Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1912, p. 12

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NOVEMBFR 15, THE DAILZ BRITISH WWIG, FRIDAY, , 1942. -- AED GAL SUMESSURELY SETTLES |.."--izioi.| Best Tea At its Best mp Interest. "SALADA" TEA is alw. the ma : . CHILDREN FORMERLY SOLD BY It is hard to convince the rich, S A 1» ays same, no J : THEIR PARENTS, idle people, says the Hartford Times, when or where you buy it. : | : that it would be well for them if they | : c ----m had to work. Here is a true story Ten Feminine Legislators Are Mem. i | "Pane's » Eads wes. | that if takon as a parable may ate ™ . bers of the Assembly In Province| T3Pe's Dispepsin" Ends Indiges.}, "010 0 that it relatss to one Rp ---------- i --No More Selling Pretty Girls tion, Gas, Sourness iv Five of what we call the lower animals. for Poverty. d Minutes. but it can be applied to man and Wo- "Really does" put bad stomachs in men 80 as to fit "thgir case like » Tans are going to be all the rage in Footwear this py itese women no longer are thel "LF COE JDO di glove season. slives of wen The nmratte irs of {2 00 Teally does overcome mdiges- The i . < . -- ys . : ; e animal wa land in Cen- poverty cannot be purchased as dolls | 0% dyspepsia, gus heartburn andj, park, New 38 the When he was sowness wm five minotes--that---inst prought into the open inelosure this We have made special prepardtions for the demand by the rich, and the daughters of i : wealthy families er wi that---makes Pape's Diapepsin the lagg- {+ 8 2 "1 2 o i a 2 . and will be able i offer you some of the swellest forced to' Docome Songer. Wi he wer selling. sonarh taster ia IE. Jar hes ¥as. in the position af Be is the choicest tea--green, black or mixed --from the finest tea- goods ever shown men, women or children. of their fathers' peers. The intro- world. If What you eal etinents into Nothing Prog Bp and. ste p od growing country in the world ylon, with its exquisite flavor ' duction of education among ¥ stybborn lumps, vou beleh gas and o , ; Dos forget this when looking for the latest in Women. and gil cod thong YOUBE |erurtate sour, undigested food = and plas. He became bored, declined i and freshness protected by the sealed lead packages. 'an Footwear, men in individual liberty and equal- [204 bead is dizey and aches: breath | pe keeper; who seems to be a wise ity are responsible for this sudden 0h tongue coated; your insides filled 'as tc 5 with bile and indigestible waste, re nan, desidnd that life was to sae ' x rizing of women in power and in in- -- REID & C HA RLES fluence. member the moment Diapepsin comes |iica), he began by hiding the eland's a > po ost years Chinese women of | 1 Soatact with the Stomath all such|{to0d under a box and weighting the S = TT the higher class only have had any vess 'vanishes. It's truly astonish-|pox down so thet it took stremgt} | ; ! ,ABA 'S STOUT social standing in public. To-day Ing almost marvelous, and the joy isjand some intelligence to move it. women may be as high and great In Fmleseness. > At first the eland did not care, bu! The very best for use in ill-health und convalescence * the intellectual and social, and per-| A 18rge fiftycent case of Pape's Dia- y ¢ and h botk + 0) : . WM [haps the political, world as she can pepsin will give you a hundred dol- ey es pr that F A o Y T | 910] ¢ a! i i ke Jerselt_ Srgaipt Mog satisfaction or your{yoy He may have smelled the : at World's Fair, 1893 A ------------------------ -- n the provincigl assembly at Can- ands you your money back. d ; ; have be timulated 4 URE~--SOUND-- LESO! , ton the highest temporary law mak- | It'® Worth its weight in gold to men bythe' presence of hunger and th 3 JOHN PURE J ing body in the province of Kwang-|%d women who csn't get their stom: |apparent absence of food to begin tung to-day, the Women occupy seats. ack refined. It | belongs in your ae for the means of subsistence } aed Ii many district assemblies they also | 20me--shouid always be kept handy in|At any rate, after a time he applied -- : Yd) have representation, There is nc|<®% of a sick, sour, upset stomach |himsel! to etting into that box - sg - counitry in the world to-day where g|9Uring the day or at night. It's the . a te with re 3 . woman is given so great a privilegs quickest, surest and most harmless broke iFiSe laces Bud me time the Parland Agent 339-341 King St. East in the various political, educational [Stomach doctor in the world. food was placed 1h a different place and