Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 3

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: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1912. g ; I emt tern i. a BR wns TO MAKE A PROPOSITION Good Eaters ; 1 (if) "hich kas icicles hanging from its | ppt - ] ] A CHEQUE FOR $1 pal. . The whole detign Sta, in ; : Torduta, Out. Oct. 1108, 1 mats' g ' the heat of the crowded aisles, rest, * To Queen's Alma Mater About iawa Valley She Epper 3 ny : Are ood Fighters coolness and refreshment. The ladies Students' Dining Hall. nORIDErIr AE nr FROM HON, WILIAAM HARTY at the Irish booth wear white with | UNDERWOOD-HILL WEDDING The firat, meeting of the Alma Mater ! 'showers, but partly talr, fi TO FESTIVAL OF EMPIRE. aprons trimmed with green and pretty ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON. | Society has been called' for Saturday : Whether at Work or Play, Eadue-| . litle Sif Hith iffeen stréamers. a evening 11 -ji expected. that there wilt ance Comes From Good Diges- [Largest Attendance of the Week Last - wat, for the stroller to look for | Meeting of West Leeds Teachers' Pe ery Jarge atiedanen; gi Share tion. Always Assured by Evening--The Armouries Was giversion. The ladies there sell flow- Institute--Pral. W. T. MacCle | |, come up with regard to the propos. Stuart's Dyspepsia Crowded at an Early Hour, ers of afl kinds and a hand pelted ment, of Queen's University, Was | «d d ning hall at the college. Messrs Tablets, a uest book in' floral designs. They One of the Speakers. Reid & Hambrooke will wait om the . The attendance on Thursday even. Be thickets here for a ell vase - . sociely and present a proposition with Men and women must have quick |i0g, at the Festival of the Empire, ven Iv RB .J er and valued ai | (iAnanoque, Get. 1i.--The home of regard to feeding one hundred gud fif- wit and good grit to stand the ay's | Surpassed that of previous nights, and % alin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Underwood, Sy: tv stadents daily in the 'top fat in A battles. A dyspeptic may get, away the crowds that jostled. good-na "1 %he supper on Thursday was served | denham street, was the scene of an in | po ares building. In the past the yA gd . 4 io with his work. But is always at]ly in the aisles were liberal Jstiyers, by the ladies of the Anglican churches | teresting event at four o'clock yester | udents have had difficulty in getting kb . + Until the weather neces. swords' points with these around The grand march was Put Gn at 7.30 oy 43, eity, and was an exeellent one. |91Y alternacit hen Miss Nettie E. | qeals. This diticulty will be overcome : sitates the buying of Win- him. A good stomach and a good | o'clock and many who ardved at The ladies succeeded in seating a larg. | Hil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George | the new dining hall is established. , pi a 4 = iF meal, well digested, puts us fn' « |#ight o'clock were disappointed. The er namber than has been dope any | Hill. of Nuneaton, Warwickshire, ¥ ng. | tis understood that a number of the ; mn i ter weight. good, jolly fighting mood, the sors | aisles became so crowded at that time other evening this week. There were | ¥a% ullited in marriage to George H. rcfessors are very favorable 10 the fi > that mows down work and commands | however, that had it been arranged nearly 500 suppers served and all told | L nderwood, tormerly of Nuneaton | chome : . = n the hearty av-operation of our asso- | 197 éght o'clock it could not have #168 taken in at this booth, The ta- | Where the romance began several years f : . ' uitings clatdi. The mon at the head of = ifgtten through the crowds, in spite ple was under the charge of Mrs. J, [880 and which culminated in an ocear A Mechanical Cypher System. . i who has 'a 'good stomach |of the fact that {wo policemen and an Robinson, with a committee as fol yovage on the While Star liner "Laur [ , Russian naval officer has invent- TOUR has behind him a good fighting force | seo "of battery men led the van. lows: Mesdames H. Price, T. Mills, Gi. br i > Sistant land to join hin 'sd an electrical automatic writer : * 3X d against competition and the daily | A gift that brought joy to the Bawden, J. Sutherland: J Seels | ¥hom she hac OSen Jor her Lit | .