Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1912, p. 11

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'rains will leave" Station, foot of Jian street : GOING WEST. "14 4 5, "4 1 - Nos. 1,2, 3, 4,56 7and 8 run daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. Train Nos. 2 and 5 carry Pullman sleeper to snd from Ottawa daily af- ter Nov. 17th. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Flamilton, . Buffalo, London, Detroit, Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebes," Portland, Bt, John, Halifax and New York, 5° For Pullnian secommodation, Tickets and #1 other: information, apply to J. P. IFANLEY, Agent. Corner Johnson and Ontatio Sts GoesFarther Fog. Peterboro, St. John, to, Chi- Bite. 11.30 am. Ex Ottawa, Montreal, Que N.B., Halilax, Boston, cagd, Denver, Marie, Duluth, - St. Vancouver, Seattle, Frangisco. 5 p.m. aut, Winnipeg, Portland and San Local-For Sharbot Lake, connecting with C.P.R. East and West, 7.45 a.m. Mixed--For Renfrew and intermediate points, daily extepf Sun- day. Passengers leaving Kingston at 11.30 a.m., arc in Ottawa at 6 pan. Pe- terboro, 4.19 p.m.; Torento, 6.85 pm.; Montreal, 6.20 p.m.; Boston, 7.30 a.m; St. John, 12.00 noon. ! Full particulars at K. & P. and P.R. Ticket Office, Ontario street. d CONWAY; Gen. Pasa, Agent. aii asin dnp ----------------_ LAKE ONTARIO & BAY OF QUINTE STEAM: BOAT £0. LIMITED Sensi BAY OF QUINTE ROUTE. Str. ALETHA Leaves Kingston dally, except Sun day, at 8 nm. for Picton and tuter mediate Pay of Quinte ports, call ing 'at Deseronto, Northport and Belleville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Freight handled with despatch and care at roasonable rates. JAS, SWIFT & CO, Freight Agents. J. P, HANLEY, i Ticket" Agent. "LAURENTIC™ "MEBANTIC" Se Sri " Jasmsagens in sit " " olEBTOME, SANA, and Third Clas. Creature Comforts J. P. Hanley and €. 8 Kirkpatrick: Company's Owe Toronto. arrive at City | Sickness is usually caused by the accu mulation of waste within the body. Dr. Morse's* Indian Root Pills, enable the bowels, the kidneys, the lungs and the pores of the skin to throw off these impurities. Thus they prevent or cure dis ease. 1 25¢. a box. so THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, ONE DAY IN PARIS An Experience During the Riotous Times of the Commune. DEATH STALKED THE ROADS. ci An Unarmed Procession Bearing Ban- ners of Peace and Good Will Was Mowed Down by Cannon Planted In the Streets--A Woman's Adventure. In Harper's Mme de Hegermann- Lindencrone tells of her experiences in Paris during the commune. Ove day's adventures are typical. Ou March 20, 1871, she writes: "Today there was a great démonstra- tion in the streets. "A young fellow named Henri de Pene thought if be could, collect enough people to follow him be would lead them to the barricades in the Place Vendome in order to beg the com- monards in the nsme of le peuple to restore order and quiet in the city. He Three drops of Shirrifi's True Vanilla go as far as six to == cight drops of ordinary Tf vanillas. Shirriff'sisthe real extract of Mexican Vanilla Beans, Aged until its strength, bou- quet and flavor are fully matured. Try a bottle SYA TrueVanilla Vr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These silts are exceedingly powerful in regulating che generative portion of the female system. Kefuse all cheap imitations . de Van's are sold af For sals a$ Mahood's drug store. a box, or three for $X. Mailed to any address. Be Bosal] Dre Cow St. Catharines, Onk If the doctor says "you nced a tonic," yon will find strength and vigor in | ChReefés 2 ALE | E. BEAUPHE, Local Distributor. 'Phone 313. SECOND IDEAL CRUISE T0 GLASGOW, HAVRE & LONDON to IAW Oa L. 10th, Ndv. 7th 18th, * 15th "tin, " Fiat MONTREAL "VICTORIAN" « Oct "TUNISIAN™ + " "VIRGINIAN" « * "CORSICAN," = Nov, MONTREAL to GLASGOW, "GRAMPIAN," = Oct, 13th, Nov. 9th FRE ih "BC; AVIAN" Nov. ind = MONTREAL---HAVRE--~LONDON SE -_ bis "Lake Brief. oo githy. w---- "Corinthisn,". Co8 SL -- .B B S.S: CLEVELAND Leaving San Francisco Feb. 6 petal svn which Serves ae Sour 110 DAYS--$650 and up Anal all potessiry expenses afigat and i, railway, carriages, hotels, guides, fees: also ratiroad fares to sad from your home, Other Cruises fo the Orient, the West Indies, Pangme Canal, Iialy and Egypt, ole. Write for illustrated: booklet. HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE agents 41-45 Bway, N. Y,, or local SAILING SCHEDULE. RMS "Royal Edward." Wednesday. Wednesday. om