Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1912, p. 9

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v YEAR 79. NO. 286 PHONE 16 For your Grocery orders. (Prompt delivery.) 'D. COUPEK'S | 'Phoie 76. 341-8 Princess st. | i | | | i. $1, 000 REWARD Yor information that will lead to the discovery or whereabouts of the person or persons suffering from Negvois Debility, Fits, Skin Dis- ease, Blood Poison, Genito Urinary Troubles, abd Chronic cr Special | Comy taints that cannot be cured #t I'he Ontario Medical Institute, 263.460 Yonge Street, Toronto, | | PROGRESSIVE COMPAKY f | { new smelter of the North American he Daily 7 KINGSTON INDU! < ---- The Davis Tannery i isa Brow ing Concern ; IS PUSHING IT RAPIDLY TO THE] FRONT. ' | The Davis Company Bought 'the ow Carrington Tanunety Heve--Three Years Ago the Plant Was Ene larged--SUll' Away Behind in Pilling Orders. Ya Kingston 1s represented in {he tannery business by one of the my Ist | Progressive firms in the country, in { its particular line, We refer to A Davig and Son, whose plant is Bity- ated in the northeasterly end of the city, adjacent to Haver gtruet, on the 'Cataraqui river front." Near it the Smelting company has been erected and is now In operation. The business of A. Davis and Son Wus first established in 1867 county not far from Tonto, lata Andrew Davis. In 1872 he, in York by the THAT HA KINGSTON, ~ ONTARIO, SATURDAY, STRIES VE FLOURISHED NOT UP ON MATRIMONY. Whi Bishop Was Not Board. Londun, Dec. 7.---A good story is told of the Bishop of London in con- nection with the Royal Commission on Divorce, Dr, Ingram was urged to take a seat upon. the commission, but ho steadfastly refused, saying with a beaming smile: "How could I, a poor bachelor who knows nothing about the joy and pain and mystery of the holy state of matrimony? But if things had been otherw se!" Of course, the "otherwise refer- red to the crushing blow that he sustained when bishop of Stepney, when he had trimmed his sails for 4 voyage over the treacherous sea of married life. Seized by a great in- spiration, Dr. Ingram sent round g printed circular to his clergy ask- ing them to pram for the, Divine blessing upon his TORO wed- ding. Hig flancee was so annoyed that she abruptly broke off her engage- ment. And ever since, like Heze- kiah, his mR has "gone softly on Pivorce 3 in bitterness f spi rit" when it comes to questiols of "love, tow..- ship and marriage. FORCED OUT BY TRUST. with his son, now the Hon. E. J Davis, formed a partnership under | the style of A, Davis & Son, under which firm name the business has i been carried on up to the present time. In 1884 E. J. Davis purchas- €d his father's interest and becams sole proprietor Fh% business was carried on by him until 1903, when, the plant hav- ing been destroyed by fire, he pur. chased the plant and property in this city then owned and operated by the lata Joseph Carrington, and formed the business into a joint stock com pany, under the style of A, Davis & Sons, Ltd., with officers at present as follows: President, Hen. -E. J. Davis; vice-president and general mangger, Elmer Davis; secretary- treasurer, Harold W. Davis. Messrs. Davis opergted the loéal pe Bonbons. 1 1b: 'Glass Bottles 'with ground stoppers : Only 50 Ca A; J.REES | | 1 | | | WY HESITATE 1 T An Offer That involves No Risk For Those Who Accept It. Wo are 50 positive onr remedy will relieve constipation that we offer to furnish it free of all costs if it fails. Constipation is caused hy weakness of the ncrves and muscles of the large intestines or descending colon. To expeit reliel you must, therefore, tone up. and strengtheh those organs. and restore them to healthier activity, We want you try Rexall Orderlios on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are Particularly ideal for children. They "uct directly on w18E, plant at ful] capacity up to ol 1909, when finding it impossible to keep pace with their ofders they decid: id "to enlarge, and. during that Year erected the re-inforeed concrete tannéry and storehouse, giving them: about three times the original- -Capa- ¢ity of the plant. firm has been | gradually inc reasing ts output from time to timé until now it is turning' out triple the amount of leather it did in 1909, and is still away be- hind with orders. The firm employs at present about 100 .men, which