FANE SETEN, vou PANLY BRITISH We FRIDAY, JCTORER | 18. 1913. [THE STREET MARKET Claiosewen) [j======= 1 e . 5 A -e A CASH RESERVE HOW PRODUCE W AS SOL D HERE! =| ' ; | ae "PY GRAND Y OPERA WOUSE)§| THE PEOPLE'S FORUM To control chance, to compel success, have money In -- i / : the bank. Potatoes "Showing Very Bad--| SATURDAY, 0CT 19} The Oats Are Also Poor--Hay . - . ew The man with "never a dollar to his name" becomes Z the sport of chance, Still Sells at $13 a Ton. | Mutinee at 2.30, Kveulws at S45, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST, ; FOR SALE. There was a fairly good-sized mar * Plas Company Presents ! : Begin the accumulation of a Reserve Fund by opening ket on Thursday for that day of th First insertion le a word. Each con- "oLD MATCH, OPEN FAC wy A WHLL-BRED HOUND: WILL RUN x i +1 Nu irda nT ! Rew re ' v ir 5 = 3 a Savings Account with wl - a ; 4 week. There was only. an ordinary] | secutive Imsertion thereafter bail a A ee Whine oie fox ov Bee Addre us } | cemt = word. Minimum charge for -- , i : : showing of produce, : Potatoes were sold for SO ceais 10's Play 1a Four Acts, by Charles Klein one insertion, 28¢; three Insertlofs, ,\u pPrELwMAN RUG AND ONE PERSON WANTING ROTTEN g ' . ] $1 a bag. Une farmer told the Whig Author of "The Music Master." See: six. 81: one month 63 Bgotgh bial Buk fem Aube, 2 Manufe Shoe Jeb City that ai were bad. When asked what | yg panpp--25 235, 30, 75: Children, 25¢, Sh / rewRFd 1 "George Bawden Tom a ge 1 afer. Alex. 1 CR the "natives" were going to do for the | pypainG--33, 30, 75 81; HELP WANTED. of Brock Street 100 LOADS OF GOOD CLAY. APPLY -- ---- TT _-- Re 4 AT i atl « ner of Mark's and and P atrick spuds this winter, he said: 'Uh, Senin now on Sale. aro ------------------ * and sin or Norman & ebb CAPITAL AND RESERVE ae ae se ees $31,000,000 guess we'll have to iall back on tur | -- S PASTRY cook, r ONCE. BRITISH FIN. ANCE AND INSURANCE. i » . | i = . nips, as hefore.' . i American | { i iirmeecm---------- A EN . KEW . ESTABLISHED 183585. fomatoes were sold for irom $1.° MONDAY GIRL FOR WORKROOM. APPLY Fr "ae b Low oF war we ax Boron eet ots t #0 a bushel, anc » green One GIRLS POR WO oe ENERAL INSURANCE. -- T. J. had at Se. 0 pri $1.46 5 bushel, ail the grow. ones N. C. Polson Co. Ontario Stree "Boon, Agent, 159 Wellington St. ark 'Phone Tanai price, af for 50 cents a bushel. (abuage, a ------ i Fire, Lite, Accident and Health 112 Branches in Ontario, Quebec and the West. 2 cording to size, went lor 5 cents -- BOYS, GOOD ~v AG aN, APPL ¥ 4 Pojicies i a. 45, GF (8) Sunts & dozen, and. onions at S nd _" the Kingston Hasiary Te. | f= i -- FLTI0 FOR A SEVEN-ROOM SINGLE cents a peck. LX SMART YOUNG MAN, GOOD BATEMAN & GARDINER FIRE, tame Dwsling in central love Beets, of cours, are getting scarce, HENRY WW. SAVAGE OFFERS wages Apply to the Kingston . Accident, Insurance and Cus- remises App 1 Co, lad 5 Broker; Real Estate and 3 Frontenac Si KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. hel Salo ls a ae oem a, |S Aad UT ph RA GEORGE B. McEAY : nips and parsmips hrought 20 cents » ' §§ AT one FUR MACHINE PERAT. : Kien "Phone 306 OR EXCHANGE WOR CFPY . ' peck each. Cauliflower were ollered for | } DS. ibs A PpIY, F Georle Mills & 4 - ---- Perey. & model } ame Hwan by : ™ - s ' 0 4 ; all kinds ol raft; : » and 10 cents. FoNTEN AC LOAN AND INVEST. 