Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1912, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1912. HISTORICAL SOCIETY A DELIGHTFUL TIME ELECTED CANON STARR PRESL, AT THE DANCE AT THE ROYAL DENT, FOR ENSUING YEAR. | MILITARY COLLEGE. -- Home_ University Library Three Timely Books Each volume wriften by a Ic cognized authority on subject. : Steps Being Taken to Secure the The Gymmasium Was Handsomely Old Governor Simcoe House or | Decorated--The Attendance Was Queen Street--A Series of Winter | Numbers its seca) LIBER . . By' L. T. Hobhouse, M.A ., University. CONSERVATISM. By Lord Hugh Cecil. M.A. MP, Professor of Seociclogy in London 1 noon. | was in the chair. Lectures. i The annual meeting of the Kingston | Historical Soeiety was held in St George's hall, on Wednesday after J. M. Farrell, the president, Canon Starr, Large--The Dancing Well Filled. The annual Thanksgiving © dance given, Wednesday night, by the Com- mandaut, Staff and Gentlemen Cadets was a very brililant and suc- the cessful affair. The younz host: Patents in Lace, Blucher and Buttons on the new, nar- row lasts, medium and wide toes, at THE SOCIALIST MOVEMENT By J. Ramsay Macdonald, M.P., Author of "Socialism apd the Government." Each subject is of living and permanent interest, and the i books are written for the g- neral reader as well as the stydent. / PRICE ONLY 30c¢ volume OVER FIFTY VOLUMES NOW READY AT UGLOW"S 141 PRINCESS STREET | secretary-lreasurer; Telephone 26. \ | | TR vend his report, spared no efforts to insure the pleas- showing how the society had been re: ure and comfort 3f the many guests. vived & year ago with a membership' The gymnasium was, as always =» of about a dozen, and to-day had sev: perfect ball room, decorated' with enty-five members on the roll. With a flags and streamers of white and view to crealing a general interest in blue bunting. Over tiIR-main en- ths work, four public lectures hau been trance was an arch of fixyd bayonets arranged for during the winter, com: and these were also crossed at in. meneing with "A Study of Canadian tervals around the ' gallery. A History," by Proi. Adam Shortt, of unigue feature in decoration was=a Ottawa. A lecture on "Canadian suspended dummy, symbolic of a Boundary Disputes with the United football bero, banging from the states" had been given by Prof. W. centre of the ball room. The Opera L. Grant, on "British Supremacy und House orchestra furnished excelent Canadian Autonomy in 1810-1867," music for, the programme of seven. by Proi. Morison, and on "Canada in teen dances, with most generous eu- 1845," by Lawrence Burpee, of Otta: cores. Delicious supper, was served wa. y 'at one end of the evmunasium nd | "Iho For Cooking and Drinking, also --- ---- Study the Styles In Men's Clothes 'and vou will find the best of them emgnate from. the House of Hobberlin. They have the classy Hobberlin expression. Every carment is a perfect fit, well tailored and has geod linings. You select your ; cloth from large samples and the gpe- © mer is "hade to your own meastreE ment and order. Priess from $18 to $35. Agent for Kingston, mas Lambert, 157 Princess Street. | 10¢ i 4 Cakes for Cake Iceing and Making Fudge. ---- *» p-- E' "Phones 288. MEN'S HEAVY WEARING BOOTS \J CL) $5002 LAKE THOMPSON, Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance ~-- Agent for---- Union Assurance Soc'y & Liverpool-Manitoba Assurance Co'y. OVER NORTHERN 'OROWN BANK, 'MARKET S8QUARBS, = Box Calf and Tan Calf, leather lined, double sole, Goodyear welt. Just the Bootfor wet Fall weather. pair - a -------- { H. Jennings, - King St. | | | | | i Its as much You Ought To Get In Touch With The Sutherland Shoes your advantage as it is ours. 2 J munity was nobody's business in par- The society had become part of the also in an adjoining room The [Ontario Historical Society and had tables wer arranged with red and [ sent seven dejpgates to the convention white carnations. Fat Napanee. The guest were received at | The treasurer's report showed a bal- {entrance to the ball room by the lance of $35 in the treasury. Commandant, Col. J. H. V. Crowe, A vote-of thanks was passed to the and Mrs. J. B. Cochrane, who wore authorities of Queen's Universite for a handsome black lace robe, over the