Halifax. Mow. BTR ea Ses x a asia au « Jam 8 Avice Wels 8 ans aa Mar, 51 "Apply any Stenmsbip Agent or sent word beforeband that they would come there unarmed. |. "1 happened to go at 1 o'clock to | Worth's, In the Rue de la Paix, and, finding the street barred, 1 left my coupe in the Rue des Petit Champs, {telling Louis (my coaghman) to wait for me in the Rue St. Arnaud (Just "behind the Rue de Ia Paix), and I "walked to No, 7. | "I wondered why there wets so few people io the street. The Place Ven- dome Was barricaded with paving stones, and cannons were pointing down the Rue de ia Paix. 1 walked quietly along to Worth's, gnd hardly had I reached his salon than we heard distant, confused sounds, and then the shouting in the street below made us all rush to the windows. "What a sight met our eyes! "This handsome young fellow De Pene, his hat in his outstretched hand, followed by a crowd of men, women and children, looked the pictave of life, health' and ecthusiasm. "The crowd bore banners on which were written 'Les Amis du Peuple,' 'Amis de I'Ordre; 'Pour la Paix' and one with 'Nous ne sommes pas armes.' "One can't imagine the borror we felt when we heard the roar of a can- non and looking down saw the street filled with smoke and frightened screams and terrified groans reached our ears. Some one dragged me in- side the window and shut it down to drown the borrible noise outside. De Pene was the first who was killed, The street was filled with dead and wounded. "1 felt tersibly agitated and, pore over, deathly sick. My one thpught was to reach my carriage and get' home as quickly as possible. But how was 1 to accomplish it? The Rue de la Paix was, of course, impossible. 'Worth had a courtyard, but np outlet into the Rue St. Arnaud. He suggest. ed that I should go through his ate- liers, which he had at the top of the bouse, and reach an adjoining apart. ment, from which I might descend to the Rue St. Arnaud. .where I would find my carriage. He told one of his women to lead the way, and I follow- el We tolled up many flights of wearisome steps until we arrived at the above mentioned ateliers. These communicated with apother apart ment, of which Worth's woman bad the key. On her opening the door we found ourselves Tn a small bedroom (not in the tidiest condition), seeming to have just been occupied. We pass ed through this room and came out to a staircase, where the demoiselle said, 'You have ouly to go down here "When atdast I came to the porte: cochere 1 found ft closed and locked, pot open for me. Fortunately | had a gold plece to make ber yield to my demand. She reluctantly vufastened the door, and I went out. The street was filled with a terrified mob, howl. ing and fying in every direction. | up the street, and I saw a hand ges- ticulating above the heads of' the crowd, which I recognized as Louis' It was the only one with a glove on. "I pushed my way through the mass of people, saying very politely "Par don' as | pushed and very politely Merci' after 1 had passed. "My horse bad been unharnessed, and a man was trying to lead him away in spite of Louls' remonstrances. "The man holding the bridle opposite to Louis seemed a most formidable was shaking all over, sald, 'Pardon, mongiear, will you permit me to bave my carriage barvessed?" . 1 think he was completely taken off his guard, for, self i and. the frightened concierge. would §. caught a glimpse of the carriage away | » TURNED THE TABLES. An Amusing incident of Old Time Po- litical Campaigning. An i{lustration of early campaignlog fn Illinois shows the good feeling and the disposition to let tue best man win that often prevailed. James G. Robinson and Richard Oglesby, afterward governor, were op- ponents for the office of state sepator. The settlements in those days were scattering, and as the rivals were good friends they agreed to go together and hold joint "discussions. The under- standing was that if either desired to talk gnywhere else apart from the joint onl be bad a perfect right to do so. At one place Robinson announced that he would make a speech in the courthouse. A large crowd greeted him. Oglesby was sitting in front of the hotel across the way and became uneasy lest Robinson should get some votes away from him. It happened that Oglesby could play the violin well. A man came along with one under his arm, and Ogleshy asked if he might borrow it for the evening. The man consented, and Oglesby commenced playing in order to draw the crowd away from Robinson's meeting. - He succeeded. One by one the men came out of the courthouse, and when Oglesby swung into a lively dance measure the crowd responded with an fmpromptu "hoe down." Robinson, seeing his audiénce dwin- dling, stopped speaking and came out himself. Taking in the situation at a glance, he pulled off his shoes and be- came the most enthusiastic participant, dancing first with one and then with another of his late hearers, The crowd was delighted. and Robinson had the satisfaction of completely 'turning the tables on his adroit opponent.