Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 2

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ANTS YES PAGE. TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH wma, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 1912 2 FURS I -------- Opt nt pn pt no yo nn a ONTARIO HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY of ENGLAND Was Angry Because Driver Called, Imposed Fine of $5 and Costs on| The Soccer Team to Play in Mont ' eit a : ) i to Collect for His Bread Account Alfred Blakey, Found Guilty oi} real--The College Band to Begin gi Jd UST R he . y : ~Picked Up Knife, But Did Not Neeping Slaughter House in Un- Training--The Rushes Will Occur ® trike, or Charge Might Have sanitary Condition -- Inspectos Next Week. Your inspection invited. Been a Far More Serious One. McCammon Visited Premises anu | The athletic committee of Queen's : Although the charge agafnst Paull Gave the Evidence. \ held. its first regular meeting on Thurs. C day. afternoon. 'All the members of the : : Theodossious of the Venice Cale, "Thy g > i , Bring your friends. Princess street, was that of ley protected. Th of the putlic must be committee were present. «it was decid- {Pp . ete are Fegulations. 01 | sd to place a new boiler in the gym- . . the magistrate polnted out to him | their Be ton me a0 ain cases ai ghaium for hentiay the water. fox the Cos f ber Now on Sal No obligations to buy. ua: the charge might have beens lbrought buiovs me 1 vill se thet hey | Loper "comm Srmaman so. bo mopolitan for November Now on Sale. : o e was found f o : a Built of drawing = kille on coo, Toe 2s enlorved: aa held in loronto shortly, so it was Articles and illustrations by Chambers, Gibson, Morris, Oppenheim. » & 5 : » agistrate arrell made this state | decided to send a team to represent Pi eph Gorrie, dnd fined $15 and costs, | ment in police wurt ou Friday morn | Ques. Chester, Harrison Fisher and others, . JOHN McKAY ihe pics of [2 mouth in ib ing when he imposed a fine of $5 ana | A discussion took place with regard | . M too Ii! Spring Maid Music. =~ costs' on Alfred Blakey, of Williams [to the curlin k, which the college : « t g rink, Re | THE FUR HOUSE such lust wesuld ot 2 Wistated, Sills, found guilty of keeping bi |oow owns and is likely to rent to the i A a > ular ea " | slaughter house iu an unsaultary con | Singston curling club. The club refus- | : : i 2 « g club, e ub refus » ar Ap r 5 . was. making an example of the accus- sition. Willing Nebameon ait Jodo oa ene rons fest asked: but | All the music of this popular Opera now on sale. Getting Ready for Sion eT . _ nspector, was the complainant. is understood that some compromise | : Joseph Gorrie is employed as driver | Mr. was made and it is altogether likely | McCammon told of a visit Ju : » for T. RB. Carnoveky, baker, and bas | ph. it M he i il be rented to the club at] Home Comfortable. been supplying the Venice Cafe with stating that it t Sakay's Drei pm iy ling { bread, Un Wodnesday Gorrie went wo drainag ¢ and: had not been proper} - The follow ng (Queen's men will re v 3 aoAibets on the floor. Surat be the Cafe, to collect for his bread, Slenned. wesent the college in the association | ful and beautiful. It's all hd oe whan the row sesurrell, Thaod gusioki. Mr. Blakey stated that Mr. McCan, | (ame against McGill n Moutren) a b . . wanted to put of paying unti { saturday morning -- Fisher Juliet, | 100 and 162 PRINCES CET. y . at orice that make House Furnish- the. pext day Aor as Gore had te: jnah {nde 3hw inspution just after he tall, Macdonald, Coulter, Sutherland, | OS RINCESS STREET. ; Phone 919 * hake his returns daily to the store the reason for the plas being in such | Jitsonette, Whitehead, Foster, Masters 2 he pressed for the money. Ile went | oo dition An oy pad dr ng ns } "| ills, Maenab and Mehenzie, It was! to the kitchen and asked for his mon- oe Bot Soar Bo a ha aE cli " | expected that Mckenzie would not be | ey, whereupon Theodossious became |, 4" a] wy io r re a ob present for the first game, but he ar- | Se very angry, and putting his hand in | i te of have lhe WOR lived in the city on Friday morning, | bis pocket threw a $5 bill on the floor, | "01 and registered. | . 