Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1912, p. 8

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. PAGE FIGHT, TR -------------- SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT tf A LINE OF LADIES' ENGLISH MADE COATS Which arrived too late .for the Se a : American trade, Will be placed on sale Specially priced. Come atonce and make selec- tion. These Coats-will not be sent on approval. LIVINGSTON'S BRQCK STREET UnderwearforEvery- one in the Family The Celebrated Pen Angle Undergarments For Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls. Vests, Drawers, Combinations We guarantee covery Penman's. Garment to be exactly as represented or money refunded. Ladies' Vests and Drawers White and Grey, Correct Sizes and Weights, 20¢, 3c, 40¢, 0c. Ladies Fine Wool Vests and Drawers Toe, $1, 1.25. Tr § oe Men's Wool Under- Sizes 34 to 46 inches, Poe, 75¢, 90c, $1, 1.25, 1.50 Combinations for Men, Women | and Children Infants' White Wool Underwear, in All Wool, : Sitk and Wool and Union. - 20¢, 33c. 40c, He, G0¢, 7 We sell the Pure Natural Wool Flaamel free from Spe and dressing, at oe, $0 in : {years, OR. SPANK RETRES INSPECTOR dol FRONTENAC, sOHOOL SOUTH » Government' Hefuses to Be-Appointment--What the 1re--The Docio Inspector. Heasons splendid William Spankie, Wolla land, will, on December Ist that his to the De becomes the ot on October sat factory | partment of Edutatiof, it { duts of the County Counmil to replace him. 'Ti what has Dr, Spankie, # ssion, the Fr append in 1 al Hy IAC coun Appomtment applicants =. Truscott, Iroquois high school; esham and a gradi cen"s Univers sit rement of Dr great surprise, for he is one of t counly inspectors in the pre No one in the government edu eational inspectorate ervice know better the needs of the public schools It is said that other inspectors jected in recent years to Dr practising his profession, besides uc mg as Frontenac inspector. Again' i is hinted that the conservative go ernment is getting "back" at the doe tor for his independent political views Although be is a tor he has eriti eised the provincial educational sy tem at various times: Whatéver the cause of the doctor's retirement, th | prov ince loses from active service ond of its hest inspectors, and the peop! of the county will exceedingly regret that this will be his last year to visit the school that have know him for so many vears he present inspector's salary is HOO a r, with travelling expense A new inspector would start at ¥I, Ch ail will Ons of the principal of th sof Syd Spankie conf Spank houses <<) ELEL -- AT QUEEN'S. The Gfficers of the Society and Other The following are the tions for the orary president, Prof president," W. Dalziel; dent, H. I. Dunlop; dent, A. I. MacCrae; secretdry, J, Cameron; assistant secretary Db. G Browne: treasurer. J, mittee, +. W, Macleod I} stall, 14: KR. L. Dunsmore, "15; Wright, "16. Vigilance committee: A. AK. Anderson; Mackenzie; senior TI NM Melrose; clerk, W. FF. Noonan : erier,* lV. ££. Hughson; sheriff, W Greenland; chief of polive, J. P. Ha 'vey; constables, W. Fairlie, "13: W Lamb, : r. Pearce, "14: A } MeVittie,. "1; Ss. Shiels, "13; €. B Ferris, "15; Robb "16: E. €. Keele '16 y Athletic association sident, + Wateolo: Yemmet §; vie . secrete fre . commut ter, sR 3:°N H. Spring 1 geolpgy disappointed by the. rain on day, though P'rof. Hyde i twenty students had assembled at bridge Walter Spring, Science 15, i ing Munitoba college \ o Findlwyson, B.A, jfrom the west to resume his stadie {in theology. 