Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 4

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- PAGE POUR. ean be, checked, natural, healthy "gg prompt use of Warner's artion been prescribed proven ix efficlenty and wer in checking the his dread disease. "re, en Cure, 4--Anthma Cure. x Constipation 'onntipn Pills ( ; ) the number of remedy Dept. 203. Wasting Awa g y Dia the disease come, and the organs restored 10 & by Diabetes Cure For more than thirty years it ha: for Mabetes healing ravages of EACH FOR A PURPOSE: 1-=Kidney and Liver Care, ZeeRheumatic Cure. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS®. Write for a free sample giving gired to Warner's Safe Remedies Co, Teoronte, Ont aver. the WEEKLY BRITISH WH Thursday morning at $1 Xa. be add , making price of and STORM SASH NOW | §. Anglin & Co. Wellington St. North Street, Toronto. ES ------------ Henry Corby, of Belleville, has been named as one who is mast eligible for a seat in the semate of Canada. The v responsible in this matter, and it will be for its anxious, of course, to put in the upper house those who will be most helpful, of its interests. It knows the most desirable subjects for senatorial ing to hear suggestions and receive nominations. The Belleville district is warranted , in supporting the claims of Mr. Cor- by for recognition. He is the type of AT THE FESTIVAL OF THE EMPIRE Dinners will be furnished and that the service will be first class Is assured be- cause the has decided to use management : GAS FOR COOKING. ' A card . addressed to 'the office of the works, or 'phone "197, and we wil send a man to give the necessary information, ® man to talk it over. t pv Call up 197. and we will send COOK WITH GAS. P, CLEAN, CONVENIENT. a C. FOLGER, Overcoats. In Seotch Tweeds, J arays. latest styles, Browns good , Power, Water, Depts. . . GENERAL MANAGER and fit guaranteed, from $5.50, $13, $15. Suits. Scotch Tweeds. A special Brown 'shades. diagonal lendid wearing' qualities, & at $13 pattern Also Serges at $13 and $18, SABON tands of Street, ail Grocery , x u * ' man who is most in demand for par- liamentary service. He is able, popu- all, he is nol. a politigal In other words he is not one who, having appealed to the people in an THE WHIG, SEVENT DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at Ontario, at §§ per year. Editions at 2.30 an ear. POE States charge for postage had to Bally $3 and Weekly $1.50 per year, Attached is one of the best Job Printing Offices in Canada; rapid, styl- ish, and cheap work; nine improved presses, THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED honours; yet it is probably most will- + + : * 2 ¥ tlar, energetic, influential, and, best of | castaway. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1042. -NINTH YEAR 96-310 King Street, 'Klagston, 4 pm. blished in parts on Monday and J. G. Elliott, President, Leman A. Gulid, Sec~Treas. TORONTO OFFICE.~Sulte 19 and 20 Queen City Chambers, 32 Church H. E. Bmaliplece, J. Pr. representative, _-- ---- SEATS IN THE SENATE. election, and been defeated, looks for ! an appointment which the government can give him. Mr. Corby represented { West Hastings in the commons for many years, and would be represent- ling it still had he been anxious do 80. : There are several things in his fa- vour. He is in the prime of life. He has the capacity for service. He has the experience, which @ one of the t highest qualifications and most valued or prescribed in the many schemes 'that have been advanced for senate reform. He is independent. He will to gambling. That | and what the jury should recommend sérve his party when it deserves his support, and he will serve a liberal when he needs help. Only 4 few days ago the Whig learned of his devotion | to a liberal friend in Belleville and | under circumstances which did him ! great credit. 2 The garbage system has miscarried, and through defects that appear to he inherent and for the time being irre parable. The contractors" meant well. Somes, or perhaps most, of the gar bage was of some valae, 'and because of that they ceuld afford to accept ob the civig¢ responsibility to some ad vantage. . - But ere long, in the working out of their plans, they: encountered difficul- thee, They 'visited certpin' places where they expected to find garbage, of a kind they wanted, only to dis cover that it had been removed, and by persons with a financial interest in ihe transaction. It" did not ocour to the eommittee, mor to the eouncil, that éontracts bould be made outside of them for garbage that could be used in the feeding of hogs, and now THE SYSTEM IS DEFECTIVE. that this has become known they 'van do nothing about it. The city solicitor will be asked to look into the legal aspect of, the case and advise upon it. It may be pos sible for the city to make the gar bage collectors carry out their con- tract, and if so a great hardship will be put upon them. If the general law does not put the cdllection of garbage under the control of ! the