a Exhausted Nerves SERMON GIVES' gH! Sleepless. s Nights Continually Crew Worse Until. Or, le Chase's Nerva. Food Restored Vigor and Strength, CONCERNING sin BICHARD Py AMILY OF CARTWRIGHT. Graydiather's Spirit Shown in Hichard--=Grandfather Kingston and Died in the Waterloo. Lived Year of curious coincidence, Richard Cartwiizhi in Untarngw ee hy Pr. A.°G archivist at Utiawa, Ny a fda Jur Nir {herded | wad recerved | the daminion roy | Sir Hichisl's graodiather the Rev. John Canadian drurchwan, be sermon dlivered in Kingston Sept of Waterloo year, and (printed | Wridve of Montreal Fhe copy, | has been peccived at the a one which Bishop Syrachan ithe Free Church leader, Ii {and bears on the title pag seription "Rev, Thomas Lb, from the author," (chan's handwriting, inscription re history, sueter ¥ ought of nm Stracigrn, the on whic} hives : ent to Chalmels the Ohalowers Be. Stra mn 1/7 2 {This of Canadian alld a romances which Haetrates the upexpected wave in which nation ak Joadors find, their work Hou TEBE Hamitt ore fegistative vouncidor of Upper Canada, and business pari ner of Hon, Richard Cartwright, was | looking for a man to take chuvye ol i an. educational movement mm this This ayinptom of sleeplessness 13 | sguntry He wrote to his brothiv, one of the wurest indicitiong of an ex. | oorgvman in Scotland. The brot bet . a EO ret fun ¥20 rum } recommended Chalmers, who had he n Chase's Nerve Vand feeds ithe fellow student at coll ge. ("hal sied nerve bee fo Nealth | mers to come, m and sirengih. In a few cays vou oh. | Lan the ngme of John tain the _naturdh rectiul sleep Which | Strachan as a suitable man. * So Ca helps so materially in restoring Vials | nada gained Strachan and Scotland ve ity to the nert®s end strength (0 the | (akned Chalmers, What might whale hady. . i ) loscurred if the choice had gone ny rn ey Be 3 Aims | oth r way, it iz usdless to speculgte months ¥ wie po hathorod th nerv. susness IWS 1 contd noi Seep nights There ware ather rvrapton of ha usted hitk pane eausen | Ric hard, we are told by Dr much misery, and i found mykelf | hom gt Albany, Feb. 2nd, 195. oni iustly ini Ton haee'n Neriv | His father was English and his mo Food, r+ Py was Bh efor I was "born of atoyal: Dutch fam noticed great impr We oy Ite was educated at a privals health It bullt up tha nervans gee and later at a college in the tem wondedfnily engthened the | any. where he exhibited great fa nerves ami enable) Test and | Gv as ou linguist. As a student Sleap i » Pond. Ela » Pox | be looked forward to entering the & for $2 5e. all dealers. or Edmanson. | oinistry, or, as Dr. Strachan puts Rates & Co, Limited, Toronto to Becoming 'a parish priest," ol hom, 'such as his imagination pre sented, he spoke always with enthu, slanm." \ "The law," says Bishop Strachan ! again, in a passage which is delight ful for its well-balanced: put significant candor, "was not congenial¥ to his mind: in that lucrative profession, there are many trapsactions which open rather 4 sombre view of human nature. The various apparatus neces- sary to secure property and reputa- tion, rights, public and private, be come a severe 'salyr' on mankind, and as he knew much talent is employed in delaying justice, and defending wrong, he could not reconcile his mind to- sugh exertions, This did not prevent. him from admiving many, in this profession, por blind him to 'the fre. Camphell ito What and think of out being avle to the sleep which is nec: the nervous energy tasks of the day, rainery to afl wake thins with | reEt dind | restore in the ted is wns unable and suggest od che Career of the Grandfather, the grandfather, who ex was also Strachan | ther fy." | wehool lon cement me tof grent good which a lawyer of superioc talents and inflexible mtegrity, might effect, im prevetiting wiongs, and ter- minating contentions, directing the { doubtial and instrdcting the ignore ; " ida s | anh." a packet of Edwatds | "Alter the conclusion of the (Revo- Soup nto the pot or Jlutiouary} war," goes on his salogiat, a 'which by giving success to rebels, pan when you are making that | has produced £0 many miseries to Stew --=0r Li at hash, Or sauce, or | mankind," young Curvwriglft came lo gs i 1 Canada, and despite "a distaste for " hate ver itis. Let it boil for | mevchdntile pursuits," he became a at least half an hour, ¥ou Il! serchan, firgt_ at Niagara and later t * 211 x . 