will be largely in- creased d £ the coming winter. The hides, which are the chief raw material, are brought from al! quar- ters of the globe; about ninety- i gp el cent. of them being imported, and about ten per cent, of Canadian cat- tle. . : The leather which the Davis tan- nery produces is sold almost ex- clusively to shoe manufacturers di- rect, one {ine only being supplied to harness manufacturers. Almost the entire output of the plant is dispensed in Canada, one line only being exported to the English mar- ket. With the continued growth and development of Canada assuring a still greater demand for that staple commodity leather, there is every probability that the firm will be | compelled to still further increase its power in the near future. the nerves and muscles ols. They have a neutral the other organs or glands. They not purge or cause any inconvemence whatever. . They act overcome chronic or habitual constipation and action on to i the myriads of associate or dependent ; ailments, Order- risk. fry Rexall Two sizes, We. and 20s, Soll only at our store--The | Rexall Store, €. W, Mahood ---------------- ---------------- es. eh or WRIST WATCH FREE chronic lis at our ary ated In one Write to. X Gos Sil Yi N nr Dept 242 Oat. to your family hin foto for Sul the very latest. WOU Press § ZUTOO tablets {peared with Richard Carle | Suit 3 Hantort sy 1a Pitrsburgh of the bow: | do | HAZERS ACCUSED. VICTIM OF | Student Alleged to Have Fatally | Stabbed Young Man, Springfield, Mo., Dec. 7.---Murde: nthe first degree was charged piainst Marshall Copeland, a theo logical student at Morrisville college, | | Morrisville, Mo. } here, | Copeland, It is alleged, fatally stabbed Byran Crane, another stu (dent, last Saturday after a hazing in which Copeland was the victim. Crane, whose home was in Spring- field, died in a hospital here Tues day night. An officer with the warrant left here for Freeburg, Mo to arrest Copeland, who is twenty-six years old and has a wife and .ohe child, Crane was sixteen. Memorial serv- ices fpr Crane were held at the col lege. v in a warrant issued ----------. Not Sober for Seven Years. . Among the fast and furious livers of a hundred vears ago the name of John Mytton--swhose biography was written by "Nimrod'- mention. Myt- ton was horn in 1796. : Westminster and Harrow" writes "EK. V. Lucas, being expelled front both, and came of age to CHOW in ready money and sn income of £10,000. | it was in 1519 that he brought him-, hour; in 1820 came the distotutitn, and he legislated no more. He mar- vied twice--the first wife died, and his seeqnd lef: him? His hounds, Lis race horses, his cellars, his coverts, and his a iene all did their work, and by I in hiding in Ca- 1 lads, Yea he was déad of delifium !ivemens in the King's: Bench prison. (It is admitted of Nation, hy his bio igrapher, that fe was drunk for seven Years on Miss Madeleine Marshall, 8 New York show gir: who last year a n t man loves her she always pretends to! self to sit in parliament for half an} Brooklyn Jobber Gives Evidence as to Methods Used, New York, Dee. 7.--Rudolph Epstein, one of the several Brooklyn tobaeco jobhers, who claim to have been fore od out of business hy the American Tobacco company, testified to the drastic tactics employed hy the trust, it is alleged, to erush competition. He i% a witness in the suit for £300,000 brought by John A. Locker against the American company under the Sher man law. He declared that A. T. Benheim, re- presenting the trust, called a meeting of jobbers in 1994, and told them the American Tobacco company intended to form a combine of all the jobbers in New York, cach memisr to receive 1,000 shares of preferred stock in al company. to. be known as the Metro 'politan Tobacco company. Epstein declared that when he re fused to join. Benheim warned him he would be 'driven out of business: He said the American company refused to sell goods to him, and alter a time he way forced" to close up © entirely, "My wild," he said; "cried many night over our troubles with tlie' Am- erican. Tobacco "company. It was = matter of bread with us." Brown November dates, When a girl knows that October for the poets: blue for the defeated candi a young doubt it. | prompter come Fitish Whig { ™ r= a DECEMBER AX ILLITERATE ACTRESS, 3 Curious Case in Court at Montreal Woman Wins, Dre 1.