Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Nov 1912, p. 3

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Ty oy fb TSS AME DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1912, Spire Anshan SAGE Tun, pra stn BR i we (asada fife Assurance Company whose doubled erg profits. | shape ftor{ eo! only Canadian Compan Porites have Figures bow a policy wil you cheerfully given by LO Hutton, SFE vw "= Fiona in oid V one Debrdity, Mental oad Pri nets, Begued Ion Ew orbs, od Ele 4 7 Vane gino Fee, ifarmer'y Wind nor VALI LVELLRRVLLRLL BBV ne Ciscoes "DOMINION FISH C0. 63 BROCK ST. PHONE 502 CoP YRIOHY, Your Oculist's Prescription For weary, siralned injured eyes will he followed BY us to the thous andth part of anc jigh in ENPPIYIng the called for glasses. WE GUARAN. tee to fill tt exactly as he wishes, oe will carefully 'adjust them |» the most comfortable manner, sss. ing you tire axtisfaction or refund. ing the oney We Grind Onur Own Lenses. KEELEY, Jr., - Optometrist wes Prinsins 0, Phone 027 The Obdest reliable Optician in the City or BANQUET HALL is flow ads Hapecial y suitable for 'Entertain- ments by societies or con- ventions. Large, and private. Jol Lackie's| 168 Princess St. mm... Rusti inissorulainets. fet ! i Y "i What a Trip Through Oid Kig- ston 1 Shows NEW BUILDINGS SEEN' 4 i {Kingston § i « Vpermits for the year is far in excess was renitative thirty mochani vértain their took pains thirteen from and Sinphen street, minus extended attach.d, strevt south, conditions, any yon Rideau street, jrorth | brie {ON NEARLY. EVERY STREET OF | THE CITY, Realties Rushing Thirty | Workingmen's Housés in North- Fast End--3 List of New Dwell. ings Seen on Many Streets. A representative of the Whig | Wedpesday afternoon, did some' {ing through the "*by-ways and ways' of the city, in company with another citicen. The reason for this 5 ofold, One was to witness, on the ground, the large amount of building that is and has been going on during this seasom, a gregt deal of which is not seen in an day's secondly, to eonvince his { Derbyshire, on | seout- high- round; and, citizen friend, who was pessimistical ly-minded regarding Kingston and her sured steady growth, of the buildings of Kingston Kealties on Stephen tart was made for there. n said that these dwellings #itig built too far from the the convenience + workingman. Walking briskly, from the city hall, the distance was covered in a little over fifteen mins utes That didn't seem too bad. Lod, again, the street cars ran past the of Stephen street. f ight which greeted the visitors surprise to them. A repro? the Kingston Realties, that is building these " houses ta cope, to a with the scareity of this class of men and was on the ground, and to explain details of the and property. The acquired seventeen acres, | the Brophy estate and from the Sisters of the The land is well drained ons of the sewer from its present up to Division street, by the city engineer's de- partment, good progress being made. Next vear the adjacent strest? will be opened or extended, On the nbrih of Stephen, Thomas street is to run. Chery and Cowdy streets will be from Frontenac school over. through Realties' property. The company has a frontage for 200 houses on lots 132 feet deep. The ones under construction are semi: faventy feet back from the , With good space in tha rear for garden or yard. Sixteen of the houses are on the north sule of Stephen street, and fourteen on the I Ba the street It has wera I hiking « of for « foot I'he ol nm « the cong exhint, {wallings for families, wilding dperations Realties has the remainder Hertel Dieu. the exte r on ter- has been ommencid fi near the t 8 v 1 Foreman Watson, for the contrac a Haris] has, considéridg givem a good account © his mom sinee the work WAS commence ed, about a month ago. The founda tions for the thirty dwellings have been completed, and the brick work is up to*the second storey on eight of, shem. * Twenty brick-layers are at! work, and it is expected to increase these, With good weather, ten houses will be ready for océupancy hy Christmas, the remainder te he com pleted early in 1913, The Kingston Realties has laid out H3,000 on these houses - and land ne. Members of the Board of ide and other citizens have sub | stribed a large