mh BAKING POWD ER lor] Thomas Copley, Telephone 987 Drop a card io 19 Pine Street whe wanting anything done in the Carpen. ter line. Estimates given on ai iad 8 | of repairs and new werk Hardwood Fioors of all kinds ordérs will receive prompt attention shop, 40 Queen Street. Kingston Business er , Limited) Highest Education at Lowest Cost Twenty-six ear, Fall term begins Augu th. Courses In raphy, Ci Bahn Tele. graphy, GJ} Vit: Service and Eng- Our sradusies get the best positions. Within a shart time over sixty svcured positions with one of Lhe largest raliway cor. porations in Canada. Enter any time. Call or write for fuforain- tion. HK. PF. Metcalfe, Principal Kingston, Canada. When the system gets "all run down" build it up with Al | So pe NEWS OF - NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS TELL US. i Se ---- 8 | The Tidings From Various Pointé in Eastern Ontario~--Whas Are Doing and What They Are Saying. Brewer's Mills Notes. Brewer's Mills, Oct, 7.--The { Weather is much appreciate by the {Jaritere. The sudden death of Mrs Helferty came @s a shock to he: A friends. Mrs. Charles Milne $who was on the sick list, is recov- ering. Miss Rosie Smith -is visit ing in Elgin. Miss A. Smith and {Mi iss J. Rochefort spent Sunday the" guests of Miss Loretta Murphy. Mr and Mrs. J. Boyle, Taylor, J Smith's. + i | : 4 i 1 i i # fine at Latimer Locals, Latimer, Oct. Silo filling the torder of the day. The members of the Sunday #hool intend holding their j rally day service on Getaber, 13. sMiss vere Wolfe is back from the west, Miss Jones and Mr. Gilds spent Sunday at Mrs. N. Darling's. Charley Stoness at | James Shermdn's. Harold Lyon and | Chris. Cochrane at I. Kent's. A num | ber from Latimer attended the Sun idav school convention Elginburg last week, i. 8 at Burr Creek Personals. Creek, Oct. Mr. and Wilijam Day, Cataraqui,- spent {day with the former's mother, Mrs Johnston Day. Mr. and Mrs, John MacFaddin "pent Sunday 'with Mrs Johnston Day. nd Mrs. Albert spent i at Dens fair. Mr Bath, also Miss Rose Day, spent Friday al Odessa fair. A num- ber from 'here attended Odessa fair James Staliord apd mother spent Sup day with Mre, J. MacRow Bunker Hill Notes: Hill, Oct Potato diging of the day, and there is + good crop, Frost has killed all cu cumber and other vines. Sidney Deyo lipped "and fell downstairs at the lead where he working, and re bad and cuts N. Devo at Brrr "Mrs Sun N. Bunker « 7 i# the order mines, was bruises Visitors spent Sunday Babeock's, R. Wil and Nrs ceived some about. his fac and W labcock home; "W.\ Burchall, at ( ind alse Miss JJ, Timmerman; OXeefes 20 E. BEAUPRE, Local Distributor. "Phone 313. Appreciate the value of good looks--of a fine com- plexion, a skin free from blemishes, bright eyes and a cheerful demeanor. May of them know, also; what it means to be free from headaches, backaches, lassitude and extreme nervousness, because many have learned the value of BEEGHAM'S PILLS as the most reliable aid to better phys. ical condition. Beecham's Pills have an unequaled reputation because they act so mildly, but so certainly and sc beneficially. By clearing the system, regulating the bowels and liver, they tone the stomach and improve the digestion. Better feelings, better looks, better spirits follow the use of Beech am's Pills so noted the world over For Their Good Effects Sold everywhere, 28e. Wotten especial Rf should read the directions with every box. JINvicus SHOES Nate by 6. 