8 a ' at the same time using bad language. It was also found that Mr. Blakes The college band will hold its first : . We ¢an show you the best y= : was using the slaughtes house with 1 Gorrie said he picked up the money practice on Friday afternoon and ev- P out the necessary 'permit, and in jm wy student who can play an instru $5.00 'worth of Clock in Can- hy a Br Lig a posing the fine the maghstrute staled font has been avked fo turn out so ; \ : ng. ae Lo dri A cote that he was not to use the slaughtes that there will be a strong band when | ew rl a S el ada. ving knife on him. house aynén until it was reported tolihe Ottawa rugby team comes here. | . V nce The accused pleaded "not guilty," be in a sanitary condition, and thai] The first issue of the journal will It's a special, and not only hut did not give evidence, nor did he he must also secure Lhe necessary per lhe published shortly, and the com- A i deny the story rated by Gorrie. mit. J mittee in charge 18 working hard to : nother shipment of the ve ry equal to other $56.00 clocks, Dominick Gorman, employed as chef TET ncrease the number of subscribers. i 2 latest ideas in buts better. It's for the mam- Sideboard, Buffets, China Cabin- in the restaurant, was not in the The second and third rugby teams | ) ets, etc. A great line.of new de-| k.ichen when the row occurred * but wre to have a practice on gthe lower . te signs. . was close by and told about the ac- :aampus on Friday aiternoon, so as 4) ! nm cused throwing the money on the floor, to get in shape lor the apmung games, | Fa Oa S d d - & y 3 Both teams are looked upon as strong ' " You be the judge and com * tus wa Hudsen Bay Sab ¢, "I'his is the sort of thing that we 4 i i . : e bee fo 2 -- will not stand for here," said Ma Ae : SF. $iia season) than they have been for ¢ Z . : 3 pare. gistrate Farrell, to the accused, "and Sole * people have heen ashing Just to "hand. Infants' Misses bt 1 intend to make an examle of you. whether it 1s compulsory for a student | A and Ladies' Sizes. FULLY GUARANTEED. All - foreigners, and others as well, who has been in the college, and s | 2 s 5 must' learn that they daunot draw Es :miering upon another course to take | For the Infants we have all knives in this way. It is a very se yhysical trainmg. The Whig made | ; S1268 in Y rious matter for a man to draw a mauiries and lound that the new rule A I R knife and threaten a person in this d referenc nly to those entering 3 ee oa S n . way. It is all very well for you to d ro soltege. for _ y Ce ' ¥ HR Cream erge and Bear . J say you did not strike, and that you It is understood that the rushes are I Jewelers, Opticians, : did not intend to strike, but if a man to take place at the first Ye next week E~ Cloth Coats, $1. 75 up " iM Th Parlor Cabinets and Parlor Suites. | has a kuffe in his hand when he is vw and so all freshmen should prepare. ; u I Misse yal i the 1 ssuers ol arriage Licenses. A great range. See our solid Ma- | very angry, he is liable to do some- 3 The dramatic club is already arrang 3 or 1SSOS We Show a 1 IA 850 KING STREWE. hogany, ranging from $600 to $150. | thing very serious. You might in ing for an amateur performance to be ; : test in -- 1 PASE p pO g int p, fut x Other Suites at $25, $33 up. lie ease ilo ad play given in the sear future. | ; Colored Toesds $5u Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Cur pose a fine of $15 and costs, or-one FLUTTE EXCITEMENT PLEA ry P tains, ete. All new designs and | nih" UTTER OF K) IME TIA Our range of Ladies' Coats is patterns, 1. G. McMillan appeared on behalf ' ; sep When a Kingston Fireman Lit Mi: nar excellence and embraces the "Phone 90 Yours, of the complai i ! : : YRARS AGO Pipe at Brock Street Station, SLI very choicest from the best eS E x Ti satio the | EERE ikeo re wn Twande hi x 1. F. MANSON COMPANY | ™™=>*X=X : iON. WILiAM Harry. | piers dts 8 senatics ip uh BEE moon Colored Tweeds, Chin. * What Happened in Kingston andj W ho Save J.u0 of {he Geugral los Oné of the fire hte who is quite 1a ? chillas, Zibiline, Clot h, ete, + Elsewhere in 1887. HRA a sportsman, and very fond of shoot bernie adi . $5 d The total assessment for Portsmouth | SALVATION ARMY BARRACKS ng, has been in the habit of carry- i. h Price an u Near iBlis given as $118,660. The amount ask- ates ing around some of the shoti he uses i ; P- ed for on account of county purposes | Will be Used by the Corps Till the}in his pocket. Some of it happened BB pe . is $460; municipal Putpas, -----p Spring. to Sad 1a BogLion kis to naga , i Ch ladies Rain Coats, : gui shane, 375, ovsrae, hon] he | Subaggn Army ince uch snd when it, vas sipped inte SA : Ermine, PeFsian 18300. 