Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1912, p. 4

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ed THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. OCTUBER 18, Hyslop Bicycles $25.00 Hyslop wheels represent the maximum of reliability and service, with real and sub- stantial value positively guaranteed. All sizes for men, women and children. Mail orders filled promptly. HYSLOP BROS. Ltd. Shuter and Victoria Streets TORONTO DONT WAIT till your oof leaks. Inspect our stock Reany Roorines now. We can quote you attractive prices on the best brands. S. Anglin & Co. Wellington 8t. North boss ---------- te °F all and Winter, Outfit Suits (Tweed and Serges). Over- coats. (Tweeds and Beavers), Hats, Caps, Underwear, Sweater Coats, _ Mitts, Gloves, Boots and Shoes. Lowest Prices and best quality in the Chy. ISAAC ZACKS, ( 271 PRINCESS STREET, A, > » . 3 Cook's Cotton \loot Compoutd. The great Utdrine Tonle, wad nly waiv efiectusl Mo Rawrnl sor on which worn noon depemt, Hod in Yurga egress of EPIL "ou 1, o. & 10 degrees stronger, iH Yo. 3 for special checs, 95 Bold if all dry on foceipt of price" myphiet. Aad Tip ONT Jormeriy Wi enmgae Fk: 'TEA! TEA! From the Finest Tea Ceylon, uncolored, and' of flavor, 'Green and Black at pound. ut' ANDREW MACLEAN'S, Outarie Street, TEA! Gardens of the finest 30¢° per VES AND HEATERS. assortment for sale, reason. aol! "aia Shen Beds, Dressers, Stands Tables, Furniture of 'ail Bi ous ht and sold. MAN, 202 @utario Street, rs g's Wholesale Grocery Ontario Street. BIG STOCK OF STOVES. ! I have a big Stock of First- | class Heaters and Stoves which Ngan be bought very clean. | "is your time to buy and got for cold weather. a fine Ine of Furni- , Household Goods, ete. ue Furniture a speciaity. 4 { | Electric Commission was acting for a Hlwhich used to be punishable by" fines, ernment seeks other ER or |" |THE WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King tres, | Ontario, at $6 per year. Editions at 2.3 WEEKLY BRITISH WHIE, 16 pages, published in parts on To United States charge for pustage had to Daily $3 and Weekly $1.50 per year. i Thursda morning at $1 & | be added, making price of Attached is one of the best Job Pr tah, and cheap work; nine Improved pr ear. i | | TORONTO OFFICE~Sulte 19 and Street, Toronto. Mr. St. Clair, the Reform cause jm Toronto, suffered a great humilia tion bn being haled before the court) ot | and convicted of pullishing indecent literature. This was a desclption of the plays or vaudeville periormgaces | which he witnessed. He was (klowed ito go un suspended sentence | But Mr. St. Clair has been vindica 'ted. The theatres have been partially | cleansed by order of the managers '|| 'One of them was indicted for thein | | decency of his plays. The pdice con 'sor bas been removed. The police | commissioners are quite satisfied that! a police officer is not the man te fikl the place of dramatic censor, so he drops out oi sight. The board of control will be required, mn aL pulllic interest, to appoint one ideals will be Wgh and whose eri whos | DISSENSIONS IN tha sur The rumours of dissensions in government at Ottawa are pot prising. The alhance, formed of such diverse «lements, and the indusion in the ministry of such troublers as the were bound to se, can- The naval issue was the Upon it nationalists not stand. one in the last election. Quebec was appealed Lo in an inflam matory way, and Mr. Borden, in the antagonism of some of his colleagues, w now reaping his reward. Ile ply ed u deceptive part. He made speech es in which he bid support. He offered the rebdiivus fac. 'ag reprosentation in his cabinet, and pa is realizing what this means. It is remarkable that only one mun, Mr. Monk, is facing the issue on prio: ciple. It is to his credit that he is ated to efface himself, politically rather than advertise his inconsistency to the world. He cannot wipe the remembrance of what he sald and did in tha last declion. lle for nakionalist out would - out of budoces., every little while some man has | When he raises his voioe agafnst } | nuder a cloud, for the {Coin consisted of his Kingston, 30 and 4 pm. Monday and inting Offices in Canada; rapid, sty! ensues, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISEING COMPANY LIMITED J. G. Elllett, President, Leman A. Guild, Sec.