TER DATLY BRITISH WRIG. ° SATURDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1012 THRIFT | ocino KE | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM ji O-NIGHT Happenings in the City and Vieiniy | MEMRY H. SAVAGE OFFERS V " EE . ---- ------------ ---------- = | Deliberate saving, even at the cost oY self-denial, i [What the Merchants Offer 1o| Bepert Hughes' Great Travel Farce 'swe n , | 3 ' FOR SALE: i | means ultimate prosperity Saving im these good 1imes is easy, and the time to save is in the fat days. the Readers of the Whig. Excuse Fe Be FE "After dinner mints Gibson 5. AND wate FOX ren. ENGLISH RAINCOATS, -- GO TO rier ¥, aboul J months. od, Frank Cooke, 39% Clarents Stresi Prudence which means "long-headedness," suggests that : your groceries at Pickering's. ! " you should open now a Savings Account with A © 3 2nd. Finder Pal and Mrs. Lasher left for Belle Hillis Sweatman jan Entire Sestiann} i Ki tarn to 181 University TWENTY HEAD YEAR {ville 10 spend "Thanksgiving with 'his! Lan : } reward ha } = i ¥ or 'telephone 2000 Miles of Hida ias Laughter. : - a Wolte Istand . . {parents. i 4 Pri a $1, 01.50, i } ms . i {| «Buy "Fruitatives" at Sargent' S| Semin now o a ho ni RA INE ENGINE, jdrug store, MARINE GASOL i i HELP WANTED. hp Il be sold cheap to PA i Hair ribbon on sale, all colors, wide. Thanksgiving Day! |eeveRaL 1vse nave. --- J Bo. wii be soid heap roan. i i » 3 ; HE Datton's. Boon, Agent, "imate imi ; | } BD MAN. APPLY N- . =. , 5 ---- ee ---------- ; H. Windley and his mother; Ded-| Matinee at Spam. Eveniug at 815 | * TARD MAN. | Fire, Lite, Accident A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK ford Mills, are mov | Messrs. Shubert & Wm. A. Brady Pre- -- icles Sideboards, the best we have ever ASSETS ... ' a jor 3 moving to Kingston went j Bad at a reasonable price, at {for the winter. {| COMPETENT sr OGRAFHER. AF. UATEMAN & GARDINER.--FIRR. Turk's. 'Phone 708. J "Miter Dinner Mints. Gibson's } ply to N.C. Poisan Co, | Life, Adcident, ARN and Cus- : i a Umiderwear for men, women and i | toms Broker. Real Estates Gnd}... opps: ATTENTION. -- PERST un oN neo ERS AMD HBLFER 3 Money to Loan: a share > your class military rifles cheap: & snore} ESTABLISHED 1855. children, Good value, low prices pply, Kingston Shipbuilding « business solicited. 67 arence Breat chaabe for deer . PERIATA » ation ». | the Strin gs mrp Street. Kingston. 'Phone A. Circle, 39 Princess Street. . Oswego, N. Y.. is anxious to secure] A GOOD COOK: NO OTHER NEED PORT he Aibian FRONTENAC iy the locati f the b > N i * : ae OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PRO: Cation of the branch of the N Al the Favorites of Last 188 ment Society; estabiianed | 1863 Tig oie home. Twenty nets CESS 8ST. {C. Polson. Company of Kingston. Company of Players will he seen. » resident; Lt.-Col, Hen®y R. Smith. : TON B --~107 P. . . * . 50, Th, $1.00, \ sonER MAN TO ACT .. Rn president: 12.C of jand; all kinds of fruity aise KINGS RAN : " i Mat ~35 50, 75, $1 : x money issued on city and farm 196 acres of land in New ORtario, Special for Thanksgiving.' High » --5, £30, 2 LV. a, TH, 3 * yi 'BHAL properties, municipal and oouniry Inquire of Dwr. lake, Battersea, GEORGE B. McEAY, . Manager. From Situste from Gibson's Red ross Senin nb on Se DonIuTen: Mori ages Tug ore i Wo deposits received and ten est a Heinz's goods at Pickering's. twg laborers at 179 Fine Stree | Clarence Street. WPRCIAALY VALUABLE i ihe Prescott people want I Fort | goo wiges of 216 over 100 years old Wellingte i te ad rt i teens - -- cellent condivian: lovers of gton dismounted and ° the LIVERFOOL, LONDON, AND GLOBF ROWld Be "his Inve rument: Lenssen, GOOD CARPENTERS AND lowed. 