplays, are located in or near NEW YORK CITY. eing right on the spot, and knowing at all times just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers, our SALES DEPARTMENT has a tremendous advantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters from the big film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON, . ESSANAY, LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, REX, RELI- AXCE, CHAMPION, COMET, urgiag us to send photoplays to them. MELIES, ETC, We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrets of suc- CESS. We are selling photoplays written by people who "" never before wrote a line for publication." Perhaps we can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good ides every week, and will write. it out as directed by us, and: it sells for only $25, a low figure. You Will Eam $0 Moathy For Spare 'Time Work. Send your name and address at once for free copy FREE Don't hesitate. of our illustrated book. learn just what this new and your future, NATIONAL AUTHORS INSTITUTE Don't argue. profession may wean for you "MOVING PICTURE PLAYWRITING." Write now and 1543 Broadway NEW YORK CITY NEWS OF THE WORLD THE LATEST TIDINGS GIVEN IX BRIEF FORM. The exhibition rugby gaine in Tor onto on Saturday afternoon resulted: All-Toroato 20; All-Hamilton 22. Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, B0c., for 25c. Gibson.s It is proposed that the ki president shake hands - Across regular and the He boundary at Queenston bridge in' con- nection with the peace celebration. fhe Whig's Condensation of the News of the Day From Telegraph Service and Newspaper Ex. changes, fo Greece is to make her own terms of peace with Turkey. . At Woodstook; (Ont. the North Ox- ord hberals endorsed' the Canadian uavy. Fire did a quarter of a million dol- lars damage to the wholesale section of W ipeg. A lowe bandit held up the Imperial Limited near Vancouver, getting 3300 and i Germany ie silent as to her naval plans. Count Reventlow regards it as 4 fresh perfidy of Britain. Bateman's sentence of death for a crime at Ushawa, has been ocommut- wed to life imprisonment. At New York Hom R. Lemioux spoke at the Canadian Society's an- sual dinner on "Canada's Destiny." Rev. 8, .G. Chambers, rector of Christ church, Winnipeg, died on Vri- day at Ninette Sanitarium, aged forty- i asiore acres. me. a Nazimovae, ring in "Bella Donna," was married. on ® pric day in New York to Charles KE. Bry- ant, playing the part-of Pr. Isaacson in the same production. Cholera is causing a great havoc in the native quarters of the Turkish capital. It 1s officially admitted to- day that over 1,000 cases have occur- red during the past twenty days, and that half &f. them have been fatal. Sir George Howard Darwin, son of the late Charles - Darwin, the author Origin of Species," died in London on Saturday ia his sixty-eighth year. He was professor of astronomy amd experimental phy- i The very best for use in ill-health and convalescence = Awarded Medal, and Highest Points in America = at World's Fair, 1893 PURE--SOUND--WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON. CANADA Ge CP rland, Agent, 339-341 College Lamited Highest Education at Lewest Cost ver ry Sone. 2 term ns Augus . Courses ¥% Deokkesping, Shorthand, Tele. «raphy, Civil Bervice and Eng one larg: , Jprations in Canada. Enter any ime. Call or write for informa- tion. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston. Canads Venice Cafe Has Been Purchased By aly w amba EERIE MA RR an : hwnd wd sagt losophy at Cambridge University. t ill maintain fi in thai neither Avions, Durazzo, Sout : Giovanni Di Medus may from Albani. 29° King Street East. THAT TOBACCO "With the "Rooster" os It is. crowing louder as he goes along Only 48c per pound. For chewing and smoking. AT A. MACLEAN, Ontarie Street. SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ea a FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN A good chance to ob- , tain a smart hat at less | than cost. | Watch our windows. "GEDYE" The Uptodate Millinery | 178 WELLINGTON 'STREET. Private Fitting Rooms. 'Phone 226. ALLAN cine Sang 7 From St. John. From Halitas. Corsican 36th Nov. Direct Victorian 6th Dec. Tth Dec Gramplan 13th Dec. Direct TO GLASGOW. = From Portland. From Halifax Scandinavian 12th Dec. 13th Dec TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Prom St. John. Lake Erle 12th Dec. Direct. For full information' apply to Agmts or ' 3? Allan Line LINE |: PT i TRAVELLING. SS wv | LS 2 NG REV DREULT ES |~ ONTARIO PROVINCIAL WINTER FAIR i GUELPH, | December Oth .to December 18th, | 1912, Round-trip Céntinuous Passage | Tickets will be sold at Single Fare. Good going December 9th to De | cember 12th, 1912, inclusive. ° jood to return December { 14th, 1912, (Second Annual Fat Stock Show TORONTO, December 16th and 11th, 1912, Round-trip Continuous Pass*ge Tickets will be sold at Bingle Fare. Good going on p.m. trains Mon day, December 9th, all trains Tues day and Wednesday, December 10th and 11th, 1912, Good to return until Thursday, December 12th, 19132. For full particulars, apply to J. P. HANLBY, Agent, Corner Johnson and Ontario Sts. until CANADIAN PACWFIO RAILWAY, TRAINS LLA\L KINGSTON 11.30 vx For Peterboro, Ottawa, Yontres Quebec, St. John, NB. Halifax, , Toroute, Chi oago, Denver, , Saalt Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, W . 3anouvet, Seattle, Portland and di] Retiag with CPR. Enron wi SP.R. East ent. 745 a.m, Mixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, daily except Sun- leaving Kingston at 11.30 a.m. amive in Suave at b as Pe terboro, 4. -m.; Toronto, pam; ; Boston, 7.30 a.m.; Ss. ala 12.08 noon. at K. & P. and C. P.R Ontario Office, street. F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent. With nut centres, 30 ets. per ib. AT A.J.REES 166 Princess SC, Phone 80.

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