Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Nov 1912, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH TRIG FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 290, 1912. S---- -- . EE -------- BE ---- " er TIES! erests are identified, have order COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS i hand for y = Ind SOME NEW SECURITIES. fie M ost Delicious | 3 ¢ tr November ©: 191 i 3, 14 Events. n oor THAT ARE BEING PUY ue " a , oe merous, i a A A positive low to th E -- al OF ALL TEAS IS : Occupations | ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINER) 5 a Bh rn been! Bing tafger § at 1 ny anadia --was welele pv . The Gold Dupe in Rhodesia--The |, ~ be eR : i is of r Lyall, a Scotch, if : of every kind prevent the | CAR. Compared With the Amer. Situs Corporation fade = + had all The endiy an | freedom of sunlight exercise cam Robmdse-Was Money Market | has taken th : or he ree Jr race. | which nature intended, and vital } Manipulated? eal al ph LC pte isi Deana, mits Sheve are : roronte, Now. 2% ) wo Met sib : Ll aT : ays of beig a hero body-forces are slowly reduced. bon, wn Toronto, arranged with Messrs : aa " a A thy I of Silared father. and} Murray. Mather & 'Com v the final} in "a E g sf Sop sie white mother had « lark skin and red | Scott's Emulsion is the concentrated dota, of the awe uf securities of the | Thou inciude mans ndasical we welt | 1) Don's chiohafomm sous copseence | CEYLON TEA- BECAUSE OF ITS pure food-medicine to check this decline. "§ fix sie Jn tates br Jit vem ey sido to "6, [5 bese reir ibing oro which UNVARYING GOOD QUALITY... * It refreshes the body by me aking healthy J a sous prefer {stores of, Avuerica : is : thou CoPeCOR ava ord A AWARDS tot sees, WSS IR Land Ruskin. Wy 2 Grusuny blood and is nature's greatest fated shortly wah a pane oF some y up... Welle 1s Band Benth. [pri Rta' as we ail So . . [stock, while the bonds will not be is Woife Island, = Nov. 27.--Oliver fyrateful to him for allowing us time aid to fortify the ! ungs and ea! he tompistivn «f the pint) ware ka Dingo, has EONS, 15 Ras Jones to further declares that prevent tuberculosis. vast over ¥2.500.000, and will have a York » atieuy thé OIF GIA hors dition. This apacity of 2500 barrels a day. PAGE TWELVE. a are sure of per estimate, with (hicago 1* a basis, seems quite conservative { -- - ------ tend the sale. Born, to Mr. and Mrs F- Feather beds may be all wrong ME Scott's Emulsion makes ; i Initial Dividend. Ratlam Meadgo, a Saygiter Danie irom a hvgemic point of view, but : MR OVS i cGriynn and John Lacey are hold : OW rious o ambs ! energy, health and strength. gs | Montreal, Nov. 2. -- The intarioling a dance in the C. M. B. A gh! bow Rociou : Sire Bian | Power company has declared an ini pall fool A t. ma 1 ons Wilh p arm OCRS had never been invested, Great "tragedienne," Sarah who like real comfort as well as warmth in their underwear should buy { tial dividend ni the rate of 1} er in Friday even os i Car cent. on its SOMIROR stock "BR Bas yented Grant Prke's 100 Beres oi Dec. 3nd. to stock of record Nav. 30th gin, i Tg urs Lan Bernhardt, attacked bv a bear Me lhis 18 the company from which the learn last week Barton Camus thiuk's Bruin just meant a little love } . Hydro-electric commission obtained its aud bis sister, Eulala have gone te smbrace for her being such a shining i iger rand Underwear power. It is capitalized at nN 215,000 P to visit Mrs. Vincent Cox star. ith common stock and 311.272.0080 in 3. J. Spratt will install a new H--Hpw hard to pass a looking honda and debentures, pipe organ in the Catholic churct |%in®s without a furtive glince, W re Each this week. R. Walker is erecting |°%® somw have an "elegant excus | Rhodesia Gold Output. {a fine new stable. George Pyke, who : It wae an eminent edu ator once the garments are ahvays i London, Nov. 2x, I'ne output « Ras been seriously ill, is slowly im-|™ monished a peétianti . youth thus 1 > and faultless! gold in HKhodesia, South Africa, for proving. Oscar Henderson has rent- "The fact of vour having