¢ 5 crvptic cipher and "its comple- : H an R : ny J e ity rw i mixups that are bound to take place. hearts of the ladies was a cheque Twigg, Reynolds, Schofield, W. H. Ee i wae Dor ed nent an automatic reader of the In fact, a well organized business 1s [for $1,000 from Hon. W. Harty, ex-M.P. Lyons, A. JJ. Hurray: H. Simpson, J) decorated for the occasion hy the deft | '[PBer. He recently gave an exhib ri : C t v RAT AOA AT like our d ive system. who has always been a warm friend Scrivens, J. onnors; J. Fegg, | © 1 tion before the ezar and czarina on 5 art's BY Tablets as soon [and generous contributor to the gene: Connell, Gimlettt, Coward, W. J. vak- angers of William Websters Under 8 ward the imperial yacht, Standart. as taken info the system go right to |ral hospital. : er, Youlden, N. Thomson, Potter, Syv- Bent Bore = ho apie Braves "1 t was when writing despatches as . work ns assistants to the stomach,| One of the things that impresses thy age, McCulla, F. Reid, J. Crawford, Soups 31000: Niue thoi | saval attache fn Rome, and for M. : rendering it an immense amount of |visitor most at the festival is the Kenoedy, W. Calvert, Ada, Ferguson, Oheyt Past od eS he ha: | Muravieff, the Russian minister for TT " lielp in working out the very complex | picturesqueness of many of the cos. Rea, McCormack, GG. Booth, J. Driver, I moi 1 wi words LI6 | 'oreign affairs, that he first got his sawustvahudl processes of digestion encouraging it [tumes worn by numbers of the people J, Carroll, W. Allen, Milses Anthess, | Made t in han at i eho bride dea. He was constantly. finding » bo, Go ertormane of 5s functions, attered heough, (he. row "pa; Forsar foe Compton. Lie. ove 8 handoome 4nd aborts gow | 68, He vib constant nding We Are Ready relieving it of a portion of its du- [powdered wig, velvet coat and smalls _ The attraction in the theatre on and orange blossoms and was attend | Dt odes used and, consequently, he : } a ing i pl with white } worn by the gentle. Thursday was a splendid success and ; dar letermined to devise a code on a Feebite and leo Sing up, Hreng. [man of the 'middle, agen. are if owt (he Parte ware spiendil performed: 31 4% "Sister of thes groom, atiire | Bathematical basis which should be " io : - My Lord in Livery" was the play , 8i8 groom, wer renewable -- each succeeding With a complete showing of all that is correct for the ,* revitabizin its secretory | dence, also the young Irishman in ect : in a handsome gown of blue silk, whi Ihaplag ih, Te arates, absorbing brown shorts and Erin hat and jae BUE OB, var the Cirection i Capt hy bd : ik, whik | message being written by a code lands and muscular walls in such a | jet, strolling with the Indian maiden, FT 28}. e Parts were taken as by Gi. W. Davies, ex-captain of (he | ¥Pich Was a mathematical develop- . g ith her lo braid and her dark [0llows: Lord 'Therimere (H.M.S.|b) : ' f v Ment of the code used in the pre- * way that the stomach soon Jecovars w ghee og ha ul } hideous Dreadnought), Lieut. Franklyn; Spig- |l0cal Salvation Army corps. I'he ¥ding one. "This, at hat to» : an inter ear its lost powers of digestion, motility, a yom: i 1 eh . hield : Cor goit (the family butler), Capt. Pri. |bride was given in marriage by hex aid, he succeded in doing He ' amimilation and ultimately does its | shocks of hair and long shield. ON deaux; Hopkins (a footman), Maj. | brother-in-law, : Charles R. Paxton Ben ae 10 Work to produce : work as well as ever without outside | tumes and complexions from ar Winthrop Sears; Robert (a page), Mas. | Mrs. William Parmenter played the nachine which should, metaphor. : : assistance. land and nation mix with the throng ter Sears; Sybil Amberly (daughter |Wedding march. After the ceremony ally speaking. hold the se t of Oar showing f Dr GQ 1 braces all the These powerfd little tablets con-jand make themselves perfectly at © oo George Amberly), Mrs. Pri. | Fhe bridal party sat down to a dainty Ho In ti *oeked i his br. " . ing of ress Lo0Cs embMes & ay tain in a concentrated form, every | home. : : deaux; Laura (her iriend), Miss Chris- | dinner alter which the bride was ten Tinally. With the help 8 +, ports newest weaves, and are to be had at element necuasary to digest all forms). Then the ladies at the different 0 Cochrane; Rose (her friend), Mise dered the best wishes of her many 'd French watch makers, he pro. of ood, whether meats, i booths are suitably attired to