'UGLOW'S | ® THE QUITTER | When you're lost In the wild, and you're scared as a child, and | death looks you bang In the eye, | And you're sore as a boil, it's according to Hoyle, f * revolver and -- die ! But the Code of a Man says: "Fight all solution is barred, In hunger and woe, oh, its easy to blow---- It's the hell-served-for-breakfast that's hard. to cock your | you can," and self-dis- "You're sick of the game!" well, now, that's a shame, You're young and you're brave and you're bright, "You've had a raw deal!" I know, but don't squeal, Buck up! do your damnedest and fight. It's the plugging away that will win you the day, 80 don't be a piker, old pard! G Just draw on your grit; it's so easy to quit It's the keepin-your-chin-up that's hard. { a STONE, price $1.00 per From RHYMES OF A ROLLING By Robert W. Service, of a Sourdough," published, Jeopy. Now ready at UGLOW' S 5 141 Princess St. | Author of "Songs MILLINERY | Saturday only, all READY-TO-WEAR HATS, Special Ready-to-Wear Hats at bali price. Hale for OSTRICH FEATHERS--All Colored Ostrich Feathers at hall price. They range from $3.00 to $4.00, for $1.50 te £2.00, : PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 PRINCESS STREET : THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HAS INSTALLED SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. LODGE YOUR Wills, Title Deeds, Mortgages, Insurance Policies or other valuables in one of these boxes 8.9 (. POR FURTHER INFORMATION APPLY TO ' P. C STEVENSON, Manager, KINGSTON, Ontario. MENDELS SATURDAY 50 4 Ladies' Skirts 450 | At 3313 per cent. off regular prices. 200 ' Ladies' Underskirts 200 Regular $1.50 to $1.75 values, At $1.00 for your choice 300 Coats 300 Ladies', Misses', Girls' and Children's, At 25 per cent. off regular prices 100 'Men's Overcoats Regular $10.00 for $7.50. Regular $12.60 to $13.50 for $9.50. i Men's Suits Odd sizes, broken lots, values up to $16.50. _ Saturday $10.00 each 50 & THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1912. . DOING A GRAND WORK GOOD RESULTS ACCOMPLISHED BY SCHOOL NURSE. Reports Adopted by the Board of, Education--Inspector Stuart on' Excessive Enrollment in Grade Classes. Al the meeting of the Board of Edu. cation, on Thursday night, reports | were 'presented by the Management | and Property commiit® and with the | exception of one clause, in the repori, | of the Management committee, hoth! were adopted. The Management com-| mittee asked that Principal Hofferd, | of Victoria school, be given permission | to leave his class each day, at noon, during the Jaoyary-Easter term, to attend classes at Queen's University, his class in the afternoon to be taken by Mr. Maxwell, the latter' te be paid by Principal Hofferd. On motion of Trustee Meek, this re commendation was referred back to committee. Trustee Meek objected to the clause, on the ground that it was not right for the principal to neglect his class, and he was backed up by Trustees Kl. hott, Lambert, Pelers and Lockett. Trustee Mclean, chairman of the Man- agunent committee, said his commit- toe favored granting the request, and gave it as his opinion that there was nothing to be gained by sending the clause back to committee, but the board ruled otherwise. The Manage- ment committee's report also recom. mended: x That the resignation of Miss Flva Greenlees as kindergarten director be accepted. « That Miss Laura Malls be appointed kindergarten director for Macdonald school, under the rules and regulations of ihe board, her duties to begin after the Ubristmas holidays, when, as per decision of the Hoard, a new Part | class will be openad. That the Central school be used for practice purposes by the teachers in training at the Model school. * The committee recommended: --That paper towels and soap be placed in each of the schools for the use of pup- He. The cost of the towels will be about $12 per dozen rolls of 500 tow- els each. Inspector Stuart waited on your committee and asked that these articles be furnished so that emer- gency cases could be dealt with with. out it being necessary for . pupils to leave the buildings. That an eight- drawer cabinet be purchased for the oflice of the public school inspector. That the tender of RK. Mclaul for blinds for the class-room windows of Macdonald school being the lowest be accepted. The figure is $1.55 per win- dow. Trustee Macnee was unable to be present, and his report of the Proper- ty committee was presented by Trus- tee Lockett. A communication, was received from R. F. Greenlees, usking for an increase in salary. He