Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1912, p. 11

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Now 7eels Strong and Vigorous And Fit for Any Amount of Work as the Result of Using Dr. Chase's Nerus Food, Mr, J. Hurlbert. It is # easy to overlook the warn ing given by headaches, indigestion falling memory, lack power - t concentrate the min! rritebility an worry over littie things, that m man does not realize his danger "tH on the verge of hreakdown.. Like the writer of the letter quo below, you can.call a hat t wasting process and restore edergy to the nervous system ing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food great food cure has a wonder! cord of cures Mr. J. Hurlbert, 28 Brantford, Ont, writes: --"1 wa very much rum down in health ap Qf A conssquence my nervous system was very much exhausted Close con finement at my work, I think, brough: on the trouble, I started using Dr Chase's Nerve Pood and by the tim: I had used up one box I felt a grea improvement The continued use o this preparation has thoroughly her 3 my systemh so that I feel stron; and vigorous und fit for any amoun of work. I have also used Dr Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and Oint ment with splendid satisfaction, ans recommend them at every apportun ity." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cent a box, al! alers or Edmanson Bate & Co, Li ed, Toronto. Thi al re Jamés street re Venice Cafe Nas Besn Purchased By Charlie Yoke, Charlie Wah and le Wong Place now closed for repairs Will re-open on George Hotel == EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN Prax A la Carte Restaurant SAM. MH. THOMPSON, sacs, WOMAN'S .. -__ FORTUNE Freed From That Weak, Lan guid, Always Tired Feel- ing, by Lydia E. Pink- ~~ bam's Compound. .- Thessalon, Ont. -- **I cannot speak too | Jtiement. .Lrise;" says a big operator. kept ® tically all private money available | amounts. .§ The Georgian la asking for the OVERRUN WITH ORDERS! DOMINION TEXTILE PANY IS VERY BUSY. | THE COM- | i ! i ------ { saa That Twe Hridge Concerns Will Merge--Montreal Men are Doing Well in U.S. Rubber Com. pany. Textile ° company' opened up the month 'of December with slightly in excess of $5,000,000 of untiiled or- ders on its books, as against $3. 750,000 at the corresponding date last year. Such a situation is par- ticularly satisfactory and the only thing that seems to be bothering the company is the particularly high! prices prevailing at the present time! for raw cot . it wis stated to-day that the or- *ders now on the books of the com- | pany are sufficient to keep all mi "running to full capacity for alu 8:X months, 1 As one cotton man said, the situ: ation with the Canadian Cotton m- | panies at tre present time is not one| of getting enough business, but rath- er of being abie to tdrn out orders fast emsugh to meet the ments of the trade, The latest merger talked about on the 'street' is that of tw bridge' concerns, the Dominion and the National. The former is an old. | established concern, while the iatter| way onl organized a few years ago. The union will be on stock exchange' basis. A small number of local Interests| are doing very well on the stady! upward advance in United 8 £1 Rubber common, the stock getting | up &8 high as 66, a new high levc for the movement in Wall stroet } Rubber common Nas changed ii! position in the New York marke: | during the past couple of years, and | whereas it was formeriy consider somewhat of a speculative football | it ils now classed as am indus that will show steady advances, withstanding the rather heavy {talization of the company. W. M. Birks, vice-president o Henry Birks &-Sons, and directo of Ryrie Bros. of Toronto and of th Sun Life Assurance company, has been elected to the board of direot ors of Molsons Bank. He suceeeds| the late W. M. Ramsay. | Canadian Pacific has paid lor ten | years an average of more than 14] per cent. sunually to stockholders | dividends and rights, and it is sal in Montreal that the record will bs maintained. C. P. R. earnings in the last nine days of November show a gain © | $393,000, bringing the totzl in crease for the month up to $1,748, 000, Cobdt Royalties. Toronto, Dec. §.