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Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Nov 1912, p. 1

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~The Daily -- YEAR TEAR 19_%0. 250 Jritish. Whig ET -- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEbxEsbAY, NOVEMBER 6, 12. ---- LAST EDITION, OVERWHELMING VITOR FOR WOODROW WILSON WERE SWEPT ASIDE AVALANCHE. Wilson Has Four Times as Many Votes in the Electoral College as Both of Them Combined-----Sulzer Governor of New York State, fre standing Fo-- Roosevelt Fy . The mew com ress is _decidediy overwhelmingly lemocrat, , New York, Nov. 6 2 am. )~The election of Governor Wilson, of New Jersey, as president, and Governor Marshall, of diana, as vice-presi- dent, by a safe majority of electoral votes, and by an overwhelming popa- lar vote, was made certain by incom- plete returns teceived fr the coun try at large Up to one o'clock this morning. With Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio, and other large states represented by only meagre reports, ihe success, of THE this he democratic "ticket in a majority | of the heavily populated states was certain. ' The early returns gave to Gover nor Wilson the "Solid South," em- bracing all democratic states south of the Phtomas; and Connecticut, Delaware, tucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, and appar ently West Virginia, Indians and Mis- souri, "Roosevelt's Victory in lllinois, con- ceded early last ening by the dem- ooratic leaders, promised to carry 'with it w plurality greater than | 000. . ' um Rhode Iebund _ and ermont 'apparently given a ma- jority to Taft, on the basis of fairly 9. wenty states gave wvomprehensive who m0 slestoral vote of vO 0 » in the aledtoral Sofloge of ve. total "comprises fol Ala | votes : nesticut, By Floris, 6 Goorgis, 14: Tainan Kentusky, 13; Louis na, 10, Ji 6; Maryland, Ss; 18; Mississi 10 Fo "es: North Carolina, 1% South Carolina, x Tennessee, ' 13; Teas, My Vi 12; giissgu, 18; New J ry i 270. total etoral vote is 531; cessary to a choice, 266. Partial returns indicate Wilson will also ea Michigan, 18 votes; Wis consin, 13, and West Virginia, 8 Wilson Was Serenaded, Princeton, N.J., Nov. 6. --President Elect Wilson retired at one o'clock this morning with the "request that his rest be pot disturbed till ten o'clock today, but the hilarioBs stu: dents of university, having been granted a hall holiday, were verenading Wilson residence at sun-up. © Princeton students take Brest pride in the fact their man is fn a sort of a iriangular ro pontest, for Roosevelt i= =» gradusts of of Harvard aad Tait of ison was expected to issue a short slatement of his policy some time roday. Special interest to Can- ada * iv' i PonGRemeN on other tariff measures, meliy Pavan canal situation. Ui returns morping in- dicate that Califor has gone. dams. cratic a ll pluralit Roosevelt, who ted to esrry this state. ot more electors for Wil: hoy Valieved that Wilson will take a be rest belore undertaking the of selecting o bine of capable democrats ne THOMAS RB. MARSHALL, The democratic governor of Indidpa #lected vice-president of the Umile« States give: Hedges, 185,326, Straus, 114,641. The same in 1910 gave Stimson 245.517; Dix, 298.638 Six hundred election distriets out of 1,730 in the city of New York give Sulzer! 252.636; Hedges, 103,075; Straus, 175,774. Sulzer, 202,316; Democrats Carry Cape Vincent. Cape Vincent, N.Y., Nov. 6.--The r. sult of the election in Cape Vincent was Wilson, (Dem.,) 184; Tol (Rep.,), 152; Roosevelt, {Leog.. ke, (Soe. Chafin, (Pro..), 5: Debs, Bryan Secretary of State, New York, Nov. 6.-Leading demo: crats here thinkg William Jennings Bryan ig practically certain to be ape pointed secretary of state, the thos! important cabinet positiof at Wil son's disposal. The Revised Returns, Washington, D.C., Nov. 6.