charitable organizations. . and the eland continued to find and There are In Canton many normal Renovating Naples. eat it, and began to improve in con- schools for young women. These arve| The Societa del R'.anamento di dition. provided by the government as a part | Napoli, a" stock company under the 80 much for the physical side. He Pop of the public school system. Aside auspices of the muniéipality and the|was still discontentpd. He did not froin these government institutions, | Italian government, which was or-|enjoy life, although he was well there are industrial schools to teach ganized in 1885 to improve the city [nourished. Now for mental occupa- sire a rade and a school of politi 91 Napiea as vi Janitation and mod- | tion, said the keeper to himself, or geience to prepare young women: ernizationp, and has since develope ) t effect. He put up 2 fen ™ Fdw » for government and charitable of-| into. inta an undertaking of ph or de outside the are. a packet of Edwards Cox, erable importance: It is demolMsh-]) ¢ re curious, the : Tha Chinese women are by nature ing the old dwellings in the ough. Hom Ha animes WT than some Soup into the pot or good in physique, but they are still|part of the city, where the people|others. When the wheel spun in the a dissatisfied with their fortune, and|live crowded together in 'most un-|wind the eland could not help watch k pan when you are they have. many schools of physical |¢lean condition and in very narrow, ing it; when it stood still he was * training. In the rally during the ed- | Congested streets, and is substitut-|still .interested, perhaps in its dif making that stew--or ueational confersnce héld hare recent- Fire new modern bulldings.: It is ex- | ferent appearance, perhaps in won : : ly the girls of the physic#l training | pected, therefore, that within a few |dering when it would start. He im- that hash or sauce, . or whatever it is. schools, all dressed in their best|years these narrow streets will be proved in spirits -and condition day i : : . white uniforms, marched befove the [30 widened that traffic between the|by day. He had occupation and Let it boil for at least half an hour. You'll find that the district school supérintendents in re- {higher part of Naples and the new |amusement and he became a healthy, home-made Irish soup wil make your pet recipes tastier . \ ' , H Y C R | 0 ou n oast W ell view, giving a scene never witnessed | manufactaring section, beginning | cheerful creature again. "than ever, by bringing out their full flavour. : oes the parable need any expla- : before in the public ground§ of Can- | with the Central railway station, will > vy . ton. ; be considerably facilitated. The Sc n? i and Save Fuel Still within the memory of the pre-{cieta'de Risanamento carried out§ ai " -- -- sent younger generation the infant|following work during 1911: . girls of the village poor used to be| It has reconstructed Via Marine Red Tape Over Radiom. pr A range may bea good baker, and still not be a Slspaned of as undesirable goods by [by raising the surface ten feet above| Dr. Howard A. Kelly's private sec their parents. An infant girl dis-|sea level, and has consequently|retary is hoping that he will come good roaster. , / i . . posed of by her parents usually [found it necessary to also raise the back to Baltimore immediately, even % Roasting is one of the most cxXpensive processes would find het way into one of the|tram lines, water pipes and gas|if he has to cut short his vacation. DESICCATED of cooking--more fuel is used in proportion to the show houses or become a boat wom-{lamps. It has widened and raised|She has about $5,000 worth of ra . h y an or professional girl slave, via Mezzocannone; improved the sec- | dium waiting for him and does not result than in almost any other cooking operation. Before the abolition of idolatry the [tions known as Porto and Pindino by [like to leave it, even when she locks show houses had the business of sup-| opening new streets, raising old ones {it in a safe. : So fuel economy is worth careful watching. : : Nii > : plying girls for historical tableaux injand removing unhealthy houses, and The radium arrived on the steam- Sec r packet . Happy Thought Ran "The sane firebox construction the parade halls, during the many |has leveled the old streets with the|ghip Ulstefmore reeently from Glas- Ra i pe . Lad : ¥ Bd ds' De ated Soups ave made sn the arielies-- are constructed to give concen- of the ** Happy Thought' en- days of festivals celebrated