Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1912, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, A THE WHIG SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at J0s- 3 King Street, Kingston, ! | Ontario, at §8 per vear, Editions at 2.30 and 4 [4 WHI 16 es, ad in parts on Monday Phd Lat ph Bh BiG, Po Tt ited trates charge for postage bj [be ad making ie of Pty 18 $3 and Weekly $1.50 per year. i Attached is one of the best Job Pfinting Offices in Canada; rapid, styl- and cheap work; nine improved presses THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED DECEMBER 7 tors of public opizion are speaking ol each other most The but why ahits kindly Freach papers may stam should they allow the nation- parliament and seck evasion for their statements anent the navy~their rank state i a "Store closes See Our Great | $4.00 BIBBYS Lid. to rise in and disloyal XN, ™N Sa J. G. Eltlott, President, Leman A. Guild, Sec-Treas. TORONTO OFFICE ~Suilte 19 and 30 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church | Street, Toronto. H. Ii. Bmallplece, J. Po representative. CRITICISM | NOT EARNED, A little F At bit of dialogue, which took the meeting held when of the John was formal, is a St. Ambulance I Society The best and largest assortment. Priced at 30c to $5.00 Hockey Sticks. 0c to 50c | Defy Competition. po istagtory or money "CORBETT'S worth repeats and a the members of this society, ing. - An officer, visitor, 'was explaining in detail duties of the lis aims or ramifications were The only a well-posted man, not {narrow or _cireamscribed. mern- { ber was not i but he was ever on duty for emergeny aio his home, his wkd, and Ly i in his shop, { office, the back yards, i the said he, are the dirtiest Now this i | some degrees the way," "the backyards I have ever seen." rebuke have been in but one of the evidently thought that the sufiering somewhat from its So be said that the may earned, company moore city was critics, people 10 Ix patience. from passing « here hair iternoon were complimented They a upon in the that the intake defective at Ot were heard visitor the ater through spe, (and because of ils wus as bad as the snd in the eveming by another lirtiness of the yards ans), walter awa; thn nfopfned, visitor, was beyond a parallel. (or The patience dded, passIvVensss of the people, it was demonstrated their the were as uritable to was by under circumstances, {weause if they hey might be, and as likely ent reflections as the people « other places, there onstration soms | would be n dem- there and then of 'first The incident is mot without its in rédt and lesson. . HUGHES' LOFTINESS OF SPIRIT. Stair Work Show Cases Interior Finish. {i | Lives The answers to fuestions by mem: bers of parliament, and referring to | removals, abruptly and offensively, of liberal employees, all over the domin- that the ion, indicate system has been given a géneral recognition. Party hausted spoils venom ov itself, pits has about ex- There was such a clamour for civ- service reform when the conscrva- opposition that some {people thought they were really and i sincerely The whole- the removal heart: | lessly of some poor evipplex who were {dependent upon the government were in IN WOOD. desirous of it. sale dismissals for a iliving--of servants of all grades and onditions, | tt first, S. Anglin & Co. Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts. mm forever hanishes that idea. too, the presumption was that some cause should be assigned. Then, to facilitate for the ouls were hungering for government feed, the member for eoustitn results, any Club Jelly Sauce made from the little package enclosed jn cach carton of Clab Jelly Powder adds the fishling touch to a dessort ay deli ions in flavor ae 1 The proposition is te apply | Oataria legislature [powers {or the hope for enlarged Utilities commitiee, it will ho vigorously The warrant and we and successfully resisted, teresls of the city extension of the in - do nit [any committer ayy { ton, and for the reason that it dogs | not meet the requirements hour The business of the city--end pecially the business of producing and supplying, light, heat and is getting beyond the committee stage; indeed, it has already beyond and this fact can be readily strated. The chairman of the com mittee for this year has Tiven a good deal of his time day after day to the allairy of the department, and he our authority = for saying that time has come for a change. A commission of five should charge of the utilities, of the os pow {Sat HERBERT J. 8. DE WREGISTERED ATT EY (formerly of Fetherstonhaugh Dennisén & Co.) 18 Years Experience in. Patents and Practical Engineering, Star Bldg, 18 Kiang St. W,, Toron's 1SON got it, demon: w Forty years in use, 20 years the the standard, prescribed and recom- mended by physicians. For Wonman's Ailments, Dr. Martel's Pills, at your druggi st. have d and these five ency passed the word; and nest the irinister ordered the decapitation of officials without op to offer wy apology, Thus the Minister of Militia se. fs nt the idea of having to account for the dismissal of two ¢f the best "presi that have ever been employed us tizans at the Royal Military Williaa S. Burke and J. He had to charge thing, and ar College B. Quinn. them with some- says, "Political partizan «hip," and so rank is the that one can very readily