--The lat est revised figures of the electoral col loge vole to-day are: Wilson, 39¢ | Roosevelt, 112; Taft, 21. This gives Aisnis to Roosevelt. It was claimed last night, by the democrats, but a Bhly tworihiads. of from, may ye were heard Returns' to date show that the make up of the next Howe of Represents tives will be as follows : Democrats, 296; republicans, 124; 134; progressives, 15 Notes of the the Election. Governof Foss was re-elected by nu 'increased plurality in Massachusetts. Taft had a majority fh Wateitown, N.Y. . Woman sulfragd was defeated in Wis ponsin. Wilson carried Arkansas by GO000 majority. C. I Hoard. democrat, elected may or of Ogdensburg, N.Y.. by 125 ma jority, Wilson carried Tennessee by a larg: slurality, with Roosevelt in second 19; Arkansas, 9: Oon- | Ue it about 0. Speaker Champ Clark, o1 the hous of representatives, has been elected to congress for the ninth time. President Taft carried Vermont b SM votes. Complete returns show the following result: Taft, 23,27 Roosevelt, 22.323; Wilson, 15397. At Potteville, Pa. Anthouy Rellel berger, 102 years old, east his twons tieth ballot for a president of the United States: Ho was taken to ths polling place in an automobile - and helped into the booth, where he vot- od a straight democratic ticket. Governor Wilson's strength in Bos: ton exceeded that of Colonel Roose velf and "Pmsident Tajt combined, the | latler two almost evenly dividing the x vote recived by Taft four years ago. The democratic nominee wade a slight gain over the vote given Bry: an in J9OS, 'RULES WALL STREET ira C. Kringle Controls Company 7 With $2,000,900 + Assets. New York, Nov. 6.--Another "boy wizard of finance" has come to the front in Wall street in the peruoh of LS -- 000,000. Whe has rienled i FLEES TO WED, to Jail Chicago, Noy. 6.--Elmer Cowis, an sewer pif to get free and be married, has star having been taken from his bride, irom whom he had concealed his erim- inal career. Lewis was serving an sentence for blowing open a Washington (D.C.) postal sul-sta- years' fought as a middle-weight undgy the have shot and killed a policeman in Baltimore several years ago. Lewis got out of the Prison hid- ing in a cateh basin. ay into the sewer pipe Red for sev. days his mode of escape was not discovered He was married in Chi- 0 under the name of Gaughan. His ride fainted when she learned that he was a convict. Lewis has served four years of his sentence. A JILTED LOVER He Ruined Finery of Girl Who Wed- ded Another, Sterling, Ill, Nov. 6.-Almond Frick is in jail on a warrant sworn ut by Genevieve Reilly, his former sweetheart. The particular offense with which Frick is charged is that of stealing his former flancee's wed- ding trousseau and destroying it by sprinkling it plentifylly with indel ible ink. Miss Heilly apd Frick were sweethearts for years, until a few months ago, when Elwpbd Ma- comber arrived from Chicago and en- tered business. He met Miss Reilly and their friendship soon ripened in- to love. Miss Reilly gave up her former sWeetheart. Frick is said to have entered the Reilly residence, stolen the entire wedding outfit, and taken them to his home, where he bespattered them with indelible ink, after which he threw them back into the Reilly yard, The wedding took place, al- though the bride was attired in a borrowed gown. A WOMAN FORGETS HER HUSBAND'S NAME Philadoiphian, 65, Married to Man, 33, Unable t Toll Surrogate Nov. 6.-Mrs. Bllen 2 65, has he 33-year-old B whom she married two weeks ago, nuch against the wishes of her four *hildren. Bo bitter was the opposition that ter children ingisted that she trans- 'er her property, consisting of sev- eral nice farms in New Jersey, to hem. She finally consented ang wqut to the office of the su te n Woodbury to record the tra A 30 bewildered was Mrs. Huber the was unable to tell the namie "ol her husband. The surrogate was in a quandary, but he finally, by means of the long listance telephone, ascertained that he husband is Alfonso Gluck, a bak af, of Williamstown, N. J. bd Philadelphia, Hi SHORTAGE IN CARS. May Result Seriously to Crop in Dakota. Chicago, Nov. 6§.