Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN Emm = ALE - STOUT -- LAGER* Pure -- PALATABLE -- NutRmbos -- BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE aso SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE * LOCAL OPTION~Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family use. Write JOHN LABATT, Lnarep, Lownpon, CANADA James McParland Agent, 339-341 King 8t., East 2 in the flour means quality in the bread and the pastry bake. Without quality behind your efforts, ne knowledge .or skill ean bring good results. = Better be without the skill than without the quality, * BEAVER" FLOUR i the highest development of blended wheats, embracing the rich he ging prope of Manitoba Spring wheat and the carboliydrates bf Ontario Fall wheat, which make delicate, white, light bread and pastry. Remember, it is for bread and ry, both, With BEAVER FLOUR in the house, you only need one kind to attain the best results in every form of baking. BEAVER FLOUR meam economy as well as efficiency. Ask your grocer for it to-day. Pats Eases Graing and Corvus ¥. H. TAYLOR CO., Ltd, Chatham, Ont. 'Tw Gurney-Oxford 1s prompt _ Neo matter what comes or goes-- meals we must have. Tue preasation of meals comes round three times amy Every housewife wants to know that she can depend on her stove absolutely ; she wants to know that there is no element of chance or likelihood of mishap in her © THE DAILY BRITISH Whit THE SPORT REVIEW THE RUGBY TEAMS WEAK IM PLACE KICKING, Ottawa Preparing for the Pominio Rugby Championship -- Leste: "Pateick -- Haating for Hooke Players ia the East. "Pob ~ lsbister, of Hamilten, ha: been. playing football for elevin yoars Saturday in the game against (Mlawa he was just as good as ever, They are awlully modest Ottawa. lhey are busy now ing to play off for the rugby championship. Argonauts and Tigers bave agreed apon Dr. Hendry as referee and Frank Robbins ss umpire for theic gome or Saturday at Torokto.™ 7 Princeton, who won. the Americn football championship of the east basi vear, will be weakened by the absence down i prepar dominion EDDIE DURNAN, The Canadian oarsman who rows Err est Harry," the champion for th world's sculling title his photo wa taken in England last week as Durna golng down to the Thames for of Hart, Dull anid Sam White, three ¢ Inst year's mainstay sms A team from Calgury will play a ser 108 of gated with rugby teams on th Pacitie coast. 'The ganies will be pluy etd under British rules, A 'medting of the interprovincial un ion will bé held at Montreal on Satu day to disenss the Hamilton-Tigor pro fest agamst Ottawa, : Toronto News ~The Ottawa jour nals have plenty to say about the rov in Hamilton, bat should teain a lith of their hot shot on their own crowd who swarmed. on the fiefd in the Ot tawa College-L ueen's game. It is & poor rule that won't work both ways (lawn College . and Varsity have failed to agree on ollicials for then game on Saturday; and the appoint mont will go to the vice-president o the unian. It would not, however, be a surprise if Den Simpson would Ix asked to take charge of the game. The back division of Toronto Argos cannot be classed with last vear's champions, as they sadly miss such a good. kicker as Mallett, who, by the way, will be plaving aguinsé his ola team on Saturday. Lawson, however has rounded into splendia shape, an is expected To TOT uit a ligoee, Price, the lormer ca' "Liman, will likely be at centre halt, and do the Kicking. Montreal Horaldi- Bring on yom kickers. Place kicking is just about as weak in the mierprovineial-apd inter collegiate this year as"mt ever was. rug, it's only one point for a con vert, bul more games are won one point at a time than any way, and it's, attor alt, an ind€mplete team that does not carry one place kicking ex. pert. It was nol so in the days when the convert: meant two points; General Sport. George Statlings, the Bafialo man ager, 1s billed for the Boston Nation uls, it has been rumored that Frank Chance has been offered the manager inl position with the Cincinnati Reds. The National hockey association is again out with the announcement that only the Wanderer and Canadien tears 'will be given ice at the Mont real arena this winier. They claim to" huve been inforwied Lo this effect site a mweting of the arena directors yesterday. : Ottawa 13 to have a new hockey nome, big enough to hold a victorious team and a bumper crowd. The building is bei started a little Mate in the 8 son, But then Uttawa is a quick town. : ; Lester Patrick of Victoria, B.C., is + in Ottawys in quest of players for the Pacitic cadet hockey league. Patrick vill remain there a couple of days and hen go to Montremi and He feclined 10 say whom he was alter, sab ib 18 understoog that he wants faylor, Konan and Darragh of Ot awa: Johnson, Pitre, Gardaer and sthers of Montreal, and one or tug if the Quebee stars. He will also land 1 couple of western (Onlario boys. uch PAINS OF RHEUMATISM Are Ended by Zawm-Buk, When vou have any deep-seated pais in the juints, the back, the wrists or dsewhers, place a liberal supply of 'am-PBuk on the fingers or on the subn of the hand and rub it in. The penetrating power of this "embroca- tonhalm" is very great. It kills pain and removes sthliness. Mes. Frances Wyatt, of 25 venue, Montreal, says: "I have 'ound Zam Buk 'most soothing and caluable in a very had case of rheu- patism, and also for stiffness of oints and muscles. 