to produce the proof. The honorable ? the ask or want n answer to the question, recommendation od accusation defy him does the proof. "On whoss were they "The Minister Militia and Defence assumes ali the responsibility." The loftiness of tho iinister is characteristic. It will pass far a while, bug not for' long minister not, I however, dismisa- he answers: of COMMISSION FOR THE UTILITIES. to the wn should be. paid for their time, aad should give 'the work of the de- iavtwrents © 'their undivided attention 'ne of them should ge an eddirician, 1® should be able to meal with the manager. a a physician advise Una should and capable of sing him=olf firmly upon and ex a'l mat- | 'ars pertaining to the public health 'he others should be good - business em, and it is safe to sav that witl : combination of that kind the busi- #83 of the city would be practicadls wad satisfactorily dispatched. A commissiop should be (ried at mie--s0 far as the utilities are con- srned, and the Whig is assured that would soon establish its merits nd win the whole people to its sup wt A great has been mde in a right direction when tw wmbers . of the Utilities' Committee ave openly and unr servedly | for a commission } advance declar APPEAL FROM BTOVES AND HEATERS, Tons A em Da Stands Fhe Whiy acknowledges that it is hg 1 . ohirniture of alllin receipt of a communication from » : . the Society of Friends, of Philadel Opponite PRA 202 Ontarte fires, phia, and is assured that it is a copy data aria Street. ol the communiontion which has been a: inddressed to the press generally. (Bi there are several features in the cir j cular letter which wo desire to dis. how most candidly. This newspaper is published for pro it would be absurd 10 suggest or suppose tht many thousands oi dol {lars have beew invested for the pur" pe Anke of Tod {pose ol diverting, or edifying the Also Furniture of all kinds | community. Journalism, like law, Dan and Fe Highest prices | medicine, theology, or science, is a pro. L: T.EFSK¥S {fession in which men, and women, en B07 PRINCESS STREET. gage, some of them for a living, and 'Phone 1046. all of them as part of a great business : in which the people are interested. They use the read it, and contributes towards | reve with which it is maininiaed. Having said this much, the wants it. to be understood in reasons. Le tft more sailable Gf » i» of und What cauid be for a Christmas beautiful plece 'Furniture? Cali ig range of goods anid thw Whig ine | 1 | | } "Well," theve are four nbn in the {fouse of Commons anyway whi think | hat in the naval question Canada thas no right to do what she dirs ipleagts. Ottawa Journal. The tramp of-the candidate can now {be heard-late into the night. It ap [pears that the man who 'wants to J | serce. the people must do some humil- Me things in oe to get elecicd The minister "ot. public works has not vit seen the advisability of apolo i gising for his slander of Mr. Sullivan, of Saskatchewnn. He got a wrong ro Yon know it is A cy ALR as. It 8 . start shopping. up lists. Start. Bal Yall, nud alk for Booklet on tie universal goods newspaper, and they | EB SITORIAL NOTES. "HE QUAKERS. tJuakers, ery and all much ontents that it about the that it its responsi- and that it rejects again and gain, pews and advertising matter of questionable What this WR amounts to in a year, is pot dblic matter; but total is aflicient any one that the Paper 18 very considerate of its friends nd readers. others, concerned of each onstantly ility, 1s edition, conscious of rharacter. n the sum to satisfy The Whig is not boastful of its mor als. It leaves the people who read it 5 pass upon the quality of its work, sed its: devotion to all tasks ideals that look favour. The press and to or command its iv the social and political workl, and 132 Whig hopes to keep before it the | tai ands of the man who shaped its | { pra fap many years, wha, | {high « ad, yet speaketh to his staff | 'HE a int that is ever present amd lowtinant, i 0 € ay + Yuen is leaders were in office and in an undignified and didoya; Pid for their supper. Rorden pen + not say that Are Bm Shei 1 Lovet the alleged rebel, was fat invited to fake © seat in the cab inet. Mer. with saying that the story that ap. ears in the papers is "not accurate." "hat is a8 far ax he dare go, and it pained him ta ge even even that far. The idea is Ieing sedulonsly ti vated that Britain and Ger. mang are looking askance at each oth- e, and that, metaphorically speaking, the warriors an either side are ready ti jump at each other's throats. Bug then mutter: and the Sofie: that the | aid 'for the wounded." we men | { | | Na great power, ' i Borden contents himself] © Britgin aod Germany are co-operating | ned in the Balkan ments~hy denying the accuracy of the reports, is becoming too common The press should resent it, way. % taken not The justice depariment has notice of the fact that it look well to turn ex-convicts out does of prison without overcoats. Very good. | Now will the Hon. C. J. | wake up to the fact that he is being Doherty severely criticised because he does appoint a warden. Major the call and the qualifications. {i2 he not appeinted ? nod Hughes has Why | The promise is made of a summer i Job to some minister who can spend | several 'months England and be | called on occasionally sor a conference n | the Imperial Defence