attended s hapely and faultlessly Uctober was 51,660 fine ounces, valued ed James Duffy's farm. James Rus-| Ralf a dozen colleges does not ne {IE ] finished. at E2072 compared with 54.774 |s2ll, who accidentally broke his leg eessarily appeal to me. We have a Hil ' 5 7 DEALERS {fine ounces, valued at £230,573 in Sep- [some time ago, is improving nicely. calf at home that sucked half a dozen i he' / EVERYWHERE tember. Woodman & Creamer disposed of |°0%%. and the more he sucked the } m---- two boat loads of coal as fast as it | bigger calf he became." P. R. Compared With U, SN. [eauld be unloaded. The farmers are Juliet, beware of Romeo. Montreal, Nov. 25.-With the $60, |anxiously waiting for i A sad K---Kidnapping a oirl or a hoy i L000,000 new stock just issued out- |@eath occurred om Friday in the per- Pertaps gute conceivable, but for a | standing, Canadian Pacific will have!#on of Mrs. Robert Berry, one of |big., burly member of a police force £260,000,000 stock, compared with New [the Island's 'most respected resi-|to suddenly disappear from his "beat" { York Central's S22 St. [dents Deceased will be greatly {without a trace of him being there Paul's $232,000 000, and 1 chison s Imissed in the community in which [after found, seems, at lea®t, mighty | S2N6,000, 000, points out the Nd York [she lived She leaves to mourn her | singular. Post. llecause of its higher rate, how- [fps8 two sons Jand one daughter L--Let not "honour" he sacrificed ever, Canadian Pacific's annual divi. | Miss Kate at home; James, Island; ]to "honours." The more a man has dend requirements will amount to |Alan, Alexandria Bay, N. Y twolof the former the less, sometimes, ui Kk A ti | 826,000 000, against "New --¥York: Cen- [sisters and three brothers,, Danieljdoes he get of the latter: C C on . tral's $11,136,000, St. Paul's $13,900, | McLaren, Allan McLaren, Alexander] M--'"Mother of parliaments," an a Cold How did it happen?" | 000, and Atchison's $15,876,000, With | McLaren, Mrs. George McRae and|Upper Congo where gorillas govern, on S453,877,000 stocks outstanding, Penn- | Mrs. D. Grant so would unionists have us believe {sylvania has the largest annual divi mtn N---Nationalists have been getting i va col 0 act qu ¢ "] used 'BEAVER' Flour last |dend requirements, the 6 per cent. in What's In a Name? it on the head. "Ring of Rattle in treating a cold is Ww a quickly, " / 4 » first sign of trouble, before the cold year. It makes so much more that issue caNing for $27,232,000 "You have such strange names over | brains" being the/latest pet nam at the first sig } s ve to get ' settled" {lon Pacihic must earn $21,952.000 over | heah. said a titled English Woe O-Ottawa had'a snow fall the oth- has a chance to get 'settled Bread and Pies and Cake, that | {fixed charges to pay ofi its sharehold- | hawken, Hoboken, and ever so many |r day, & symbol, no doubt. of pur saywiee. ; rs rs 10 ake ! ! 5 : 3 s did not have to buy so much | others, don't you know? ity of administration The othier point of vital import of it. | - . "1 suppose -they do seem strange to P--Premier Asquith "a traitor," =o . - . . . "| What They Will Pay. Enghsh ears said the American | hollowed Sir William lull Shame BN - I am using it this year, 100. | + York, Nov. 28 Messrs. | B thoughtiully Do you live in London {on you, Sir William The first part y A. * DEALERS.- Write us for prices on Food, | - Fgh SE Bee oF Sb all the time? of your name, if not the other, Syrup of ' a . HO tad me er . Uh Lis replied the iiriton "1]should know better. 