Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Oct 1912, p. 9

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- oir "YEAR 79. NO. 238 - - ae-- po - nd | for. the first six months current year nearly $110,000,000, {over $300,000,000 Trade . Increase. HEAVY DIVIDENDS HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE MINERAL CORPORATIONS. Big Increase in = Byitish Trade-- Leather on the Rise~To Put New Issues ou the Market. New York, Oct. 10.--During the first nine months of the year heavy dividend disbursements have been Fe by ings. ane the Mi and neering World reports tl b companies euriched their share: holders to the extent of $65,900, 543, which is an increase of ove five millions on the same period last year. total digbursements since their inauguration of the 135 companies that have paid dividends this year amounts to $766,867,832, | which is about $854, 999,000 | hig of cess of their capitak Leather Adyances Again, Toronto, Oct, 10.~Another ad- vance in the priges of sole leather. this tithe a "per pound, was wade yeste the local whole- sale houses. Spanish sole is being quoted at 33 to 34c and No. 1 slaughter is going at 37¢ to : 3%. e market for sole leather is exceptionally strong, and. for other grades there Is a brisk demand yet. In face of this, stocks are low. Discounting the Future, London, Uct. 10.--A correspondent o the London Daily News thinks Canad. ians arp in too great a hurry to real ize their quite laudable' ambition; they want to ge the next, 'decade or two.in as many of their brief seasons. The natural consequence is that they soem to be ontrunning the constable and have borrowed more .than they san fori for, In the sev: ts Condon hi ir B0000 ic or vate, amounted to $860, Last year the aggrogate was Wh um, 000,000, bo! th pr th of months of the current year show odie the coal strike amounted to $285,923 940, $17 526,165; 345, Toronto, Oct. Lake amony the new issues shortly listed on the local exchange, the issies now figuring in the unlisted market wily also soon be added. Montreal, Oct. ities company propose to put out ap issue of $1,000,000 first mortgage five por cent. bonds of the Canada Cotton compan, Rue company lars' wort Pulp and Paper company bonds, fered by Murray Mather & Co., repayment of the bonds at maturity at $105 per $100 Like many before maturity at 105 per cent. a of 10.--British Board for eleven London, Oet. Trade statistics and k strike, the increas: in imports has been $T97,851.155, and the. in- ereasy ip exports has been 533.540. $115,- The totak imports for September increase and exports $216,022 - increase $31,926,075. Seeking a Dividend. 2 { "Toronto, Optc 0.--A bull pool "had been formed for the purpose of obtain ing control of the Dominion Canners, with a view of compelling the direc orate to declare a dividend on strength of the heavy earnings of Inst year. ? the '} To List Lake Superior. 10.--1t is expected that will he to be A few of Superior Corporation Pat Out New Issues. 10.---The Royal Secur: y at 86, and an addilivonl js $1,750,000 of Rell nds at 101. Last vear the Royal t out hall a million dol of Bell Telephone, bonds. Telephone Riordon Pulp and Paper Bonds. A striking feature of the Riordon of- is the bond. This means at purchasers at par will receive $5 ofit per $100 bond, other industrial bonds, ese bonds are subject to redemption and the] Lc the- to retire 'the «ntire issue by maturity. This feature of repayment at matur- ity as well as before that date at 105 will work out to the great advantage of the bond, holders. Other bonds which may have been at 5 premium will, as they h maturity, approxi mate the price a¥ which the bonds are paid off, that "is, 100. These bonds will alfo approximate the price at which they are paid off, but #he price is five points greater, 105 fistead of 100 . Financial Notes, The Copper Producers' statement showed an ineresss in stock of metal amounting - to 16364213 pounds, which was rather a surprise, the de- mand for the pust month having been heavy. Sir Edmund B. Osler has been elect: ed to the position of viee-president of the Confederation Life Association, left vacant by the recent death of Frederick Wylde. The Din Pacilic railways pew) issue of $60,000,000 common stock at last Wednesday's annual meeting uises the total common stock of the "Toronto, are pleasantly surprised ny to $260,000,000, in addition oo. 57,000,000 preferred Stocks, and $143, 000,000 debentures. The business of the American Can company continues to establish new records. September was the best month of the year. The annual re port is expected to show about 11 per cent. earned on the common stock af ter abe preferred dividend. Interests closely connected with the British Columbia Packers' company report that there was nothing new to explain the eciation in the sjock, the demand being at the same nature as had marked the recent advance be low pat. The official sunouncement is made that control of the Halifax Tramway company corporation is now in the hands of a syndicate of Montreal financiers, headed by E. A. Robert, president of the Mpntreal Tranways company. 