advocated fixing the salary of the principal of the public schools at $1,400. A request was also rectived from J. G. Ettinger, for an increase in salary. Both requests will be dealt with by committee. Inspector J. R. Stuart submitted a report, bringing to the notice of the board, the excesdive 'enrollment per teacher in the grade classes. He stat. ed that the average daily attendance per, teacher in the public schools of the cities of Ontario, appeared, by the most recent report, to be about thir- ty-five per teacher. In the Kingston grade classes, this was thirty-nine for the year 1911, forty during May last, forty-one in June, and for the last month, forty-two. These figures relate to attendance. The enrollment per teacher is, of course, larger. In elev- en classes, this is from fifty to fifty- eight. H- the attendance per teacher was reduced to the average of the cities of Ontario, it would be neces- sary to engage nine additional teach- ers. Regent official visitors had com- mented against the excessive enroll- ment at Victoria and €entral schools. The inspector recommended that the matter of additional accommodations be considered, snd that, with the ex- ception of special cases, beginning pi pis be aeemved only at the. opening of each school term, this rule, of course, nok to apply to children pre- viously registered in other schools. Enforcement of this rule would give relief in the primary classes. The report of the inspector will be taken up by commitiee, Inspector ~~ Stuart reported school attendance for October follows : Total enrollment, 2340; increase of 109 over a year ago; exclusive of Orphans' Homesand kin- dergarten the number was 144 greater; avirage daily attenddnoe, 2, 141; increase, 204; kindergarten em- rollment, 183, : The report of Principal Sliten, of ithe Collegiate Institute, for 'Octo- ber, was as follows: Number on roll, 411; increase, 35; average daily attendance, 386; increase, 33. It was 'reported that 42 non-residents were in attendance. Although the CoMe- .giate is filled (here is no marked overcrowding in any .of the rooms. A report was also received from the school nurse, Jean McCallum, as fol lows : Pupils inspected, 890; instructions i 107; consultations with pa- 37; home visits, 45. ing the report - Tro at he thought Cw re should be taken up by the man- the as i 1 Test {would be' a good move to have 'work attendance. © The prevailing ills of children were checked by the school nurse and this resulted in a great saving of time. He considered at the managément commitiee report on the The management committee will, ao doubt, act on the timely suggestion. MEETING «OF TEMPLARS. An Enjoyable Event Held on Wed nesday Evening. On Wednesday evening the Hope of Kingston lodge, 1. O. G. 'T., moved into its new home at the Sons of England hall, where it will meet on every saocond and fourth Wednesday in the month. Wednes- day night was given over to a birth- day party given by the chief tem- plar, Bro. E. J. Allen (Fellow of the Templars' Institute, Engiand). In spite of the inclement weather a fair number attended and spent a most enjoyable time. Songs were rendered by Bro. Juff, M., Bro. Mor- gan, secretary, and Sister Eastwell, senjor V. T. A humorous recitation was given by Bro. Gilbey. Short addresses were given by Bros. Juff, Norman and Beal. Bro. Beal, L.D., in tendering a vote of thanks and good wishes to the chief templar, said that Bré. Allen had spent many years in the order and he hoped that he would be spared to spend many more in the good work. $5.00 aud $6 00 GOOD SHOES | MEN AND YOUNG MEN See the Heavy Tans-- $4.00 450 500. We -also show a big range of Calfskin Shoes at $4.00, 4.50, The Invictus Dry Sox at $6.00 is the Shoe of to-day, also Men's Rubber Sole and Heels, leather lined Shoes at $6.00 ABER ETHY'S Bro. Allen, F. T. L, in responding, | said that while he was not guite as old as Bro. Juff, tried to make out he had spent twenty-three years in the order, and if spared hoped tq spend two or three more "23's." The rest of the evening was given over to parlor games and consuming the refreshments provided by Bro. Al- len. The lodge strength, fresh JAMES REID continues gain initiations taking place each week. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 27th. The programme is "Brothers Surprise Sisters." All who are in- terested in the temperance movement are invited to join on any méeting night, tr THE BOARD OF WORKS To Acquire Ellerbeck Street Fiom Davidson to Union. D. M. Mcintyre, city solicitor, brought up the question of the ac- quiring of the section of Ellerbeck street, from Davidson to Union Streets, at the meeting of the board of works on Thursday afternoon. It was explained that this section of this street, through which the street | railway has been running, was tho! es ¢ property of the Roman Catholic Epis. | New creations in choice woods and copal corporation of the diocese of finish. 'Ontario. According to agreement, | u the Roman Catholic corporation is Circassian willing to hand this over to the city. | Mahoga The board will recommend council t Sop ny acquire this street. This portion of In the Latest Styles Ellerbeck street is only used by i . , Yih, railway, no road being run through. | 9 The fountain, adjacent to el J REID S McRae property, at the junction of | Brock and Clarence streets, againiThe Leading Undertaker. Phone 14] feet down on Clarence street, at the' lest meeting of the board of works. | council cancel the lease and move the fountain or leave it remain until Mr. sewer on Chatham street, from Fifth! to York"streets. It was granted, | i came up for consideration. Acting | R.C.H.A. BAND CONCERT But since, it has been discovered that O'Connor is ready to make renova- properly signed. QUALITY! STYLE! SERVICE! LOW PRICE! | Here you get every penny's worth of value possible to obtain for money. Walnut, Gum Wood, ON The Band Gave a Splendid Pro- gramwe and Delighted the Audi. ence--It is a Fine Musical Organ. ization. : upon the request of N. O'Connor, the owner of the property, it was decid: | ed to move the fountain about forty! tho city has a 99-year lease on tho|1¥ GRAND OPERA HOUSE ground on which it stands, 77 years THURSDAY EVENING. of which are still to run. Will the . tions to the property? is the ques- tion, A petition was received for a tile] The first attempt of the ROCHA. band at an indoor concert proved. a grand success, at the Grand {Ope ra Hous® on Thursday evening. (Not only as a band but individual ly, the bandsmen showed themselves Movements of Vessels Recorded at '© be real musicians. The band had This Port. been brought to a Wigh state of per steambarge Navajo, is loading f*0tion ufider the training of _Hand- grain, at Richardson's elevator, for Master Light, who, all through the Montreal. concert last evening, showed an easy The steambarge Jeska arrived, from control of the band and a taste ip Oswego, with a eargo--of cond doi bringing, ath. the shading. of the Sowards. The Jeska had quite a pieces. The concert received splen. rough passage over. did support from Miss Hazel Massie The schooner Britton was in port avd Arthur Craig, who gave voeal and cleared for Oswego, to load coal selections. : 3 for Gananoque. i The band opened with a Spanish The steambarge John Randall arriv- march and gave as its second selec- ed from Montreal, and is at the Davis tion Wagner's overture from "Cann dry dock, undergoing some repairs. hauser." The andience was captiva The steamer Buena Visla Toaded ted by the oxcellent rendering of grain at Kingston for 'Washburn. Schubert's "Screnade."" The" cornet Quite a large consignment of felds- solo in this was taken by Band par is being shipped bw rail from Sergeant J. Huberland. ~ Kingston to Port Hope, and taken Miss Massie sang three songs, "Morn- across to Sodus on the ear ferry. ing" (Oley Speaks), "Mammy's Song" M.T. Co's elevator: The steamer (Hairiet Ware), and "The Dawn" Stormount, grain laden, from Fort (Ashiord}. William, is due to arrive on Satur The second part of the day, to discharge; the barge Hamil- pened with a solendid ton was towed to Montreal, loaded (ho "William Tell" overture, by:los with grain, from Port Colborne, sini. The solos inthis work ' were The Steamer Majestic passed taken by Corporal Derr... Bombardier on Friday morning. . 3 leary aud Bandsman Secker. Then The henner Aletha was down and followed one of the best selections of Fre Fda. Simla was up, on Fri- the evening froin: Gounod's "Faust # day, light, from Montreal, for Port Ibe beautiful airs of "Once Again, Colborne, All Hail Thou Dwelling Pure and cleared, lowly," and others followed one an The steamer Egan from : : Swift' i _ other beautifully, and the grand trium- Swiit's, with the schooner Rob Roy, phal close in ghe ""Soldiers' Chorus" on Thursday afternoon, for Crecy, an shendidly Jone: WEDDING AT ELGINBURG Arthur Craig sang "Stand Fast' S------ patriotic song, and was called to Of Rev. F. W. Danby and Miss Ida the footlights for an encore. . J. Swwith. i The band gave two discriptive pieces i Jemnized in closing, one "Home, Sweet Home,' --_ jo sy and