committee. | Mr. Foster has the call, but ! ord of the cahinet is the proper man. | The minister of militia must not al- in the war {low any ome to overshadow him in his j own department. { i ! Hon. Mr. White denies that he drop. ped the cement duty for political ef {fect in Saskatchewan. But the change | was made a week' before it pro- claimed in the Canada Gazette, and Hom. Mr. Rogers the medium | through whick® it was announced at June Sth, was Was t his pow-wow in Regina, on Fhe cement-makers were not notified of the until 15th. Mr. White's sincerity is under suspicion. deal June some Church Montreal Oazelte A British parliamemtary shows the net annual income dowments of the Church of in Wales in recent years to be £260, 1037, of which £116,257 comes from funds or properties given to it hefore 1703. By the propositions before par liament in connection with the dises tablishment measure £57,136 will iéft to the church when its connection with the state ds-cut off, and £172, 00d will be transferred 10 Welsh Coun ty 'and Borough Councils and to the University of Wales. Besides the sum mentioned, certain parish endowments jand lands' will alse be ultimately transferred to the representatives of the state. The desire for religious free dom which the Welshmen in their disestablishment efforts seenis to have comhined with it a certain ismount of more mercenary motive Arbor, Endowments, paper from en- England be moves They Have an member of the |. a was regretting the art sense displayed by his when they placed an open he disposal of the people. ed. eloquently for fountains, in ornamental basins, lions corns in stucco and emera garden seats. ""Why saul County lack of {fellows Epaoce at He plead- goldish and Id meon | i Ju | un wreen he want in a splendid ration, 'we something homely and countfviike---a httle arbor here and there, * If a foreigner came to this country and asked to one we've never an aghor worth showing to show litm. Then up and spake another member, who, prior to attaining the height of his civic ambitions, had been a petty officer in the navy "Oh, 'aven't, wot about Portsmouth se 'aven't we 'arbor we Y.. And To Cure. » a Cold in "One Day. i Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab: lets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. F. ture is on each box. Albert ¥ i this society Shlore told the Philema- of New York that flow endowed with powers of . He didy nit know wh could fall in love. We now have an attractive list of homes for sale and at reasonable j prices. Drop in and look:-it | Howard S. Folger, 44 Clarence street Frank Spassio, a foreman on the harge canal contract, was drowned | vhen the coffer dam north of the | roadway bridge at Futon, N.Y, collapsed. over { OUR SALE-= Only One Week Longer Now is Your Time! = to get Some bargains on Furni- ture (slightly damaged). All the remaining siock which was in our store dur- ing the rebuilding. Will be sold at a great reduction for Cash only. ROBT. J. REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER This reflection in the reports] { and in no uncertain pero 3 signa ther | There's style, there's beaut al, and, best of all, stores . the prices are We want the man who $15.00 SUITS, English Tweeds English Serge, Faglisk Cheviot Fancy Worsteds, Smart Woodbine Style I'he best £15 Suits in all Our 812 long lapels, Englich We Suits are rates English Beavers, plain or collars, expert tailoring; nd Grays I'woeds in the now terns, shield lined, velvet lupeis, very swell styles F'woway style Ulsters, cla neal patterns, new cole designs English and quality, Satin piped NEO Men's and Kingston's One Price Clothing House there's ar thers, proving 'themselves ev ery Case doubts to come tan peg rousers, Browns $13.00 OVERUOATS. 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS Made Shoes Nobby Clothes there's the there' nishing. good mater) helow prope tatloring, : 3 of mos figures plendid. Garments Six 00 SUITS. ade in button, plain nev the medium or cuff bot wpreckled ia Warsted SIS Suits are new three trousers fon Style full peg Hand tailored ako © hig and ad SUITS. in the new Roxboro { belt loops, «ste ive a ¥ Bronze (ira) £15.00 Oo Lulion Goals, ahrics Age fine made antl Overcoats Gems RIS GO Real ilk velvet Black OVERCOAT Blacks and Herringhone pat collar, low Heal Dandie Exceptionally sv stv] Bibl Spe @2000 ULSTERS ch. Nap Cloth, goams, ote BBYS Limited Boys' Departmental Store STREET. cosmmis ws YOUR ORDER WITH LEAVE LE F. J. JOHNSON Kingston's Leading WFiorvist, and he sure of saiisfy Fresh Lilies, oses, Carnat Ros seas fr houses every * and floral designs scription a specialty day 'Phones--Store, 239; ence, 1212; Greenhouse 157 AGRES | ! 5 miles from Kingston on | good road, good buildings, | The Exquisite Aroma of Choice' Coifee nt rd in our Fine Blend Mocha makes a that {it for the gods © ia your safeg Toss foes pu ana « us di is have the generally hit the mark Henderson' s Grocery 59-61 Brock Street The Store of Quality | 125 acres, good clay loam, | under cultivation, good fen- | 230 Princess St. GET OUR PRICES for Tin, Lead, Zine, Solder, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, THE CANADA METAL CO, Limited, Factories--TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. Babbitt, J 1S ALL COOD | VIFF by v

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