---~Should to r dw an act Was Montreal, ress be able the question was called wpor sCorder pride. Finkelstein, oy N. Mitnik, the Monum Nati onale week, gagement 3 After she for six Ww discovered neither learned to i ul d had that read nor her part by Baving 0 her house and +. He claimed that the said that and cite it to bh actress he cou thirty-3 of which he Recorder of the lady, ed for six nik should matter before ed. Madam intention of ¢ for her salar ) was useless, Rot all her 'o finish her weeks' contract, one wee! already ow her. Weir decided in favor saying that she had act eeks, and that Mr. Mit have in ated the cont act YAS Bign xx he and Ww dd ah ATEST ATHLETE Molla aeldoin kick Tariff Topas wages ol sin. girl smiling,' To the victim belongs the privilege of paying the freight There are more lemons than plums in the political orchard. It's downright difficult for some men to live an upright. life nowadavs. The 'man who 's a stranger tc Justice usually has the most to say of its excellant qualities, without canngl affect with dimples is always CAUSE, the Turn the rascals out--the hLead- | ache, billousness, indigestion, con- | stipation, the sick, sour - stomach! and foul gases --turn them out to- night with Cascarets. Millions of men and women fake | a Cascaret now and then and pever know the misery caused by a lazy | liver, clogged bowels, or. .an upset stomach. Don't put in another day of dis- tress---wake up reffeshed and feel fine. Let' Cascarets cleanse and| Sweelen your stomach; remove the sour, undigested and fermenting CLT WHILE Y CASCARETS TONIGHT! IF BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, HEADACHY AND SICK food and -that misery-making. gas; take the excess bile from your liver and carry off the decomposed waste matter and constipation pojson from the bowels Then you. will feel great A Cascaret to-night will straighten you cut by morning---a 10-cent bex keeps your head clear, stomach sweet. liver and bowels regylar and you feel cheérful and bully for months. Don't forget the children thelr little "insides need gentle cleansing, tod CAN DY CATHARTIC. 10 CENT BOXES -ANY DRUG | STORE * ALSO 25 & 50 CENT Boxe 0} aL Wer] a good , 7, 1912, LONGBOAT'S ANG | FROM RACING AMOUNT 10 S17. 000, SAYS FLANAGAN. AD i The Indian Has Been a Professional Runner Four Years--He Made His First Money in Kingston, Getting Seventy-five Dollars. Thomas Flanagan "tom Longboat has made a good eal of money in the four years ol ne s prefessional career, | figure that he coliefted something like $1 7.000, ~|ana he has a fair amount left. His |Btore. qt the 'reservation cost him | $3,000; and his house here between $5,000 and $9,000. It is worth all that now. And he has a little ready 'money. That isn't at all bad. The first real money Longboat got for running was $75 at Ki ngston, where he met a relay of three. The Same sum was raised shortly after at Niagara and then he splurged int $300 for two races at New York. A race with Smallwood at Philadelphia | netted him $125 and a beating. That was living expenses. When he beat Dorando at New York he re- ceived the biggest purse of his car eer, $3,900. And in jhis race he was in the best condition he ever was in his life. He showed it, too. The night he trimmed Dorando at Buffalo he earned $1,800. If wa: at this race that some of my "friends" tried to get him to break from me. His next one he ever Hall, when he took to wife Jittle woman he now has. too was a good financial! win. think it was ever announced, Hugh Graham presented him with $500 on that occasion, and he re- ceived many good presents besides Sir Hugh was extremely kind te "Tom." He it was who offered t pay all his expenses to the Olympic Marathon and did furnish the money though Longboat was not allowed by the amateur rules to use it. On an other occasion he offered to inves: Tom's $10,000 for him to give hin income enowmgh to keep him well for the rest of his life, but Tom wouldn't trust anybody "Tom" cost me many a heartache I was bondad under $2,000 to pro duce him to run Alf. Shrubb in New York. "Tom" was advised by some lof those same friends of his anc imine 1 mentioned above not to run. And 1 firmly believe he would have thrown it up. It was then I sold the contract. Pat Powers ordered port at ten o'clock every for work and provided him first-class trainer