8 ©. McGill, Manager, 87 LADY BOOKKEEPER; ONE HAT Fire Insurance Company. Available © [ground prepared as a public park. 3 1 ¢ 2 8 " i . " + * 48 had experienge. Apply to thei snap If taken af once Guaranteed CGripp Cure Tablets," | § a ben sre. { rn Js. 1 oe titiun fv 70 Princess Street ' i i security the unlimited lability of fithson's. COMING | Miss Henrietta Phillips and Mrs. J. . [PROBATION NURSES, TWO YEARS | eity operty Jngus oS duis! BluHE noRaR noo ye, -- : x "w - > pS Ave a i rates pre n (di ot cur ¥ . - Truscott, Harrowsmith, Omt., are| ur. Saviime Offers » Yow wud Lavish Course. Bhutes Aloins Hesprai DT Eiving now business set mares brick house, Prof. Doraawend {in the city renewing old aequaint | Production of the World's Mont | from Strange & Strange Agents « provements; of Toronto will bs at i ; } Fama HE GENERAL TO ASSIST wir] Phone 335 Mh A i Swai i NS work. no washing. geod wages | ar » Hote! Randolph 0 Willism Swaine, piano tuner. Orders APDIY at 78 Division Street. | RUSINESS (CHANCES. FARM OF 50 ACRES, Five LES recived at McAulev's. Phone 564. -- Tues, October 29th Friday was an very quiet day" with 3 Sh fram Sine young. hin : with a large and" varied the police, no arrests being made, and A Goon, DEADY SECOVD BAKER . Jiieing Mare Patch | stock of the newest Par- jas a result there was no session of the Apply at Leughers Bakers, cor) ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START don't \mean business. For » : Pris ess and Barrie Btreeis a mall order buziness at home: no culars, apply to George HAffner juin, London and' New x York Creatine in Haw paliee court: Saturday morning. MANS TREAR canvassing; be your own Doss 14 Durham Street Goota Ladies" up-to-date dressmaking. By F " ; ' Rand for free hooklet: tells how. - ---------- ei------ Ladies with thin hair | Terms moderate, Miss A. Keyes, 221] In the Campuny gf , there Are many | A PEW SMART GIRLS; STEADY Heacock, 2.969 1.ockport, NW A FEW CHOICE MILCH COWS will be \ntevested lnc < : | Reine #8 slreet, Mabel W hs = aul ia One Juri, good yaa Pir Hoh pit pire-hred Ayrshives and ond improved Transforma- i y 5 in * ad on aniery 0, Ltd, ¥ ret grad Holsteins a A tion, The new dese» i ie x "va C rawford, Madoe, isi prgmen, Arthur Wooley, F. 4. Me. West ARCHITROTS. Brads Dioistsins And pried in Curls are vary dainty pens ng 3 hanksgiving holidays the | ¢ arthy. Miunte " Olton, bien ba a EE a to a ws pe digree from prize. winning and attristive. We in- guest of Mrs. Thomas Watson, 242) Cxethin Pernt, Walter €. Hinou. | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, prc k; vour chelce of twenty vite your inspection of Bar] street, ey famots, Baxim Chorma amd | 4 COMPETENT MAID FoR Guy. | BEN EB a co ari TTC i.' ixaac Holder, Hox §4 these woods, en Nanelette irht drcases] "Merry Widow" 'Orehentra. rai housework. Apply, Wm the Batterse a, Ont. : mens anelettc night dresses Prices, 30¢ to . ®vening, Mrs. Chas A. Lew, 169 WM. NEWLANDS & SON, AROHI- from Oe, Putton's. Senin on Sule . Union West . I , > ME oe . -- - tects, ete. Otfices, 368 Bagot SL [$2,150 FOR CEMENT MOCK, BIGHT the only store in Ningston that | - i 'Phone 608 rooms; for gulek an supply th s ol a $1000 -- FRAME Fr wim jun Supply. Jou wi h theth) high elass is A COMPETENT WOMAN AS COOK "stghle and latge dot. o swoots. Gibson's Red Cross 'Brag WE GUARANTEE and to take care. of first floor: < SLMWO---BRICK HOUSE, NEW: ALL enwend's Sani Stove. Met ; - d : | POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. 