186 acres of land jn New Ontario Japanese pumpkins (pie) were bou hs | MWo FIRST CLASS TINSMITHS Inquire of Dro lake, Battersea { é x 3 rest Wape ment Society; established 1883; ; e hs tiersea, for from 10 to 40 cents cach, and the | + Wer Pligbimage in Quest of Love, | steady work. highest wages Ap-} president; Lt.-Col, Henry R. Smith Ont . { TER BROWNE, ply. the National Mig. Co, Broc A "it a t ---------------------------------------- cane quality went down for from 5 t BY WALT i = woney fissned on city an arm nn jua ey ent. do ¥ fr o roy | Original New York Cast and Production Ville, Ont, properties, municipal and country 40 cents. \itern brought from 3 to du | TS Lie Ensemble of 156 People rc -------------- debentures; mortgages purchased;| EIGHT HORSE POWER MOTOR 3 3 deposits received and interest al. (ditect current: =siso I ents, and squash from 5 cents up. ! . p i i . HOWARD S FO GER Wild grapes as offered in one pl is -The Largest Produetion it i Jouted ; AN _INPSLLIGENTY YERIOA " ina | lowed. BC. McGill, Manager, 87 briy nous, Alber: Stree hs : at 35 cents per basket : {STphany Orehentra, Superh Scewers Jain newspapers: 00 + ¢ avassing | Clarence Street. prefements; A jum {modeliag, : , ske | PRICES. --25, . I5 8, 50, $3.0 Oo 3 wit barn. Apply. BE, Wathen, INVESTMENT BROKER, Celery brought 6 and 10 cents a! Sou ; BL 8130, 32.00 | 0nd Tor particulars, Press Synd Mack Street. Phone' S84. ' . y gh i Seats now on Sale, | cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. HIGH-GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS, bunch. Peppers were on sale for 3 Zick | - ---- i LIVERPOOL, hee Company PAVAIIADle ------------------------------------ 6 cents, and 3 for 10 cents, and, day Oo | TWO GOOD PAPERHANGERS: ALs0! Tes aol oT iE an a: sme . \ & " assets, $61,187,215, In addition 10] FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA CANO REAL ESTATE, one place cucugbers out of the he : Wedne ay, ct. 23: four good Brush Hands for out of which the polieyholders have for car hg outfits, tishing tackle, Luwil, slate waders ana experien security the unlimited liability of arine supplies, lunch bask kota BY ¥ 3 cents i ter INSURANCE, MONEY TO LOAN. 5 Amare Soi for 44 Sen ah art pails JOSEPH BROOKS PRESENTS | steady work. J by letter, to city property insured at lowest Enmiteh TalpUONIA, everything - ta ie e shown a om | 'A. b Whig we possilile rates. Before renewing old canvas, kit bags, silk tints, 5 ray Attractive Properties for sale, ranging from the modest cot- 1B |cints to $1.25. kgge remained hig h | =< = i = OF EIVInE new business get rates hoods, motor Boat supplies, | PE i from Strange & Strange Agents. Frank W, ori 33 Clarence SL tage to palatisgl 'homes in the best localities in the city and dt [Flat 35 to 40 cents dozen. Butter Sond | f A ] | : Phone 325 Phone £91 or right prices. 4 for 3% cénts pound. One islander ask- IN A NEW COMEDY, Sh ih employment ---- -- =" - i 11 cent ii % nie fa i | po Walle . . OFFICE: No. 44 CLARENCE STREET. Ph : i ee Srey { Apply, at once, Dominion Textil 2450 FOR CEMENT BLOC 0G : No. y one No. 993, pen of litte pige an od | n t \ ate Dan -- CHAN 32. R CEMENT WLOUK, EIGHT e ho oY ; au eo RSS | THA a rooms; for « sale #5 a paw lor them, while another ask |. S1L000 » " ' Ee Ww -e ed $4 for three. 