~Treas. 20%Queen City Chambers, 33 Church H. E. Smallpiece, J.P. representative. P HE GETS A VINDICATION. cis will be effective. Which means ! that some of the vaudeville theatres will have to mend tiir ways or ge is tits--that te take the kicks and cuffs of the masse The crux of the matter in and he must Mr. St. i» the man in this instance. Only in a millon would undergo his verwnce willingly, Eves now, when the exposures hinve brought about a complete change i the cheap halls, court convicted which decency or immorality, suffer for his reforms. Clair on amusement yim of wrong-doing, wrong yl» what the Morality department o the city tolirated or sanctioned. THE MINISTRY. He, of all .the fel that the orl if he could. com bination, - appears to he ought, in office, to carry oul pol iry he. preached values his record while in opposition Hin and his word above the spoils of victory, and so a certain eventualities, he will re izn Ids portfolio. . Mr. his example, but Mr. Pelletier wallow his opinions--he would low hinmelf, if such were possible and remain as postmaster-general. Le Devoir, Mr. paper, affects to have special information with regard to the situation, and iu any case--whatever the proceeding-- there may be an early appeal to the reople. Upon ft nationalists must be against the government and the unholy alianée wilt he at an end. ie slogan 'Anything to beat has lost its attraction in follow will swal Nantel may 3 ' OUrassa «= the I aur- wn' Que bee, Later : Mr. The Monk is out of the gov- ernment, cris is on. Nor A PROVIN - -- Row A Steatiord paper scores Nir. A because, us alleged, "respect the strict principles of popu How is that? "He "a. he does no lax government.' y8 our contemporary, Whitney Sir James to alter his inte of transferring the Hydro-Eleetrie sion to a responsible minister the direct control of the legislature.' Which opens up. this subject in way which cannot present Sir Jame inn a very favouralfe hght. Si James made the transfer of the electric business, a commission to th government, one of his reasons fot an' early elecMon. His was opposed by . Mr. Rowell, on be Bali of the people, (not his party only), on the ground that the Hydro from a commis under Irony propesition number of the muuicipalities and no ¢ IAL MA1 TER. "a legislature, are financially £ts. The province simply lent them a credit in the raifng of power purposes. It may oseibly is--paying sundry (ncidental cpeuses because it is afraid or uned to charge them against vunicipalities, As a municipal business, owned &nd erated by several ay should it be transferred from the ocwmmission to the government ? There vas "no demand for this on the part { the people, and they protested urongly against it that Sir aitney dropped 'his proposition. wovided for Hon. Adam Beck, the wirman of the commission, hav- vg him voted a large and generous r minération. has at stake, #3 bir as this issue is concerned. The municipalities responsible for re money or bead as the municipatties, By Jamas Ho by Responsibility n:ver been, and is not now, The forestalling by-law has to go That is the fiat or decision of the Property Commitiee. Has it serval its purpose? It is largely a dead letter. The design of it was to give the consumers a chance to buy the produce of the garden and faxn at first cost. But the sdlers have not bem par. ticular as to who did the buying so long as they got rid of their. goods, and in indement weather espelally no one can blame them. To expect mew, and women 100, to st on the market square until ten o'clock, from seven ov eight o'clock, in sunshine, and i storin, in order to serve the belated consumer, is too much. Hence