5, ; Pari | Store. onkey's and Huyler's aud That every. Tin of references required. Apply, ever chants Bank Bulldl corner improvements: large lot. good Patast I TH 1 Fry's are sold there, "Crossed Fish" Sardin . ings, after 8, at 168 King Stree Brock and Wellington reets, $1, 600--TWO DWELLINGS BOAT. upees, English Mince Meat at Pickering's. or le i BR rr aes > drop 8 card Tron: A A a on dy 4 FOI MEN WI ARE BALD, are so con- ; t fish, earefully gmmer votiage. | Mam fur trueted that only the wearer will now Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fitzgerald, King x shure viive BAN INTELLIGENT VERSON WAY ' BATEMAN & Garniyin REAL : H i " rect, left to-d ' f #t grade obtdin. earn $100 monthly correspondin, ' . that it is not their own hair, They give the ee ef day for Toronto to 5 He. al for RA a; "ne Canvassing | MFDIOAL. Estate €7 Clarence Hireet, Kings. | | {nt protection neeeksary to physical hoalth Pe nd Thanksgiving vith Mr, and Fa alsa arani that al) Bend tor Particuias Press Hy LY 1 a t a - ---- | i | ! i = 4 b ives ) : ---------- . Addins thems huts 8% readily yous sw fra. John Fitzgerald. wtranned ink sardines cate, 3,960 Tackpore. » NY, 4 cL ARENCE A, HOWARD, M.D style, shade or shape, H. Cunningham, piang tuner, 21 are packed in our own factories ! - Physician "and Surgeon, The only Sanitary and Patented Toupees man King street. leave orders at Me tn Patent tn Oldorle RS mannliary CLERK FOR 2 ROCERY, GOOD | Ktreet, Napange, Ont. 'Ph T0 LET { e . nre re br 3 ano J at | h 0 » -- ulactured. (Do not fall tocall and see them) J | Avley's book store. ahd Sean jiiness are rigidly en- oo. os bv xperitiice | I a - orees tinder expert Supery ison and » 1 5 ad DORENWEND €0., oF TORONTO, im. | Staisieniotanpil- hai ws oe in all stages of manufacture, Whig oe sXperiea to 8 : | om. FREDERICK A. CAYS, SPECIAL. | HE ATED, OFFICES INS TRLEGRAPR (The H f Qual Goods, » h 2 Building. Apply, C. 8. Kirkpairie 302305 Yonge ay Toronto lad was accused of assaulting suother, Stavanger Preserving Co. i 4 . Ww 1 on Shunt A a! Arence Bereet, " fut the tase was chine or oT. quoter Originators and Flas lutroduc. 1 WILL START YOU BARNING $4] Wellington & Street, corner Johnson. 42 Clarence | " ers of Norwegian Sardines. daily at home in spare time, silvers day. 2 to 4, 'snd by appolntr ent Sa Tbe - ing mirrors. no capital; fr ne | ¥. ; le sateen blouses, 7c, sateen un hve Booklet. EIVIDE Pras goed "Phone $14 STORAGE FOR FURNITY bw MER. we ws mis - chandise, sic; clean and dry CO py . 5 ¥ ski px # derskirts, 0c; doth skirts, extra val te int operation G. F. Redmond, Dept. Can ZB RK Streel ann, é roc reesl. -- $1.39, Duttan's. 335, Boston, Mass | a th 18 "Gib NOTICE. 0, anon Yas WANTED--GENERAL. torre i ; Kubberset jooth rushes, sib NO REASON FOR DOUBT | ®on's, Any person wanting to sell Rail-| Two vous MEN AS SALESMEN LARGE FURNIMER i Mads | Walter Geddes, Lanark, is back| Way Ties, Cedar Posts or Telegraph oN iotrun] Runt Beutel goud venionces: near A Statement of Facts Backed by all Kingston to have the X-rays turn-| Poles at any point on the new line experience necessary ADPIY to] A SMALL FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR Well Inton Street Every lady welcome to call. Be fed on his leg, which was broken re-| of the C.P.R, 'write for prices ana dos. N Robinson wandolph | a city property. McCann's Real measured und fitted for a Spirells Strong Guarantee, {eently, to see if a new difficulty gan| specifications to the undersigned. Hotel before Monday evening i Estate Agency, 83 Brock Street. Corset that .Bults ber figure. Busi Fi > ote. vali a a oe | ------------------------ extenders, Dust Continers Hrasslors We guatanies complete relief to all ie oy moved, Ni Brus »" : aR NEWTON, RAILWAY MAIL CLs, cry | for all figures. See advs In "Vogue | sulierers from constipation. In every | "Hubberset ail Brushes, iib- Dead Creek, Ont. Mail Carriers, Wanted By Can: | FURNISHED DWELLING, 8 OR 9 and Drews." 