Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1912, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. TUESDAY OCTOBER =, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY) ( IRMBBEWERTS) (= = EY SALABIED MEN agin, pie ** (GRAND OPERA T HOUSE | 1 | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM p | 4 Should save systematically---~something every week or month | r-- T 0 N 1 4 H T : Happenings in the City and Vielaity | - 3 Otherwise not likely anything will be saved. which means --What the Merchants Offer 1 ex. Loftus & dotsn Ldtitvoneie Otter |$ ' ----- ns Mneir AlL.Eunglis empany in the >: ---e - - we wv hhh bh, distress of mind, and the bllghting of dreams and plans for a 3 of mind, an ) 18 a i 18 the Readers of the Whig. i Norid's Famous Musica! Comedy: CONDE NSED ADVERTISING RATES | LOST. FOR SALE: the future . : i Best's short s ents } sy y - - A SAVINGS AOCOUNT WITH ! « he dol Mop 14 EONS. ..f First inseftion lc & word. Esch eos-/ A SILVER BELT. MONDAY NIGHT | 100 LOADS OF GOOD CLAY. APPLY = i 1chey ater, =a tah | secutive insertion thereafter © half i e Arn . b ler will t 4 rner of M na 3 d Patrick 1s PAGE SEVEN. on Ss. a r ¢ 9 People. English Deauty Chorus cent a word, Minimum charge for, B _ Wiliam Swaine, piano tuner. Orders 2Be cosived at Med fev Phone 3 "| mntire ste. jasertion, i thtwe Ingercions, - : . il A FINE LOT OF WALNUT AND OAK ' cAulev a. one 364. i Jen now en Sule, Bike: wiz, $1: one e manth. Bb IF THE PERSON; WHO rot ND A, Sideboards, the best we have aver Secure a lot in Smith's Falls, the Production. 12 75, $1.00 er sime------ Straw. Hat . the Armoories reasonable price, at » gLle. ane. > » pi coming railway centre. See Mel arp. - r r en [Oh ALAnTARY ohe 0a HELP WANTED. ( , y onald, | 3) | AM : E ¥ ; Ne a Hasphurton ad sgn, Donald, A i ) at the Ar vps (hex fy PASSENGER | OMOBILE For your spare, Dollars will help you . at lo MBoaster lor their auto. ' . amis EE arr aT ove] > bil : eile condition; new tires: : 4 * - 4 « nable offer Rocepted Morcoft, Kin They brought it to _the city yester- : . oT ; the Jackson Press, Wellingte OUTN : A ; WILLIAM MORRIS OFFER hh . FOUND. to WwW. Day 2 Branches in Ontario hee d the . day. a Street | Ere \ 112 Br Flo, Quebec and tk West Callard and Bowser butterscotch nt + His-Compasy of Eagiish Players in a p------ ---------- | a ne mms - w v A GIRL ro sas IN GENERAL [PAIR RIMLESS LASSES, corven - LOT. BiGH- ASSETS ... . pant rasilm tr ksi ness BE2,000,000 fillwon's, HRL TH to 138 Driver { r enue and G SOUTHEAST OF PART 1 vork to 3 ? Over four hundred students left, onl Do er 3 ' rt. Own BAY ve Sam: hy teen at J i eville, former! wh 1 . . ing r th ertisem 4 r "Igor property App th steamer America, this afternoon, oy - ng Aver : ed Street. Kingston en the special tour arranged for the Fete a -- ishands i BREAD BAKER: STEADY JOB. AP. : ed uma py, at ence, R. H. Toye & Co, 1? } NEW AND MODERN HOUSE ON KINGSTON BRANCH--107 PRINCESS ST. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, al oivatet Hit Stet Boer | Date Er Te A I rer . AY Cap 3 4 ne | - - . % i rine Call Jani ¥ . King street. leave orders at Little Theatre, London Rr e ry' ! 