--Shelby M. Cullom in "Fifty Years of Public Service." PIE IS GOOD FOOD. Even if the Paste Is Soggy, Chewing will Kill its Terrors. "In Hts proper place," says the New York Medical Journal, "pie 18 not only a palatable but a nutriticus staple, an excellent vehicle of carbohydrates and fruit. It is not essentially indigestible and demands ouly proper mastication and insalivation to insure lack of dis comfort." In other words, if we chew pie as persistently as we chew the rag about the Indigestibility of ple we shall find it as sweetly digestible as it is blandly delectable. "Pile crust," this authority goes on to say, "is only flour and lard, the latter being replaced usually by chicken fat by thote who object to any form of pork. Delicacy of manipulation is re quired in the making of the erust, and such delicacy depends paradoxically upon great digital strength, for only the strong have a genuine lightness of touch." Thus is explained the armor plate crust so often the product of the deft but weak "manipulation" of slender, pretty and youthful brides as compared with the flaky; sea foamy kind turned loose by older and stiffer fingered mothers. But wait a moment. We can eat and even live in comfort upon our sweet girl graduates' pies after all, for the paper contipues, "A Soggy paste, however, made by frail fingers. is only aesthetically objectionable, for tesclute chewing will deprive It of its terrors." Now, however, comes the crux of the pie matter. We customarily "top off" with ple and cheese after we've had a hearty dinner and enough, but it we eat lightly and then have ple or make ple and cheese answer for a whole meal, there is not the slightest il effect from it. : wily Giving Impressively. There are diversities of giving as well as of gifts. To give a little with a grand air sometimes seems to make more of an impression than to give much modestly. ~The world has not changed in this respect. Samuel Pepys wrote in his "Diary" in 1660: "There was a great number of merchants and others of good quality (at a dinner) on purpose to make an offering (to two pewly married servants), which when dinner was done we did, and I did give 10 shillings and no mage, though I be- lieve most of the rest did 'give more and did believe that I did so too." -------- TR Advice to Bores. | A successful after dinver speaker sald: "I owe my success to the fact that Pm always brief and to the point. 1 once asked Senator Depew how loag NOVEMBER 15, 1018, ™ -------------------------- | your honor lodg' be able, but seldom Amaryflis, Back where dandelions grow Lives my Amaryills. From her head 10 tip of toe I love my Amaryjlis She fs plain as plain can be, But she's styfe enough for me A dearer onejyou'll rarely see Than Amarylils. Through the woods and o'er the Selds Roams my Amaryliis, Ecstasy her sweet voice yields Amaryllis. Oft she lies there in the sun, } Gayly thinking happy one. Glad the day is nearly done-- Amaryllis. \ I've been offered prices great For Amaryilis, But to sell I somehow hate-- Amaryliis, ' For to part I don't know how. / All my folks would kick, I trow. So I guess I'll keep my COW X ; "Judge. A Question of Weights, Senator Borah was talking at a din oer in -Boise about an embarrassing question that bad been asked at Chi- cago. "The question" he said, smiling, "went unanswered. It was like little Wilile's query. - "A young gentleman was spending the week end at little Willie's cottage at Atlantic City, and on Sunday even- ing after dinner, there being a scarcity of chairs on the crowded piazza. the young gentleman took Willie on his "Then during a pause in the conver sation little Willie looked up at the young gentleman and piped: «Am I as heavy as sister Mabel?" «New York Tribune. 4 "No Successor? {The Cubs * * * smildd when they read that the refrain "Tinker to Evers to Chance" would have no successor.