3 Customers and creditors of the late firm of J. Thomas Reinhardt & Co., to sinking fund is provided sufficient 1A. tish 47 I" ~/ Whi, --ppe-- wey, * PAGFES 0 T0 14. ° _KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, _OCTOBER 11, 1912, = -- of "the Porcupine Central and Pore pine Northern companies at public auction, on which some one was will- ing to pay $13,000 Gifts For Railway Men. A pleasing incident in the receni visit of the' Duke of Connaught to Price Rupert, and one particular] gratilving to officials of the Grang 'runk - Pacific railway, was the pre sentation by his royal highness of monogrammed tie pins to W, C. C, Mchan, general superintendent, and G. McNicholl, superintendent, of the company. On bis return from the trip up the line of construction the gov- ernor-general sent for those two of ficials and presented them with the pins. The gift to Mr. Meban was a pin of goli, bearing the duke's mono gram in a circle of purple, surmount- ed by a crown and set with pearls, while that.fio Mr. MeNicholl was an engraved pin of old gold with the roy- al monogram. entirely unexpected by the two gentle men, who, however, expressed their deep appreciation of the kindness of his royal highness, in suitable terms. Injured When Sil Falls. Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Oct. 10.-- Clark VanBrocklyn, of the firm of met with a bad accident while visiting his farm. While Mr. VanBrocklyn was inspecting his silo the top fell, strik- ing him on the back of the neck, ren- dering him unconscious. He was brought to his home in Rockwell eireet and Dr. Forsythe called. -- Flew Over Corsican Sea. Pisa, Maly, Oct, 11.--The Italian aviator Caglian made a flight from Fisa to Bastia, on the north coast of Corsica. He covered the distance of ninety-five miles in two hours and three minutes, diets What makes a girl's red hair seem golden is for her to see it in her look mg glass. again asks, What man Some one understands women ? The . fashion learn of the sale of a block of stock 'maker. --~Mil waukee News. We suo and offer $500,000, the unsold balance of | $1,500, 000 "Riordon Pulp and | Paper Co., Limited NE FIRST. MORTGAGE Or KING FUND BONDS Interest payable December 3 Sist, at London, Eng. on Dated June 30th, 1912 nually June 30th and treal, Toronto, and Due June 80th, 1942 Bonds issued in coupon form in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000 and sterling equiva- lents, with privilege of registration of principal. Subject to redemption at 105 and accrued interest on any interest date after June 30th, 1914. July Ist, 1914, sufficient to retire entire issue by maturity. ENTIRE, ISSUE IS REPAYABLE AT MATURITY AT $105 PER $100 BOND ~ £ Application will bt made in due. course to have the bonds listed on the London, Eng., Stock Exchange. ASSET (As per Price, Waterhouse & Company's Certificate) Timber and ti Real estate and water CHAS: RIORDON, President Mail oon Be Newspaper Printing Co. » 8: fionvox, FW. AVERY, VicesPresident Ma and Empin Pu Hed powers . ... machinery, equipment ~1,410,030.73 Trosrse: MONTREAL TRUST Sinking fund, commencing COMPANY Lygar Orryion: BROWN, MONTGOMERY & McMICHAEL THOMSON, TILLEY & JOHNSTON 3 808,803.38 47,875.90 . L457,986.75 . .$5,780,586.63 ..$1,500,000.00 Sr. Carmamines Toronto RNEsaptper Printing Co. Orrawa Hull Lumber Co. Limited. om, , Limited, was formed of the Riordon Paper Mills, Limited 0 Posies & Co. (established 1809). Estimated earnings for 1912... © DIRECTORS CHAS, E. READ, Esa. . WALTER G. WHITE, Esq. "- CARL RIORDON, Esq. - NET EARNINGS (As per Price, Waterhouse & Company's Certificate) « 15 months ending Dee. 31st, 1909 . - S800. 51 12 months ending Dec. 81st, 1910 , 12 months ending Dec. 315t, 1911 . Average Annual interest on $1,500,000 First far three years . sasasen «Fe President Read Timber Co. * - - Director Hull Lumber Co., Limited. Managing Director, The Company has 1,184 $2,053,800) in the Province of Cuchee Gf the Rouge River (a nd 000 tons paper and Merritton,. On nd paper), The total annual glo ps $7150 tons feet lumber (A* M.) S226.410, ves two and . 291,483.80 . 200 427.72 226,410.48 90,000.00 . 300,000.00 New Yomrx Moxrazan Orrawa, uare miles of of the one-half a the Company ba ese peactioally Sr All the James merchants or expesienotd Miubermen, ensuing the competent suthorieed, 8.000000 ae held in the of extensions and additions | and can be issued only to The presentation was | hi Bailey & VanBrocklyn, of this place, "BALD PATES UNIV ERSAL. Baldness Follows in Wake of In. t Rexpanagin: Los Angeles, Cal., Oct! ~Within 500 years there scarcely oy bea hair on any woman's 'head in the United States. Men will' lose their hair with- in 300 vears. This is the opinion of Dr. Carlton B. Wells, American brain specialist, who practices in Paris, and has making a study of the ef- feos of civilization upon hair. Dr. Wells goes on the theory that the further away the race gets "from using the head for a mere loLfing place for hair, the less hair there wil be. The development of the brain Power of the race will eliminate hair, "Statistics show that there are more bald men in the United States and France than in any other coun- try," says Dr. Wells. "This is cause the intefleet of the American and French people is developed to a igher point.' any of the brilliant women of to- day, are bald but for the wigs they wear, says Dr. Wells, THE HIRED GIRL'S WAY, The nights our hired girl stays home, An don't expect her beau t' call, She's jes' as nice as she