- ' 3 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1912. i essai TONEY SALE STOMPED]. vere = emo rere | Island Cheese Maker Gives His ome 5s EEE UL QUEEN'S. QUEEN'S QUEEN'S FOR THE GAME. ingston, "Oc 3 = ; ih . ; itor) :--~In your A : ¢ pin was amused to d writter 3) j : ; a . : Ottawa College Calls a Halt--Father | suppose > J a 1, re JR? 2 - ORR Z. Stanton Complains That the Other | the wel M ese. 1 must con- | l= h College Teams Act as Bullies, |fe3s. | cannot agree with his ra. , o Lia : br : He iopaich sys AY rs : 3) fence. ®hith 1 o fouls } Don t forget the Grand S ecial Excursion. throu h y a i the 1,000 Islands, one of the wonders of the world. =e turday's big football struggle at itone o letter his ideas of ) Vardity oval between University of | cheese making are very frail and his | . . . . All This Week | [Fw gum of Un va wm A 100 mile trip through Fairyland, leaving toot of oll ATR ee El LEE SE Brock St, at 1:30 PM. nd returning a 7:00 BM. ing forth with: a statement, last |twice and both times my scales were ARMOURIES ed SRR IB LE pe se Proceeds to go to the Gymnasium Fund. 'Come' ; a Me mocher Siiiohian wv leath On cheese fiw days old, whith and give it a boost to» Gome. Tonight and see the Sights. he ad hat me he vai. ota ce sac sense Tho sousons || Special Excursion Rate The Biggeot Show on Earth. : All for Charity Only. [fit dein wuld sire Stave, Cob Lil hens me oul in chi, a" chees ii : |ficials than they have done in . the for on the spot We can make our : : C !past, there would be no. game ob Sa- | books up on OF ahout the seventh | ; Admission 15 ents. {rurday. "They are trying to work [day of the month and- having made | the usual game on us regarding ofli- | many equiries from different sales : . " , Uni- | men and makers, they all bear out - " v r . lela as is the case each fall. yersity of Toronto have refused such [What I say. There are no . griev- A yo 1 notalle football authowbties for Sa- ances whatever, in this Kingston . 160 and 162 PRINCESS: STREET. hone BID. turday's struggle as McMaster, Pul-|district, or in any other when in- 5 x 1 ¥ | ford, (lancy, Phillips, Rysn and Wil- | vestigated, and it will be hard to | [liams. They have alsa refused to] dope" the farmer or make him | { accept our proposition that dhey [believe that he is not getting jus- | ee ---------------- bring two Toronto men down with |tice, especially those who had some mins a haeaabsiu them under the conditions that we |eXperience, as salesmen, are posted. take two Ottawa officials to Toron- | It the agitator prescribe for him- Nigh to when we play there. Another pro- |8€lf. I hope he knows more about . : We can show Sou the best 1g t position turned down by the Toronto | it, than the _ Weighing of cheese. | x ; club was that one Toronto and one ISLAND CHEESEMAKER. i 5.00 worth of Clock in Can i "Of {awh , selected. All three |z = --be-- Something | Oita¥h oranodtions were rifused, the [TWENTY-FIVE YEARS MARRIED ada =i] « iversit wtting the, selec- TR ¢ +. Different. Fagg oe Py Graham Ross |Mr. and Mrs. Hypolite Paquin Cel- } . - orp brated } . . | . . f McGill. : Shratey, b h : B: 1 : ' itn On. Tharsiay last, Mv. ant. Mes. | A bargain that is a Bargain wi equal to other $5.00 clocks, Quiseir's vs. Metal, Hypolite Paquin, of Montreal street, | but better. It's for the man- Queen's association team will play icelebrated the twenty-fifth anniver- be ready for you on tel. | its first game in Montreal on Satur [sary of their marriage. On 5 | | i | { | 2 ETI SR 1 BT WE OSE yr Rese, Peni It's a special. and not only x 3 PEPE ---------- Thursday Morning You be the judge and com. At 8.30 O'clock - 1 o layers who have entered the college [guests