in China. |higher section of the city. In Se |gow, Scotland, and it is understood teil Mange ol nn on Aly pig 18 trated heat efficiency in the oven ables you to rectly control These girls were trained physically |dione Mercato & new street was|that the consignment will be used seurishing soup predaved from beef and fresh vege et if ? i pe y and made as beautiful as possible by [built, thus joining Via Duoomo tolin experimental work at-Johns Hop tables. The other two are purely vegetable sowps You know how necessary this your fre and, therefore, your [I:|the managers through a system of | Via San Giovanni a Mare. The So- kins hospital, under Dr. Kelly'f di- Lots of dainty new dishes in" our new Cook Book. is to proper roasting oven heat. . : Jouning nad sxareipe; During the in-|cista del Risanamento is also dill-|rection. As radium was last guoted "Write for a copy post free " *"» " ing i ; ancy of these girls they are weil|gently beautifying the city by remov-lat $75,000 a gramme, it is believ But the '* Happy Thought sr point ning get a diveed cared for, as the profits of the own-|ing obstructions to views of old|that 'the package fontained about has this further advantage--oven- ue in oven heat irom every ers depend on the beauty of their |menuments and edifices, and is re-|{-15th of a gramme of the precious ; moving the fortress walls surround-|article. 1% is said to be worth 40¢ Gg W. G. PATRICK & COMPANY, TORONTO, heat is controlled entirely by the ounce of fuel. girls, ~size and strength of your fire. Over a Quarter Million Can- : Show girls awed by MARASSrS noling the Castel Nuovo (IJ.Maseh'0|times its weight in diamonds. CH « iL : onger exist in China. Not only are} Angioino). In 1911 six buildings Excitement prevailed aboard the Representatives for the Province of Ontario, So that a small, lazy fire gives a adian women, who know this festivals becoming an obsolete gus-|[were constructed, one in Rione Are-: Ulstermore when the package was 0 VV, | ommmemmm-------------------------- slow cooking heat, and a hot blaz- from experience, yse the tom, but also the shows ol ancient|naccia Orientale, five in Rione San|yeceived af Glasgow from J. ing fire gives a quick intense heat. Happy Thought" cvery day. theatres. This year only seven of| Efrem Vecchio (of which three were | Wheatley' & Co., having heen dis 2 . for living purposes and the rest for {patched to the ship by special meg the thirty-six theatrical companies of factories) besides eight villas in Ri-lgenger. Captain Gowan was ae | McXELVEY & BIRO Ontario | old time shows continue business. H, Kingston, Girl slavery had been formally |one Vomera.--~Vice Consul J. 8. Arm- | tious about the safety of the package and ordered the purses to place il THE WILLIAM BUCK STOVE CO. LIMITED, BRANTFORD, ONT. abolished by law before the revolu-|strong, Jr., Naples. r in his ivate safe. The purser had | TE EE ne IF YOUR BED tion, but the enforcement of the law to give a personal .reeeipt for did not begin until a few months ago when Ching King Wah, commission- = = women | consignment. er of police at Canton, really put the] | Ee arn ae The package, seven inches long, institution out of business. Since "0 [tour inches wide and one and one- the enforcement of the law nearly « #° |half inches thick, arrived: in good twenty slave girls have been rescued : shape in Baltimore and was taken from their mistresses and put In " before the customs appraisers. The schools to be educated or to be turn- he 5 § ¢ | package weighed about one pound. |. ed over to charitable societies to be ; Eh ix : This was due to the fact that metal; married. was used pgs a container. \ | 5 Kelly arranged With the all. ™ UTH La ling Agents to hava the package de- FORTUNE AWAITS SOLUTION. t |livered to Arthur W. Robson, the $25,000 C: 2 a i | Baltimore steamship agent fd bro Prize of : Can. be Claimed ' . alt = lar, but before the package was turn- 3 Any The: Wg : oA 5 }od over to. Mr. Robson.the customs. } London Sphere. Ib & Lo . «| officials placed seals upon it. Mr. Tea Five thousand pounds await the g ) a Robson will be protected from losk : student who will prove a axtain pro- it Dr. Kelly finds that "short 4 you will never realize how much you have been ; position proposed by the French .ma- ae g s © | weight" was given when he breaks missing in the way of comfortable, healthful rest _ | the government seals. until you spend a few nights on the correctly "* » » 2 os 8 What shall I drink ? 