2 . IS, TWO YEARS . sre ro dot te k d Rhode Isl GEORGE B. McKAY, Manager, \uley's book store. Original PROBATION BURSES, TWO YEARS tock Ri ' The raffle for a fern at the Eng | Enstish pow' on Sate. { course. Rhode A e H ' vp IN STRANGI ; Hens boy er. Apply, Toe lish booth was won by Mrs. G. A, Freduction. [T mA ee ear Agent, 1569 Wel lington 8t McGowan, who was the holder of | se ire, Life, Accident and Health . check N 2% od i: A IX EVENING, TO | eles d : FOR CITY PRO ek No. S23 i 'Thurs ay.Oct.10Q}|+ np», 4 Te DAE | eee | OR EXCHANGE POR CITY PRU ARAMA AS an "Fresh butterscotch." Gibson's corner. Centre and Union Street land i f fruit: also INTERNATIONAL (OME DIENNE I : A . TE & GARDINER. IRE, : and } New ORtarto Jife 1 } } In the raffle for the box of Ran)" IE . " -, a 1 at the armouries on Monday even 4 | x Accident, ve ud and Lug. ny : Battersea, HOWARD S. FOLGER f [os thor sit oe avaract 759 wus voy som aay pwns, | Gs HERE SR ; | y 3 . ment; steady jo h it a " - A ony having check No. 39 oF hoy Apply, Business Office | Justin "tii od "Phone Ciprence STMENT BROKER, ! orks and rubber rings at Sargent's | Whig Wee | pe i J. Im HORSE POWE RR MOTOR INVESTMENT 1} Drug Store. Bw of IN THE FLANIESE OF ALL PLAYS a : is . of wa . -- irect cur a0 seven.raom {FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. "ver st remod ment Boclet established 1863; 1 a : Wathen, 47 president ; 1 'ol, Henry RB. Smit} THE WHIG W NTs cArAnLE COR. respondents in Arts wd REAL ESTATE, & Co., to be voted at the Festival of INSURANCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Attractive Properties for sale, ranging from the modest cot- ! Fmpire, to the most popular girl in Medicing al lucen § Univer money Issued on. city and farm ' the oi va "$100. ® he Apply Io Shy Mondere Editor. | oroperties. municipal and country - - suo Ee fen now on Sale. . Hits received and Interost al | FLAGS, AWNINGS, TENTA CANOES, "Fresh butterscoteh,' Gibson's Continuon interest al. { a0. 75. 81, $1.50. A MAN AND HOY TO WORK IN TIN Manager, 87 camping outfiis, fHahing Hi a0kla { | ¥ i HIGH-GRADE BONDS AND STOCKS, The wat donated by George Wills | | Laugh. marine supplies, fufich : It was reported, to-day, that be { o palatial homes in the best localities in the city an y, tha ih . Rij tage (0 J ¥ and at tween $709 and $800 was raised at hhop aad 8 hoy Je aa oC * English raincoats, everything in right prices. - > the Festival, on Monday night, in AUCTION SALE. BE A ows & B --_ S---- - - ganvas, kit bags "ilk ténts. spray oods, moto OFFICE: No. 44 CLARENCE STREET. 'Phone No. 993. ndviesion io 'S wig sale of goods WRDNESUAY. OF . wan, eres | LIVERPOOL, LONDON, A, Grong Frank w Cooke, 38 Clarence Bt st's Sl § » at CDNES TH, M.. ire Insu Cpmpdny. Avatlab) . i 8 ort Stop cold tablets A TINSMETHL FOR €O8 wry Wonk; nh; 3 ialiable Phone 891 or 28 rovew veevewewewewwwy | TCAK UD a cold quickly. Island Market, Market Square? ew shop; steady | A large hand-painted vase which : . quare, pe ing TIO A unlimited liability of ™wo LoTs AND DRIVE HOUSE); -- " Mahogany, Black Walnut dW Moder wieted Padget & May, Ag "i cit operty insured at lowest has been donated by Rodger, the ture, et vir . " i Pe esible eh Before renewing old Mend iq gd dui ding sight; a snap for TEA! TEA! TEA! jeweller, 1s up for Tatlin ui the ALLER Th mes OB . # ¥ Ane "e es -- " in wv ' i sin get rates v . STILL ANOTHER English booth, and ia a very pretty, 2 FE UR gente FAR 1S MAX Trony, eros vo wa 9) From the Finest Tea Gardghas of one STENOGRAPHER FOR RELIE VING i or i fe GH, §N ROOMS; NIOC®R Ceylon, uncolored, and of the finest .