---Annguncement of the reduction of the royalties on some of the Cobalt mines after three years of rumors, will have some ef fect on the shipments from the Chambers-Ferland., The city of Co balt has not yet received terms which suit them, and it is hardly probable that they will make very strenuous efforts to develop the mine until they are assured that they will fnot be robbed of the first fruits by the government. The Hargraves, it is understood, is on the same basis as the Chambers-Ferland. Canadian Companies Increase. Ottawa, Dec. 6. Company incor- porations by federal letters patent in- creased from 644 to 658 in the last fiscal year, according to the report of the state department tabled by Hon. Mr. Coderre at Ottawa yester- day. The aggregate capitaHzation was $490,665,999, including $42 $39,999 secured by existing compan ies through supplementary powers The revenue of the department was $248,000, Big Obligations Due. New York, Dec. 6.---Between now and the end of 19.3 railroad, indus trial and public service corporations will be called upon to meet nearly $300,000,000 maturing short-term notes. Bulk falls due during fis six months of 1913, the big month| being June with $72,000,000, Nex is January with $39,000,000. Holds 5,553 Sharps. Montreal, Dec. 6.--0f the heav: shareholders of the Bank of Moa treal, Sir Willlam C. Macdonald heads the list with 5,055 shares o, the bank's stock, or-equal to nearly 3 1-2 per cent. of the entire issue of stock. : At the present price of the sfock the veteran financier's holdings are worth $1,300,975. The-next in order is the Royal Trust company with 4,445 shares, and an additional 2,500 in its capa: city as trustde. : Ready to Rise. New York, Dec. 6.---Professionai Jperators are trying to break the in- dustrial list on the Union Pacifie set But "a market that will not break tea points on an European goneral war scare, radical change national administration, high mone; rates and an adverse decision like that of Union Racific, is reddy to .- Financial Notes, The Elder Ebano Asphalt com- pany, Montreal, has declared iu Balt yearly dividend, payable on De- cember 5th. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Company, New York, have arranged to pur chase the balance of the new $22. 500,000 first mortgage five per ceat. 'bonds issued by the Canada South- orm. . The output for the year of the Ames - Holden « McCready compaay, Montreal, amounted to $600,000 in factory and $750,000 in sales. They turn out 9.500 pairs of boots every day. . Montrea! and Toronto. banks are being busy calling loans. Prae- has been taken up, and it is next to get even sma'! - to impossible © The British Canadian Lumber cor- poration of Vancouver, B, C, starting the largest electrically aquipped lumber mill in the United Bay Canal company {lane Montreal, Dec. 6.--Fhe Dominion 1136. 1$8.000,000. require: lof the Canadian cotton companies i } , | Byracuse, a distance of 162 miles. lot J i} | Dressed Heef an i deep, from which a considerable quan- | actually know there can be no sue cessful appeal. general health and makes drink actu- vighi fo dispose o'siom. THE DAILY mmrrrisH WHIG, COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS securities to the extent of $i; 000,000, . His Events in Own Bright Style, On Current tect ge number waich are spriu ith the approvai > local trust compan Textile company pubii uy, larg The Domanion Canada will hk £8 lu Canadl purchase of 3 far from agnm al v {May it come with countless blessings {to each and everyone. D---Boctors do disagree. One vs its horrid, debilit, the body, befogging the miad, of impairing vision, vou into a hearse cries the other of the gods, Take smok- ng it and 34 2 ¢ - of about $50,000 0G corresponding months of las 3 arte, de-| leading Enough, a Ihe American Can company clared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent. on its preferred stock, a increase oO! one-fail of one per cent ¢ver the previous quarterly paymasi-. The directors of the Ques: back will issue $500,000 pew sto i This will make a capital fo bacco 1s gift a vor luptuousness incomparable, a peerless panacea against ills mental and mor al, a something men must and will have. F--Facts fade before personal ference --yrieving or gladdeming, accord- ing to temperament. H--Howsoever it 'may be we opine "Old Chum" stands for a good chance to maintain his lead. IIa Pittsburgh ladies are balanc ing between "bridge and babies," {heaven and hell, as it were) J--Jews now want Ireland. Well, vou can't blame them for wanting the begt, but really the barp that so fong has hung silent on the walls of fara must' scon again the soul of music