4. W. North, B.A., is 0 | ete] to ur 3 Stuart Flowing left for Owen ion Friday ' Engineering Bodies. results of ele William © Nicot first vice presi second vice presi com Hepe: Lo As Senior judge junior judge, R. W prosecuting Honorar: pes recat, n . Mellguba Stepher n= Sheer! were and tend has returned Miss Keator Ker me enibie rest. Misg Fula Neator, the Prudential Insurance company, was | presented by the loos. stafi with a | hands, se leather suit-case on the oc 1 Susion of her departire for New York. Boater, who has-been in the Tiocal offer of the company for mevers! has resigned her [eept unother in the { polis She leaves Kingston with sin. | vere regrets of nun frends, and with warmest well-wiches for future success. district cashier of American metro- Peturned to dlendow oF. i Hendower, Oct. 28. Samuel Wunter {is erseting a building ut the feldspa mines. James Colter und Charles Fitegerald passed through here buy- ing calves, There is a large gang of nen working at the feidepar mibes and work is progressing. George Timover- man, 'whol has been working at Aron Hopin's; gs timekeeper, has" returned to the pines here. . Queen's Lost at Hamilton. Queen's senior rugby team i tan exhibition game at Healy], Mo ainst the Tigers, the lat- ter wi iz 'Bu seore of 16.10 8 "s were erippled somewhat ftom game the team can do- Ratify , also by Lngineering Socigty: hon | attornes posit position to acs, bush, ALY BRITISH WH, TOOK WRONG BOTTLE, TAKING WRONG MEDICINE WOMAN SUDDENLY EXPIRES for Whiskey, She Swal y a Geter Hurses. . in Mistake lowed Concotion Left nary Surgeon for St. Louis, Oct. A horse medicine, which she. mist whiskey, caused the death 'of Mus Louis Achelpobl, wife of a farmer ol Orchard Farm, St. Charles county. About a year ago 'an dighteen months-old child of Mis. Achelpohi fied within bali an hour after it had been given a dose of medicine by a physician. Investigation revealed mistake had beens made in the amount of drug aumninistered to the child. Mrs, Achelpohl, who was threatened with a chill, took a dose of nuinine just before bedtime, and followed i with what she thought was a glas of whiskey. Her husband, who hac retired, remembered a votdrinariar had left the horse medicine in a whis key bottle, 'abd asked his wife if sh was sure she kad the right bottle Mrs. Acheliphol assured him ther. could be po mistake, but Achelpoh was not satished. He ipvestigated and found his wife had taken the horse medicine. After telephoning for a physician antiflotes werp used by Achelpohl but they were not iffective.' The: wo man died within ten minutes afta taking the draught. She is sarviver ope child, a son, twelve years so alloy ot wok for old STOCK MARKETS. E. R. McCurdy Co., Clarence Cham. bers--H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, Oct, 20th Montreal. Canpers Cement, pid Car Montreal Richelicy Rails Noo ~N( Power Power Fuckets . ' New York. Lopper Smelters C.P.R General Reading { nion Steel Irie Cotton May Dec J Electric ALLURING VOICE IS STILL. War Vocalist Dies hh Poverty. Chicay Oct. 29 Lumbard singec of the civi man whose Voie Battle Cry of Free dom," and lured 20,000 men to an swer the war Abraham Lin colon, has closed his long life of fame JLumbard was eighty-four years old poverty stricken, and diserted save fo the sonore of an Mrs rege Lumbard, tle rooms the cofiple have at No. 102 West Sixty-eight He died of old age Famecus: (Wil Jules the golden-voiced , is dead. The ized "The call of aged sister-in-law, in the three lit called home street FAVORS WILSON Next President of the Unit ed States. i New York, Oct. 29.--Acgording 1 the New York Telegraph, betting ox the presidential eituation in Wali street is still very hight, with an over whelming sentiment in favor of Wil Leon. The odds still remain: Wilson i to I; Taft, 1 to 4, and Rooscvelt I to 5. « A bet of $1,600 to 3400 that Wilsor 'ould be elected found no takers yes terday, and it of even mon av on Taft or winning the popular vote. BETTING As the 18 1 case Roosevelt FALSE TEETH PART COUPLE. Who Wife priated His Set, Ohio, Uet.. HL---Judgs Miller, seven from his wile Husband, Says Appro- Cmetanatl, Warner pranted William tv vesrs old, a divorcee Caroline, -agdl seventy-two, after hea ing some wmusual evidence Mille charged his wife with taking his false tveth and converting them to her own use. The couple bad been married even ywars. er a ---- DEATH IN BOYISH PRANK, Rifle and "Wild West" Fatal Combination. Chester, Pa, Oot. 29.