Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1912, p. 8

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THE DAILY RRITISH WH.G. MEN PLACED IN DANGES SUIT MODELS Dressed in one. of our Handsome Fall Suits any man will wear a Mark of Clothes Dis- tinction, We'll Have Individuality Our Clothes will make him conscious of good grooming, no detail so small that it has been overlooked. Suits-- $12 $15, $i8 Now It's Fall Overcoat Time. A Man's Comfort and good appearance de- mands a Fall Overcoat. Weve a splendid showing at ar ~*~ $12.00, $15.00 and-$18.00 See our English Raincoats. Plain and Raglan Shoulders made with Mili tary Collars. (Absolut :ly imperviois to water. Special value $10.00, $12.00, $15.00 All goods marked in plain figures Every garment guaranteed. LIVINGSTON'S BROCK STREET {THE VERY LATEST New York and-Paris Styles IN . 1Evening Wraps e 2 AND Evening Dresses Beautiful styles at- moderate prices. E- $20.00 to $75.00 each. i T 4 New York Suits AT ree ston Prices ~ The finest collection in Eastern § Ontario, © a ' $15, $17, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $35 , Fall Coats | Correct styles, > 1,000 to select from. ! pavement {| THROUGH THE IMMODES ¥ DRESS OF WOMEN. Archbishop Spratt Asks the Wome to Dress More Modestly, and No to Expose Men's Minds and Soul to Danger, At high mass in St Mary's Cathed {ral on Sunday morning, His Grace { Archbishop Spratt preached a pointe: isermon upon the necessity in thes (days. of walking with prudence. His (text was Lphesins V, 15-16 'Se then that ye walk circumspectly, no las fools, but as wise; redeeming the | time because the days are evil The world is progressing the Arch bishop said, and is progressing con stantly. MM, however, modern inven (tions and improvements are a help j better living, human nature, which 1 3 'also depraved, turns these improve | ments for the purpose of sin, therel, | making, as the apostle says, the day levil and more than evil, It is a great er difficulty for men to live wise i the spiritual sense. To remam vi tuous and live so, they must wal more circumspectly than heretofore. His Grace spoke of the danger to which men's minds and souls were ex posed and preyed upon by the immod est dress of women which leaves then partly naked. The lines of their bod ies are hardly veiled, and a source o; temptation. He advised women te dress more modestly, The archbishop also spoke © admonition 'and be not drunk wine, wherein is excess. He stro condemned the abuse of liquor why | mide man unable to walk circumspec Hy. Hs Grace did not condemn lique Yigself, 'but the excessive use of it fo wrongful purposes Paul INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Local Notes and It s of Gener Best's Short Stop 15 cents. Fine oysters at Carnovsky's. William Swaine, pianb tuner. Orde: received at McAudlev's. Phone 564. W. R. Givens, Maitland stivet, turned to the city on Saturday New York. . New Ta son's." George Hunter, William street, returned home after 'a week's in Toronto. Best's Short Stop cures all cough for 15 cemty . . Sheldon Jovee, clerk in the Gran Trunk ticket office, spent Sunday I#s home in Napanee, New books added to the Inu library at *'Gibson's." Ladies' up-to-date dressmakin Terms moderate, Miss A, Keyes, « Princess street. Fresh McConkey's--!'Gibson's." Mra. Patrick McKenna, of the Iv perinl. Hotel, Princess street, was da gerously ill >on Monday "Benson and Hedges" "Gibson's." : Miss Bessie Gleeson, Ottawa, | spending a few woeks' -vacation, a her home, on King street west Fresh McConkey's--'" Gibson's." Hl. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at M Auley's book store. A "gallery shoot for the member of the 14th P.W.O. 'Rifles will tak place in the armouries on Tuesda evening: . Cameras to rent at Best's. One contagious disease case wa reported to the medical health offic ers last week. It was a case 'ol diphtheria. Mrs. Gertrude and little son, Robert, who hav been vigiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mathewson, Simcoe street will leave shortly for her home i Los Angeles, Cal * "Benson and Hedges" tobacco.