shed, and then such will be the thrill of triumph throughout J Erin that the tiny strain of th tle Hebrew lip lute were absolitely lost in the land. K--Kiss is something that get gratis, young men steal men buy. IL~Labor as though you should live for ever, and vet live as if to-morrow might be the last. M---Madame de Thebes is at it a rain. Once she predicted a "son" to Prince Victor Napoleon, who proved to be a sweet little "girl." leave the stork alome, madame, she kuows better than vou. N--New Year's calendars are out. The precocity of certain movable roasts id quite marked. Shrove Tuesday falls on the 4th of February and Easter 'on Mareh 23rd, which, within a day, is th® earliest date' it can happen. O--0h, let us hope ths woman who had dog's skin grafted on her won't get mad and bite. herself. P--Popular principal of Qu says "Religion and addition" go gether, and he is right. Q-Quite ag certain as ""Godlers les sons beget lawless lads." R--'Real angels," those daughters of Eve, exclaims Andrew Carnegie. That's why they don't need excessive fravery, a hindrance to fascinating forms. S--Sure, the world is great, "Amerika" is still greater. T--Tempests, war, cholera, political duplicity, rowdism, murders, c(onen- binage, anarchy, mud, suffragettes, Henri, all is nothing to' the juulti- millionaire's golden spectacles. U~Universe, a Paradise with milk and honey. V--Voila ! W--Woodrow Wilson has no use for obtrdtsive cameras. He wouldn't sit on the "lion" bv the round liouss and be "snap shot" if vou gave him our well-known friend, "Pat." X--Xtremely harsh js the "Toronto News" when it affirg that a oertain maiden speech recently delivered! in Ottawa 'was not worth a nicke! Y--You saucy thing ! ZACCHEUS. Women Are Best Judges, The mother, the housewife, the wo- man in the home---these are the judges of a household salve balm, and Zam-Buk pleases these qualified judges. Have you 'yet test: ed it? If not, write for free sample box to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Mrs. C. E. Salter, Box 47, Westminster, B.C., writes: "Zan haw acted so splendidly in our | that we will néver be without it." Mrs. 'W. A. Jones, 58 North (hat. ham street, Victoria, B.C., says' "I 25 pre- The Dominion p Vill apply to list tue local exchange time, The securities of the French hold ers of Banque Internationale du Canada, Moutreal, are being trans ferred to (te local syndicate who ai- ranged for their purchase on a busis of 35 for every $10 paid in. C. G. Pennock, manager of ihe Vancouver brauch of the Bank of Ot- tawa, has tendered his resigoaiinn, to accept the position of gerald manager of the Hank of Vanc ava vice L. W. Shattord, M. FP. P., ge! eral manager, resigned. \ A director of one of the large Canadian cotton companies, discuss ing the probability of an amalgatio' between the larger cotton concerns said that any further consolidatio Bridge compan) their sto:ds within a shor: cn children ana unlikely for some time to come. The Electrical Development com- pany of Toronto and Toronto Power company will shortly commence wor on cunstruction of power transmis sion line, followed later by electr cal railway from Niagara Falls tc HOme Smith, Toronto manager o the National Trust company, will re sign his position at an early date to look after his real estate enter prises at Humber, He will be suc ceeded by George H. D. Lee, of the law firm of Mulock, Lee, Millike: and Clark. J. M. Robinson, head of the firm M. Robinson and Sons, St. Joh nd Montreal, bankers, was elected resident of the St. John Board of Trade. An issue of 5,000 shares of unis sued stock in the Quebec bank wil shortly be made at $125 a share. Arguments in the suits institute by the state to oust the St. Louis 1 Provision compan? and the Hamm ha Packing compan: of St. Joseph from Missouri because of their alleged connection with the so-called beef (rust have been be gun in St. Louis before Daniel Dil lon, special commissioner appointed by the State Supreme court. The plant of the Superior Brick company at Rosslyn, near Fort Will jam, Ont., with one hundred and fifty men employed in construction, is being rapidly pushed forward t completion. ¢ F. Nash & Company, members of the Montreal Stock Exchange, an- nounce that they have taken Guy D. €. Dobbin into partnership. The lafter has been connected with the firm since 1901. Strike: of employes of United States Steel Corporation in Pittsburg district will not affect