4 SLATER son, at A. B. Hoppins'; Mr W. Abel, at A. D. Hoppins' Notes, There are a great Foster's hotel, at the fall fish her cottage home, in Charleston Charleston, Uet. 8 many guests al present, who are enjoying ing. Mrs. Hanson elosed on Tuesday and left sponse to a message saving her moth was very idl. The parishioners of Trinity church, Oak Leaf, have receiv ed announcements of the marriage of their pastor, Rev. R. B. Pat terson, Miss Edith Rand, Blach The Mis®hs Milne Athens recent. visitors, Mes Joh on and Miss Daisy Masge I visited [rithds at Seeley's for re or former to of H. fond were Events at Maberly Fair. Maberiy, Oct Athletic events Maberly fair .--running broad jump WH. Wilson, T. Wilson. Ruannmg broad Jump, boys under 14 years, E. Tysick, R. Walgoth. Boys' race under twelve vears, " Walroth, H. Pratt Girls' race, under twelve years, Rhoda Wes lev, #. Flemming. Boys race, under 17 vears, on¢e around fing, Ernest Walroth. Sack race, Melville Mareelles Louis Mann. Farmers' race, over {( years, David Millikin, Men's open to all, twice around ring, Wilson, J. Johnston Putting shot, R. Buchanan, M. Wilson. of war Maberly, Elphin. Notes From Florida. Florida, Oct NX. at race, A.'H 5.~Digging potatoes and cutting corn is the order of the day. Ek. Martyn has built an addition to.his barn... Miss Mildred Orser, pub lic school teacher is spending a few days with her parents at Glenvile. A large number from here attended the (dessa exhibition on Friday. Miss Bertha Peters, after spending a few weeks at Cole Lake and Verona, hak returned home. Mrs. Byron Lee, Miss Alice Wallace and Miss Grace Wallace a few days in the city last Visitorse-- Miss Topliif Mrs. Toplifi, Glenvale, at N sond's; G. Perry, Latimer, G Kingston, M. Paterson and J. Gorden Inverary, at T. Gordon's Mrs. W Babcock, Yarker, at T. Pabeuek"s. spent week. and Fown (ibs, Convention at Elginburg, Elginburg, Oct 8.---The South Frontenac county Sunday school convention was held here on Thurs- day. There Will not he any. ser- vice in the church here on Sunday next, owing to the re-opening of Glenvale church. Mrs. Grabam has returned after a two weeks vigit with friends at Wilton and Napanee A number of fafmers have had to cut their dorn by hand on account of the wet weather. Ed- gar Tolles has purchased a manure spreader. George Perry has return. od to his home in Inverar¥. Heo is in his ninety-second year and still hale agd hearty. Charles Irvine is remodelling his houge, lately . pur- Shased from W. Lawson. : Macdonald Matters. Macdonald, Oct. -7.--Mrs, doy er, 0k Napanee, was' the guest recently of R. Miller. JY large number from, this place atiended the Picton fair. Sunday schoql rally day service was fairly well attended at Bethany Church, on the 29th, when Rev. G. Nickle gave a very instructive talk on national emblems, fags, ete. Mrs. Nelson Dingman speat a fow days at Wellington and Picton last week. Ap- ple pickers have comunenced operations 'and report a very good yield. Ostrom, of Belleville, has bought sev- eral orchards here and in surrounding district. Threshing machines and corn binders were in evidence last week. Rev. Mr. Tucker, Ba a, is ox to « y puipits of the fd eivatehes bay arewit fext -- Left For England. Sharbot Lake, Oct. 8.--~The village. WR a quiet now, mast of the tourists hav leit for their homes. The cement People | have in Urwin"Ball visit gone Mrs here, tia Clark, Geor cot wrecked near badly eral of killed stom, Wyteaded church ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, I = WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0. 1912. 'We hive large quantities of PIG LEAD - and - SHEET LEAD owe METAL igus in stock. TORONT 0 A ---------------------- take Read speed is bad. death New Haven with ars and ta, put at acks in geod con- much ' money anything like does to Puy our steam exorbitant prices, i« trotley rout in the rritofy" and to fight achusetys an extinctjon all the New izing it cost mt Wet Weather Shoes For Men and Women at $4. 00, $4:50 and 485. 