3 ny ot Tar, " #3350 ni EC NEWT ALL _ not __--_ aL _-- Ww re S$ rT = A tew'sew ante were sold on The | RK @@DS House rer EN, SANE en orem CA NEST y day for from Y0 cents to $1 a hag. | hen.» a N a mall order business at home; no #1.000--TWO DWELLING! A. local grain dealer told the Why PRICES. 0. 81, $1.30. . rad et is . > canvassing: be your own boss Cine nd large lot SHOE K BUSI that the oats were, to a very lar cy The. Fi . | App Mr : Beng I re okisl tell Daw. ron eT Bat Hine NEW NESS i , ATLe | Xemin on Sale Monday, terat o pre Heacock, 2969 Jackport. N¥ summer cottag extent, bad, and the Maoitoba 'crop » z -- - - . -_ BATEMAN Gamma n, REAL Estate T Clarence St t, Kings. ROBERT PAYNTER has taken . prin --- - - over the busthess of the late THE GRAY HAIRS would have to be used m this dis | wall » Ww Novis at he old stand, 269 trict, He believed that the buckwheat Y Hou Mail Carrie 'ar by Can ton Fis Boi Wy, tc, ei (GRAND OPERA Y WOUSE) ""i it HERG, | amowmom. ' . ke Muse i nents coming; nt pe fu The hay at the market, Place de unis cami ; RY ¥. SMITH, ARC aon 0. BTC. TO LET. done, All work guaranteed. > A Few Applications. of a Simple Armes, on Thursday was tar, and sold Dept Kine 1 Stre<t. 'Phone 34 " -- Remedy Will Bring Back the for 15 a ton. Mme {i = emer wore m---- EN pointed um pROOW, WETH on ¢ . enn x 3 3 HVE To with onrd to 1 i: Natural Color. a | Wa oA EVERY TOWN | WN. NEWLANDS & SON. ARCHI- a. fox 10) TIED UP A FRESHMAN | Salary a on tive ambitious | tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot Bt 'Phone 608 3 a "Pull out cne gray hair and a doz- ---- t lendid op en will take its place," is an old say- | yrrer He Threatened to Fight the! { f Experience not i -- a =" S------------------ A A OFFICES IN TELEGRAPH ing, which is, to a great extent, true, Eutire Crowd ito for parti one 1 | . ~ Build Apply, C. 8B Kirkpairick if no steps are taken to stop the| Kass * 2 Can, | POWER A 50 ' ARCHITEOTS, MER- 12 Clarence or cause. Whe ray hairs appear it iss Come along if you dare; | will flight i ani» Bo Ron eo ruer " : ANSE, n gray hairs appear it is a : & jearam ¥ oD cot NTRY DOMES. Brock and F ellington Btreets, | rop .& oar . i 4 { the entwe bunch sign that Nuture needs assistance. It . ¢ cs, Bee Knglis wd trish + . . og g ] The speaker was a frichin atl | Ey tving al tober 13th] STORAGE FOR FURNITIR 3 The Guild | = Ra . Cann, 82 8 Street vn Brock Street DO NOT. IMAGINE Be. in Natures call for help. Gray halt, a t h or oe . I JAUSE 3 ELL, SOME du ifeless hair, or hair that is fall- 'seen s, and he made this statement ! 3 | "Bree : : CAUSE VE iw ELL, SOME og . i to a crowd of students, who gathered Queen of Soprano Solists snd 47 | ok rast, Peal MEDIOAT i i LARGE FRONY ROOM, WE ARTICLES OF JEWELERY ing out, is nol necessarily a sign of THAT RUN. INTO HUN- ar vancing age, for there are thousands ground oe on fergy street Thurs | p " 8 , to rob him of ais tickes | * q 3 - - eer Je : DREDS OF DOLLARS THAT of eldsriy people with perfect heads of | day night : F be famil dire WE DO NOT HAVE LITTLE [}|mir without a single streak of gray. 0 he Thive Putin, riday, ct, t By an nmr, CLARENCE A, HOWARD, M.D, CM. office, " a sO > p f not' last long J ' : re ie | hystelan = ane Surgeon OS PIRCRES AT MODERATE When gray hairs come, or when the ie poor Ireshman di Anninted hy Rumel, 'the Celebrant ' t TH te $3.50 a day Street, Napanee, Ont. 