'These Hecegsits Fn ate of which has bound sold to Joints vy i pipe along - & d a big range, $5 an up : mills for county and village purposes, |, erly of the Ottawa house, will he there. was something doing. : 2 1 i Min) t 3 iil dol public shoul RE din ded gs an automobile garage. The t Thos wo a be shivdm Whis h . jen : . . an mils lor se apers hb ot 3 if rought a e fire fighters to we £. - T f . ' poses, or 32} mills altogether. pag but nye I Ch Jom Totes scene, and things looked serious for a pis ry a pair oO our This. season's Rugs and fi San} a aut a'few days and 'the new owner will Une, and the visdn of the neeidant . > rom the take over the building. Adjutant Al [vowed vengeance on the man who ha " Carpets are handsomer and stating they are unable to quote prices { |, ©) and ho fats corps | played the trick, but after the cause . ves; of coal for the present. It is presum- would do for a building in which to !had been discovered everyone had a : i $1 Vorth 25 76-78 Brock Street. Ehaaper than. at. any Ale 10 od that the men in Delaware, Lacka- h 1 11 I ] : " tw To old their meetings, stated that the | good laugh. all shades : sizes and a guarantee. our thirty years in business. wana and westecn mines intend SUK: | now owner is tinge, ited that the Loo ; all shades, all sizes an g e ing. i . to use part of the building for the] Sanitary towels: and belts. Dut CARPETS, The anual military sports of the! . in: till the new. citadel is|ton's. Royal Military College were held at erected. It is expected that the new "When others fail" take Red Cross "RUGS, the college campus and were hotly |p. 00 oko will ie started in the spring. | (ough Syrups Gibson's. y contested. 'I'here were from eight to Last spring the local ; . c g the local corps thought i LINOLEUMS, ten entries for each event. would be in their pew building this An - : TT fall, but on account of some unfore [I er . 3 BLINDS, Injured on Bad Sidewalk. seen matters, the building has been | "The Hat Store." fy, : A Nice Building Lot . a Mrs. J. Shane, Princess street, 18 | delayed. The old barracks is the third OURTAINS, confined to her home due to an ac- | huilding that has been built by the " SEASONABLE HATS " | : aiBi cident, which she met 'With on Gore | local corps, the first. two having been . with barn on Mack COMFORTERS, and : street recently. It seems that she | burned. The present one was erected THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. GENERAL HOUSE FUR. (Bl oo down Gore street on 'the block -- | 8treet. 43 ft. front. i#| between King and Ontario streets, age by 132 ft. Can NISHINGS. a a shero) oa, A CHINESE STUDENT, . TT CARPET WAREHOUSE, loose plank, in thé walk, with the DEATH OF GENERAL BROC K. | be purchased for result that Mrs. Shane was thrown | Has Entered Queen's for a Science i . and received a bad fall. She was Course. p Was Commemorated in Schools of i 1 - fen . removed to har home. Yatsane Dun Poon, a Chinaman, \ { the City, . ' $ 5 0 0 » and another lady had occasion to |in 1585, een a 5 - twenty-seven -years of age, -- on i The one huiidredth aniversary of Grapes and Pears. Thursday afternon, rogistered: in Bl the death of General Sir lsaac the faculty of science, at Queen's, Bl Brock, was commemorated in the . to study for a consulting engineer. : public. schools of the city, on Fri- have arrived at ------------ The Celestial came to the city from $1 day, with patriotic songs and exer- King of $2 Hats, Earante, and, is living at ths New | . : cises, and the reading and writing | §f ' . The Waverly. George Mills & Co. hE an hese : restauram, . on ; of sketches of the great general E. K PURDY S 2 y & © King stret. He attended high \ g Each class arranged its own pro-| gl + . E. W. MULLIN "30 new Tabard Inn books." Gib- school at Mount Forest. Fhe father i iB] gramme for the affair » z sons. oe stant is. a _ farmer in . ; ; 4 All the senior classes in the 109 BROCK STREET, { Heal Estate Bought and Sold, I#it a blow to spiritualism when a. e young man is a iB schools were askad to write an es . a : a man tikes a happy medium ? Methodist in religion. . 