00 es for illegal of ratlway | England Ls alion fir the Snomy"' the ir safe oper traind and pro- ii in stifling heaithy competit- fon ght make American railway mantagement dangdrous to human life of less Bacy Ero tn Ea less - a The demand has - steadily grown for which could be worn in wet w eather, aw rubber, : We have thew in Blac k and viscolized, soles. a hoot without worth while come to those ou themselves, Al thn who Wai Tan Calf with : ny PE CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bea Sigratatdes See them ut REID & CHARLES ssi s the 25 ZN LN 4A LG Ga (A (A Useful, pretty and smart are these improved knit coats For driving or motoring--as for a hundred other outdvor enjovments--you will be glad of your Pen-Angle Sweater Coat on windy days and chilly evenings For though the y feel so fleecy to the touch and set so lightly on the body, they PA TH A SIR WILFRID He is shown in dne of his vol at Arde: to Ardendale to Smith has been the Oso 1s putting "of his and Miss Napanes left teacher an Thompson form mn front Charlston in a cemen Mi Maggie Man Blakely Anni tore gone to nurse, Ihe. Miss Allen, week, the scouts held Saturday ~mart has his brothes y couple I'. H. Allen returned tox const be meeting evening gone England He months aud babs Havelock visiting her Hartman, nas returned Mr. Leggett to expects to Mr vi Miss want, Mrs Hav has heen called. to ag to York lock Ha loek. Injured in Wreck. Moscow, Oct. S.-M ge Huffman, of this passengers on the train Larking, on had ¢l + Mrs were and place, which Thurs his The Brown, King a Mr. ut the mm the train ou Wednesday, Saturday Yourex, sa Huffman by broken late Mrs wreck last & on " Mrs mjured in the the: Kingston hospital Bros. have Jeen "making additions and improvements outbuildings. Mr. and Mrs Wilson, W Matin and Miss Johnson hav returned" from North-West, Harry VanlLuven ing b John W ¢ visitiy De. Bell, to ind son have They we wreck, is YanLuy the "1 Richart Mar the for other, a a mn plete -- ilo. have Psoriasis Doctors Sald Inourable, But Now There is No Sign of Disease, Thanks to Dr. Chase's Ointment, ° A Mde N 3 is one Massey Psoria the most dreaded | of itching skin diseases. It is a sort of ma The itching it causes wibond human endurance, are accustomed to give it} > j& a case that was given up 1 yunced incurable, The re- pit DOTS that Dr. Chase's Ointment aimost works miracles in curing the wirats § a in Mrs. Nettie Massey, Consecon, Ont, writes "For five years 1 suffered with what three doctors called proriasis They could not help me. and one of them told me if anyone offered to gugraniee a cure for $50.00 to keep mane v, a8 1 could not be cured. disease spregd all over sme. eyen and head. and the itching J nig was hard to bear. 1 used eight boxes of Dr. Chase's Ointment, and ! am glad to my I am éntirely cured. not a sign of a sore to be seen 1 can hardly enough" The soothing. healing influence af Dr. Chasa's Ointment fs trinly wonder. ful = Eczema, salt rhieom,. barber's ftoh. ringworm and scores of such tor. turing ailments are relieved at ome and as certainly cured if the Ointment ia used persistently. Mothers find Dr Chase's' Ointment invaluable in pre venting and curing the skin troubles of dables. such as chafing, irritatiom praise this cintment are Miss Jennie Allen, nurse, a ow days at her home bere. Maud Corpell bas of the skin and baby eczema Pr. 8 © 2 Edmanscn, Bates Foronto, i . Was HOLS ankles | * fun- | extensive | 1 All Qver Body are warmth-givind indeed. Knit by Pen-Angle process, from wools of the choicest; these useful garments possess a smartness and style not known to the usual knit coat. And they retain their shapely lines, because they are care- fully shaped to fit snug to the figure. That shape stays in them because it is knit inte them---the Pen-Angle way. Your exact physical type is included in the wide range of ABLHESS) chiar ELECTORS. acteristic attitudes.» piano from Vanluven German Harr the hgs also pu Vanb ive ge- Ot) ssa fair « M: Swealer Coats Your taste in style and colors has been carefully consulted. Some store convenient to you will show you these beautiful garments for men, women and children. 