'Phone 1%6 ---- . = : PRICES. , hair seems to be lifeless or dead, some | however, as in less time than it takes | Violinist, and Row . Si { : REgGN of he ihe) P.O LARGE FIRNIRED I ry LIA good, reliable hair-restoring = treat work -------- aon ed, cent to tell the story; the boys had him | Pianist. i. trou . Phill BR pe ext] - _-- x venlences; near City Park EN Wetlington Street Hingt rN : : : PROBABLY NO STOCK IN ment should be resorted to. at once | dowh on a nedrby lawn, and tied hey | PRICES <82.50, $2 and $1.50, | Wi oer RPI, Tie gy FREDERICK A. SPECIAL tobe ¢ ob. Cela : | Throat : 4 4 Second of Series of Three Cele ren ---- - = Wailingion Street corner: Johnson. s1onAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEA : | CT As MORB RE Specialists say that one of the best | up with noe stout cord. Then they a i id : preparations to use is ppheyd- igshion- | went through his pockets and found Biated Cone x 25. Map v 1 ! THIS RESPECT, ed ** y " which iparents | the much-desired twcket. Surely tho] (Fate onrerts, Nov. 25. Mary! RPRISING i jours: 3 1 08 7ta8 Sun. at oy iasiutaly, Bot «l 'rage tea" which our grandparents 3 | Hallock, Pianist) [| ENTERPRISING CITIZENS WHO | dy. I 10 4 and by Appointreent foot; . Fo rk ane 2%. FROM A STERLING used. The best preparation of this [Way of the freshman, is hard. are 'dissatisfied with ens eo} 0 4 SILVER THIMBLE AT 25¢ kind is Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur nest [_ Plan open at 170 Wellington Stree ditions to make homes ft " __ Thona hp. = TO A DIAMOND RING OVER Hair Remedy, a preparation of domes THE TOWER OF LONDON. fo | sel ! Stern Canuda | ---- $500 WE CAN SERVE YOU [R|tic sage and sulphur, scientifically | -- | GRAND FOOTBALL MATCH Branches of dustry: srofessionsl] UPHOLSTERER. RIGHTY, COMFORTABLE ERNIE SATISFACTORILY. {compounded with later discovers! hair Lecture by Canon. J, Perkins at the | | net 1 is and iemaie he ip in| -- ---------- ---- en 18 dou MN hadi tonics and stimulants, the whole mix- JMU, reat nd. Waite for urther : rs a i . Ho odern ational 3 i Queen's vs. purticuings was Niudeaica lieil | we 5. coven, venoEninG ue. | ture being carefully balanced and test-; Canon J. Perkins, minor canon of | { of Trade, North 3attleford Sask tress renovating Drop a card or ed by experts. Westminster Abbey, lectured in the! H il Al : by & ¢ . J " ey, 4 PES -- . oi eall 218 Bagot Street R J RODGER Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur is clenb [Loyal Military College gympasium on | ami ton erts SMEN WANTED TO SELL CAN. - " TT CONGRESS HALL KING STREET ode { i -- ain und bright. airy floes up. and wholesome and perfectly harmless. | Thursday evening. The subject, "The ' : adian Northern Quebec Railw I refreshes dry, parched hair, re [Tower of London," was illustrated by | in (Queen 8S Athletic Grounds pany 5p en Statutory | WANTED--GENERAL. stad y 1 v fr office down : ; Nn be Se od. over) . . " - tiie \ foe j Forrest, King ack. there Diamond Merchant