3 thematician, Fermat, 250 years vl : £ SER 3 : p a iB ow on radi- ~ : This prize was offered about five There is no tariff now up cd " or am importad into this country, which constructe Have you ever asked yourself? Years since, aod 3 is fo remain open | CF aA Beas: Sa makes it easier for American medical . . . . y rn Y 0 nu comers ? a century, J oi apd > rork It's almost as important to you zs "What shel "Prof. G. A. Miller, who tell of it Rh eiavEE Ben 16 ute Lb in DE Banner Spiral Spring in a resent address on "Modern Ma- Ipagso tn "The Bohemian Girl," at|heavy. It has been employed at I eat?" ' thematical Research," fears that such |iho Grand on Wednesday, Nov, 20th |Jjohns Hopkins kospital in the treat- If you will look up the subject, you will find that fl la large inducement may set all sorts ment of cancerous . growths, moles, physicians attribute a great many ailments to tea of witigery mathematicians in wast Giave Full of Water. and for similar purposes for about Then you'll feel the differenico-sincleased or 3 5 ng In. Lime. Wabash, Ind., Nov. 15.-The body oi | three years. A piece as large as a comfort at night--s more refreshed feeling in The proposition to be provéd is | co 2 « : 4 inhoad § ued at sbout $1,000 : ester Frazee, killed while handling [pinhead is valued a AIH, They atiribule none to cocoa. e handling the morning. that the sum of no two powers ex-| 0 doccent light, was tak so the rays are merely cast upon x . : copt squares is itself a power of the | descent hight. was tafen 10} ne diseased portion, the radium not}. : On the contrary, you will notice they say that same degres. Sums of squares are Husmmend | for usta), dt on the ar | ing in actusl contact with the cocoa is a nutritious and beneficial beverage. often squares; for instance, the square | hoi the grave had been filled with |Patient. Physicians find that it does One cup of Lowney's Cocoa contains more pourishnént than 24 cups of the best tea ever brewed and more than 22 cups of the best coffee. And Lowney's has the true cocoa flavor--rich, a" { hl wy a * ; 3 There is no finer cocoa- : ci in the world than Hl find PEE Le wou Try Lowney's Cocoa once and see if you don't + IEEE of 3is 9 and that of 4 is 16. 'Add | ; rw . | not deteriorate with age. Water and the body was hiought back Dr. Kelly is now im camp on the 16 and «9 and you have 25, which is is aity it : the square of 5. But this has never er his oify, where it wes buried later, Magnetawan river, Canada, 178 miles been found fo be true for cubts or | A: man sometimes sees things from north of Buffalo, and is not expected fourth powers, or amy powers above 2 |a different point of view after iis|'o return before the latter part of and Fermat . asserted that no such | wife makes up her mind. next month. Meanwhile one of his oases would or could ever be . : i ts, Dr. Curtis F. Burnam, is He proved it, too--at least he said ¥ helping to guard the importation. ho hott done so-huk his proof is los Baltimore Sun. and one has ever recovered it or discovered another, al HE] Min Haven News. : + ¥ Mill Haven, Nov. 1h--The ronds &re want it daily. k ] in poor condition' owing to so 'wikkdh Sold Be ni : « : 3 . " rain. The isrmers in this section' ate : by grocers. In tins--10c to 50c sizes. tain | sumbers. = : : and | busy with their fail ing. Jnmes : : Ha § x ; : i : oy : Franklin, Sr., has sold his farm ti ve i Ba hy ! * thema 1 2 Mr. Bullock, of Parrots Hay. who in. Its hundred coiled springs " give " where she H tends moving here in the spung. Les pressure is nowhere else keeping the body in ------ ter Alsworth has rénted his faim to ; i i ot will distinctly feel your cold|). Howey. Unite a number frome] = 1 the level, natural position that permits of fron the Grippe symp-|around bere attended U. Rose's sale ; taking the very|fast week. George Franklin is aut refreshing slecp. : _ {hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith Our "money back guatantes spsuces you Pape'siiave moved to Ringsion for the win that "Banner comfort ™ will last a lifetiove. + ter. Nr. nad Sider ting . Y. 1d G at Uharies Colling, have returriod our desler shold be able to show you dé home. . 3 i "Banner" Spring. UY he cannot, write us. mI The Word "Stadio" 3 THE ALASKA FEATHER 8 DOWN COMPANY Listiren, "Stadio" is one of the many * MONTREAL ano WINNIPES. for- : _ words that fnew scelimitised fies Mahers 8.of | High Grade Brass and Joa Dads, and all kinds of Bedding. ir Magtresses, Feather Pillow.

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