- : : fring Tor : weeks - tf aroz anes AE flavor, Green and Black st 30¢ per Ladies up-to-date dressmaking THE HOUSEKEEPER'S GUIDE must he pe dy own | y ne 32 600 pound, at . Lio rms moderate. Miss A. Keyes, 22 PU Tie § to : of BUSINESS CHANOKA. v DWELLINGS IN PORTS. © '., Princess street ANDREW MACLEAN'S, oe UALLED RATE MAN & GARMINE 67 CLAR- Ontario Street. ides Mrs. James Small won the $3 hox ANYWHERE CAN START ence. 'Fifone 396, Kingston, Ont i ------------------------------ Foi ion | ANYONE 4 Thousands of The 'm, of candy an the candy booth at the y AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY ANY abi order busi a at home; no ---- Festival of Empire, last night, a earn § monthly corresponding | CA pSing: be own 'boss i for Newspapers: no c \nVassing an ¥ ee boc t: nl y the drawing. Nightly other boxes : Preas Syndi-| free booklet te 18 how. {41530 FOR A FRAME SE VENROOM a a of I am always grateiul for real bless Send Jou particulars, Heacock, 2.969 Lockport, ings, and I know of nothing that | wilf eh "and disposed of FINE OLD ENGLISH cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y \ the need to be more thankful for than oughs and colds cured quickly ' mi ! 1 : " | , : BIATO WILL HUY A FRAME DWELL« . "resh v i d ish Bu 3 - -- ----- -- a-------------- pe $ dies not only in the United States hut | butterscotch Giibson'« uth a. 14 18 4 ¢ 8 Feat FARM NEAR EDMONTON, hy TA, n all over the world feel the same way | The chances are that the matel IN SC HRA sEALERS, or. advancement a TRV. HENRY ». SHH, ARCIITECT, RTC, : oe mile fr ati about it. To this wonderful scalp and [Will be replayed at the end of 25¢ h : pldwritng. 4 268 King Street. ne 345, XL farm is be lain Out hair remedy they owe their soft, long, [the <eason 'in the event Of the} Jac SestAnESOATERET . . - ; - - town » v lo X A Ni beautiful hair | championship being affected, ts they! "MADE IN CANADAS fxs » XPERIENC en Main; ong WM. NEWELANDS & SON, ARCHIC | 0 i ad a | te etc Offices, 26§ Bagot ®t : Mary J. Terry, of "Lovejoy, Ill { opmion of the Toronto Telogram as r \ K writes : "My hair came out until there [to the Queen's--Ottawa gam ! 'girl: abot 15 or) Phgne 608 To po game ---------------------- ing 0 Young & about 16 or : : ; da SU bi was Just a scanty cover for the scalp, | Guaranteed hot water bottles | 3 * i 1% to hel we ena or | ' LL i Lacan AN PL) To \. : BOND, 26 YRON. I tried everything y f | Bost' ov - defeetiv ) sleep a ome. Apply, Mrs. Lb. F | very g ever heard © or |B 5 : BE ery defective Lottle Armstrong, Aberdeen Street | POWER & SON, ARCRITROTS, MER- read about until | finally used Herpi- [promptly replaced. . -- & » chants' Bank HBulidin corner cide. There is nothing like it, My| The remains of the late Horace | Brock and' Wellington Streets. TO LET an head is now coverud with new hair. 1|{W.. Reyner, A.R.C.U., who died in "PARKS & SPARKS, Dentists, MEN WANTED, IN EVERY TOWN drop a card : ET, shall forever praise Herpicide."" 