~ PERSIAN LAMB GOATS Made to Order SELECT YOUR SKINS AND LININGS 2 JOHN McKAY The Fur House Kingston COMFORTERS, and GENERAL HOUSE FUR. NISHINGS: R. McFAUL'S CARPET WAREHOUSE. SHOE REPAIRING. 1 have installed the Good. | Year Welt Machine System for | all kinds of Shoe Repairing. [Call and give me a trial, ROBERT PAYNTER, 209 Princess Street. A Frame 7-room Dwelling, _ With barn | good land, suitable for garden- ins, poultry raising. It's just outdde the city limits, Cor- 1 | cession, near Division Street, and 1.1.2 acces ments; conerelt cellor; © light; Raglan Road, Rideau Street; ready for | December; r easy 1 cheap: Now is the { 'Christmas Purchases Stored until you want trouble or risk to you. Pedestals, Jardenierre Stands and Tables, Hall Racks and Seats Great variety. . * ' Rockers in Rattan, Leather, Silk ete. China and Parlor - Cabinets. { Great line. Rugs, Carpets, Oilcloth, Linoleum Curtains, etc. "Phone 990, "HARD ON GOOD CLOTHES. The uncertain weather of this time of year soils many a good costume, Cleaned by our improved French Dry Cleaning Process the garment becomes as new again. R. PARKER & 00. Dyers and Cleaners, 8 Princess St, Kingston, Ont, 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1912. THE HALLS OF QUEEV'S MeFARBLANE - SUFFERED FRACTURE OF ANKLE @ Wh------ In ArtsScience Rugby Game on Thursday--The Arts Team Won --Tickets All Sold for Final Year Dance, Beneath the pale light of the moon and with but half a minute to play, "Pat" Nennedy secured possession of the ball and after a fifty yard rum, scored the final touch-down which made Arts the undisputed victors in their contest with the Science rugby teams on the lower campus on Wednes- dav afternoon. It was a great game, witnessed by hundreds of enthusmastic students--a game Whose result was ever in doubt At the end of the first score was two all. In the ter Sawnce, with the aud picked five pomts 'more. Then came Arts' turn, and in the third quarter, they made seven points, two touches in goal and a try. Science scored one more point in the final quarter, but Arts cinched the game by getting an- other touch in goal and a try, mak- ing the hnal score 13-%. The whole Arts' team played like veterans but special credit for the vie tory must be given to Hazlett and Wodden. For Science Elliott was the brightest star, though Erskine, Watts and Pound were also conspicuous. The Science wing line was somewhat stronger than Arts, but otherwise the teams were most evenly matched. The victory for Arts was mated by a sad accident which happened to Guy McFarlane, their sterling halt back, who{HKad ithe misfortune to have he ankle fractured in a heavy tackle, Ihe Arts men are vers jubilant over thar victory for it 1s many years since they have had the homor-of de feating the Science men. The gam was impartially handled by Prof Lindsay Malcolm and Prof. J. F. Mac donald. The line-up was: 2 Science-- Watts, Mecilquham, Lamb, Mel. Smith, Buchanan, Hagev, Red, Elliott, Harkness, Dunlop, Frskine, (captain), Ferris, Sterne, Birkett. Arts--Mazlett, (captaio), Scott, Pil grim, Hodden, P. hennedy, Mchenzie, Siiter, Sparks, Uarss, Lewis, duther- land, GG. McFarlane, McQuay, Mclar en. Guy quarter, the second quars of the wind, A notice appears in the halls of Quest's to-day, calling for seventy-five students to attend the mmssionary con- ference at Peterboro' from Nov. Leth to Dec, 2nd. The speakers of the con- ference will include: President Faleon- er, of Toronto University; Rev. J. A. Macdonald, Toronto Globe; Prof. Gil: mour, 'toronto; Dr. Edward J. Lov- ell Murray, New York and Miss Anna Brown, New York. Those wishing to attend the conference should see PV. I. Pilkey, betore Saturday. Excursion rates will be given from Kingston and entertainment provided in Peterboro'. I'he committee which will have charge of the Arts dance to be held, atter the New Year, consists of Mes. sre. SN. Rutledge, convenor, ,.J. F, Twigg, L. 5. Fraser, C. Johnston, U. Met ariane and A. Whitehead. I'here will be no tickets on sale to the public jor the final year dance on Friday, Nov. 29th in Grant Hall. All the tickets have been purchased by the students. REPLY OF A CABMAN To