Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1912, p. 4

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i BEAVER BOARD | i : | The best substitute for lath, plaster and wall paper. - i ! | i Ask us for particu- lars. $ Anglin & Co. : i i : i SAGE TEA WILL DARKEN. THE HAIR -- Restore Faded Tani Gray Hair Natural Coloy--Dandruff Quickly Removed, There is huthing new about the idea [* .. of usi Sage for restoring the color | of the hair. Our grandmothers kept | their hair dark, glossy and abundas | 3 the use of a simple "Sage Tea.' henever their" hair fell out or took on us dull, faded or streaked appeat: they made a brew of Sage a and applied it to their . hair with wonderfully beneficial effect. Nowadays we don't have to resort to the old-time "uresome method of gathering the herbs and making the tea. This is done by skillful chem ists better than we could do it ous selves; and all we have ta do is tu call for the ready-made product, Wyeth's, Sag: and Sulphur Hair Rem: edy, containing Sage in _the proper strength, with the addition of Sul another old-time scalp. remedy. preparation gives youthful col or'and beauty to the hair, and is one "of the hest remedies you can use fo dandiufl, dry, feverish, itching scalp, and falling hair. Get a fifty cent bottle from 'your drygga to-day and you will be surpri at the anick results. All druggists all it, untee that the money will he ie finde if the remedy is not cxucily as represented. Agent, G. W. Mahood. Overcoats. { 3 To Beplch" Tweeds Browns Grays, latest EIR AN good , Buaranteed, from $8.60, $13, $15. w| i | wir me and fit at 312 pattern Also' Seotgh Tweeds. A special Brown shades, diagonal lendid wearing 'qualities Blue Serger at $13 and $18, ISAAC ZACKS, 271 PRINUESS STREET. tTEA! TBA! TEA! the Finest Tea Gardens of Pra B aud > as finest 30c per ANDREW MACLEAN", br Martal's Female Pils EE thelr ae quick and For sale at wit Arne ate sharon Street, Toronto. | mms 'wingle tax, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912, as WHIG, SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHI, Ontario, at §6 per veam Edition npiishad at 2Mag10 King Street, 8 at 2.30 and 4 p.m. Kx ngston, WEEKLY. BRITISH WHIG, -16 pages, published In parts on Monday and Fhurada morning at $1 a be add making price of "Crttached 1s one of the best Job Pr { ish, and cheap w ear. To United States charge for postage had te ally $3-and Weekly $150 Per year. fnting Offices in Canada; rapid, styl. k; nine improved pressca THE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED J. G. Eillett, President, Leman A. Guild, See~Treas. - -------------- nh TORONTO OFVICE~Suite 18 and H. E. Smaliplece, J.P. 20 Queen City Chambers, 33 Church representative. -- -------------------- THE TAX oN THE LAND. wi The Weekly Sun &= in favour of the or rather: in favour putting all taxes on the lands and of doing it equitably.' The benefits sdvantages are thus summed up: "Were such legislation to be enact: ed, every: town or village in witich factories are situated, or to which fac tories may be induced to come, would for the preseration of its life be com ipell® to «put the act at once force. "In the smaller towns and villages. | iwhere the Jand has little value, the ol | or n-| owner and mortgagee, and pechap bondholder, the would be swept away. "If the tax were added to rents, would that not be in effect a round: about way of taxing improvements ? li tenants refused to pay the increfises taxes and walked out into the [ad iacent townships, eternal justice would be completely baffled." The demand for a tax | growing. The men who legislate ihe province and who are supposid to reflect public opinion. easnot blink at reform is for "the fact vwgeh longer. , THE CURE 1s comINa. The great transportation eompabies, and the botel companies too, should | adequately and sufficiently pay their help and so free them irom the pes tering habit of looking for tips. The this business, or impos been emphasized ip a state Montreal growth of tion, has i ment hy the manager of the Sailors' Institute. Thiére are four thousand stewards on the steamships that run on the lower St. Lawrence and make