All the running he did in these morning dashes never hurt him. They told me that the most strenuous hustling he could do was to run a few yards beside a dashing horse before the camera. They couldn't do much with hiw Mr. Powers sent for me to handle him against Shrubb. I saw in a minute he was in no condition i, Bl all There was only one thing to do. 1 .told "Tom" that the race was fixed and that he was to pay no at- tention to Shrubb at all, because he would drop out near the end; that all he had to do was to keep going and finish. The race wasn't fixed, but I figur- ed that Shrubb, who was not a man for the Marathon distance and knew little about it, would kill himself. He did but believe me I had an awful time keeping "Tom' going He tried to quit twice. "I can't go any farther," he wailed dt "me "Walk if you want to," I shoutai back, "only fintsh." And it was all he could do to stagger along after Shrubb quit. He earned 33,304 in that. That sort of thing was what "yOu were up against all the time. In the famous $10,000 Marathon won by St. Yves, the Indian was under Mr Powers, = He offered longboat $2,- 000 win or lcee. but Tom refused and said he would take a chanel on the prizes $5,000 first, $3,000 second, and $2,000 third He quit and got nothing. Under Mr. Powers he netted about §$3.0v0 . He ran since then at the Island, Montreal, and. got $1,000 at Chj- cago. [| couldn't say how m §ch he made under Mintz or himself, but the 'tofal with us all has been fair) ly respectable. Alf.. Shrubb plan- ned to tour, with him through Britain and it would have made the best Massey the fine And it I don't but Sir big race, and ran, was at "Tom to re- morning with a "He went to} "Jumping Jupiter," has brought for $10,000 against Johm W. Yale man and son of millionaire for breach SECOND PART both of them a om" refused He has pottered around for the last year without earning much. His jaunt to the Powderhall is recent enough to be remembered by ali His cables for financial aid servel to remind me that "Tom" still has & place in his heart and mind for me--on occasio WAS OFF COLOR. Jot of money, but To the Wher that Know's Good Ale there's Nothing Better than WHITE LABEL ALE the World's awd flavor, Four Children Saved Poor Aim. I" Chicago Dec. 7.--John Robart fired several times at his four litle daughters with a shotgun and pistol but because of his poor markman ship' none of the shots took effect and he was ovdrpowered by Detec- tive Laughlin before he could do the children any harm. He will be examined as to his sanity Laughlin was in fron. of the Ro- bart homie when he heard shooting inside. He broke down the door Robart stood in the center of the room, a revolver in one hand and | shotgun in the other. The chil} ren were huddled in a corner The children's mother died four years ago 3 THE SPORT REVIEW LATEST IN HOCKEY RUGBY CIRCLES, by Father's that beat purity Ale for The hest THE AND ii 1 Ottawa College May Play With Am-| erican Rugby Teams Next Season | Football Now Played Holy Land, The Parkdale invited to play Cleveland on De O.H.A. clubs will not be allowed to play exhibition games in Detroit and Cleveland this winter In" order that the schedule may in the rule books, it 'is likely the O.H.A. executive ill order schedules (6 be drawn up by Thursday at the latest Frank P@rick, the coast mogul, will gre POO towards defraying the expens: of an amateur team to come east after the Allan cup Montreal Herald A party of Mon treal hockey players left Montreal last night for Syracuse; N.Y. to play for the Syracuse team agaist the New York Athletic Club. Oi such iw the kingdom of amateirs The Vancouver team, unless expecied trade is made with Westminster or Victoria. -- will Goal, V'arr; point, F. Patrick; pont, Griffis; rover, Taylor Kendall; right wing," Harris or bin; "left wing, Jack McDonald Here is the team Ottawa College | experts will represent it this season Goal, Bien or Power; point, Leary or O'Neill; cover-point, Heffor nan; rover, "Sid" Dion; centre, Na gle; right wing, MeArt; left wing, Chartrand. | The British Columbia hockey | commences ils geason on Fuesday night when New Westminster plavs in Vanaouver A record erowd is an ticipated. Ottawa Free Press Hoek are eagerly looking forward to the second volume of the Cartwright . re: miniscences which is expected to con tain the