1 i" "IG 2 at Kingston. lere he was appointed find that the home made Irish; 2 judge of the -common pleas, and in soup will make your pet recipes | 1701, on the, division of 'the Canadas, tastier than ever, by bringing he was elevated to the legislative ' ' council. He was frequently gfiered a out their full flavour. { sent in the executive council, but steadily declined this honor. He continued to reside in Kingston {all his life. After bringing up a large i Tandily of «ix sons and two daughters, pry j De saw three of the sons and one ORSICCATED | daughter follow ome another to the » | grave in three short years. His own i death came on July 27th, 18135, in Edwards' Desiccated Soup is as noutish. | Montreal, where he siicctmbed when ing and delicious by itself asin one of | 4 his retutn to Kingston from a trip your own special dishes. It is made out down the Si. Lawrence in search of of prime beef and the choicest Irish health. He had taken an active part vegetables, without any of that.sigong | in the preparations for the defence of added flavouring which some sgups have, ; the country in the war with the Unit - | od State, put his death was much has Jo. per pugs | tened by sorrow over the "quadruple fet Soubs are | Dereavement he had so recently under La "br ~Brown, t f sone. ea-- Cartwright on Revolution, One of the most interesting pas- | #ages in the sermon is that in whith | the cleriéal statesman described young Lots of dainty new dishes ! Cartwright attitude towards the Am- ig our new Gook Book. | jerican revolution. It presents the the loyalists qf those days § | views of a Write for a copy post free. in a manner that is uafamiliar to the Peo le of to -day, rought ue' he says, "im habitual reverence to the Ning and parliament LE by his loyal pareiits, he did not. hesi- , Gh PATRICK & & 00., Toronto, tate & moment in making his choiee. Well acquainted with the history of Rapa for the Province of 2 - Ontario. . ' his country, he knew that Great Bri 2 tain had been engaged in two long x wo : and expensive ward to defend the . , colonies and that they had contribut. od little or none of the expensé'; he tho ght it bat Jeasonable that they mhou give something towards re. fa _geitties Th a v ~ haved t+ fuoeral sermon preached for | ' | | i | 1 | { munerating the | became i enahle | escape | proceedings, and more bres ertel and vindictive, discover: THE DAILY "BRITISH WHiG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8 1912. 9 United States senate "~ present slate lor had ine urred the vast burdens she "Lhe first to counLry orga opposit mother sted rom that republi camrfimsposition of the New Fogland | people, which alway @-sebmitted with reluctance to the constitutional auth ofity of a government, in which mon archy made a considerable part discontented and jealous of usurpation Hhoy were oontintall, their governors, and claiming exemp- tions and privileges which could not be granted, acbive in diffusing their sentiments through the colonies, © the spirit of dissatisfaction at length so general, as them, to break out in rebellion. The various artifices use of to deceive the people; the news invented, the cruelties exercised on thoge atiaChed to the king, did not thediglic® of our excellent who was Hisgusted with their jealous in de fending the which had chosen. He was convinced that the rebellion arose Irom a restless democratic spirit and thats it gained ground only by the imbecility of the measures taken to crush it, the assistance of the opposi tion in parliament and the treacherous conduet of the employed by land and sea. "Displeased with the selfish views of the disatfected, feeling no oppres sion from parliament nor greater res strictions. than appeared necessary for the unity of all the parts of the em- pire, and convinced that if any griev ances existed, rebellion was mot the proper remedy, he maintained his loy- alty. He had no interests to serve, he fought not for power or enrolment from commotions and bloohshed, vet he was a steady friend of pational freedoin and as ready as any man to stand 'up in' his defence. But the contest was not about liberty, for he uniformly maintained, that there was less. of true liberty among our neigh- bors than when they were colonies : for the dominion of the party, which now regulates everything, renders all pretentions, to hberty ridiculous. It is a faction that bas always been tur- ever variance with fut other to open made {alse friend, side he commanders Opprestions none existed, supporting insolence; and tramping wPpoR virtue. Nor is it doubtful that the most rati§nal and best informed would rather live under a mild mised