--Railrqads are re- sponding to the Inter-State Com- nerce commission's demand that something be done to avert a seri- pus threatened car sh North wastern times reported getting refrigerator cars to che potato crop and declared ' heir cars were returned to the very slowly. The shortage of ¢zrs on the differ- amt railroad lines in Minnesota and North and South Dakota may result seriously to the bumper potato crop, which must be removed before frees- ing weather sets in. Three thousand cars are needed to ship the potatoes ready for the market in the north- western states. -------------- "STRONGEST MAN" IS DYING. Louis Cyr, a FreachCanadian. Made World's Records. Montreal, Nov.: 6.--Louis Cyr, known as the strongest man in the world, is dying at the home of his son-ig-law, Dr. Aumont, in this city. Cyr was born at St. Cyprien, Que., forty-nine years ago. He started his esrer in i852 and in 1891 ihe mil- tionaire » Potaic - Fox, took him under and his all the In ne ool L000 capital and total} Convict Was Captured and Returns escaped. federal prisoner, who crawled five blocks through a fifteen inch iron back to Fort Leavenworth penitentiary in care of detectives, after safe in tion. He was once a pugilist, having name of "Kid" Meyers. He is said to his .| tates from five to ten cunts per once - York sportsman and pub- PITH OF NEW Despatches: From Near And Distant Places. THE LATEST TIDINGS = PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFRSY POSSINLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the Warsi From Tele graph Service and Newspaper Ei. 'changes. Two men were killed as a result of quarrels at election booths in Ken- tucky. Congressman Victor Lo Berger, Mil- waukee, the only socialist in congress, was defeated for re-election. "Canaaa is not talked about o sung about sufficiently hy our own Canadian people, " said Hon. George P. Graham in the course of an in- spiring address on "Canada, Past and Present," at the Parkdale Meth odist . church, . Toronto, Tuesday evening. 3 On condition that he abstain ab solutely from using liguor fn the future, James Logue, who was con- victed of indecent assault upon r thirteen-year-old Merritton girl, was allowed his liberty by Judge Gar man of St. Catharines, when Ligue appeared for sentence. The Deminton Bond company have taken a 99-year lease on the lan? owned by J. H. Mitchell, president of the Imperial Trusts company, at 69-and 71 West King street, and adjoining the Bank of Toronto's new building, and will build a fine new office building. At the nomination held at Brace bridge for the legislative assembly to All the vacancy caused by the appointment of A. A Mahaffy a: district judge for Muskoka, William Lowe, inspector of government roads of the township of Ryde, anc 8 H. Armstrong of Bracebridge both conservatives, were nominated Cartage Rates Will Not Rise. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--Railroad cartage companies in Fastern. Canada will not be allowed to raise their ton v0 Sov. 1th, as they intended. railway commission ordered fs schedule of tavifis be lk ds bo Et will come up. again for inating op Deo. X 17th. CHINAMAN HAS FAILEE = A CLERGYMAN TO MARKY HIM TO GET To a Kingston White Girle=Rev t John Webster Sald He Wonlc + Have to First See the Girl's Par ents. K. F. Sam, proprietor of the D vision street Chinese laundry, calle on Rev. John Webster at his hom: on Wednesday morning, and sske the pastor if he would marry hi to a white girl, who er been keep ing company With m. for som: time, The celestial's visit prove fruitless, as the pastor stated h would mot marry him unless ths the parents of the girl were willing and he would have to see them be fore he could give him an answer inlA few days ago the celestial wen place where marriage license: 1h , and as he was net sur "Ne could be married, he hac the preprietor telephone Rev. T. 5 Neal, but the pastor 80 the celestial thought that he i better try another minister. It k doubtfyl if any minister will marr: the couple, as some people whe know the girl, state that she is un der age. The celestial in question is a for mer restaurant keeper having fo sometime kept & restaurant on Wel lington street, and gave up that business to go into the laundry busi ness, at which he is doing well. Fo: some little .tima the girl has beer working in the laundry. Later--The Ce'estial secured =a marriage license from R. J. Rodger's jewelry store on King street. At first