council, and subject to its authority, an améndwent should be sought, The garbage question is an import ant one, and the city must pursue the wonz with the determination to make it @ success. It may be even neces sary to appoint an inspector whose attention to the subject will guarah tee results, in a sanitary hse, which arg very much to be desired. __-- I The filtration question has entered upon a new aspect. The Board of Health has declared its intention to report ths City Council to the [ro vincial Board of Health for a failure to do its duty, The result will be awaited with a growing intérest. The Whig has criticised the Board of Health because it did not perform what appeared to be its duty. The Board of Health should decide that the water needed treatment, in order to be safely used for domestic pur- poses, but also it 'should have report- ed upon the nature of that treatment, Filtration was favoured and deemed expedient, but the filtration plant should have been described or defiried. The Utilities committee, however, as sumed the responsibility of deciding the issue, after its chairman put him- self on record as saying that this com- mittee would provide any plant the Board of Health recommendell. The ALL UNDER A CLOUD. Utilities committee has had two ants under consideration, and had not reached any decision with respect to them. It transpires that no pro- gress has bern made oi latg because there is a difference among tHe alder men upen the need of any plant. It is on this account, because the committee is disposed to mark time, that the reference to the Provincial Beard of Health appears to be time I. The provincial authorities cannot uvoid taking some action, and it may be the means 'of educating the alder men or converting them from the er tor of their way, The Utilities committee has disap io'nted those who were its admirers. A while ago it seemed to be the only civic organization that gave evidence of life. The later revelation upon this liltration system has advertised it as no better and no worse than any oth- er committee. -- The education department is being menaced by the French-Canadians of Ontaria. These, in school matters, fwere allowed to have their way so that wow they will not be check: Jed or hindered" in their plans. The education department was driven by public opinion, and the aggressive ac tion of Mr. Rowell, who has definite views on the subject and a definite plan whereby the children of Ontar wlll be instructed in English, The ations were faunched at the clos of the last session. They were evi y hastily drafted, and they ma) = BI-LINGUAL SCHOOL TROUBLES. diane o 'destroy everything which is Ca- bolic and French." In another, from imbrum schodl, the dentard is made hat French should be the Linguage of ommunicatiop between the teachers od scholars. The trustees of Nos. 3 wd 7, Dover township, ge further. "hey absolutely refuse to enforce or #spect the regulations, and i* depriv- 4 of a school grant will educate the hildmn without government aid. More wer, when a Protestant inspector salks into their schools the ch¥dren ave 'been instructed to wilk out, So that a merry war is on, and it t a direct result of the abrupt at empt to change the schools from 'rench to English, after the French 'anadian people have been alowed are not to be silen ; from even _the Might) who governs in Ontario. They can be Bir ; him Tuesday the commission upon the short weight of cheese vhipped from this and other districts. The Inland Revenue depart {ment will see why the scales of the | Eventu- to do cheese factories were ally TEFort ay (o their duty, wiolng some of the officials will have "why thes did not Dr. Helen MacMurchy (God bless i | --is still advocating the cause of the mentally and physically defective and demanding 'separate classes where they | b: educated. It.is not a pew ides. It has been tried in the United States, and with all due respect some of their critics, the schools of the United : th: schools of Canada. may to States are-far abead of A grand jury in Toronto would pro- hibit, by law, the publication 'of all news with regard to gambling. What The paper does not cause or encourage the gambling, the absence of pews concerning it wil not end the evil. Why do not the public officials become busy and suppress the what is wanted rot ! and is AS GRACEFUL AS LOCOMOTIVE Annesley Burrowes' Description o! Col. Roosgvelt. The Detroit Times dontains the following description: 4f €ol. .Fheo- dore Roosevelt by Awnesley "Bur rowes, on the occasion of the ex- president's appearance in that city: "When Col. Roosevelt walked in before the big audience which met in the armory, he loked exactly what a people's can- didate should look like. He look. €d like a man of, the people "His coat hung awkwardly upon him. His: trousers were bagged at the knees and wrinkled across the hips. Heo looked as though he belonged to the plain people--the "common" people. If he had been driving a dray or swinging a ham- wer in a blacksmith's shgp you would