'Duluth, Were removed to Montreal | Have moved to thelr New Offires. lon' muss tare, AMBIT FURNISHED Mot se APPLY TO BUSINESS NOTICE. 165 King | Most_hair troubles come from dan -|and were buried in Mount Royal | 159 Wellington Street, corner Brock energet sple opport i drutl, $Newbro's Herpicide removes this | cemetery. He left- Montreal six | over Carnovsky's. fonmer sxperi E | dandruff by killing the germ which | years ago for the west. ---- . ---- SIRE is Leh Btticylar i | ONE DOLLAR P PER PLATE causes it. It also stimulates a flow of "Celestine Vichey Water," 20c. Gib. -- pans a) : | blood which nourishes the follicles. | son's. y : ! CAPABLE OLD COUNTRY DOMES Fhe scalp boing healthy, the hair does | The residents of King street west PATENTS. : | a o Reoteh 1 uty and ee { t Rot come out and the new hair is al- | war disturbed on Monday might ln HERBERT J. 8. DENNISON variy arriving about October 1H | Please ables owed to grow. LRGs RE TTORNEY { r One Street sit real | : secure your There a other preparations which ! ollig fulf of kowdie, who drove nt Horae, F i : WATFORNEY, i a 4 fond et, My ireal |. we LARGE 1 RNISHRED HOOMS, WITH they say are "just as good" as Her I and. genera ly N3'"X a rumpus Denn fac k Co.) ont [TRY CHARLES ANDRE'S CEMEN ver Jen Ne a medaTs sons a aa possi » 3a 1 ! A \ A "| Whiskey was responsible for their hi | 18 Years' Experience 4n Patenis ree ime ge en Mixer: Fon \ enoht Walks ENT Wellington St a City Park 0" picide. It . is not advisable to Uryl), jou condition. Several people | and Practical Engineering, CAN Ania GOVERNMENT WANTS } an a rete works om. SXhton Htree Lo them. stead y i 4 ) TO y thay In eat of " doing any goed complained of being halled - by the Star Bldg, 18 King St. W,, Toronto R Mull Glerks, Mall Ci: Ain , y may do positive harm. . | r ' Office Er : ! ering a epair chit STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, cLEA \ drunks # tr tx comir | » : No one is ever disappointed in New {970% ' ' Aphointmaen ning \ dry, airy roon aboslutely moti : a . } J Fresh butterscoteh." Gibson y « it sal #. write immediately proof; your o 1o da Hotel Front aC bro's Bunpicice. i he results are al Our hot water hotties "are all. guar | FIRST OF WORLD SERIES \ for fun iar ulars. Franklin In. rost's Clty Storage, 3 ph ¢ Same, a yrs Satisfactory 8%] .nteed at Sargent's Drug Store ~ PLAYED IN NEW YORK. ay ute, in. 561 8B, Rochester, 'Phone 526b ; is indicated by the fact that Herpi : ------ CATERE cide has been sold Ror votney ng Te The Y.W.C.A. had reports before it | ' " EMER R. its monthly meeting On! . POSITION WANTED. ! . PRIVATE HOUSE, SITTING. ke ot (Continwed from Page 1.) thousands of satisfied friends. It 2% I epped to . Lewis. Doyle singled { ; H » r 1 Bedroom ground the only gewuine, original dandruff . TO PARTIES, BALLS r. with privat i a Hallowe'en night the Fdlowship lub | | 3 ' Gardner nailed it and threw 3 + ince; miso % ith entertai ' i t threw | DAY WORK: BY YOUNG WOMAN Wedding Breakfasts 3a t PA germ destroyer. There is nothing, will entertain the Men's Bible (lass, | Dole out to Wagner? trying to mise res ays preferred. Appl) ane tent - 1s nel Anply, "just as good." Resolutions were passed regarding the it two bagger. Gardner made great 10 M. B." 