the Statement That Drivers are Overcharging. George Boyd, cabman, called at the Whig office on Friday afternoon and madd a statement regarding the harge of the cabmen at the recent Queen's dance, and on former occa sions of a like nature, He «aid that! personally he had not charged a single couple £3, as alleged against a number of the drivers, but the usual $2. But when two couples, four people, went together and came ome together he ed the $3. The cabmen estimate that about two hours is taken up in ful. filling the "job." Often the cabbies are told. to be on hand at one o'dock and are kept waiting until two o'- clock before the dance is over, | Building of the Year. . The building statistics of this year show that Kingston has done $200,- 00 worth more building this year than any other year of its history The total value of buildings erected this year will be $650,000. The neamst mark to this was reached | hree vears ago when the buildings reached about $450,000 in value for so year. Of the buildilgs erected his year solid brick and frame are in the majority. The amount of building so far includes 109 dwellings of a good class, as well as the in- dustrial and educational buildings. often A Good Way. The deposit system is surely an ideal way of doing Christmas shop- ing. You see what you want, make a deposits ou it, sand vour worry is Many pay so much un an is very much used Best's, whose windows are attracting much attention by the handsome and useful goods 'shown. The prices ask- ed are very low for the quality shown. To Collect Mission Money. Thirty-five of the membems of St, y church met in the church Rev. 8. J. M. © WW. and James Melntyre, K.C. to . DRUNKEN MAX ON Roan. | Fire Hose Wazgon Came Within an' Ace of Running Over Him. | Driver Enright, of the hose wag- | gon at the Brook street fire station, | was given quite a scare on Thursday | night when returning from the false! larm, sent in from the corner of § tontreal and Russell streets i ear the corner of Momtreal and streets Enright noticed what be was & cost on .the roadway, Bay thought He pulled up just in time and on in- | vestigation it, was found to be a} drunken man. The poor unfortunate was removed to safety Had the rig} wn travelling at a fast rate of | speed the man would have been rus | over and killed, no doubt. { Ask for free sampleof Dy "Rparks' ' "{iibson's."' New mach. | are prepar- | Vegetable Ointment utton's corset factory. inery 1s now mstalled. We ed 16 make corsets at short notice. Hygiene waists, shoulder braces, ete. ; this is the place for a relinbie gurset, | 209 Princess street, Royal Purple Poultry Food, #od's Drug Store, Brock street. True the weather is mild just now, but it won't last long, and it's a wise buyer who looks ahead | and buys when the best selection (2 be made, when our stock is large and thoroughly complete. We are makers of Fine Furs Of All Kinds For men, women and children, we make Coats, Caps, Muffs, in fact, everything wearable in the Fur line. Cloth Coats Allthe new designs and pretty cloths are here. Prices Coats | * ----_-- is Ship Ahoy, Parliamentary Offer Of Canadian National Newspapers, TORONTO MAIL AND GLOBE. Five Months For $1.00 From Now to April 1st, 1913. Send or phone orders tc us and receive prompt attention. Little "Miss Fix-It" Music. The four leading numbers: --¥* " Ever Love Another Girl, Excuse Me, Mr." Moon, Will you be My Eve, COLLEGE BOOK STORE 160 and 162 PRINCESS STREET. To go on the Bargain Counter on Saturday morn- ing at a big cut in price. Ia the lot are good quality Panama and Serge Skirts in Navy, Brown, Green and Black --broken lines, but strictly stylish garments and new this s3asop. Prices range from $3.50 to $6 50 each. In response to the call for more room, we cut the prices on Saturday morning to -- Popular prices. NEWMAN SENT IN FALSE ALARM And Firemen Would Like to Catch the Culprit. Thursday evening, the firemen wero called upon to respond to a Children's A com plete stock of just what , 18 wanted for children | from one year to 14, Fur or Cloth | ¢ All Trimmed Hats on sale To-Morrow One-Third Off. Look aromd. Compare. WATCH OUR WINDOWS. i Mre. Melntosh visited that / | The false alarm, and they would like i very much to catch the culprit At 17.30 o'clock, an alarm was seut ir {from Box 21, at the corner of Mon itreal and Russell streets, but when {the firemen arrived en the scene, {they could find no fire aud no person {was at hand, to give them informa- | tion, It was a very nervy piece of | business, as there is an electric light iright at the spot where the box is { located, and th: man sending in the {alarm could have easily been seen at his work. The local firemen have been given | several false runs, and it is indeed, ia great pity that the guilty partios {could not be caught in the act. LECTURE AT COOKE'S l By Mrs. J. W. Mcintosh About Mer Trip to Italy. The lecture hall at Cooke's church { was crowded on Thursday evening to hear Mrs. (Revi) J. W. Mclntcsh teil of her recent trip to Italy Mr. and country year ago, and Ther description of what she saw was most enjoyable. The chair was occupied hy H. W. Newman, and solos were given by i : | i Mrs. J. Evans and by A. Beecroft, of Queen's university, The lecture was under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, and the money obtained will be eed swords the purchase of gowns for the choir. Are Seeking Candidates. municipal election pot hes definitely begun to dimmer. On Fri day morning several leading members of the tory executive were noticed hurrying shout the city looking up aldermaniec candidates. It is under ond that ap executive meeting was "4 on Thursday evening for orgeni- ation. z Buy ciaamcis vests. "Gibson's." High class songs in great variety. Urders taken for expert ng Dutton # Music Store. Phone ne. Frv's sutmilk chocolate at "fib i AA A PAO NAN NBN NN $2.00 each. (No phone orders.) 25¢c each. Oa Saturday morning you will do well to see our specials in Ladies' Elastic Ribbed Underwear, Black ashmere Hose, Men's Black Cashmere Socks at 28¢ Big values at the price rt -------- A A gl We have the Coats that please critical buyers & SHAW THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. have arrived at E. K. PURDY'S | 109 BROCK STREET, Roses, Chrysanthemums and Carnations. All fresh. i Store "Phone 36. House 023A. Wrist Watches For Christmas. IN GOLD AND SHIVER, On expanding Gold and Silver Bracelets or the less expen- sive straps. They are accur- ate jewelled timepieces, made espoially to stand the extra motion of the arm. We have them with White Enamel, Silver, or Gold Faces at moderate prices. There is going to be a big demand for 'this Gift this Christmas. SMITH BROS. Jewelrs and Opticians, Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 850 KING STRENT. Hudson Bay Sable Ermine, Persian Lambs, Minks, at GOURDIER'S 76-78 Brock Street. Real Estate is the basis of all wealth. SOME GOOD INVESTMENTS, $400--Chatham Street, dwelling; rent, $4 per month. $950---Raglan Road, dwelling; rent, $8 per month. $950---Charles Street, dwelling, stable and garden; rent, §8 per month. Victoria, dwelling and deep tot; remt; $%° per month: $1,000--Lansdowne Street, dwell- ing, stable and lot; rent, $8 per month. $1,200--Russell and two lots, $8 per month. $1,200-Nelson Btreet, and deep lot; rent, month $1,300--Markland Street. dwelling, stable and lot; rent, $8 per month, $050 Street, dwelling 66 x 132; rent, dwelling $8 per Lily of the Valley, FOR EYEGLASSES OR SPECTACLES I heartily recommend the TORIC or wide angle lens be cause it allows a wider range of vision and more room for the eyelashes. If you don't know about TORIC LENSES, come In and let me explain how much better they are than the or- "dinary kind. l. S. Asselstine D. 0. 5. Registornd © grist & Optic 342 King St. 'Phone 1010. Kingston's Exclnsive Optician, IE. W. MULLIN { Real Estate Bought and Sold. | FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, } COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION STS. 'Phone 539. Of approval is set conspicu- ugly" all our lapndry work it The distinguishing symbol that characterizes culture and breeding. Everything we wash is noticeable for clean'y sweeiness and fauitiess ironing. 'Cor. Princess & Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 22. Cor Princess & Sydenham Sts. 'Phone 2%.