government, possessing the power of enforcing its' decrees, than in their present disjointed democracy.'" where Sir Richard's Spirit. In these quotations there is doubt fess a certain admixture of the op inions of the preachen, but they are none the, less interesting on that ac count, Both men fought on the same wide i$ many battles and they had much¥in common. One can in these . quotations, too, characteristics of the grandfather which have been reproduced in the Richard of our own ! woett. Dr. Strachan deals with the day, and this is even more noticeable grandfather's political career 8nd Indona. "He was not," says the future shop, "one of these intuition legisla tors, who can sit dawn oi a morning and write a law upon any' whim that stitkes their $amev: such crude ex eresecence could raise his cons tempt and ignation. He ddibera- ted. coolly, Soakleied, Jiformation with care, Ay withers the words and sentences with the most scrupulous anxiety, that the weaning might be fain and simple, and that each clause should express the . meaning perspicuously, and no other. Nor was he ' one of these narroWeminded, though® well-intentioned, statesmen, who tock for an immediats effect from theli legislature labors, he knew that from the nature of man kind," many évilé after the Taw had afforded a remedy, disappeated slowly. that these were many enactments of the most useful! kind which seemed to take no effect. but which proceeded in lence with slow and steady paes, to product the moat "beneficial results Possessing great comprehens ion of thought, and the most vigorous ta lon attended wish a paflience of re: dod: and a self-control: Mghly ad: vantageous, he wad frequently con: teat to give way toc the less extended a of his colleagues, and to aecept see Gp bi only ----------. a eel -- J are agentd for cele- brat)' saee Are Gas | Lamp, 100 are in use in Kingston. : 'jen the stomach, remove the sour. foul geses: take the excess bile' fr stipated waste matter and polwn fi A Cascaret to-night will strgig FEEL FINE! LIVER RIGHT, STOMACH SWEET, HEADACHE GONE---"CASCARETS' ------------_ sn "Cascarets make you feel bully; shéy immediately cleanse and sweet- ntep you out by mornin¥®-a 19 cent box from any druggist will keep your stomach regulated, head clear and liver and 4 bowels ina splendit condition Tor months. sie - i d fermenting food and" he 1} and carry off the con-, the bowels. Don't forget the MEN WHO HEARD TEDDY'S TL . : » w | an tmpetiect meéasupe, it alte ory hiring ng; duce, fect, nant tages, public your own views and sentiments the m ignorant argument; vour tend Pomerone, sana measures of great tng advantage (0 a state their operation, which are yet with - committee campaign investigating fund eontrii utio ns, Hiver, A. T. M. Clapp, H. rather than los; ygether ou - can never," Re would ull inte the same way say of thnk last in Pro tio bencficial ef- in the end preg the most precious camiot expect mn a always to transfuse and ari slow and appear tro for a seasem, but assembly, vou inds of others. Nome to comprehend the some man are foree of to at blinded bn ton lazy o them; are preiadice,' "To litthe for to littde cipla puttin stead of finding fault, it much that unless every operat differ stab conscience, tionar tuous ther more edueat religious ple thekr parr w their village, imperfection domesti nt those who complained of the took En preparing and then interest legislative duties, in turing own eountry, he used many VIEWS, or their owy to say, national. as arse well as from the soundness pin laws, but in That ba to remguvber ol of government, and of mn in Virtte only making not g them execuion would to act, ans lans are uted by virtue statue that ion, must bed persons, Judge etc., whe, if not governad by will abuse their Make & nation and the aw will 'be wise, execution surdy He looked good from a rational plan disseminating moral principles among the from legislative better the exe no use, Almost general wisest sated to many juriés, con discre y power. vir for of an peo enact on, than ments v A. Xu Sydenham, the n ceeding slowly, stant company tank John laid front local ter Mm the two G. are asking aid for the King: Mrs. Tovell ston hospital ed at donations Some of those harvesters' hive place spector is making his rounds but he | is 'somowhat is no expects that soon the. council on Mrs. daugh F..M in the city n, Sr. Foxto ton Ww and Mrs. C. Ernes on ILLAGE OF SYDENHAM mber Suffering From Cholera Have Recovered, Oct. 4,--The work on Paul's, church is pro- owing to the