repre (pu lia Shortt. finds. ihe groom's gilt 1o the bridi 1 4 on thine ei he phe cereals, egge, fish, etc., and they act {sent the character of their 'booth. The complications attending the en:|wss a beautitul gold bracelet. Me fed a machinz suitable for his the groom's intérests were attended to ov equally, well in an avid or an sl [The Oqnadlan booth under Mrs. J. gaging of 'Opkins, the footman, 'and [And Mrs. Underwood will locate in i ne after a 2 Honths 3 N kaline medium, If your stomach is|A. Hendry fs waited on by ladies the erate into which the home of Sir {iananoque. i] amie or is Juanita Eo 50c the Yard and uU ailing, does nol digest as quickly or as [dressed in white with a drape of St. George Amherly is thrown by the fears | Miss Josephine Ford, of the Provia ought before tha Ra a. P. thoroughly as it should, and your [George's cross. They wear ecoronets of the nervous butler, are very humor [cial hotel, boasts of the finest geran: or of foreign salts. Tb ane . entire tystem in consequente is sul [with maple leaves in gold. "Ye Olds ous situations and the outcome of the |ium in this part of the country. 'Lhe tood that each:palf of machines ; In Coati s hav Whi : fering from -malnutritiob and mal-| English lon," where Mrs. H. A. Cal- play is charming. plant is. six feet high and five feet Yan a different cipher, and that each n oatings we have the new "Chinchilla assimilation, you owe it to yourself [fn presides, is attended by ladies in ~The holdef of No. 109 won the 85 |acress, and is strong and Vigereus. lf 'ipher is almost, if' not quite im. Cloths," which are to be greatly favored this . ist- | whi ri " Hi . y im i by scores of str . ! to give the abused stomach assist white with a mob cap, fishu and ap- box candy on the Scotch booth last [is admirec Jy scores of strangers ossible to translate without the winter, Also a number of smart lookir i - sold bv milkmaids in white 4 | Ee ee fasion of your stomath-trou- ats and blue and red aprons and The school children who 'took part | Leeds Teachers Institute openad a ; nd t Don't Grow "Fussy." : RT sour | whi resses. he ladies at the ica in the entertainment in the gun shed, | 10 a.m. yesterday in the assembly g ; bd mEablem is ye -- pace hit ii Abs a. . milkmaids, and the Orphan's Home children, have | room of Gananoque High * School What is the wes of worrying over druggist at ones pv 2 after each mesl [hut are all in white and have the all been in to see 'Mother Goose." | Owing to the inability of the pres | ittte things like the angle at which age, then take lor 2 afte ' with Capt. H. T. Hughes, who is largely | ident, R. Hanna, Delta, to bi | cha®r is laced ? I have known a : ; 2 immed oF us whjuirel, then nO dru went an anil avs ist sug: responsible for thé uniqueness of the | present, William Johnston, - I.P.§ | joor, tired" woman to move a chair ; in the te he nih vo of the frosty winter, and Dew Drop inn, treated these kiddies | for this section, was elected to fi} | ix times, and walk upstairs and ' them. Price Ne) ge ad ind snow and Santa Claus to the wonders of "Mother Goose." |the vacancy. The roll call showed lownstairs, in and out of every room, " Fg 10 min One of the most interesting booths } same fifty in attendance. Reports | ust to see if every shade was pulled i that sort of 8 and Christmas, and all that = in the festival is the Hindoo booth | of officers showed a vigorous ane ip a centain length, so that kt would AAnAN® | hing. preity effect is seem in the Id. The booth i i i hoi Som booth, Where the fortunes are told. 200 | healthful condition. along all | ook nice from the outside, Of course, ¥ : : " LIME FOR SALE log _vabin _in_ the ice creatn Booth, .'draped with Mindoo embroideries branches. Miss M. M. Carpenter | uch a woman is tob tired to go ou: tore 0 ats action values speak for themselves, at : The iry ra ight. icket holder is asked to daily, nos to b it-out of its present ron. The farm and dairy produce are night. §The tie oh Ve ud of the complement 'hina. Bo 'Na : : » lp it ny Ye vik | i The annual session of the 'Wes p ary machine ! TWEEDS, in Stripe and Plaid effects. The 3 and furnished with divans and rugs of | delegate to the O.E.A. gave repori | vhen afternoon comes. Another wo- === Indian style. it is presided over by|,f the proceedings. An excellen' | nan is perfectly miserable if she finds , ONE. 8H r OME 'Mrs. Prideaus, in the garb of gn Ind paper on Nature study and primar! | flirt in the house and miserable. if she DRURY'S Coal & Wood Yard OUR SHOWROOMS Ths Diag A Jory geonravhy ay given 2 J. Ww. oh foes not find some; they are never so 3 ou want ara 3 ar | son, M.A., of Ottawa Normal sc appy as when doing foolish tings, tat 3 moderate || princess, . The robe consists of a silk { A} 3 30'p.m. the. ufternoon sesstol --_ never ter unless finding price ary ae yon, eubegh opened. Mayor Donevan in bebal | aul with somebody. It's "'don't y 3 he of the town, and' Dr. O'Connor 1 | ,ove that, I've just fixed it." or "be The popular Sot Pe ae if White. The hait ama: | hengit of 'tne Board of Education port A) of that I go ound the Rave in _geary ble fi r this sea- ments and bracelets are also very els. Welcomed the gathering to Ganan sther way," ete. Such .. women more Jomloruble or borate and true to the character they ogue. Prof. W. T. MacClement | hocny emir 4 Re Maat son o y tehtios represent. Part of Mrs. J rideauxsd made a suitable roply in behalf of kle's wife broke a blood: vessel scold: Special---Prompt atten lo costume consists in a Deatitilu gold tie association. Mr. Gibson gava ng thy Toa ee eemigee] scold: By given LW me Shain woven in goid ah ui vor is a onother fine paper on physiology as ly sanded fioor If the chair is a \ orders, - or 3 V 4 ; a phase of nature study. Miss | Bk. I wa Wi -_ ' onan aunt. alt | Nellie Lake: "of ~ Victoria _avemua |conioriable du, lo it stand, wher This is the number of the Limoges China gift of Mrs. Prideaux's aunt, Lady school, gave an excellent paper on stay up; and' if 'the' sun-looks in, bid ~ Femme ; Diggs La Touche, who received it while { 2 ; . a ' GEDYE"" i I dia 23 » at of honor at a roy. | 358igning compositions and Miss (t welcome. What does such little Dinner Set donated by Robertson's Limited Edith Wallis, of Eden Grove, ons things matter after all ? People who al dinner, y p> . . methods of dealing with written t . The Upsto-date Millinery ~The othet members of the hooth are uu wethoas « both = which were | ™ke such an ado and importante of at the Armouries. Store, in oriental costume and aré charm: ably -disenssed. trifles shorten their own ven, Cut 178 WELLINGTON STRERT. || 106! dressed aud decorated. The evening session opened at |the habit of fault-finding and fussing short: There is no name down in -- 8 o'clock with Dr. J. A. Black, Private Fitting Rooms. i}: Farm Products' Sale. chalrman of the Board of Education |tatute hosia for side yuvtiness. You may have. the lucky number that 'Phone 226. ' . . in the "chair. Inspector Williams ' . : : J 3 mimic ce Lem under Thach, the farm | Johnston, Athens, gave an admir- Eczema Cured for 25c. will win this set. If not, don't be discour- | | the Empire has conducted its part of able address sulin. go Srv Wade's Ointment cures eczema prs - d We ha 1 hod i 3 esteem (he affair is worthy of more than] © Pye, vy oat EE fall similar skin diseases. At the name . aged. is now ready. Especially : | passing sobes: The ary a Clement 'of Quest's an Mustrated Sie ee more. perfect remedy g e have lots more--very pretty 3 i : in- Minnes, and H. Macpherson, secretary, ure * for cuts, burnsgcold sores, . chapped suitdblo for Entertain { Hi have ben running the store on Brock the views being excellent.and the |p,,ic gnd other' minor skin troubles, ones and cheap. Come and see them. ments by sociafies or con- {| street, batween Bagot and Wellington | Subject handled fn a masterful man Try it and you will never be with | : ner. During the evening solos |. 'it. : 4 = i! streets, and the Armouries hooth, with ventions. Large, and {| the assistmes of three convenors, Mre. | Woré rendared by "the Misses | "(ures crema. salt rheum. soaly or private. [| GG. W. Mylks, Mrs. LG. Rogart, Miss | Ruth MeLean, Gertrude SIaflord. [iiching eruptions of (he skin, pimples T I | Rateson, abd pears of thi y-five 1g. | and Madeline Meredith, and Master olotches, dandrufl; ete. In big boxes, ROBER SON'S LIMITED J J * 9 | dies and gentlemen from the city and | WIN Id Sins rendered poe instru: 1950, at Mcleod's Drug, Store, @ Fi A ' i a ki 1 county. mental selections on the piano, Brock street, one door shove Ki i i . . C e 8 The farticrs of the district were ap Miss Gertrude Adams, provincial | street. ne China