moves dandruff and gradually restores | splendid views. : * | . faded or. gray hair to ite natural col-| The views which (he lecturer show 'Saturday, Oct. 19th 5: the par value Is $100; Wi] A SMALL FARM T0 BXCHANGE FOR (Formerly Spangenberg's) or. ed and explained added greatly to the % property McCann's. Real . ' regarded as ar celle i Don't delay another minute. Start | interest, Canon Perkins sailed from Game called at 3 p.m. ative oppor i Estate Agency, 52 Brock Street. | OSTEOPATHY. U7 KING STREET using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur at | sontreal on Friday for England, While | Eveivbody expects the Alerts tc velopment work is : y few Kingst he he gue ( win the O.RFU. C(nampionshij m the Can Northern Rall h 1 the cence and see what a difference a in Kingston he was the guest of Col, ns! : 1 HEALTH WITHOUT BRUGS --R. 6 Where the Qk ja..on will make in yout fonel J. H. V. 'and Mrs. Crowe. and to be playing in the Dominion! controls FURNISHED DWELLING, OR Ashcraft, DO. 176 We Hingtan Bt : days' treatment k ole 4 { | : AlIcE one hair. Se Championship Finals ! g 5 ak 3 s n lea : choy . s: 10 to J 2 2 to 4 and vg cg » Y BJ oY 4 » » ne - ye ers "1 Of > . y A nir ! AINA aD. This preparation is offered to the WEPT OVER BAD BOYS Come and see them in action. State Street, Boston, Mass | Str oft, Hora, 7 1a Cp public at fifty dents a bottle, and is b em-- + Admission, ie; Bleachers, 35¢; essen pe ---- $11 Residoncs recommended dnd sold by all" drug- | Who Were Sent to Prison For As Grand Stand, 50¢; Reserved Seats | | Nace CLEAN HAGS FON WIPING gists, Agent, G. W. Mahood. sanlt on a Girl. » SITU ATIONS VACANT. | machinery: will pay good price for Age Vy : F Plan in Uglows till 12 o'clock | me i weer -] sume. British Whig Publishing : Hamilton, Oct. 18. Thers was a Joon on "thie day of the game DAY AND UPWARDS MADE BY Company. CATERER. scene of hysterical mothers and weep " § inexperienced sxmen or women | ---------------------------------- ing fathers in the assize court to-dny _ ------ i unr Xmas goods i , Save 75 Ke 4 when Justice Welly sentenced | eight gend postage, twe nts, J. L | HOE nr, HAY JEAS HAD somriwe 4 ATER To PARTIES, BALLS P i OlAN'S |B tors. about seventeen years ot age. to WE GUARANTEE Te ¥rite | ©" Wedding Bronkfusie, | Banouets . from one to fifteen months' imprison | That eve Tin of MAGAZINE si mse RIFTION wus | wanted, to Box 101 i ri linens ar Bilvery Reid & "fC posed 4 Sardines * ithe r se for the CY of Hambrook hones i & 101 . - * py . ny i On your Light Bills spect Pion Of + (R) ment wit, icon tases. for an ind: |B ccoommren pi Surana, J" -ciiber cal or Bunt of hiner, cent assault on a girl. autumn caught fish, carefully Are profi i exclusive ter | SHOE REPAIRING Or EVERY DE. : - cured and packed in pure olive experience preferred but unneces:| serint fon first class work: best by purchasing iol ' : 3 | Duck Hunting in Aeroplane, ofl of the highest grade obtain. : t lick. Wm Lawson &} leather only used; one trial will BUSINESS NOTICE. } able § i mareh- ree To. | suffice Bring your repairs 1» . pe that i Scott's, 206 Jarre Street, cor. of . hr -- | Washigton, Ut IN. -- Kiding an We alsa guarantee at al Clargy We Guaranteed ington, Ueti Ix. Ming ru A a in F § u 40c a 1b. {3} army hydro-atroplane and carrying ([ o,,, "ASneacd, KITE" Cardi ee -------- i | COALS COALS! LOALSI-WHY PAY * + 3 sueh high cont bills when you "an } iR| automatic gunk, Lincoln Beachy, the in patent solderiess sanits I Lam aviator, aud Liul. ). H. Brerston and "cleaniiiess are: FHIGIY. on Removal ice. | LLasTINGS or EDMONTON PK Vin Has tor iroking} Leap a, cand . 