'Whig office bh Newhro's Herpicide in 50. and #1 |affliction of Mr. and Mrs. Meserve, and | nluy when he knocked L Joyle's % ! 4 WATCHES B|.Sovinimesie in, so. am ois "of, And hp a 30 CE my antee it to do all that is claimed. 1i | California. {ner threw Doyvié out at second trvin . TE FOR THE vouars not satisfied your money will | gr {to stretch it to a two-bagger. No | a ah Li sea. : jl . \ s be refunded. IN MILITARY CIRCLES, rung, one hit, no: errors. bi Tori : man MRS. OLIVE TAUDVIN WILL OPEN A WRIST Applitations at good harber shone i ~isth inning Red Sox~Yerkes fied : 4 4 rn & 2 Re For i aot By halon Send le. in postage for sample and | A Course of Instruction for Gun-| to Snodgrass S Speaker tripled to cen on #0 By oat. ame. 2 rou i Ro FD i. fre: . hook to a Herpicide Co., Dept. R shied Caretakers. {tre just out of Snodgrass' reach, and Specialist ' J ot Stre . " Betroit, Mich : In the Imperial Challenge Shield | scored while Lewis was retired, Dove . "THE GUARANTEED - KIND James B. Mcleod and L. T. Best, | competition (senior) of the National | 10 Merkle, Speaker's drive sw; | VPRSLSTERY, alLoLoti, CARPET] WANTED--GENERAL. HEDICAL: special agents. Rifle Association, shot for by the | hit off Tesreau. Gardner fanne ¢ Rates Renmsnnhie. ' | : ip " 78, 0.00, 815.00, $20.00, iat -- waarmee ., militia, cadet corps, boys' brigades | TWD, one hit, no errors ¥ Cr ARE NCE A. HOWARD, M.D, $6.75, 81 $15 2 ! aad 1 x . i . EDGARD RIEGEL IA SMALL FARM TH PXCHANGE FOR ystelan and Surge and cadet corps all over the British nants--Soodgrass was safe whey | d $25.00, $35.00, $40.00, $43.00, ------ Eipive, during the month of June, | Wagner juggled ix grouwder: Marvay | "oi TF BehWah & Wiege! 116 | Boars A . Be An or iina Kiros Box Hite. Ph $30.00, $00. 00, $75.00 AND SHOWING SK OF WEAR. the St. Luke's Boy Cadet | attempting to - sacrifice, hunted | Lexingte ew York Of } -- : Los pe : 3 | holders have for 3 FRONY Be nRoous, NICELY FUR. COALS! COALS! COALSI--WHY PAY . Ape 84 Princess Bt such high coal bills when you can - use gas for cooking? Drop a card | STOR ASSPOR. 11 RNR "n MER. to David © Marshall, 101 Queen Wn dis ' ea mn ry. Me. Bireet, for prices on gas instalia- Car 5 ir K Riree Knights Corps, and the Brantford Collegiate | straight 'at Stahl. and Snodgrass was | Repair 2 That suit that is beginning 3 o rrntt NRF eEe Institute Cadets of Canada won| doubled at first, Stahl to Wood. Me RE ' : US SHOW YOU WHY to show signs of wear shontd J hee Next tn ardor of mars coon! kle popped (0 Wagner. Wood se pitch i 35 Clarence st. rooms; wita a wnaliee one. Mo: | Firtial and tat ARE SUPERIOR TO he sent to us to be dry cleaned @ three other Canadian units, the Ren 5g wonderful - game, "deipite Giants | Bro ; he 3 i g & Ll: OTHERS. or perhaps dyed. We can J frew Collegiate Institute Cadet Corps, lead. His speed is terrific. No runs NOTICE TO CREDITORS. | -- re : Lor o o . obec) jo hits, one error, | . | make it good for lots of wear. Victoria Sch ol Cadet Corps (Quebec), | 10 Ii Mie error RAF Sn NICE CLEAN RAGS FON WIPING ad- the St. Catharines ( ollegiate In 3 'R machinery; wht pay good price for . A { o in the Estate of John Carson, inate of R. PARKER & OO. stitute Cadet Corps Boston... 