4 "1i ri and Chlorodyne 1) . a Re "W ¥ spent mrt of my time at Chipping ae anh ance i " CO ce THE 7. &. TAYLOR C0. LIMITED, Chatham, ut j York, who naintained offices im To- Nortoh, and then' Fve n place at: Po Q Qualit of met v is enhanced i 4 A ol Evely ironto, Buffalo and New York, and | kes-<toggson-the Hike Sabar} i uxercised graciously This safe and reliable household remedy ac / | went into liquidation a short tin r-- . A an R Regular epidemic of ship wrecks 4 quickly. It relieves the irritation and 'stu ed op (ago, have sent out notices to their lately, and train tragedies. Op land h y feeling in the air passages, loosens t phileg . r , the tickling which creditors that they will pay a divid ar on sea, how uncertain, alas, i : promotes expectoration, soothes the tick] ng : 3 end of n the dollar as soon . makes vou cough, and drives out the cold belore as the in i 4 2 ARH gets troubleson ave been reads M event 0 ; : . leep bal Seventy-two cents a doren i But even if the cough or cold has become dee] will follow this amount with a simi what New Yorkers pay for "reliable" " seated and persistent. Na-Dm-Co: Syrup of Lin seed, Jar amount one vear from the late JUST VANISHES eggs Well, we'll all chew gum in Li orice ant Chiorody ne will break it up fof the first payvmen Toronto brokor stead > In 25¢. aud soc. bottles, at your druggist s {and speculators are numbered with IoTwine and beeomisie iFeauent in . NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL co. he culitors, but the low iu the | : : Frontenac county OF CANADA, LIMITED. a : anadian city was Bot very larg No digestion, Gas or Sourness| {United States' bright spots I hink of any Soup m the i £750,000 Brewery Company. BL HE t's Pas oy Yampa, Dla ei Hon recipe-book -- think of ( St. John, NB. Nov. 2-1 vas I wh a ! on becoming of age. * He willabe able your favou rite soup--arrahge to have it for dinner to- | Speunted In rok the Limited. |3 your stomach or lies ike of hi Lhe ----p vr Pia : 5 a : of St. John, N.B., is complete lead, refusing to digest. or you belch 3 ; day and make it better than ever before, like this: -- R is understood from reliable sour gas and eructate sour. undigested iy Winston Churchill has had, To i oe ote i ood, or have a feeling of dizzin ighe, more - urs wh al m Prepare your soup in the crdinary way, and before you put it in to bot adda a. that His ine been effected by in heartburn, fullness g nausea : = than bouquets. Public life is not a packet of Edwards "-- either the Brown, Tomato, or White variety. ercsts close ¥ x eatified with J. M taste in mouth a : st 'h § bed of roses, no matter how £in When the soup is served you li find it better and thicker and more nourishing; | Robinson & Sows, of St: John, N.B ache---thi in tL omach head- cerely vou mav strive to serve vour in short, you'll like your favourite soup so much better that vou'll want" te » |and Montreal, members of the Mon A full 8 = Ses io, Di country every Soup-recipe in the book by adding "A linle Edwards.' You can use |[treal Stock Exchange. costs onl A te Diapepyin X--X all t k i . Edwards' Soup as a basis jor pract: y any soup you make. Although spi-ndid As a result of the re-organization oughly Tre 5 : py te \ -) ce ent work is ding done by itself, Edwards" Soup blends so n. ly with other soups that it seems like a [and the taking in of additional opi stomach and le or HE a2 -OF et [the streets of, Kingston and quite part of the original recipe. Get a fe pa kets of Edwards' Soup to-day. tal, it is said that a vigorous cam- jihe hous leave sufficient about | few substantial buildings going up paign for the exten i its} . the ouse in case some one else inltoo More power to all progressive : i efision Of 118 basiness (the family may suffer from stomach | men. 2 will be inaugurated. trouble or indigestion. -- The authorized cavital of the . Ask your pharmacist to show you Y--Youth who is reported as hav company is $750.000 the formula "Dlainly printed on these mg no use for heaven, where ther 5 ------ fifty cent cases, then you will under. | ** nothing doing,"' may some day Was Market Manipulated? stand why dyspeptic trouble of all sorely repent his irreverence, Learn, Scott & Bowne, Toronts, Ontario 12-93 Not only is it made from soft elasiic-ribbed fabric that is unshrinkable, but One of the most important points New York, Nov. 2%.