-- "Gibson's." Three colored men arrived in th city on Monday morning to do th work "of laying the bricks on the nes on the down town block: Phe contracton expects th start an fav the bricks in a day or so New Tabard Inn books. --"Gib son's." The concrete mixer which, owin io poor adjustment, has held up th: laying of the pavement on Clarence: street, for the last few days, is being repaired at the Kingston foundr) and will be on the job on Tuesday. Rest's Short Stop. 15 cents. New Tabard Ian books.--"Gib son's." # Cb MeCoot and A. L. Moffat lof Kingston have been awarded th. contract by the dominion govern ment for the construction of the timber superstructure of the Brock ville water front improvements. The cost will be $15,200. IN LOVING REMEMBRANCE n fro ba rd Inn books.--' Gib he vi Taba | i tobacco. Brewer-Forema Of Edith Pureell, beloved wife of Williage Wilson, born November 11th, 118853, died Avgust. 26th, 1012. ' Sately, solely gathered mn, No more sorrow, no more sin, No more childish griets or fears, No 'more adress, no more tears, For the hie, so young and fair, Now hath passed from earthly care, God himsell the soul will keep, Giving This Ledoved sleep, Safely, safely gathered 'in, Free trom sorrow, {ree from sin, #assed beyond all grief snd pain Death for thee is truesi gain. For our lows we must pot weep,® Nor our loved one long to keep From the home of rest and peace, . Where all sin and sorrow cease. Safely, safely gathered in, No more sorrow, no more gin, tind has saved from weary sirile In its dawn thas young, lresh hie, Which awaits us now above. Resting in the Saviour's love, Jesus, grant tht we may meet There, adoring, 'at thy feet. A LOVING FRIEND. Barry led all way. His time was twonty-two minutes, apd thirty-one seconds, for four and a hall mile course. Duwrnan is champion of America, is thirty-seven years old, j nas s ale 7 Yerkes, MONDAY, OCT NEW YORK THE SIXTH Te 1 GIANTS WON. THE, } | , GAME OF SERIES in New York on Monday---MeG-aw's Failure to Advance Base Runwers) the Cause of New York's Losses. | { de RHE. 020000000--2 7 2| S0000000x--7 11 Boston New York al el i New Yom, Oct, 14.--W. A. Hewiid | ,vdmits that the Giants are doomed | to almost certain defeat, in all bu | maf probability, but points out | there is no more uncertain game than | maseball. He Bays McGraw signally | failed to grasp the opportunities shat | arose to advance base runners, und] this lack of judgment has contributed more than anything else to the down fall of the Giants. with the Red Sox only needing one ame to cinch the world's champion- hip and the Giants needing that same game to keep in the running, here was plenty of excitement for to day's game, which 35,000 turned out to se. The Incup: New York--Devore, 1.f.; Doyle, 2h; <nodgrass, ¢.f.; Murray, r.f; Merkle, ib.; Herzog, 3b.; Meyérs, c.; Fletcher, .8.; Marquard, p. Po ton--Hooper, r.l; | Speaker, ef.; Lewis, Lis Stahl, 1b; Wagner, J'Brien, p. Umpires--Klem, at plate; Evans, on ases; Ringler, right, and O'Loughlin, lft. First innings, Bustos --- Hoover singled though Doyle made nice Noare stop. Marquard and Meikle 'aught Hooper napping off first. Yerkes flied to Snodgrass. Speak- or walked #nd stole second. Lewis tied to Devore. No run, one hit, no TTOrS. r New York---Devore out. Gard- ser to Stahl, Doyle beat out a slow rounder to Yerkes. . He stole sec. nd, Snodgrass fanned. Murray eat out a grounder to WV {gner, Doyle taking third. Doyle ,rored when O'Brien balked in making a bluff throw to first, Murray taking second Merkle doubled to right, scoring *Murray. Herzog doubled to eft scoring Merkle. Meyes singled o Wagner in deep short. Herzog taking third. Meyers stole second, Herzog scoring. Cady threw to Yerkes, and his return was low. Fletcher and Meyers worked the squeeze play, the Indian scoring on Fletcher's grounder towards third. Fletcher out, O'Brien to Stahl. The Giants in this innings madyf five runs and six hits. 1 | Second irn'ngs : whoo Marquard juggled . his Stall' singled over second. Wagner fanned. Cady fouled out to] Meyers. Engle batted for O'Brien and] doublid to left, scoring Gardner and | stahl. Hooper fouled out to Meyers. | Iwo runs, two hits, gne error 5 { New J ork--Colling réplaced O'Brien, +ho allowed six hits in one inning. Marquard popped to Stahl, Devore famsel. Doyle "flied to Speaker. Bo runs, no hits, yo errors. Third inning¥ : Bosion~ Yerkes sin ghd over second, Speaker flied to "nedgrass. Lewis fouled to Devore Gardner flied 16 Murray against the left field Tinee. No.rums, one) hit, no rors - : New Joston--Curdner ound r. Y ork--Snodgrass flied