0000013060161 Hie HE 0 a ar ay same British Whig Publishing | DENTAL. Dyers and Cleaners, In the Imperial Challenge Shield] competition (junior) the ' St. Luke's | a : Lidge : SHOE REPAIRING ur EVERY pi.| 5 KNAPP BAL LS. DDS RE, \ New York 4 0 2 BO0O0 I--% 5% 1] Decenned. Company. #0 Princess St, Kingston, Gut, Poy Ruights Cadet Corps came twelith | WON'T BOW TO v LSTERITES. J ny id others having ciaim IE EATING Yr BYERY DE. | 2 * in order of merit wi wi the y 1 leather only used; one trial will -- i tts | Premier \squith Takes Firm Stand! if Kingst are. ' suffice Bing our repairs to| SPARKS AND SPARKS, PE ne hig Lieut. A. G. M. Mainwaring, Scott's, 206 Barrfe Btreet, cor. of po. ¥ Diamond Merchant { Rogiment, Reockille, hus buen grant-| | on Home Rule, =~ tae a Cai ttel Barer en, Phone 248 F ¢d. the rank of lieutenant. J. A | is , i feshire, votiand, Street ingston, Solicitor for the Bx --- ers ts " pol ------------------ 'ormerly S enberg" .. 4 b 'or s heen w British government will not | « ' pa tt names AKE NOTICE, THAT ( WILL BUY ( y Spangenberg's) Hope, 12nd Regiment, Perth, has been | tate d a NOTICE) IAT LVL BUY pp. 0. 0. NASH RENT BR. « : i : ; | byw to such threats as the © msi | 104 ict a 5 granted the rank of lieutenant HE { th thes. if an 1 ® 1 ; 347 KING STREET THINK THIS OVER . A cadet corps has been formed in { lead . n ade in Ulstee, I dotlnred ihe 4 " y P Ey Bet Wg (IB iu in -- ---- 5 n mie squiih, on Saturda m aponk { nu th fer tid Chomps 333 Princess Street, | is there any beverage that costs | the Belleville high school 3 o yom | , py y next Bt. And Where the Clock. is on the Neshper or than Re ny on home rule. They had, he «aid Mraw's Church [5 0 SIMPSON, LDS, DA, BEST, Walk r A ceurse of instruction for earetak s a . . yb ---- --_-- 4 Princess and Bago ork of hold artiliory units is to he held | raised the spirit of lawlessness but | po one eno etd, having ~ pETACH . i ef they mis aot imagine that fhe r i ain o ' eh : of irs P SEM PETA ivh a nD tar on Bagot Birest Tole 9 at the Royal School of Artillery, 3 4 A ; , 3 hong 81 Kingston, heginbing on Sovemiber lig, | (08 d confine their doctrine to a cas sal oa, Jie Had. nities, an ve exrmed aah by tid if : a @ which happend to be political) in BNE Ren BF Whe ¢ R ' . particulars & . venent al che moment. He continu | xh afl ' ' not 3 te Box 45 Whig © MARRIAGE LICENSES, DROWNED AT TRENTON. ol FILIRNISHED DW LING wn DI. FREDERICK A. (AYN, SPR) acc | A wh t fo rbiths of the rich] ¥..3 EL HENTLEMEN TO RIN THEIR OC. 5S KIRKPATRICK, 42 « LARBNCE You won't be "afraid i ee A Kingston Young Man Met Death ' proole d mand is met goontld and of! Folloitns tur xe Sh ud have' Tt Wide up nts up. | Bireet, Kingston, Onl. Tele ; Monday Excning {irf hen ov (bir Jong cherished. ns tan 19)2 manshin a . . 