use of convocation hall for the yellow satin, and earfred red and public lectures. ~~ | white roses. Steps are being taken by the sociely | to secure the old Governor Simeoe; Arthur Cunningham, Major and Mrs louse, where the first parliament wae Vernon Eaton, Major and Mrs J. P| held in 17583, and, is possible, preserve Shine, Major and Mrs. Sedgewick, jit as & museum, also to mark the Capt. and Mrs. Philip points of historic interest about the Prof. and Mrs. W. LL. Grant, Rev. J | Bey and to publish pamphlets of gen- | 8. Moore Compton, Missed tlelen and | eral interest on the history amd de Madge Crowe, Misses Christine and velopment of this part of Canada, so [Sylvia Cochrane, Nor d famous in the United Empire Loyal | Misses Hilda and Doris Kent, Miss- ist days, ' es Mamie, Susie and Ruth Anglin | "The election of officers for the en | Misses Eva and Mabel Richardson | suing vear resulted as follows: Pa-| Miss Sibald Hamilton, Miss i | trons, W. F. Nickle, M.P., A. E. Ross, | Folger, Misses Dorothy and Marjorie { M.P.P., Mayor Hoag; president, Rev. | Canon _ 'Starr; vice-presidents, Rev. Lilian Kent, Miss Prof. George Ferguson and Miss Agnes | Miss Jean Duff, Miss ] Machar; secretary-treasurer, Proi. W.| Miss Florence Elliott, Misses I. Grant; - librarian, Miss Kathleen and Ruth Martin, Pl | Saunders; executive committee, the | Charlie Shortt, Misses Lilian Dean of Ontario, Col. 8. C. McGill, | Jessie Slater, Miss Helen. Uglow Col. Birchail Wood, Prof. RJ1 aird, | Miss Alda Nicolle, Miss Prof. J. L.. Morison, Prof. Lanos, J.|Minnes, Miss > M. Farrell, Mrs, J. B. Mowat, | Miss | Miss -Dora Oldrieve, Macaulay and Miss Ferguson. { Duff, Miss Lilian Arrangements have been made for Florrie = Stewart, Prof. Wrong, of Toronto; W. T. Har-| Hart, Miss Hazel Browne, rington, of Napanee; Principal Gor- | Moore, Miss Clare Robinson, don; Prof. Cappon and Proi. Skelton | Madeline Higgins, Mies to give the public lectures during the | Merrick, Miss Ada Petrie, winter, DEAN ELLIS SPOKE Teachers' i Mildred Jones Marjorie Pense Miss Marjorie Mundell, Miss Miss Katharine Miss Alice Migse Kathleen Ryan, Miss i Christine Loucks, Miss Gladys Bur ton, Miss Minnie Allan, "onvention in Saunders, Misses Edith and | Hague, Miss Marion Lesslie, Renfrew. | Davis, Messrs. C. T. Macklim, Dean Ellis, of the Queen's Faculty {ney MeCann, Douglas Angi, of Education, gave an illuminating | Minnes, Kenneth Mandell, address at the teachers' convention in! Macnee, Leonard Birkett, Renfrew. In speaking of Capadian | Henderson, Ellweod, Hall, conditions, he said : land and Calvin. "We owe to the United Empire Loy- | . alists municipal systems and early | AT THE GRAND, colonial government. Race rivalry a was considered a menace that was im- | possibly to overlook. Everyone is the individual which he or she is because of heredity and environment; old ideals are always deep-rooted." He placed himself firmly against the foreing of bi lingual schools in Ontario, and in speaking of them said : "I have every sympathy with the honest people who think in carrying on this propaganda that they are advancing the interests i Burns, Miss At the Prof Sid Arnott Walte Suther Alice Lloyd in "Little Miss Fixe lt" on Saturday. Alice Lloyd, famous for her char actcr dongs and the most popular of all the Fnglish singing comedicunes + who have been attracted to America {by the lure of further iame and for tune, will come to the Grand on Sat- urday, matioee and night, as a full- ! fledged musical comedy star in Werba of the country, but I take issue with! and Luescher's fine production of Liv the propaganda itself in that its ideals | ile Miss Fix-It. 3 wy Fix are those of the eighteenth centyry,! Reports of "Little Miss Fis-It its methods such as to hamper pro- credit it as beidg one of the most un- gressive national life." usual of comedy offerings: filled The statement that the municipal fright lines and delightiul in merry machinery had broken down. Prof. El. | songs. It would be : lis took issue WIth, attributing the daiaty Alice Lloyd to appear in any failure «lsewhere. "Nowadays," = he! work without domand for statad, "to run the affairs of the com- | that have helped her to lame, and the fascinating "Cupid," the' striking "Hobble 'romenade," "I'll