at a FULLY GUARANTEED, Leave your name for our Art Catalog. pe EY Rf present had a pleasant time until o | th 8 session Pres | 000 Yards of : > | [, A 'Golf Match, An agreeable incident of the ' 2 . cK A team from the Napanee golf clubjevent was the presence of the | 3 ? ) S ITH BROS. : will play the Kingston club at the | bridesmaid of twenty-fivé years ago. rapperettes after- | Among the guests were Mr. and Jewelers, Opticians, : Barriefield links on Wednesday THE FUR HOUSE | The following will compose | Mrs. J. E. H. Howison, Mr. and ' : ! Mrs.. Telesphore Gauthie¥, (the Issuers of Marriage Lice : the teams : 149-157 Brock St. 3 KINGSTON {[y toueech F- Fulfowtsin, BA |lattes tte bridwamaiay, Me wd [} 1, Spots, Btripes and "Fancy Figures, 850 KING STREWT. hd Travers, "W. C. Smith, . : Travers, others. Rev. Father: Piche, of th; lL zr =e eee | J. W. Robinson N Ath ! . | 2 = 3 "d : | Kingston--Prof. Davis, D, M. Me palace, paid a visit early in the light and dark grounds, suitable for { Tiftyre, weorge BE. Hague, Captain |evening, to the happy couple : - oh ig Ready ow 0 ER a Recciths | Waists, Children's Dresses, ome Lomio €.| ¥ATE OF JOSHUA LEACH. | The receipts of the Epestival of the \ . - - Carpets on the floor, Curtains to Fell Off a Scow Near Trenton and records. The gate alone made over Empire on Tuesaday evening beat all Kimonas, Quilts, Coverings, the windows, Furniture that's rest- : ; $232 The entire receipts amount- | E , E ful and beautiful. It's all here and Was Prowned, ' ed to $1,300. Monday evening re- ic., tc. at prices that make House Furnish- Joshua Leach, 'who resided at 31 ceipts were $722, making the toal | ing easy Johnson street, Kingston, met an un | ph | nay. yh ' ; pre 2,022. | timely end near Tremton, on .Monday , ®2TRIRES up to the presnt 3 2 | | day. The local team is in good shape |occasion they were congratulated and with a few days' practice should | by their relatives and friends who make a good showing. Out of last ! wished them also many returns of year's 'team all will be back, with the | the happy day. Thex-also received ands their {many gifts in remembrance. In i 4 +i exceptiol f bout four, We are Showing a few 'beautiful Furs, it Ty a, thell | Bany Sifts 1 Jeweybiance. In sumptuous dinner and w % # 8 rma aw RK: ETS 6 foe = it 1 alterneon, when he fell off a scow and WV a was drowned. He was engaged in Hudson Bay 8ab le "Alkura,"" a secret remedy, cures i drunkenness. Sold only at Gibson's ; ' . . working on a dredge owned by the|f % Rite o 3] a Randelph Macdonald Dredging Hom Boe Oat In rosaville the re | Ur: a y OIT 111 1 Ol pany, who have 8 contract of doing AP > 8 a some work in that vicinity. The point | 361 of an intersting event, when A i . % fe ' i where the accident occurred is just har only daughter, Miss Luella S41 Th | TR {near the gnlrahee of the Murray ca- | 2 ane) «Ales R | ( : a al e best shade et nal.. He had been working on the | Pargavel, B.Sc, only son of John R. ® Dargavel, M.P.P, | Pevcgre : . | manufactured is the ww scow, which is used in doing the work i 4 - | , | " in connection with the dre lying and} Guaranteed hot water bags. Gib | | Ermine, Persian Lambs, Minks, at son's VUDOR SHADE, ; : : iin fhe Tisat ved lm Ta the Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Wiitss No Phone orders and a limit | GOU 0 D I b R'S ; 30 8 p { ; ji Athens, announce the engagement | 4 | missing. so a party immediately left . at | A on ¢ made of Linden : girs {and made a search and the body was | Of their daughter, Winifred, to | to eac uyer., I'd Flater recovered. Henry Clay Ward, youngest son ot | ~ . * " The. deceased. only left the city a [the late Ignatius Bell Ward and | el Wood, simple to op- Sideboard, Buffets, China Cabin: J. w weeks ago, jn the news of his | Mrs. Ward, Washington, D.C The els, etc. A great line of new de- ! | death came as a great shock. The re | Marriage will take place this month. | wo erate, can be put up signs. 