'Ladies' Home Journai, case where we fail we will supply the | son's. adian Government, many appoini- | rooms; alsg a smaller one. Me. ! ments coming; exeellent pay; fu Cann, Real Estate Agency, 82 "Pletoral,' : "Heview, The Des rg ov "lg Hueator, "I'he: Signer." medicine free, Lireat variety high class songs "at details free. Franklin . Institute Brock' Street THREE LARGE AND ONE SWALL Tost Services sand < Satisfaction Rexall Orderlies are a guntlp, effec ! Duiton 8 music store. Dept. 61: T., Rochester, N.Y. comfortably ' furnished sooma 5 . Mrs. Jones and d GT mb-------- ct mc si tf oo. | small room will furnish as sitting ey tive, dependable and safe bowel reguly- | a aughter, Gladys, - | room If desired: near coiiege. Ap: Ggarantegd, HES PR -- } . . te tory siren In ner and tonic. They Re 1 Bagot street, returned on Wednes- HERE ) oy PPORTUNITY TO A YOUNG LADY PIANIST WILL AC. \ i ; M. FEF. D tt [estab sh mhuce's fusctions in a quiet, [des from' their trip to Ottawa ana| SPARKS & SPARKS, Denis, matter hero you Hives ao. canvas] Thimes ements or partie A I YOu | « . mes, Apply 0x 2 unnec easy way. They *do not ¢ause yoy in- | Smith's Falls, where they were visit-| 159 Wont oo helr aa isticen, ing; guarantee free bookie: w will | Whig office d ; cong nis s~ S HAL be KING STRERT.- > i » 1 fr ree er roc show you how togers - ------------------------------ right, airy 3 CORBETIERE, i or matey 1 Bey ing Jriends. dives at Plekering's. | over r Carnoveky' 4 Dept. G.R,, Boston, Mass able for den Pp » 2 a 0 ~ . I é ar other « res E {NICE 1 1 Wellington St. Phone 8 easily that they may be taken by Ihe largest stock of strictly high eT LARS Yo DO PLAIN AND LIGHT | machinery: will Be Teood peive Toe , Apply, J. P. For. r anyone at any time. 'they thorough-|class sweets in' Iingston are shown at sewing at home, whole or spare same. Bri Wis Publishing nt ly tone up the whosle system to heal- [Gibson s Red Uross Drug Store. Free Demir stration me; ved Be york [Sent Sen | . Company, thy activity. Sweaters for men and vw omen from stamp for full particulars, Na- | Resall Orderlies are unsurpassable |%5c., children's from 0c. Dutton's, 204 tional Manufacturing Co, Mont. €V STOMERS WANTING CARTERS 4 ' Tl Je N «Hl receive prompt attention by * A eh and ideal for the use of children, old | Princess street. real. 3 telephoning 1 Carters' Stand | ¥ 3 Ass FARM OF 100 AC x foot of Joh 1 Stree ' files from Kingston folks and delicate persons. We canaot Frederick K. Burnham, one of the 0 WRERRY FOR FEW HOURS . "ae too highly recommend jithem to all {best known of summer residents of 4 d work. -taling arders tor ate | ™ - meer | akhart aaiarence Birat sufferers from any form of comstipa- the Thousand stands, has re-married groceries; Redpath"s granula ei | gm . 