--Isaae, four var-old som of r<. Lottie Woodiort ied at the Chester hospital as the re sult of being shot in the head by Har vey Wilson, seven years old, who, it i= alleged, po sinted a Flobert rifle at his companion while playing "Wild West,' Flobert : Toronto Street Market. Toronto, Oct. 29 --Wheat, new S96c. to $1.00; wheat, gooss bush, S0e. to 92¢.; oats, per bush $7¢. to 19c.; barley, bush., Gc. tc 13¢c.; rye, bush., 76c. to T3e¢.;: hay ton, $18 to £20; hay, mixed, $15 tr $16; straw, per ton, $16 to $17 dressed hogs, $12 to $12.25; butter dairy, 36¢. to 33¢,; eggs, Tres, dos 32¢. to 35c.; egms, new-lald, 37c. & 40¢.; chickens, Ib., 17¢. to 20e. ducks, 1b, 17c. to 200; geese, Ih. 14e. 'to 16c.; turkeys, Ib, 25e te 30c.; potatoes, bag, $1 to $1.18; ap ples, bbl, $1.50 to $2.50; celery z., 30e. to 35e.; cabbage, doz, Joc to 40¢.; beef, forequarters, $7.30 tc $8.50; beef, hindquarters, cowl, $11.56 to $12.54; beef, choice sides owt, $10 to $10.75: beef, medinm, ewe, $8 to $9; beef, common, ewtl $6.50 to $7.50; mutton, light, cwt., $7 to $9; veals, common, cwt.. 38 tc $10; veals, prime, ewt., $11 to $13; spring lambs, $10.59 to $13. Varsity and the a representation of TUESDAY, OCTORER 29, 10:12, WHEREABOUTS OF ARMY UNKNOWN. lulgarian Army Still Advagcing--It Looks as if the Turks Would be Driven Out of Europe Altogether. Victorious London, Oct. 2 An question at present m the whereabouts of the Turkis of which nothing definite is k The news that Eski-Baba has been taken by the Bulgarian cavair parently without resistance, that Nazim Pasha's arm where it was supposed to have } --ont the line botween Kulell Burgas: to Kule Burgas. It may be further west in the direction of Demotica but it is generally supposed that it has retired from the line of the rail way and entrenched itself on ths ong line from Memotica to Tchorlu Constantinople despatches cen- tinue to speak of the readiness of the Turkish army to take the offe: » in any case, a few days omething decisive The victorious Bulgarian army is till advancing. It has occupied Bu- iarhissar and is marching towards fuleli Burgas. It is reported that he Bulgarians bave blown up a ridge over the Tchorlu river, sow ng that the turning movement is aking rapid progress, Unless the Turks are able to take he offensive vigorously, the present ndication is that they wiil be driv: sn out of Europe altogether. must see Ausiria Will Consent. London, Ot hat Austria is weaken wht ng under pres- ure being bro of het great rowers, amd will consent to the de mand of the Balkan states for a slice f European Turkey, providing these states are reasonable in their . require nents. This is taken as an optimistic ign by diplomats who feared Aus trin's attitude should the Balkans win he war Alles Will Win. France, Uct. ®. "Thre big Furks and Bulgarians jane, and Turks and within Paris, attles between to-day he next hours. Military experts ere or it practically certain hat the allied troops will win all of them, not only because of the consist nt and conclusive ps, so far, but ree are expected h because thy ops are practically cornered various position There is ay doubt that after these Turkish troops will be id retreat in disorder towards tinople with the victoriou at taey ts the Armies sharp G RAND or ERA HOU A Play Was "Dunty the Strings." 