3 | mains arrived in the city on Wednes. Buy seidlitz powders. "Gibson's.' f p " ---- ------ . - 3 : > i | day afternoon and were taken charge A | in five minntes, . : g of by 8. 8. Corbett, and later remov- et - - 2 G . "1 ed to his late home | Kingston's Famous Fur Store. 4 A BAR AIN | Made in all i= IN MILITARY CIRCLES, . : i Festival » Empire | THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE. IF SOLD QUICKLY . \l - widths . . * vs { WR Nine Army Service Corps May > i) Mobolize at Barriefield, \ | 0c and 12¥%¢ goods on sale | . | | | 4 76-78 Brock Street. ' sean HR a camp for eight or mine volunteer Army . Service Corps, next summer, and it is | CHORE GIRI . BAUVLKY 3 | } understood that the mobilization will NG oy ta M AL'S [ take place at Barri€ield. This will he HELP A GOOD CAUSE -- ~ rd 5 ' before the regular militia ll pel [ Some Are to be Sent Back to Fog: | IMPORTED BULBS f containing NX rooms, im amp. 3 AS , i CARFER WARNNOUSH. | x Lition Cubiuets and_Farior Suites. Nai Gilat: the one which | Mogae Co tac English | Proveiivuta,' good celipr hogany, ranging from $600 to $150 nn A of | | woimeting he Naw ise outa a | and gas ior $1,500. Other Suites at $25, $33 up. Jini an Faeid_t tudes Seaver ut | f sentative, said that the mistake the have arrived at | Rugs, Carpets, Linoleum, Cur- the permanent Army Service Dore 2 a pi Bis Souipany side was | 0 tains, ete. All new designs and would attend to take charge of t here. The best way was to hring out ' B qd : | the English principals and pick up a . K. PURDY S i E. W. MULLIN k patterns. schemes that would be worked out. 'Phone 80. Yours, {horus in New York, as other com panies - had Gone. "Trouble had been Real Estate Bought and Sold, Maj. J. Hamilton, quartermaster, y | 1 } HARRISON COMPANY October 20th to November 17th. _ experianced with the Crea ot spol "100 BROCK STREET. ae Pre : . . Lieut. H. I. Whitley, rd battery, | §] A 4 L - it arrived in Cynada, and a number 4] FIRE AND LIFE INSURANC EK, | | Efforts are being made to have a | AT THE MOURIES 3 -------- er ---- \ two storey frame dwelling on Stuart Street, R.C.H.A., has been granted leave from C.F.A., has -béen granted three of the "'girls™ ure ethe sent bach y | of th No "being t back Roses, , Lily of the - Valley, COR. JOHNSON & DIVISION STS, 2 . : | : | ATTRACTIVE --------------r----=_ | monthv' leave to attend college in|! yn tit anual] i i : ' : E : i- W. G. Bailey, CM.8.C., )i attention tham they ever got in Ing Pious 583, ome S| are receiving better wages and hetter Chrysanthemums and is on furlough. nnd, A chorus' run: cil ai Carnations. , ° | mE PRATT le uswal comedy, and make things hard for the" ankaipais eho a All fresh for the principals, who require the co | Operation of everyone in the eompany Store "Phone 36. House 623A { Lo make a production a success a ' afsssssasnsna S | cures DR apr | | seme ve we | Local & , re ve o © Congregational and Baptist Church worried tt pr Thy py it fa ol out from { H So uniformly sdecessful has ORRIN} St. Uathagines, by Dr. Jessop, MPP , : . 