Montreal the port of entry, and there are few whose | salaries pnd tips for a mouth amount | The average wage for stewards $12.50 to S16.50, while tips for a round trip would nol Some 40 more than #20. was amount to more than 36 or $7. of the luckier ones in the saloons pos- sibly make 310 or 81D in tips on single voiage, but this was the excep-] a Ji ! fore than the rule. The employed on an discharged ium rather ma- oily of stewards oan steamship are ro. n as their home port is They are then, if they apply signed on a day as reached. for em- alos meat, or two be- the plus thor for their sustenance are sometimes ashore and the comfort vessel rails, ro that their " pas or wore Lhe gratuities 'must only for the week og. Sooner or later, sooner the better, if the people's peace of mind are to be considered, it will Be mad: ap olicnee to exact tips from the travellers on trains, and steamships It will be made pos- sible for one to ircely move about, do" as hé pleases, to eat or sleep without his officiousness, and boats, to or rea d or Mog 2, "ome und or paid subordinate, waking life miserable. by THE CHANGE 8 'COMING. The legislature of Ontario last year gave effect to an met by which the electric light plant of a town or city may,~-or is it 'must *--pass under the control of a commission of three or five men. These to be chosen when the people are electing their mayor, and one of them is fo be the head of the council. The commission if the council approves, and the people elect, become the managers ol th: water department also. Practical ly, under the provisions of this law, all the utilities may become the caie of a commission, and it is well. The evidence iv accumulating that municipal government by a council is not successiul. Here and' there 'la wentable instances of neglect and fail: tre 'are reported. Ottawa's water de partment has been cited, with the epidemic of typhoid fever, the illness of two thousand persons, the deaths of one hundred aud forty-eight, and the cash loss of two millions of dol larg. The Canadian Courier suggests, as a cure for this, the appointment of paid commissioners. "The westorn cities," it remarks, "are doing it; one hundred and fifty cities in the United States have done it; Eastern Canadas wust follow suit." » When the change is by commission are may, made govern must be fairly ment and honestly make it inoperative, of this kind has been reported from Saskatoon. In that city, sep progres sive and active, the people voted for the commission. the mayor accepted office as a com- missionér. But he | has just declared that the council has been tinkering with the system, by holding up or de icating the work of the commissioners, There is a mongrel system--a commis- sion and a coungil-and it has been working well. h: situation in these words, and how truly they depict the experience in this city and elsewhere : "Consider for a moment the impos cibility of a committee meeting for two or three hours each week looking after the immense amount of work which cofes under their notice, and which is left. to them to take care of Whereas, on the other hand, if .vou have commissioners devoting all thei time to the affairs of the eity you will have men on hand to do things 'when they ought to be dome.' The council Kingston will, course, take into its consideration the question of whether "the utilities have tbe managed, Under the new ¥ a commission, If they have, hig predicts that it will pave 'ay for a general change at an early late, from a council to a commission. tried. It is possible instance to and ean The man who is now not of ol law, the the Lanna yin. & suALERS reserving SAE ald! want a an on and a eg m8 3g, res 'to do' sounder BIG STOCK OF STOVES. I have a big Stock of 'First- class Heaters and Stoves which bought very cheap. Nas me he, ta hot. and it « weather. Also a fine line of Fura sure. Housghold Goods, etc. Antique Furniture & specialty. L. CESSES . B07 PRINCESS STREET. 