3 - - T - Pressing: 1 " { 3 Lei ' fteate py : 3 to go home in the dark, | Goes farthest fi 4 Word was received here on Ture. frat Bento H : i Xa h the shortest potiom . " an &) X fake the Ine way 12 Broek Street, . ORTEOVATRY if you carry one of our || RRRRPRAGIRNIRY | (2; of Ge drowning at Trenton on Li 000 0 TL te dee rs Tae : y 3 4 9 Monday night of Joshua Leach, of f I i - fg over sir k we 0 | RE NIA ---- fy {Ringaion, aged twenty-one yeas. go. div flow at the founditions of de HEALTH WITHOUT ni ann, 4. ' : # Deceased lived at 31 Johnson st*eet .. .0. fon : Al Ashereft 4 top j Hilo Pate vernon nt LEG Offien Hi ars: 48 to Be : fs 4 and : | with his step-fatier and his mother. : WATSD BY ---- : 3 AN ' ) ss by £ ointment Fenn ¥ Ash. He was employed on a dredge, in | Want Wiiston in Austentasie, i CUNNINGHAY & WMIDIF, RARRI®T. croft. DO. Hours: § in 4 pi charge "of Cant. Crawford The Wellinzton, New Zealand, fies. : Arne rary Law iiea, 1 | Pttice Bons "l AE i Day remains will arrige herb this even Th: Christ (hurch Sunday Mal Lowry' Ss L: mited Starwiice Hrast. Kingatcn ! viivtm 1.up hy king in overheated Ing Rajhatufont telogr the ta New Zealsad | : ! " -- -- - - cone - wor 1 $ eaten embers of parlismient wging 1 ie SHE rooms, where It is necessary to Aenaivted to Harvard. the ministry communicate .h Lhe rw Ld Ni PACIFIC RAILWAY ESTABLISHED 1806 JAYS 4 con! be Jas stake | going i Reginald A. Daly, a native of Austtndinn Jers nan ut with a view i | - 0a O . s o ordinary irons. . Iron avanee, has bern apoointed to the Jointly aviting Mr. Churibill © i 5 : . A } " Regular $1.25 line with wherever you have & Ismp HB head of the Gealogical department of tend his four to Australia in the | Townsite Agen 8, X sm T te d hat socket. Kahiug hot but the B Harvard, Dr: Dalv was geologist for event of his visiting Canada, in order | we : ; ? ungs n lamps an a br i the Canadian government from - 10 to en! igh en the people upon the gues. | 121 , Ba Stree . . ; ME PLACE ONE IN J intr 707. then teroming sroinsar of 155 of forciga, pois and subs y t, Best Quality Codi from best (a terys for physical geoloet at the Wassachnactts the gestion' of imperial des ee : YOUR HOME ON TRIAL institute of technology, . i : "Toronto ; py . mines. "geass { Endeavors are being madi to ssa t 5 E r~ \ 'Without obligating you in any Maggi Sowp Demowstestion. tidings of John Taglor, Sf Kimbot, | To Sell Lots ia tbe Official Ratiway| LIS Wood New and Bound. way. 'Phone or: {AN this week we will demonsirgte VR who has heen left 32.000,000 oy | I Townsite of Swalwell. Alta as - 3 Pr Maggi Soups st our stare. Drop in the death of hie futher in Sen NE. of Calghry, Alfa. on whe Ne funranton and enjoy a cup. A. Glover. Taylor has been absent twenty ears; Ile 2 Brauch, at the origina Every Losd" f Habert Hold has been srrestoa prices fived Best's Tor your photographic fin. Oakham Cal, on 3 charge wf arear | EVCRE fied ax Re Campings tial iaaing : 1 vig B00 from: the Australian gov. | | Berlin is now IGT, 4 erumel. A womsn (hidgtentd to tain | AK Lots within four -- of the 0 a year. 5 informer, Raltewy Sution, -

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