true facts about the "malt ing" of the ice when - Rat Portage Thistles came down east in 1905 in the | Hockey clab has ve ! exhibition games at 20th and 21st Label at 136-138 - Ask Rigney Princess for White & Hickey, Street, Kingston, fov use--=you can tell the genuine by the label--the label which is a reproduction of the get that all next home diploma. Look for this quality sign. Brewed and Bottled by z Torento | Limited | an un eithey over centre Io eit te A tor on which women can a id in three ague COOK' S FRIEND "The Baking Powder With 2 Pedigree" has been for over [ity years the only pure grane cream of tartar baking powder selling at a moderate price. There is no alum in it You can pay more but you cannot buy better All Grocers Sell It fan In Rughy Circles Varsity will have its division for 1913, but majority of its present Lou Cory may be in Ottawa and it ix possible that he on one of the local teams The Hamilton 'Rough Riders weceive watches from the club, the city will likely give them the Alerts will likely be ei rings appropriate to the Unly the plavers who played in games will receive these While it the belief that College will be back in the legiate Union next season _ known that in case they do turn to the student Jeague they olay American football entirely slay a schedule of exhibition with Cornell university of Syra and other institutions to the border, The mén who will Tigers and Alerts in the game nt Toronto on. Saturday he as follows : Backs, Leckie, and Becker, Alerts; -MoKelve: son and Burton, Tigers; Harper, Alerts; and Awrgy, wrimmage, - McCarthy, Pleifer and | "raig,. Alerts; Young and McCann, Ti- | gers; wings, Ross Craig, Bleakier, Flannery, + Clark and Fisher, Alerts: | ishestar, Wilson, Gatenby, Glassiord. Thompson, Tigers, °* wi Toronto Teleoram : Ottawa Col | loge want to come back to the inter | wilériate. Have they, like Yhe prods | eal of old, squandered their sub | | stance. and are they looking for ward to a session of husks and | y forms of breakfast food? H so Jot | GY them have a little experience ol we £2 it may teach them some o we f baa thy i of the sport. A club that every cae. None of thes played their home games. pocketed | has tonched a drop of intoieoting liquor since. the proceeds and 'then juinped the 32 pow widhes everyone who has drunk. titled to |wmens'in their homes to try this simple schedule are not only not enti de f foels sure tat BF will do hould be made an j resmedy for che Soels Bure 0G TH wil = consideration, but sh 4 Kemyt | much for ot hers as it hes for ber. It can be example of. They whould be ol fiven seer etly if desired, and without cnet out in the cold for a season amd iC Coo Co gly tell you what it not allowed to play with anvone. ex |. All you hace 1a 40 3 waite tr a letter cept Hamilton Alerts. After that o.0 "0 WW © te cured her bshand of they'd be good. rink nd sha vs al reply by return mail in ; i. po Football in Holy Land. | 4 sealed envele =. As she has nothing to sell For the firet time in the history of in not send Ler money. Simply sed a letter vith 2l) confidence to Mrs. Margaret Ander- oly City, its people have thron- | con at the address given shove, vaki care por Holy ? a field almost within ' © w Wie your ame and full address A the shadow of ite sacred walls, where |; #7 cornently advise tvery one of swr readers contending football teams strove to | aude arivkes fo rove a dear ome of drunkenness writer in | 0 write 05 thix lady today. Jr he | amore ome. Toronto tire back tose the n wali Line men may hgur y will and | idbs given enam occasion the | Ottawa lotercol- it i not re- will | is and and Mother | Wishes to tell you FREE vou FREE How She Stopped Her Husband's Drinking | a o---------- By all Means Write to Her A and how She did it. ra James Anvlaronof 3% harm N.Y US A wasa Hisead: vow 1a hove less ane, but ten years ago his wife in their own Natle howe, gave him a sim. ple remedy which much to her delight stopped his drinking entirely, To make sure that the remedy was respon- for this, hippy result she aloo tried it on " her brother and sow eral of her sieighbors, Ie wis secenstul in game Ine close ropresent the Intercity will Cart Man quarter, agers $ 4} r days. fhe third game was ss tie, but the theme others were wom by the Beiout t men.

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