ITHE Ontario, at 36 per year. Editioos at 2. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, \ Taursaal morning at §} a year. {| be adde Street, Toronto. is pages, To United States making price of Daily $2 and Weekly Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in { Ish, and odheap work: nine improved presses, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO OFFICE~Suite 19 and H. E Smallpiece, J. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WHIG, TH YEAR i DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-210 King Street, Kingston, 30 and 4 p.m. publighed in parts on Monday and charge for postage had to $1 a9 per year, Canadas; rapid' sy! 4. G. Elllett, President, Leman A. Guild, See.~Treams. ---- 20 Queen Clty Chambers, 32 Church P.. representative, -- WHY HE oi the said that he had teomplid with ap andient religious do Wha imaal Nogi, army, suicided it was trine and desired 10 join the ih ern pero n fe be. 0 d rent vision with the th: A dif hie come letter ' gemeral dor information friemds. Faily in hi= military Civik war, H. forget give bims i. In th tion that followed he Iv and perscmally involved career, ~~ leg Bands Trying for Puy he last hs regimantal Hug. the erisiy could not aet, nor for of the na- became serio Japanese in the! He vorved | SUICIDED. 'with it bis country distinction, but he did pot atcne, for the other seems, grate OF days. Whey his useinl Bess wax over he offered his life as 4 sacrilice, {ha it, the importance real morgl w hich his the public duty pont of caw, es mm he attached to If any- thing like it prevailed among our pub- lie men there would be an vod to the seaulal: whi bh humiliate society. ibe of {tht all nin every { Lon gue and depress less on Nogi is one and with vepe ol nation, and cist, ¢ no study grest profit. CORBETT' S The fprints a motive i into the Wil Foremio men, who gat in the the it might have in Quebec, of doings politi de irid Laurier lodge, and for cal cfiie the roast Which hus becn givin 10 them the 1h: people of Queave, contemporaty, FOr es DON'T WAIT till your Anspect our. stock of Reavy now, you attractive prices on the best brands, S.Anglin& Co. Wellington St. North by Montreal Garetie aceording to om "are more intellicen rool leaks. thin the newer who fonietines under instruct thom and tha a very take to m public af fairs,' way evidenee this on carly The Wilirid created surprise. Charl « land, pus RooriNns otaus.on, Gazette recalls the time when a We can quote ledge would not hav This coming from Fng MacKenzie Bowell to stampede th Laurier was wh np Sir upper, hed and esx Sar aside aved on the Manitoba school Wilivid, electors Ques tiem. Nir champion d the asd comeilintion, hod in thal campaign eanse of moderation nod won out, and h the support of both Orangemen 1 TECHNICAL [= >= i be : | The Mucdonald schod-and name A Fakes but a fow minutes to tn honour of the wan who represent make a pint of appetizing ;, od the city so many vears, worthib o the parliament of Canada has cost "Club -Table Jelly | he, than 1 wa 0 | $40,510, | nated to cost, 'and' a haf 'pint of delicious exvess 'is' due to the removal of (h Lolo Jelly Sauce all from the | technical or/manusl {raining his Joonteats of on carton of Chub 7%, (Aight mia fi Jelly Powder. "Full directions '| This class has at itz head u MIO on carton. 'Sixteen Jelly 'capable man. It will do all it i Flavors, as trie asthe pure fruit.' designed to aceomplish, in all 2 . in : . babklity, namely, devilop or awake uy b> 3. H. EWING & SONS, Montreal. '(yy mochanical idens of the spapily ane tart them w or $540 more than it was « pro LACE CERTAINS CLEANED, 1 The start' at housecleaning 18 with curtalos. They mus Own After the sun $s! and dirt. While you are gaing on with othe: wuse-clenning 'send them us to be really well cleannd énd done up. N. PAKKER & On, joyously on an industrial A 3 career, But that King ston, n poorly equipped for indusirial educa tion. What it that =o much time has been «pent, or lost, hn the education department of Ontari research what a pity i an educational centre, 1» a pity is on eyawination snd or me ditation upon the greatest th Dyers and Tlennera day. Ontario has been marling time to ite great disadvantage. Its gov ernment has been prodding the federa - #8 Princess St, Kingston, Oat, J ; oa . 