--Col ler's Weekly.) i This is a slogan that thrills to the ear: "Wagner to Yerkes to Stahl" More or less trio, 0 nehm' es von mir, "Wagner to Yerkes to Stahl" Three of the niftiest ball playing gents Ever referred to as "stonewall defense." Slip them a lyrical laurel wreath--hence, , "Wagner to Yerkes to Stahl" ~New York Mail, AA 3 & His Job. ye g-- » WH "When we had climbed to the top of the mountain we observed an old man sitting on a rock with a pair of glasses in his hands. Every now and then he would squint through them and then let out a yell. Finally I ap proached him and asked, "Why do you rubber and holler? He answered: " 'Where be ye stoppin'? "Down at the CN hotel,' I ans. swered. . " "Then don't take up my time, or I'll lose my job. I'm the famous echo you read about in the advertisements of this here place. Git outer th' way . while I squeal?" =Cieveland Plain | Dealer. Not the Proper Gait. If your gate is bending double Go and remedy 'the trouble. Do not brace it with a prop---that's not the proper way. Shiftless habits are insidious, And we hope it's not invidious To tell you that to prop a gate will pre pagate delay. q «Chicago Wribune, How It Was Done. At a luncheon in New York Dr: Ly- man Abbott, sipping a glass of ice cold milk, told a woman suffrage story, "1 had heard a lot," be sald, "about the wonderful success of woman suf. rage in Australia, so, meeting an Australian woman one daye 1 asked: " 'How did you vote, madam, at the last election? "The Australian woman answered with a simper: "'In my mauve pannler gown, sir, with a large mauve hat trimmed with mauve ospreys.' "~Washiogton Post. Changed.' The ladies do the marching now. The men just sit around And let the women show 'em how 7 To make th' skies resound. There was a time when fife and drum Filled men an" boys with joy, But customs new and strange have coms Since father was a boy. ~Cleveland Plain Dealer, ' 4 The Legal Mind. *T don't see how a lawyer can en. joy a ball game under the present rules." "What would a lawyer want? "1 should think they'd "ant lo stop | the game after every decision and have it argued and ruled on, with a court of appeals sitting constantly on the side lines. "--Kansas City Journal Are those who live J Un Easy street. < alt «Cincinnati Enquirer, #58 * Be The Retort Courteous, An Englishman in Dublin was asked by an Irish cab driver if be wished to ride through the city. "No," replied the Englishman, "I an able to wals™ "Ah, well," regarked the jebu, "may willing."--Bostou Most. Different---and Alone Probably you don't know that we make a Burroughs so arranged that you can print from 1 to 9,999 automatically with- out depressing any keys. Particnlarly useful where you want to keep track of the numberof items that you are putting into a machine; where you are dealing with the certain rotation of subjects and want to be able to ideftify the 999th item without going back and counting them, and you don't want to put yourself to the expense of printing special form. Just & little bit in advance in this -- that is the Burroughs way. We would be glad to show you some of this kind of work to ses whether it applies to some- thing you have in mind. 4 Burroughs. Adding Machine Co. D. W. SAXE, Sales Manager 146 Day Street TORONTO ONT. With this Tea there's purity, uniformity and full weight guaranteed inside every package LI?TON'S TEA Goes farthest fer the money. 7 "BEAVER FLOUR?" is the unfiiling friend of the housewife. It saves her the trouble of keeping two kinds of flour--one for bread and another for pastry. Being a perfect blend of Manitoba Spring wheat and Ontario Fall wheat, it gives to bread 'the rich, nutritious properties of the former and the lighter qualities of the latter, making a large white loaf of delicate texture and exquisite flavor, Pastry, biscuits and cakes, made with BEAVER FLOUR cannot be excelled. Ask your Grocer for it today. Ne DEALERS --Write for prices on Feed, Coarse Gratia end Ceresis. The T. HK. TAYLOR CO. Limited, Chatham, Ont, Smart Evening Slippers * In Satin. colors Pink, Blue. White and Black, with handsome ornaments, some:beaded $3.50. $4.00, $4.50. $5.00 and $6.00 Kid, Patents and Beaded, one, two and three strap effects from : $200 to $3.50 'Men's Pumps In Gun Métal and Patent, Prices run $2.50 $300 $3.50 $4.00 1d $500 The one best for Evening Shoes i Bop ay prises Tor Eteuing Shows. fs the J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. The Home of Good Shoes t 1 i

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