the infractions of the law, when the market clerk was alort and MARKETS, TOLL? AND LIVING. forcement of the law was abandoned ad perhaps ft is best to repeat it. ooner or later some one or t.mmi¥ee will dafonstrate here, i' has in other cities, that the higher st of living is due wery largely to the operations of the middlemen, The | rger the number of those who han- la the foodstufis the larger the num ter who are living on the producer and eonsumer and With the consent «r conwkvance of both. As for the market tolls. Many yoan: ago the city offered to free the # arket of them if* all the roads lead 2 to the city were made iree from t Ms. The roads have been pretty well Aaared of the tax men. 4 Il done the market should be fres in every way. H some remain the pro 1 onal 'of the - diy committee is in or- sou as prosseuted. long ago, however, the dar, Th» Duke of Connaught counsels the people of Canada against over-specu- lation. He has been seeing and hear- ing th'mge cn His western trip. When members of the federal gov! EDITORIAL NOTES. Tolan tactits in electioneering will be r gretied. Retaliation by the liberals, in arrests without warrants, and rcliascs withsut trials, in" the prosti- tution of l:gal machinery for political purposes, would incite a rebellion anong the conservatives. Yet they approve' of Roulin's methods. rp Th: ecntcntion of a school trustee ini Ottawa i8 To the effect that French ind English are the official languages of Cenada and that French must be taught in (hs schools. is is a is: irand uw ocnception of the cass and 4 Bir James Whitney, will be outa So for 1 naider i ewrtully. tha 4 ex | he a: telling the peo: | "tof daily Aguarantee. To If "they are} Celis mbid this, notwithstanding bis declaration that he non-participat of a reccnt date ty stand for the and his par- ion by | Cenda in thr wars of the Mr 5 ances, Lavergne, vader the Best Or Poes.en ¥ must wan:s ? Officially Designated. lieago to walk along »tat the afterno 3. while ¢ youll. letore ola Ks an elderly poliven her disguise and, accord Underwood, put her unde He took her to the stat heard her tearful story, I detention room and front room to make "Loot, * he a mi tle of} { a col UH dresecd as two | { spot ed | Drury i she had gone wernt "o report said, address on the desk, "1 wish to reg have an actress downsta zen s clothes! Pupils ana the Dance. Guelph Mercury The G.C.I. pupils want to dance rand the Board of Education says "lei! 'ein dance." As it will tend to ges | the fect working as well the | brains, those who advocate all round | development should be pleased. he | students will now' be privile to | | 11ance through an Mgebra two-step, | for Turkey Trot to the filth propos: | tion in Euclid. { ¢ the man} rt that | Is in city as ged The C. I 13. 'Metons. Snturday Night, Foroni The C.P.R. attitude in 'respect to its mon cutting serves to remund one the two Cocknevs who were das cussing . Canada. One Bill. but they treat us pl "Why shouldn't the other, "'don't 1 say aver | ny says well they i" we own 'em! Reciprocity Abies. Windeor Review Reciprodity and the British prefer still live, notwithstanding the re stlt in Macdonald, and Canada some day help the Motherland in tangiilo way--by giving a greater proference to British goods. "ne will nH Wider Markets Demanded. Woodstock The need of wider markets becomes more apparent and it is not to be supposed that the French and Eng lish born will be always blind to the country's need or forever the arbiters the country's fortuses, Sentinel-Review 4 ol Great Issue. T Globe, i Toronto The greatest tis is the bar or shall be saved ? CANADA'S LARGEST voli Which issue in Ontario the boy FLANT shipped Over the G.T.P. From Ohio to Alberta. There has just been shipped to Fd- mentoa gr the Portland Ceannt com pany, ower th: Grand; Trunk Paeilic fr ym Alliagee, Ubio, en route for Mark b ro, Alta. the largest plant its k nd in thy dominion. This include three rotary kilns, each 140 feet long end S feet in diameter, mf of steel r.nzing from three quarlers to hi teen i tes nths of an inch in thickness 4 wd weighing 150,900 pounds exclusive ot bi se and gear. 