con- The Radway is bulldigg: ew watet just below the stati Mrs Woodruff has had a new floor the verandah along the and side of her home. The train did not arrive until af- idnight Thursday owing to the wrecks on the Tweed line MeNaughton, and Mrs. M ew St wel weather. A car will be load. the station to convey to Kingston who went excursion to the saying there is The health the west no in- on returned. like' home. handicapped as nuisance ground provided, one will the regular meeting Monday next. F. M. Lanson is visiting her ter, Mrs. Maxwell, Kingston Lanson spent the week-end Mrs. C. Knapp, James and Mrs. Arnold Fox the city Saturday. Mr W. Smith, and Master t Smith spent Friday night at after ot ere in Tweed. Mrs. Hugh suffered a severe but a Ruttan is quite ill. Mrs. helping to care for daughter arrived at Mr. a 28th. Shorey, Mrs. Heary Johnson, Barclay and F. M. Lanson each attack of cholera recovered. , Charles His daughte T Inverary, him. © A iittle the home of M. Williams on Sept Il have Fred Ferguson nd Mrs. Liverpool and London and Globe. Insist mg pil Loade agent Fire the Consul and do not Insurance be "Liverpool & the local al upon your aced with n & Globe" of the company iow other agents to talk you into ac cepling paying the premium, will purchase. den & fairly handd Strange & Strange. New the ea to have the gunmen of his gang to kill man Rosenthal, last July, urity. You _ are get the best it The "Liverpool & Lon Globe" have paid promptly and claims aggregating nearly three million dollars. Se inferior Leader of Gunmen Shot. York, Oct. 7.-Big Jack Zeiig. stside gang leader. who is said "passed the word along" to Her- was shot on Saturday night, as be was riding in a north- Fourteenth street. by a dealer bound Second avenue ear al eastside fruit named Philip Davidson, and died n the Bellevue ambulance while being |e at Rengazi gainst Saturday. over their encampment shells neath taken to to the hospital: used artillery a aeroplanes for the first time Lieut. Veece wan flying hen several exploded three hundred feet be his machine. Veeor soared bigh- er and took photographe of the en- which showed thet tries and poifited then skyward. The st Middlesex liberals dnt dorsed lady of William Sutheriand, a vative, who is running ss an m- for advan- | nto | to | everything | that the great | and the | there | but | be purchased | Agents, Left to right--Senator Pay ntes. - DISTRICT DASHES. News Clipped From Our Many Fi ; changes. Mrs. Joseph Kerr, Athens, iday, at an advanced age William Tugnutt, iY Heville, | Friday, aged forty-fi years, { Was an expert trapper. Miss Sarah M. Gowsell was buried Foxboro on Friday. Mrs. B. Ker, wife of a prominent esident ' 'of Belleville, died on "hursday. Percy Graves, ff Quinte was | at Shannonvilla. { Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLenegan, Jate of Carleton Place, have taken {up their residence in Brockville, H. H. Ross, a former membér of the Dominion government, has been i appointed appraiser of customs Brockville | Miss - Marion | died on Friday | phofd fever tieth year { John D. Ferris, postmaster Campbeliford, has been ralieved his duties and J. A. Loucks {the position C. "B. "Grimmeon, Hillside presented the Picton Gazette {some fine luscious wild {on Wednesday. 'Charles Willoughby, died on F > died, He at drowned in the Bay i buried, on Friday, Adams, Belleville, morning from She was in her twen- takes with Cardinal passed away after a long illness of | It uberculer ailments, at ern Hospital, Brockville. G. E. Gray, Toronto, has pur- chased the contents, good will, etey {of the Royal Hotel company, Pic- | ton, and took possession. | 1 J. Gallagher, manager of { Union Bank, Newboro and Portland | will shortly be transferred to thie head oflice at Winnipeg, Man Four potatoes weighing j bounds and six ounces, grown [ the farm of W. H. Gordainer, Sydney, are shown in Belleville. Mr. and Mrs Nelson Webster, Lansdowne, 1 Gnounce the engage {ment of their daughter, Wilhelmina to Samuel Le Roy Horton, the mar- rine to teke place on 17th inst. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tonoghte announce the engagement of their daughter Margaret Cecelia, "to Al- bért Nobel Koen. The wedding will take place Octobar 9th, in Westport THe marriage of Miss Libbie L | Steel, daughter of the late Rev. T. P. Steel and Mrs. Steel, Belleville, to John Spence Parker, B.A., B. Sc.. was golemnized Saturday afternoon | Wednesday morning a pretty wed- | ding took place at St. Gregory's. The ntracting parties were John H McConnell, son of John Wesley Mc- { Connell, Point Petre, and Miss Cer- { triide Caneahan, Kemptville. William G. Curry. aged four, died in Belleville, on Saturday { He 'was born in Princa . j county, an Anglican and a man. A widow, three sons three daughters surviva, * A pretty wedding took place. at thé residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fox, Pieton, when their eldest daughter, Celia Alberta. was united in marriage to James Walker, of Demorestyille Mr apd Mrs. B. J. Kallaugher, rederick. Mich., were guests Jas } week of Mr. amd Mrs. Patrick Tobin Mr haliaugher is an old Westport boy who has done well in the west It is twenty-six years since he left Mr. and Mrs. Weirsenborn, Rochester, N.Y., announce the mar- | riage of their daughter, Katharine i the . East- Work- and © I", tc Ira Rae Walsh, son of Mr. and Mrs.;8. H. Welsh, Picton, Ont. The BarNase will take place on ber. th PRINCE TO The Only Baughter of the Sunda Coal King. Berlin, Oct. 7. ~The engagement MARRY PAGE NINE. Ho mar f vou drink DEWAR' Common Sense blend. J.M. DOUGLAS & CO. MON' and A high grade Canadian Agents REAI at | ty- | at | of | Tiger Brand Underwear & for MEN and BOYS is warm, well-fitting elastic rib underwear. lt will not shrink and ways tomfortable had in Union Suits r Single garments, DEALERS EVERYWHERE Manufactured by The GALT KNITTING CO. Galt, Ont. ta 2 a To he or ranch, | raspberries | the | six | on near | seventy- | Edward | You don't need to be an expert in baking to attain the best results with | BEAVER FLOUR. But if 'you're an' expert, you will! readily 'recogmize its incompamble qualijies. Your grocer has REAVER FLOUR, 3 and will§ recom» mend it. / BRALBRS~ yr om gaa | combines the rich gluten of Manitoba Spring wheat and the lighter, but equally. im- portant, properties of Ontario Fall wheat. The two com- bined form a perfectly blended flour that makes bread light, white, nutritious and extreme- ly palatable, while pastry made with Beaver Flour has a crisp, flaky texture that brings many a compliment to the' cook THE 7. B. T/IYLOR OF. Liwhed, Octo- [Eek reported of Prince Alexander gievitch Romanovsky, of R , holds the rank of grand . uy the title of imperial highoess, Wrautien Marie Anna - Von Friedland erfuld, only child of the German coal king, Fritz Von Friedlanderfuld, and Berlin's greatest heiress. Formal con lrmation of betrothal is temporarily withheld, but it is learned on in disputable authority that the mar riage has been definitely arranged and will take place according to present plans, at Rome, in November. » whe with Wrist Worth Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 8.-""Nike" Chepon has touched the high water mak in the price list for wrists «ln he filed suit in, common pleas ecuit against the Lake Shore and Mi higan Southern railway, asking ¥25,000 d.m- ages for the loss of his left wrisl. hile working in a Lake Shore sh p he claims that a shaving flew into his eve and in his excitergent his wrist was taken off by a planer. United States Fleet Gathers. New York, Oct. 7.--iwenty United States warships are anchoied in New York harbor today, the nucleus of a great fleet of 123 crall of all classes which will gather slong the Jerney voast this week to be reviewed by President, Taft. When the modern bride promises - to "obey" she has her fingers crossed, A good husband is one who doesn't 000. Creor | and i think his wife talks too much. k, a { : The "Heat-Where-You-Want-It" Idea - Sometimes a range is judged by its fancy trimmings-~by the size' "5 firebox---by the number of holes, or the "size of is oven--or by is general appearance All these things are important. But the most important for you to consider is: What will the range you buy do for you ? What return in actual service will you get'from the range itself and from every ounce of fuel you put into 1? Behind "Happy Thought'® Ranges, must remember, there is the ex twenty hive year a of grilling, broiling, stewing and «ll vther forms of cooking A vane design proportions 1s range #4 that you Rave the beat at the holes ' the ov t where and when the vom yoni perience of o guaner of a century of sastaiived effort to produce the best The sim of the fran: the first to produce a stove ¢ Mire ili give the largest possibie retum 3 vinple demondtration will prove prriect rye » % tis slvesdy knows oa hg fa i aiding women who Theat" emery avers a ee vou that the *F d tad * McKELVEY & BIRCH, Kingston, Ont. . THE WHAIAM HCE. Tove co. » HMETED, BRANTFORD ONT. = Rg ER § a a A