2 3! say on the life of General Brock, : : FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE, " ladies' $10 coals sale Saturday. T N. W. Re Octolier generally which the junior classes were told 141 Roses, Lily of the COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION STS. © Meet owell. oof his life and work. Chrysanthemums 'and va ¥ "Phone 539, Preserving pears and grapes. Crawford's. ili, Mendel's. + a chao rEg Cheap advice is apt to be dear ii | The liberals of Kingkton are expect brings f Changs of wen At Victoria sehool, the teachers you. act upon it. ed to rally to the reception to ho|§l ther, which should sug- MM told the story of Brock's lite and Carnations, "When others fail" take Gibson's | given in the Reform Rooms, taolden gest chs © 4 © afterwards there was a discussion Red Cross Cough Syrup. Lion Block, on Monday afternoon, ange of Hats. W At Central school a igketch was All fresh. 3 are showing all the very [M reaa of General Broek and stories Store 'Thone 36. House 625A. meee {irom 3.090 to 5 pm, to No W. Rowell; | K leader of the opposidon in the pro: newest. productions in told concerning hix life, and this was followetl with a programme of | NN . vinoisl leghtlature. 'Mr. Rowell is to sm be in the city on a hllef visit and is Men's Hats. In Salt patriotic songs and chouses. Hats there are styles and [Bl A concert was arranged for, at} WINTER STORAGE lesirous of {hi Bie 1 alt Louise school. and it was earried & » . i» pr i . he - sible iis adh deers. afiair: we. |§f Materials you have never | out most successfully. Prom 3 til} FOR | 1 x 1 th H 4 o'clock w ive: vi to Gen- 0 their 1 seen hofore and they all | o as given over en eryone 1s wdlcome in usIness i y eral Bronk vad ta pert he plasan MOTOR CARS or working clothes. It is probaite iff are Waldorf and Waverly in history. The pupils gave songs Mr. Rowell will ® speak towards the ange- |i. ; Every hi | makes at $1.50 and $2.00. B} ana rocitations. if arr cloge of the » y liberdt In nearly all of the schools, a a} once. should be sure to on hand. New Stiff Hats $1 S0te $5 special programme was carried out Col a Tumi Melts. 8 : to rSmind she apils of General Hi : 5! Brock. e Minister of Eduecati legiate Pupils' cation MR. FUSBY To-morrow afternoon at four | 3 | New 50¢ asked that a partion of the day be |B Shioth a I ions an Soft Hats: bo $ set _avart for this purpose. = Gen- IR Don't. fuss, don't worry--we'll, ppl give eral Brock died October 13th, 3 launder those exercises in the pum shed at the --r-- a Festival of Empire. There will be | New (Cloth Caps Bete OMAR: . \ some 'fine tumbling by athletes. Mendel's $15 men's suit sale Sa. 4 | CUFPS AND es turday. aah Grand Band Concert. | FESTIVAL OF [MPIRE "New Talmud Jon books." Gibson's, OPERA ; « 1 DRESS SHIRTS GLASSES to gladden your heart The Battery nd. will give alg >. J. 4 Kearns, Brockville, lost part comert 'in the Amrouries at At the Krmourics of two fingers while at work in the With a Latgnette for objects There'll be no blisters, no 30 o'clock to-r orrow afteinoon. | Brockvine Lumber company's mill. He Jl (ore 500000 SG A0 hat oat 5 Bb. biota, no ssw édges to irritate Admission 10c. Specially prepared t "ALL THIS WEEK pitch bazd cream, the genuine, two rovided her eyes are aot sub. your peck. Scientific clean. music. bottles 25¢., at Sargeat's Drug Store. Cle? to a constant straty : ness positively assured every 3 was opersting a circular saw. ,Dou't lose the mingle delalls time. Bix new Tabard Inn hooks." Gib Help a Good Cause. > 's lined vests, 2%. Dat- Cote nets for 2 Lorghette as an | Je $1.95 night shirts, Te. Dut |§ WATCH OUR WINDOWS! Bost d George Budd and Miss Viol : {hay Fr or Brockville, -- l S. Asselstine D.0 S Samuel Hadkon Kit, dit (£ GEGRGE MILLS 8 00. | = g%% Wadnesday evening, by {fl gugistered Optometrist & Optician KINGSTON LAUNDRY Fate Ho burs. Rds' S10 wale ladiow'conts Se: 842 King St. "Phone 1019. Bi { Ave yume, Tue sone | 196 aad 138 Princess Street. | Cor Princecs & Sydenham Sta.

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