3 . nL RO 3 | " the p and 'cleanliness are rigidly en- your 1 ERPO * : 3 sid Marshall 3 Susan ungsten P mn Princess Street, Phone 720 went duck hunting on the marshes ot forced: ander exert supervio Bent range Rireet, for prices on gas installa. Potomac below Washington yesterday. in all stages of manufacture FPARKS & SPARKS, Dentists, an nar geintx 0 Jasps Vien. , -- FROM -- Prompt. Delivery, They returned to the ar tati ™ e return 0 ¢ army station iy : : Bod . ve . I Rte A ) ! : \ Stav er Preserving Co. Have moved to their New Offices a "am A - at Washington barracks before dusk | Origi rang and First ng so. 159 Wellington Street, corner Broek, | : TRY CHARLES ANDRE SS CEMENT - ee | With their bag well filled. ers of Nerweglon Sardises. over Carnovsky's. - 3 ' ie pis ------ i .| TAKE NOTICE, THAT | WILL BUY Mixer for ) ement w CLEANED Back Roosevelt to Beat Taft. | | . all kinds of second-hand furniture at OF concrete w LADIES WRAPS ree ino id stoves; wi : Up-to-Date Electricians. WELL. New York, Oct. 18,--In consequence NO DIVORC © AGAINST HIM. Free De nstration prices: see i me [RRL 116 BROUK STREET, Whatever the season, ladies' j of the attempted killing of Colonel e-------- : J. Thompaon 131 Princess Street, wraps are worn and occasion Roosevelt, the betting in Wall street | Honorably Acquitted After Several VT Yee] Null - ol | i -------- a 'Phone 1218, ally need cleaning. These veered yesterday, and the ex-prestdent Days in Jail = Yr) are the premier dyeing an. in now favorite to beat, Taft, al p CL MN . . | pETAC HED LOR SEMI-DETACHED DENTAL. cleaning works of Canada. Bi though Wilson is the favorite to win. | _/°Tt&7 La Prairie. Man, Oc. Ix | ml Se Axe 43.000; WAY pay RAI] rm ---- Our work always pleases. The odds are now four to ont Roose- i. Be. Aalingebaw, the Liberal alee cash: give" full particulars aii velt to beat Tait nd three to i» tion worker, who was arrested at! where Louse may be seein Apply R. PARKER & 00. Wil beat k a ® ON¢ Rothwell charged with infractions of | to Box 45, Whig office neon to » OOuevwit. {the Dominion Election Act, appesred | \ 3 A -- ------ . T { before Mayor Garland and was di OME TABLE A New Inspector. Pun a ficient for | I missed after: F. Gi. Taylor, who. ap] au > GENTLEMEN TO ORING THERIR|SPAPKS ASD SPARKS, DENTISES, J. E. Benson, M. A., Ameliasburgh, | . at Pe | JWO PERSONS Cioth and have It mad 8 Wellington Burest, Kingston peared for the crown, had stated that | i to-date suits Py and" work: Phone 246 } to mast in Napanee Collegiate 'j, had no evidence to offer in su { AT { ya Institute, has been apointed publie 'ui (he char ¢ support | i Bansbip guaranteed fois . sl hk | ' : ressing snd repairi don. f 3 SA Jot 40 x 13%,.1n ¢ XE : school. inspector for the county of; i ray. on behall of thal JAS. REDDEN & COS. : the Shortest notice. Thomas Satie: DR. &: C NASH, DENTIST; DR. C. 8, | eading part of