he ther a paraphrase om 'You IN MARINE CIRCLES. The programme rendering of down A quiet when Miss Ida J., oaly dsughter of Cots, Quit Kickin' My Dawg A Charles Smith, became Foun'. yey i i z srpisis ERLE oo 2.5 £ HF i eh 1 gifs § shgit : * iy Br £32F% 53 £, NO BLAME IS ATTACHED | To the Kingston Post Office Re! garding Delayed Letters, Postmaster Stewart, im discussing the complainis made with regard to letters being delayed in transmission, said he was preity sure the local of- ® {fie was met to blame, for the greatest jeare was taken here. +f 1 } ¥ [re a Shs When de- i lays do ocuur, it is found that the letters have gone out of here on i time. The trouble is found to be in : ie , F i i nna Moir's Chocolates French Cherries 50c a 1b. Nougatines - - 50c a Ib. Whipped Cream . 50c a Ib. SAKELL' Next to Opera House Phone 640 TOYE'S BREAD Is all that good bread should be. Do you use it? It not, give it a trial wh R. H. TOYE & CO. KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Proprietors) Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Tailors, Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioners, Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, Dry (Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard- ware, Stationers, Itc. Stock and Fancy Joxeb of every description'made to order ¥ iw. .. Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West 'PHONE 883 AND A HEPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL, ALMALSAS i Cook's Co fon oot Compound, The great Uterine Tonia, wad wi © ual / inl canes, per bow, fold by il druggleta, or sent Bre { rowsipt of price Fron pan phiet, Add ess Doox Menwoma 00 Tonowto, Gur Jormerly IW NAMES OF TWO BOYS Who Broke Glass in Secured, The boys who are breaking the windows and causing general mide chief at the plant of the Kingston Box factory, King street west, have about run the "length of the string.' The firin has been put to the expense of replacing a large number of win. dows, which these boys have, dur ing the svenings, for some tims past, broken. it is understood that through a little bit of "Sherlogk Holmes" work, the pames of two of the offenders have been secured, and trouble will follow with the tion of thé "fun," a8 no doubt the boys judge it. Glass was broken in the home of Wililam Wash, next to the factory, on Thursday evening. A SPARKLING COMEDY Will be Seen at the Grand on Sat- urday. A comedy of many complications, parkling with wholesome and ane luted merriment; by a capable ympany, handson gowned and rtistically staged, is "The Arrival Kitty, which will be seen on 'aturgday, November 16th, matinee nd night, at the Grand The fun i due to the fondness of "Coll Beil" for "Kitty Benders," a vaudeville art- ist, who for sufficient reasons he dares not introduce in his household. Rilly Brown, a college boy, learns the fact and takes advantage of it; he masquerades as Kitty, makes love, engages himself and gets everything topsy turvy. "The Arrival of Kitty" further complicates matfers and incidentally gels Billy in bad nh his best girl. It all ends happily in a triple wed- ding. During the action of the com- edy ten musical oumbers are intro- duced. id Lire v no, 1, $128 3 » stronger, 53; No. & Box Factory The Hohemian Girl. The Aborn Operas company's ex- traordinery production of "The Bo- hemian Girl" wiil be seen at the Grand on Wednesday, November 20. ee - . an This organization is said to have a Kingston" the Good. remarkable grand opera east of prin-| Kingston egain qualified for the cipals, immense chorus, and corps de title of "Kingston the Good," Friday ballet, in all sumbering upwards of morning, so far as the work of ihe one hundred people, which police was cone , as thers wers r§ihe Messrs, Aborn promise an elab- po cases entered for hearing at pola orate and massive scenic environ: court, and ss 8 resnit Negistrate ment which, while built from (he Puresll had as off diy. One unlor- same models ps last season's produc gunate, who came to the station tions, ate Jnteeiy = The Fst 'during the night, for protection, was ness' of this organization may oy o cells. be realized when It is learned that owonly ocwpant of the it requires a seven-car train to trar~ | port the company, scenery and or 9 cessoties. Oceagional difficulty was OO 5 ] Pills Dt f experienced last veg Abe pd local , because fo of rs : to got satisf y support. | eure constipation, This season 2 the special orchestra billonsness snd all is a part of the Aporn company, thin] Sver His. Do not fault is rendered impossiblo, | wripeorimiate. &