'lwelve flat of which carried the ends of the kilns on swivel blocks, were required to cone voy th: machinery, whose total weight was 450,000 pounds. Before vn ler iny its delivery the railway company h d men at work earciully chocking ho track curves and bridge clearances o wake sure that there would he no o stacles. Altogether 300 cars of ma thinery and material have gone build up «the plant which will have cast $650,000 by tha time it is run nny. This, it is hoped, will he in De amber or early. in January, when 1,500 barrels of cement will be turn ol out daily, thy company having ma and elay supplies emoulh to Inst for at last forty years. Ol fde cars, six uk Lo PARTISAN TOURS Truth Says No Good to Canada Car Result. ; London, Oct. 18.--Truth draws at tention to the partisan <haracter ol Rt. Hon. Walter Long's Canadian tear, and points out that Mr. Long': is not the only effort made in the Cominion this autumn on behalf o he English conservative party. These was a time, declares Truth, whe: Canadians were apt to complain ot "English indifference; but that was a time 'when Canada made the most progress in developing her own po | dilcal institutions. There was no; attempt to induce Canadians to iden- tify themselves with party interests bere until Chamberlain canriei ina 'onservatives to the protectionist cause. "No good to Canada can come from attempts to turn the do- minion into au field for the props ginda of home politics, says Truth. CENSURES p-- w-- 1 Buckley's Celelgated Hats. hats with an anconditional be had in Kifcston the big hat The ouly at Campbell Bros. Jers. / r Store Closes Salut | 10 p .m. sharp BIBBYS, Lid. | Ty Our Special | $4.00 Men's Shoes OVERCOAT ELEGANCE & Ve ins. 'It's a peach,' these cleverly . We ing! o Overcoats $10 Overcoats $18 Y Mr. Young Man, we Want You! We've smart Overcoats built for other young men who are * Hashing i in their eyes and hot blood: in'their "Itsa bud" ions we hear daily when Yonng Fellows see Tailored Overcoats re showing every new kink in tailor- Every new coloring in fabric! Overccats ~ (Overcoats $12 Overcoats $20 you and live wires" with - a are express = tr Bvercoats $22.50 Suits $15 Suits $20 Suits $22.50 Suits $18 Shoes 78, 8 OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT See Our Display of Men's Fine $4.00 and $5.00 BIBBY S Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. | | We c a full 2 line of Pure Spices { and Vinegar. | | un avi" fatkel Floral Sprays D. COUPER'S 'Phoase 76. 311-3 Princess St. Brainpe Dalivery. Phones night . We BEDROOM FURNITURE Iron Bed Special this week. $2.50 $3.50. $4.50 and up. Some special oncs ot $6.76 $6.50. York Novelties In Plumes, Sprays, Feather Bands, Wings and Flowers, Po pet forget that we havea and Yarge assoriment in Hats and for the little ones. Born i DR. SOrzR Up-to-date Millinery : ad Store, 178 WELLINGTON STREET. Private Fitting Rooms. "Phone 225 Springs, $2.50, 33.50, 36.50. Mattresses, $2.5¢ 10 $30.00. FOR PICKLING! Showing of Latest New "GEDYE" ABS Blacksmith Coal | : High Grade : DRURY'S Coal & Wpod Yard | } ww wv KIN GSTON Is going to a big eclity Everything points to that end, and it takes a long time to make evershody familiar with a new appliance in addition to s populati u this the continually changing---somas moving out and others moving in That is why It takes continuous ad vertising to bring any special thing to the general attention of the public. That is why mering away about our With Gas" proposition We know we've got goode It is just a matter of getting in touth with - the people We never lose a rus tomer--otiee © F188, always sed is keep ham Cook we the COOK TH GAS. CHEAP, CLEAN, INVENIENT. Light, Heat, Power, Water, Depts C. C. FOLGER, GRNERAL MANAGER -- "RAWF ORDS Coapr. RE ------ VIET FTITT (J (ATV

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