'Phobe 1045. | I | direoted the waste of millions of foul - 'in projecting important schemes, 'sot forth the nature and cost of them. mated. to spend its "That was all it could say, and information, 'roads have not been built. | #2 PUBLIC MONE' ON ROADS. Mr. Borden says he does not intend to abandon his policy with pxgard to good roads, and no one wants him proper conditions Usually great appropriations are made (after due talculations as to the need ol them. A government is expectind, to Details ave called for so far as possi: ble. Expenditure i= at least approxi The federal government, in , the last session of parliament, did not ' pretend to. know How it was going money. It was going to build roads somewhere, somehow. that so meagre and so inde finite, was not satisfactory. There have been across the some remarkhble examples of how good It is (ure and profit of the president 1 charied "against the governor of New York state that he has sanctioned of It ie oy against president of the United States], EEE: t of the first miomey voted for good 1532 $10,000 was taken by benefit of a. roud in which y Chass Golf Club. "And | hors Yh. seo secretary | Federation. constitutions! to m-- Rr 'oF take the public money for the pleas will be dammed if it ain't right to build one mn front of my door." The World's Work has given a sub stance of the iniquitous measure whiva passed Copgress last July. It pro- vides for a grant each county whose coads are usd for the traus.! that } portation of mails, and means, $15 a mile will be paid to the pervisors for the roads sonably passable" within the county. It was caldulated to cost $20,000,000 at first, but, in the words of a critic, "it will start ao worse expenditure su- "rea than the pension system, with a big-! ger budget than the pension roll, and without anv mortality tables to put an end to it." In support of the bill was the argument that "'the coast The mayor puts' kind, and well equipped. The; lighted by electricity are "Keon 'the the was out of polities prior Mr. Borden made the navy out of politic slogan of some academicians Iw to the last lection then broke and It is for him to make it aa. a way issue a political one, aon political' again~if he A weeping, tender. hear = » people gray, because the are unk few Jelerks are beine lured from virtue b wicked men of the race' track. The and hageg "the the brok men are bad emough, great deal to account for, not responsible for the the day--to get rich quickly. gambler is the legitimate produgt the times. byt of Ih of are fever The letters of Col. Roosevelt to the Inte FE. H. Harriman. York, show that they are most confidential in their relations. Roosevelt. occasion, "referring to an appointee whom Harriman feared. said he would twist his neck as he would that of a chicken if he offended. «Not the lan guage of diplomacy or courteous con of New on one respondence. hg THE SPIRIT OF THE PRESS An Enticing Exhibit. Thomas Journal Oddly «nough the announcement that the city of Toronto is $43,000,006 in dabt wil of making many an feet markably st effect citizen have the impegunious, solvent. re Compliment to Some Oitewa Journal 3 A roung employee who taking over »20.000 of the bank's money gets three im prisonment. Compared ith certain other sentences for theit, this looks ie a compliment to his lawyer. One. admitted Sig andard Voars. o* { > Chance Por Trouble, Renfrew Mercus Premier Borden the chpoee to make eight appointments and eignt hundred enamies. And that's avout the way it works out. Hanging up the Axe. Montreal Herald Sir George Murray has arrived from England at Otlawa and is adv to help Mr. Borden fix up the civil se vices How would it do a starter, to hang up th: headsman's » as axe Exposed to -Danger, Toronto Globe Joanarges Whitney to given up thundering against the jointment of members of the ture as sherifis since Premier Whitney seems ap- James is @ripping himself of his wir- litical pneumonia any day now. STUDENT FIRE RANGERS the Make Serious Charges Against CHYE! Rangers, Toronwo, Oct, 3. ble that & large deputation of stu dent fire-rangers, _. have just re turned from the Northern Ontario x, serves, will wait upon the Ontario government shortly to register a pro test against alleged harsh treatment meted oul to them by chief rangers durmyg the summer. Increasing indignation has: beey felt as detachment