amount of the stock. The lists are still open to subscribers, | who, all will admit who face the pro- blem unbiasedly, are making a good in- | vestment, as well as assisting in the progress of the eity. Well, this was a good beginning, and will be an awakening to many city folk---the operations on the old Brophy property. But any street of the. gity pi produce. evic eof. creased amount of building. k i C i Buildings Kisewhere. The city engineer's list of building of any former twelve months in King ston s history. A glance at the dwellings that have been built in all sections will surprise citizen. * The following are the the northern half of the city : Charles street--John King, two} frame dwellings, north side, between | Rideau and Bagot streets, and two at corner of Charles street. i York stroot--Chinrles Moulton, frame dwelling, south side, corner Chatham | street. William James, frame duel ling, nbrih side, corner Carlisle street. Charles Moulton, frame dwelling, south side, between Division and Chat. | ham streets, J. 0. Hutton, two frame dwellings, south side, between Divi sion and Chatham streets. J. H. No lan, brick veneered double dwelling. south side; between Bartie stivet and Taian Road. Charles Moulton, frame dwelling, south side, between Chatham and Division streets. Cherry strest--1. Richards, brick dwelling, south side, corner Chestnut "Dy J; Moore, four frame dwel: "Wilson, a and dwelling, de, between York and Plum "Sonireat strevt- Nr, Fara: frame side, SL CITY GROWING : { Bogot aud { | Mem r | dwelling, fossa north of between H. bet ween centre and Princess streets ling, north and Albert York and Bartle King "Fegehill." "Fdgehill," cast Nelson Graham, dwelling, and cement dwelling, tween William and Earl streets, Union and Johnson glrects. by a2 : / {brick dwelling, streets. east side, west side, {mon strestsi | iat. each, street Between Division and Abevdeen streets De, side, between Wellington and | streets. dwelling, and Wellington streets. ! Rend attached conpon tosday bet wees North mem -- betw eu] enced dwelling, . ox bet AThart and Collingwe BE. Beckwith, sitle, between veneered deliing. south side, Bagot and Kwdéan streets. Frapk Eves dwelling south J Montreal streets strent~ Free Methodist vom | double brick venesred dwel- wide, ween Harrie and John Caldback, bre south side, betwoen | brick scnith between Fay ver erect sSLrevi~ 3 Coll IBEWOOK i streets West ing Barrie Twelling, Stuart i dwalli nud Simeos Western Part of €ity. brick veneersd A Mugh Derry, "T. A Andre, brick dwell: between § lwelling. j ion 4 a Lo B. Derbyshire, Arch street veneer cust ing. east side, Union streets Sydenham double frame corger North brick dwelling and West streets WONDERFUL THINGS THAT SURGEONS ARE NOW CAP. | ABLE OF DOING, olborpe gregaton, ng, nbrih streets sireet- Pr YanWinkle, dwell street] corner Bibby between E 41 Detueln F. A og. north brick veneered th street. YA Brick brick Ril Pw ver O'Ralf Andre, side be Lest enceged ergy Ning, farrie and streets EER sireet dwalli doubla N¢ oJ between street , east side, stveels. dwelling, be fn nmg and Lnton streets. John Peters, brick veneer dwelling, east sid {benim Union and King streets, B brick veneer dwelling, asi between Lnion and King streeus. tora Isaac Allen, brick side, south of Woods, frame Princess ne corner ( dwell side, Dracon and O'Neill east side, . Folger, between Bari street--- Margaret dwe Lic ag, stree C. che, side, Vie veneer , east street- dwelling, siroet Witham west side, between and Bartlett streets. Albert street-- fk. dwelling, west side, Princess = stredts, A dwWelilingg west side, between Union and Couper streets. WW. 