'Pe on REPAIRING OF EVERY DE. oe OSTEOPATHY. tion and ils attendant evils, Two {again after being divorced but Htfls b i Sugar dye Jun =. ery whos > scription; first class work; sizes, 1c. and 25e. Remember, you over a year from his first wife. outfit free. The Consumers As. leat €r only : one trial will)... -------------- can obtain Rexall Remedies in this 'After Dinner Mints." Gibson s, : sociation, Windsor _Onj uf ties. 208" Berle Bergot, cor. pe HEALTH WITHOUT DRU community only al our store---The Fresh horehound candy. Sargent's oO S--------y net p--a--. Clergy We Ashcroft, 100; 136 Weillngian DAY SALARY AND UP--ALSE Offien hours: 10 to Ta nd Spirella Parlors p Store : 3 0d, ir store. Rexall Store. GG. W. Mahood drug store, TWO PERSON enmmission, tor local representai-| by wl .ointment, Fina, eroft, DO Hou: 3 ¢ * The Thankegiving rates on the rail tives (either sex); sure . matey | | 4 : ; . ' LISTINGS OF EDMONTON PRO. "e FRON ENA Whe comibg into Kingston have +. AT mer AF en pi PARLY: your co Nanton ao Fttica y Bhone, "7 Rontdonm. a 4 4 brought to the city & great wnny \ » Lie nty eRe Nichols. tad Pub. lL Seo h 191 at n . l C rou w |" J. GH.BERTS nis eqpin ienshy, pl! a Ving Weta J | i visitors, as well as purchasers. i ! city was quite busy on Saturiiny. ALL THIS WEEK. i} ! ave 75 p.c.J hem A es maven ven mo 3 ii ae eebin Ant i nRes or mis | " . . 3 ¥ . Conkey's and Huyler high * elas : must be active, ambitious | TAKE NOTICE, THAT | WILL BOY], "1 COALS! = wy PAY Lawnets, at Gibson's Red Cross Prug Kngsten and Pembroke Railway -- all kinds of sec ond-hand furniture such high coal bi when yom an 3% - . y "tie; gplen®id dppertunit 3 a On vour Light Bills Store | experience net fecessary: | Rrices; sec ine Barore! Snyor Fhat a as for cookin Drop card » ° . Nie A : . . for particulars. El Uree Thompson, 33% ' avid Marshall, 101 sen , Mrs. Bather Laidley and her Company, London; Ont p 33 Princess' §treet, Breet for prices on Pi 1 TON'S purchasing : duughter, Mrs. Henry Jones, Odessa, i : ; i-------- --} hext St. Andrew's Church. tion. " ol purpose removing te Kingston short: NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, THAT srART A HoME BUSINESS THAT . ly. fhe Odessa Methodist Sunday] an application will be made on bohm | will bring. you $106. monthly. J GENTLEMEN TO BRIN TRY, CHARLES ANDRE'S CRMENT Guaranteed sehoot nted M faldl vit { y of the Kingston and Pembroke Rati | made. 35.500 Tirst veur with same | Cloth and have It made e EIR Mixer for your coment walks und im bt: presented Mrs. loley With way Company to the Board of Rail. | business. spare time: no eanvise- to.date sults Price and work. Randle. any "rnorets work: Wo naie a an hmporved chair and an address. way Commissioners Tor Canada af; ihe: Lt will show you how; in- manship uaranised to i any sige gravel » expiration of one juwonth (rom the | structive book free Voorhies Pressing Kv epairing dong on Plastering ahd alr chimneys i a res T 8 men' tent colt goed-ye Lhe g ungsten- Lamps \ Sale nen s Pn A a od Yea date of this notice, or go soon there-| Desk $11, Omaha, Nebr. i the shortest notice I'homas lo. = lL, oat 309, Mutton, AW] ,frer as the application can be hoard. | Me 131 Brock Street, near Prineess. for a recommendation to the Gov-| ATTENTION, AGENTS, "WE HAV | wh vie Livery oe DENTAL. -- FROM -- : "High class sweets." Gibson's. ernor-in-Couneil for the sanction of al the latest patented articles and lease from the Kingston and Pem- | best mpeliers on the market: re John Mair died in Portland, Ove-| 5000 Railway Company to the Can- presendatives wanted at gnee. Ap. | LEGAL a gon, on October 20th. In Kingston | wdian Pacitie Railway Company, 'or phy, Manufa. turers' Agency (Co ? SCOTT & RYAN fe received his edueation and trade dhe, lems and conditions therein HL an! Ashdown Bik, CUNNINGHAM & MUDI BARRIST. A "noved to '308 Prine a ne rd x " end ione nnipeg an of machinist. He was manager of This notice is given pursuant to (he -- . gan ers and Bolicifors rn Fries, 7 Up-to-Date Electricians. iron works at Portland. He ds sur-{ provisions of Section $61 of (he Hail Clarence Street. Kingston "Wi vived 'hy three sisters residing "in; way Act . \ Fo . . SPARKS AND SPARKS, DENTISTS, 118 BROCK STREET. Napanee 1 Dated at Kingston Oetober 12th 158 Wellington Sirest Kingston : . : wiz { y rome zie "Phone 1815. Clearing odd, lines boys' boots, sizes : A. MeNAUGHTON, 2 WINDOW C LEANING. 