he presented a note from the giri'd father who consented to the wedding. He was refused a license on this document, but when the, father of the girl returned with the Chinaman and gave his consent, the] Hoense was Issued. Rev. . John Webster, on 'Wednesday, interview- el the mother of the girl, who ob- jected to her daughter's marri saying that she was under age. Wels'er told ghe Whig that he would not marry the couple. ----_------------ Injured in Wreck. Mrs. J. Yourex, who was injured in the recent wreck, un thé Bay of Quinte Railway, and who Bas been confined to the ral hos pital, ever since, was to be re moved to her home, on , Tuesday. » is do og nicely. = R Givens, bas returned fron avd . bas resumed duty. cgred to B's heme if largest GIRL, WAS BURNED, T i Badly Burned by Explosion of Od 5 Theown on Fire. Eganville, Nov. §.--Miss Martha Cybubkikie, a domestic in the home of Mrs. Lr. Maloney, was very seri ously burneil on Saturaey evening. Before retirmg tue maid went down to look at the furnace, and put gome wood on the coal. Net burling rapi.ly enough she threw some doal oil on aad an explosion instantly fo.lowed, setting fire to the girl's clothes. Mis. Maloney, with great pretence of wind, wrapped ber in an oveicoat, extinguishing the flasnes, but nct before the girl was terribly Bugned on the arms, neck and breast, Doctors Reeves and Galligan were on the scene almost immediately and dressed the burns. Miss Cybulskie is still in a very precarious condition. A CHARGE OF FRAUD. Manager of Canadian Financiers Arrested. Moose Jaw, Sask, Nov. 6-H. S. Niblock, western manager of the Cana- dian Financiers, of Vaneouver, has been arrested on instructions from the police of Medicine Hat. He is charged with fraud in connection with the organization of Canadian Finan- ciers, which was recently imcorporated under dominion charter with a cap- ital of #2,000,000, TEN COWS BURN TO DEATH. Dairyman Loses Stable and Con tents at Parry Sound. Parry Sound, Nov. 6.--~John Brint, dairyman, of Forest street, here, lost his stable, ten cows, hay and feed, in a fire which destroyed the building. The fire broke out during his absence, and when discovered had made such progress as top render it impossible to save any of the cows. There is insur- ance of $700. It is thought that de fective electuie ig wiring was was the atiute. ACTIONS FOR NORGE PASS ALL RECORDS Domini Cabinet has its | isa for Coming Session Well Under Way. Otiawa, Nov. 6.<With the .date for the opening of the session drawing near the cabinet is rapidly preparing its legislation and government mea- sures promise to be in such a. shape that there will be little delay. Three important measures at least Lwidl. be Sntradint eu itor the f opening. The mob "important; of oourse, is the naval bill which over ihadowy everything else this coming 1 be Bank Act is now being vevised and with it a ior the regulation of private banks. Present indications are that private legislation will not be very heavy. An tion, however, is the divorce « which number 39 so and pass wll records. Port Hope Warden Cleared. Port Hope, Nov. 6.--Geo N. Pat. terson, a coal aad wood merthoms. and a warden of St. Johp's Anglican church, had his preliminary heari fore Chief Magistrate White, on a chage prefer in behalf of a Bar- Home girl. Under cross-exam- tion the girl could not support her story, and Mr. Patterson was. acquit- ted. She implicated Robert Hill, of this town, however, and he was com- mitted for trial. Western finally » Canada's New Seal. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--~The great seal of Canada for the sign of George V., has ust reached Ottawa. Up to the pres ent the domigion has giliing along with the "made for the sign of King ack YI. This has been done by the sanction of the Brit isl authorities, while a new great seal was being cut in the royal mifit at London. it began operationy vester day. 7 Vote Down Stub. London, Nov. ~The sufftagetie movement a a x sothadh in the House of Commons yesterday, when an amendment providing for woman suffrage, which it was desired -to in- clude in thie home rule bill for leeland, was defeated hy 314° against 141 votes. The suliragettes declare that they will retaliate by organizing outbreaks in Lreland. | permanently. She has been one of the most prominent charity workers in the gr Kincardine hospital was a from her, and she has arr a yearly donation of over $i s-------- No Strike in Toronto. Toronto, Nov. §..