'H. Gallagher, brick dwelhng, west side, between Brock snd Mack streets, Frontenac street--A R. Laidlaw, brick veneered dwelling, between Prin- | and Mack streets. Me, Marsh, | bridk 'vgneered dwelling, west side, Prigpoess street. KE. BE. Wat brick dwellings, east sue, Farl and Johnson streis. Wider, brick dwellmg, east sido, Mack and Princess streets, street --1.. LK, Wathen, west side, between west farl E. Wathen, brick between Mack snd L. Ulark, brick 3 -« Feats Performed in New York While a Clincal Congress Was in Progress--(iiving a Man a New Nose. Néw York, mans tongne, finger, saving one another, 21 ing Cuttmg out a a nose out of a eg with the bone of kithmg dogs--apparentiy--and bringing them back to bife;, making a cat hive without its head «these were some of the surgical feats performed at the various hospitals for the edifi cation of the 2,000 surgeons attend- ing the chneal surgeons here. At the Clarence A man whose by an accident. reiugved tie of the patient = had the patient and ls it Phen removing the that ? to the to the flesh, set mn it Nov ma four y hen, Nelson fwelling, brick jrock M Mack streat C. Dunn, brick dwel- between Frontonaéd A. I. Daly, mick between Albert congress of . Presbyterian hospital, De MeWitliams exhibited a nose had heen destroved tir. Metalliamgs fst nail from the ring finger left hand Then he put up his finger to the length Kin of the face he bone, and a plas would not streets. Iweiling, north and Frontenac streets Chatham street Charles 'Moulton, rame dwelling, east side, bet and Sixih stieets, Surith Delroy twellivg, side, wide, en Wood, between frame Princes sireet vost hig nose long Lt streets of it, Beverly next n. dwell and dwell: and Porbyshire. finirer fay between Union W. J. Saunders, between Union street sewed it face, all. Lhe ter of paris cast move At the end of twenty sepaation, including pam, arm. The doctor amputated the at the place where it Joins wid the patient had a new second and third joint of formed the ot the the first joint, which was toward the lace, formed the bony derpart of the nose belween the trils. 'The operation was concluded to day and declared a success, 5 At the Rockefeller Institute lr. John Merlin etherized a cat, severed: the windpipe and pumped air artificially the lungs. Then the backbon¢ slightly compressed and seon af severed from all connection with the bran. After that the head was cat off, but the heart and lungs kept 1 functioning as if the cat were only asleep with all its perdonality intact. east side, then s0 that wirants arm was ng, West side, days all had lett the finger the hand Lhe finger while back un- nos: Ja one dwe and Union streets I. ¥. Harrison, bet ween Union Redden, | fast Livingston avenue mes hloe's Ring Ie esidence, east side, and "Edgehill" Contre streets fence, our concraste Hings, ide, between Kensington nose. the nose, bent T. ¥. Harrison, hridge hween Union resis east side, and Toronto street, H. Richardso rame cottage. Princess street Gorie, rough bet ween C.. J ie Division | A. brick north be and Collingwood streets. Derbyshire, dwell Albert and James dwelling, north side, and Victoria streets. bungalows, west wien University avenue treet. 4 Couper street--W. eneered dwelling, ween Albert Union street--B. ng, south side, between 'ollingwood streets D. M. Spence, mick dwelling, north side, between lagot and Wellington stréets. University avenue--Mrs. Post, brick east side; between Clerc L, Grant, sida, between Snowden, brick east side, be hrick William Beckwith, between D. Mills, east" side, corner Earl D. Mills, brick dwelling, | between Earl and William H. Wilder, brick dwelling, between William and John: i side, and into was Craig, ter side, and Union streets. tick dwelling, west nion and Alice. W. street--1). Mills, fwelling, west side, between ane, Facl streets. E. R. rick dwelling, wét side, Aberdeen street=. In the City's Centre. ! Jackson and dwelling Aberdeen w. side. street--William Nilham one brick A. Newman, south side, between and University' avenue. Randall, brick dwelling, south north Bagot | G. W. Mylks, residence, Boyd, between brick Parl street--eorge Bagot | north side, Johnson street--{ieorge Payne, bric | Don't Wear a Truss! | After Thirty years' Experience [| Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or Children That Cares Rupture. I Send Tt On Trial have tried most everything 10 me. Where others fall have my greatest sucess. and I { If you else, come is where | EVENING WEAR deep cuffs and hen color Collar of FUR RAD FOR OF male fur, with of velvet the same silver fox, Tidings From Flower. Flower, Nov. 19D. Napier, { Forks, is svending n few days {bis daughtcr, Mrs, B. Closs. J. Re vill and W. St. Pierre, who ar {working at Oso, spent the week-end at thew homes hers Miss Pearl Huuiah, Smith's Falls, ie visiting a' Peachman's, Master Eddie a loss returned home Monday from a» visit with Thurow