to Murray singled to right and trying to stretch it into a doallel - Hooper to Yerkes. Merkle vat out am infield bit to Garduor. Merkle died stealing, Cady to Wagner No runs, two hits, ng errors Fourth innings : Boston---Stahl heat out a giounder to Herzog. Kvans was: hissed on the close decision at first, tha first demonstration against ampiring durin the series. Wagner fied to a a nice running catch. Cady singled to right, Stahl! oing to third. Collins forced Cady at second and was nailed at first him- sel', Fletch r to Boyle to Merkle. No uns4, two hits, po errors was out STOCK MARKETS. E. R. McCurdy Co., Clarence Cham. H. W. Nelles, Manager. Closing Prices, Oct. [ith H = beps-- Montreal. Canners Mentreal Power Richelieu Rio Torenio Rails NOY ann . fram Power Brazil . --p-- New York. Copper Smelto s (.P.R dead nr Lh on steel Gre THE LATE WILLIAM LAWSON. a 4 A Well-known - Resident of FEidkg ee burg Passes Away. An old resident of Elginburg, Wil liam Lawson, J.P., died, near Syden- m, on Sunday evening, at 6.30 o'clock, at ihe home oi his son-in law, J. MeRory, after an illness of} about one year. Mr. Lawson was a "arriage builder by trade, sod a jus- ice 'of the peace. He was a native of Sottingham, England, and came to this country in 1851. He is survived | ¥ a family of two deughters, Mrs. MeRory, of Sydenham, and Mrs, W. Smith, of Messeng, N.Y. and two ons, NS # Rock Island, HL; and J. MH. Lawson, of Detroit." He is) ako gurvived by a sister, Mrs mas Lawrenve, Hath, and six brothers, | i o Ashton, Georize, Joseph and Edwin, of Kepler, F. M., o : funeral will take place on W day, at 10 a.m., fron: the residence of F. A. M., of Ki MeRory, Sydenham, to Cataragqmi emetery. A Making Preparations. it must have been most gratifying to the Rev. Mother and Nmsters « of the pongregation de Notre Dame Con Tho | There were many floral and BER 14, 1014. The Coat that Suits Your Particular Figure a a _-- - style or Kn -------- Nem The Late Dominic The funeral of the late Dominic 'nllon took place on Monday aiter- noon team the Grand Trunk station to sMaryls cathedral where a solemn was celebvated by ' Archbishop Spratt\ The eathedral contained" « large chngregation and 'a full - choi was in \atteodance. The long cortege i to St. Mary's cemetery he remains were mterred. The savers were Father James Fal , of Ottawa, and Father Charles Fallon of Tewkesbury, Mass; Joseph J. and Thomas D. and Vincent of Cornwall and Francs E., of London, Omit. Bishop Fallon was in attendance iritunl Fallon. offerings -- Barry Defeated Durnas. London. "Det. 14. Barry won world's championship boat race, faating Durnan, by two lengths. The tug Bartlett and barge Davie, which went aground at the ioot of Wolfe Isignd, on Driday, were 4 atout Saturday moon. No damage is reported, and the vessels went on to' Mcntreal. The large skating rink being built sed during Us \ 4 : E Your particular particu- lar taste may be found here. We have [all Winter. Coats for slender women, who wish to ac- centuate the long lines, while we have other de signs for the wo- men inclined to stoutness. FALL SUITS That have the style touch appreciated by women who know the proper thing. and $15 to It's High Time You Bought Your Winter Underwear. It's a hundred times cheaper than * a cold. Women's Natural Wool Vests and Drawers, 25¢, 49¢, 35¢, 75¢, $1.00 and on up. White Unshrinkable Vestsand Drawers 69¢, 75¢, 50c, 99¢ and others Women's White Unshrinkable Vests & Drawers, just the right weight for Fall and Winter, 49c¢, 69¢,75¢. $1 Women's Combination Suits, proper sizes and right weights. See these the first time you are in the store. A AA NANA N,N C--O . 9 . itters' Supplies A Full Stock of All Wools Wanted : Beehive Wools In Black, White and thirty colors. Shetland Floss, all shades now ready Eider down Wools, For Skating Caps and Wraps. Saxony Wools, Best English Makes for Knitting Socks, Mitts and Stockings. Unbreakable Yarns To be had only from us, See that tag ison.cach hank. xz JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. am "». A Large Variety Ne Ny & es so much. { OUR LADIES' ew $30. 9 o \ 7 OES AT $3.00 Splendid Quality mah ladies' High Cut Calf Button High Cut Patent Button Tan Calf Button Patent Colt Blucher Lace | Gah Metal Calf Laced | and many other styles all at | $3.00 ~~ 7

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