--There was strike of a thousand tific Treight handlers o'¢lock to-day, as expocted. The company officials bad a conference with the men, showing them they sould #11 their places .at once, and the employees decided to stay on. Fist rg, Mov. 6 diamond J , Nov. 6, --A y 1,649 carats has been discov- in"the Premier mine. hia i» the in ' Te famous Callinan same mine in 1905, jenrats, eral: Gog Boo stones. Nr "Bed Lross Lough w, for Child ren." Sold only at Sit Bbwund & EX dommons, stated formulate terme of -- bill } Wil Likely be Used by Wood. row Wilson T0 TAKE OFF DUTIES FROM CANADIAN PRODUCTS IS DEMOCRATIC PLAN. « It Will be No Humiliation to Unit. ed States to do That if it Will Tend to Lessen the Cost of Liv ing. Washington, Nov. 8.-Will- Presi dent Woodrow Wilson put the gmer gency brakes on the high cost o living problem in the United State: by an carly application of free trade for the products of Canadian farms and some manufacturers, irrespec tive of Canada's reciprocating? It is the opinion. of prominent fiscal experts attached to the gov- ernment departments that he will and this feeling is backed up by the fact that a strongly democratic con gress will be over-whelmingly free trade. During the campaign Wilson and his supporters have avoided discussing Canadian reciprocity fearing antagonizing the United States farmers. It is known here, however, that many leading demo crats in the new vernment .will consider it mo humiliation to the United States to take the duties off Canadian products, if*it will tend to lessen the cost of living. London, New York and Canadian stock markets, seemingly relieved of the uncertainty of the United States election, displayed unusual buoyancy, although the democrats were never considered .great favor ites of invested capital. A Canadian Elected. Passaic, N, J., Nov. 6.--Robert G Bremner, formerly of Dufferin county, Ontario, was elected to Con- gresa from. New Jersey by an un- precedented majority. His victory is all the more astonishing bécause the last republican legislature ger. rymandered the district so that it was supposed to be safely republic: an_by over five thousand votes, he Bremner is one" of Governor Wil son's closest personal friends and one of his most trusted politic advisers: Governor Wilson reserv- ed the last night of the campaign to speak for Bremner. Blection Notes. 1004 the electoral vote for which was then the larg in Roosevelt, at on record, was win for Judge Aiton B. Parker. dent Taft's electoral vote in was 321 and Bryan's 1632. A guestion that probably will not » Presi- 1908 Ing | probable that the Democratic be answered for several days is "Who will control the United States senate after March, 1913" It is land- slide of yesterday following that of two years ago will give the demo- cratics control of the senate as well as of the house of representatives, but: thig is by no means certain. May Hustle Trusts. Princeton, N.J., Nov. S.~Prasident- elect Wilson, to-day, dictate a short message to the newspapers m which he intimated that no wan, whose business is conducted in a free and open competition, need fear interfer ence the coming admmistration. From this it is thought that Dr. Wil ron will get after the trusts as they ave never boen got alter updo-date. Xaver Scharwenka. Scharwenksa is one of the few great living pianists who Wave somtributed valuable additions to wasieal litera. ture. Mis opera "Mataswintha' has been successfully perfor ir Berlin Weimar and New York % is a com poser fo? the piano thaf Neharwenka most interests us. Aside from numer gus smaller works for the instrument he has written four. piapo concertos, his performaues of No. + in | minor, Op. 52, will be one of the dis tinctive features of Ms forthcoming tour and, indestl, of the musical sea son of 1912-18 for the ance such a famous