-That manipu- | Kinds must go, and why they usually! © eidds youth, eternity will = hardly DESICCATED lation of the money market t6 choos [relieve sour, out-of-order stomachs suffice lo reveal to the elect the Su- \ : ny stock advances is being conductad at |OF indigestion in five minutes. Dia. | Preme Being, God the Father, the Son {NaN 3 HE newest thing in sugar present -is the assertion made in com. {PEPSI Is harmless ang tastes like and the Holy Ghost, God the reat \ \ H d bes mission houses now. It is said the | C2DdY. though each- dose containg|or, Redeemer, and Sanctifier of Man: 5 --and the best--is banks are not as hard pushed as ap- | POWer sufficient to digest and pre- God eternal and infinite in glory and 26 Bc. per packet, pears on the surface, on it 0 pare for assimilation into the blood]goodness, in love and majesty; God WN 1 / this 5-Pound Sealed Pac kage Bdwands® Desicoated Soups are mide in three varieties Brown, Toinate, uoted that losses to the sub-treasury all the food you eat; besides, I.}our reward and consolation and Jov y ; of Fab Extra Granulated White The Brown variety 15 a thick, nourishing soup pr f are very large. makes you go to the table withr\g]everlasting! "Nothing doing'! Blas- Susan Ni ' beef img fresh vegebabics. The other two are purely veg " ---------- healthy, appetite; but. what will] phemer | In this carton 5 pounds full jainty new, dishes in our new Uook Book. Wiite for a Lopy post free, ' please you most, is that you will feel ZA(CHEUS WN 3 \ : 5 e finaat of dainty » : SH. B Financial Notes. that your stomach and intestines are A ------ -- d Se weight of Canada's finest W. G. PATRICK & COMPANY, TORONTO, pAn authority informs the Monetary |oioeg' Ad fresh and you will not The Crooked Way. ---- sugar comes to you fresh Representatives for the Province of Ontario. imes that {nadian municipalitics {pills for biliousness or constipation.| They were talking about the sad .from the Refinery, and municipal Sher aruat Thee cp ot} This city will have many Diapep-|case of a man who had stolen a great bsolutal se rom a in starcaly be called a. 3 i h M0 isin cranks, as some people will calljsum from his depositors. : absolutely free from any ~ on L allied a omic for the Lon- fthem, but you will be cranky about] "The man." said one of them, "lis roi To Aah vo n : ° don market. : this splendid stomach preparation |¢d bevond his means--motor-cars, a or Impurity ASK your » The new National Steel Lar com- too, if you ever try a little for indi | house with eleven baths, son at col | G rocer for th e mart venin pany, of Hamilton, in which C. H.|gestion or gastritis or any other] lege, daughter coming out, -wife hun i ebay a Cohan Moatreal, 1s interested, have |stomach misery gry for diamonds. The inevitable re-| S-Pound Package ara Caived arden for 1500] Get some now, this minute, ané|sult followed = ears, while the new Nova Sastia Car {forever rid yourself of stomach "The unfortunate fellow got straight. } Worke, with which thé McCurdy in. trouble and indigestion. nid, ae he Eo CANADA SUGAR REFINING s taint Lalit | In Satin, colors Pink, Blue. White and Black, with handsome ornaments, some beaded $3.50 $4.00, $450. $500 2nd $6.00 | Kid, Patents and Beaded, one, two and three strap | offects from $200 t $3.50 | | | H 14k TIE PIN With Any Initial . iH b : * of » } S y ' i ; M ' Pp |S ¥- re eV 4 | el "Price $1.50 en S umps ] h d : Mr Sy : % H A The illustration does wot do . . : . ; Fak A ; gid : ki " justice to this "natty" Tie Pin. In Gun Metal and Patent. Prices ran i § ; . oi ' £ ' i Jiri hi Any man would appreciate it 8s a ' . | Xmas Gift. It is made of heavy $2350 $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 21d $500 | EEE £5 ; 771% A 1k gold, and wil be engraved | ; oF 3 y Hii ngile ini SF The one best place for Evening Shoes is the | 3 2 er F/R i any Slagle Rial esis | Home of Good Shoes. oc IRE TN RT HR] der by the number f "= f ¥ K Hil Hil Our 12% page Catalogue "B" of Jewrley, i Hil Silver, Novelties, etc, is vours for the asking | Lh SUTHERLAND & BR. | 1 -- Naa || | RURE BROS mm : v ||| 1346-8 YONGE sr. TORONTO ammunition were thrown away by the Turkish troops when the Sapured wenrs ns ave gathered ip this pile to be a i og nn

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