3 | - . - beet in restoring the victims of thr +] i 2 : rv. YEA Worth Drink eo a sober and usefur|lo the effect that the Ontario govern. p | TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO. i Citlaens, and so strong is our confid- p recen rder-in-¢ A ence in ita eurative powers, fhat wel NTRE by a kort ori douncil, 'Want te emphasize the fact that OR. prohibited the killing of pheasants | What Happened in Kingston and RINE is sold under this positive] and Hungarian Partridges this year, { Elsewherd in 1887. Coal is selling in Kingston for 86 iper ton and at Carleton Place and | qd 5 guarantee It, after a trial you 3 i py H 42 CLERGY STREET West. ne benefit, your meney will iy ge! The loca game inspector. James An funded, ORRINE costs only $1.00 peri Bove, stated thut he had received no K Detached Brick, 10 rooms, box. Ask for free booklet (i. W, Ma-| word of the new regulation as yet % qd hot water heating: best sani- hood. Princess and Bagot Streets The game laws of 1912 state that > . * iF Smith's Talls for $5.70, one tary plumbing; electric light. : { no persph may hunt, take, + rd | | e {pi Bev. A. W. Cooke condicted harvest : I los: garage and fine lot, 2 stray "any grouse, phgasant, prairie ! | Shanlagiving Siviss in 8 tart ' 101 CENTRE STREET, . +4 fowl or partridge, except from the i { church, Barriefie chure was Kensington Place | WINTER TORA 5th day of October, to the 15th day We Hat Ever bod |B) beautifully "decorated # GE of November, in any year, both days E y y Many business men have baen | se New Detached Brick. 7 c exclusive; but no person shall take or Men, Ladies, and Chil: [Bi lected for the petit jury, at the as x ~ : . rooms; hot air furnace; kill more than ten partridges in any!{$ ladies, } 'sizes, and they are complaining, sta i : Ja, don't. worry--we'll . x i inde Ose electric lighting; nice veran- one day." dren, and our Ladies Hat Yi ting that they lose money by being' : ' -. dah; bulding restrictions here MOTOR CARS The new law for ths protection department is replete 'away from their shops . (COLLARS, makes this most desirable re- Special if arrange of pheasants and Hungarian part- these tk ith 1 Sino Kingston won fom Petertoro in the or the Theatre CUFPR AND | sidential locality; easy terms. ments are at once. ridges applies only in Welland and ese days with a lin "pi first mateh in thy Ontarid rugby foot. OPERA : DRESS SHIRTS 119 Beverley . Streot, De- 1 Yauco founties. The impunity [$i showing of "Modern Mil- Bball union. The game was plaved at (lf © RESS SHIKTS tached frame. 3 fu Eo » § hi 2840 ~ ta rooms: mod- Nah which thea rds Werg slaugh linery at moderate prices [b Petirporo, and the score was 14 to : ern improvements; splendid e¢ prohibitory meas- . . po i EE fe : { clams m and tha There'll he no blisters. no : nice ures for their protection was with-1§ no two Hats alike. i» 7 XL Nome at ha nt haus 4 blots, no saw edges to irritate drawn in 1910, has resulted in the ? ipl. "Alkura" cures drunkenness "Gib } ' i eye re not sub. your neck. Scientific clean new order. This law Has no refer- 4 All Hats are at popular i%00's."" | Sb : nt ni. atraln . ness positively assured every FOR to gladden your heart. ence whatever to the Kingsto Aen . id Madden, i nea ¢ ste details " trict. wngston dis. prices trimmed Hats { Portland, en Whingivin 3 aa mie here for a Lorgnette as an time. aid to clearer vision . esata i. $250 up { icated while a member of the pro . "DON'T FUSS Guaranteed rubber goods. "Gib { hikited list, pleaded guilty and was J S Asselstine b. 0. S rrr a . « 2 . a - | * 0 ; ee Was no quorum on Tuesday i | Ta and, $15.28 ic; 2 n i i a' 3 NE od and Brain We xs avening at the regular mesting of the ibottles 25c., at Sargent's Drug Store. egistered Optometrist & Optician KINGSTON LAUNDRY 82 BROCK ST ' eg fetes, "ePATHLe school board,' The masher GEORGE MILLS & 60. |: James A Rogers, Rockport. bas || 842 King St. 'Phone 1019. Coe Princeds & Bl fw of} - = Daffy in, Dr. i The tat Sore BI Rochemr, RT Tacihmery Sill] Kinasion's Bxdusive Optician. : "Phone 12 "Washington toffy. "Gibson's" #