1 suffered long ind acutdy from rhenmatism, and ried 'one linimenst after anothet, in ain. 1 also took medicines internal: ty, but it remained for Zam-Buk to Bet acure. 1 began applying this salin when | felt the aches and pains f rheumatism coming on, or felt any of the stiffness. The result was truly wonderful. Zam-Buk seemed to swnofrate to the very seat of the pana Iriving them completely out, and I fm now auite cured." If rubbed on the chest and he tween the shoulders dn cases of cold, Znm-Buk 'will give speedy relief. Apart from its use as a embrouoa- ion, Zam-Buk is a cure for eczema. ashes, ringworm, cold sores, ulcers, \bscesses, chapped hands, piles, vari ose veins, cuts, 'bums, bruises, ete. All druggists and stores at Hbe., or ost free from Zam-Buk Co. Toronto, or price. Refuse harmful imitations Guay ISON OF BEYROUT VRITER TELLS OF THE INTER. ESTING SCENES. eventy Schools in Beyrout Under Christian Auspices -- Notable Rain of Crusac ng Castle. The shores of the Mediterranean are renowned for exquisite and rom- intie beauty; but few scenes are nore delightful to the eye than the vision of Beyrout, as . approached from th: sea. Thers is St. George's Jay, with its deep blue waters, and ts crescent shore, covered at one nd with the picturesque houses of he city, painted in glowing colours, sith red-tiled roofs, and the ver lant mulberry groves at the far md. The gradual, shelving terraces on he mountain sides, from @ 'level lain to the heights of Beit Mirah wd Brumana, are covered with lense. pine groves, Hera and there, 'otted about in all directions, on 'he slopes and summits of the dis ant range of mountaini, are the ites of large and, flourishing vil- ages. The well-to-do migrate to he villages on the upper slopes of the Lebahon, during the summier anonths. On March 12th, 1912, 1 was a wassanger, on board the tourists' 'teamer, Ponattar Castle, that sail- wd to Beyrout, the most up-to-date ity on the whole eastern shore of he Mediterranean. We disem- arked some distance from the two Purkish war vessels, destroyed by he Italians on March 7th, 1912. A umber of shells seem to have gone 'ide, and killed and wounded a} wmber of people on the streets of his brisk, business city. A shell rom a warship would be as start- ing an intruder there, as it would we if it fell at the corner of King nd Yonge streets. We duembarked in tenders and vended our way through a find dation on the guay. ~ We reached ha main thoroughfare through an ntrance of facades. and gazed with wonder upon the evidences of the ecent shelling. We were immed: ately surrounded by numerous and persistent beggars in various con ditions of poverty and misery There were Turks. with fezes and Turks in European dress, many poor horses, clectriv cars, and evi- dences on every sidé of European influences. > Beyroiut 4s more European in its character than any other city in Syria or Palestine though it re tains its attractive Oriental features. It Is the seaport of Damascus and does a thriving expory and import trade, in grain, silks asd wool. It is the head of the govgrnment of western Palestine, Beyrout has a population of 130,000 which in cludes 5.000 Europeans. with Jews and Armenians. Beyrout has ils schools and coliages and one. un- dor the auspices of the American FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, THIS FALL BLOU The squared off collar of dark ed back cuffs are 'of blue bheng:line shadow lace insertion piped around with a pleated lace frill mission, Is considered to be thy promin:nt factor 'in the life of the eastern city. There are tian churches and 23 mosques. . The Moslems are adopting European cus- toms and are awake to the import- ance of educating their girls; in fact, they are greatly influenced by tue European atmosphere that is thrown abduf them, and 'the Chris- tian religion is well respected. 'Chere are | seventy schools in Rey rout under Christian auspices, and this city is best known as the great mis sicnary centre of Syria. The Church of Scotland Jewish _ mission, devotca itself to the education of the young among thy Jews, Beyrout was first known to us as Herytus, alter thy daughter of the Emperor Augustus. In the days of Herod the Great, it pos sessed many beautiful buildings and there are many ruins of antiquity te be seen in the suburbs of Beyrout fragments of ancien! 