have thought him a fine looking blacksmith a splendid look- ing draymar) a man who should be doing somothing bigger than either. "But it would never occur to youn that he was out of place. "Col. Roosevelt does not look in- tellectual, or graceful, or "aristocrat- ie or refined. He looks about as intellectual as a printing press, about as graceful as a locomotive, about as aristocratic as a steam- dredge, about as refined as a road: roller. "On the whole the colonel is no orator. He can turn a team of oxe about as gracefully as he can turn a period. He doesn't know anything about climaxes or peroratons. He just sails in fough-and-tumble, "Every word strikes you like pistol shot. . Somebody, or some: thing. «drops at every sentence. Slam! Bang! One down, the other come on, : s "And when it's all ovbr you have that satisfled feeling, like sitting at the ringside and watching the late champion take the count. "Col. Roosevelt's popularity in his simplicity. cently primal. He is the very type of earlv man. In imagination, one can picture him half-clad in skins, with shaggy bair and battle-club, zoing out against the monsters ot the stone age. "He has the aspect of a leader, not a ruler. You feel that he is one of yourselves--that he is down among the people. You cannot imagine him in robes and periwig, exercising the hereditary sway of a Louis XIV, but you can picture him {a the horned helmet of a German- ic chieftain. throned in the forest, giving the law to his fellow tribas- men, differing from them in noth- ing . and superior .only in Ma strength and wisdom. : "That's the appeal that Roosevelt makes. And while it may not got across to the high-brow contingent 't certainly has its weight with the crowd." a Hes He is _magnifi- Queen's Students Will find it easy to buv just the hat they want from the big stock of fieorge Mills & Co., 126 and 125 Prin- cess Street. Grapes, Grapes, Grapes. Now is the time for grape wines. (rapes are at their best, and cheapest at J. Crawford's, * Mendel's for bargains Saturday. the man who lives in a little town behaves in a manner that keeps people from talking about him is pret- ty "sure landing in heaven some time. Blue and green grapes. Crawford's All' the world's a stage, but it lacks an asbestos drop cartain. Mendel's $10 sale ladies coats turday., When a woman drives a homie why does she whip him with the lines ? "Red Cross Cough Syrup," the king of cough syrups. Gibson's. A conceited chap thrives best in the limelight. s Sa: --_---- Store Closes Saturday | _ pm shap | ha - BIBBYS, Ltd. Classy Overcoats. The man who is considering an Overcoat can solve: the=gestion most easily here. We've a great variety of models, from the Coat that he can wear without attracting attention to the garment that wil] pftract every, oze's attention as quite the new®st thing out. $15.00 | i i | i - Overcoats Rich-Greys, Genteel Blacks, Nobby Tweeds in new shades of( irey, Brofize and Browns Raglan or Plain Shoulders, See Our New Scotch Cheviot Overcoats, New Tans, @ « 5 ' $10.00 Overcoats We show some extra values at this price, TIL ; College Ulsters made with Two-way Collars in Fincy Scotch and Eng lish Tweeds, Chesterfield style ifi plain Bjack, Greys and. Browns. New Hats We are showing the latest Soft Hats, new Alpine shapes, all colors, $1.50 al -$18.00 Overcoats ' Our Coats at this price will com pare with ane Ovéeeoat the exclusive tailor can show a " "$25 or $28 , ¢ reenggbireys & Browns h FL , 4 Ni oh ay Lf "es Ney! Shoes We spectlise $4 and'$5 Shoes |i 20th Century Hartts. ~~ BIBBYS Limited Men's and Boys' Departmental Store 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. ~ F. J. JOHNSON THE LEADING FLORIST A full line of Roses, Car- . hations, 'Mums, Valley, Violets fresh every day from our own greenhouses. Also Fine Ferns and Flowering. Plants. Bulbs for winter flowering imported direct from Holland. Potting Soll, Fertilizer, etc., etc. 'PHONES: Store, 239; Residence, 1212; Greenhouse, 239, TEA! TEA! Finast Tea Gardens of olored, ANd 31 ve finem Ap a ana per Pound. Auprrw wor v yoy, tA Ontario Street, - TEA! the Ceylon, a td Cnn ilr. de Van's Female Pills saliable on Igulaior never date exceed y a regulating he tive ; liners Barticn ol feten system. Refuse fate or dese for A Great : Good Market Garden of 30 acres, frame: house, with all out- buildings and furnace within § mile of city limits, $5,000.00 AAAS ARANMAMASEAMS AAA THIN you look. how and why Shoes." SHOES Then you should think of us. pared a most wonderful exhibit of The Sea- son's Newest and Best Footwear Productions for Men, Women and Children. We have pre- If yon have a Shoe need now or contemplate one soon, it's to your interest to drop in here now and see the stylish new Footwear, will be under no obligation to buy, because You It would be a pleasure fof us to show you we ean and do sell Better J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | 'The Home of Good Shoes Norman & Webb Fire, Live

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