Build { Bden for You," and the always de manded "Splash Me" and several oi i while to run a private busi ness was someone's business in par: ticular." As a result the community was powerless tor united 'effort against | h . strong private corporations. Therein hess of the piece. Another important lov the weakBoes, not in the munici- ' feature is the preseatation of "The .l machinery, but in the electors | Turkey. Troi" dance which has been who fail to do their duty and take | the most discussed dance of a genera proper interest in municipal affairs. Prof. Elis laid before his auditors what he considered was, the most in vidious evil. "The greatest problem," he reiterated, "is the curse of party- ism. Partizan issues are made su- preme while what we want is a broad, character role. earnest, sober discussion of all ques tions." "Men will even then differ." | he contioued. "but let them make up their minds individually." The eryin need of the country is for vate) men who will be honest to live up to their judgment. ticular, is now following in ite footsteps of popularity. Miss Lloyd js surrounded with the same organization so much praised last season over the country, including Lionel Walsh, in his unique "Trail of the Lonesome Pine." June, that most charming of book characters, created hy John Fox, Ji in bis delightiyl story, "The Trail of the Lonesome Pine,"" has been trans ethan nr en { ate production made of Fugene Wal Doing Well in Port Hope. {ter's dramatization. Miss Isabelle Port Hope Guide "Lowe essays the role off the wild W. Telfer, the new proprietor of the mountain girl, June, and she has ev Hotel Si. Lawrence, intends . making ¢ry advantage in her favor of portray- nuinerous improvements to the hota) ing the primitive girl of the hills, for and equip it -in the most up-to-date Jie herseli ix of the blood and bone manner. Mr.- Telfer is a thoroughly oi the southiand. The play will be experienced hogelman, and if the busi | presented at 'the Grand on Monday, ness of the past few days can be el November ith. with PAINTERS STILL OUT. Money----Bosses Muse A valuable horse and ite colt, own . McMichael, of $ timated that the journeymen have lost om S20 to each through the ir. Their strike pay was not jorth- bave had no nesis- igi hen The thie ; fn $5.00, 4.00, 3.50, 3.00 Tans, Kid and Gun Metals, in all styles, for street wear $6.00, 5.00, 4.00, 3.50 A pleasure to show you these styles the! The guests included Col. and Mrs. | Prideaux, | Miss Nora Macnee, Aileen | Miss, Gweneth | .! Nora and Helen Gordon, Miss Freds| Miss Molly | Hilda | Harry] with | impossible for | the song=| an | her- other songs add to the attractive | | tion, and "The Texas Tommy," w hich | ; | nigh, ferred to the stage'in a most elabor- | sod | H. Nichols, summoning at and general 5 armed | be followed by the steamer New is | ABERNETHY'S i a - - Children's t i i Iron Cots GHA i i : i i i L TE ( vi Brownfield, Miss Nan Paterson, Mis; Eva Misses Phylis and | and | Eleanor Mildred Wormwith, With the latest improved drop side i Soft Cotton! Mattresses to fit. rl BASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, | KBRLLARIC MATTRESSES, i AND SPIRAL SPRINGS. | REID'S QUALITY. REID'S LOW PRICES, JAMES REID'S {The Leading Undertaker. Phone 147 | Dr. Marte's Fomale Pill A Nineteen Years the Sta d. | Prescribed and recommended for we | men's aliments, a welentifically re. be -- i. » - Confectionery of the choicest sort. Every delicious variety, all the old time favorites, everything de Hehthilly pure and good. A BOX OF CANDY will make a pleasing gift man, woman or child. SAKELL'S Next to Opera House : Phone 640 to TOYE"S BREAD EE a th tt re Cr mn oO Is all that good bread should be. Do you use it? In "not, give it a trial ' mmr, A pr R. H. TOYE & CO. Sustambbas ------ -------- - om-- | pared remedy of proven worth, ne A from their use yulek ned IN MARNE CIRCLES COAL BARGE WAS THE RIDEAU SUNK RIVER. ----i i. Part of the Cargo of Coul Was Savea, and Crew Had no Trouble in Getting Off--Heavy Gale the Lake on Wednesdny--Move- ments of Vessels, | ox! | i | i on ! { | Word was regeived here from Washbur,, stating that loaded with coal, and tows steamer Capt. Hemmens, wa noar Washburn, on Wednesday, anh that only a purt-of the