1 ta 5, from $1. Dutton's shos store. sthretary Kingstan and Cembrok = BE DR, ©, ©. NASH, DENTIST, PR. 0.» . A \ aiway Ue "Mier dinner mints." Gibson's. ay ay 8 NOW IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR Breer iphaatant. Priteses The steamer Alexandria should have; et pene p-------------- orders for your storm windows Lo = vieatiel and put up by the arrived from Montreal last night, but! $ gaan Window Cleaning Co, did fot reach here and up till this! : antreal Sirest, Orders re. | % HB. SIIPSON, Lbs, ha DDS, DENT, morning the R. & U. company stated! or I ceived at Sargenti's Drug Store Eider on Frinotes " Bagot that they had received no word about a . phone 62 ag Thy. ale the vessel. Une report stated that the! RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Highest wages paid. vessel had been stranded at Comwall, | Any wife or mother who wants to Bricklayers a Th PERSONAL. A CATERER. bul this could wot he confirmed. save her husband er son from "Drink | C | Hore will be glad to know that she can a nters - - 45¢ 1 SCOPE ~WONDERFU L REVM. FS purchase ORRINE, the stand I Ri : lations: all mysteries of lite mado] WF CATER TO PARTI Kingston, Wes Westport an and Rideau Manor, Babi remedy; tig andare | clear: send birthdate and boos Wedding Breakfasts, ee Best wages paid to {| t h seid far years. and if ages HM 0 ' stamps. Ed. Ball, 208 Qauth 8 $e. also Rent [Dishes no benefit i ! authier St, Linens and Silverware. R ie Rideau King for Westport every pe pafunden = | * "¢ money wil} laborers. a atteal, Can Hambraok. 'Phone $43 or 5 thi col pri "xiv Monday, a 6 am. For Rideau Fer- wOnRING in prepa red in two forms: | mam, ; ov ut om. N , secret ment, a w de ' MOL £6 BL TAIT 4 Co. Shaner, areytionn Hud sloriens | + parks and urithe aR ant: UPHOLSTERER, Modern Frame louse : 3 $3 + food or drink: Of: : . Agents. RINE No. 2. in pill form, is he ut . He Snide i" tment; dent i -- who desire io take Yolimtars (reat | ' § y tr plear: ¥ Jo ner Ww. 5 siting and UPHOLSTERING, RE. i avery description of | Ment. ORIINE costs only $1.00. | ' 1 Ear, 'N rout and Erin od la Brow 4 ew hi- , ordered of | box. Come in and get un Tria pod | Poeclalier, 258 Bagot Street. I call yu Wa i at Be. four | lei stows ORRINE ca 216 Ba Bagot Stree bed RE Siisety | se tton's tension, otis H ne Sngtnct of acquis- 4 I rv ; ' ) » « wisdom, when Sawer to The ves Campbell Dros. ; Ga "2 ma a fool of Wimself a man ean | Offering m fine furs, sp WERE 18 THE OXY Ane AGENTS: | \ 3 Coal Deliveries We os lee i pik of ¢ milion feces ame: office wna dactory. sous! | MAN 4 Orders for Coal from this 3 fog or Fon, enjoy a a £00 cup of Cotes, the ' ; Fo i end ENE nt or i' 2 Airess, Ear ours "W. Fiekering, 195" when le fr potion. 8 o{e)aYBR date will be delivered in their i $ "Phone 830. : 73, Kingston. turn. CAPABLE OLD tics, Scotch Ea . . We cannot a any Lo i: \ : |' gpd © Pembroke Sirius Tarot ; ante immediate deli enes. owing ip . ee Tyr Tr ---------------- to tush of business ro party arrivi 12h a a I weil Maple articles to wholesale nl tera merehatts: liberai onvmisslons: Bustiers wily mart os $3,500 Soming BEARON. state ex ; . parietce e Kenyon Os, Dest & Muives, Ta and fortnightly after. 1 Drammond Street, Mont ®