after detachment these men have arrived in Toronto after their season's work to find that the severe wil to which they have been subjected has been the common t of many. Work, which in its sev erity and tax upon the physical tem, has not heretofore been required of thy wqodsmen, they claim has boen | imposed upon tham: they are inclined to attribute to the fact that the chief rangers this way have students sys. this "Gibson's." dressmaking Keyes, 2:1 Red Cross Cough Syrup. Ladies' up-to-date Terms moderate. Miss Princess street. Mexioan rebels, ed the go, Allan McCaughan, as well as Herbert L. Russell and Nr. CHff, the | Imanagér and ownew of San Juan Ta | viche ranch. Buy ""Sanatogean' at Sir Edward Carson .is in favor home rules with the assent of Ulster: \ on Sunday, murder | Gibson's. of DR.'SOPER | DR. WHITE € fellows and the river fellows get their | pork in the rivers' in the harbours bill. Our folks in the inland theirs." And the bill passed. The World's Work adds--and the lan guage is as appropriate in Canada as in the United States--that while mil- lt of dollars a year have ben # "pork barrel methods on our rivers the traffic on them has decreas od. It is just as certain that "simil- arly conducted federal aid for good ! ronda will wot give us permaneni igood highways, bat will add the tremendous source of honest' graft for the congressmen 'to bring home to yaw 3 Fe \ Sr ---- want CLEANING OSTRUM PLUMES, The figest feathers and plumes are treated in a way to please the most eritical and exacting----cleaned, curled or dyed B. PARKER & 00 © Dyers ant Clemsers. - i Ih; eight vacancies in the sn ate z rived il have legisla | began to make such appointments. Sir! tues so rapidly that he may catch po- | ! It is quite proba- | m : a determined to deter from this recognized method of summer employment. lon American vive-consul of Duran- ' | | (Fe M------------------------------------, '{ - - BIBBYS, Limited Kingston's One Price Store ' }. Belmont Overcoats The absolutely enrrect thing in ( eremits New Colorings Smart Designs Expert Tailoring Fog i : ur gh i" ALFRED OTTRER "a coum Our ROXBORO SUITS You will say when you see them. New Scotch Tweeds in Snowflake patterns Hand Tailored $15, $18, $20, $22.50 BIBBYS Limited Men's and Boys' Deparimensal Storc 78, 80, 82 PRINCESS STREET. ® Nome Suits! | Removal Notice. Tt GUARANTEED STOOL I OFFER FOR SALE AT PAR \ FEW SHARES OC) OF THE GREAT GULF LANDS, LIMITED. This is a lam stock. The lam is constantly Increasing lu volar By development and settlement the Company » holdings should be worth four times the stock now helng issued). The big forrnes of the world have been made ont of lam. 1 you cannot buy a block of land and develop it yourrelt, buy stock in this well managed land company and feap even greater profits than you could on a small tract alone. Seme of ihe beat in Kingston are the directors of this Company Descriptive Booklet and Prospectus on application ~ J. 0. HUTTON, 18 MARKET STREFT: 2 THE STORK SPARKS, Dentists, has moved to their 159 Wellington Street, over Carnovsky's SPARS & (et 1st New Offices, corner Brock 'A Mother for the Men. Sam having taken -- ay laundry business at 210 Division Street, formerly carried on by Jim Lee, will re- sume business at once under the name of CITY HAND LAUNDRY. First-class work guaranteed All buttons replaced and rips sewn J Give Biisiness men KINGSTON. FINE RESIDENCE ? FOR SALE us a trial and you wili be well 'satisfied with "our work. Goode called for and delivered to all parts «f the city. Phone 1182 solid cleetyic heating, brick Hghting on car lhe schools and Queens House practically naw jot. : Excellent location: Corner Union and Frodienad Streets == J. K. CARROLL "14 Market St. Real Estate and Insurance. OU g hat ter 10 'ilo ble A Great 5 » Bargain tino Market Garden Gb acres, frine -- $74. of house, with all out- buildings and furnace within 1 mile of city lunits. $5,000.00 CE Craw 6]; 18h Coa Ag y Norman & Webb Real Estate. Life. Fire, Live Stock, sod Geweral Jusurasce, "174 1-2 Wellington Street. J XBdge 130. ARIE) COAL H V2 OAL [Rel eldindiol)

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