oan be, © An' doesn't hustle round at all. Sometimes she takes me on her knee An' tells me tales ol pirates bold That used to sail upon the sea In svarch of silver an' of gold. An' she don't pack me off t' bed As soon as supper time is through, Or tell ma that I'm in her way I Becoz she's got her work t' do. But in the kitchen I can stay, An she jes' tells the finest things Of soldiers fightin' every day, An' princes bold, an' evil kings. But when her beau is comin' up T" take her aut t' see a show, She makes us hustle through our tea, So's she cdn get dressed up to go. Au' you jes' artet ses her frown It Fi sits talking 'very long, An' you should hear her bang around T' let him know he's doin' wrong. An' maw don' t das' t' sav a word, An' paw jes' swallers down his tea, An' then she grabs the dishes up, An' says she ain't got time for we. You orter leur hew rattle plates, An' see her grab each dish an' cup, An' wash 'em clean as quick as that The" nights her beau is comin' un. She don't have time fer stories then Or nothin' else I want t' do, Paw says there is no stoppin' he When she is eager t' git through. An' 1 ou hustled off t' bed, An' T don't fike §t, not at all, I can't see why she acts that way des' coz her beau is goin' t' call BILLBOARD 18 RAISED. to Shut Vision of Horses. Akrom, O., Oct. 10.--"This board is here becausy Sherman 8S. Jackson, who lives across the way, insists upon con. verting this quiet little street into an sonex Lo his livery stalls by ty: ing his horse at meal times within fifteen feet of my dining room win dow." In one of the most fashionable resi- dence districts of the city carpenters and painters this morning placed a large signboard bearing the above in front of the home of Colonel Mike Hoy, real estate dealer, at; the request of Hoy. Hoy and Jackson live in Park street. The oly thing between the houses is an extension cf Fir . street. Hoy declares Jackson ties his horse in front of the Hoy house with ma- licious intent. Kaffir With Forty-six Wives. London, Oct. 11. ~-Adeording to the recent censils returns, out of 607,764 married men of the Bantu race, 516, 607 have only one wife each, 69.840 have two wives, 14.538 have three wives, 4,164 have four wives, and so on, until we come to a native gentle man who has ng fewer than forty-six wives. All that the statistics tell us about this "modern Solomon is that he is between thirty and thirty-five years of age, and lives in the Trans vaal. He easily ont-distances all his fellow-countrymen, for no one "els is returned as having more than twenty. eight wives. There are two men with this pumber, one being a Transvaal resident - who is not yet twenty-five years old, and the other a Free State native, being between twenty-five and thirty. Natal's best is twenty-three wives, fwo middle-aged natives being returned as having this number each. The Cape is quite out of it compared w'th the other provinces, for the best the Cape can show is a patriarch of over seventy-five years with twenty wives to his credit. Sign Erected What. is Treason? Toronto Star. 4 Some Canadian canners want Am- erican tomatoes admitted free of duty because the ad Is shgst in Canada. The Borden government has been obliged to go to Washington to to obtain facilities for carrying grain SECOND PART En -- _-- by the United ment. Uncle Sam buys a few of machine just he uses more Sam. D. W. SAXE, TORONTO Uncle Sam Uses 1842 Burroughs There is something signifi- cant in the use of Burroughs Adding machines are best for his work. But many times than of all other machines combined. Incidentally nearly all busi- ness men are just like Uncle Count the Burroughs in your vicinity. ; Let us show you a Bur roughs, right in your office. No cost or obligation. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 146 Bay Street 1842 States govern- is wise. He every kind of to see which Burroughs by Sales Manager THIS, Your hair bgeotes tight, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just try this--moisten © cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair ai once, Danderine dissolves every GIRLSTGET A 23 CENT BOTTLE OF ALSO STOPS FALLING HAIR; DESTROYSSDANDRUFY. YOUR HAIR BECOMES FLUFFY, BEAUTIFUL 3 IN JUST A FEW MOMENTS "DANDERINE" AND TRY particle of dandruff; cleanses. puri fles and invigorates the sealp, for. ever stopping itching and falling 'hair. But what will please you mont will be after ua few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair---fine and downy at first----yes--but resliy new hair growing all over the scalp If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle , of Knowlton's Danderitie from any draggin or toilet counter, aud just ry it GASOLENE BOAT BURNED. [Four Passengers Had Narrow Es cape Off Halifax. ~ Halifax, N.8., Oet, 11.<The ship on off Halifax harbor, turns out te lightning rapidity and wai suveloped. A dexy and in this as bn i 2 ¥ hig y i i i ! i - CE 1 i Wi Oct: 115-The athack by the weal in ily 0 Tac 8 mk fF a iff This is the Faith of Now Zealand. ers. London, Oct. 11. Hon, T. Macken the new highly commissioner much, less in time of war. I sm proiound believer in one anpire' and . jolie navy, and I'm glad to tay New Z us a whole ave aw deeply commitied to that principle as I am. &

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