77 PENMANS LIMITED PARIS CANADA A Death, IEC Tichborne Resident's ing days, on a saihng ves ried Viete HY milton Fin ee A Beautiful Range--- Yet Easily Kept Clean Glance at the "PANDORA" as it stands complete--a handsome range surely, vet &asily kept clean. McClary's famed "Duplex nickelling cannot burn off--it never becomes tarnished. About it there is no superfine "impossible-to-keep-clean" tracery --the ickel adornment is rich --the carving bold. : : nm "PANDORA" surfaces are "burnish- ed." The MgClary system of burn- ishing is J special process that produces surfaces as smooth as plate glass. . "PANDORA" surfaces keep their color indefinitely--they retain our special water-proof dressing. So, you can keep the "PANDORA" bright and clean by simply rubbing a dry cloth over it. The "PANDORA" is more than a handsome range. It is also a per- iis nroth ord, n, two ted © his men WYTHE of Choger eh « mpathizing 1 npathizing body: to P, ir ar were place rind th the PREVENTS CONSUMPTION. German Recommends Corsets in Certain Circumstances, Berlin, Oct, 0 Doctors have tterls that i o find commending true, m ovr assarled two then tain virceumst Professors Loewy hicideand Adolf declare satashed that | ¢ | Shatucteristios of 8 m of itching siin disease, flungs manent investment be- cause it is built to en- dure--it is the one range that is as strong and compact as looks, The "PANDORA" cacking surface is made in sections with cxpansion top --the covers and cross-bars fit into them---this allows for expansion-and contraction without any possibility of cracking qr warping. nthe cas SOF paral As A pre with ¥ may act cons aun ptior ¥ The specific | 'paralytic' thorax" an ness of the doctors carried out } giperiments on the refpira- | tion of persons of this class, simultan @ fullowing the movements of the 3 ax means of Rontgen rgvs. ic thorax corset ventive of appear to be length | chest The Chatistive two it asl in The artived Nt was that, whe the dunmished the depth, {it increased thes irsguensy of their patient's breathing, so that the amonnt of air {aken into the within a gives time, remained {the sme. Simallaneousiv, the expan ston of the upper and the contraction of the lower portions of the lungs were observed. ~ For this reason the professors commended the use of corsets to "par alvtic chest MN" women who are threat. | ened with gongumption through the ime perfect action of the upper pulmonary tracts. At the same time they are eareful {0 point ont that i enses where the disease has already attack od the lower portions of the lungs the corset must be repudiated as dureetly harmbul, result ihey pas carset ftotal "PANDORA" Range "Top sections are reversible--you can place a boiler cross.wise on the "PANDORA" if you wish fo use front pot-hole over fire. "PANDORA" lids and entire top are extra heavy.and guaranteed not to erack or break under ordinary Wize. N. B.--You can have the story of "PANDORA" Efficiency in deta] by simply asking for our free book, "REASONS FOR PANDORA' POPULARITY." 'M<Clary's: " Sold By J. B. Bunt & Co. » re- MONTREAL yA NCOUVER ILTON ARY ® LONDON | TORONTO WINNIPEG ST. JOHN, NyB. Steel Can Ate Tmperative. New York: Wi Running at a speed which the general superintendent of the road Says was © not extessive. a Now Haven Railroad" ehgine jumped. a] LTOSE-OVAY. The e and mail | 4 car kept straight on. snapping %hed Couplings. The first parlor car ar