earge {was saved. The crew had no trouble in getting off The Hewmens loaded jeoal in Ningston. Just whet eaused | the accident could not be ascertained All day Wednesday a heavy gale ra {ged on the lake and reports | Oswego stated that the weather | very rough there As a vesult and barges were delayed oun trip: > MT y , this morn ny, barge Phy the | "unk il from wi Lugs thes Co.'s elevator Steamer Fair mount, front Fort Wilham, is dis charging 66,000 bushels of wheat steamer Clenmount is due to-morrow to discharge 70,000 bushels oi wheat The t Buena Vista { Richardson's elevator, and will | grain for Seeley's Bay and Morten Ibe steamer Iroquois, shich charged grain at Richardson's vator, cleared for Toronto Wednes, day night, and the steamer | | Amer is al load dis ele Rosedal cleared from that elevator,' on Thurs day. for Hamilton The - steamer Sowards schooner Major Ferry Uharlotte on Thursday The steamer Missisquoi "was in por: today from Cavanogue. on her regu lar trip. The stenmer Majestic pasced east or Thursday morning. The steamer Aletha was dow up the boy on Thursday The work of extending the govera ment breakwater at Cape Vmeent N.Y... an additional 220 fect, will be completed next week. The work is being done by the Inland Waterways, company. of Ashtabuls, 0." The a thount, of the contract was 827.000 The yacht Nokomis, owned by W. Howe Is k for over- i will and th cleared for land is in Davis dry land Wanderer, mia: "Beautifal large sponges." #1, at Gibson's. The Donaelly Wrecking company will seul a diver to Brockville on Friday Somes repairs aw being mande to soni of the wharves and bas services am fyour skin is yellow with dark ringe| clogged bowels can be KINGSTON PAPER BOX COMPANY { (British Whig Publishing Co., Limited, Propristors) 'B Manufacturers of all kinds of Stiff, Folding and Fancy Paper Boxes, for Milliners, Clothiers, Hatters, Furriers, Confectioner Bakers, Druggists, Florists, Grocers, [iy (Goods, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Hard ware, Stationers, Ete. Stock and Fancy "Boxes of every description made to order Estimates Furnished. Office and Factory: King Street West | "PHONE S85 AND A REPRESENTATIVE WILL (ALL, | 1 il o lors i -- so England's First Public Library. Sixty years Manchester public institution of its kind in England. | workman to The library movement in, the pro- | dent, know gressive Midland city owed ite incep | no distinetion tion to Sir Joka Potter, and f reant and ths was the support that forth, ladies free libraries acts were adopted | building «hail 3902 votes to WW. Thackeray { Manchester Sel ns and | Lytton wer The. institution present at the opening, sll wade | 20,000 speeches. Dickens', perhaps, the | trol of the great happiest. He spoke humorously of Fdward Fdwar is past perplexity regarding the | # 'Manchester School," and declar od that at dast he knew the meaniog ¥ the phrase "1 have solved this difficult by! Senator Care Bell, Piolo finding hove today," be saul, "that died, suddenly, at the Royal the Manchester School is a great free hospital, Montreal. SICK HEADACHE? TONGUE COATED? 'ITS YOUR LIVER! CASGARETS SURE sohaol bent on a the poorest h free school, juvitin t x opened th arth the - first Bro was Library, : vine In ant ing no wothing but publ 1d vepreven such the by Dick those | received among and of olumes wos et te "McConkey n Gibson' ol | Cnt at You're bilious' You have a throb to harsh physics that hrritate and bing sensation in your head, a badinjure. Hemumber your sour taste in your mouth your eyes hurt disor; igred stomach, lazy tier 'and rie kiy edn # sing with Cagcareis; a 19 heat clear and bully sirw That under your eyes, your lips are pareh-jed and regulated by ed. No wopder you feel ugly, mean! gentle, thorough and ill-tempered Your system isicent box will keep your full of bile and constipated waste [and make you feel cheer! not properiy passed off. and what|for months. Get Cascareis you need is a cleaning up Inside | wake up refreshed feel Hie dolup Don't continue being a billows, con {a good day's work --make yoursel' stipated nuisance to yourself atc|pleasant and useful, Clean ap! those who love you. and don't resort! Cheer up! CANDY CATHARTIC DR)

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