the company's earnings to any great extent, The London Stock Exchange has ordered that 2,500,000 pounds im- provements and equipment five per cent. fifty-vear gold bonds be quoted on the official list. en's to but and Lightning Revealed Lead. Lightning recently uncovered - a lead mine: on the farm of William Thacker, in Baxter county, Ark. The bolt struck a hidkory tree, ran into the ground and then divided into six branches, digging 'ditches about three feet deep and eighteen inches wide. Phe longest ditch is 150 feet in length and the others vary from | twentv to forty-nine feet. At end of the longest ditch is a two feet in diameter and two feet New Buk ly hols | BEBE ever taken into a house. It is {so handy and so good for everyday injuries and accidents, I never intend my houge to be without it." Fingst™ known remedy for 'piles, ulcers, cold sores, chaps, varicose, sores, bad leg, ete. All druggists and stores; 50c¢. box, Avoid harmful imi. tatiops tity of lead ore was thrown out, ong; pisce weighing four pounds. Be quite sure that from what yon Unable to Stand Notoriety. hilsdelphta Times : George Ade is a student of the whirosical facts of life and mangers. The following story is one of bis: "A missionary in the South Sens DRUNKENNESS CAN BE CURED. Old Fallacy That Drunkerness Can. not be Cured Exploded. Many men drink who desire to stop the habit. Whiskey, however, has ui! was much distressed becaiise his dusky dermined the constitution anfl created | parishioners were pude. He decided a craving that is not to be denied and|{ to (ry in a delicate manner to got the man must have whiskey or some | them to wear a little more cle thing thing that will remove the craving and! of some sort, so he left a mumiber of build up the system Mj restore the! nieces of scarlet, green and »ellow berves. a calico lving around his hat, thiaking Samaria Prescription stops the erave| it would surely ag to their sense ing; steadies the nérved, builds up the! tr sclor / "One afternoon an lderly called for spiritual advice. Her rested on the calico enviously, dame eyes and ally distasteful and nauseous. It is tasteless and odorless and can be giv: en with or without the-patient's know- a iat ah oie ont said: I go It has cured thousands in Canada and| 'yin women draped the calico a red happiness to hundreds of the an aki fate pp round her like 3, Skint nd departed 3 in great glee. following dav _---- gre' He. al, She retined, nude as Before. Du . a the calico under her arm. and- Tt is four months to- ay sines 1 Edt to the missionary. and said sadly : 3 "Me no can wear it, muster, Me roo shy !' 'rong Medicine. "Why are all these people flocking down 'to Hiram Hardapple's bam' asked the old man on the hay wag- gon. "Hi's got a curiosity down thar," 'chuckled the village constable. "That wo? What kind of a curios ity git "Why, His old red-and-white Jer. The other night the old Nam wihert oF 1h Now. il there is anyone in your town who needs this Remedy, them of it. Practical philanthropy can take no better form. MH you ' a husband, other or: oe a Sip Shem hip hutaeve if : a ! #7 goss lit- old" hark flowing . best ! { think Zam-Buk is the very finest oint- | taking up a piece of ths brightest red, | this | ac | Thursday sud adjourned until SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1912 man is sure to welcome: With its sheen of polished metal and rich leather it wins his admiration at first sight, and his appreciation) grows with every moming's shave, The Gillette Safety Razor STANDARD SET, 12 Blades . STANDARD SETS, in Morocco Grain Leather 4 Case (see No. 460 Seal or English P Elades . POCKET EDITIONS, or Gold Plated or GC No. 502 below, with 12 * Gillette Sets in write us and we in Plated Metal POCKET EDITION, in Black Cowhide, Seal or Pigskin Case. with jades. $5.00 10 $6.00 COMBINATION SET, io Sea! Grain Case. with Raz 12 Blades, Shaving Brush and Soap, as iliustrated below, No. 00, $7.80 COMBINATION SETS, in Plated Metal, (No. 61B above). Real Seal and Pigskin Cases, ver or Cold Plated Razors and a variety of fittings. $6.50 tc $50.00 Case with ated Below). Real Cases, with 12 . '$5.00 10 $7.50 , Silver etal Finished like les. $5.00 10 $6.00 Ask your Jeweler, Drugpist or Hardware. Dealer to show you the these different st if by any chance he cannot, will see that you are supplied. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED. The New Gillette Bidg., Montreal. THIS IS ABOUT THE LIMIT. -- Man Would Not Take Job Pulling Down Awning. Every day one hears a story about the great scarcity of One giv- en the Whig to-day on good author- ity is about the Jimit Kingston man had occas i awning and put it in ters. He was very busy, ar ed a man to help him } Going to the nearest corner he no- ticed a group of men idling about, {| watching some m working on the {new pavement, © Picking « one i husky chap, he said "Do you want a job?" "What kind of a job?" reply. "l just want pull down .that "That's it. care for a job of that ki The man was s0 disappointed, he did not tackle others in the bunch, as he thought he might get turned down again. Instead, he finished the job himself, putting the Ww down as the laziest maa he had to deal with, London's Derericts. London has undertaken to clear metropolitan area of lerelicts, tramps, wander and unemploved who have made pictures, of destitutio embankment cleaned wp sleeping on was the a man to aw; is it? is do not ever the and Proxen ' ars | The section to bel no more hen | home- shunted by He a lodging house | yt wails re and begyg ol its night, the men 8Or iz the fir There ie to the benches there tramp or il be ne i hoard he man th into an ofl { metropolitan be given a the asylum will ticket to vl spend occapation lodging.' of the day pay for Graduall will be unemp man has « enc after a fash do is to.g the embankment ment for one d i Tribune ay Give and Take. An amusing story is related by Paris correspondent When the sulian orders for the troops he sent garia a sack lowing letter: "Ferdinand Effendi, mobilize i! you like, but be assured that there 'are as many soldiers in Turkey = there are grains of millet In thi sack. Now, if you wish, decls j war" | The king of Bulgaria's reply was 'in kind. He sent a very much smaller sack, filled with tiny grains of a most virgleat red r. of the country. "lechouski™ iit is called, and it does not belle its uwame, for its effect is that of a very vigorous saul. 'With it went the following dedication: | "Dear Mister Sultan: The Bulgar- !ians © are not numerous, it Is true; but bs assured that to stick your inpse into their affairs is like sticking (it into our national condiment Try iit and see. 'They'll sting you so sharply that the whole of Asia will not be able to save you." 7 a 2 of Turkey gave zatign of hi king of Bal with the fol of millet, ~ The sensts held a shor sitting on Jans he oa 2 5 a. | MONTREA] REAL ESTATE oo We are specialists in all kinds of property vestmen and will be pleased to give you the advantage of our knowledge nnd experi ende. ! Let us show you where to place your money for a good return. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., LIMITED 611 TRANSPORTATION BUILDING, MONTREAL, QUE. rremereenlt MISSED EdAmaonton, age you possibiii- _---- TE -- fHE CHANCE YOU Had you Property' in Calgary » Rtoon M few years as fuil of lberta and Norte th during t rapidiy, grain and line of popu r ng no will nals sparta : e We to nt 80 p ent. of the unkold " reasonable purchased Inside Towns it ouse Jaw, Regina and M e¢ worth a fertune Alo pport VERMILION, A The only Divisional Point Hattieford pirat & ine Hat a w anity, just 5 Now on the Edmonton e AT Ars, ed we 0 py making" op A a iuubie infer math ORRIS & CO., 424 Builders Exchange, Winnipeg, Man. = ro---- CEDRIC A M HT TH Te HITT TTS Ontario Pulp and Paper Compaay, Limited 6% First Mortgage Sinking Fund Bond Dated 1st Jan, 1312. Due 1st Dec. 1931 BRIOE : 94 and Interest. The Bonds of this Company, which has been absorbed by the Spanish River Pulp & Paper Mills, Limited, are guaranteed both as to principal and fn- terest by the latter. The surplus of liquid assets over habilities of the Spanish River Compauy as at 31st October, 1912, was approximately $1,200000, with fixed appraised assets of $4,157,021.76 Sa Complete details on request. HOWARD S. FOLGER, Kingston Representative. <= DOMINION BOND COMPANY, LIMITED Dominion Bonn Buinngwe DOMINION PXrunss Foinmse TORONTO MONTREAL YANCOUVYER LONDON, Ex. > em, os En -- ~ ITER IEEE EVR HE | E 2 : s 5 i i J Cause For Sorrow. picture this mors A little boy in the street was ory | his thuwwb with + ing bi , and a lady went up 1, hammer him and him what wes the mat. hie : |. "Well, my Little man." obs nid, Oe aid, \e | was hanging a f and he am you shouldn't ery over that." sobbing, "my i th "i-laughed,"

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