friends. Mr, and Mes, A. McUoneghy and soo, Edwin \nlso I. Revill, t a few days last iweek with relatives at Mellonald's {Comers. ~ J. UCloss and J. Reid, of « Thurlow, made a business trip 1 Flower Monday. Mr. and Mes. David Crawford, Snow Road, spent week-end at Jobin Crawford's. Mrs. RB. Close visited her parents. Mr, and Mrs. D. Nanier, reven ohn ot att and Miss Edith ce Sunday at Joseph Revill's. Mr. ne Mrs. Howey © MN and som, George, have moved Bacryvale C to Flower, jor the winter. ones 'Now. To ¥ re? encourage a oh ourase * Cty, with { will | The colonel, ohe of the truest types 'was hot. for thig happened in India, "and eold drinks were an unspeakable BOURTING iN SRURCH pe-- Enelish Clergymen Are Now Furnish. ing Chaperones. B. Meyer, Eng formist clerie, When the land's foremost none opened a north of England chapel lately 'he said he hoped to hear the galleries were quite filled with young pec very soon, even if they ind fulg ed in a little courting at times PW the Rev. George Hooper other well-known minister, who has taken charge of the Lady Lane mis. sion in one of the poorest quarters of London, has gone one better hia arrangements to mix love, gomesticity and religion. He wants to attach to hiz church a number of women wh act as chaperones to young pon ple court ng at the chapel, a lawyer to give free adviec two evenings a week, a housemaid teach the con gregation how to make beds, and a cook who will show the wamen how to give thei r families simple but well cooked me Bed-maki ing. in fact, is to be made a speciality. "A great many women," said the parson to a renorter, "have no more idea of making a bed properly than they have of flying. My little spaniel makes his a great deal more sensibly than do many so-chlled housewives, Nine times out of ten amongst the poorer classes you find that the flocks in the mattress have all been shaken into a lemp® 1am going to have a bed down at the chapel, with bedelothes com- plete, and we shall give praetical demonstrations of how a comfortable bed may be made. This is where the housemaid whom I am seeking will come in.' The cookery taught in the schools, Mr. Hooper went on, was quite use. less to the girls in alterdife, hence the necessity for cookery teaching by the churches. "What is the use of teaching a slum-dweller how to make French pastry?' he asked. "I want ta get hold of a cook whe will teach the girls of my chapel how much soup can be made from twopennyworth of bones. Bad eooking. bad bed-making, and bad management generally are the evils which lie af the root of a great deal of domestie pohappiness, but they are evils which can be cured Before we do anything at all, though, we must get the assistance of the women helpers, a lawyer, a house- maid, and a cook. I mean to have them, and have interviewed two pro- fessional cooks this morning." ™ Rev, | i he Act of a Gentleman, Sir Squire and Lady Baneroft's "Reminiscences" there is a story told by Mr. Charles Collette which is beautifully and very strikingly illus. trative of true etiquette. A young soldier in an English regiment had been promoted from the ranks and given a commission in another regi. ment. Before joining his new com- mand he was, according to custom, invited to a farewell dinner by the officers of his old regiment, placed, as the guest of the evening, on the right of the colonel, and helped to all the dishes first. He was a fine young fellow, but little used to the ways of the polite world and the manners of other dining-tables than the hum- ble mess of those days in the ranks. In of gentlemen, did his best to put his guest at ease The soup was served, and then came the servant to the guest's side, holding a large howl which contained simply lumps of ice. The weather The newly-made officer stared howl. The servant asked: "lee, The colonel chatted merrily to Others of the party dilemma asked the servant desperation, and put it hoon at the sir?" him on his left hegan to see a "Tee, sir?" again The guest in ignorant tack a portion of the in his soup. A smile played lightly on the faces of some eof the younger officers, when the bowl was offered to the colonel, who went on chatting with the guest, and without moving a musele of his face he also dropped a piece of iee into kis soun. Those who came