3 Appreciative woduction of the Scotch comedy "Bunty Pulls The Strings, at the Grand on Monday afternoon, and even ug. This production has attained remendous success in the old country wd in Qmenca, and for the reason bat it is a comedy based upon the Seottish people in the six ws when it was regarded as an awful bing to whistle on the Sabbath day it was seen herve lost spring, and wad a great' hit. This Lime there "wer banges in the company, dachaughion taking the 'Bupty in a charuung mapper member of the caste was splendid. Monday's He oi the Made a Big Hit. Rupert Hughes' 'Fxcuse Me," delighted audicnges at the Grand Saturday. the various parts were in 5 as on its previous appearance oig hit, with the play 1s on be n great two large made a train going fron given in three so tions, and there I¥ a laugh ever two sr ond . Chicago to Reno, "The Merry Widow," In "The Merry Widow," which ry W. Syvage sends to the Grand on Thursday, Oct. 31st, Pringe Dunile will. be vlayed by Charles Meakins He also was in the part when "The Merry Widow was last played her Hy hat played opposite Miss Wilber ever since both went info the Lehar opera F. J. McCarthy, ar original of originals, will also 1x present, and Oscar Figinan is agai Bafon Popoll. Then again Mr. Sav- age will offer "The Merry Widow' or hestra This organization is pe of the best t Savage grand /opera comple organization in and play the entire score without a writ ten note wiired Moulton is the oor Hen Lom soloists of the orchestras, itself 1s a ittle Miss Fix-It." Alice Lloyd, whose ng comelenne bas made her name almost a household word on both sides of the Atlantic as well as the only box office rival of Harry Laudes among the many importations from fame as a sing Satur kired great British appearance at the Grand, next day, matinee and night in the of role ih which she made dur est swepess in London and the pre wVinces For "Little Miss Fix-It," a mercy comedy 'with music, Werbs and Lues cher scom to have provided a pro duction that rivals their famous pre sentations of "The Spring Maid" and "The Rose Maid," Miss Llovd is the charming sian James Thompson, EX x-sHerif ef Lanark, died at Perth at the age of 100 years. Years of Suffering THE TURKS DISAPPEAR SULTANS 20. --1t is believed here | success of the Bal-| Pulls '3 sudicnces enjoyed the Mise Déwsey | role of | . Every | travel farce, | able hands, and | audience, The entire! Mabe: | I i Il this nH ThesCoat for service year spells "Comfort every particular, To begin with it is made of heavy. soft, reversible |} Cheviots, It is. warm and comfortable, without being burdensome in weight, while its general usefulness "and extremely smart styles have helped us to a large Coat business this year. New Coats $10 to $25 | Even if not ready to buy youmay select any Coat or Suit and have it res dy when wanted. AA, Give Ear to Your Underwear Needs This is your Underwear store; and our Winter Underwear Department is ready to meet a woman's every Under wear need. It is ready with what we believe to be the largest collection of good Underclothing in Kingston. Women's Natural Wool Vests and Drawers Women's White Unshrinkable Vests and Drawers. Women's Combination Suits in both White and Natural Wool Girls' Comfortable Underwear. Children's Underwear of all weights Children's Sleeping Suits, A combination Suit with feet at- tached. These are the right weight and improved in make. All sizes now ready. For Boys, For Men, The right makes of Underwear in Winter and Fall Weight. All sizes now ready and at prices that mean a saving to yon the London musio halls, will make hes . A Desperate Case of Catawh in the | Head. : ! $4.00 Boot TAN BOOTS FOR MEN Heavy Double Soles, Wate rproof Uppers, Viscol Soles, £4.00 a pair. " "We also have the finest range of] Black Boots at $4.00 we have éver shown. Glad to show them The . Lockett Shoe Store

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