city. Prince Edward. He succeeds G. D.' i . ertif F ALL THIS WEEK. nk Brock Street, near Sleker, awiintant, 133 Princess $1,300--A Groom frame "se no [Pe B.A. who with retire al the | wane AMked for a ctrtilicats of hon - eee Bibbs Livery. Reet "phone 15 house in northern part of - 3 - und of the Year on account of his | Welk acquittal, which was granted. = Hs ny only $2560 cash requir: ae "ae health. Mr. Platt has been in office | alkinshaw was held in jnil severa) | ! Two Dollar Hats. ' : S. H. SIMPSON, - s down. over forty years. Snye, bail Being refused ater his ar : The world-wide "Waverly" is the PERSONALS at TOrTar SA oi NEY. A s000---One end of a double res Z . "King of $2 bats." George Mills & | - Entrance on Wagot Sires Tele stone, close in; a good Men's all wool sox 356 -- ¥. r-------- fCo. are sole "agents. phone £26 house; a fine frame with Ee RX oul dey, 'of of B Das | Jack Jobnson's New Conquest. rr HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH. ; : : Iprovemaits. Albert St. graduate of Queen's, - fornrer | Chicago, Hl, Oct. 15.<Mrs. F. Cam: | "New Gillette razor blades." Git. marks and (a1 growths and skin LEGAL $ 13400 -Sona tk: All im- : . member of Boh ns: and saff, oro -Helsome, said to be 'a wealth without ae or permanentiy pital . : thy -g a ar; i Years' experi Johnson Streat, - d through the dty, Frida 1 Minnuupolin woman, has appealed to! Rebels in Mexico are securing tha| ence Dr Eimer 1 Lass Eye | CONNINGRAN & MU DIK, BARRIZY. electric lighting. . out Y, Friday, with lice to tnke charge of her | iDPer hand and the Madero gov- | Ear. Nose = Throat and Hsin ers gnd Bolicitors. Law Office, 71 $3,200---8tone : 4 - ] hs Bide. will he Vancouver, 4 She Solio ale waits "bo; she | ernment may resign. Ee -- Tae Bagot Street. : Clarence Street, Kingston. Flannellette nightdress: s trom | declared. had been sequestercd by Jack | A gusraniesd fountain pen, with} | Gog. Johnson, the pugilist. Lucile © lehip, $1, ai Best's. lg ~Dutiow's. Amey 6TH fireman 'H. R. Scott kiln | y T.R. & J raat Fa an. for the it described fal, as gneteen years old | in a smash-up near Stratford) i S11 : turned from a vidg wh his ie. uiecn, I Christy's at's and Buckie . - Edward it pasties." is Gitsay =] RX if ; "Hh Albert Whitheld, Y : TS | gavernor of Newfoundiand. i A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LIS, DDN, RE. moved to 86K Princess Street » 00. motor veils To el The three best known and most pop + + Mes. George Hancock and her two har makes of fine bats are to he'had | tar mune re Pri be 1 Vine: i Strathroy. are in a in Kingston only at Campbell Bros. The skeptic is the one who is condition. They were Foun the lig bat dealers. {dou aus his doubia i - : 1 © Friday [moming. A Milman Fiaed. A fot of times advice, ones alow ar Ge 37 The standard IS found in sseaing gue underskir's from SOc. 'Dut- | A milkman appeared befbrs Magis'! "Bay Jock strops." Gibson's -- our Coal ton's. trate Hunter on Thursdns. | Turks have lost several | small ' "We Guarantee . ; morning, charged with having watered his milk battles on land afd sea. {.. Every Load." : of and was fined $20 and costs, { Shop. ot, Tunt's, Sususiey, It will; sh mn | that anos} Tac clip an the shoulder mas ob ¥ §: olishaess. 3 "oek ste Gens, 1