'government and contenduig that fesue of mn MALIGNING SIR WILFRID LAURIER. » cmd Roman Catholics, Abe pity that the Wilfrid 1 auwriér has not by He at a trator to his countrymen in the elution by the » The induced Mr. hour, ta become thir is spitit of Sh been imitated iris oppen nts, was advertised last xtremists Podn, in an evil He reaping champ n sowed to the and he the Khe Manito, played ote the Party, with the wind, in whirlwind. government hinds of the syme ex " treme anl amended or tinkered School Act the last duvs they countr \ Lo make vole for Borden in eleetion--and some of these will be astonish-d with a new It pays, consistent, eruption. evenluslly, to be fair and and avoid appeals of The Gazette a racial and réligious kind wen of new difliculiies in the be blind to the thit eccnrent its party cast ard west, spd because it hus heen playing douhie with a Very seriovs is Aly EDUCATION. dustrial education 'is something that woncerns and should be dealt gith by [the ventral or Canadian parliament. { dustrially, does | yovernment the faderal special (out. the province is, not acquitted oi blawe or eriticism when it to do its part amd do it Manitoba | suronsses this province nomal machinery, the aid and. concurrence of opinion, and especially concern In a very sense, fails will, in its educa Winpipee, with public ns expressed by all clusw by the workingme with its two large technical school: now in operation and its third school which will be open and in use in beginoning of the year. Were thy education department jadvanced as it might be--were it real ty up-to-date, and it is wot be behind a splendid nical education, and Kingston have a techoieal school that oe worthy of the name, its ance, and the cause it 9 u live subject and will stand for the it would system of tech would impori represents ther discussion. STOVES AND RECT A goed assortment for sale, regson. oi alse row Beds, Dressers, Soinds udents' Tables, Furniture. of ail) kinds hou ht and sold ls GARMAN, m2 Ontarie Street, Opposite Craig's 'holasate - Grocery | Ontario Street 8 i 1 i i Thore is great value in publivity "nod there ave ratepayors in the cit who advocate it ip connection witl out local assesment, good man. He puts a lot inte his work. He may The assessor is : of labou erv in hi I have a big Stock of First | class Heaters and Stoves which ean be 'bought very chean. Now is your time to buy and got reatly for cold weather. | Also. a fine line of Furnl | ture. Household ' Goods, ete. Autiqué Furniture a spaciaity. L. LESS B07 PRINCESS in -------- F Judgment, but he errs without a de sire to discriminate in the degree. The iechog assessment, when finghhy the compussioners, should be printe and circulated. Wold any good purpose be serve by the publication * There ought vy oe, for when real estate owners na pesitiod to compare potes (his F may be disposed to eal atieglion Ww . contrasts of a most rematkable Mad Solna to nd Is must not he * forgotten, however wn "that many years ago, dunog the véigr or dominanoy of the Big Four, th assessment was sued, within a re cover, and lt was the talk of the peo ole for a few days. Did any speeds lights that th approved hb is ars reform or readjustment of the assess } ment follow ¥ Not that the Whi } can memember. Which is not a reaso thet ths assesment should mot sgalo. iting * that (he assessment Wat 30 many. Sespucts, edb 1 be ed NEW BASIS OF TAXATION. 5. Bb rected except through the assessor and | chmmissioner, as at present ? {ently not. There can | praisment a special {It can De similar to that i being proceeded with the | Kingdom. The work in England not be completed for the job is a large one, Appar be a reap by commnii=®on which in in United will Some years, but ax ia producing great results tablishing that cannot be dis { muted. in es values ner Tn which an assessment of the city for taxation purposes must he con the gppointment of a commitive 20 over the ftv apd check the | seanments. and this check would gtadly accented. no doubt, by commission, in revising the work Fiche assessor. Anvibing that will move the discrimination that as ti re now don. to bear more of the tax. improve ments being exdmpted, and then srosent waste places, within the «its will be sold and built upon. foe the sake of the unearned increment. crim EDITORIAL NoTEs. A Ai un os vada Mor a sastovehip: He bay never served | othe peosle i aul; wazo bod dy vite | Jug, experience on. pul ge Is he he redore, eligible > -------- + ¥ A muvemdat has bees on ooh tu edt au ocviam member of the council, The astempt to stop. tipping in the Windsor hotel, Montreal. has failed. The elimnaticn of the "Paging" last- fed just Aday... Shorlest War of re ord, in? Some cn: <@artises thet he has dis coved which will "re i dis- | | The full developiwnt of Canada, €1 | tends Toronto and 'puts it to shame | i would | It | already | i The Muaicipal Act defines the wna ducted. There is nothing to prevent ta be ot exists would be hailed with satisise- Some day the land will be made the It will oot then pay tu hold land any longer SATURDAY, an 5B voastural Li acher is in evid noe i - | he ie covnwis 1h colour Ihe common ! Provincig! a peopis 1g let £na Th: ! Popular, ar su to sleap with {dows but {wind and is Fkorardy of poeamonia fo = he much Lex N Lavery Forenie ons AU n plein ze into "the vortex Europea militarism," will he relievid Armani is not gong ibe captain b> Montmaguy regiment is goby fighting near ae Llaie ob ervaticas o home. i -- i { wip Wot his de LORY avw Mr. Mons is said to have ried th: ! partment Hon. anytning He of Canada = greatest n administration of Punic works is "Bob" pulifical and there that {to Rogers, sat bothers ad the bead depart him. # in his glory spencig ment, ----g Hamiltcn is distressed