Rich Cut Gisas pealed to to aid in a smail way such a secretary of the King's Daughters, BRAG YE i 168 P i St. worthy institution as the gemeral hos | 18 Stténdiig the provincial conven- Fall and Winter 1mportations, ¥ rincess x pital, and responded generously. The [tion of that association in AyImer, | pryost, Brock street, has received - store on Brock street has been a regu. | Ont., this wask. Ra and Mrs. Hol oii his fall importations for his lar foraging station, a centre where] H- Bedtordsjones, rockville, are tailoring department, consisting in the products of the farm were sent to. | Spending a short time in town with suiting and overcoating in great va { James MeCulla has been installed | relatives, » here, asvisted And farty 9 pales to Shoot Jom. Mew ial s | Bee our TTT Hi here, a by young men. And . Ia stock of ready-made clothing for Saturda busy they have have been from morn-| °. Buckley Guaranteed Hats, and gents' furnishings, Specials y Ladies' Tan s ing to night. All the various vegeta | Like the other leading makes are to -- ---- fall Hat 3 AT bles were divided as, and the. arholy be hud in voy ry gai Fr Camp: |' Pears and grapes. Cranfoud's -- Bitton ~ ' presented the a well-condueted | hell Bros., at dealers. Harold Bond, a Lanark boy, has ; FOR -- store. There were potatoes, tursips, -------------- been advanced to the post of aec- al lL. ABRAMSON'S 9 h SR parslay, onions, apples, ete., as well] Mr. and Mrs. Broek Davis, Glen countant in the U'nfon Bank, Bran- ] $1 50 : . a as dairy offerings, butter, milk and| Buell, have returned from visiting | don, Man. ' * Up-town Clothier $2.78 y fowl. The prices were kept on a par] friends in the west, They visited Mendet's $10 sale . ladies' coats Sa | ] with those of the city stores, and a | Calgary, Edmortcn «nd the sulphur {turday, EE ------------ | regulaf budinés was carried on, springs in Banff, Blue and green grapes. Crawford's 1 tele \ one orders being filled and the good i 25c., at Sargént's| The Perth Collegiate board eon- ' - 1 Jhone Sith doing the shopping a ; template enlarging the building and Men's Up-to-date Fall Suits, in all colors, . . i it . | AND selves Dwisg. fo scarcity of convey-| Randolph Bedford, Deseronto, has | the erection of a gymnasium. worth from $12.00 to £15.00. On sale Saturday 1 ances only ee deliveries were"made| left for Ottawa to accept a fore; Mendel' 0 5 | about the city every day. -manship in the.box factory of whieh Sod Mendel's § adies coats os 3 i , sale. $898 | ; Among {he places in the country | John Fecteau, who recently Joft| The Methodist people of North - A IR hn | He contributions have been received | Deseronto, is stiperintesident. Augusta are to build a mew church. PR a ow ik » é 1 duri he week are : Glubur Tie = ----- } | Elginburg, Pit , Col i line Bay, ary: Glovale, Har x : ------ | Ei YS SEE CLEANSE YOUR LIVER AND BOWELS : 8 , th, , A Our Fall and Winter [lll Froesttown, Harrowsmith, > i" " Coats for Boys and Girls [| The booth facing the door of the WITH SYRUP OF FIGS. ; hed i Armotries has been have. become famous. fi £if C, he Atos hes been They are made to fit all fi' carried Sen ved dads. Besides : ES THE SOUR BILE, GASES AND CLOGGED-UP WasTE 2 fom 110 17 Fours ; articles Senitiohe) > {0 be disposed | WITHOUT GRIPE OR NAUSEA. NO HEADACHE, INDIGESTION, ey. have trimm of, namely, a set of harness, shovels sleeves, cuffs and velvet | hosts, vinggar, and Men's Up-to-Date Waistcosts, the very latest styles, worth from $15.00 to $20.00, On sale 5 |} Saturday Ee --_---- SX Se 3 Boys! Up-to-date, 3-piece or 2piece Bloomer Suits, worth from $6.00 to $8.00. On sale Saturday - . : : ; $398 CONSTIPATION, BILIOUS NESS OR COATED TONGUE. di ny coarse food--of taking exertise. ---------- ak 1 It Is a true and effective liver and i bol Shutter inter And Fetiaion : A big reduction in Ladies' and Men's Fall shrick from the taste after ef-] |} Shoes fects. Syrup of Figs is delicious] § TE and, besides, you don't realize you . - Pave taken anything until m 1k when all the clogged up waste of : ied g ; : y the system is gently. but thoroughly ; ; A woved on and out of the bowels vii fb : without griping or weakness. 4 ; s . 'Ask a : . : : : 4 ---- Trap of Pigs ima ius of Up-Town-Clothier and Boot and Shee House 336 Princess if i: § 2 »"

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