artist marked per » sonality ss Xaver Ncharwenka cannot fail to interest all lovers of piano music. He will y in Kingston Mon day evening. Plan at Lglow's A ------------ Watts Ordnance Report. A report was in circulation in the sey. on Wednesday, to the effect that the Ordnance Corps had received word from OWaws to take stock of the o| oquipreent of this division and to | report. at. once what would be peeded in case of active service. ol Seldlits Powders. We pui ap our own Seidlitz powders, guaranteed pure and full weight. One dozen powders to the box, in tin boxes, 25 cents the box. Mcleod's Drug Store, (3 Broek street. "Buy kodak tims,' Gibsons. tram exported from Montreal so fax this season jis in excess of the total the | Amott shipped all last year he 2 it [00 bushels. The total shi ear were 29.231.706 af is year, they amount to 32,129, 840 bushels. On Oct. 29th, at Lombardy Miss Eva Doras Street, Newbliss, becnme the bride of John E. 8. Moorehouse, of nr Little and Knight have re- THE EMERGENCY BRAKES COST OF LIVING WILLIAM SULZER, Hlected governor of New York. Heres presented that state In congress CHOIR TO BE GOWNED. -- Cooke's Church Shagers to be Pro. vided With Gowns, \ A number of the ladies of Presbyterian church gathered home of Mrs: M. Ulaxton, Aberdeen street, on Tuesday evening amd took steps to provide gowns and mortar boards for the choir. It is expected that the singers will don the new at. tire at the New Year. This is the second city choir that has been pro. - vided with the mwiation gown of late, Wueen street Methodist church be. ing the last a fow Weeks ago, Nt. And- vows, Chaluevs nnd Sydenham street Methodist churches have had gowaed choirs for some time THE POWERS REFUSE APPEAL OF TURKEY For Mediation in Balkan War--Public Opinion Favors Division of London, Nov, Cent ™ giving attention to the diplomatic situation ariging from the hostilities in the Bal kans. Although all the powers have not yet roplied to Turkey's sppeal for mediation, i 8 Known that 1 bas no- where received a very warm reception. A more definite request from Turkey to the Powers to pub an end to the war which she i expected to make in the French reply to her first application is likely 10 receive more consideration, Even then, however, the powers will be unable to overlovk the oftrepested demand by the allied Balkan nations that Turkey must deal directly with' then All that the Pow- ers will be able to do, therefore, is to act as intermediary WR bringing the belligerents together. ' As to the future of the HNalkans, '=n very sharp line divides Germany, Aus: teig Hungary and italy from Frases" Husdia and Great Britgin Public opinion in Great Writabn, France and Hussia_atfwes that the al lies should have the tefritory which they have conquered and Russia part ieularly has warned Turkdy tha. econ ditions . could only. becouse. . worse should further thsaster occur at Teha- taljs Austria-Hungary, which, the most directly interested great powers, being the nearest peigh- bor to the Balkan states, will, it is believed, not sit quietly by and see the Halkan League establish itself across her path to the Aegean sea, in which firection her trade i» expanding, while at the same time the Servians spresd to the Adriatic soa I'he Austrian government points out hat the bianisns wre as much a nA tion as any of the allies, and that Al- reserved for the Al Cooke's at the view of after all, ot hania should be banisns. "Nyal's lief tron and Wine" son's Advocates of at Gib women's suffrage are planning a big celebration in Yew York Sunday night. Arizopa, Michigan, Kansas and Oregon all ap- sroved of women's suffrage on Tues aay at Gib- 'Nyal's Peef Iron and Wine" son ¥ ROBERT J. REID. hon S17 "og Printer Street REID The Old Firm of Usdertakers, 254 and 256 PRINCESS STRERT, Phone 147 fer Ambulances. STOVES AND RANGES. e best lot --_y have ™ feds bad; Ree asonanie. prices. = 4 Phone 705 Just Arrived NEW TABLE RAISINS. NEW TABLE FIGS, NEW DATES. ' NEW SWEET CIDER. NEW CANNED TOMATOES. NEW CANNED CORN, NEW CANNED PEAS. NEW CANNED BEANS: JAS.REDDEN & C9. the *

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