afterwards, however, took their cue from their colonel or let the bow! pass; and the young man breathed a sigh of relief as he thonght that after all he had done the right ting joe What Tommy Atkin's Eat. Man does not live by bread alone, nor does the soldier, for he is allowed 3.4 pound of meat ner day (1 pound f serying abroad) in addition to his daily pound of bread, which scale, by the way, was fixed far back as 1775. The big garrisons, therefore, also have their sbatteirs; and at Al dershot alone from 13000 to 16.000 pounds of meat are cut up and dis tributed daily--4o be trans formed ind soldier-man. As a vale beef and mui ton alternate, apd within recent veers the Goverriment has «Heetad a saving of £50000 by getting eaftle from abroad for the troops in lew of the home-fed gnimal as be \ Lamb's Little Joke. Bensusan, the ¢minent Lon. has just handed oul It we of the publish. 8 L don journalist a new joke by Charles Lamb. curs in the bried biography gentle Elia by Mr. Bensusan, ed in the Pilgrim series It seems that the furbears of the writer were ab one time merchants do- ing busiuess with the Hast India House, now remembered because it was the soene of the business career of Lamb. Tt was Lamb's custom when writing to these people to addres: them, as follows: Pras usan & Con Sir, and Madu. The 'I'arks and the Bulgarians have appuintad J Plentposentaries to auningte on, Unt, carried the Hydro sleetne by-law. ' How's This? h We offer One Hundred Dollars Re. ward for ux ease Aw that F. J. CHENEY & 2 co. Toledo, O We. the Sndersise known F. 3. Cheney he. tam 15 years _-- ety honorabie and belleve per ¢ 'any a Jamel Murphy,» former pre bos, sndiMrs. H. 8. Davison is able (0 be up|Uttawn, Torenia, Ont, Nov. ist, 10 same Ottawa Valley and lpper St. Law. rence-Moderate to fresh westerly fo month. westerly winds: fine and mild to-day snd on Friday. Weather Probabilities : STEACY'S ANNUAL DRESS GOODS SALE 48c fashionable in weave and Zibalines Will buy good quality and color--Tweeds, Boncles worth 75¢ to $1.50 a yard. It's a regular give-away sale, but we need the space--all must go, so we've made the price attractive. Sale starts 9 a. m. FRIDAY, Nov. 22nd, Don't miss it---it means a big CASH No approbation- TEACY' "In Kingston Shopping Center" UGS. JUGS. JUGS. Everybody likes nice Jugs. - You cannot have too many of them, We are the Jug House of Canada And can show you hundreds of different shapes and patterns, old-fashioned and new fashioned and cheap. ROBERTSON'S, LIMITED Do not be misled-- ASK FOR PERRIN'S GLOVES and LOOK for the Trade-Mark. Perrin's Gloves are famed for their Style, Fit and Finish. Gloves that are NOT stamped with either the trade-mark or the name "Perrin's Make" are not the genuins. pit2 f News From Higin. Miss Mabel Howard, ¥ortar, spew' Elgin, Nov. 20.--Mr. and Mra. R | Sunday at her home. Davison, Forfar, were gueats of re ---------------- latives. W. G. Cheney has return: Address by Missionary. ed from Sydenham. Mrs. C. Char. | Perth, Nov. i¥.- Lhe hunters ate ro. land and children, Philipsvilie, were turning home daily, some of thes not guests of her parents. Frank Halli very heavy laden. Miss Sproule, w. day has returned from bis Bunting |. TU. missionary to the lumber camps trip in Algoma with bis oompleme ut of northern Ontario, addressedes large of deer and a fine moose. Pen [audience in Anox church, Friday sftes- nock has his house newly painted poon. The mission Band i William Seed and family are pre-{ Asbury Sunday school room was Bar ng to spenc the winter with his|largely attended, the fitile tots did other, Mr. and Mra J. Fleming ther part splendidly. Mrs. James Newhoro, Wein were retent vigitors in the)lhomion and little son J ames, village. William Bass tod son) western Untario, are visit iriends Charles, Mewboro, called on friends [here Mr. and Mrs. W. J. , of visited the former's parents again, and move about the house [here s few days. Mus Mabel Pun- At the recent Ladies' Institute meet: lan, nue in training, Moutresl, also ing, Dr. Preston, Newbotro, aye an, visited acquaintances here. interests Fr om." ---------- tty a oe London suffragettes get six and months respeetively lor window Tlie ewenstin, Ont. IR Hine [ns s08 Ulver AY of Lanads

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