'masonry and prostrate = columns, here and ther on waste plots of ground. The most notable ruin is that pf the Crosading Castle, (hat dates frown 1125, AD. Un our way to Baaliek, a town that was pe central point of a» form of oriental worship, in ancient times, wo passed through several miles of mulberry groves, cultivated for the silk industry in the Lebanon district. On the road that leads to Dog river are many warvellous rock-eut designs in the lace of the chilfs--almost eliaved by the hand of time and weather. These designs are at least 3.300 years old. - £ Un the obliterated face of one of % HAS NEW TOUCHES, jabot mark this striped taffeta Llovse ax entirely white with narrow stripes of navy tlue and the square collar and turn jabot--which is really a bib rather than a jabot, is made of a strip of Four silk. covered buttons trim the jabot and similar buttons are place in fwoson the 'waist. 38 Chris fined £11 the ancient Egyptian tablets, is the name of the French emperor, Napoleon Ill, carved by his, soldiery, who were sent out to Lebanon during the out break between the liruises and ihe Maronites in A. 17, 1560, Bayrout is the usual exil from: a Palestine trip, though our purty en route to Jernsalem, went in at Bay: rout and made its exit at Joffe. ~~ t harlotte Carson-Taleott, of Bloom field, Uni. RIGHT THINKING HEALTH ASSET Mental "Nititude is the Patiers Woven Into Life's Web, fhe mind furnishes the model; the Orison Swett Marden in the Nautihe mental atfitude is the pattern which te woven into the life web, Picture health as vividly ax possible continually. Think of yourself as strong, vigorous Never allow yoursell to carry a men tal image of weakness. Thrust ont the disease picture as you would thrust a thief out of your house, Think health, vigor, strength perpet ually. 1 you carry an image of yoursell a complete, as a magnificent specimen of humanity, think of yaursell as the per fected image of your Ureator, as made by Perfection hence perfvet in the truth of your being, you would he amazed. to see what an uplift will come inte your life, You will ne more robust. We cannot rise physically higher than our mental picture of ourselves. What ever picture you carry of yourself phy sically, mentally, morally, that yow tend to become. Act health justi as an actor ache the part he impersonates, and think health vigorously; carry an idésl picture of your physical seli. Jefuse to wee anv. thing else but yourself in an iden) condition. Your life will soon follow ial attitude. (There are tudes of who are the slaves or' vietims of their belittling, weak, sickly pict. ures of themselves. "No ose can robust without 4 healthy and vigor vour thought, pattern after your men Ca fuel--A splen- did cooker andbaker ~also a time Saver, Sold by J. Bunt & Co. bengaline silk and the tab sfliped new, The silk is the stripes. The matching lace with dark blue silk and finished Old Pensioners. Harling couple have been | for deirauding the old-age pension authorities. But the old folk can well afford it, It was proved that they had £197 in the post office sav: ings bank, £310 in Barclay's hank, and £250 in the Mercantile bank 'of London, An Kast other he When a man can't get any chance to waste his friends' time, can call them on the telephone. BEDROOM FURNITURE Iron Bed Special this week. $2.50, $3.50. $4.00 and up. Some special ones at $5.75 ® Springs, $2.50, $3.50, $6.50, Mattresses, $2.60 to $30.00, Drest ars, Chiffonlers, 'Phone 577. and * Dressing Tables, &l1l styles and finishes. R. J. REID is best for men and boys. Carefully tailored gatments well finished in every det#il and made from' soft glasticribbed unshrinkable fabric with best quainty timings Tiger Brand garment, are pel x always warm, ly and comfortable "There's a Tiger Brand Dealer in your town." Manufactured by 3 The GALT KNITTING CO. Lad. : \ E35 i3 ; . PROBABLY you think frying such a simple form of cooking that all stoves should be equal in this respect. That is just where you are mistaken. e "frying test" proves conclusively a stove's réal worth to you. Frying with the "Happy Thought"* shows you this } : A small fire does more-and better work than a big fire does in other groves image of himseii perpotually in his . F es ; mn gives you more heat, right at the lid apeping. Besides, the mind, re heat od people carry a sickly ~wental moment you lift the hid and put the frying mm place, you get attitnde, Ihey pitas ee Foam the very maximum of b at that the fire Sa produc: sr where heulth. They are Same | JT You wa i. When sou replace the fids the heat gocs sravghy et ace Je in fike one who} Bll to the oven and concentrates there with all its invening image. rying lo sugeced thinkag in terns . i \ E = sng in Na other stove is designed 1h do thisso eflectglly. Thar is one reason why the "Happy Thought'™ has 5 superior value for you of failure and holding failure images in his mind. 1t is falal to what ome

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