over ¥ the var faticne and im gualities in the assess A the r ity suggests by 1ep Years, Ten. nancial autho that commission of experts ever anl that h: bade for al estate bh valued a taken a at this valuation be sment the n 1his suggesiicn of ih THE "Ad. DERES corresponds | Whig PRESS decennial the SPIRIT OF A Great London Adver President period Liser Roosevelt's keeping hiwself in the public eye is almost miraculous the man who gave him a bullet only succeeded in giving him an advert sement, genius fou A Result of War. Stratford te One resuit of "the Bal kans war will probably be an advance in the price of perfumes. Practically all the at- ttar of roses in the world comes Bulgaria, and this enters in quantities into most perfumes. Regulating the Pictures, Moutres A by- a rald is to be framed to regulate the moving picture' places. Very well. But won't let it be the kind of a by-law whose provisions can be evaded if the men who run the "movies" will stand for graft. Caonswinption of Tebacco, Montreal Gazette OF the 319,46] 1472 collected by (hy government of Can ada in the year 1911-12. the | $5, 030:556 represented tates | tocaeco, the consmmption which in various forms is increasing. The grmy | ol" smokers geal in number « m iis aetivity. Last its ecmsimption of the sooth i nd weed: reached the considerable fig {ure of 3679 pounds per head of the podilation, which ic quite hall « [Luce a head higher than the record of any preceding. year. The hold, th j cigarette has of the smoking popula- | tien is icdiealed by Juana that last pv Uanadian |vear duty pu | manufacturers oa 737. 000000 of them |The man who used to hold that a real smoke could only be had out of | a pipe is being shoved into the minor ity. of excise revegp sum of paid on aud vear 'in is censelons | Canada Was | | --s Vv That Aching Corn. ! Why not remd¥e it with Peck's Corn | Save, Ihe remedy is sure; it | guaranteed. It is casy to use and pl the corn every time. In big | voxes. 15¢., at Mecleod's Drug Store, 1 93 Brock street, one door above King { street. - How it Will Work, thousand uieveland abstain from eating eggs fom weeks. Until the egg-fast is jover, these uneaten eggs will be put jin cold storage by the dealers. The: {they will be sold to the three-week- {abstainers as "positively new laid. { } F orty peu. {will three | At the adjourned annual meeting o |the shareholders of the Thousand fe [lands Railway company, and the Osh {awa Rallway jaupany, held at Deser jonto last week, B. Hepbura, M PP, for Prince Ay R county wos elected a director for each of the | above companies. {3 Ross Robertson and | Watt were honored | Masons at Toronto. | Tae final draft of {peace between Turkey lebened on Friday Non. F. DB. Monk's not vet been. finally Royal Me Arch by the and treaty feeds resignation acceplad | i - - "BR. SOPER DR. WHITE OCTOBER 19, 1912, ir Store Closes Saturday | 'BIBBYS, Ltd. | Bibs Shoes are Class 10 "HEAD TO FOOT OUTFITTERS | Prices $4.00 & $5.00 p.m." y A Roxboro Overcoats Premier Overcoats Our Grosvenor New Soft Hats Camel Hair Special $:.50 all new shades and shapes. You Sir! Feast, Sir! efforts of the countiv's You are invited. to our Overcoat We'll show you the | wercoat makers. They re handsome indeed ! Call at your convenience, west See Our up Woodbine Overcoat $20.00 * Gloster $10.00 Car $18.00 New Beaver Hats $2.00 Regular $2.50 Qualities New Fawns, Greys and Greens, | | | | the very latest shapes Headquarters Underwear, Penmans, Woolsey and Stanfields. BIBBYS Limited Men's and 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. for Men's Boys' Departmental Siorc J -in 324 King St. | Wats Selgonlile ey 2 | I | gE. { HH | F URNITURE Iron Bed Special this week. $2.50, | $3.50. $4.50 and up. Some special ones wt $6. 50. $5.i5 ano | Springs, $2.50, $3.50, 38.50, Mattresses, $2.50 to $3u 00, Dresrers, Chiffonlers, Dreszing Tables, all styles and [laishes. RAND AMAARAIAMAS. aa oun || Blacksmith Coal und Capes aed Seek' ue step : High Grade : AADREW MACLEAN'S, Owtarie Street | DRURY 8 Coal E Woed Yard "a ---- {Ge ietergpesvivirviruivin FOR PICKLING | We carry a full line of Pure Spices d Vinegar. D. COUPER'S | 76. 341-3 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. KIN GSTON 'Fhoae & A Mother for the Men | Sam having tikes | laundry business a1] 216 Division Street, formeriy carried on by Jim Lee, will re sume business at ounce undes 'the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY. First-class work guarante All buttons replaced and rip sewn. Give way Way aba over the od COOK WITH GAS CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT Light, Heat, Power, Waler, Depls C. C. FOLGER, GENPUAL MANAGER us a trial fund you wit be well satisfied with ousj work. Goods called for an drtivered tp all parts of the city. 'Phone 1182.1 K. F. SAM Prop ARI RT man of means and leisure, ac store ghey Bair 10 its natural Colour." flaasus, bi. solpuumticel Dvertares to [it's no good. What some people want . yermmiing, hat wil give, shel oi R. J. REID Ar TR Pion S71. |